2nd. PrepFinal Revision-A.L

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AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Final Revision
2nd. Prep.

Modules 2,1,3 and 4

Comprehension, Dialogue and Composition are unseen

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Choose the correct answer:
1. Mr. Stevenson’s business went………………… and closed down last year.
a- motivated b- good c- bankrupt d.-well
2- Nokia is a very big……………………... worldwide.
a- collaboration b- conspiracy c- corporation d- cooperation
3- The lawyer was able to prove to the court that his ………………... was innocent.
a- student b- client c- patient d- finance
4- The chief complained that the kitchen space was very…………………. .
a- large b- limited c- anxious d- old
5- I always seek job satisfaction more than……………… reward.
a- final b- fictional c- financial d- phenomenal
6- How can I gain…………... to tis website?
a- axis b- access c- acid d- accessory
7- I had to leave my job and my wife’s salary is little, I wonder how we are going
to make……………………….meet.
a- starts b- poles c- ends d- things
8- There are possible job………………due to the economic crisis.
a- breaks b- intervals c- cuts d- injuries
9- Dad told me that when choosing a job, colleagues are more important than
a- prospects b- benefits c- characters d- heroes
11-We will ………………………….the contract during our meeting tomorrow.
a- ruin b- negotiate c- help d- play
11- James has a very good ……………………as a human rights lawyer. Everybody
respects him.
a. reputation b. relationship c. motivation d. challenge
11- It was difficult for Emily to……………………. to her new surroundings when she
first came to the city.
a. require b. apply c. adapt d. deliver
11- Attending a summer school in Paris is an amazing ………………...for you to learn
a. diversity b. opportunity c. inspiration d. innovation
11- Becoming a / an ………………………means to work for a company and learn the
skills needed for a job.
a. appendix b. apprentice c. trader d. sponsor

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11- They have a…………………of the work to show it to their new employers.
a. flyer b. portfolio c. picture d. part
11- As long as the producer and consumer benefit, it is a win …………situation.
a. earn b. gain c. win d. pay
17- A…………………... is a leaflet often for advertising.
a- filler b- flyer c- pilot d- founder
18- I don’t have the information ……………………hand but I can look it up.
a. in b. on c. at d. by
19- He learned his……………………as a carpentry apprentice.
a. trade b. commerce c. purchase d. bargain
11- you deserve that job because you are really ……………………… for it.
a- quality b- qualities c- qualified d- quiet
11- The pollution has already turned vast areas into a -------------------------- .
a- wasteland b- western c- nice land d- wasting
11- The prize is a cheap --------------, worth far less than the money you paid for it.
a- twinkle b- trick c- trinket d- rink
11- Ted gets bored easily at work because he has to do a lot of………………... tasks.
a. non-existent b. appealing c. gifted d. mindless
11- I have been………………………… Pilates every day lately.
a. going b. doing c. playing d. joining
11- I haven’t got a(n)……………………. how I’m going to solve this problem.
a. clue b. honour c. proof d. effort
11- Mike wasn’t looking where he was going and ………………….the street sign.
a. turned out b. bumped into c. jotted down d. showed up
17- I didn’t want to join the golf club, but my friends………………………... .
a. insisted b. convinced c. defeated d. got along
18- I think Diane is suffering from………………... . Do you know how many hours she
works a day?
a. endurance b. adjustment c. evidence d. exhaustion
19- I hired an interior designer to…………... my old living room into a bedroom.
a. move b. transform c. make d. put
11- Give Sally my ……………... when you see her and tell her to give me a call.
a. help b. calendar c. regards d. compass
31- We did not know if our science teacher would show ………….at the school fair.
a- up b- away c- of d- at
32- We managed to finish our work in a blink of …………….
a- a hand b- an eye c- a leg d- an ear

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

33- …………….tend to be small and lightweight.

a- Teachers b- Doctors c- Jockeys d- Fighters
34- In Spain, people get injured and even die while trying to …………. the bulls.
a- outrun b- walk c- feed d- eat
35- Don’t forget to drop ……………. when you attend the meeting.
a- a bag b- a line c- a book d- a pen
36- The early 22 . century was the …………………… of the steam locomotive.
a- heyday b- highlight c- mainstay d- timetable
33- We were in a hurry, so everything was arranged on the …………… .
a- job b-ladder c- loose d- hoof
33- My father teaches in a school for……………. Students.
a- private b- delicious c- gifted d- nervous
33- Arabian stallions and English mares are…………………….
a- thorough bred b- highly cultured c- well behaved d- half priced
42- ……………………………. is the art of riding horses.
a- Questionnaire b- Equestrianism c- Extremism d- Imperialism
41- This food is ………………….what we got in the cafeteria.
a- a far cry from b- a far cry of c- a far cry at d - a far cry to
11- It was a great evening with friends! Red lobster, and ……………………shopping.
Love you my friends . Must do this again very soon.
a-Thrive b- thrifty c- thrill d- thriller
11- She likes watching that old movie that still ………………………………….
a- delight b- delighted c- delights d- delightful
11- The friendship between me and my mother is …………………………….
a- Invalid b- invaluable c- inevitable d- involuntary
11- It is …………………………... whether any of these exceptions was genuine.
a- questions b- questioning c- questionable d- questionnaire
46- He ……………………….jogging after his doctor advised him to get some exercise.
a- took after b- took in c- took down d- took up
43- Sarah couldn’t ………………………………all the information at the meeting.
a- take in b- take off c- take over d- take up
43- In my family, I ………………………...my mother. We have the same eyes and nose.
a- take down b- take after c- take in d- take up
43- When does the plane ……………………………….?
a- take in b- take over c- take after d- take off
AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

52- People --------------------their feast decorations twelve days after the feast.
a- take down b- take off c- take in d- take after
51- He is a………………. . He explores caves.
a- tailor b- pilot c- spelunker d- plumber
52- The big family had been living……………… in such a small flat for years before
they moved to a bigger house.
a- awkwardly b- backwardly c- eagerly d- dearly
53- “ You will pay much for your mistakes ”, he said in a / an……………voice.
a-innocent b- spontaneous c- menacing d- sweet
54- Joy …………………... her when she realized that she had won a million dollar.
a- overwhelmed b- overturned c- overheated d- overpowered
55- I felt …………………… on hearing the good news.
a- impatient b- nervous c- exhilarated d- furious
56- Participants have to climb………………... slopes in order to cross mountain
rangers in Alaska.
a- flexible b- wide c- steep d- stem
53- The memory of his past failure………... him.
a- haunted b- hated c- horror d- hunted
53- When he first went scuba diving, he was…………… by the beauty of the
underwater world.
a- spun b- stung c- stuck d- stunned
53- He waited for his exam results with………... .
a- tension b- pension c- mansion d- patient
62- If I don’t eat, my stomach will………………….
a- rumble b- boil c- spin d- clatter
61- The poor girl stood……………… not knowing what to do.
a. motion b. motionable c. motionless d. mentioning
62- The prey often tries to hide from its……………………………….
a- predator b- prey c- extinct d- replica
63- The ship got stuck on a……………………… reef.
a- polar b- collar c- coral d- lunar

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

64- Teenagers are seen as easy ……………... for drug dealers looking to find new
a- predators b- impact c- prey d. coral
65- A ……………. is a copy of something or a duplicate of something, sometimes
done on a smaller scale than the original.
a- prey b- replica c- hideout d. impact
66- It is believed that he died from multiple injuries caused by the …………… of the
a- hideout b- regenerate c- impact d. habitat
63- There is an……………………... relationship between man and nature.
a. ongoing b. outrageous c. inner d. outer
63- It’s a modern table with………………… legs
a. turban b. tubular c. tiring d. turban
63- The school has a modern library, but it is……………….
a. understood b. underpaid c. underused d. undercooked
32- They ………………us, these clothes aren’t worth that much.
a. overcharged b. overpaid c. overfed d. overcooked
31- Wild animals are being hunted illegally by……………………….
a. fishermen b. hikers c. poachers d. plumbers
32- Rami thinks that he is…………………………. for the work he does.
a- undercooked b- underused c- underpaid d- underfed
33- Animals face loss of habitats due to………………
a. logging b. lagging c. lying d. booking
34- We need loan from the bank to…………………. our business.
a. explain b. expand c. expire d. express
35- The………………… is called the wild man of the forest.
a. bison b. orangutan c. rhino d. elephant
36- We need that …………………. to help people who don’t have houses.
a. initial b. intro c. initiative d. interrogative
33- The ………………… is the animal which is similar to the deer with horns and long
thin legs.
a. bison b. goat c. cow d. antelope

