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Final Syllabus of Islamiyat grade O1

Outline of Prayer
• Meaning of Prayer
• Definition
• Timings of Prayer
• Requisites/conditions of offering prayer

Meaning of Prayer
• The meaning of prayer is to supplicate i.e to beg/ask for
something sincerely, intensely and humbly.
• Prayer is the second pillar of Islam therefore it is obligatory on
all Muslims to pray five times a day as prescribed by Allah. It is
an act of worship. Thus it is mandatory on every Muslim
whether he is rich or poor, old or young, male or female, ill or
healthy to perform prayer
Timings of Prayer
• Allah has prescribed different timings for each obligatory
• The first prayer is Fajr prayer and the appointed time for it
starts from the break of dawn and ends at sunrise.
• The second prayer is Zuhr prayer and it is performed when the
sun moves towards the west until the shadow of everything
becomes double than the shadow of its original length .
• The third prayer is Asr prayer and the time for this prayer
begins when the time of zuhr prayer ends and it lasts till just
before sunset.
• The fourth prayer is Maghrib prayer and the time for this
prayer begins from sunset and lasts till the disappearance of
evening twilight.
• The fifth and the last prayer, Isha, is performed from evening
until just before dawn or according to some scholars till

Requisites/conditions of offering prayer:
• The worshipper must be a Muslim.
• The place where prayer is to be performed/offered must be
• The worshipper’s body and clothes must be clean.
• For male worshippers, the part of the body between the navel
and knees should be fully covered. For female worshippers, the
whole body except the hands and face must be covered.
• The worshipper must face the Holy Kabah (Qiblah).
• The worshipper must form the niyyah (intention) of the
particular prayer, Fard (obligatory) or Nafl (optional).
• The worshipper must observe the times and rules of the
respective prayer.
• The worshipper has to perform ablution (Wudu).
• All the conditions must be fulfilled. Deliberately missing them
will make the prayer void
• Congregational prayer
• Friday prayer
• importance to sacrifice.
• Delayed Prayer
• Private prayer

Ø Congregational prayer
It is appreciated to offer the obligatory prayers in a masjid with
congregation, as it brings the people together for the best
purposes. It is considered to have more social and spiritual benefit
than praying by oneself. When praying in congregation, the
people stand in straight parallel rows behind the chosen imam,
facing qibla.

• Importance of congregational prayer

Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, the prayer a man offers in a masjid
along with congregation is 25 /27 times more excellent in degree
than that which he offers at home. It is also mentioned in Holy
Quran that worshipper earns good deeds and rewards on every
step he takes to a masjid.
Ø Friday prayer
It is a congregational prayer and can not be offered alone.
Muslims offer this prayer on every Friday, just after noon, instead
of the zuhr prayer. It consists of a sermon given by the imam after
which he leads the people in two rakats. All male adults are to
offer this prayer, females in some communities are also
encouraged to offer this prayer. However, children, ill people,
travellers and slaves are excused.
Holy Quran says: “O you who believe, when the call is proclaimed
to prayer on Friday, hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah
and leave the business”
This verse shows that muslims are to make sure, when they hear
the call to Friday prayer, they leave what ever activity they are
indulged in and close their business and prepare for Friday prayer.

There are two eids:
Ø Eid ul Fitr is observed on the 1st of Shawal after the completion
of Ramadan .
Ø Eid ul Adha is observed on 10th Zilhajj.
• The time for eid prayer begins after the sun has risen and ends
before noon. Eid prayer is performed as two rakats and there is
no Iqamat or Azan for Eid prayer. It should be offered in
congregation and there is no qaza for eid prayer. It is obligatory
on all Muslim male adults, in some communities females are
also encouraged to offer these prayers.

Importance of Eid Prayer:

In the Sermon of Eid ul Fitr the Imam draws the attention of the
audience to Sadqa-ul- Fitr, a charity for the poor, which helps the
poor people to celebrate eid along with the rest Muslim
community and also creates brotherhood within the society.
In the Sermon of Eid ul Adha Imam emphasizes on the
importance to sacrifice.

Delayed Prayer
• Performing an obligatory prayer after expiry of its specified
time is called delayed (qaza) prayer.
• It is a very great sin to neglect ones obligatory prayer
deliberately and delay its performance without a valid reason
so much so that the time for it expires.
• If an obligatory prayer has not yet been performed and its time
has already been expired, it is compulsory to offer qaza of that

Private prayer
• Private prayer is the supplication to Almighty Allah.
Supplication to Allah means humble petition to Him for
something which may be worldly or otherworldly.
• Allah says, “I accept the prayer of the supplicant when he calls
upon me.”
• There is no condition, timing, place or posture for private
prayer (dua).

