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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 120 (5): 988e998 (2018)

doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2017.11.108
Advance Access Publication Date: 2 February 2018
Review Article


Anaemia and red blood cell transfusion in

intracranial neurosurgery: a comprehensive review
A. Kisilevsky1, A. W. Gelb2, M. Bustillo3 and A. M. Flexman1,*
Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care,
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA and 3Department of Anesthesiology, Weill Cornell Medical
College, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Both anaemia and blood transfusion are associated with poor outcomes in the neurosurgical population. Based on the
available literature, the optimal haemoglobin concentration for neurologically injured patients appears to be in the range
of 9.0e10.0 g dl1, although the individual risks and benefits should be weighed. Several perioperative blood conservation
strategies have been used successfully in neurosurgery, including correction of anaemia and coagulopathy, use of
antifibrinolytics, and intraoperative cell salvage. Avoidance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and starch-
containing solutions is recommended given the potential for platelet dysfunction.

Keywords: anaemia; coagulation; neurosurgery; transfusion

The development of modern neurosurgery was facilitated by appreciation for the importance of a bloodless field to achieve
the evolution of general anaesthesia, intravenous fluid man- surgical precision, avoid haemorrhagic shock, and prevent
agement, aseptic technique, and advances in neurosurgical complications of anaemia.6 Taken for granted today, these
haemostasis in the 19th and 20th centuries.1 In 1904, pioneering tenets were radical in the early 20th century and not univer-
American neurosurgeon Harvey Cushing described the use of sally accepted. In particular, Cushing’s recognition of the as-
a pneumatic tourniquet to reduce intraoperative bleeding sociation between anaemia and poor neurosurgical outcome
from the scalp.2 He went on to describe the utility of high was ahead of its time. Although an accumulating body of ev-
frequency electrocautery in the excision of previously inac- idence now supports his observation, many questions
cessible intracranial tumours3 and the use of operative cell regarding haemostasis and anaemia in the neurosurgical
salvage and return of autologous blood.4 In 1946, Gardner population remain. This paper aims to review the epidemi-
provided an account of induced hypotension to reduce blood ology and clinical outcomes associated with anaemia and
loss and improve neurosurgical operating conditions.5 Cush- blood transfusion, and identify perioperative blood conserva-
ing’s landmark publication in 1911 provided a summary of tion strategies to minimise blood loss in patients undergoing
neurosurgical haemostasis techniques and highlighted his intracranial neurosurgical procedures.

Editorial decision: November 30, 2017; Accepted: November 30, 2017

© 2017 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Transfusion in intracranial neurosurgery - 989

What is the significance of anaemia in the medical complications, poor neurological outcome, and
neurosurgical population? increased mortality.14,17,20,21

