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Madankar, A et al[8] proposed a programmed waste segregator that goes

for isolating the loss at the transfer level itself. It is intended to sort the loss into
3 noteworthy classes, to be specific metallic, wet and dry, in this manner
making waste administration increasingly powerful. The method by which the
system works starts with detection of the filled combined garbage inside the
container by an IR sensor or Proximity sensor. After the garbage is detected the
slider activates and pushes the combined garbage onto the conveyer belt. The
conveyer belt works and rotates with the help of the 12V DC motors. As the
combined garbage passes onto the conveyer belt the metallic components in the
garbage get separated with the help of an Electromagnet and are collected inside
a separate container.

Jayson, M et al [9]present Smart Bin, a bin that is able to segregate waste

at source with no human intervention and can automatically alert the waste
collection centre when the bin is full. Smart Bin will help solve the waste
segregation problem and help build a greener society, with no compromise on
health and hygiene. This paper presents a smart and cost effective solution for
waste segregation. The proposed Smart Bin is an efficient waste segregation
system that requires no human intervention to separate dry and wet waste and
paves the path for timely collection and disposal. The proposed system can be
deployed on a domestic scale in households or on a large scale in public places.

Kumar et al [7]proposed a method of segregation of wastes i.e.

biodegradable, metal and plastic. The waste dropped into the dustbin is
segregated at the panel with the help of sensors and the corresponding valves of
the segment are opened and the waste is dumped into their respective segment.

The biodegradable segment is equipped with sensors to detect microbes and
their activities are controlled by chemical treatment when the indicator specifies
alarming levels. Methane gas is `produced in the biodegradable segment and the
same is sensed by the gas sensor and odour controller is used to spray the liquid
when the methane gas reaches a particular value. Wi-Fi module is connected to
the data service, to continuously monitor the threshold level of the waste in the
dustbin. Once the wastes reach the threshold level, message is sent to the user,
as that particular segment is filled and it has to be disposed. STM32 controller is
used to carry out all the activities in the dustbin.

Shaikh, F et al [6]proposed the system which can classify the waste as

dry waste or wet waste based solely on the image of the waste taken. Focusing
on simplicity, it is intended to propose an application which will only be
required by the civic bodies to upload the captured images of garbage bins and
sent to the system to analyze whether the garbage is wet, dry or mixed. The
detection of contents of the garbage is the crucial aspect which will be done
using machine learning. This idea can contribute in the near future to help
analyze the waste disposal habits of people in different locations. This analysis
can then be used to create awareness in required locations and help improve the
waste disposal habits.

P, A. V., Kumar et al[5] proposed a detector based waste management

system. The detector of metal or non-metal is done by dumping them into the
hardware, i.e. Arduino and verified for many objects call into the system. Waste
categories namely metal and non-metal sorted using automatic waste separator
is described he proposed system. It is the better option for the safe management
and also it is of low cost. For urban household, college and offices a compact,
low cost, and user-friendly separation system through this system to streamline
the waste management process.

Pereira, Wet al [4]proposed a Smart Bin allows us to effectively and
cleanly dispose of the waste. The automatic door opening system ensures that
garbage disposal by the humans is completely hands- free and therefore
extremely hygienic since there is no con- tact established with the bin. Waste
thrown away is sorted according to its capacitance. Wet waste has significantly
larger capacitance than dry waste and plastic and hence it is easily
distinguishable. Plastic has different reflective proper- ties than other dry waste
and therefore infrared spectroscopy is the most suitable method to distinguish
plastic from other dry waste.

Shetty, S et al [3]focuses on a novel solution for solid waste segregation

using the concepts of machine vision and deep learning. The proposed concept
is tested for the segregation of solid dry waste particularly plastic bottles,
aluminum cans, and tetra packs. The prototype system developed for the
segregations works at high speed and accuracy. The prototype system sorts 250
objects per minute with an average accuracy of 96%. The proposed novel idea
be extended and implemented for other types of waste segregation and can
include more categories of solid dry waste. The system provides a solution for
the ever-challenging municipal waste management problem.

Rafeeq, M., et al [10]proposes an Automation of Waste material

Segregation in scrap industry. This method is easy and simple solution of
segregation of three types of wastes glass, metal and plastic. It is designed to
sort the trash into metallic waste, plastic waste and glass waste ready to be
processed separately for the next process of operation. The Method uses
inductive sensors metallic items, and capacitive sensors to distinguish between
and dry waste. Experimental results show that the segregation of waste into
metallic, plastic and glass waste has been successfully implemented using the
Automation of material segregation (AMS) method.

C. P, M. G., Yadav et al[2] proposed a fully automated waste
management system to implement waste segregation. The method adopted is
computer vision and deep learning paired with an internet of thing (IOT) system
that is capable of segregating municipal waste into Organic and Recyclable
waste. Eliminating manual segregation in the process of waste management
significantly reduces the risk to the health of municipal workers by preventing
the contraction as well as the spread of transmissible diseases. Automation will
also increase the speed while significantly reducing the cost of the waste
segregation process. This study was conducted in order to ideate and bring to
life innovative and sustainable ideas for effective waste management systems
with little to no human intervention

Varudandi, S et al [1]proposed in this research will lend a hand to solve

these waste management problems. The main constituent of this system is a
waste bin which will automatically segregate the waste by employing
technologies such as Internet of Things and Machine Learning. The bin is
connected to the cloud to assist in systematic waste collection by tracking and
uploading various data points for a particular bin. A group of these bins will
help in efficient garbage collection and management starting from the origin of
the waste itself.An Android application which is also a part of this system will
assist the relevant authorities to manage the bins as per real time requirements.
Two versions of the system are elaborated in this paper with the first version
achieving an accuracy of 75% in classifying the waste as wet or dry whereas the
second version achieves an accuracy of 90% when segregating the waste into
six distinct categories.


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