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Barriers to lean implementation in engineer-to-

order manufacturing with subsequent assembly
on-site: state of the art and future directions

Felix Schulze & Patrick Dallasega

To cite this article: Felix Schulze & Patrick Dallasega (2021): Barriers to lean implementation
in engineer-to-order manufacturing with subsequent assembly on-site: state of the art and future
directions, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2021.1888159

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Barriers to lean implementation in engineer-to-order manufacturing with

subsequent assembly on-site: state of the art and future directions
Felix Schulze and Patrick Dallasega
Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy


Engineer-to-Order (ETO) companies with subsequent assembly on-site develop and manufacture highly Received 3 July 2020
customised goods that must be finally installed at the customer’s site under time and budget con- Accepted 6 February 2021
straints. Traditional losses are caused by external factors (e.g. frequent changes by the customer) as
well as within the supply chain (e.g. assembly errors on-site). Generally, Lean methods can be applied
Lean manufacturing;
to mitigate these losses, but considering the ETO industry, various implementation barriers exist. implementation; barriers;
Through a systematic literature review, we propose a framework that lists and categorises Lean imple- engineer-to-order (ETO);
mentation barriers in: organisation, management, knowledge, culture, finances, customer, and non- losses; framework
context specific ones. Further research should focus on validating the framework with empirical data
and investigating if and how new technologies could help overcome these barriers.

1. Introduction and motivation This industry type is characterised by a high degree of

customisation, complicated product structures, as well as sim-
The demand for customised products is rising leading to an
ultaneous processes that lead to a significant amount of non-
increased number of Engineer-to-Order (ETO) companies
value adding activities (Schulze and Dallasega 2020). This
(Strandhagen et al. 2018). The European Union (EU) is the
includes the interaction and collaboration with stakeholders,
world’s largest producer and exporter of machinery with an
such as suppliers, subcontractors, and other trades as well as
estimated one-third share of the world market (European
the customer for the external supply chain. Moreover, losses
Commission 2020). Therefore, the ETO industry is one of the
can also occur within the supply chain and specifically the
main industries of the EU. ETO is a customer interaction strat-
engineering, project management, procurement, fabrication,
egy where the specific order triggers the engineering, fabrica-
and assembly on-site departments. The occurring losses were
tion, and on-site installation of products (Dallasega and Rauch
2017). ETO is often characterised by low volumes and high identified by literature reviews and expert interviews and cate-
degrees of customisation even if not all components are spe- gorised into six main areas: (i) Losses caused by obstructions
cifically engineered (Kjersem, Lillebryg, and Kiekebos 2015). with other trades such as if the work of the upstream trade has
Customers are usually perpetually involved in the design and not been performed according to specifications (Braglia,
engineering of the project (Seth and Rastogi 2019) due to the Dallasega, and Marrazzini 2020; Schulze and Dallasega 2020).
increased customisation degree of the products (Sriram, (ii) Losses caused by the customer like frequent changes of
Alfnes, and Arica 2013; Rauch, Unterhofer, and Dallasega, designs or specifications as well as delays due to missing
Rauch, and Frosolini 2018). The customer involvement for clari- approvals (Braglia, Dallasega, and Marrazzini 2020; Schulze
fications, approvals, design processes, testing, and develop- and Dallasega 2020). (iii) Losses caused by the engineering
ment induces an increased complexity to manage the project department like errors and discrepancies in design or technical
(Seth and Rastogi 2019; Strandhagen, Semini, and Alfnes documentation, and delays in releasing drawings (Braglia,
2019). Typically, the engineered products, such as machinery, Dallasega, and Marrazzini 2020; Schulze and Dallasega 2020).
heavy equipment, as well as buildings (in the civil and con- (iv) Losses caused by the project management department, for
struction industry) must be assembled on-site under budget instance, poor overall coordination of the project, and not up-
and time constraints (Dallasega, Marengo, and Revolti 2021). to-date schedules (Braglia, Dallasega, and Marrazzini 2020;
To provide short lead times and low costs, several processes, Schulze and Dallasega 2020). (v) Losses caused by the fabrica-
such as engineering, procurement, and manufacturing are tion department such as incomplete deliveries of material or
managed simultaneously via a project-based approach. In this components to site, or manufacturing errors (Braglia et al.
paper, we use the term ‘ETO industry’ that comprises machin- 2019; Schulze and Dallasega 2020; Braglia, Dallasega, and
ery and plant manufacturing with subsequent assembly at the Marrazzini 2020). (vi) Losses caused directly by the assembly on-
customer’s site as well as construction suppliers with final site such as lack of tools or materials on-site, searching for
installation on-site. equipment or supplies, or installation errors (Josephson and