Although it constitutes only 2% of total body weight, the hu-

man brain has high metabolic requirements and receives
20e25% of cardiac output (CO). Total cerebral oxygen delivery What is the significance of transfusion in the
is a function of cerebral blood flow (CBF) multiplied by the neurosurgical population?
oxygen content of the blood (CaO2). CBF is ordinarily autor- In the setting of anaemia, transfusion of blood products can
egulated over a wide range of cerebral perfusion pressures rapidly increase Hb concentrations and oxygen delivery.
(CPP) at approximately 50 ml 100 g1 min1 where CPP is Overall, cohort studies including all types of neurosurgical
determined by the mean arterial pressure (MAP) minus the procedures have reported a rate of allogeneic transfusion of
cerebral venous pressure (or intracranial pressure, whichever 1.7e5.4%.22,23 However, the reported incidence of transfusion
is higher). Outside the normal physiological limits of CPP for specific patient populations undergoing intracranial
(~60e160 mm Hg), CBF is linearly dependent upon MAP. During neurosurgery ranges from 10 to 95% with a much higher
periods of acute anaemia (reduced CaO2), oxygen delivery is incidence among paediatric patients undergoing craniosy-
maintained via compensatory cardiovascular and cerebro- nostosis surgery and cranial vault reconstruction (Table 1). In
vascular changes including an increase in CO, preferential the paediatric population undergoing brain tumour resection,
distribution of CO to the cerebral circulation, increased cere- age <4 years, duration of surgery >270 min, and a preoperative
bral oxygen extraction, and, importantly, an increase in CBF Hb concentration <12.2 g dl1 were independent predictors of
secondary to active cerebral vasodilatation.7 In the setting of allogeneic blood transfusion.24 In the context of isolated TBI,
normovolaemic anaemia, reduced blood viscosity is a major the presence of acute traumatic coagulopathy increased the
determinant of increased CO through enhanced preload and risk of transfusion by 41% and increased hospital length of
reduced afterload.8 Reduced viscosity may also improve the stay and mortality.25 In aneurysmal SAH, administration of
flow characteristics (i.e. rheology) of blood particularly packed red blood cells is strongly related to intraoperative
through areas of cerebral vascular stenoses. However, these aneurysm rupture26 and may be as high as 25%.27 The rate of
compensatory mechanisms have limitations. As cerebral ox- transfusion also varies depending on the procedure, from 10%
ygen utilisation becomes supply dependent, anaemia may in complex skull base neurosurgical procedures28 to 36% in
contribute to reduced cerebral oxygen delivery and a second- patients with TBI29 and as high as 45% in paediatric cranio-
ary hypoxic insult to the injured brain. In healthy volunteers, synostosis surgery.30 In the latter instance, risk factors for
anaemia-induced cognitive dysfunction is evident at haemo- large volume blood loss and transfusion include syndromic
globin (Hb) concentrations between 5.0 and 6.0 g dl1.9 craniosynostosis, pansynostosis, age <18 months, and longer
Following acute brain injury, impaired autoregulatory mech- duration of procedure.31 A recent multicentre observational
anisms may allow anaemia-induced cerebral dysfunction and study of children undergoing complex cranial vault recon-
injury at higher Hb thresholds. In a recent retrospective cohort struction in North America demonstrated that 95% of infants
study of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), the aged <24 months and 79% of children aged >24 months un-
amount of time spent with an Hb concentration 9.0 g dl1 derwent perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion.32 Future
was associated with improved neurological outcome at 6 strategies to reduce transfusion should focus on the identifi-
months.10 Similarly, in a previous cohort of patients with se- cation and mitigation of modifiable risk factors in these
vere TBI, the association of anaemia (Hb<9.0 g dl1) with low populations.
brain tissue oxygen tension (<20 mm Hg) was a risk factor for Paradoxically, while the definitive management of
poor neurological outcome.11 In patients with subarachnoid anaemia-induced organ dysfunction remains the transfusion
haemorrhage (SAH), a reduction in red cell volume precedes of allogeneic red blood cells, transfusion itself confers an
neurological deterioration.12 An Hb threshold >11 g dl1 is increased risk of morbidity and mortality.33e36 Changes in
associated with a reduced incidence of symptomatic cerebral immunomodulation, infectious and allergic complications,
vasospasm13 and more favourable neurological outcome.14 At and transfusion associated lung injury and circulatory over-
higher Hb concentrations, however, the benefit of increased load are all potential pathological consequences of trans-
oxygen carrying capacity may be offset by increases in blood fusion. These complications result in an increased risk of
viscosity and reduced CBF.15 respiratory failure, prolonged intubation, acute respiratory
The incidence of anaemia in neurosurgical procedures distress syndrome, wound infection, sepsis, cardiac events,
varies depending on the population and surgery. Data from the increased hospital length of stay and death. In the setting of
National Surgical Quality Improvement Program reveal that TBI, a clinical trial comparing Hb transfusion thresholds of 7.0
the incidence of moderate to severe anaemia (i.e. haematocrit g dl1 vs 10.0 g dl1 revealed an increased risk of thrombo-
<30%) in elective cranial surgery is 2.7%.16,17 In critically-ill embolic events in the latter with no significant improvement
neurosurgical patient populations, however, the incidence in neurological outcome.37 Further analysis of this data
increases; at least 50% of patients with TBI18 and 47% of pa- demonstrated a more than two-fold increase in the risk of
tients after SAH are anaemic.19 In the critically-ill population, progressive haemorrhagic injury with a Hb transfusion
anaemia may be multifactorial resulting from systemic threshold >10.0 g dl1 when compared with a more restrictive
inflammatory-mediated suppression of haematopoiesis, threshold (i.e. 7.0 g dl1).38 In patients undergoing open
frequent phlebotomy, haemorrhage, and haemodynamic neurosurgical intervention for intracranial aneurysm, periop-
resuscitation-induced haemodilution. In the context of SAH, erative blood transfusion was shown to be an independent risk
anaemia may result from deliberate hypervolaemia and hae- factor for major morbid complications.39
modilution for the prevention and treatment of vasospasm. A Unfortunately, the optimal trigger for Hb transfusion in
growing body of evidence in neurosurgical patients supports neurosurgical populations remains elusive and the relative
anaemia as an independent predictor of cerebral vasospasm, risks and benefits of anaemia and transfusion must be
990 - Kisilevsky et al.

