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Organizing infomation
1. The whale shark is longer and heavier than the tiger shark
2. The whale shark is light blue and the tiger shark is dark blue
3. The whale shark has white dots and the tiger shark has black stripes
4. The tiger shark has teeth but the whale shark doesn’t
5. Both sharks have a fins and tail

1. The tiger shark
2. The whale shark
3. The tiger shark
4. The whale shark
5. The tiger shark
6. The tiger shark
7. Because there has been 119 people attacked by tiger shark since 2009 whlie whale shark
hasn’t record of attacks

Grammar for writing
1. The tiger shark doesn’t hurt in fresh water
S V pp
2. However, the whale shark isn’t agressive
Linker S V O

3. The tiger shark has markings on its skin

S V O prep phr
4. The whale shark has a large mouth and eats plankton

2.1 - Line 1 has two sentence with the same subject

- Line 2 has repeated phrase the tiger shark

- Line 3 has no repetition

2.2 - and : used in positive sentence

- or : used in negative sentence


1. The whale shark is light blue and it has dots on its body

2.The tiger shark is dark blue and it has a stripe pattern on its body

3. The tiger shark eats large sea creatures and it is dangerous to humans

4. The whale shark is not agressive or dangerous to swim with

5. The tiger shark is not an endangered species or a protected species

6.The whale shark is an endangerd species and protected from fishing


1-2: The whale shark is light blue and it has dots on its body, whereas the tiger shark is dark blue and it
has a stripe pattern on its body

3-4: The tiger shark eats large sea creatures and it is dangerous to humans whereas the whale shark is
not agressive or dangerous to swim with

5-6: The tiger shark is not endangered species or a protected species or a protected species whereas the
whale shark is an endangered species and protected species


1. Both red squirrels and grey squirrels have long tails

2. Neither red squirrels nor grey squirrels live on the Isle of Man

3. Neither red squirrels nor grey squirrels are meat-eaters

4. Neither red squirrels nor grey squirrels are an endangered species

5.Both red squirels and grey squirrels live in forests

Academic writing skills

1.1 However, the whale shark has to be protected in countries in Asian like Taiwan and the Philippines
because it is so slow and easy to catch.
1.2 The whale shark is a large, slow-moving fish with wide fins, a long taol and a huge mouth.
1.3 This gentle giant is not dangerous to humans and divers can swim with it, touch it and even ride on
its back fin.
1.4 It does this by ram feeding which means it swims fast to force water and animals into its mouth.
1.5 It uses this mouth to eat very small plants and aniimals like krill plankton and algae.

The whale shark is a large, slow-moving fish with wide fins, a long tail and a huge mouth. It uses
this mouth to eat very small plants and animals like krill plankton and algae. It does this by ram feeding
which means it swim fast to force water and animals into its mouth.This gentel giant is not dangerous to
humans and divers can swim with it, touch it and even ride on its back fin. However, the whale shark has
to be protected in countries in asia like taiwan and the philippines because it is so slow and easy to catch.

Writing task
The diagram gives information about two kinds of large tropical shark, the whale shark and the tiger

The sharks have a number of difference in terms of size, shape and colour. The whale shark is light blue
and it has dots on its body, whereas the tiger shark is dark blue and it has a stripe pattern on its body.
Look at the diagram, we can see that the whale shark is 10 meters length and 9 tonnes weight, whereas
the tiger is 4 meters length and 500kg weight. So, the whale shark is longer and heavier than the tiger one.

The sharks are also different in terms of diet, behaviour and conservation status. The whale shark eats
animals like plankton, krill and very small animals other and it is endangered, whereas the tiger shark eats
tuna, dolphins, turtles and it hasn’t currently been at risk of extiction. The whale shark is not dangerous
because there has been no recorded attacks whereas the tiger shark is very dangerous because there has
been 119 people attacked by tiger shark.

Overall, it is clear that the whale shark is a much larger animal, but it is a gentle giant, whereas the
smaller tiger shark is much more dangerous.

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