CONTACT Patrick Dallasega Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
ß 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Bjo€rkman 2013; Braglia et al. 2019; Schulze and Dallasega of training of the employees and poor understanding of Lean
2020; Braglia, Dallasega, and Marrazzini 2020). concepts and practices delaying the advancement of the Lean
By comparing the manufacturing with the construction adoption process. Another example is the lack of financial
industry it becomes evident that construction produces a lot resources in many ETO firms which causes deficiencies in train-
of waste and has a low level of competitiveness (Aslam, Gao, ing of the workforce or impedes necessary investments needed
and Smith 2020). Of all activities, value-adding activities only for the Lean transformation. Considering the engineering
amount to 10%, whereas in manufacturing they account for department, losses are often caused by poor organisation,
62% (Institute 2005; Aziz and Hafez 2013). The values are complex and fragmented tasks as well as the lack of concur-
similar in the ETO industry. For example, Seth, Seth, and rent engineering of the different tasks (Haque, Pawar, and
Dhariwal (2017) applied Value Stream Mapping (VSM) in an Barson 2003; Dekkers, Chang, and Kreutzfeldt 2013; Famiyeh
ETO company and found that more than 50% of all activities et al. 2017). To identify and reduce these losses an ETO com-
were non-value adding. Therefore, implementing strategies pany could implement Value Stream Mapping (VSM) (Rauch,
in ETO and construction to reduce losses and non-value add- Dallasega, and Matt 2015; Alfnes, Thomassen, and Gran 2016;
ing activities as well as increasing competitiveness is crucial Chouiraf and Chafi 2018). This Lean tool is utilised to docu-
(Bayhan, Demirkesen, and Jayamanne 2019). ment, analyse, and improve the flow of both material and
One of the strategies and concepts to reduce these prod- information required to produce a product. However, the
uctivity losses is the application of Lean methods (Singh and application to the ETO environment is hindered by various bar-
Singh 2020; Tomasevic et al. 2020). Lean production evolved riers. These include the lack of Lean adaption of VSM to non-
first in the automotive industry with its very repetitive pro- repetitive settings due to the static behaviour of VSM (Lugert,
duction setting but progressively found its way into other Batz, and Winkler 2018), missing quantitative measurement
manufacturing environments. Most literature about Lean indicators such as the lack of suitable economic measures for
implementation is focussed on product-centered, repetitive, value (Marodin and Saurin 2015; Mano, Gouvea da Costa, and
and Make-to-Stock production characterised by consistent Pinheiro de Lima 2020), as well as that VSM is designed for
demand for high volumes of similar products (Gupta and Jain mass-production environments being not capable to map mul-
2013; Marodin and Saurin 2014; Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane tiple value streams with different routings (Braglia, Carmignani,
2014; Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Zammori 2006; Stamm and Neitzert 2008; Matt and
and Wulfsberg 2016; Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Rauch 2014).
Braglia et al. 2019; Braglia, Gabbrielli, and Marrazzini 2019; Tomasevic et al. (2020) found that practitioners and
