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Philosophical Magazine A
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Martensitic transformation quenching

effects in Cu-Zn-Al shape-memory alloys
a b c d
A. Planes , J. L. Macqueron , R. Rapacioli & G. Guénin
Departament d'Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria, Facultat de
Física , Universitat de Barcelona , Diagonal 647, 08028, Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain
Laboratoire de Traitement du Signal et Ultrasons , Institut National
des Sciences Appliquées , B[acaron]timent 502, 20 Avenue A. Einstein,
69621, Villeurbanne, France
División de Metales, Centro Atómico Bariloche , S. C. Bariloche,
Groupe d'Etudes de Métallurgie Physique et Physique des Materiaux ,
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees , B[acaron]timent 502, 20
Avenue A. Einstein, 69621, Villeurbanne, France
Published online: 13 Sep 2006.

To cite this article: A. Planes , J. L. Macqueron , R. Rapacioli & G. Guénin (1990) Martensitic
transformation quenching effects in Cu-Zn-Al shape-memory alloys, Philosophical Magazine A, 61:2,
221-231, DOI: 10.1080/01418619008234937

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PHILOSOPHICAL A, 1990, VOL.61, No. 2, 221-231

Martensitic transformation quenching effects in

Cu-Zn-Al shape-memory alloys

t Department d’Estructura i Constituents de la Mattria, Facultat de Fisica,

Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
1Laboratoire de Traitement du Signal et Ultrasons, Institut National des Sciences
Appliqutes, Bltiment 502, 20 Avenue A. Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne, France
5 Division de Metales, Centro Atbmico Bariloche, S. C. Bariloche, Argentina
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

11 Groupe #Etudes de Metallurgie Physique et Physique des Mattriaux, Institut National des
Sciences Appliquks, Bltiment 502, 20 Avenue A. Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne, France

[Received 2 February 1989t and accepted 19 May 19891

Simultaneous measurements of acoustic emission and thermal emission have
been made during the martensitic transformation of a Cu-Zn-A1 alloy after
quenching from temperatures T, between 300 and 1100K. Just after the quench a
strong dependence of the thermal and acoustic data on T, has been observed. This
dependence is almost suppressed when the alloy is aged (ageing time t z 5 0 ks) at
room temperature (ageing temperature T z 2 9 5 K ) . The results show that the
transformation temperature and enthalpy are sensitive to the state of the P-phase
after the quench and that the transformation entropy is independent of q: The
acoustic emission is very sensitiveto the excess of quenched-in free vacancies in the
system. Permanent effects due to y-type precipitates have also been detected from
the energy dissipated by irreversible processes.

A large number of copper-based alloys which exhibit a b.c.c. structure at high
temperatures @-phase) are able to undergo a thermoelastic martensitic transformation.
This transition can be induced either by cooling (M, is the martensite start temperature)
or by the application of an external stress (Warlimont and Delaey 1974, Delaey,
Khrishnan, Tas and Warlimont 1974). The lower temperature of stability of the
p-phase depends strongly on the mean number of valence electrons per atom, but it is
always higher than M , (Ahlers 1986). The P-phase must therefore be retained at low
temperatures by suitable cooling. The &phase obtained in this way exhibits a long-
range atomic ordered structure of the B,, DO, or L2, type, depending on the
composition and kind of alloy considered (Ahlers 1986).The ternary Cu-Zn-A1 alloy is
one such alloy. From a practical point of view, this alloy is very interesting because of its
shape-memory applications, pseudo-elasticity and high damping power. These
thermomechanical properties are directly associated with the thermoelastic features of
the growth and shrinking of the martensite (M).

~~ ~~~

7 Received in present form 16 May 1989.

0141-8610/90 $3.00 0 1990 Taylor & Francis Ltd
222 A. Planes et al.

