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Erbil Polytechnic University

Erbil technical Engineering collage

Information systems Engineering Department

Importance of using information systems in Kurdistan’s organzations

Prepared By:
Abdulaziz Ibrahim Othman
Bnar Haji Naby

Supervised By:
Mrs.Areen Hamad


what is an information system....................................................................................................................3
Types of Information Systems in an Organization.......................................................................................4
What is a computerized information system?.............................................................................................5


Information system. An integrated set of components for collecting, storing and processing data
and delivering information, knowledge and digital products. Trading companies and other
organizations rely on information systems to run and manage their operations, interact with
customers and suppliers, and compete in the marketplace. Information systems are used to
operate inter-organizational supply chains and electronic marketplaces. For example, businesses
use information systems to process financial accounts, manage human resources, and reach
potential customers with online promotions. Many large companies are built entirely around
information systems. These include eBay, which is primarily an auction marketplace. Amazon, a
growing e-shopping center and provider of cloud computing services. Alibaba, a business-to-
business electronic marketplace. Google is a search engine company that derives most of its
revenue from keyword advertising in Internet searches. Governments use information systems to
provide cost-effective services to their citizens. Digital goods such as e-books, video products,
software, and online services such as games and social networks are provided with information
systems. Individuals generally rely on Internet-based information systems for much of their
personal lives.
For socializing, studying, shopping, banking and entertainment.

what is an information system

An information system can be technically defined as a set of interrelated information.

Components that collect (or obtain), process, store, and distribute information

Supports decision-making and management within an organization. In addition to

Decision Support, Coordination/Control, Information Systems

It also helps managers and workers analyze problems and visualize complexities

Set a theme and create a new product.

Her three activities in the information system generate information such as:

Organizations make decisions, manage processes, analyze problems,

Create new products and services. These activities are inputs, processing, will output Input captures or
collects raw data in your organization

Or from its external environment. Processing takes this raw input as

more meaningful form. The output is the processed information

For the person who uses it or the activity in which it is used. information

The system also needs feedback. This is the output that is fed back in place.

A member of the organization will assist in evaluating or correcting the input stage.

Types of Information Systems in an Organization
Successful organizations, large and small, use available technology to manage their business activities
and make decisions. They use information systems to collect data and process it according to the needs
of analysts, managers or business owners. Businesses are using a variety of information systems to
communicate with customers and partners, reduce costs and generate revenue, thereby working more

A transaction processing system (TPS)

performs the data collection, storage, processing, and output functions of a company's core operations.
A TPS information system collects data from user input and produces output based on the collected
data. An example of a TPS system is an online airline reservation system An example of a TPS system is
an online airline reservation system In such a system, the traveler selects her flight schedule and
preferred seat (input), the system updates the list of available seats, and removes the seat selected by
the traveler (process). A copy (output) of the invoice and ticket is then created.

business intelligence system

Business Intelligence (BIS) systems can be complex as they identify, extract, and analyze data for a
variety of operational needs, especially for decision-making purposes. BIS information systems can
provide analytics that predict future sales patterns, summarize current costs, and forecast sales revenue.

What is a computerized information system?

It is a computerized information system "CBIS" information system

Use computer technology to perform some or all of its intended tasks.
Such a system can consist of only a personal computer and software. or that
Can span hundreds of thousands of computers of various sizes
Devices such as printers and plotters and communication networks
(wired and wireless) and database. Information systems in most cases
Humans are also included. Lists the basic components of an information system
under. Please note that not all systems include all of these components.

Information system components

1. Human Resources:

(end user and IS specialists, system analysts,

programmers, data managers, etc.).

2. Hardware:

(physical computer equipment and related devices,

machine and media).

3. software:

(programs and procedures).

4. Schedule:

(data and knowledge base) and

5. Network:

(communication media and network support).

Right decision making and its importance to companies growth

The proliferation of advanced technology and new products has made it possible for all
businesses to quickly access and integrate all kinds of data. With the variety of technologies
available in today's IT world, choosing the right information system for your business requires
a deep understanding of all your priorities and specific needs. A complete information system's
functionality also includes receiving, processing, storing, and retrieving information related to
all business tasks, from hiring to payment, procurement, administration, and accounting.
Collecting, managing, and processing relevant information in such a big data environment can
be a daunting task even for small and medium-sized businesses. Additionally, data availability
and accuracy can have a significant impact on your business.

information systems usage to achieve competitive advantage

A company has a competitive advantage if it succeeds in attracting more customers, generating
more profits, and returning more value to its shareholders than its competitors. Businesses gain
competitive advantage by adding value to their products and services or by cutting costs more
effectively than their industry competitors. Companies strive for sustainable competitive
advantage. Setting goals is easy, but achieving them is hard. The world is so dynamic, with new
products and new competitors seemingly appearing overnight, that achieving a truly
sustainable advantage may seem impossible. New competitors and counterfeit products are
creating competition to cut costs, drive down prices, and add features that benefit consumers,
but eat away at profits across the industry. , nothing is more difficult than competition involving

technology. The basic strategic question is, "If someone can copy my technology and they can
compete with me with a click, how can I compete?" Recognizing key competitive advantages
helps managers identify company opportunities and weaknesses and formulate strategies..


An information system is typically considerer to be a set of interrelated elements or

components that collect of (input)manipulate (processes)and disseminate (output),data and
information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective.


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