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Republic of the Philippines


New Bataan, Davao de Oro
Teacher Education Department

Preliminary Examination

Instructor: Kara H. Dupay

Contact Number: 09050475217

Course Code and Title: SSED 25: Comparative Government and Policies


Essay. Answer the following questions. Please refer to the rubrics (10 points each).

1. What is Comparative Politics and Governance? Provide a short discussion.

In my point of view, comparative politics is considered to be the field of study in which it

focuses on understanding and explaining the different political sides. To make it more clear
comparative politics was designed to understand the structures of the government wherein every
country has its kind of government such as parliament and executive, in this study we are going to
understand its structure on how they run their government and their function. In addition,
comparative politics also emphasize the population in a certain country, just like by knowing how
they participate in their government and what kind of freedom they have, besides that
comparative politics also study how a certain government creates their laws and rules if it is in
form legislative or not. The most interesting part of comparative politics is that it doesn’t focus
only on national politics instead it includes international relations wherein we are going to know
the different forms of government around the world by comparing their kind of government to
ours, the main purpose of comparing is to discover a new concept on how to run a certain
government because through comparing we can learn what their government does in their own
country and through that we can use their ways that could help our government structure in

In my perspective governance was the action of our government leaders on how they run the
government. To understand it deeper, as we all know that our form of government is a
constitutional republic wherein we elect leaders that will govern our government, therefore those
people who are being elected are focused on this governance if how they handle the government
we have, such as the issue we have today about the pandemic our government officials mandated
as to follow safety protocols for our safety and in this kind of action of our government will be
linked to governance because the goal of our leaders was to secured our safety. I think we heard
the news that some of our government leaders are issued of having poor governance and it only
means that he/she did not do their duty well.
2. Why do we need to study Comparative Government and Politics?

In my perspective, there is a need for us to study comparative government and politics since it
will enhance our capability in knowing the reason why other countries are progressive and our’s is
not. As we study in this area we can discover a new concept that could help our country improve
especially in fighting poverty and corruption. In what way we can learn all these things, through
comparative politics in which we compare and analyzes the other government around the world,
in this initiative we can learn how other countries run their government that makes them
progressive and those research will serve us our tool in comparing our government and then, as a
result, we could change the mistake that we failed to do. In a more precise manner, we study
Republic of the Philippines
New Bataan, Davao de Oro
Teacher Education Department

Preliminary Examination

comparative politics since we want to learn how other countries solve critical issues since we are
interested to know their kind of strategies in managing that critical issues. Lastly, as we study
comparative government we can understand the different forms of government around the globe
for example why other democracies have prime ministers, all this can make us knowledgeable.

3. Why is it that every country has its form of Government? Reason out.

In my opinion, the reason why every country has its form of government since it was considered
as the governing body of a nation, state, or community in which there is a centralized form of
government. Before we are going to understand its reason let us try to go back in our history
wherein government was one of the reasons why the ancient civilization lasted because they a
leader who guided in defending their territory and in their own civilization there is a rule of law
that was circulating because it will maintain the peace and order of their society. Let us see today
happening that the government was used to protect society, resolve conflict and defend from other
societies and provide public services. The question of why we have a different form of government
the answer is what is their history before that could be used as the reason why they have this kind
of government such as the Philippines we acquire this kind of through the American colony which
is the Democracy. Government exists in every part of the globe because it is the consent of the
people and it will reflect the will of the majority.

4. How has politics been affected by the expansion of force, through technological change, and its

In our world today, we can’t deny that we are living in the technological world, as far as I know,
it also affected our world politics since we can’t just remain stagnant to the old forces that why
through technological change there is an expansion of force in which every government embraced
this changes that’s why today we can see that strong weapon from different countries just like
nuclear weapon and even the strongest fighter jet. These weapons are the result of technological
change. From what I have observed, politics today has become a hot issue since every government
builds a stronger force to maintain its border security and to prepare for any form of invasion.
Even today, we heard the news about Russia and Ukraine wherein Russia wants to invade Ukraine
using their weapons for battle in this matter their forces will be used for their invasion.

5. Is democracy the best form of Government? Why or why not?

In my opinion, democracy is still the best form of government because as a citizen who lives in a
democratic state I feel that people are important. What I liked about democracy is that people
have the right to choose rulers and if rulers do not work well then we have the power not to elect
in the upcoming election. If I will compare democracy to another form of government we can see a
big difference from a different angle, just like in other countries I feel that their citizen was not
considered as important instead they are under their leaders, and they don’t have a right to
question their government. This statement gives me a hint that I considered democracy was the
best form of government because everyone has equal rights whether you are official or not.
Republic of the Philippines
New Bataan, Davao de Oro
Teacher Education Department

Preliminary Examination

Democracy gives the right to life, which means that the state can’t punish anyone with their choice
since they must act by the law.


Excellent Good Fair Poor

Sharp, a distinct Apparent point No apparent point Minimal evidence of

controlling point made about a single but evidence of a a topic. (1 point)
FOCUS (4 points) made about a single topic with sufficient specific topic. (2
topic with evident awareness of task. points)
awareness of task. (3 points)
(4 points)

Substantial, specific, Sufficiently Limited content

and/or illustrative developed content with inadequate
content with adequate elaboration or
demonstrating elaboration or explanation. (1
(3 points)
strong development explanation. (2 point)
and sophisticated points)
ideas. (3 points)

Writing has a Writing is Writing is

compelling opening, organized, but the somewhat
informative body, opening, body, or organizing, but
and a satisfying conclusion might be sometimes is off-
conclusion. There is missing or it is topic May be
(3 points)
a clear statement. (3 unclear. There is a missing opening,
points) thesis statement. (2 body, or conclusion.
points) There is no clear
thesis. (1 point)

Total: 10 points

Mode of Submission:

Submit your examination paper through our Google Classroom on or before February 24, 2022. Upload your
work through the Prelim Examination pane in the Class Stream. Submit your work in .pdf or in .docx form.

Prepared by:


¡Dios a la bending y Buena Suite!

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