Друк Тесту - Unit 3 Test

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9. 9. Turn ____________ and go through the ____________ . Remember to shut it behind you!

а) right, footpath
б) left, billboard

«На Урок» ПІБ:

в) left, gate
Unit 3 test
Дата: 10. 10. Get off the bus at the ____________ in the middle of the village. Cross the road and turn left
____________ High Street. 

а) traffic lights, to
б) corner, in

1. 1. There isn't ___ sugar left.

в) bus stop, onto
а) some
б) any

в) no 11. 11.    Walk ____________ the field and then follow the ____________ to the village. 

а) traffic lights, signs

б) across, footpath

2. 2. I can't see ___ litter in the park. It's a very clean place.
в) in, road works
а) any
б) some

в) little 12. 12.Go to the ____________ of the street. You’ll see a(n) ____________ with a car advert on it. 

а) bus stop, onto

б) across, footpath

3. 3. Are there __ good restaurant in your town?

в) end, billboard
а) some
б) any

13. 13. People now know that smoking can seriously _____ your health.
4. 4. Would you like dessert? There is ___ ice-cream in the freezer.
а) break
б) damage

а) any
б) some

в) trouble
в) a little

14. 14. In 2007 in the UK the government made a new ________. 

5. 5. There isn’t ____ traffic today. 
а) advice
б) custom

а) much
б) many

в) law
в) a few

15. 15. They made it ______to smoke in public buildings like restaurants and shopping centres.
6. 6. Look! There are ________ children playing on the beach. 
а) illegal
б) out-dated

а) any
б) some

в) unnecessary
в) a little
г) a few

16. 16. Some people were worried that it might be bad for the _______, but in fact, businesses didn’t lose money.
7. 7.   How______ cats has your neighbour got? 
а) economy
б) environment

а) much
б) many

в) income
в) some
г) few

17. 17. . It seems that people like to be in a _____place, so more people visit shopping centres and restaurants.
8. 8. Would you like_____ biscuits with your tea?
а) non smoke
б) smoker

а) a few
б) a little

в) smoke-free
в) much
г) some

18. 18. Some people want the government to ______ smoking in cars too.  

а) ban
б) reject

в) cancel
19. 19. There aren’t many restaurants in our town. There’s ______ fantastic pizzeria and ______ Indian 28. 28. In the ____________ there’s a farmyard with some chickens and a dog. 
restaurant. Last weekend ______ pizzeria was really busy and we didn’t have a reservation, so we went to
а) show
б) image

______ Indian restaurant. I 

в) foreground
а) a, a, the,the
б) the, the, the, the

в) a, an, the, the 29. 29. In ____________ of the house there’s a tractor.

а) right
б) front

20. 20. . I love ______ curry, but my dad doesn’t really like ______ spicy food. He ordered something really
boring. I think ______ chef made ______ mistake, though.When Dad tasted his food, I could see there в) behind
was______ problem.
30. 30. ____________ the house there are big fields of wheat. I can’t see any people.
а) the, -, the, a, the
б) -,-, the, a, a

а) Front
б) Behind

в) -,-, the, a, the

в) Right
г) Foreground
21. 21. His face went red and his eyes started watering. I gave him a glass of water quickly! I don’t think we’ll go
back to ______ Indian restaurant next weekend. 31. 31. I ____________ they’re working, or maybe it’s lunchtime

а) show
б) see

а) -
б) an

в) imagine
г) suppose
в) the
32. 32. Turn ____the lane and then go straight.
22. 22.I love watching the chickens in the ___
а) in
б) to

а) land
б) crops

в) onto
в) farmyard
33. 33. Just ________ the path across the field.
23. 23.I bought a packet of tomato ___. I’m going to grow them in a box on the balcony.
а) follow
б) along

а) crops
б) wheat

в) across
в) seeds
34. 34. Go__________ the gate and park your car next to the house.
24. 24. There is no rain and the ___ are dying. 
а) over
б) at

а) seeds
б) farmyard

в) through
в) crops
35. 35. Turn ____ right at the church and you’ll see the cottage.
25. 25. The farmer grows vegetables on his ____
а) in
б) up

а) farmyard
б) land

в) -
в) farm house
36. 36. Go ____ the school. 
26. 26. This farm grows ___for bread.  
а) past
б) on

а) seeds
б) crops

в) after
в) wheat

27. 17. In this photo we can ____________ a farmhouse in the countryside. 

а) show
б) imagine     

в) behind    
г)   see     
Ключ до тесту
1. б (1 балів) 10. в (5 балів) 19. в (1 балів) 28. в (1 балів)
2. а (1 балів) 11. б (1 балів) 20. б (1 балів) 29. б (1 балів)
3. б (1 балів) 12. в (1 балів) 21. в (1 балів) 30. б (1 балів)
4. б в (1 балів) 13. б (1 балів) 22. в (1 балів) 31. в г (1 балів)
5. а (1 балів) 14. в (1 балів) 23. в (1 балів) 32. в (1 балів)
6. б г (1 балів) 15. а (1 балів) 24. в (1 балів) 33. а (1 балів)
7. б (1 балів) 16. а (1 балів) 25. б (1 балів) 34. в (1 балів)
8. а г (1 балів) 17. в (1 балів) 26. в (1 балів) 35. в (1 балів)
9. в (1 балів) 18. а (1 балів) 27. г (1 балів) 36. а (1 балів)

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