The influence of crystal lattice defects has been invoked for a long time to account
for the characteristics of the martensitic transformation of these alloys. Firstly it is
interesting to note the heterogeneous nature of the nucleation which is strongly
influenced by the existence of lattice defects (dislocations and free surfaces) in the
system (Guenin and Gobin 1982). Secondly it is well known that the atomic disorder
strongly affects the thermodynamic properties of the transformation, such as
transformation temperature and enthalpy (Rapacioli and Ahlers 1979, Viiials, Torra,
Planes and Macqueron 1984). However, it is difficult to separate properly the different
effects associated with each type of defect. Experimentally, it has been shown that the
acoustic emission (AE) generated during the martensitic transformation is very
sensitive to quenched-in vacancies (Macqueron, Rapacioli, Guenin and Planes 1988),
whereas quenched-in disorder essentially modifies the transformation temperature.
In this work a systematic study is carried out in order to follow the characteristics of
the forward (P-+M)and reverse (M-+ B) thermally induced transformations, after
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quenches from temperatures T,ranging between 300 and 1100K. In these experiments,
the quench introduces different kinds of defect into the P-phase of the system. The
transformation is then studied just after the quench and after a long room-temperature
ageing following the quench. Comparison between these two types of measurement
enables separation of the permanent and non-permanent effects introduced by the
quench. The measurements have been performed with a coupled AE and thermal
analysis system which allows the simultaneous determination of both AE and thermal


A Cu-Zn-Al single crystal (grown by a modified Bridgman method, with elements
of purity 99.999%) has been used. Its composition is Cu-15.8 at.% Zn-16-1 at.% Al.
Cylindrical shaped specimens (of 6 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness) were cut from the
original crystal with a low-speed diamond saw. The selected composition results in a
mean number of valence electrons per atom of about 1-48.The M , nominal temperature
is 260 K and the order-disorder temperatures for the DO,-B, and B,-diserdered b.c.c.

Fig. 1

Schematic diagram of the heat treatments. Measurement A is performed immediately after the
quench. Measurement B is made after the quench and ageing at room temperature.
Martensitic transformation in shape-memory Cu-Zn-A1 223

alloys are T,(DO,)r610 K and T,(B,) = 800 K (Singh, Murakami and Delaey 1978).
This alloy has a P-phase stability lower limit of around 850K. This prevents the
precipitation of equilibrium phases at each Tg temperature for the heat treatments
described later.
The experimental system used to measure simultaneously the AE and the thermal
emission has been described elsewhere (Planes, Macqueron, Morin and Gutnin 1981).
The AE is measured using the ring-down and the event-counting technique. In both
cases the same threshold level has been used.
In all the experiments the sample is first heated at 1123 K for 900 s and then cooled
to T,. It is then maintained at this temperature for a time which is sufficiently long to
reach a stable degree of atomic order and vacancy concentration and sufficiently short
to avoid precipitation of the equilibrium phases at T, (for temperatures T, 2 600 K this
time is about 60s; for T,<600K this time must increase when T, decreases; thus, for
T,x 370 K, a time of 1000s is necessary). Finally the sample is quenched in an ice-water
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

mixture (fig. 1). The measurements have been performed with a temperature rate I of
about 0.016 K s-'. It should be noted that the setting up of the sample takes about 200s
and it is done at 280K to prevent diffusion processes as much as possible.

3.1. Calorimetric results
Forward and reverse transformation temperatures are strongly affected by the
quench from T,.In fig. 2 the M , and Af temperatures are displayedjust after the quench.
M , is the temperature at which the forward transformation starts, and M , the final
temperature of the reverse transformation. The temperatures corresponding to the end
of the forward transformation and to the beginning of the reverse transformation are
M I and A, respectively. The reference state corresponds to the system air cooled from
Fig. 2



- 240


LOO 600 800 1000

M , (H) and A, (0)values measured just after quench from as functions of T,. These
temperatures are obtained to within f2 K.
224 A. Planes et al.

1123K. This heat treatment gives a configuration with a minimum number of defects
(Rapacioli and Ahlers 1979).In all the results presented, this treatment corresponds to
Tpw295 K. In fig. 3 the corresponding variations in Q with T, just after the quench are
shown. Q is obtained as
IQI''% (1)
where QB'M and Q B'' are released and absorbed heats measured during the forward
and reverse transformations respectively. It should be noted that Q is not the
transformation latent heat. Indeed, the absolute value of this quantity can be obtained
AH = TOAS, (2)
where To is the equilibrium temperature between the P-phase and the martensitic
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

phase, and A S is the absolute value of the transformation entropy change. AS is

obtained by numerical integration of dlQIp'M/Tbetween M , and M,or of dlQ)''B/T
between A, and A,. These two values are identical within the experimental errors. In the
same fig. 3, AH obtained using eqn. (2) has also been represented as a function of T,. To
has been evaluated as (Christian 1979)
T,=$M,+A,). (3)
If it is assumed that the energies associated with frictional work effects during the
P-+M and M+P transformations are identical (E,B+"zEY'f') for each T,, the
difference between AH and Q gives directly the reversible energy, including the elastic
strain energy and interfacial energy. This energy is stored during the P-+M
transformation and released during the M+ f3 transformation (Ortin and Planes 1988).
Just after the quench, AH and Q have the same kind of qualitative dependence on
as M, and A,. This is because within the experimental errors the measured A S is
independent of T,. A value of 1.31 +0.02J kmol-' has been obtained for AS.

