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What is circular letter? | Importance or advantages of circular letter

Circular letter is one of the oldest types letter. This kind of letter originated in ancient time when people
felt the necessity of circulating any message to a large number of people at a time in the same way.

Generally, the letter that is used to circulate any special message to a huge member of audiences at the
same time is known as circular letter. It is one of the cost effective means of circulating information or
introducing new products to mass people. However, circular letters are not only used in business, but also
in social, political and personal affairs.

Prof. W. J. Weston said, “A circular letter is one which is meant to be read by a number of
correspondents. It is of the nature of an advertisement and is usually a business announcement or an
attempt to advance business.”

From the above discussion we can say that circular letter is a kind of written announcement that is
distributed to a large number of people to convey any commercial or non-commercial message at
minimum time, costs and efforts. Drafting circular letter is purely an art. It should be drafted in such a way
that can attract readers’ attention and can serve its purpose.

Importance or advantages of circular letter

Circular letter circulates information relating to a company, its products and services etc. to a large
number of people at a time. It plays an important role in the growth and development of business. Its
importance is briefly discussed below:

 Easy method of conveying information: Circular letter is the most easy, simple and effective way to
convey any information to a huge number of people.
 Achieving economy: Circular letter can be used for wide publicity of products. As a result,
organizations can save cost of sending letters to different parties separately and can gain economy.
 Saving time: Circular letter transmits information to a large number of people at a time. It does not
require reaching each individual separately. Thus, it saves time.
 Less effort: Circulating information to each individual separately is a time consuming and laborious
job. Circular letter helps to overcome this problem. Through circular letter, we can communicate with large
number of people at a minimum effort.
 Creating market: Through circular letter, a company can inform the potential customers about its
products and services. In this way, new market can be created.
 Increasing consumer’s confidence: Convincing and attractive circular letter can easily touch the
reader’s heart and thus helps to enhance consumer’s confidence on the company’s products.
 Creating public consciousness: In circular letter, information like price, quality, utility, place of
availability etc. are mentioned in details that make people more conscious about the product.

Kinds of circular letter | Features of circular letters

Circular letters are prepared for circulating business and non-business messages. Thus, it seems that
circular letters can be of the following two types:
 Trade circular letter: When a circular letter is prepared and distributed for circulating any
business related message, it is known as trade circular letter. Its main objective is to circulate
business information like, launching new business, opening new branch or showroom, changing
address of business, introducing new product, inclusion, retirement or death of partners etc.
 Non-trade circular letter: The circular letter that is prepared and distributed for circulating
personal or social information is known as non-trade circular letter. The examples of non-trade
issues are preaching the political ideology by a political organization, circulating personal opinion
on any matter by an individual etc.

Features of circular letter

A well-drafted and persuasive circular letter should posses the following features or

1. Wide publicity: One of the most important features of circular letter is that it makes wide publicity
of information at a least possible time.
2. Method of drafting: Circular letter is very simple in nature. It is drafted in a simple language so
that people of various sections can easily understand.
3. Attractiveness: Another dominate feature of circular letter is the attractive and distinctive
presentation of message. In this letter, information is presented attractively so that in can
convinces the readers.
4. Conciseness: A well-drafted circular letter is always concise but complete. It expresses the
message using the least possible words.
5. Courtesy: Since circular letter is conveyed to external parties, it presents information
courteously. Circular letter is drafted by using polite and cordial language so that it wins the
readers heart.
6. Persuasiveness: Circular letter is written in a persuasive and motivational way so as to influence
the reader’s decision in favor of the company.
7. Reader’s interest: Circular letter always focuses on the interest of the readers and presents
trustworthy information.
8. Universality: The format, message and the wording of circular letter should be such that all
concerned parties accept it.
9. Free from controversy: A business circular letter is free from political, religious, social or any
other controversies.


1. Enclosing new Price List


We beg to call your attention to the enclosed revised Price List. We are happy to announce that, owing to
careful buying on a large scale, we have been able to offer a further reduction in many lines, and we are
convinced that no more favourable terms are obtainable. We especially direct your attention to Section V
(china and glassware), in which we are able to offer many striking novelties at remarkably low prices.

We hope you will shortly pay us a visit, or, if this is not possible, will avail yourself of our “Shopping by
Post” system, full details of which will be found in the enclosed Price List.