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

33- The animal which had a big head and shoulders covered in hair and similar to
a cow is called………………………
a. antelope b. rabbit c. bison d. deer
33- The horns of antelopes are used in …………………... medicines.
a. tutor b. tactic c. traditional d. talented
32- A large amount of Amazon Rainforest is being…………………. Every year.
a. died b. destroyed c. denied d. decorated

1. Where's Peter? He ……………………………. to a new song in his room.
a- listen b- listens c- is listening d- am listening
1. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you. You know it always ……….
in Germany.
a- rain b- rains c- is raining d- raining
1. Judy works hard but she …………………. at the moment.
a- isn’t working b- doesn’t work c- work d- works
1. Look! That man ………………………... after the bus. He wants to catch it.
a- running b- is running c- run d- runs
1. He speaks French so well because he ……………………… from France.
a- come b- comes c- is coming d- coming
1. The manager is coming. We ………………… him in an hour and nothing is ready!
a- meet b- meets c- is meeting d- are meeting
7. ………………...you usually ………………………... away for the feast?
a- Are…going b- Does…go c- Is…go d- Do…go
8. Suzy is holding some roses. They …………………………. lovely.
a- smell b- smells c- are smelling d- smelling
9. Oh no! Look! It …………………… again. It always snows in this city.
a- snow b- snows c- is snowing d- snowing
11. Miriam ………………... very well, but she doesn’t run very fast.
a- swim b- swims c- is swimming d- swimming
11. …………… you ………………… this music party?
a- Do…enjoy b- Are… enjoyed c- Is …enjoying d- Are…enjoying
11. Sorry I can't help you. I ………………………... where she keeps her things.
a- know b- don’t know c- knew d- tell
11. -What………………… you……………… next Sunday? Nothing special.
a- do…do b- are…doing c- is… doing d- does…do

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. I think your new glasses …………... nice on you.

a- look b- looks c- are looking d- is looking
11. I live with my parents but right now I ……… with some relatives for a few days.
a- stay b- stays c- am staying d- staying
11. Where are the children? They ………………………. on the beach over there.
a- play b- plays c- is playing d- are playing
17. You never …………………………… to a word I say!
a- listen b- listens c- is listening d- are listening
18. Sam doesn’t understand what you ………………………… about.
a- talk b- talks c- are talking d- talking
19. Nelly………………………………because she's late for her lesson.
a- run b- runs c- is running d- running
11. Jack…………………here today. He’s on holiday.
a- is b- isn’t c- doesn’t d- never
11. I ………………………………… done my homework.
a- already have b- already had c- have already d- am having
11. Ann ……………………... cleaned her room.
a- has just b- had just c- just d- have
11. We haven't done our homework ………………………….
a- already b- now c- for d- yet
11. Ahmed has watched TV ……………………... two hours.
a- since b- ago c- earlier d- for
11. We've got high marks, since we ………………… our best.
a- have done b- do c- did d- does
11. Listen! That alarm………………………. since 1 o'clock.
a- rang b- rings c will ring d- has been ringing
17. Mary…………………………………... the piano since she was four.
a- has been playing b- played c- is playing d- can play
18. I ………………………………... That's why my hair is wet.
a- swim b- will swim c- can swim d- have been swimming
19. My cousin…………………... with me for three weeks now.
a- stays b- is staying c- can stay d- has been staying
11. How long …………………………………...? For two hours.
a- have you been waiting b- are waiting c- can you wait d- will you wait
11. Maria……………………... at the coffee shop for her friend for the past half hour,
but she still hasn’t arrived.
a- is waiting b- was waiting c- has waited d- has been waiting

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. The students ………………………………. Spanish since the semester began.

a- is learning b- are learning c- has been learning d- have been learning
11. I ……………………………… on this report for the past two days.
a- am working b- have been working c- were working d- worked
11. You should take your umbrella when you go out. It ……………………… all day.
a- is raining b- has rained c- has been raining d- rains
11. The children ………………… television all evening.
a- is watching b- are watching c- have been watching d- watch
11. John has………………………finished cleaning his car.
a- just b-yet c- now d- ever
17. The students have been sitting in the classroom for 11 minutes, but the
teacher hasn’t come ………………………...
a- now b- not c- yet d- never
18. The girls have already…………………... their homework.
a- write b- wrote c- written d- writes
19.Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are very excited about going to China next summer. They
……………………………… this trip for over a year.
a- planned b- plans c- has planned d- have been planning
11. My eyes are getting tired. I………………………… all day.
a- study b- studied c- have studied d- have been studying
41. Ahmed is ………………………… than Rami.
a- as tall as b- tall c- the tallest d- taller

42. Shady bought …………………… sugar than Ahmed.

a- little b- less c- a little d- least

43. Mona is the ……………………. pupil among her friends.

a- better b- best c- good d- bad

44. The more you read, the …………… information you gain.
a- most b- least c- more d- few

45. They are happier ………………. us.

a- the b- then c- than d- their

46. Antarctica is one of ................................... places on Earth.

a- the coldest b- cold c- the cold d- cold
AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

43. Greece is ………………………. than England.

a- hot b- hotter c- hottest d- the hottest

43. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s............................... of them all?

a- the pretty b- prettiest c- the prettiest d- pretty

43. Jenny is taller than Alice even though she is..............................

a- young b- younger c- youngest d- the youngest

52. Out of all the films I've seen, this one is ………………………….
a- sad b- the saddest c-sadder d- the sad
51- I broke my leg while I …………………
a- skate b- skated c- was skating d- skating
52-I was playing a game when the doorbell…………….
a- ring b- rang c- was ringing d- ringing
53- When I woke up this morning it was raining and my mother....... in the kitchen.
a- sing b- sang c- was singing d- sings
11- He drank some juice and then he ………………………… a few chips.
a- eat b- ate c- was eating d- eats
55- My father …………. work in the garden, but now he doesn’t.
a- used b- used to c- uses d- using
56- We …………………….for Jane, when suddenly Louis came.
a- wait b- waited c- was waited d- were waiting
53- When I was on my way home, I ……………… an accident.
a- see b- saw c- was seeing d- were seeing
53- The girl noticed that the boys ……………………… her all the time in the party.
a- watch b- watched c- was watching d- were watching
53- Ann was sad so I……….to her.
a- were talking b- was taking c- couldn’t talk d- couldn’t take
62- He didn’t want to……...when he saw his father coming in.
a- leave b- left c- was leaving d- leaving
61. My brother ……………………... his homework all day yesterday.
a- was doing b- does c- can do d- would do
11. I …………………… tennis with Mary a week ago.
a- played b- am playing c- were playing d- was playing

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. What ……….you…………...yesterday evening?

a- were …doing b- do … do c- are … doing d- did…do
11. He ………………... ride his bike every weekend.
a- uses b- use to c- used to d- using
11. While I……………… TV, the light went out.
a- watched b- am watching c- watch d- was watching
11. I …………………. through the park, when I heard a strange noise.
a- cycle b- cycled c- cycling d- was cycling
17. She………… visit us whenever she came to London.
a- used b- use c- uses d- would
18.I ………………………... to see her, but she wasn't home.
a- was coming b- came c- am coming d- come
19. Robin Hood was a character who ……………. from the rich and gave to the poor.
a- stole b- was stealing c- is stealing d- come
71. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I……………………… to her.
a- was talking b- talked c- talking d- talks
71. The boy can’t reach the shelf …………………. he’s not tall enough.
a. because b. although c. even though d. and
71. The film was boring …………………………. we went home.
a. so b. when c. but d. if
71. The girl bought the shoes ……………………...they are very expensive.
a. but b. if c. so d. although
71. He used to smoke a lot ……………………….now he doesn’t smoke any more.
a. still b. therefore c. but d. as
71. She couldn’t unlock it ………………………………... she had the wrong key.
a. while b. but c. though d. because
71. ………………………………… it rained; the boys played football.
a. But b. Even though c. However d. In spite of
77. It was still painful……………………. I went to see a doctor.
a. so b. however c. but d. or
78. Lan likes oranges …………………………... her sister doesn’t.
a. but b. as c. so because
79. Nam failed the final exam …………………………. he was lazy.
a. while b. though c. because d. but
81. He’s tired ……………………………… he stayed up late watching TV.
a. and b. or c. if d. since