Fig. 3

LOO 600 800 1000

T, I K )

Values of Q=KIQ18'"+IQIM'B)( 0 )and A H = To AS (m) obtained after quench from Tq as

functions of T,. To is taken to be equal to $(M,+Af). AS=1~31_+0.02Jkmol-',
independent of T,. Q and AH are known to within 1%.
Martensitic transformation in shape-memory Cu-Zn-Al 225

Fig. 4

a-2 5 0
350 E

330 '

Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

LOO 600 800 1000

T, ( K )

Values of M,(B), A, ( 0 ) .Q (A)and AH ( A ) after a quench and ageing (Gc 295 K; t, rz 50 ks).

The same measurements have been made after quenches followed by ageing at
room temperature (ageing temperature T,M295 K; ageing time t M50 ks). Figure 4 gives
M,, A,, AH and Q as functions of T, under these conditions. It should again be noted
that AS does not change during ageing and, within the experimental errors, has the
same value as before. In fig. 5 the reversible energy has been represented as a function of
T', d.irectlyafter a quench and after a quench plus ageing. The hysteresis loop giving the
volume fraction x of transformed martensite as a function of temperature can also be
obtained from calorimetric measurements (Planes, Macqueron and Ortin 1988). In
fig. 6 the hysteresis loops are presented for different temperatures T, directly after a
quench and after a quench plus ageing. The energy dissipated can be obtained from the
area of the cycle multiplied by AS (Planes et al. 1988). This quantity is shown in fig. 7.

Fig. 5

400 600 800 1000

T, (K)

Reversibleenergy (elasticstored strain energy plus interfacial energy) obtained as E, = AH - Q,as

a function of q:0 ,just after the quench; B, after the quench and ageing. The E , values
are obtained to within 30%.
226 A. Planes et al.

Fig. 6
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

Temperature IKI

Hysteresis cycles giving the transformed fraction as a function of temperature, obtained after
quenches from different 5: (-)just after the quench; (---)after the quench and ageing
at room temperature.

Fig. 7

400 603 800 low

Tq (K)

Frictional energy Ed dissipated by irreversible effects, obtained from the hysteresis area
multiplied by AS, as a function of T,: 0 ,just after quench from Tq; W, after the quench
and room temperature ageing. The values are given to within 10%.
Martensitic transformation in shape-memory Cu-Zn-A1 227

3.2. Acoustic emission results

Just after the quench from T,, the AE measured by the ring-down counting
technique during the forward and reverse martensitic transformations strongly
depends on the temperature T, (fig. 8(a)).The AE activity obtained after air cooling
from 1123 K and after quenching from 800 K can differ by two orders of magnitude.
After ageing at room temperature, the AE is close to that of the reference state for all
values of the quench temperature T, (see fig. 8 (b)). The AE measured in terms of the
number of events displays the same qualitative behaviour as a function of T, as that
measured by the ring-down counting technique. In fig. 9 the ratio of the number of ring-
down counts to the number of events has been calculated as a function of Tg. Just after
the quench, this value exhibits a maximum at around 800K for both forward (P-+M)
and reverse (M+B) transformations. After ageing,
- - this quantity appears to be almost
independent of T,.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

Fig. 8


w o
a LOO 600 800 1000
Tq ( K )

AE measured by the ring-down counting technique as a function of T, (a)just after the quench
from Tq and (b)after the quench and room-temperatureageing: M, AE generated during
the P-+M transformation; 0 , AE generated during the M+P transformation.
228 A. Planes et al.