Tomasevic et al. 2020). Empirical investigations regarding researchers currently face a fragmented, unstructured, and
Lean implementation in non-repetitive as well as the ETO unstandardised existing body of research in the field of
industry characterised by low volumes and customised prod- implementing Lean in the ETO industry. This is often
ucts has been debated but is limited compared to repetitive focussed on very specific Lean tools, such as VSM or Kanban
manufacturing (Birkie and Trucco 2016; Rossini et al. 2019). (Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal 2017; Villar-Fidalgo, Espinosa
Adopting and adapting Lean to such industries is very chal- Escudero, and Domınguez Somonte 2019). Similarly, Aslam,
lenging (Matt and Rauch 2014). Gao, and Smith (2020) discovered that in the field of Lean
Some of the Lean tools and principles are directly applic- Construction, literature, explaining the failures of Lean, show-
able to the ETO setting while others need to be adapted ing strategies for implementing Lean at the micro-level, as
(Portioli-Staudacher and Tantardini 2012; Powell et al. 2014; well as indicating measurement factors to evaluate the Lean
Dallasega, Rauch, and Frosolini 2018; Braglia et al. 2019). implementation process, is very limited.
The majority of ETO firms face barriers in implementing Practitioners would profit from an integrated framework
Lean to their industry setting (Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple able to guide the implementation of Lean methods to miti-
2017) resulting in very few cases of successful Lean adop- gate traditional losses by considering important implementa-
tions (Bhasin 2008; Yadav et al. 2010; Kumar and Kumar tion barriers. However, such a framework that could help
2014; Amrani and Ducq 2020). These barriers can be linked ETO companies to improve their performance is missing
to the organisation (Gupta and Jain 2013; Marodin and (Amrani, Ducq, and Goetz 2016; Amrani and Ducq 2020).
Saurin 2015; Lodgaard et al. 2016), management (Salonitis The purpose of this paper is to address the following
and Tsinopoulos 2016; Lodgaard et al. 2016; Zhang, research questions:
Narkhede, and Chaple 2017), knowledge (Tezel, Koskela, and
RQ1: What are the barriers to implement Lean methods in ETO
Aziz 2018; Leu and Ashoka 2019; Abu et al. 2019;), culture companies with subsequent assembly on-site, that were reported
(Haque, Pawar, and Barson 2003; Erthal and Marques 2018; in the scientific literature?
Jamil et al. 2018), finances (Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane 2014;
RQ2: Where should the future research be directed?
Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; Stoettrup et al. 2019), the
customer (Hussain et al. 2019; Tezel et al. 2020) and non- To accommodate the systemic nature of Lean and to pre-
context specific related barriers (Birkie and Trucco 2016; vent a piecemeal approach in which only Lean practices are
Chouiraf and Chafi 2018). adopted partially and unstandardised, it is crucial to be aware
For instance, a lack of support from top management as of the barriers when adopting Lean in the organisation (Dora,
well as insufficient management time will unlikely result in a Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; Tezel et al. 2020). Moreover, the
successful Lean implementation. Another example is the lack introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies and concepts could