• Features of Ablution (Wudu)
• Importance of Wudu
• Conditions of Wudu
• Method of Wudu

ž Features of Ablution (Wudu)

1. Physical purification
2. Purifies both body and soul
3. Minor sins forgiven

Importance of Wudu
ž It is Haram to pray without Wudu as it will be considered as a
sinful act.
ž Holy Prophet(Pbuh) said ,“The key to paradise is Prayer and the
key to Prayer is purification.”

Conditions of Wudu
ž Intention should be made .
ž Entire wudu should be in a continuous process.
ž It should be done in the prescribed order.
ž Washing should start from the right side then left.
ž No part should remain dry.
ž It is recommended to brush ones teeth or use miswak before or
after wudu.

Method of Wudu
ž Make the intention of performing wudu.
ž Wash both hands up to wrist and between the fingers.
ž Take water with your right hand, put it into your mouth and
rinse thoroughly. Three times.
ž Sniff in water with nostril using right hand, use left hand to
clean nose.
ž Wash the whole face with both hands three times, from the
forehead to the chinbone and from lobe of one ear to the
ž Wash the right arm thoroughly from wrist to elbow three
times, and make sure that no part of the arm has been left
unwashed. Repeat with the left arm.
ž Wet the hands and perform masah by wiping hand on one
fourth of the head, both ears are cleansed inside and outside,
the thumb is used to wipe the back of the ear and the index
finger is used for the inside and the back of the two hands are
passed on the nape of the neck.
ž Wash the right foot three times and then repeat with the left.
Make sure that the water has reached between the toes and
covered the rest of the foot.
(Single Rakkah)
• Standing Position
• Qiyyam
• Ruku
• Sajdah
• Jalsah :
• Tahiyya/Tashahhud
• Durood

1 . Standing Position
¨ Description :
First the intention of performing prayer is made in a standing
position (erect facing towards Qiblah) with hands hanging down to
the side of the body.
The worshipper then raises his hands to the ears.
¨ Recitation :
Then the worshipper recites Takbir-e-Tehrima, (Allah o
Akbar),“Allah is Greatest”.

¨ Importance :
In this way, worshipper praises His Lord who created him.
This is the opening of prayer.

2 . Qiyyam :
¨ Description :
The hands are then brought down on chest or navel, and they
are folded in such a manner that the right hand is above the left
hand. This position is called Qiyyam.
¨ Recitation :
In this position Sana, Tawwuz and Tasmiya is recited in which
the worshipper glorifies his Lord.
¨ Sana:
“O Allah, You are Pure and Trust worthy. Your name is lofty and
Your greatness is elevated and there is none besides You.”
¨ Tawwuz:
“I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan.”
¨ Tasmiya:
“In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most
¨ After this Surah Fatiah is recited which is the first chapter of
the Quran. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “No salah without
Fatiah”. This shows its compulsion. In this, worshipper asks
Allah to show him the straight path. On completion of this
Surah the worshipper recites another surah from Quran e.g.
Surah Al Kausar. This is called Qirat.
¨ Importance : Qiyyam is a compulsory part of a Salah , There is
no salah without Fatihah , the worshipper is praising the Lord
and asking for a right path .
On completion of Qiyam, the worshipper says “Allah is Greatest
3 . Ruku :
¨ Description :
He places his both hands on the knees.
¨ Recitation :
In this position, he recites Tasbih-e-Ruku, “Glory to my Lord
the Mighty” three times.
¨ Importance :
This is an obligatory act and is called Ruku. This act in a prayer
shows our dependence on Allah.
¨ Then he stands up again for a while and recites, “Allah listens to
him who praises Him”.
¨ Then he himself praises Allah.
“O my sustainer, praise is only for You”.
¨ Then the worshipper says,
“Allah is Greatest”
4 . Sajdah :
¨ Description :
The worshipper goes in the prostration in which he places his
forehead, nose, palms, knees and feet on the ground
¨ Recitation :
He recites Tasbih-e-Sajdah, that is,“Glory to my Lord the most
High” thrice.
¨ Importance :
It is a compulsory act which shows our nothingness before
Allah, as He is the Creator and we are the creation.