Table 1 Risk factors for allogeneic red blood cell transfusion in intracranial neurosurgical patient populations. Hb, haemoglobin;
WFNS, World Federation of Neurological Surgeons

Population Transfusion Risk (%) Risk Factors for Transfusion References

Traumatic brain injury 36 Acute traumatic coagulopathy Epstein et al25

Boutin et al29
Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage 25 Intraoperative aneurysmal rupture Luostarinen et al26
lower preoperative Hb Le Roux et al27
higher WFNS classification
Complex skull-based 10 Lower preoperative Hb Mebel et al28
larger tumour diameter
surgical procedure
year of surgery
Paediatric brain tumour 25 Age <4 years Vassal et al24
surgical duration >270 min
preoperative Hb <12.2 g dl1
Paediatric cranio-synostosis 45 Syndromic craniosynostosis Dadure et al30
pansynostosis White et al31
age <18 months
surgical duration > 5 h
Paediatric major cranial vault reconstruction
Age 24 months 95
Age >24 months 79 Surgical techniquea Stricker et al32

This study was not designed to identify risk factors for transfusion; based on their data the authors suggest that surgical technique may be the
greatest potential variant in the need for blood transfusion in this population.

weighed (Fig. 1). Current recommendations vary amongst setting of both normal and elevated ICP as compared with
clinician specialty, procedure, and severity of the underlying trauma surgeons and intensivists. Although strict Hb trans-
brain injury.40 When surveyed, neurosurgeons recommended fusion triggers for neurologically injured patients remain un-
a higher Hb threshold for transfusion following TBI in the clear, the mitigation of cerebral ischaemia is likely to require a

Fig 1. Theoretical risks and benefits of perioperative anaemia and transfusion in neurosurgical patients.
Transfusion in intracranial neurosurgery - 991

