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14001:2015 STANDARD

Company Name: Sama Makkah Plastic Products

Address: PO Box 33146, Jeddah 21448, Saudi Arabia

Date: 11/26/2018

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Ministry of commerce and investment certificate 4030146209,
Baladiya Registration# 1100068280
Gosi# 500501944


Organization must determine:
(§4.1, §4.2) Understanding the organization and its context. Understanding the needs and
expectations of Interested Parties
Interested parties identified:
1-Shareholders/ owners-minimization of risk and losses / including penalties
2-Ministry of Commerce and Local government- Clean environment, as the State sustainable
development component. Compliance with national laws and international standards
3-Society- Absence of negative impact on human health and the environment
4- Employees-Minimizing negative impact on health
5-Clients- Absence of negative impact of products or services on the customers’ health.
6-Emergy services-Fire Safety provides for fire water run-off etc.

(§4.3) Scope
“Manufacturer Of Blank And Printed Plastic Bags And Recycled Plastic Granules”
Seen on its legal documents and EMS system files. All of its activities, legal consideration and interested
parties concerns are considered while determine its scope.

(§4.4) Environmental Management System (Processes)

Procedures, work instruction and supportive process are established.
Energy use, hazardous substances, resource use and associated waste and water discharges are planned.
The Top management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to the
environmental management system:
(§5.1) Leadership and commitment

 The environmental policy and environmental objectives are established and compatible with the
strategic direction and context of the organization
 The integration of the environmental management system requirements into the organization’s
business processes
 The resources needed for the environmental management system are available

(§5.2) Policy
They conduct their operations in a way that is protective of the environment and maintain an
environmental management system that will serve as a framework to achieve the following  goals:
Regulatory Compliance: We will identify. Evaluate and comply with all applicable environmental laws
and environmental requirements of our customers as well as industry standards as applicable.

Prevention of pollution- We will seek first, to oust-effectively avoid the creation of pollution and

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waste from our operations, and second. to manage remaining waste through sale and responsible
methods. We will strive to reduce the company’s carbon footprint

Conservation- We will strive to diminish our consumption oi natural resources. using sustainable
resources where possible. we roll strive to improve our environmental performance.

(§5.3) Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

Staff is made aware of his/her specific environmental responsibilities via the Structure and
Responsibilities SAMA-ORG-C.
The personnel is covered by the job descriptions for all of them. Management representative is Mr.
Ahmad Amri

(§6.1.1) General (When planning for the environmental management system, the organization
shall consider: the issues referred to in 4.1; the requirements referred to in 4.2; the scope of its
environmental management system; and determine the risks and opportunities

(§6.1.2) Environmental Aspects

SAMA established procedure for identification risk and opportunity Procedure PD 6.1, Aspects are-
Material Specification, Wastewater Discharge and Treatment Facilities , Transportation, Waste
Collection, Handling and Disposal, Energy consumption etc.

 Sample- process- operation of equipment-Aspects- Dust Generations/ Air Emissions/Use of Raw

materials -Impact- Degradation of Air Quality/ Degradation of Air Quality/ Use of Natural
 Machinery/Equipment selection-impact-Resource usage/ electricity usage- controls- Proper
maintenance/calibration plan.
 Handling and disposal of waste-Impact Land fill- control- wastage plan.

(§6.1.3) Compliance obligations

SAMA has produced and is maintaining a Register of Environmental Regulations, which
identifies Saudi legal requirements relevant to its activities, its rules, international legislation and
other requirements. Register of Environmental Regulations contains the following information:
• Environmental regulators
• Applicable environmental legislation (including industry codes of practice and non-statutory
guidelines) and any likely future changes
• Relevant operational environmental regulatory compliance requirements for each aspect of
onshore and offshore oil and gas operations regulated
• Guidance as to how to apply for necessary environmental consents.

(§6.1.4) Planning action

The List identifies the significant environmental aspects and the Company has planned to adhere to,
addressing the risks through the development of Standard Operating Guidelines, update and process

(§6.2) Environmental objectives (measurable where possible) / Planning actions

SAMA objectives are documented on SMP-EMS objectives.

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 Reduce electricity use by 10%   Target date  Sept 2020
 Zero permit limit violations by Sept 2020
 Train 100% of employees to improve employee awareness of environmental issues by end
of year etc.

The organization should determine the necessary resources for establishing, implementing,
maintaining and improving the environmental management system:
(§7.1) Resources
Equipment’s, personals are adequate. The working environment was seen to be suitable Lighting system
and heating system were provided to enable the employees to work in a comfortable and healthy
(§7.2) Competence
Personal had been appointed as environmental and quality responsible by General Manager, and the
jobs had been defined in the job descriptions.

