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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Anita Sharma, an Indian bank assistant drafting my statement of purpose for a student visa in
Canada. Due to the globalization of the financial sector, I realized that I need to get global corporate
exposure in Canada that will help me to make some contributions to the banking industry resulting in
a commercial boost in banks.
About my academic background:
I have completed my matriculation from a CBSE-affiliated school. After, I went on to complete my
intermediate studies in the commerce stream in 2016. Then I completed my graduation in 2020 from
Mahatma Gandhi University with a bachelor of economics with 90% marks. Overall, my academic
performance was outstanding. To make an entry into a Canadian institution, I took the IELTS test, and
on that test, I scored an excellent band score. To achieve my goal of studying at your institute, I am
writing the statement of purpose for your evaluation.
About my professional life:
I had chosen to appear for a prestigious exam in India. There I have secured 444 ranks among 1.5
million test-takers. I had chosen this esteemed exam to assess the requirements of banks from
technical backgrounds. I was determined and persistent enough and successfully cleared the SBI PO
exam. Starting my journey from a probationary officer to manager of the bank, I am capable enough
of helping clients and checking the monetary policies. My choice of choosing this career allowed me
to stay abreast of economic policies and gain hands-on exposure to the latest digital developments in
the banking sector.
Reasons for choosing the business administration program in Canada
I found out that to take the banking sector to new heights I need to have a management degree under
my belt. For that, I need to acquire a managerial degree from a reputed Canadian university that is
globally acclaimed and meets the highest standards of teaching.
Canadian institutions are equipped with high-tech amenities and advanced infrastructure. Canadian
faculties have industry expertise and provide personalized care for shaping the students of the future.
The business administration and commerce course emphasize gaining hands-on exposure to the best
managerial practices and helps me make strong fundamental skills in the economy, business, and
other finance-related activities. Learning all the skills will transform me into a prudent administrator
who has analytical skills and is able to do risk management.
Another key reason for choosing Canada is the country’s welcoming nature as Canada is a melting pot
where people of different ethnicities live together without fear of racial discrimination. Canada greets
overseas students in a safe environment and offers the best quality of life and job opportunities.
Sponsorship of my funds:
My entire expenses for university, like travelling accommodation, are funded by my sister. She is
financially settled off and can easily manage all costs. I have paid my fees in advance for the first year
and the rest I will pay within 6 months after taking admission to the university.
Future prospects:
Indian banking sector needs a lot of revolution in economic sectors. The banking sector is open to
more marketing manoeuvrings that can boost liquidity in public sector banks. I need to make some
improvements in digital banking and other infrastructure facilities that will offer lucrative career
openings. Offshore academic skills from a Canadian university will help me to make judgments that
can boost liquidity in the banking sector.
Finally ending in the short haul, I want to acquire qualitative practical and technical hands-on
exposure at a Canadian university. It will even help me to leverage cutting-edge technology in
banking delivery service. In the long run, I will make my bank the best universal bank with global
I pledge to follow all the rules and regulations of Candia and request you to provide me a student visa
for Canadian study.

Best regards,

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