help to overcome some Lean implementation barriers increases efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication,
(Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016; Buer, and construction (American Institute of Architects 2007).
Strandhagen, and Chan 2018) improving productivity and Visual Management (VM) is another well-mentioned Lean
reducing losses (Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016). principle in the literature that is critical to Lean success
The remainder of this article is organised as follows. The (Erthal and Marques 2018; Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019).
research methodology is described in section two. Section VM can be considered as one of the main Lean methods in
three explains the basic functioning of the researched Lean advanced manufacturing plants (Liker and Morgan 2006).
methods to facilitate the understanding of the reader. Usually, it is one of the Lean methods implemented first
Moreover, section three reports about related works and because it is the base upon other improvement activities are
summarises the identified research gap. The results of the built (Galsworth 1997). VM includes visual signs, removal of
systematic literature review are examined in section four. visual barriers, fool-proof devices, and programs for maintain-
Section five provides a discussion where the identified bar- ing a clean and orderly workplace (Galsworth 1997; Kattman
riers are structured in a novel framework. Moreover, the limi- et al. 2012). VM is usually realised by using various devices
tations and implications for practitioners as well as such as indicator lights, notice boards, cards, and visually dis-
researchers are proposed. play units (Ho 1993).
Pull scheduling and planning is at the core of Lean manu-
facturing, where materials are pulled along the entire value
2. Basic concepts and related works chain to be available on time for manufacturing according to
The following text sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 briefly explain schedule (Gupta and Jain 2013; Zhang, Narkhede, and
Chaple 2017; Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019). Fukushima
the working principle of the researched methodologies in
(2000) defines Pull scheduling as “a concept of dynamic
the SLR. Section 2.4 describes some further Lean methods
scheduling which is rescheduled in a short planning cycle,
and tools that are applied to ETO and construction proc-
for example daily by backward allocation”. Others define Pull
esses. Section 2.5 discusses related studies of barriers to
scheduling as the coordination of materials in the entire
Lean implementation. Different research suggests categoris-
value chain to provide them on time for production accord-
ing Lean methods according to their application area, like
ing to the project plan or schedule (Babalola, Ibem, and
design and engineering, planning and control, manufactur-
Ezema 2019). Specifically, in the construction industry Pull
ing, as well as construction or assembly processes on-site
planning is used to coordinate trades and provide the
(Aziz and Hafez 2013; Hame, Kowang, and Fei 2017; Babalola,
needed material JIT to the construction progress (Murguıa,
Ibem, and Ezema 2019). The loss categories mentioned in
Brioso, and Pimentel 2016). According to Kalsaas, Skaar, and
the introduction appear within the ETO supply chain.
Thorstensen (2016), Pull scheduling can be considered as an
Therefore we searched for implementation barriers of Lean
important attribute of the Last Planner System (LPS) but in
methods that are frequently used to i) coordinate the supply LPS production control at the shop floor level is push-based
chain in terms of manufacturing with on-site installation, ii) without any pull mechanism on the work plan level.
to improve processes within the supply chain like the engin-
eering, project management, and fabrication departments as
well as 3) to support specifically assembly processes on-site. 2.2. Lean methods within the supply chain
Just-in-Time (JIT), Poka-Yoke, as well as Prefabrication and
2.1. Lean methods for coordination of the supply chain Modularisation are widespread Lean methods in coordinating
the ‘1st Tier supplier’ part of the supply chain. JIT is one of
Regarding the ‘coordination of the supply chain’, the follow- the main pillars of Lean. It aims to eliminate all wastes that
ing Lean tools were selected in our analysis. Integrated are coming from a weak synchronisation of delivery with
Project Delivery (IPD) is an effective method to manage the demand. JIT is therefore essential in improving an organisa-
increasing complexity, dynamic, and fast project execution of tion’s performance (Bortolotti, Danese, and Romano 2013;
ETO and construction projects (Forero et al. 2015; Kim et al. Yang 2013). JIT enables the delivery of the right material or
2016). Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) can be defined as a information at the right time, in the right quantity and the
relational contracting and partnering strategy that sets the right sequence at the right point of usage thus reducing
terms and provides the motivation for collaboration in a con- stocks and consequently lead times (Godinho Filho, Ganga,
struction project (Cheng and Johnson 2016). According to and Gunasekaran 2016; Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019;
the American Institute of Architects (2007), IPD is a method Pereira et al. 2019). JIT can be defined as a comprehensive
of project delivery that is characterised by a contractual strategy that combines the fundamental elements of JIT-pro-
arrangement that aligns business interests among the owner, duction and JIT-purchasing, to eliminate waste and use effi-
the constructor, and the design professional. IPD proved to ciently resources throughout the supply chain (Claycomb,
be an effective method to manage complex, dynamic, and Dro€ge, and Germain 1999). JIT-production aims at reducing
fast projects (Cho and Ballard 2011). More in detail, IPD can excess inventories, material movements, production steps,
be defined as a method that explicitly promotes shared risks scrap losses as well as rejects and reworks (Brox and Fader
and rewards fostering an extensive collaboration between 2002; Arend and Wisner 2005). JIT-purchasing focuses on
project parties (Matthews and Howell 2005) and that eliminating waste and inefficiency in the purchasing process

