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Department of International Business

University of Dhaka
Master of International Trade and Business (MITB)
Semester 1 2022
MIB-408: Intellectual Property Rights in International Trade and Business
Course Outline

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and
images used in commerce. Intellectual property rights (IPR) are legal rights aimed at protecting the creations of the
intellect, such as inventions, the appearance of products, literary, artistic and scientific works and signs, among others.
The main objective of this course is to give the student an understanding of key matters relating to intellectual property
and intellectual property rights. The student will learn issues relating to various intellectual property issues. The student
will also be introduced to modern and current legal principles of intellectual property laws.

Course Teacher: Professor Abu Hena Reza Hasan. Department of International Business, University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
Email: Mobile: +8801711788638

Books and Readings:

1. World Intellectual Property Organization (2008). WIPO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY HANDBOOK. WIPO
Publication. No. 489 & other WIPO publications.
2. Deborah E Bouchoux (2015). Intellectual Property – The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade
Secrets (4/e), Cengage Learning.
3. Related Agreements of World Trade Organization (WTO)

Understanding Basic concept of Intellectual Property; Characteristics and Nature of Intellectual

Intellectual Property Property right; Justifications for protection of IP. IPR and Economic Development,

WTO Agreement: Background; Principles; Detail discussion of TRIPS Articles.

Intellectual Property Understanding IP governance in Bangladesh – Laws, rules and procedures related to
Administration in IP in Bangladesh.
Copyright Meaning, Subject matter, Original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works,
cinematograph films, sound recordings; Ownership of copyright; Term of copyright;
Rights of owner - Economic Rights and Moral Rights; Assignment and license
(including basic concept of statutory and compulsory license) of rights; Performers
rights and Broadcasters rights; Infringement of copyright
Patents Meaning; Criteria for obtaining patents – Novelty, Inventive step, Utility; Non
patentable inventions; Procedure for registration; Term of patent; Rights of patentee;
Basic concept of Compulsory license and Government use of patent; Infringement of
patents and remedies in case of infringement
Trade Marks Meaning of mark, trademark; Categories of Trademark: Certification Mark, Collective
Mark and Well known Mark and; Non-conventional Marks; Concept of
distinctiveness; Absolute and relative grounds of refusal; Doctrine of honest
concurrent user; Procedure for registration and Term of protection; Assignment and
licensing of marks; Infringement and Passing Off
Designs, GI and other Designs - Meaning design protection, Concept of original design, Term of protection;
forms of IP Geographical Indication - Meaning of GI, Difference between GI and Trade Marks,
Concept of Authorized user, Homonymous GI, Trade secret/ Layout Design Protection
– meaning, Procedure for registration, effect of registration and term of protection;
Plant Variety Protection and Farmer’s Right – Meaning, Criteria of protection
Example and Case Discussion on some example and case studies related to application of IP in business,
Studies economic development and social welfare. Role of IP in Fourth Industrial Revolution
(4IR) .
Valuing Intellectual Valuing Intellectual Property Assets: Concept of value; IP valuation basics; Income
Property method; Market method; Cost method; Preparing for a valuation.
Other Relevant Legal Major International Instruments relating to the protection of IP - Paris Convention,
References 1883, the Berne Convention, 1886, the Universal Copyright Convention, 1952, the
WIPO Convention, 1967,the Patent Co-operation Treaty, 1970, the TRIPS Agreement,

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