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Re write the following sentences using the given words:

1. Mike is watching T.V. now. (never)
1- I am going to the cinema tonight. (every Friday)
1- The people who work for that company are on strike. (employees)
1-Coronna caused a reduction in the number of workers (job cuts)
1- Ann doesn’t have the required qualifications of that job. (qualified)

1. Tom is meeting his friend tonight in the club. (usually)

7- My uncle gave me work in his company. (employ)
8- Ann always has her breakfast early. (at the moment)
9-Can you tell me the number of workers who refused to work and asked for
better pay.
(on strike)
11- I am looking for a good diet because I don’t want to be fat anymore.
(gain weight )

11. It's a month since we last met. (for)

12. I can’t accept what you are saying; this is a collection of things which have
been disapproved by science.
13. We have never written poetry. (Have)
14. This is important. Please write a short note of it. (jot down)

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

15. After finishing the war between the two countries, they began a period of
peace. (era)
11. Tom is has been working here since 1111. (for)
17- The real estimation of this car isn’t so high. (value)
18- I have been living here for 11 months now. (a year)
19. I have been reading this interesting story for 2 hours now. (How long)
22. We turn uncultivated lands into gardens. (wastelands)
……………………………………………………………… …………………….
11-Our company celebration which we have every year is really exciting. (annual)
11 – All the student cooperate to make a chart with the days and the months of
the year. (calendar)
11 Nada is more beautiful than Hana. (not as…as)
11- My grandfather is the eldest one in my family. (No one in my family)
25 We really respect Mr. Ali because he respects his appointments and he is never
22. It was a great evening with friends, attending a movie and wisely economical
shopping. (thrifty)
23. Neither of them was having lunch. (Both of them)
23. Yes, she sold her old car. (Did)
23. The friendship between me and my mother is priceless. (invaluable)
32. She recovered from her illness very quickly. (get over)

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

31. It was open to doubt whether the English Law allows that or not.
32. Both of them were eating cakes. (Neither of
33. John has the same character of his grandfather. (take after)
34. I read a book every day. (all day yesterday)
35. He started jogging after his doctor advised him to get some exercise. (take
11. A weak animal is always easy food for a wild one. (prey)
17- Tom was trying to find a place to hide while it was raining. (hideout)
18-When he heard the bad news, he stood without any movement. (motionless)
19- They bring everything. They start the celebration. (Before)
11- Mary called her friend then she did her homework. (after)
41- While Tom was climbing the mountain, he was breathing noisily. (gasp)
11- Lions are always the enemy that young deer fear to face in forests. (predators)
11- The strong wind destroyed all the natural places of birds. (habitats)
11- The men had been cleaning the river. The rain forced them to stop. (when)
11- She came home. She did all the washing up. (After)

11. The traffic was bad. I arrived on time (although)

17- Mary can speak English well. She can speak French well, too. (and)

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.


18- They live near us. We can see them very often. (As)
19- I couldn’t do the test. It was difficult. (Because of)
11- Although he got up early, he was late for the first train. (In spite of)

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Model Answers

Choose the correct answer:

1. Mr. Stevenson’s business went………………… and closed down last year.
a- motivated b- good c- bankrupt d.-well
2- Nokia is a very big……………………... worldwide.
a- collaboration b- conspiracy c- corporation d- cooperation
3- The lawyer was able to prove to the court that his ………………... was innocent.
a- student b- client c- patient d- finance
4- The chief complained that the kitchen space was very…………………. .
a- large b- limited c- anxious d- old
5- I always seek job satisfaction more than……………… reward.
a- final b- fictional c- financial d- phenomenal
6- How can I gain…………... to tis website?
a- axis b- access c- acid d- accessory
7- I had to leave my job and my wife’s salary is little, I wonder how we are going
to make……………………….meet.
a- starts b- poles c- ends d- things
8- There are possible job………………due to the economic crisis.
a- breaks b- intervals c- cuts d- injuries
9- Dad told me that when choosing a job, colleagues are more important than
a- prospects b- benefits c- characters d- heroes
11-We will ………………………….the contract during our meeting tomorrow.
a- ruin b- negotiate c- help d- play
11- James has a very good ……………………as a human rights lawyer. Everybody
respects him.
a. reputation b. relationship c. motivation d. challenge
11- It was difficult for Emily to……………………. to her new surroundings when she
first came to the city.
a. require b. apply c. adapt d. deliver
11- Attending a summer school in Paris is an amazing ………………...for you to learn

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

a. diversity b. opportunity c. inspiration d. innovation

11- Becoming a / an ………………………means to work for a company and learn the
skills needed for a job.
a. appendix b. apprentice c. trader d. sponsor
11- They have a…………………of the work to show it to their new employers.
a. flyer b. portfolio c. picture d. part
11- As long as the producer and consumer benefit, it is a win …………situation.
a. earn b. gain c. win d. pay
17- A…………………... is a leaflet often for advertising.
a- filler b- flyer c- pilot d- founder
18- I don’t have the information ……………………hand but I can look it up.
a. in b. on c. at d. by
19- He learned his……………………as a carpentry apprentice.
a. trade b. commerce c. purchase d. bargain
11- you deserve that job because you are really ……………………… for it.
a- quality b- qualities c- qualified d- quiet
11- The pollution has already turned vast areas into a -------------------------- .
a- wasteland b- western c- nice land d- wasting
11- The prize is a cheap --------------, worth far less than the money you paid for it.
a- twinkle b- trick c- trinket d- rink
11- Ted gets bored easily at work because he has to do a lot of………………... tasks.
a. non-existent b. appealing c. gifted d. mindless
11- I have been………………………… Pilates every day lately.
a. going b. doing c. playing d. joining
11- I haven’t got a(n)……………………. how I’m going to solve this problem.
a. clue b. honour c. proof d. effort
11- Mike wasn’t looking where he was going and ………………….the street sign.
a. turned out b. bumped into c. jotted down d. showed up
17- I didn’t want to join the golf club, but my friends………………………... .
a. insisted b. convinced c. defeated d. got along
18- I think Diane is suffering from………………... . Do you know how many hours she
works a day?
a. endurance b. adjustment c. evidence d. exhaustion
19- I hired an interior designer to…………... my old living room into a bedroom.
a. move b. transform c. make d. put
11- Give Sally my ……………... when you see her and tell her to give me a call.
a. help b. calendar c. regards d. compass

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

31- We did not know if our science teacher would show ………….at the school fair.
a- up b- away c- of d- at
32- We managed to finish our work in a blink of …………….
a- a hand b- an eye c- a leg d- an ear
33- …………….tend to be small and lightweight.
a- Teachers b- Doctors c- Jockeys d- Fighters
34- In Spain, people get injured and even die while trying to …………. the bulls.
a- outrun b- walk c- feed d- eat
35- Don’t forget to drop ……………. when you attend the meeting.
a- a bag b- a line c- a book d- a pen
36- The early 22th. century was the …………………… of the steam locomotive.
a- heyday b- highlight c- mainstay d- timetable
33- We were in a hurry, so everything was arranged on the …………… .
a- job b-ladder c- loose d- hoof
33- My father teaches in a school for……………. Students.
a- private b- delicious c- gifted d- nervous
33- Arabian stallions and English mares are…………………….
a- thorough bred b- highly cultured c- well behaved d- half priced
42- ……………………………. is the art of riding horses.
a- Questionnaire b- Equestrianism c- Extremism d- Imperialism
41- This food is ………………….what we got in the cafeteria.
a- a far cry from b- a far cry of c- a far cry at d - a far cry to
11- It was a great evening with friends! Red lobster, and ……………………shopping.
Love you my friends . Must do this again very soon.
a-Thrive b- thrifty c- thrill d- thriller
11- She likes watching that old movie that still ………………………………….
a- delight b- delighted c- delights d- delightful
11- The friendship between me and my mother is …………………………….
a- Invalid b- invaluable c- inevitable d- involuntary
11- It is …………………………... whether any of these exceptions was genuine.
a- questions b- questioning c- questionable d- questionnaire
46- He ……………………….jogging after his doctor advised him to get some exercise.
a- took after b- took in c- took down d- took up
43- Sarah couldn’t ………………………………all the information at the meeting.
a- take in b- take off c- take over d- take up