Fig. 9
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

LOO 600 800 1000 1 KI

Tq ( K )


Ratio of the ring-down counts to the number of events of AE as a function of the temperature Tg
corresponding to (a) the forward B-+M transformation and (b) the reverse M-+P
transformation: A,just after the quench; 0 , after the quench and room-temperature

The present results show that the state of the P-phase quenched from temperatures
' between 300 and llOOK has a strong influence on the characteristics of the
Cu-Zn-A1 martensitic transformation. The quench introduces defects in the crystal
lattice at low temperatures. Two kinds of defect are considered in this work: non-
permanent defects and permanent defects. In the present case non-permanent defects
are those that can be eliminated by low-temperature ageing (T,<400K). For the
Cu-Zn-A1 alloy system, the quenched-in vacancies and the atomic disorder belong to
such a class (Ahlers 1986). The y-type precipitates (Ahlers 1986, Rapacioli,
Chandrasekaran and Lovey 1981) have to be classified as permanent defects.
It has been shown previously (Rapacioli and Ahlers 1979, Macqueron et al. 1988)
that the shift of the transformation temperatures (see fig. 2) and the corresponding shift
of the transformation enthalpy (see fig. 3) after quenches from Tg are associated only
Martensitic transformation in shape-memory Cu-Zn-A1 229

with changes in the atomic order state in the system. Quenching from different
temperatures induces changes in the DO, long-range ordered structure. However, the
B, long-range ordering remains almost unaffected.The greatest disordering is obtained
after quenches from Tp ranging between 500 and 600 K. In alloys with a low enough
T,(DO,) ( w 500 K) it seems that the Bz+D03 ordering transition can even be suppressed
by the quench (Planes, Romero and Ahlers 1989). However, for higher T,, reordering
takes place to a significant degree during the quench, owing to a larger vacancy
concentration in the system for temperatures above 600 K. This explains the decrease,
just after the quench, in the transition temperatures and enthalpy for Tg increasing up to
600 K and the. subsequent increase for T,>600 K.
We have also shown that the transformation entropy does not depend on Ts, at least
within the experimental uncertainties. This result can be explained by taking into
account the diffusionlesscharacter of the martensitic transformation, occurring with a
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negligible volume change. The transformation entropy is then given to a very good
approximation by the vibrational entropy change between the two phases, which is
little affected by ordering and vacancy concentration changes (Ahlers 1986).
For both transformations (forward and reverse),just after the quench the AE shows
a dependence on T, (see fig. 8). However, no appreciable change in the acoustic activity
has been observed for Tq< 600 K. This is the temperature region where the greatest
disordering effects are induced by the quench. It can then be concluded that the AE is
not sensitive to the ordering state in the P-phase. The time evolution of the AE during
ageing at room temperature suggests that the large changes in the AE just after the
quench are associated with the influence of quenched-in vacancies in the martensitic
Just after the quench, the AE is a maximum for Tg = 800 K. This result could be
because the vacancy concentration retained at lower temperatures is a maximum for
this intermediate value of Tp'Indeed similar results have been obtained in the case of the
Cu-Zn (Brown 1959) and Fe-Al (Rieux and Goux 1969) b.c.c. alloys. In our case it
should be noted that T,w 800 K is -a temperature close to the critical orderdisorder
temperature T,(B,). A possible explanation could then be that vacancy formation
energy is smaller for the B, ordered alloy than for the disordered alloy. Although no
experimental results exist to support this hypothesis in the case of the Cu-Zn-A1 alloy,
no change in this quantity has been reported for the Cu-Zn-alloy (Mackenzie, Schultz
and Jackman 1980).A second explanation could be based on the existence of small-size
antiphase domains in the system when it is quenched from Tg> T,(B,). The vacancies
could therefore be pinned in the boundaries of these domains. The number of pinned
vacancies will also depend on the quenching rate temperature. For T,c T,(B,) these
domains have very large sizes and do not seem to play any relevant role in relation to
the properties of the system. Following this hypothesis it can be assumed that the AE is
sensitive only to vacancies that are mobile in the system and interact with P M
interfaces during the growth or shrinkage of martensitic domains, generating
mechanical waves resulting in AE. It is interesting to note that, from this explanation,
the largest reordering should take place during quenching from 800K. This result is
consistent with the relative maxima observed just after quenches from about 800 K on
the curves giving the transformation temperatures as a function of T,.
During the room-temperature ageing that follows the quench from T,, the transition
temperatures, enthalpy and AE show a time evolution towards their values
corresponding to the reference state (sample air cooled from 1123K). This result
corroborates, as is well known for the class of alloys considered here (Koczak, Herman
230 A. Planes et al.

