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Weddings are very important in my country.

They are vital social events which join two families

together to celebrate the new marriage. In this essay, I will describe the law concerning
marriage where I live, outline the customs and traditions of a typicsl wedding and show how
wedding have changed in recent years.

According to custom, the wedding of the Tay people is held in two days, the bride's family
organizes it first. Along with that, all expenses for organizing the wedding of the bride's family
will be taken care of by the groom's family, from cash to the tray... That means expressing
gratitude and wanting to repay a part of the merit. upbringing of the girl's parents. The gifts
prepared by the groom's family must be brought to the bride's house 1 or 2 days in advance to
have time to prepare the tray to invite brothers, relatives, neighbors, etc. The wedding
reception will take place at noon on the wedding day official. The Tay ethnic group's wedding
ceremony is not simply a marriage ceremony, but also a national morality, educating husband
and wife in family, clan, and kinship relationships.

In the past Vietnamese marriages were arranged through matrimonial agents who brought the
two families together and arranged the question of the wedding portion. Interestingly, the
woman did not bring any marriage portion, and it was the groom who paid for the wedding
presents, brought to the common lot his fortune of rice fields and cattle, and often had to pay
money to the wife’s family. In return, his compensation was comparatively small: a tobacco jar,
for example, a box for betel nuts, or a cigarette case. The wedding ceremony was quite simple:
The future husband and wife met, mutually offered themselves to each other, and chewed
betel nut together.

These days, there’s been some small changes in tradition of Vietnamese wedding. It is now not
only the man ask the woman to marry him but the woman also ask her man to marry her. The
place where people celebrate is more interesting, that is on the beach, church, restaurant,...
Nowadays, the couple tend to pay for wedding themselves but still expect both families to help
them pay for the reception. The couple’s children can now take their parents’s surname unlike
in the past just only their father’s.

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