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

43- In my family, I ………………………...my mother. We have the same eyes and nose.
a- take down b- take after c- take in d- take up
43- When does the plane ……………………………….?
a- take in b- take over c- take after d- take off
52- People --------------------their feast decorations twelve days after the feast.
a- take down b- take off c- take in d- take after
51- He is a………………. . He explores caves.
a- tailor b- pilot c- spelunker d- plumber
52- The big family had been living……………… in such a small flat for years before
they moved to a bigger house.
a- awkwardly b- backwardly c- eagerly d- dearly
53- “ You will pay much for your mistakes ”, he said in a / an……………voice.
a-innocent b- spontaneous c- menacing d- sweet
54- Joy …………………... her when she realized that she had won a million dollar.
a- overwhelmed b- overturned c- overheated d- overpowered
55- I felt …………………… on hearing the good news.
a- impatient b- nervous c- exhilarated d- furious
56- Participants have to climb………………... slopes in order to cross mountain
rangers in Alaska.
a- flexible b- wide c- steep d- stem
53- The memory of his past failure………... him.
a- haunted b- hated c- horror d- hunted
53- When he first went scuba diving, he was…………… by the beauty of the
underwater world.
a- spun b- stung c- stuck d- stunned
53- He waited for his exam results with………... .
a- tension b- pension c- mansion d- patient
62- If I don’t eat, my stomach will………………….
a- rumble b- boil c- spin d- clatter
61- The poor girl stood……………… not knowing what to do.
a. motion b. motionable c. motionless d. mentioning
62- The prey often tries to hide from its……………………………….
a- predator b- prey c- extinct d- replica
AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

63- The ship got stuck on a……………………… reef.

a- polar b- collar c- coral d- lunar
64- Teenagers are seen as easy ……………... for drug dealers looking to find new
a- predators b- impact c- prey d. coral
65- A ……………. is a copy of something or a duplicate of something, sometimes
done on a smaller scale than the original.
a- prey b- replica c- hideout d. impact
66- It is believed that he died from multiple injuries caused by the …………… of the
a- hideout b- regenerate c- impact d. habitat
63- There is an……………………... relationship between man and nature.
a. ongoing b. outrageous c. inner d. outer
63- It’s a modern table with………………… legs
a. turban b. tubular c. tiring d. turban
63- The school has a modern library, but it is……………….
a. understood b. underpaid c. underused d. undercooked
32- They ………………us, these clothes aren’t worth that much.
a. overcharged b. overpaid c. overfed d. overcooked
31- Wild animals are being hunted illegally by……………………….
a. fishermen b. hikers c. poachers d. plumbers
32- Rami thinks that he is…………………………. for the work he does.
a- undercooked b- underused c- underpaid d- underfed
33- Animals face loss of habitats due to………………
a. logging b. lagging c. lying d. booking
34- We need loan from the bank to…………………. our business.
a. explain b. expand c. expire d. express
35- The………………… is called the wild man of the forest.
a. bison b. orangutan c. rhino d. elephant
36- We need that …………………. to help people who don’t have houses.
a. initial b. intro c. initiative d. interrogative

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

33- The ………………… is the animal which is similar to the deer with horns and long
thin legs.
a. bison b. goat c. cow d. antelope
33- The animal which had a big head and shoulders covered in hair and similar to
a cow is called………………………
a. antelope b. rabbit c. bison d. deer
33- The horns of antelopes are used in …………………... medicines.
a. tutor b. tactic c. traditional d. talented
32- A large amount of Amazon Rainforest is being…………………. Every year.
a. died b. destroyed c. denied d. decorated

1. Where's Peter? He ……………………………. to a new song in his room.
a- listen b- listens c- is listening d- am listening
1. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you. You know it always ……….
in Germany.
a- rain b- rains c- is raining d- raining
1. Judy works hard but she …………………. at the moment.
a- isn’t working b- doesn’t work c- work d- works
1. Look! That man ………………………... after the bus. He wants to catch it.
a- running b- is running c- run d- runs
1. He speaks French so well because he ……………………… from France.
a- come b- comes c- is coming d- coming
1. The manager is coming. We ………………… him in an hour and nothing is ready!
a- meet b- meets c- is meeting d- are meeting
7. ………………...you usually ………………………... away for the feast?
a- Are…going b- Does…go c- Is…go d- Do…go
8. Suzy is holding some roses. They …………………………. lovely.
a- smell b- smells c- are smelling d- smelling
9. Oh no! Look! It …………………… again. It always snows in this city.
a- snow b- snows c- is snowing d- snowing
11. Miriam ………………... very well, but she doesn’t run very fast.
a- swim b- swims c- is swimming d- swimming
11. …………… you ………………… this music party?
a- Do…enjoy b- Are… enjoyed c- Is …enjoying d- Are…enjoying
AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. Sorry I can't help you. I ………………………... where she keeps her things.
a- know b- don’t know c- knew d- tell
11. -What………………… you……………… next Sunday? Nothing special.
a- do…do b- are…doing c- is… doing d- does…do
11. I think your new glasses …………... nice on you.
a- look b- looks c- are looking d- is looking
11. I live with my parents but right now I ……… with some relatives for a few days.
a- stay b- stays c- am staying d- staying
11. Where are the children? They ………………………. on the beach over there.
a- play b- plays c- is playing d- are playing
17. You never …………………………… to a word I say!
a- listen b- listens c- is listening d- are listening
18. Sam doesn’t understand what you ………………………… about.
a- talk b- talks c- are talking d- talking
19. Nelly………………………………because she's late for her lesson.
a- run b- runs c- is running d- running
11. Jack…………………here today. He’s on holiday.
a- is b- isn’t c- doesn’t d- never
11. I ………………………………… done my homework.
a- already have b- already had c- have already d- am having
11. Ann ……………………... cleaned her room.
a- has just b- had just c- just d- have
11. We haven't done our homework ………………………….
a- already b- now c- for d- yet
11. Ahmed has watched TV ……………………... two hours.
a- since b- ago c- earlier d- for
11. We've got high marks, since we ………………… our best.
a- have done b- do c- did d- does
11. Listen! That alarm………………………. since 1 o'clock.
a- rang b- rings c will ring d- has been ringing
17. Mary…………………………………... the piano since she was four.
a- has been playing b- played c- is playing d- can play
18. I ………………………………... That's why my hair is wet.
a- swim b- will swim c- can swim d- have been swimming
19. My cousin…………………... with me for three weeks now.
a- stays b- is staying c- can stay d- has been staying

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. How long …………………………………...? For two hours.

a- have you been waiting b- are waiting c- can you wait d- will you wait
11. Maria……………………... at the coffee shop for her friend for the past half hour,
but she still hasn’t arrived.
a- is waiting b- was waiting c- has waited d- has been waiting
11. The students ………………………………. Spanish since the semester began.
a- is learning b- are learning c- has been learning d- have been learning
11. I ……………………………… on this report for the past two days.
a- am working b- have been working c- were working d- worked
11. You should take your umbrella when you go out. It ……………………… all day.
a- is raining b- has rained c- has been raining d- rains
11. The children ………………… television all evening.
a- is watching b- are watching c- have been watching d- watch
11. John has………………………finished cleaning his car.
a- just b-yet c- now d- ever
17. The students have been sitting in the classroom for 11 minutes, but the
teacher hasn’t come ………………………...
a- now b- not c- yet d- never
18. The girls have already…………………... their homework.
a- write b- wrote c- written d- writes
19.Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are very excited about going to China next summer. They
……………………………… this trip for over a year.
a- planned b- plans c- has planned d- have been planning
11. My eyes are getting tired. I………………………… all day.
a- study b- studied c- have studied d- have been studying
41. Ahmed is ………………………… than Rami.
a- as tall as b- tall c- the tallest d- taller
42. Shady bought …………………… sugar than Ahmed.
a- little b- less c- a little d- least
43. Mona is the ……………………. pupil among her friends.
a- better b- best c- good d- bad
44. The more you read, the …………… information you gain.
a- most b- least c- more d- few
45. They are happier ………………. us.
a- the b- then c- than d- their