(§7.3) Awareness

All personnel in Organization are trained initially for concept of ISO 14001 Environmental
Management System through awareness programmes conducted for different levels by external

(§7.4) Communication (Internal and External)

the method and means of communication, both internal and external, to implement and maintain the EMS
Management system. The communication is mainly related to the environmental aspects and
environmental management system.
 Examples of internal communications include: Communicating environmental objectives and
targets to employees.
 Raising awareness of environmental issues to employees.
 Communicating the environmental policy to employees. Etc.

(§7.5) Documented information

PD-7.5 is established for the control of documents.
Following documents are established-
• EMS Manual.(SAMA-EMS-Rev0 12/10/2019)
• EMS Plan, EMP / Objectives And Targets
• Applicable Standards (External)
• Formats, Work Instructions / Standard Operating Procedure • EMS Audit Program.(F-EMS-9.2)
• Customer, Legal And Interested Party Specification, And Documents Of External Origin. Etc.

The SOPs / communication of relevant legal and other regulatory EMS requirements communicated to the
suppliers, buyers and contractors to enable them control of identified environmental aspects and impacts.,
machinery and other sources from the point of pollutant release in water of air maintained as per laid down
procedures in order to reduce / control or prevent environmental impacts. During the Manufacturing of Bags
from Film Rolls. There is a consistent procedure to Check the bags for its size and sealing, The bags Checked

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for sealing are torn out , so it cannot be packed for customer, These torn bags becomes Scrap/
Therefore All the scrapped bags are collected by each machine operator during his working hours in a Bag. 
End of the Shift, these bags from each machine Collected and packed into Jumbo Bag. This Jumbo bag is
shifted to Waste/Scrap materials area. We sell these scraps filled jumbo bags to the Plastics Recycling
Company end of each month. Safety inspection report not documented (MnNC)

§8.2) Emergency and preparedness

PD_8.2 emergency preparedness procedure established and maintain to identify potential foreseeable
accidents / emergency situation to prevent and control, mitigation of Environment associated impacts and to
test effectiveness / review / revise such procedures periodically.
Potential Emergency-Fire-Area- Production area, Utilities area, Maintenance area, Generator and despatch
Godown and storage area.
Keep fire extinguishers well maintained.
To ensure that training regarding use of fire fighting equipment to concerned employee / security guards are

§ 9 Performance evaluation
(§9.1) Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
To establish and maintain documented procedures to:
Monitor and measure documented programmes through documented EMP on operation and other activities
that can have significant environmental impacts.
To ensure calibration of sensitive monitoring equipment and maintain records in order to ensure functioning of
the system.( Eqp Name: MEETER TAP- Location- 8004-10-6"-02 - Calibration date:12/8/2019
Due date:12/7/2020 Calibration done by in house calibration Mr. Ahmad Amri .)

Periodically ensure, evaluate compliance with respect to applicable EMS regulation and take appropriate
action.(legal validity of certificates are checked)
EMS performance of Company activities are monitored on annual basis and identify opportunities for
improvement (Aspects, impacts, objectives are reviewed)
(§9.1.2) Evaluation of compliance
Company registration file checked and document is valid.
Chamber of Commerce & Industry- 4030146209
Baladiya Registration- 1100068280
Civil Defense Registration- 376-000055
GOSI- 500501944
(§9.2) Internal Audit
Last internal audit on 12/15/2019 as per the procedure internal audit PD-9.2. to check to check whether the
Environmental Management System are as effective and efficient as it should be and whether any changes
are needed. Audited by Mr.Abd El- Monem Nassim(General Manager)
(§9.3) Management Review
Last MRM carried out on 12/19/2019 according to PD-9.3 management review procedure to ensure the
continuing suitability and effectiveness of the System in satisfying; The objectives and policy of the company.,
Customer and interested parties expectations and needs; and Requirements of ISO 14001. management
review participants were: Mr. Abd El- Monem Nassim (General Manager)
Mr. (), Alla Fahim(Sales Manager)
§ 10 Improvement
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
Document accidents including nearly missed accidents as well as incidents and any types of non–

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conformance, deviations in documented in EMP, Environmental Policy, Regulatory requirements, actions
identified based on Management Review meeting and Environmental Manual. During any operation persons
performing the task or the job done is identified the Non-Conformance and should report to the concerned
Functional Heads.

10.3 Continual improvement

Environmental objective planning and risk based thinking are used as the continual
improvement tool for the EMS system.

PROJECT SITE AUDIT (write details of the site visited, and what was reviewed/observed):

Legal document.

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