and Damask 1971),the fact that the vacancy excess and the quenched-in disorder can
be eliminated by low-temperature ageing. After an ageing process of 24 h, the different
measured quantities (temperature, enthalpy and AE) display, as a function of Tq,a
qualitative behaviour similar to that shown just after quenching. The relative
maximum displayed by the transition temperatures and enthalpy around Tg z 800 K
remains, but at a slightly lower temperature (T'z 700 K). This can be explained by
taking into account that the probability for the appearance of y-type precipitates is a
maximum for quenches from T,z800K (Rapacioli et al. 1981). It can therefore be
concluded that the growth of these precipitates during ageing could slow down or even
invert the evolution of the transformation temperature. This is supported by
experimental results indicating that an increase in y-precipitates tends to lower the
transformation temperature (Rapacioli, Guknin and Macqueron 1986).
Just after the quench the reversible elastic energy, as a function of T,, shows a
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

behaviour opposite to that exhibited by the transformation temperatures. Within the

experimental error, no change with T, is observed after the ageing. It is known that the
shear elastic constant C' increases with increasing DO, disorder (Planes, GuCnin and
Macqueron 1985, Suzuki, Fujii, Kojima and Nagasawa 1986) and therefore has the
opposite behaviour to that corresponding to the transformation temperature. The
increase in C is very weak and can hardly explain the increase in the stored elastic
strain energy (part of the reversible energy). No definitive explanation is proposed for
this result at the moment.
The energy dissipated by irreversibleeffects exhibits also a maximum for quenches
from 800K. In contrast with the other quantities analysed, this behaviour is not
cancelled by the ageing. It must therefore be attributed to permanent effects associated
with y-type precipitates which are able to produce a frictional force on the interfaces
during the growth and shrinkage of the martensitic domains.
As has been shown, free vacancies affect the AE activity during the forward and
reverse transformation. This influence is observed by using both the ring-down
counting and the event number techniques. For aged samples the AE is always more
intense during the reverse transformation than during the forward transformation (see
fig. 8(b)). This is the usual result reported in the literature for the martensitic
transformation of Cu-Zn-A1 alloys (Esmail and Grabec 1986). However, this
behaviour is inverted just after the quench from temperatures in the range where the AE
activity is a maximum ( q z 8 0 0 K ) . Just after the quench, the ratio of the ring-down
counts N to the number N, of events depends on Tg (fig. 9). This ratio is the same for the
forward and reverse transformations. We note that this quantity is related to the mean
amplitude of AE signals (Pollock 1973, Maiiosa, Planes and Cesari 1989a),through the
a f - '(NIN,) = (h(AIA*)), (4)
where A is the amplitude of a signal and A* is the minimum measured signal amplitude
(threshold 1evel);fis the resonant frequency of the transducer used and a its damping
coefficient.These results lead to the conclusion that the increase in AE activity with
increasing free vacancy concentration is due to an increase in the number of events and
also in their mean amplitude. Given that the ratio N/Ncis the same for both forward
and reverse transformations, it follows that the mean amplitude of events should be
approximately the same in both cases. Therefore the AE differences between forward
and reverse transformations are mainly associated with differencesin the number of AE
events. Following these results, two mechanisms can be considered responsible for the
Martensitic transformation in shape-memory Cu-Zn-A1 23 1

AE generated during the transformation: a contribution coming from the displacive

character of the transition (homogeneousshear) (Maiiosa, Planes, Rouby, Fleischmann
and Macqueron 1989b) and a contribution associated with defect-interface
interactions. This last contribution dominates the characteristics of the AE just after
quenches from temperatures Tg higher than 600K. Further work is necessary to
understand properly the precise role of such a contribution.

The forward and reverse transformation behaviour of a Cu-Zn-A1 alloy has been
studied after quenches from temperatures between 300 and 1100K. Its thermodynamic
properties and the AE have been carefully measured simultaneously in a specially
designed experimental system. Thermal and acoustic properties give complementary
information about quenching effects on the martensitic transformation. On the one
hand, it has been shown that the temperature and enthalpy of the transformation are
Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:42 18 June 2015

influenced by quenched-in atomic disorder. On the other hand, the AE is mainly

sensitive to quenched-in free vacancies. These effects are not permanent and can be
eliminated by ageing at room temperature. A permanent effect, revealed by the
behaviour of the frictional energy as a function of T,has been explained by the presence
of y-type precipitates in the system. The information given by the AE is essentially
qualitative; however, more quantitative information should be possible on the basis of
a microscopic model explaining the exact mechanism responsible for the AE.

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