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

46. Antarctica is one of ................................... places on Earth.

a- the coldest b- cold c- the cold d- cold
43. Greece is ………………………. than England.
a- hot b- hotter c- hottest d- the hottest
43. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s............................... of them all?
a- the pretty b- prettiest c- the prettiest d- pretty
43. Jenny is taller than Alice even though she is..............................
a- young b- younger c- youngest d- the youngest
52. Out of all the films I've seen, this one is ………………………….
a- sad b- the saddest c-sadder d- the sad
51- I broke my leg while I …………………
a- skate b- skated c- was skating d- skating
52-I was playing a game when the doorbell…………….
a- ring b- rang c- was ringing d- ringing
53- When I woke up this morning it was raining and my mother....... in the kitchen.
a- sing b- sang c- was singing d- sings
11- He drank some juice and then he ………………………… a few chips.
a- eat b- ate c- was eating d- eats
55- My father …………. work in the garden, but now he doesn’t.
a- used b- used to c- uses d- using
56- We …………………….for Jane, when suddenly Louis came.
a- wait b- waited c- was waited d- were waiting
53- When I was on my way home, I ……………… an accident.
a- see b- saw c- was seeing d- were seeing
53- The girl noticed that the boys ……………………… her all the time in the party.
a- watch b- watched c- was watching d- were watching
53- Ann was sad so I……….to her.
a- were talking b- was taking c- couldn’t talk d- couldn’t take
62- He didn’t want to……...when he saw his father coming in.
a- leave b- left c- was leaving d- leaving
61. My brother ……………………... his homework all day yesterday.
a- was doing b- does c- can do d- would do
11. I …………………… tennis with Mary a week ago.
a- played b- am playing c- were playing d- was playing

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. What ……….you…………...yesterday evening?

a- were …doing b- do … do c- are … doing d- did…do
11. He ………………... ride his bike every weekend.
a- uses b- use to c- used to d- using
11. While I……………… TV, the light went out.
a- watched b- am watching c- watch d- was watching
11. I …………………. through the park, when I heard a strange noise.
a- cycle b- cycled c- cycling d- was cycling
17. She………… visit us whenever she came to London.
a- used b- use c- uses d- would
18.I ………………………... to see her, but she wasn't home.
a- was coming b- came c- am coming d- come
19. Robin Hood was a character who ……………. from the rich and gave to the poor.
a- stole b- was stealing c- is stealing d- come
71. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I……………………… to her.
a- was talking b- talked c- talking d- talks
71. The boy can’t reach the shelf ……………… he’s not tall enough.
a. because b. although c. even though d. and
71. The film was boring ……………………we went home.
a. so b. when c. but d. if
71. The girl bought the shoes ……………………...they are very expensive.
a. but b. if c. so d. although
71. He used to smoke a lot …………………... now he doesn’t smoke any more.
a. still b. therefore c. but d. as
71. She couldn’t unlock it …………………………… she had the wrong key.
a. while b. but c. though d. because
71. ………………………. it rained; the boys played football.
a. But b. Even though c. However d. In spite of
77. It was still painful, ………………………... I went to see a doctor.
a. so b. however c. but d. or

78. Lan likes oranges ……………………. her sister doesn’t.

a. but b. as c. so because
79. Nam failed the final exam …………………………. he was lazy.
a. while b. though c. because d. but
81. He’s tired …………………….he stayed up late watching TV.
a. and b. or c. if d. since

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Re write the following sentences using the given words:

1. Mike is watching T.V. now. (never)
Mike never watches T.V.

1- I am going to the cinema tonight. (every Friday)

I go to the cinema every Friday.

1- The people who work for that company are on strike. (employees)
The employees of that company are on strike.

1-Corona caused a reduction in the number of workers. (job cuts)

Corona caused job cuts.

1- Ann doesn’t have the required qualifications of that job. (qualified)

Ann isn’t qualified for that job.

1. Tom is meeting his friend tonight in the club. (usually)

Tom usually meets his friend in the club.

7- My uncle gave me work in his company. (employ)

My uncle employed me in his company.

8- Ann always has her breakfast early. (at the moment)

Ann is having her breakfast at the moment.

9-Can you tell me the number of workers who refused to work and asked for
better pay.
(on strike)
Can you tell me the number of workers who were on strike.

11- I am looking for a good diet because I don’t want to be fat anymore.
(gain weight )
I am looking for a good diet because I don’t want to gain weight anymore.

11. It's a month since we last met. (for)

We haven’t met for a month.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. I can’t accept what you are saying; this is a collection of things which have
been disapproved by science. (pseudoscience)
I can’t accept what you are saying; this is a pseudoscience.

11. We have never written poetry. (Have)

Have you ever written poetry?

11. This is important. Please write a short note of it. (jot down)
This is important. Please jot it down.

15. After finishing the war between the two countries, they began a period of
peace. (era)
After finishing the war between the two countries, they began an era
of peace.

11. Tom has been working here since 1111. (for)

Tom has been working here for21 years.

17- The real estimation of this car isn’t so high. (value)

The real value of this car isn’t so high.

18- I have been living here for 11 months now. (a year)

I have been living here for a year now.

19. I have been reading this interesting story for 1 hours now. (How long)
How long have you been reading this interesting story?

11- We turn uncultivated lands into gardens. (wastelands) .

We turn wastelands into gardens.

11-Our company celebration which we have every year is really exciting. (annual)
Our company annual celebration is really exciting .

11 – All the student cooperate to make a chart with the days and the months of
the year. (calendar)
All the student cooperate to make a calendar.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11 Nada is more beautiful than Hana. (not as…as)

Hana is not as beautiful as Nada.

11- My grandfather is the eldest one in my family. (No one in my family)

No one in my family is elder than my grandfather.

25- We really respect Mr. Ali because he respects his appointments and he is never
We really respect Mr. Ali because he is punctual.

26. It was a great evening with friends, attending a movie and wisely economical
shopping. (thrifty)
It was a great evening with friends, attending a movie and thrifty shopping.

27. Neither of them was having lunch. (Both of them)

Both of them were having lunch.

18. Yes, she sold her old car. (Did)

Did she sell her old car?

19. The friendship between me and my mother is priceless. (invaluable)

The friendship between me and my mother is invaluable.

11. She recovered from her illness very quickly. (get over)
She got over her illness very quickly.

11. It was open to doubt whether the English Law allows that or not.
It was questionable whether the English Law allows that or not.

11. Both of them were eating cakes. (Neither of them)

Neither of them was eating cakes.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11. John has the same character of his grandfather. (take after)
John takes after his grandfather.

11. I read a book every day. (all day yesterday)

I was reading a book all day yesterday.

11. He started jogging after his doctor advised him to get some exercise.
(take up)
He took up jogging after his doctor advised him to get some exercise.

11. A weak animal is always easy food for a wild one. (prey)
A weak animal is always a prey for a wild one.

17- Tom was trying to find a place to hide while it was raining. (hideout)
Tom was trying to find a hideout while it was raining.

18-When he heard the bad news, he stood without any movement. (motionless)
When he heard the bad news, he stood motionless.

19- They bring everything. They start the celebration. (Before)

Before they started the celebration. they had brought everything.

11- Mary called her friend then she did her homework. (after)
Mary did her homework after she had called her friend.

41- While Tom was climbing the mountain, he was breathing noisily. (gasp)
While Tom was climbing the mountain, he was gasping.
11- Lions are always the enemy that young deer fear to face in forests. (predators)
Lions are always the predators that young deer fear to face in forests.

11- The strong wind destroyed all the natural places of birds. (habitats)
The strong wind destroyed all the habitats of birds.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

11- The men had been cleaning the river. The rain forced them to stop. (when)
The men had been cleaning the river when the rain forced them to stop.

11- She came home. She did all the washing up. (After)
After she had come home, she did all the washing up.

11. The traffic was bad. I arrived on time (although)

I arrived on time although the traffic was bad.

17- Mary can speak English well. She can speak French well, too. (and)
Mary can speak English and French well.

18- They live near us. We can see them very often. (As)
As they live near us, we can see them very often.

19- I couldn’t do the test. It was difficult. (Because of)

Because of the difficulty of the test, I couldn’t do it.

11- Although he got up early, he was late for the first train. (In spite of)
In spite of getting up early, he was late for the first train.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

The Secret Garden
Chapter (1)
Dinner with the chief of police

A- Answer the following questions :

1- Write short notes on Ivan ?

- He was the servant of one of the Paris police who was called Aristide Valentin .
Ivan was an old man with a scar and a gray face that matched his gray moustache .
He always sat at a table in the entrance hall of Valentin’s house .

2- Why was Valentin’s house suitable for a chief of police ?

- Valentin's house was unusual and almost as famous as Valentin himself . It was a
very old house with high walls around its large garden . There was no way into or
out of the garden or house except through the entry foyer where Ivan sat . The
walls were too smooth to climb and had sharp spikes on top of them , which was
good protection for a man whom more than a hundred criminals had sworn to kill .