Jalsah :
¨ Then he sits back for a while which is called Jalsah and
performs the second prostration like the first one.
¨ This completes a single Raka’at.
¨ The second raka’at is offered in the same way as the first one
but without recitation of Sana and Tawwuz as they are meant
only for first raka’at.
¨ We will add “Qa’ada-ul-Ula”(first sitting) which includes Tahiyya
or “Qa’ada Akhira”(last sitting) which includes Tahiyya/
Tashahhud, Durood,Dua and Taslim.

“All our oral, physical, and monetary prayers are
only for Allah. Salutations to you, O Prophet, and Allah’s peace
and His blessings be upon you. Blessings of Allah be upon us and
upon all those worshippers who are pious. I testify that there is
none to be worshipped but Allah and I testify that Muhammad
(pbuh) is His worshipper and messenger.”
¨ If a person is praying three or four raka’ats, he should stand
after reciting tashahhud by saying “Allah is the greatest”, then
recite surah Fatihah only.
¨ Then he should complete the third or fourth raka’at as
¨ At the completion of the last raka’at, he should recite Durood
and Dua after Tashahhud in jalsah position.
“O Allah, send your mercy on Muhammad (pbuh)
and on his family as you have sent on Ibrahim (A.S) and on his
family. No doubt, You are Great and Praiseworthy,
O Allah send Your blessings on Muhammad (pbuh) and on his
family as You have blessed Ibrahim(A.S) and his family. No doubt,
You are Great and Praiseworthy.”
¨ After reciting Durood and dua, the last step is Taslim.
¨ The worshipper turns his face to the right and says salam
followed by facing to the left saying salam again.
Prayer is Complete
(a) Briefly describe the main theme(s) in each passage.
(b) Briefly explain the importance of these themes in a Muslims
life today.

1. AYAT-UL-KURSI (2:255)

(a) Outline :
• Oneness of Allah
• Unlike His creation
• Complete Authority
• No one can Intercede without His permission
• Infinite Knowledge
• Allah’s Throne
1. The „Verse of the Throne‟ contains the theme of Oneness of Allah
(Tawhid), who is immortal and totally independent.
2. He is unlike His creation because He does not sleep nor get tired in
what He does.
3. He has complete authority over everything as He looks after all the
heavens and the earth whereas no one is needed to look after Him.
Surah Ash Shura says, “To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and
on earth: and He is Most High, Most Great”.
4. No one can intercede on behalf of anyone without His permission
and when they are granted such permission they will act within limits,
as set out by Almighty Allah.
5. The knowledge of Allah is infinite and perfect and humans only
know what He allows them to know.
6. “His Throne” here refers to His majesty, uniqueness, knowledge
(Omni-science) and having total power (Omnipotence). It
emphasizes how he is the only One who can make decisions about his
creation. He is transcendent and completely independent from His
creation. The Holy Quran says, “Say (O Prophet) Allah alone is the
creator of everything and He is the One.,Dominant over all”.
(b) Outline :
• Power and Authority
• Worship only Allah
• All – Seeing
• Allah ‘s Complete and Perfect Knowledge
• Best passage of the Quran
1. This verse makes Muslim realize that all power and authority lies
with Allah alone. He does as He wills, so it gives them the confidence
to turn only to Him for help in all matters and to ask for His
2. It affirms the fundamental belief of Muslims to worship none but
Allah and it emphasizes on the perfect kingdom of Allah. So, a
believer must not bow down or surrender himself before a tyrant or
any worldly power and unjust authority.
3. It refers to God as unsleeping so we must remain pious and stay
away from evil as He is watching us all the time.
4. It signifies Allah‟s complete and perfect knowledge which is
around us so we should not only strive to get that knowledge but more
importantly request Him for this as He alone can provide it.
Therefore, we should frequently recite the following Quranic prayer:
“O my Lord! Increase my knowledge” (Ameen).
5. It was said by Holy Prophet (PBUH) to be one of the best
passages of the Quran. Thus, Muslims recite it daily for protection
and blessings.
2. SURAH AL ANA’AM (101 to 103) .

101. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can
He have children when He has no wife? He created all things and
He is the All-Knower of everything .102. Such is Allah, your
Lord! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but
He), the Creator of all things. So worship Him (Alone), and He is
the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.) over all
things.103. No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all
vision. He is the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well-Acquainted
with all things.