Your orders shall always receive our best attention.

Yours faithfully,
2. On Opening new Premises

Mr. H. L. Purvis begs to announce that he is shortly opening new and commodious premises at 44—46
High Street, as a Poulterer’s and Fishmonger’s. The best quality goods will be supplied at moderate

prices, and no effort will be spared to give customers the utmost satisfaction. The building has been fitted
up on the most modem hygienic principles, thus securing perfect cleanliness and freshness.

The premises will be open on June 16th, when Mr. Purvis respectfully begs the honour of your patronage.

3. On Extension of Premises


I beg to call your attention to the opening of the extension of these Premises at 48 High Street,——— ,
where I am starting a Fruit and flower Department.

In thanking you for past favours, I venture to hope for the continuance of your patronage and its extension
to the new department. Best quality goods will be supplied at moderate prices, and every effort will be
made to give my customers complete satisfaction.

Assuring you that your orders shall always have my best attention,

I beg to remain,
Yours respectfully,

4. Announcing Sale


We beg to advise you that our Spring Sale will open on March I5th, and enclose catalogue showing a few
of the great bargains that will be offered.

Prices have been reduced in some cases by over 50%, and in all departments exceptional opportunities
are offered of obtaining high-class goods at prices far below cost. These are all goods bought for our
general stock, and therefore are in every way up to the high standard of quality on which our reputation is

We hope you will be able to pay us a visit and make your own selections. If you are unable to do so,
however, we shall be happy to reserve for you any goods ordered from the enclosed catalogue, to be
dispatched on March 15th. Orders by post cannot be received after that date.

As all prices have been so greatly reduced, we can only sell these goods on a cash basis, and remittance
in full must accompany orders. We pay carriage on all orders over L in value.

Assuring you always of our best attention, and awaiting your commands,

We are, Madam,
Yours obediently,
5. Offering Special Goods


We have received advices of a consignment of dolls from our agents in Stuttgart. These are very fine
models, superior to anything on the market at present, and, as we have secured the entire consignment
at exceptional prices, we are able to offer them to our customers at a very attractive figure.

We enclose list, giving sizes and prices. If you would like to avail yourself of this offer, please let us hear
from you by return, as our supply is limited and the models cannot be repeated this year.

The consignment is now at the docks, so that immediate delivery can be made.

Yours faithfully,
HALLAM & Co., Lit.

6. Notifying Change in Partnership

Messrs. Noakes, White, and Allen beg to announce that Mr. J. Noakes has now retired from
partnership, and the firm will in future be known as White and Allen.

7. Ditto


We beg to notify you that Mr. James Noakes has now become a partner in this firm, which will in future be
known as White, Allen, and Noakes.

Yours faithfully,

8. On Taking over Business


I beg to notify you that, on the retirement of Mr. J. Brown, I have taken over the business conducted by
him under the style of 3. & T. Brown.

I propose to trade under the same title and hope to maintain the firm’s high tradition for quality, moderate
prices, and prompt and courteous attention.

As I have worked with Mr. Brown for many years, I fully understand your requirements, and beg to assure
you that your commands shall always have my best attention.

Yours respectfully,
(Manager for Messrs. J. & T. Brown for iS years).

9. Notifying Change of Agent

We beg to notify you that we have appointed Mr. K. L. Read, of • our sole representative in London,

in place of Mr. L. P. Stone. Mr. Read hopes to have the pleasure of calling upon you shortly, and we trust
you will favour him with a continuance of your inquiries and orders.

Yours faithfully,

10. Announcing Change of Manager


We beg to advise you that Mr. H. L. White ceased to be our General Manager on the 15th of this month
and has no authority to act for us in any respect.

Mr. K. L. Allen has been appointed to succeed him.

Yours faithfully,
pp. BROWN & SONS, Ltd.

11. Notice of Suspension of Payment


Owing to heavy losses, we find ourselves unable to carry on our business without grave risk, and have
decided to suspend payment, believing this to be the best course to take in the interests of our creditors.

We have placed our books in the hands of Messrs. — & —, who will prepare a statement of our affairs
and convene a meeting of creditors, at which we hope to make proposals that will be found acceptable.

Yours faithfully,

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