3- Why was Aristide valentine late for his dinner ?

- Valentin was late for dinner but Ivan his servant told the guests that Valentin
would arrive in about ten minutes because he was making some arrangements for
executions , and although he didn't like executions, he always planned them
carefully .

4- Who was the last man to arrive at the dinner party ? Why did the guests
notice his arrival?
- Julius Brayne a wealthy American man was the last man to arrive at the dinner
party . Everybody noticed his arrival because he was a huge man , as fat as he was
tall , dressed in black . His hair was white, and his face was red and fierce .

5- Who was Galloway? Who went with him to Valentin's dinner party ?
- Lord Galloway . The British Ambassador was an old man with a red – brown face
and a blue ribbon on his jacket . Silver – haired Lady Galloway and his daughter ,
Lady Margaret Graham went with Lord Galloway to Valentin's dinner party .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

2- Draw a sketch of O'Brien ?

O'Brien was an interesting person . He was a tall man in a military uniform,
wearing a saber in a scabbard at his side. He was the commandant of the French
foreign Legion . He had dark hair and blue eyes made him look romantic . He was
Irish and had been friends with the Galloways when his family was richer ; but
then he was poorer and had joined the French foreign Legion, so the Galloways
didn't really want to talk to him .

7- Write short notice on Julius Brayne.

He was a very wealthy; American whose generosity toward small religions was
famous around the world. He liked new ideas and encouraged the small religions
as much as he could. He was a huge man, as fat as he was tall, dressed in black.
His hair was white, and his face was red and fierce.

8- Who did Valentin meet recently in Essex England?

He met Father Brown of Cob hole.

9- O'Brien had been friends with the Galloways but then he hadn’t.
O’Brien was a commandant of the French Foreign Legion. He was Irish and had
been friends with the Galloways when his family was richer, but after that he was
poorer and joined the French Legion, they did not want to talk to him.

11- Why was Lord Galloway looking for his daughter and O’Brien? Where
did he find them ?
When Galloway went into the drawing room , he immediately noticed that neither
commandant O'Brien nor his daughter Lady Margaret were there . He left the
drawing room almost as soon as he had entered it and began to look for his
daughter and the Irishman because he was constantly worried that O'Brien was
trying to talk to Lady Margaret . When he was walking toward the back of the
house where Valentin’s study , he was surprised to meet his daughter . She walked
past him with a white face but wouldn't stop to speak to her father . In the moon
light he saw O'Brien walking across the lawn to the study door .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Chapter (2)
A mysterious Murder
A- Answer the following questions :

1- Lord Galloway shouted that he had discovered a body. Discuss.

Lord Galloway was worried that Obrien was trying to talk to his daughter Lady
Margaret so when he noticed that they were not among them; he started to search
for them. When he went at the back of the house, he met his daughter. She walked
past him with a white face but would not stop to talk to him. Then he saw O’Brien
walking across the lawn to the study door. He decided to follow him, but he tripped
on something in the grass and when he looked down to see what it was, he ran and
shouted that he had found a corpse.

2- What did Lord Galloway trip on in the grass ?

- Lord Galloway tripped on something in the grass and when he looked down to
see what it was ,he suddenly began to run across the lawn shouting loudly as it was
a corpse in the garden . He described it to Dr .Simon and called Valentin
immediately .

3- What was unusual about the dead body on the lawn ?

- The body which was found was unusual because it was a body of a tall man lying
face down in the grass . The body dressed in black , he was bald . He was bald and
nobody in the dinner party was bald and his head had been completely squished by
something sharp the face of the body was large and swollen , with a nose like a
bird's beak and heavy eyelids .

4- Why did the chief of the Paris police suspect O'Brien had committed the
crime ?
- When the chief of the Paris police discovered that there was a corpse in his yard ,
he asked Ivan ( his servant ) to go and get commandant O'Brien , who was walking
in the conservatory. When Ivan brought O'Brien , they came into the room , and
O'Brien asked angrily why he was wanted . Valentin noticed that he wasn't wearing
his saber and asked him about it . O'Brien told him that it was getting in the way ,
so he took it off and put it on the library table . Ivan went to bring the saber, but it
was an empty scabbard . When Valentin asked O'Brien what he was doing in the

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

garden, he answered him saying that he was looking at the moon, so he suspected
him .
B- Comment on the following quotations :

1- " There is a corpse in the garden . "

- Galloway the English Ambassador said this when he tripped on something in the
He was following Commandant O'Brien to Valentin's study room. Galloway was at
Valentin's house because Valentin had a dinner party.

2- " How strange , gentlemen that I go all over the world to solve crimes
and now I found one in my own yard ! "
- Valentin said this to his guests. They were in Valentin's own yard in his house.
Valentin was attracted to the yard by Galloway's shouting. Valentin seemed
worried that somebody might be ill, but he found a corpse in his garden and as he
was the chief of the Paris police, he didn’t expect that.

3- "Twigs, and a total stranger with his head cut off .That is all there is on
this lawn.”
Valentin said that to Dr. Simon and Lord Galloway in the lawn of his house where
they found a man with his head cut off. He asked Dr. Simon to examine him, but
they could not recognize him then Valentine knelt down to examine the area
around the body, and he did not find anything except twigs.

4- " Why are you not wearing your saber?”

Valentin asked O’Brien that question when he entered the drawing room after
searching for him and asking him to come and talk to Valentin. O’Brien was the
only absent one while they were all in the drawing room. When he came, he was
not wearing his saber and the saber was may be the weapon which was used in the
murder. O’Brien answered that, it was getting in the way, so he took it off and put
it on the library table.

5- " He must have been a very strongman.”

- Valentin said this to Dr. Simon. The body was huge, and the head was bald and
nobody in the dinner party was bald. It was lying face down in the grass . The face
of the body was large and swollen, with a nose like bird's beak and heavy eyelids.
The head of the dead body had been completely squished by something sharp. -
Valentin was a slightly shocked.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

2- " It could not be done with a knife; you would need an axe or a large
sword. "
- Dr. Simon said this to Valentin, when Valentin asked Dr. Simon if the murder
could be done with a very sharp knife . They were discussing what kind of a
weapon that was used in the murder. - Dr.Simon said this because the head of the
dead body was cut off.

Chapter (3)
A Discussion in the
Drawing Room
A- Answer the following questions :
1- Why did Lady Margaret think that O'Brien was innocent ?
- When Valentin asked O'Brien why he was in the garden . He told him that he was
looking at the moon so Valentin suspected O'Brien . Lady Margaret could tell
Valentin why O'Brien was in the garden because he wouldn't tell him himself . She
told Valentin that since O'Brien was asking her to marry him and she refused .
However , she would swear that he never did anything like that . She said that
O'Brien was innocent because he was in the garden with her and she told her father
that if he accused him , he was accusing his own daughter .

2- What did Lady Margaret say about O’Brien?

She said that O’Brien was in the garden with her. He was asking her to marry him,
but she refused. She would swear that he never did anything like that. When her
father asked her not to talk, she refused and if he accused O’Brien, he was accusing
her, too.

3- When Ivan discovered that Brayne had left the house without being
seen, everybody was much happier. Discuss.
They were worried about who could be the killer but after knowing from Ivan that
Brayne had left without telling anyone and Ivan found the saber fifty miles away
from the house, they considered him the murderer and when Valentin returned the
saber to O’Brien, this meant that he was innocent of the crime. Everybody was
much happier because the cloud of suspicion had lifted off them all and gone to
Paris with a rich American that they hardly know.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

4- What did Dr. Simon discover when he examined the head and body of
the first victim?
- Dr . Simon discovered , when he examined the head again , that many of the cuts
on the dead body were made after the head was cut off .
5- Why did everyone think that Julius Brayne was the killer?
Everyone thought that Julius Brayne was killer because Ivan ( the servant ) told
Valentin that Brayne had left the house wearing his coat and hat . Ivan said that he
found the saber in the bushes just fifty yards up the road to Paris . Ivan also said
that they found American money in the dead man's pocket , so it must have been a
countryman of Brayne's .
2- Whose head was floating in the river?
- While Valentin and all the guests were speaking about the first dead body . The
little priest approached them saying that he had come to tell them the news . He
said that there has been another murder , it was the same kind of murder . He
continued telling them that they found the head floating in the river a few yards
along the road to Paris. It was Julius Brayne's head .