(a) Outline

• Omnipotence
• Not a physical being
• Omniscience
• Negates the Shirk
• Human imagination cannot perceive Him
1. The main theme of these verses is God’s power i.e. His
Omnipotence. Allah’s rule extends over entire universe which means
He is All-Powerful. He is the only one to control the Heavens and the
Earth and everything originates with Him.
2. Allah is not a physical being. He is too different from humans and
is free from all human attributes. He is far superior to be in need to
have children or spouse. “And it behooves(appropriate) not the Most
Affectionate(Allah) that He should take a son’; therefore, He is far
beyond our understanding and the Holy Quran in this regard says,
“And there is none like Him”.
3. Furthermore, He has knowledge of everything i.e. His Omni-
Science. Although humans cannot understand Him, yet Allah
understands everything in creation.
4. He is the sole creator of everything which negates any concept of
other deities. Thus, humans should turn to Him as He is the only One
who has the power to help humans.
5. Also, Allah is far beyond from human imagination and they cannot
perceive Him. However, Allah sees and hears everything they do.
Therefore they should worship Allah alone and turn to Him to reward
their actions.
(b) Outline :
• Importance of Tawhid
• False belief of having wife or children
• Nothing is hidden from Him
• Supremeness of Allah
1. These verses of Surah Al- Ana’am emphasizes the importance of
Tawhid for Muslims. Muslims are being asked to reflect upon His
relationships as it’s totally impossible for Him to have physical
relations with any of His creations or to have family etc. because He
is the creator and is therefore, unique.
2. In addition, the passage also categorically negates the false belief of
God having any wife or children, and thus, Muslims, in this way,
develop a clearer concept of Tawhid and understand that Shirk is the
only unpardonable sin in the sight of God.
3. Our actions, words and thoughts are not hidden from Him. Hence,
we should be always careful of our deeds. The Quran reminds
Muslims this repeatedly: “And He is with you wherever you are”.
4. By recognizing His Supremeness, we should worship Him alone
and be careful to fast and pray etc. to fulfil all our obligations to Him.
Similarly, we should only turn to Him for help as He is the only One
who can fulfil their needs.

6. SURAH AL- FATIHAH (1:1 to 7)

1. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 2. Praise
be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; 3. Most
Gracious, Most Merciful; 4. Master of the day of judgment. 5.
You we worship, and your aid we seek. 6. Show us the straight
way, 7. The way of those to whom You have given your grace, not
those who earn your anger, nor those who go astray.
(a) Outline :
• Relationship between man and Allah
• Tawhid (Important theme of the Quran)
• Lord of everything
• Ask for forgiveness only from Allah
• Allah gives guidance who asks for it
1. This is the first Surah of the Holy Quran which mentions
relationship between man and God.
2. It also tells us about the most important theme of the Quran, which
is Tawhid, the belief that Allah is One.
3. It tells us that Allah is our Lord and the Lord of everything else
that exists, even the things we cannot see or know about. Since He is
the Master of all creations therefore, He is only deserving of worship.
4. Allah is the only One to ask for forgiveness because it is He who
can grant forgiveness for anything as He is the Most-Merciful.
5. He gives guidance to those who ask and leads them to the path
acceptable to Him. Therefore, this surah is used as a prayer to seek
guidance and forgiveness.
(b) Outline
• All Powerful
• Kindness and caring towards other
• Servants of Allah
• Righteous Track of the pious people
• Prayer (Dua)
• In a difficulty seek help from Allah
• Importance of Surah Fatihah
1.Surah Fatihah tells that Allah is powerful as He is the Master of the
Day of Judgment which encourages believers to seek His mercy and
2. Muslims should also develop the qualities of kindness and caring
towards others. They should treat everyone kindly without any
distinction of class, race and religion in order to please Allah.
3. This makes us accountable to Allah and affirms that we are His
4. This passage inspires believers to worship Allah by following the
righteous track of the pious people e.g. prophets.
5. This Surah is considered as a prayer to Allah.
6. Whenever a Muslim is in a difficulty, he recites this Surah and
seeks aid from Allah which certainly Allah delivers as He is the most
7. This surah is essential part of daily prayer as Holy Prophet (PBUH)
said, “No prayer is accepted without Fatihah”. Therefore, Muslims
recite this surah inside and even outside the prayer, for Allah’s mercy
and help.