higher threshold than in the general critically-ill patient pop- greater with prothrombin complexes as compared with fresh
ulation where a restrictive transfusion strategy is often advo- frozen plasma, although the authors note that the sample size
cated.41 Based on the available evidence, the minimum was too small to draw firm conclusions. Novel oral anticoag-
acceptable Hb concentration for neurologically injured pa- ulants (e.g. dabigatran, rivaroxaban) are rapidly replacing
tients would appear to be in the range of 9.0e10.0 g dl1, rec- warfarin in the setting of stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation
ognising that higher thresholds may be associated with but, with the exception of dabigatran, these agents currently
adverse outcomes such as thrombosis or haemorrhagic pro- have no specific reversal agents and are challenging to manage
gression. Although both anaemia and allogeneic blood trans- in the urgent perioperative setting.43 The Neurocritical Care
fusion are associated with worse clinical outcomes in Society in conjunction with the Society of Critical Care Medi-
neurologically injured patients, these variables are either cine has developed evidence-based guidelines for the reversal
reflective of increased severity of injury or a result of trans- of antithrombotic agents, including the newer oral anticoag-
fusion in and of itself and active blood conservation should be ulants in the setting of ICH (Fig. 3).44
considered whenever possible. Avoidance of pharmacological disruption of coagulation
intraoperatively is also prudent. Non-steroidal anti-inflam-
matory drugs (NSAIDs), such as flurbiprofen, have potent an-
What strategies are effective to minimise tiplatelet effects and are associated with an increased risk of
anaemia and transfusion in neurosurgical intracranial haematoma following intracranial procedures.45
patients? NSAIDs should be avoided during intracranial procedures.
Similarly, synthetic starch solutions inhibit platelet function46
Perioperative blood conservation strategies in intracranial
and recent evidence demonstrated that their use results in
neurosurgery are summarised in Figure 2 with the evidence
alteration in rotational thromboelastography parameters in
supporting each strategy summarised in Table 2. Appropriate
elective brain tumour resection.47 Nevertheless, a retrospec-
blood conservation should include the identification and
tive cohort study failed to demonstrate an association be-
correction of underlying coagulopathy including withholding
tween post-craniotomy haematoma and the use of
of anticoagulation as appropriate. As discussed above, the
hydroxyethyl starch solutions,45 and further research is
presence of acute traumatic coagulopathy in TBI is associated
needed to clarify their safety in this population. In contrast,
with poorer outcomes and should be identified and definitively
certain neurosurgical populations may benefit from anti-
managed in this patient population.25 The importance of
coagulation, such as those patients with symptomatic carotid
correction of coagulopathy is illustrated by the population of
stenosis. A prospective audit in patients with symptomatic
patients with atrial fibrillation taking oral anticoagulation who
internal carotid stenoses (50e99%) found a reduction in
present with intracranial haemorrhage (ICH). A recent retro-
recurrent neurological events without increasing the risk of
spective cohort study evaluating haematoma enlargement in
major perioperative bleeding in those who received dual an-
relation to international normalised ratio (INR) and blood
tiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and clopi-
pressure in the setting of ICH concluded that reversal of INR to
dogrel before carotid endarterectomy.48 Low-dose ASA (<325
<1.3 within 4 h of admission and systolic blood pressure to
mg) is associated with better short-term outcomes than high-
<160 mm Hg at 4 h lowered the rate of haematoma enlarge-
dose ASA (>650 mg) in these patients.49 The maintenance or
ment.42 These data also suggested that INR reversal was

Fig 2. Potential strategies for perioperative blood conservation in neurosurgical patients. ANH, acute normovolaemic haemodilution;
NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Table 2 Summary of evidence supporting perioperative blood conservation techniques in intracranial neurosurgery.

Intervention Level of Reference Methodology Population Outcomes Results Number of

Evidencea Participants

Kisilevsky et al.
Reversal of 3 Epstein et al.25 Systematic review and þ/e ATC in isolated TBI Allogeneic blood ATC increased the risk of transfusion 7037
coagulopathy meta-analysis of transfusion; (41%) and mortality [OR 3.0 (CI 95: 2.3
cohort studies Mortality e3.8) to 9.6 (CI 95: 4.1e25)].
3 Kuramatsu et al.42 Retrospective, ICH in patients with atrial Haematoma 50% reduction in risk with INR<1.3 (vs 853
multicentre cohort fibrillation on oral enlargement INR1.3) at 4 h.
Antifibrinolytic 2 Goobie et al.63 Randomised, blinded, þ/e TXA in paediatric Blood loss; TXA reduced mean blood loss (65 vs 119 43
therapy single-centre craniosynostosis Allogeneic ml kg1) and total blood transfused (33
blood vs 56 ml kg1).
2 Dadure et al.30 Randomised, blinded, þ/e TXA and pre- Allogeneic TXA reduced the percentage of children 40
single-centre treatment with EPO in blood requiring blood transfusion (45% vs
paediatric transfusion 11%).
3 Mebel et al.28 Retrospective cohort þ/e TXA in complex skull- Allogeneic TXA reduced the risk of transfusion (7% 519
base surgery blood vs 13%).
1 Baharoglu et al.64 Systematic review and þ/e TXA in aneurysmal Re-bleeding Reduced risk of re-bleeding with TXA 1904
meta-analysis of subarachnoid Cerebral RR 0.65 (CI 95: 0.44e0.97).
RCTs haemorrhage ischaemia Increased risk of cerebral ischaemia
with TXA RR 1.4 (CI 95: 1.04e1.91).
Administration of 2 Robertson et al.37 Randomised, blinded, þ/e EPO in traumatic brain Neurological No improvement in outcome with EPO. 200
erythropoiesis multicentre injury outcome at 6
stimulating months
agentsb 2 Nichol et al.52 Randomised, blinded, þ/e EPO in traumatic brain Neurological No improvement in outcome with EPO 606
multicentre injury outcome at 6 RR 0.99 (CI 95: 0.83e1.18).
Avoidance of 4 Jian et al.45 Retrospective, single- þ/e NSAIDS in elective Postoperative Increased risk with intraoperative 42359
coagulopathy centre craniotomy haematoma flurbiprufen
caseecontrol formation OR 2.14 (CI 95: 1.23e3.15).
3 Li et al.47 Prospective, non- þ/e HES in elective ROTEM Increased risk of abnormal ROTEM with 39
blinded, craniotomy for tumour 130/0.42 HES infusion.
observational cohort resection
Acute 2 Naqash et al.57 Prospective, þ/e ANH in intracranial Allogeneic blood Reduced risk of exposure with ANH (25% 40
normovolaemic randomised, single- meningioma resection transfusion vs 100%).
haemodilution centre
(ANH) 3 Oppitz and Prospective, non- þ/e ANH in ruptured Allogeneic blood No difference in intraoperative exposure 147
Stefani58 randomised, single- cerebral aneurysm transfusion with ANH.
centre clipping
Continuous SpHb 3 Awada et al.70 Prospective, non- Elective intracranial Allogeneic blood No difference in percentage of patients 106
monitoring blinded, single- surgery transfusion transfused between groups.
centre cohort In those undergoing transfusion,
continuous SpHb resulted in fewer
pRBCs transfused (2.3 vs 3.9 units) and
a shorter wait time to transfusion [9.2
(SD 1.7) vs 50.2 (7.9) min).

