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Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade Level: ___________

Section: ______________________________ Date: _________________


I. Introduction
The Department of Education will conduct an awareness campaign that
would inspire Filipino youth to participate in recreational activities. This allows
the youth to consider active recreation that will not only enhance their social
skills but would also develop their lifestyle.
Holidays, long weekends, school breaks, and summer vacations are the
most awaited days for people who have been very busy with work and school.
These are the days they can have a break from the routine or perhaps from the
“stress” of life, as often said and heard in recent years, if one observes the social
media, more and more Filipinos head to the countryside and enjoy what nature
offers. Ecotourism activities in the Philippines have been gaining popularity as
well. From north to south, our country can never run cut of natural scenery to
visit and outdoor activities to participate in – be it in water, on land, or in the
air. We will get to know and understand various outdoor recreational activities
that we can do in the different parts of our country. One will also get to know
and appreciate the different outdoor recreational spots that our country offers.

II. Learning Competency

 Self –assesses health related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to
physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.

III. Objectives
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. Discuss the nature and background of outdoor recreation
2. Appreciate the benefits of outdoor recreation
3. Practice in active recreation

IV. Discussion

People engage in recreational activities for varied reasons. Some do it for

personal satisfaction and enjoyment. Perhaps, it is a time away from the day –
to – day routine. Others do it to be in touch with nature, which they rarely have
the chance to do, especially for those who reside in highly urbanized areas.
Outdoor Recreation is organized activities done during one’s free time for
his/her own personal reasons, where interaction between man and an element
of nature are is present

RECREATION- Latin word “recreare”means to refresh. Choice for recreation

varies from person to person. Recreational activities depend on one’s interests,
pursuits, and needs which may be reflective of one’s beliefs and level of

OUTDOORS- In a broad sense is a space outside an enclosed area. Includes

natural environment and resources which comprises land, water, open space
etc. The outdoors maybe in natural or semi - natural state, which is a where it
had goes through some human modification but has retained its natural

EXISTENCE TIME – is time spent for biological needs like having a meal,
sleeping, and other personal care.

SUBSISTENCE TIME – refers to the hours spent for economic purposes

such as going to work, chores, and for student hours spent in the school and
school work.

FREE TIME – all remaining time after.

Different outdoor recreational activities

The Philippines is rich in natural resources. Despite being in a relatively
small country Philippines is surrounded by all kinds of land formations and
natural water resources in fact it has been listed in The World Factbook as
having the fifth longest coastline in the world its natural environment has so
much to offer, whether on land, on water, or even in the air.
Mountaineering Swimming Parasailing
Trekking/hiking Snorkelling Skydiving
Camping Diving Paragliding
Backpacking Surfing
Picnic Canoeing
Bird watching Kayaking
Mountain biking Sailing

Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

a. Physical health - Being outdoors prevents a person from having a
sedentary life. It allows people to move, whether by walking, running,
swimming, biking, paddling, etc. With the surge of electronic gadgets
more and more people (children and adults alike) are unconsciously
getting stuck with sedentary life, contented with playing with their
computer games, tablets, or cellphones, or watching television for hours.
b. Psycho- Emotional – engaging in outdoor recreation activities helps
people to rest, relax, de stress or unwind, and feel revitalized. In fact
some research showed that too much artificial stimulation and time
spent in purely human environments can cause exhaustion and loss of
vitality and health.
c. Social – outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer. They
can be a family bonding activity as each family member participates in
an activity achieves a common goal, and gives through the same
experience. Spending time outdoors also allows one to meet and interact
with others who share the same passion for outdoor recreation.
d. Economic – people who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more
productive at work. This translates into efficiency at the workplace. It
has been rewarding for the local folks as ecotourism in the country
created jobs and other economic activities which have, one way or
another, contributed to our economic growth.
e. Spiritual – positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values.
Being one with nature brings certain calmness within a person. It
strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothens the body
and soul.
Physical Fitness
The body’s ability to function effectively and efficiently without
undue fatigue in work,leisure activities, to meet emergency situations
and to resist diseases from sedentary life. There are three important
aspects that an individual should be able to meet in order to be
considered physically fit.
Maybe some can remember having the 3 minute step, squats, sit
and reached test, and were asked to compute their body mass index
(BMI). All of these tests were to determine one’s health and fitness level
which includes learning about cardio respiratory endurance, muscular
strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition. If the last test one
has taken was a long time ago, take it again if one has the result of
his/her last fitness test, compare the result and see if one progressed or
even regressed through time. Do not just take this aside a requirement
but rather look at it as data that tells a person about his/her lifestyle.