Topic : Fasting
• Definition
• Month and timings
• Sehri
• Aftari
• Conditions which permit the breaking of the fast
• Conditions which permit one not to fast (excused people)
• Tarawih
• Itekaf
• Laylatul qadr
• Sadqa-tul-fitr
• Method of fasting
• Importance of fasting:

Fasting, known as ‘Sawm’ in Arabic, means to abstain
"completely" from foods, drinks and smoking, before the break of the
dawn till sunset.

Month and timings

Fasting is carried out in the month of Ramadan i.e the ninth
month of the Islamic year. Fasting starts from the sighting of the
moon of Ramadan and ends at sighting of the moon of Shawal. All
adult muslims should fast from dawn till dusk, according to a
prescribed method given to them by Islam.
Sehri is the breakfast before dawn.
is sunnah to take sehri (pre-dawn meal). If a person is not
hungry, he should at least eat a few dates or anything else in less
quantity and even if not that then he should at least drink some water.
It is emphasized as it is called as a blessing by the Holy Prophet
(PBUH). As far as possible, sehri should be delayed. However, it
should not be delayed to the extent that one begins to have a doubt in
ones fast.

• At the time of Maghrib prayer i.e. Sunset, Muslims break their
fast known as Iftar.
• It is Sunnah of the Holy Prophet to break the fast with a date or
• It must be done as soon as the Azaan is heard.
• “O Allah, I Fasted for you and I believe in you and I break my
fast with your sustenance”. Then they offer their Maghrib

Conditions which permit the breaking of the fast

A person who suddenly falls ill and fears that if the fast is not
broken his life will be in danger or his health will be affected. In such
a case he is allowed to break the fast.

Conditions which permit one not to fast (excused people)

1) Sick
2) Travellers
3) Jihad
4) Old
5) Children
6) Expectant Mothers

In the evening muslims go to the mosque to offer the tarawih
prayers, which consist of 8 to 20 rakats. They can also be offered
alone. During tarawih muslims listen to the recitation of Holy Quran
when in congregation and when offering these prayer alone they
themselves recite it.

Before the end of the 20th day of ramadan until the moon of eid
ul fitr is sighted, male muslims are to withdraw to mosque and
females are to sit for itekaf at their home and avoid any contact with
the world as they are to show their love and dedication towards Allah
and gain His blessings.
Laylatul qadr
During the last 5 odd nights of the month of Ramadhan,
muslims search for laylatul qadr which is the most blessed night. As it
is stated in the Holy Quran: “The night of power is better than
thousand months.” This means that worshipping in this night is better
than the worship done for a thousand months.

• Sadqah tul-Fitr is charity given to the poor usually given in the
month of Ramadan.
• It must be paid before Eid-ul-Fitr.
• Sadaqat al-Fitr is a duty which is wajib (required) for every
Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as
he/she has the means to do so.
• This promotes economic balance in the society and brings the
rich and poor closer to each other.
• The wisdom behind this act is two-fold:
i. to purify the month long fasting of the Muslims
ii. to enable the poor and less fortunate to also enjoy the celebration of

Method of fasting
Muslims have their breakfast (sehri) before dawn which is
called as a blessing by the Holy Prophet(PBUH). After that they state
the formal intention to fast i.e “ I intend to keep tomorrows fast of
ramadan.” During the fast muslims abstain from smoking, eating and
drinking. Muslims should particularly be pious and avoid indulging in
evil and indecent acts for e.g quarrelling and abusing. They should
remember Allah by visiting mosques for offering five daily regular
prayers and should also recite Holy Quran regularly. At the time of
maghrib prayer the following supplication should be made after
breaking the fast: “O Allah! I fasted for you, I believe in you, put my
trust in you and with your sustenance I break my fast.” And have their
meal with their loved ones.
Importance of fasting:
The Holy Quran says that fasting teaches muslims self restraint.
This is when muslims fast they stay away from food, so they learn
patience and tolerance.
The Holy Prophet(PBUH) said:
“When the month of Ramadan comes the doors of heaven are
open and the doors of hell are closed.”
This tells that fasting in the month of Ramadan not only brings
muslim closer to Allah but will also give them heaven in reward.

Topic: Zakat
• Introduction
• Definition
• Zakat cannot be given to
• Recipients of zakat
• Rates with examples
• When is Zakat given
• Benefits of zakat
• Conclusion
ž Zakat is a pillar of Islam which became obligatory on all adult
rich muslims in the 2nd year of hijrah.
ž It is an act of worship which benefits mankind.
ž Its importance is such that it is mentioned 32 times in the Holy
Zakat consists of giving set of proportions of possessions to the
poor. It is compulsory on all adult rich muslims to give away a
portion of their wealth or other possessions as commanded by Allah.