Transfusion in intracranial neurosurgery - 993

withholding of anticoagulation should be made on an indi-

ATC, acute traumatic coagulopathy; TBI, traumatic brain injury; ICH, intracranial haemorrhage; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; pRBCs; packed red blood cells; HES, hydroxyethyl starch;

Based on the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine 2011 Levels of Evidence for evaluation of potential treatment benefits, OCEBM Levels of Evidence Working Group. “The Oxford Levels of Evidence 2”.
Participants vidual basis following careful consideration of the riskebenefit
Number of

During the preoperative evaluation, anaemia should be
identified, and reversible causes treated whenever possible.


Iron deficiency is relatively easy to identify in those with a low

serum ferritin (<100 mg litre1) or transferrin saturation
(<20%).50 Treatment should include a standardised approach
Greater number of RBCs transfused

probable reduction in exposure to

autologous blood interpreted as a
No difference in exposure between

using oral iron therapy. In more urgent circumstances (i.e.

25% of patients received 500 ml

surgery scheduled within 4 weeks), I.V. iron should be

considered. If absolute iron deficiency is ruled out, screening
for chronic kidney disease and nutritional deficiencies should
be carried out. The use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
(ESAs), such as erythropoietin (EPO), is recommended for
allogeneic blood.

anaemic patients in whom nutritional deficiencies have been

corrected or excluded. ESAs are of particular interest in neu-
with PAD.

rocritical care because of potential cerebral protection during


periods of ischaemia (e.g. ischaemic stroke, vasospasm) via


effects on the innate stress response51 although recent rand-

omised trials in TBI have failed to demonstrate a neurological
benefit.37,52 Prior to initiation of an ESA, the increased risk of
allogeneic blood
Allogeneic blood

deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE),

Conservation of

particularly in high risk individuals such as those with un-


derlying malignancy,53 must be weighed against the potential


The administration of EPO was for evaluation of potential direct neuroprotective effects and NOT for correction of anaemia.

neurological benefit of the treatment of anaemia. The two

randomised trials comparing EPO with placebo in TBI have
provided conflicting evidence; Robertson and colleagues37
ROTEM, rotational thromboelastometry; RCTs, randomised controlled trials; EPO, erythropoietin; TXA, tranexamic acid.

revealed an increased risk of DVT and cardiovascular com-

neurosurgery (including

plications in the EPO group whereas Nichol and colleagues52

did not find any difference in thrombotic complications.37,52
Elective intracranial

In elective surgery, preoperative autologous donation (PAD)