Health Related Components

1. Body Composition – refers to the relative amount of muscle,
fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body. It is important to
manage also the weight of the body.
2. Flexibility - is the range of motion in the body. It is the ability
to stretch, bend, and twist.
3. Muscular Endurance – is the ability of the muscle to continue
to perform without fatigue.
4. Muscular Strength - is the ability of the muscle to exert force
during an activity.
5. Cardiovascular Endurance - is the ability of the body’s
circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during
sustained physical activity.

V. Activities

Activity A – Right or Wrong!

True or False. Answer T if the statement is true and F if the statement is
____________1. When the individual can twist the body without discomfort.
____________2.The body’s circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel
during sustained physical activity.
____________3. Ability of the muscle to exert force during an activity.
____________4. It is important to manage also the weight of the body.
____________5. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and
soothens the body and soul.
____________6. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more
productive at work.
____________7. It allows people to move, whether by walking, running,
swimming, biking, paddling, etc.
____________8. Engaging in outdoor recreation activities helps people to rest,
relax, de stress or unwind, and feel revitalized.
____________9. Outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer.
____________10. ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.

Activity B – Choose it!

From the different outdoor activities listed in the box, select the activities that
fall under by Land, Water, and Air.

Swimming Bird watching

Camping Picnic
Jogging Snorkeling
Paragliding Surfing
Skydiving Kayaking


Activity C – Pick it Up!
Matching Type. Match Column A with column B. Write the letters only.
Column A Column B

1. Is organized activities done during a. free time

one’s free time for his/her own b. subsistence time
personal reasons, where interaction c. existence time
between man and an element of nature d. outdoor
are is present. e. outdoor recreation
2. Latin word recreare means to refresh f. recreation
3. Refers to the hours spent for economic
purposes such as going to work, chores,
and for student hours spent in the school
and school work.
4. All remaining time after.
5. Is time spent for biological needs like having
a meal, sleeping, and other personal care.

VI. Application
Direction: Monitor the level of your performance using health related fitness
test. Don’t forget your safety protocol like dehydration etc.









Right arm Left arm

VII. Assessment
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It allows people to move, whether by walking, running, swimming,

biking, paddling, etc.
a. Spiritual c. economic
b. Physical Health d.psycho-economic
2. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothens the
body and soul.
a. Spiritual c. economic
b. Physical Health d.psycho-economic
3. They can be a family bonding activity as each family member participates
in an activity achieves a common goal, and gives through the same
a. Spiritual c. society
b. Social d. economic
4. This translates into efficiency at the workplace.
a. Spiritual c. society
b. Social d. economic
5. It is important to manage also the weight of the body.
a. Flexibility c. weight
b. Endurance d. body composition
6. It is the ability to stretch , bend, and twist.
a. Flexibility c. weight
b. Endurance d. body composition
7. Refers to the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work,
chores, and for student hours spent in the school and school work.
a. Free time c. subsistence time
b. Existence time d. manage time
8. Is time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other
personal care.
a. Free time c. subsistence time
b. Existence time d. manage time
9. is organized activities done during one’s free time for his/her own
personal reasons, where interaction between man and an element of
nature are is present
a. outdoor c. recreation
b. outdoor recreation d. recreational outdoor
10.Latin word recreare means to refresh.
a. outdoor c. recreation
b. outdoor recreation d. recreational outdoor

VIII. Reflection

Directions: Express what you have learned on our topic, nature and
background of outdoor recreation by filling in the blanks. Write your answer on
the space provided.

From the lesson on nature and background of outdoor recreation, I learned


Outdoor recreation is ___________________________________________. The

benefit(s) of outdoor recreation ___________________________________________
I also learned that the recreation_________________________________
__________________________________________________________, and outdoor

IX. References

MAPEH on the Go 7 (Kto12 Edition)

MAPEH 9 LEARNING GUIDE(with curriculum guide)
Physical Education and Health 7 (Learner’s Material)

Prepared by:

Honeylette G. Cuartero

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