Zakat cannot be given to:

ž Those on whom payment of zakat is obligatory.
ž The descendants of Holy Prophet (pbuh)
ž Father, mother, grandparents, son, daughter etc
ž Non muslims

Recipients of zakat:
The Holy Quran tells about the recipients of zakat in the following
words: “Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to
administer(the funds), for those whose hearts have recently
reconciled(the truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of
Allah and for the wayfarer”
ž wayfarer; a person who travels on foot
ž Bondage; slave
ž This clarifies that zakat should be given to the above mentioned
eight groups
Rates with examples;
Its rate on annual savings is 2.5% and there are set percentages for
other possessions as well which include gold, silver and livestock.
ž In case of Gold, a Muslim who has 7.5 tolas of it or more will
give 2.5% of its value as Zakat while if he has 52.5 tolas or
more of Silver, he’ll give 2.5% of its value as Zakat.
ž Zakat is also liable on camels, cattle or goats for example if a
Muslim has 40-120 goats then one goat is due as zakat.
When is Zakat given;
There is no fixed month or date for payment of Zakat because
whenever a lunar year completes on certain wealth or other
possessions, Zakat becomes payable.
However, it is usually paid during the month of Ramadan.
Muslims also distribute Zakat ul fitr at the end of Ramadan to the
poor so that they can also celebrate Eid with them just after Ramadan.
Benefits of zakat
When Muslims give part of their wealth to the poor,
it reduces the financial difference between them. Therefore ,a bond of
responsibility and respect is formed between the rich and the poor
which brings the society even closer.
The rich Muslims start to see the poor as brothers
and come to realize that in order to become true believers ,they must
practically and sincerely help others who need it. The Holy Prophet
(SAW) has stressed upon this principle by saying “None of you
believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.”

Zakat not only helps Muslims to become pious but also
establishes a self supporting society where everyone gets a chance to
fulfill his basic needs and leads a respectable life.
Topic: Articles of Faith

• Belief in Angels is an article of faith as Iman-e-Muffassil says,
"I believe in Allah and His Angels and His books and His
Prophets…“ which shows that belief in Angels is imperative for
Muslims and without it faith is incomplete.
• If a Muslim does not believe in Angels, he would be out of the
folds of Islam. Belief in Angels is an act of piety (taqwa).
• Angels are the creation of God. They have no physical
relationship with Allah as at the time of the Prophet (SAW)
people used to believe that angels are the daughters of Allah.
Surah Ikhlas says in this regard “He (Allah) is neither a father
nor a son”.
• Angels are made up of light and have no physical needs e.g.
food, sleep etc. They are genderless. They are invisible. They do
not have a free will and thus would not be held accountable on
the day of Judgement. They are a mode of communication
between Allah and His prophets.
• Angels have wings as the Holy Quran says, "All praise is for
Allah, Creator of the Heavens and the earth, Who made Angels
messengers with wings 2, 3 and 4..." According to the hadith of
the Holy Prophet (SAW) Angel Gibrael had 600 wings.
• They are obedient to the orders of Allah and only worship Him.
They also pray for the forgiveness of believers. Angels
prostrated before Hazrat Adam (AS) on the orders of Allah
which shows that they are inferior from human beings. Angels
come down on earth only on special occasions as the Holy
Quran says, “The Angels and the spirit (angel Gibrail)
descend on it (night of power) by the permission of their
Lord to fulfill all affairs".
• Angels have longer lives as compared to humans but they will
die at the end of time hence they are mortal. They have limited
knowledge. They travel faster than the speed of light. They are
countless in number. They are enormous in size.

