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Republic of the Philippines

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of
BS. Aquino Ave. Bagong Nayon, Baliwag, Bulacan

Semi Detailed Lesson

Plan in Grade 9

November 9, 2022
I. Objective

MELC: Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations

Unpacked Objective: Use the different communicative styles for various situations.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Quarter 1- Employing the Appropriate Communicative Styles for Various Situations
B. Material: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, and visual devices
C. Source:
Q1 Grade 9 SLM 3
D. Integration: Values, MAPEH, and AP
E. Strategies: Deductive method, Games, Role-Playing, Dialogue Making, Video Clips Presentation

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities/daily routine

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management (Checking of Attendance and Reminders for Safety Protocols)
B. Tasks

Task 1: Review of the Past Lesson

Ask the learners if they still remember the previous lesson on conditional

sentence. Present sample sentences in the board. Have them distinguish

the type of conditional sentence used in each. Tell them that in writing

sentences, there are various style also and they will find out more about it

as we go on to our discussion.

1. If we care for our environment, it will grow in abundance.

2. My dearest honey, if I had known that your parents were coming, I

would have prepared a delicious meal.

Task 2: Motivation

Have learners be divided into 2 groups. The groupings would be per row that is why
there’s no need for the students to stand up and be close together, we remind them to follow
the health protocols.
There would be 2 groups. Choose one representative from your group. The representatives
are the only ones who are allowed to go in front and put the rope around the missing word
that you have found. The groupmates can help the representative by telling him/her where
the missing words are located.

The title of our game is “Find my name, for you to claim.” It is a word game and you

need to find the following words.

Intimate Frozen

Casual Formal Consultative


Task 3: Discussion

Ask the learners if they enjoyed the game and remind them about the missing words because they
have something to do in the lesson. Discuss the different communicative styles accompanied by
examples for each style.

Have them view a PowerPoint presentation. Discuss with them the following:
Ask them first what communicative style is?
Tell them that Communicative style refers to a specific form of language that a speaker utilizes which
is characterized by a certain level of formality or informality. Inform them also that it has 5 styles.
Discuss with them each style accompanied by its example each.

1. Intimate style is private and practiced in dialogs between very close individuals leading to a high
chance of nonverbal communication. It is also personal.

Therefore, intimate communicative style focused on the conversation between best friends, close
friends, couple, and family.


1. Boyfriend: Take care always, my love! I’ll miss you!

Girlfriend: Yes love, I will miss you too! See you soonest! Mwah! (With a flying kiss)
Have them see, a couple having a conversation. Ask them about the pictures, tell them that there’s an
intimacy between them because of familiarity and they know each other well. Nonverbal communication
is usually applied too in this kind of style.

Present them a video clip that shows an intimate communicative style.

Have them process what have they noticed in the video and explain the reason why it became an
intimate style.

Show them the next slide and discuss it to them.

2. Casual Style- is relax and unconcerned conversation between friends/peers or people from the same
group. Just like in Intimate Style, it is an informal style of communication too because the focused of this
style is conversation with friends and people from the same group.

It is also formed of slang, vulgarities and colloquialism.


Friend 1: What’s up fam?

Friend 2: Im doin’ alright, just chillin’ as always.

Present them another video clip about the casual communicative style.

Ask the students why it became a casual communicative style.

Show them the next slide and discuss it to them.

3. Frozen - is generally used in very formal setting and it has fixed language.

1. A passage in the context of a wedding ceremony like:

eg. “Bernard, do you accept Carmela as your lawful wife: do you promise to love her, to comfort
her, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?”
2. Line from a well-known Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet.

eg. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
The Romeo and Juliet end of a long scene in which she and Romeo confess their love for each other
before parting, from the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet.

Flash another slide and discuss it

4. Consultative - is used in semi-formal communication. In this style, this is generally unplanned because
the speaker considers and uses the feedback of the listeners. The focus of this style is the feedback and
the participation of the listeners. The sentences are longer if you would compare it to other
communicative styles.

Examples: The examples can be doctor-patient consultation, teacher-parent consultation, lawyer-client,

and so on.
Have them watch another video clip that shows a consultative communicative style.

Have learners explain the situation in the video clip.

Show them the next slide and discuss it to them.

5. Formal - is a straightforward speech. It is used in speaking to large groups. This style is often used
in the following formal situations where there is only one way communication.

Examples: Speeches, graduation ceremony, a television newscast, giving announcements, used for
academic and business writing, research paper presentation, thesis defense.

Have them watch another video clip that shows a formal style

Have the learners develop their critical thinking by giving 1 situation about formal communicative

Task 4: Activity

Have learners conduct a short role-playing. The game is entitled “Pick & Act.”

Directions: Each group will pick 1 small boxes from the mystery chest. Every small box contains
situations that present communicative styles and that’s what they are going to act. Choose 2
representatives from each group only because the health protocols must be followed. Tell the students
to still maintain social distancing while doing the role-play, the group who will not follow will be
C. Application

Use any of the given communicative styles applicable to real life scenarios below. Choose one and
create a one or two sentence dialogue.

1. Patient consulting a doctor.

2. A meet-up with barkadas.

3. A loving couple on their anniversary.

4. Speaker discussing important heath protocols.

5. A fixed statement of an important ceremony.

D. Generalization
Directions: Identify the communicative style described in the following sentences, whether frozen, formal,
consultative, casual, or intimate. Write the answers on the blacks before each number.

______1. This is an informal speech style as it is common among the peers or friends.
_____2. This is a casual speech style as it is use among people of close relation between
family and friends.
_____3. This speech style uses listener participation and feedback.
__ ___4. This speech style uses formal words and expressions.
_ _ ___5. This speech style is also known as fixed speech.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Use the appropriate communicative style in the ff. situations. Match the column A with the
column B. Write only the letter of your answer.

1. A father talks to his son. a. Hey Tina! What’s up?

2. A patient tells the doctor his medical b. How are you, my boy?

__3. A guest speaker delivering his speech. c. I have been diagnosed with

__4. Student government creates a wedding hypertension and diabetes

booth every time there’s an d. John, do you accept Marie

event to their school booth every time as your lawful wife.

there’s an event to their school. e. And that ends my speech, thank you

__5. A friend talking to each other so much for having me here. It’s such an honor.
_____6. Brother tells sister that they’re leaving. f . Hey! come on, let’s go!

_____7. A friend calms another friend who’s feeling g . Don’t worry, everything will be alright fam.


_____8. A teacher gives activity to students h. Alright class, accomplish activity 1 in

your notebook.

_____9. A stranger asks a man to tell him the time. i . Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?

_____10. A student asks to talk to his teacher. j . Can I talk to you during your free time, ma’am?

V. Assignment

Give one example of each communicative styles.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Master Teacher 1

Approved by:


Head Teacher V

Noted by:


Principal IV

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