7- How did Father Brown surprise everyone ?

- He told them that the head of the second dead body belonged to Julius Brayne .

B- Comment on the following quotations :

1- " I can tell you why commandant O'Brien was in the garden . He will not
tell you himself"
- Lady Margaret said that to Valentin. They were in the drawing room at Valentin's
- There was a corpse in the garden of Valentin's house, and he suspected O’Brien,
but Margaret told Valentin that O'Brien was innocent because he was in the garden
with her.

2- " Why are you protecting him ? Where is his sword ?

- Lord Galloway said this to his daughter lady Margaret. They were in the drawing
room at Valentin's house, and he asked about O'Brien's sword.
Margaret protected O'Brien because he was with her in the garden and she thought
that he was innocent.

3- " You old fool! This man is innocent. "

Lady Margaret said that to her father when he suspected O’Brien of committing the
crime and asked about his saber because he was with her in the garden. He did not

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

do anything and if Lord Galloway was accusing him, so this meant that he was
accusing his daughter too.

4- " I suppose that he hated some fellow, so he lured him into the garden
and killed him with my sword.”
O’Brien said that when Dr.Simon was asking some questions about the crime. He
said that Brayane killed the man with his sword then ran off to Paris, throwing the
sword in the bush as he went.

5- " I have come to tell you the news.”

The little priest said that to Dr. Simon and O’Brien while they were discussing the
crime. He came to them to tell them that they discovered another crime in the same
way. They found another head floating in the river and Valentin asked him to get
Dr.Simon to examine it.

2- " I found it in the bushes just fifty yards up the road to Paris . "
- Ivan said this to Valentin . Ivan said this when Valentin asked him to go and
bring Mr.Brayne. Ivan didn't find him and discovered that he had left the house
without being seen and outside the house he found O'Brien's saber .

Chapter (4)
Father Brown Answers Some Questions
A- Answer the following questions :
1- Why did the murderer make cuts around the head and shoulders of the
victim after killing him ?
- The head and shoulders had been cut in a strange way after the neck had been
separated from the body to make all people believe that the head and the body
belonged together .
2- What did the murderer do with the saber after he had used it to kill the
- The murderer cut off his enemy's head and threw the saber as far as he could
across the wall . Then he threw the head over the wall as well . After that , he just
had to put another head on the body and all people imagined another man .
3- Who committed the murder ? Why ?

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

- Valentin committed the murder although Valentin was an honest man , but he
hated religion , and it drove him mad . He hated Brayne for helping religious
people . He had a last argument with Brayne , he showed him some tricks with the
saber and cut off his head

4- How did Valentin plan to murder Brayne?

Valentin was an honest man, but he hated religion, and it drove him mad. He hated
Brayane for helping religious people. Valentin took Becker’s head_ the man who
was executed that day_ home in his box. He had a last argument with Brayane,
then showed him some tricks with the saber and cut off his head. He threw the
sword as far as he could across the wall after making some cuts in the body and the
neck too so that nobody would notice that the body and Becker’s head which he
put beside the body did not match. He threw Brayne’s head over the wall as well.
So they all imagined that the dead body was another man and he was not Brayane.

5- How did Valentin meet his end ?

- When father Brown discovered that Valentin was the murderer . He decided to go
to the study to ask Valentin to confess . They went to the study where they saw
Valentin sitting at his desk . He didn't move when they came closer . Then father
Brown saw the box of tablets at his elbow . Valentin had killed himself and sat
dead in his chair .

B- Comment on the following quotations :

1- " There is no doubt about it . I knew him quite well because he was
thinking of joining our church . "
- Father Brown said this to Valentin. They were in the drawing room at Valentin's
He was talking about Brayne, (the dead body found in the garden of Valentin’s

2- " Only this , at least we have found out who the first murdered was . "
- Ivan said this to Dr. Simon. Ivan said this when Dr.Simon asked him if there was
another news. Ivan thought that the first murdered man was a criminal called
Arnold Backer, who committed all sorts of small crimes in Germany.

3- " I think the best way for me to explain what I can see now is to answer
the questions that you asked O'Brien this morning . "
- Father Brown said this to Dr. Simon. Father Brown thought that the best way for
him to explain the mystery of the murder was to answer all the questions that Dr.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Simon had asked O'Brien that morning, because he discovered that Valentin had
killed Brayne.

4- " I suppose he was going to leave all his money to your church as well . "
Valentin, who hated all religions, said that to Father Brown when Father Brown
told them that the second head was Brayne’s so he could not be the murderer and
he knows him very well because Brayane was thinking of joining his church.
Valentin was so angry that it seemed he might attack the priest, but he recovered
himself and went to his study.

5- " You are mad; I will not listen to your silly answer any longer.”
Dr. Simon said that to Father Brown when Father Brown asked him to repeat his
questions about the murder again then he started to answer them one by one telling
them that no stranger entered the garden and Brayane did not leave it too. The
body belonged to Brayane and his head was thrown away as well as the sword
which was used to cut the head with. The head which was found beside the body
belonged to another man. That man was the one who was executed that day

2- " We have to go there anyway to ask him to confess . "

- Father Brown said this to Ivan. They had to go to Valentin's study to talk to
- When father Brown went to the study with the guests. They saw Valentin sitting
at his desk. He didn't move when they came closer. Then father Brown saw the box
of tablets at his elbow. Valentin had killed himself and sat dead in his chair.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Crowley Castle
Chapter (1)
The Residents of Crowley Castle

A- Answer the following questions :

1- Who was Victorine ?
- She was Theresa's French nurse . She had looked after her mother and then
looked after Theresa , almost as if she were Theresa's mother . She made all the
important decisions about Theresa and was constantly with her , making sure that
Theresa got everything that she wanted . She loved the child dearly and risked her
own life to nurse Theresa when the child was sick with an infection .

2- Why did Bessy come to classes at the castle ?

- Bessy came to classes at the castle because her mother , the parson's wife , Mrs.
Hawtrey was a distant relative of Sir Mark, so Bessy had her lessons together with
Theresa . Sir Marks's daughter .

3- Why did Duke leave the castle ?

- Duke was a fine young man who was just finishing his studies at Oxford, so he
decided to go on a grand tour of Europe , which most young gentlemen did in those
days , staying away for 3 years .

4- Why did Sir Mark take Theresa to Paris ?

- When Marmaduke Brownlow had gone on a grand tour of Europe , Sir Mark was
lonely and decided to spend some time in Paris . He remained there for some
months and the following year decided to go again , that time taking Theresa and
Victorine with him so that Theresa would also have the experience of living in

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Europe for a while . He was afraid that Duke might find her too uneducated to be
his wife and change his mind about marrying her .
B- Comment on the following quotations :
1-"How can it be my fault ?She comes here for lessons ,but she doesn't pay for
them . "
- Theresa said this to Duke . They were talking about Bessy . There was a quarrel
between Theresa and Bessy and Duke told Theresa that the quarrel was her fault .
2- " It was only something that the Duke said , that is all " .
- Theresa said this to her French nurse (Victorine ) . They were in Theresa's room
.After the quarrel between Theresa and Bessy . Duke told Theresa that the quarrel
was her fault . Theresa became so upset that she went to her room in tears and her
nurse followed her and asked what was bothering her .

Chapter (2)
Marriage , Property , Birth , and Death

A- Answer the following questions :

1- Why was Sir Mark angry with Duke ?
- Sir Mark was angry with Duke because he had written to him and begged him to
come to Paris as soon as he could, but Duke replied that he still required three
months to complete his tour and he wanted to see Spain. When Theresa knew that
she had married the Count de la Grange under French law , the Count was able to
take all the money that she had inherited from her mother . Sir Mark was angry and
blamed Duke for not coming to Paris when he asked him .

2- What was Victorine's plan to take revenge the Count ? Did her plan
succeed ?
- When the Count had lost more money on the gambling table , Theresa said
something to him which made him very angry , and he punched her . Victorine
gave Theresa some medicine which made her sleepy . When she fell asleep ,

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Victorine looked at her bruises and made a plan to get rid of the Count . She
returned to her medicine cupboard and mixed another medicine , but she didn't
give it to Theresa . She kept it in the cupboard , waiting for an opportunity to give
it to the Count . Her plan didn't succeed as the next morning she heard a noise
downstairs . She found two servants carrying the Count to the house . He was dead
. He had been killed in a sword – fight .