• Angel Gibrael is the Chief of angels and he was the one who
brought the message of Allah to all prophets. He conducted the
prophet (SAW) at the event of Miraaj. He was the one who gave
Hazrat Maryam the glad tidings of the birth of a Holy son
without a father i.e. Hazrat Isa (AS). He appeared before Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW) at the tragic incident of Al-Taif when the
people of Al-Taif had injured the Holy Prophet (SAW) very
badly and he offered Prophet (PBUH) to destroy the town but
the Prophet (SAW) forgave them and prayed for them. He
(PBUH) said, “I have been sent as a mercy for all mankind”.
• Angel Israfil will blow the trumpet and all living things will die
and landmarks in this universe will vanish. On the second
trumpet the dead will be resurrected and will be presented in the
court of Allah.
• Angel Israel is the angel of death and is responsible for
collecting souls.
• Angel Mikael, is the angel of celestial bodies (sun moon), food
and rain etc.
• There are also sacred recorders (Kiram-un-Katibeen) who
record our good and bad deeds. The Holy Quran says “And
surely keepers have been appointed over you, the Holy
recorders, they know what you do”.
• Munkir and Nakir will question the dead in their graves and
lastly there are Malik and Rizwan who are the angels of Hell
and Heaven respectively.
Belief in Prophets is an article of faith as Iman-e-Musfassil says, "I
believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His
prophets…“ which shows that belief in Prophets is imperative for
Muslims and without it faith is incomplete. Hence, if a Muslim would
not believe in Prophets he would be out of the folds of Islam. The
Holy Quran says, “It is righteousness to believe in Allah and the
Last day and His Angels and His books and His Prophets….”
.This means that belief in Prophets is an act of piety (taqwa).

FEATURES: General features

} Allah has sent Prophets throughout the history. The chain of
Prophets started from Hazrat Adam (A.S) and ended at the Holy
Prophet (PBUH). They were chosen by Allah, they themselves
were never part of the choice e.g. Hazrat Musa (A.S) went to the
mountain of Tur (Sinai) to collect fire and over there Allah
spoke to him directly and blessed him with His Prophethood,
which shows that Hazrat Musa was not part of this choice.
} Since the Prophets used to speak the language of their tribe so
the Prophets were given messages in the language of their
people as the Holy Quran says, “We did not send an Apostle
but with the language of his people so that he might explain
to them clearly”. Muslims respect all Prophets equally as the
Holy Quran says, “And they (believers) say ‘We do not
discriminate between any of His Prophets”.
} They all were pious men, sinless, with excellent moral
characters. The Holy Quran says that many Prophets were sent
for the guidance of mankind and they were guided by Angel
Gibrael, However, it names only 25 of them e.g. Hazrat Nuh
(A.S), Hazrat Younas (A.S), Hazrat Yahya (A.S), Hazrat Yousaf
(A.S). According to the Hadith of the Holy Prophet there were
124,000 Prophets. These Prophets were sent to a specific nation
(except Holy Prophet (PBUH) whose Prophethood is universal).
However, these nations polluted their message after some time
and so there was a need of a new prophet with fresh message.
FEATURES: Teachings of the Prophets
} All Prophets conveyed the same message to their nations:
◦ Firstly, Tawhid, which means that Allah is One without
any partner. Thus, the prophets forbade their nations from
associating partner with Allah (shirk). They also conveyed
that Allah is the only creator of everything (the heavens
and the earth) and all others are His creation and the
creations do not have any physical relation with Him. He
is All-Knowing and All-Powerful. He is the sustainer and
the cherisher.
◦ Secondly, Prophets informed that this world is temporary
and will come to an end one day and there will be another
world after this which is permanent and before entering
that world, they will be held accountable for their deeds
and accordingly they will be awarded paradise or punished
in Hell.
◦ Thirdly, Prophets informed their nations to improve their
moral standards i.e. they must not lie or cheat.
FEATURES: Books revealed on Prophets
} Some of the Prophets were given divine books.
◦ Hazrat Daud (A.S) was blessed with Zabur;
◦ Hazrat Musa (A.S) was blessed with Taurat;
◦ Hazrat Isa (A.S) was given Injil; and
◦ Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was blessed with the Holy
◦ Some of the Prophets were given “Sahuf” like Sahuf-e-
FEATURES: Miracles
} Prophets were given miracles by Allah as a sign of their
Prophethood e.g. Hazrat Musa (A.S) was given a miracle of a
stick which could change into a snake under the orders of Allah.
Similarly, Hazrat Isa (A.S) could resurrect the dead by Allah’s
FEATURES: Nabi & Rasul
} Prophets are categorized as Rasool and Nabi. Rasool is a
prophet who brought a new divine law or shariat and is sent
down with a book. Nabi is the one who himself did not bring a
new shariat rather preached the divine law of previous prophets
e.g. Hazrat Musa (A.S) was a Rasool because he brought a new
divine law but his brother Hazrat Haroon (A.S) was a Nabi
because he preached the shariat or law of Hazrat Musa (A.S).
Holy Prophet (PBUH) “Seal of the Prophets”
} Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah. Although he
brought the same message that was brought by previous
Prophets but his message is for the entire mankind as he himself
said, “I have been sent as a mercy for all mankind”.
Therefore, his message is not only universal but also eternal.
} He is an apex for all humanity as he possessed the best moral
character as the Holy Quran says, “Indeed in the Apostle of
Allah, you have a beautiful pattern of conduct”.
} The Holy Quran was revealed on him which was last, divine,
universal and eternal book. It will never be changed as Allah
Himself took the responsibility to protect it as the Holy Quran
says, “Surely we have revealed this reminder, and no doubt
we will protect it from corruption”.
* Belief in Books is an article of faith as Iman-e-Mufassil says, “I
believe in Allah and His Angels and His books and His
Prophets…” which shows that belief in books is imperative for
Muslims and without it faith is incomplete. If a Muslim would
not believe in this he would be out of the folds of Islam. The
Holy Quran says, “It is righteousness to believe in Allah and
the Last day and His Angels and His books and His
Prophets….” .This means that belief in Book is an act of piety