by using techniques like daily delivery of small lot sizes from the activities to be performed in the mid-term future (usually
nearby vendors, shared information, supplier education, and between 4 and 6 weeks) aiming at removing constraints of
early supplier involvement in design (Freeland 1991). tasks scheduled. (iv) The weekly work plan is defined starting
Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema (2019) define JIT as a system that from the lookahead plan where the foremen define a feasible
enables prompt delivery of materials, information, and draw- plan and commit to its execution. The LPS also foresees a
ings required for a project to the point of usage. Considering monitoring phase to identify planning failures and trigger a
the ETO industry, theoretically, there is a high potential to continuous improvement process (Mossman 2018).
introduce JIT because every process is triggered by a specific LBMS is a location-based management system that applies
customer order (Birkie and Trucco 2016). Lean construction principles to concentrate on production
Prefabrication and Modularisation are common manufactur- control (Ratajczak, Riedl, and Matt 2019). It increases product-
ing methods where various components of a product or a ivity, prevents production problems, and avoids disruptions
building are produced or assembled at a facility before being between different trades, which all are important qualities
joined at the final installation on-site (Stoettrup et al. 2019; needed for the assembly on-site (Wesz, Formoso, and
Luo et al. 2020). These methods enable customised design at a Tzortzopoulos 2018; Ratajczak, Riedl, and Matt 2019). The
cost close to mass production as well as shorter lead times Location-based Management System (LBMS) was introduced by
and increased productivity (Jamil et al. 2018; Stoettrup et al. Kenley and Sepp€anen (2006) as the latest generation in loca-
2019; Luo et al. 2020). Prefabrication is a method used to pre- tion-based planning techniques. The LBMS uses a flexible loca-
pare parts in an offsite factory that are moved to the site for tion breakdown structure that is used in planning, scheduling,
installation (Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019). As such, the pro- and monitoring construction projects. The Lean method tracks
duction process can be performed in a controlled environment installed quantities per location and forecasts future problems
(in the fabrication hall) avoiding external disturbances, like bad based on real rather than planned progress (Kenley and
weather conditions, reaching higher levels of efficiency and Sepp€anen 2006). It uses the so-called Location-Breakdown
safety. The final assembly of components takes place on-site Structure (LBS) for representing locations as a hierarchy and it
(Hermes 2015). Hermes (2015) describes Modularisation in the introduces Location-Based Quantities that specify the quanti-
construction area as a systematic partition of an individual, ties for each activity by location. The main objective of the
complex building plan into as many equal areas as possible. Lean method is avoiding interruptions between trades on-site
Similarly, Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema (2019) define ensuring at the same time a constant workflow (Shanker and
Modularisation as an approach that divides spaces into equal Varghese 2013; Ratajczak et al. 2017). Moreover, the method
repeated sections (so-called modules) of similar size to foster aims at obtaining an efficient production rate (Behnam,
the process of mass Prefabrication of components. Ayough, and Mirghaderi 2018) and avoiding the overlapping
Poka-Yoke or error-proofing is a Lean method applied for of work in the same location (Shanker and Varghese 2013).
checking the process ahead for errors, to eliminate defects in Kaizen is a cornerstone of Lean and promotes continuous
a product or errors in a process as early as possible. It is improvement of all processes on the assembly on-site
commonly applied in manufacturing as well as construction (Rossini et al. 2019). It involves the employees and is crucial
processes (Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019; Salonitis and in reaching the ideal benefits of Lean implementation (Yusup,
Tsinopoulos 2016). Mahmood, and Salleh 2015; Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019).
Kaizen focuses on waste reduction and seeks to incremen-
tally increase performance, and therefore can be considered
2.3. Lean methods on-site as the keystone of Lean management (Liker 2004; Jin and
Concerning the ‘construction or assembly on-site’, Last Planner Doolen 2014; Mittal, Sindhwani, and Kapur 2016). Kaizen is a
System (LPS), Location-Based Management System (LBMS), and Japanese word that means the process of continuous
Kaizen were selected because they were often mentioned as improvement in the standard way of working (Rossini et al.
important Lean methods to support the ‘construction and 2019). Kaizen consists of three main characteristics (Berger
assembly on-site processes’ (Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019; 1997): (i) it is process-oriented; (ii) it consists of small step
Ratajczak, Riedl, and Matt 2019; Li, Fang, and Wu 2020). LPS is improvements and (iii) it is people-oriented. Kaizen is also
one of the most useful planning systems to attain a reliable one of the principal methods in Lean Construction to
execution according to schedule (Dominici and Palumbo 2013; encourage continuous improvement from design to con-
Wesz, Formoso, and Tzortzopoulos 2018). The LPS had been struction (Omotayo, Kulatunga, and Bjeirmi 2018; Babalola,
first published by Glenn Ballard in his dissertation in the year Ibem, and Ezema 2019). Kaizen plays an important role in
2000 (Ballard 2000) to improve performance in construction managing cost, time, and quality in construction projects
process execution by supporting it with reliable mechanisms (Junker 2010; Kaur and Kaur 2013).
for scheduling. Therefore, the method uses several scheduling
phases that are defined in collaboration among the project
2.4. Other Lean methods applied in this context
participants. (i) The master schedule defines the main project
phases and milestones and as such it states what should be Some further Lean methods and tools are applied to
done. (ii) The phase schedule details the master schedule with ETO and construction processes (Matt and Rauch 2014;
the main objective of defining the hand-offs between the Kjersem, Lillebryg, and Kiekebos 2015; Tomasevic, Slovic,
trades involved in a phase. (iii) The lookahead plan schedules and Stojanovic 2016; Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019;