3- What do you think Victorine's special medicine was ?

- I think it was poison . She had made it to get rid of the Count as he punched
Theresa .

B- Comment on the following quotations :

1- " He should not marry that poor country girl , no matter how pleasant she
is ! " .
- Victorine said this to Theresa . She refers to Duke Brownlow . Bessy was that
poor country girl . Victorine said this when letters came from Bessy and Sir Mark ,
bringing news of the coming marriage of Duke Brownlow and Bessy.
2- " That is what you did to my darling ! " .
- Victorine said this to the Count's body . Because she found two servants’ carrying
the Count into the house . He was dead . He had been killed in a sword – fight
.Victorine was angry with the Count because he had hit Theresa.

Chapter (3)
Theresa Comes Home
A- Answer the following questions :
1- Why did Theresa return to Crowley Castle ?
- Theresa returned to Crowley Castle after her husband the Count had been killed
in a sword fight in Paris . She only wore the black dress to give the appearance that
her marriage had been happy and prosperous . She was so tired and didn't want to
tell anyone how much she had suffered in her marriage as her husband had lost a
lot of money on the gambling table .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

2- Was Sir Mark happy to see Theresa at Crowley Castle ?

- Sir Mark was so happy to have his daughter back in the Castle that he wanted her
to take her old place as lady of the house and look after the servants instead of
Bessy .
3- Why did Duke stand for Parliament ?
- A year after Sir Mark's death ,the local member of Parliament died , and Theresa
persuaded Duke to stand for election .
4- Did Bessy like her husband to be a member in the Parliament ? Why ?
- No, she didn't because she knew that Duke would then have to go to London for
long periods of time , while she preferred him to stay at the Castle . She had two
children , she didn't want to take the children to London or leave them at the Castle
in the care of servants .
5- What did Theresa tell Victorine about Bessy ?
- Theresa told Victorine that it was terrible that Duke didn't have a wife who would
help him to become even more successful . She told her also that Bessy didn't
understand him and was preventing him from doing all the things he could do . She
also accused Bessy of having such a narrow , weak mind .

B- Comment on the following quotations :

1- " Duke could become a very important and powerful person if he had the
right kind of wife " .
- Theresa said this to Victorine . They were at Crowley Castle in Theresa's room .
They were talking about the Duke and Bessy saying that Bessy didn’t deserve to
marry the Duke because she was a country girl. She wasn’t a proper wife for him,
but he was very important and became the local member of Parliament .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Chapter (4)
Victorine's Secret
A- Answer the following questions :
1- Why was Victorine angry with Theresa ?
- The first time when Theresa agreed to be Duke's wife Theresa went to stay with
him in London and thought that Victorine would prefer to stay at the castle, but
this made Victorine angry . She travelled to London and argued with Theresa . The
second time when Victorine told Theresa her terrible secret, she had poisoned
Bessy to make her happy. Theresa became tired and sad . The doctor advised her
husband to take her at the seaside . Duke made all the arrangements without telling
Theresa or Victorine about his plan . When Victorine discovered that she had been
tricked , she was angry .
2- What was Victorine's terrible secret ?
- Victorine asked Theresa to be grateful to her because all her happiness was due to
the fact that Victorine had succeeded to poison Bessy when the doctor wanted her
to sleep . Victorine made her sleep forever .
3- What was the result of Victorine's confession ?
- After Victorine had confessed to Duke that she had poisoned Bessy so that
Theresa could marry him . Duke wrote a message to Theresa who stayed in
London , asking her to send Bessy's daughter to the castle and she did . A few days
later , she received a letter from her husband saying that Victorine had died but
hadn't been able to keep her awful secret . He told her that he loved her but then
they were strangers . He took his daughter and left England .
4- What did Theresa do when she received Duke's letter ?
- Theresa read the letter and immediately called for a horse so that she could ride to
Dover, but when she arrived, she saw only the white sails of the ship carrying her
husband and his child away.

B- Comment on the following quotations :

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

1- " You are not grateful for all I have done for you! You don't care about my
love for you when I was young and strong or about the secret that we share ! "
- Victorine said this to Theresa when Theresa went to stay with Duke in London
without taking Victorine with her because she thought that Victorine would prefer
to stay in the castle, but this angered Victorine. She came to London and argued
with her .Victorine thought that she shared Theresa a secret which was that
Victorine was the main reason of Theresa's happiness because she had poisoned
Bessy . But Theresa didn't know about that secret .
2- " Let us not think of those days , they have gone now, and we should try to
be happy together . "
- Theresa said this to Victorine .When Victorine told Theresa that she had the
poison ready for the Count , but he saved her the trouble and died before that
.Victorine asked Theresa to be grateful to her because she was the main reason for
her happiness .

3- " All I can think of is my poor murdered wife and the Cruelty of that
awful woman . I love you too , but now we are strangers . "
- Duke wrote this in a letter to his wife Theresa . Bessy was the poor murdered
wife .Victorine was awful because she had poisoned Bessy and she had confessed
to Duke that she had poisoned his wife and he thought that Theresa knew that
secret before . Duke told Theresa that his daughter and him would have left
England by the time she received that letter

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.


Jane Taylor
Stanza (1)
Twinkle , Twinkle , little star ;
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky .

1- Paraphrase the above lines and write the meaning of the

underlined words .
- Paraphrase : The poet looks at the sky and wonders what the beautiful , twinkle
star is . The star is too far to know what it is . To the poet , the star looks like a
beautiful sparking diamond .

- Twinkle : To shine with light , to flash .

- Wonder : To think about , to question .
- Diamond : An expensive gemstone that " twinkles " .

2- Pick figures of speech .

a- Personification : " How I wonder what you are "
The poet speaks to the star as a person , but the star isn't human .

b- Simile : " Like a diamond in the sky "

The poet says that a star is like a diamond .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Stanza 2 :
When the blazing sun is gone ,
When he nothing shines upon ,
Then you show your little light ,
Twinkle , Twinkle all the night

1- Paraphrase the above lines and write the meaning of the

underlined words .
- Paraphrase : The sun gives us heat and light all day long .
At night the sun sets , and the sky becomes dark again . But when the sun goes
away . This star give us a special little light that twinkles all night long .

- Blazing : on fire , burning .

- Shine : to give bright light .

2- Pick the figures of speech .

a- Personification : " When he nothing shines upon , "
The word he in this line means " The sun " the poet talks about the sun as if it is a

b- Alliteration : " Then you show your little light "

The letter " L " is repeated in " little " and " light ".

Stanza 3 :
Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
He could not see which way to go ,
If you did not twinkle so .

1- Paraphrase the above lines and write the meaning of underline

words .
Paraphrase : Travelling in the dark night is difficult ;
The poet says that the traveller in the dark will thank the star for the small light that
helps the traveller to know his way without this star , the traveller could become
lost easily .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

- Spark : a very small amount of light .

2- Pick the figures of speech .

a- Alliteration :
Line (1) Then the traveller in the dark .
- Then , the , the in line one " th " repeated .

Stanza 4 :
In the dark blue sky you keep ,
And often through my curtains peep ,
For you never shut your eye
Till the sun is in the sky

1- Paraphrase the above lines and write the meaning of the

underlined words .
- Paraphrase : The star stays and waits in the dark all the night , the star is able to
look through the curtains of the poet's room to the poet , the star looks like a little
eye in the sky that never closes the whole night the star doesn't shut its eye until the
sun comes up .

- Keep : To stay , to wait .

- Peep : To look for a moment , quickly , often through something .

2- Pick the figures of speech .

-Personification :
" In the dark blue sky you keep " line (1)
" And often through my curtains peep " line (2)
The poet personified the star as a person who can wait and look quickly through
something .

-Personification :
" For you never shut your eye " line (3)
The poet personified the star as a person who has eyes.

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.

Stanza (5) :
As your bright and tiny spark
Lights the traveller in the dark ,
Though I know not what you are
Twinkle , Twinkle , little star .

1- Paraphrase the above lines and write the meaning of the

underlined words .
- Paraphrase : The poet says that the star is very important to the travellers
without the star , the travellers would get lost at night .
So the poet hopes the star will continue shining brightly .

- Lights : to make a light come on .

2- Pick the figures of speech .

- Contrast between light and dark they are opposites .

3- Write the rhyme scheme of the whole poem

" aa bb , cc dd , ee ff , gg bb , ee aa " .

AB Language School Final Revision 2nd. Prep.


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