EPO þ/e PAD in

may reduce the need for allogeneic blood transfusion in

certain patient populations including those undergoing car-

diac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.54 In intracranial


neurosurgery, however, the evidence for PAD is limited. A

retrospective matched cohort study of neurosurgical patients
receiving EPO in the presence and absence of PAD found
Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.¼5653.

increased perioperative anaemia and no difference in expo-

sure to allogeneic blood transfusion in the presence of PAD.55
Retrospective case

Prospective, non-
blinded, single-

Overall, PAD cannot currently be recommended as a blood

conservation technique for neurosurgical patients. Acute

normovolaemic haemodilution (ANH), another blood conser-


vation technique involving autologous blood withdrawal


currently advocated by the ASA practice guidelines on peri-

operative blood management,56 also has limited evidence in
neurosurgery. A small prospective, randomised controlled
study on patients undergoing elective intracranial meningi-
Cataldi et al.67
McGirr et al.55

oma resection found a significant reduction in the amount of

allogeneic blood transfused to patients following ANH as

compared with control.57 A more recent prospective, non-

randomised trial on the use of ANH during intracranial
neurosurgery for ruptured cerebral aneurysm, however, found
no significant difference between ANH and control in the
Level of

number of patients requiring allogeneic blood transfusion.58

ANH may be considered as a possible blood conservation
technique in elective neurosurgical cases of otherwise healthy

individuals where large volume blood loss is anticipated.

Table 2 Continued

donation (PAD)

Baseline Hb concentrations which permit haemodilution to a


target haematocrit that will maintain adequate tissue


Cell salvage

oxygenation are required; assuming normovolaemia and

adequate cardiac performance, the ‘safe’ lower limit is a
haematocrit of approximately 20e25% and a preoperative Hb
of >12 g dl1 has been proposed.59 Synthetic starch solutions

are often cited as the preferred nonered cell containing

994 - Kisilevsky et al.

Fig 3. Recommendations for antithrombotic reversal in the setting of intracranial haemorrhage (adapted from Frontera et al 201544). aPCC,
activated prothrombin complex concentrate; DDAVP, desmopressin; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; INR, international normalised ratio; i.v.,
intravenous; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; max, maximum; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PCC, prothrombin
complex concentrate; rVIIa, recombinant factor VIIa; TXA, tranexamic acid.
Transfusion in intracranial neurosurgery - 995