Tomasevic et al. 2020). These include TQM, Concurrent conclusions to be drawn for non-repetitive environments
Engineering (CE), Virtual Design Construction (VDC), Daily hud- like ETO.
dle meetings, 5S, TPM, and Standardisation. We did not search A review by Bhasin (2012) correlated the size of an organ-
for implementation barriers for these Lean tools because of isation with identified Lean barriers in 68 manufacturers from
the following reasons: (i) their low frequency of implementa- the UK. He observed that cost is the main barrier for small-
tion and (ii) their main application in other areas like quality sized enterprises and a lack of insufficient supervisory skills
management or human resource management. for medium and large companies. Further, culture poses a
crucial factor in large companies regarding Lean implementa-
tion. In all, the majority of authors commonly argue that the
2.5. Related works organisational culture is the single most important factor
observed for success and failure of implementing Lean. In
Table 1 summarises related studies of barriers to Lean imple-
line with this, Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple (2017) have
mentation. Related works were investigated by summarising
identified 44 total barriers in Lean manufacturing. Due to a
the main findings.
very low rate of successful Lean implementations, they con-
clude that each company should customise the Lean
2.5.1. Barriers of lean implementation in the literature approach to their specific manufacturing environment
Various authors (Gupta and Jain 2013; Marodin and Saurin and needs.
2015; Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane 2014; Marodin and Saurin Marodin and Saurin (2015) have categorised barriers
2015; Cano et al. 2015; Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; according to the hierarchy of a company: Top and middle
Lodgaard et al. 2016; Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; management support, shop floor involvement as well as pro-
Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016; Zhang, cess management. Besides, it was also observed by Lodgaard
et al. (2016) that in organisations different hierarchical levels
Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Jamil et al. 2018; Brady et al.
experience varying types of Lean barriers. Top management
2018; Abu et al. 2019; Basu and Dan 2020; Tezel et al. 2020)
emphasise Lean tools implementation but lack an under-
have described barriers to Lean implementation in different
standing of team focus. Middle management prioritises roles
industries, types of production and countries. The barriers of
and responsibilities but requires more competences and
Lean are analysed in general manufacturing, in the food
skills. Workers complain more about a lack of time for
processing industry (Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016), in the
involvement and discussions as well as a disregard for their
furniture industry (Abu et al. 2019), as well as in construction suggestions from the management. Accordingly, the intro-
(Cano et al. 2015; Jamil et al. 2018; Brady et al. 2018; Tezel duction of Lean to the corresponding hierarchical levels
et al. 2020). Typical production types analysed are serial pro- must be taken into account. Other works have examined
duction, as well as MTO and construction. Several identified common barriers to implement Lean construction. A study
works cover Lean construction and can be counted as part performed on the adoption of Lean thinking in highway con-
of ETO. struction by Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz (2018) found that exter-
The drivers and barriers of implementing Lean in the gen- nal factors, like customer pressure and the prospect of
eral manufacturing industry are described in the works of securing more contracts, are a strong motivator for compa-
several scholars (Gupta and Jain 2013; Jadhav, Mantha, and nies to adopt Lean. They concluded that lack of standardisa-
Rane 2014; Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; Zhang, Narkhede, tion, lack of know-how, and a limited view of Lean tools
and Chaple 2017; Bayhan, Demirkesen, and Jayamanne 2019; were the main Lean adoption barriers. From the 110 identi-
Basu and Dan 2020), but ETO companies are not considered fied barriers in the Colombian construction industry, Cano
specifically. Most of the literature discusses barriers of Lean et al. (2015) conclude that the overall development level of
for repetitive manufacturing which does not allow for Lean construction within the company, as well as the local

