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Volume 8/Number 9/September 1977

bad as the Mediterranean unless action was taken to Mediterranean

reduce the estimated 11.25m tons of industrial waste and
The first workshop meeting of Mediterranean nations to
10m tons of sewage going into the sea off the Northumber-
set about tackling their shared sea pollution problem
land, Durham and Yorkshire coasts. Samples of fish and
reached agreement on a code of practice to be applied by
seawater in the area are regularly taken by Ministry of
each state over the next three years.
Agriculture and Fisheries scientists and a spokesman said
Sixteen countries were represented at the meeting with
that if serious evidence of pollution damage was found,
only Albania and Syria absent. The workshop follows
dumping would be curtailed.
last year's signing of the Barcelona agreement which set
out an overall anti-pollution convention, and protocols
on dumping chemicals and a coordinated action plan for
USSR dealing with oil spills.
Soviet scientists have begun experiments to discover
whether it will be possible to breed whales in captivity. Straits of Malacca
They are currently attempting to domesticate a small
school of baleen whales in the Okhotsk Sea. Commercial Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia have signed an
hunting of this species was halted when the danger of their agreement to coordinate an anti-pollution policy in the
becoming extinct was imminent and total stocks in the Straits and methods of coping with pollution incidents.
Okhotsk Sea is thought to be about 1500. The tripartite agreement also includes guidelines
concerning navigation for the Straits of Malacca and
A national testing programme to assess the level of sea Maldive Islands
pollution off French bathing beaches has resulted in 25 The government of this chain of coral atolls in the Indian
being given a D grading indicating that they have water of Ocean--650km south west of Sri Lanka--has introduced
'insufficient quality' and are considered permanently a law banning underwater hunting and controlling
unsafe for swimming. catches of turtles and tortoises.
The beaches are in areas near Boulogne, Dieppe, St. The use of spear guns, spears and explosives for fishing
Malo, Brest and Antibes in the South of France. Almost has been completely prohibited and a ban has been put on
100 other beaches have been given a C grading indicating catching tortoises smaller than 61cm and turtles of less
that they are temporarily unsafe. Included in this than 76cm in any part of the Maldives.
category are beaches around Calais and Boulogne,
twenty areas in Brittany and nearly 30 between Menton
and Marseilles.
On the most seriously affected beaches a violet warning With 340 oil-producing wells lying offshore, the govern-
flag will be flown to warn bathers and at a number of the ment of Trinidad and Tobago is drawing up an oil spill
temporarily unsafe beaches on the Mediterranean, local contingency plan that will set down the minimum
authorities will issue daily bulletins giving a detailed equipment and dispersants which should be held by
analysis of bacterial levels. operating companies.


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