replacement fluid secondary to increased intravascular half- need, and the unpredictable nature of major haemorrhage in
life but, given the antiplatelet effect of starches, crystalloids this patient population.68 However, a recent systematic review
may be more favourable in the setting of neurosurgery. Con- on cell salvage in spine surgery secondary to metastatic dis-
traindications to ANH include coronary artery disease, hypo- ease concluded that concern over tumour dissemination is
volaemic or hypervolaemic states (i.e. liver cirrhosis), unfounded and a leucocyte-reducing filter is recommended.69
increased oxygen requirements (i.e. sepsis, fever), underlying In the absence of sufficient data, it seems reasonable to
coagulopathy, and any major cardiac, respiratory, or renal conclude that cell salvage should be available in intracranial
disease. surgery cases when large volume blood loss is anticipated
The use of antifibrinolytic agents such as tranexamic acid such as cerebral aneurysm rupture or vascular meningioma
(TXA) reduces allogeneic blood transfusion requirements in resection.
multiple surgical patient populations such as joint arthro- The relatively recent availability of non-invasive, contin-
plasty, cardiac, spine, and trauma.60 Data from the CRASH-2 uous Hb (SpHb) monitoring provides another potential peri-
Intracranial Bleeding Study, a nested randomised controlled operative blood conservation tool. A prospective cohort study
trial in trauma patients with reduced Glasgow Coma Scale and comparing intraoperative SpHb monitoring with traditional
ICH, suggested a reduction in ICH size and lower mortality in intermittent blood sampling to achieve an Hb concentration
patients randomised to TXA compared with control, although 10.0 g dl1 in elective neurosurgical patients found that SpHb
these results did not achieve statistical significance.61 The monitoring influenced blood utilisation.70 Although the per-
CRASH-3 trail was thus designed to investigate the effect of centage of patients transfused in the control and SpHb groups
TXA on mortality and disability in isolated TBI with results was similar, in those patients receiving a transfusion the use
expected in the near future.62 Data on antifibrinolytics in of SpHb monitoring resulted in fewer total units of blood
neurosurgical populations other than TBI are limited. In pae- transfused and a shorter time to transfusion (if required). The
diatric patients undergoing craniosynostosis surgery, TXA authors speculated that use of real-time SpHb monitoring
significantly reduced blood loss and blood transfusion re- allowed for earlier identification of attainment of the Hb
quirements when compared with control.63 Similarly, in chil- threshold and thus avoidance of multiunit transfusions. More
dren undergoing craniosynostosis surgery and pretreated with research is required to validate continuous Hb monitoring
EPO, intraoperative TXA (compared with placebo) resulted in a protocols given the concerns about the reliability of these
reduction in transfusion.30 In a retrospective cohort study of monitors.71
patients undergoing complex skull base neurosurgery, those
who received TXA were less likely to require a blood trans-
fusion than those who did not.28 In the setting of SAH, anti-
fibrinolytics might be expected to reduce the risk of It is clear that anaemia is common in critically ill, brain-
aneurysmal re-bleeding and subsequent poor neurological injured patients and that both anaemia and blood trans-
outcome. A recent Cochrane review of randomised controlled fusion are associated with complications and poor outcomes
trials examining antifibrinolytic therapy in SAH did demon- in this population. The incidence and risk factors for trans-
strate a reduction in re-bleeding but found an increase in ce- fusion are influenced by patient factors including the under-
rebral ischaemia.64 This review has been criticised for lying neurological pathology yet optimal Hb concentrations in
including older studies in which TXA administration was these patients are not presently well defined. A higher Hb
prolonged (i.e. >10 days) and further research is anticipated. threshold (i.e. >9.0 g dl1) than that reserved for the general
Although TXA is well-tolerated, several adverse effects critically-ill patient is likely necessary to avoid the risk of
must be considered such as thromboembolic complications secondary cerebral injury, however high thresholds (i.e. >10.0
and seizures. The use of high dose TXA in cardiac surgery is g dl1) may be associated with thrombosis or haemorrhagic
associated with an increased incidence of seizures, particu- progression. Blood conservation strategies in individual pa-
larly in those with an underlying predisposition (e.g. structural tients should take into account the underlying pathology and
brain abnormality) as might occur in the neurosurgical popu- comorbid disease. Perioperatively, consideration should be
lation.65,66 In skull base tumour resection, however, rates of given to the correction of underlying coagulopathy and
seizures and thrombosis in patients receiving TXA were anaemia, primarily through the use of iron replacement and
similar to those who did not receive TXA, although the overall EPO. Preoperative autologous donation is not recommended
rates were low.28 Overall, although antifibrinolytics may be of based on current evidence. Intraoperatively, acute normovo-
benefit in certain neurosurgical populations such as TBI, cra- laemic haemodilution, continuous Hb monitoring, cell salvage
niosynostosis and skull base surgery, current evidence does and antifibrinolytic therapy should be considered, and NSAIDs
not support the routine use of antifibrinolytic therapy in and starch-containing resuscitation solutions should be avoi-
aneurysmal SAH. ded given the potential for platelet dysfunction.
Intraoperative cell salvage is commonly used in surgical
procedures such as cardiac, major vascular, and spine; how-
ever, the literature on the use of cell salvage for intracranial
Author contributions
surgery is extremely sparse. An older prospective cohort study Literature search and first draft of the manuscript: A.K. and
on patients undergoing elective intracranial surgery and cell A.F.
salvage found mild coagulation abnormalities without signif- Final version of the manuscript, figures and tables: All authors.
icant clinical bleeding and concluded that cell salvage was safe
and cost-effective.67 Notably, this study excluded patients
with malignant tumours and sepsis and no long-term follow-
Declaration of interests
up data were reported. Possible barriers to the use of cell A.G. and A.F. have received honoraria for lectures from
salvage in neurosurgery include concern over tumour Masimo, Inc and Hospira, Inc, respectively. A.G. has provided
dissemination in the setting of malignancy, perceived lack of paid consultation for Masimo, Inc.
996 - Kisilevsky et al.

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Handling editor: J.G. Hardman

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