* Allah has sent revelations (books) throughout the history. These
revelations (books) were sent for the guidance of mankind.
These books were sent to Prophets by Angel Gibrael. The
revelation is the best way in which Allah communicated His will
to the people. These Books were sent for specific nations
(except for the Holy Quran which is universal).
* These books were revealed in the language of the people, so that
they can comprehend the message of God. The Holy Quran says
“We did not send an Apostle but with the language of his
people so that he might explain to them clearly”.
* However, the previous nations corrupted and altered the
message of Allah and therefore there was a need for a new book
with a fresh message.
* These books contained the same teachings:
* Firstly, Tawhid, which means that Allah is One without
any partner. Thus, the teachings of the books forbade their
nations from associating partner with Allah (shirk). They
also taught that Allah is the only creator of everything (the
heavens and the earth) and all others are His creation and
the creations do not have any physical relation with Him.
He is All-Knowing and All-Powerful. He is the sustainer
and the cherisher.
* Secondly, all books emphasized on believing in Angels,
Prophets, destiny and the day of Judgement. The Books
taught that Angels and Prophets are the messengers of
Allah and do not have any physical relationship with Him.
These books also informed that this world is temporary
and will come to an end one day and there will be another
world after this which is permanent and before entering
that world, they will be held accountable for their deeds
and accordingly they will be awarded paradise or punished
in Hell.
* Thirdly, these books also taught regarding morality, code
of conduct and justice. The Holy Quran says in this regard,
“Certainly we have sent the messengers, with clear
arguments and have sent down with them, the Books
and the balance, so that men might practice Justice”.


Some of the Prophets were given divine books:
* Hazrat Daud (A.S) was blessed with Zabur;
* Hazrat Musa (A.S) was blessed with Taurat; The Holy
Quran says in this regard, “And before it, there was the
Book, Moses (Taurat), as guidance and as mercy”.
* Hazrat Isa (A.S) was given Injeel; The King of Abyssinia,
Negus said “Verily, this (Quran) and what Jesus
brought has come from the same source of light”.
* Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was blessed with the Holy
Quran. The Holy Qurans say: “And we have revealed to
you (O Muhammad) the book (Holy Quran) as the
exposition of everything”.
* Some of the Prophets were given “Sahuf” like Suhuf-e-
Features of Quran:
* The Holy Quran is the last divine book which was revealed
upon the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a period of 23 years between
610 and 632 A.D. It has the following features:
* It is a complete code of life which covers all aspects of life like
religious, economic, social, political, military and Judicial.
* It is in a living language i.e. Arabic unlike those of previous
scriptures which are forgotten.
* It contains the same teachings which were in the previous
scriptures (Tawhid, Day of Judgement and morality). However,
it is for the entire mankind and for all times to come, which
shows the universal and eternal nature of Holy Quran.
* It is perfect and will never be changed as Allah himself has
taken the responsibility to protect it. The Holy Quran says,
“Surely, we have revealed the reminder (the Holy Quran)
and no doubt, we will protect it from corruption”. Allah also
says, “This is the Glorious Quran, preserved in a tablet”.
* The Holy Quran sums up the teachings of all previous books,
and there is no need of any other divine book after it as Allah
has perfected the religion of Islam through the teachings of Holy
Quran. Allah says, “This day I have perfected your religion
for you, completed my favours upon you and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion”.

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