Table 1. Overview of related works.

Authors Industry type Findings
Gupta and Jain (2013); Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane Manufacturing These works have studied Lean implementation barriers in the general
(2014); Marodin and Saurin (2014); Salonitis and manufacturing sector. Some authors have based their findings on case
Tsinopoulos (2016); Sanders, Elangeswaran, and studies with various manufacturers in various countries and industries.
Wulfsberg (2016); Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck (2016); Other works were based on systematic literature reviews.
Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple (2017); Abu et al. The identified barriers were grouped according to their influence on the
(2019); Basu and Dan (2020) context.
The main Lean implementation barriers mentioned were linked to
management, organisation, company’s culture, workforce, resources,
knowledge, technology, and customer.
Cano et al. (2015); Construction These works have analysed Lean implementation barriers in the construction
Lodgaard et al. (2016); sector. The results are based on case studies. The lean adoption rate is
Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz (2018); relatively low.
Brady et al. (2018); Top Lean barriers identified are Lack of standardisation, insufficient benefit
Jamil et al. (2018); measuring, lack of know-how and skills, limited knowledge of the Lean
Tezel et al. (2020) techniques, lack of finances, lack of collaboration, lack of leadership, lack
of client and supplier involvement.

construction conditions, decide if the barriers can be man- a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to identify in the litera-
aged. An assessment of the barriers in implementing Lean ture reported barriers to implement Lean methods in ETO
construction in the Saudi-Arabian construction industry was companies with subsequent assembly on-site. SLR is a com-
carried out by Jamil et al. (2018). They established that the prehensive and reproducible method for identifying, evaluat-
influence of traditional practices, adverse organisational cul- ing, and combining the present body of recorded knowledge
ture, as well as lack of skills and understanding are the main generated by researchers, scholars, and practitioners
barriers to implement Lean construction. (Petticrew and Roberts 2008; Okoli and Schabram 2010).
Basu and Dan (2020) concluded in their research on Lean Following Denyer and Tranfield (2009), Booth, Sutton, and
manufacturing that most review papers focussed on the con- Papaioannou (2016), as well as Boland, Cherry, and Dickson
cept of Lean and its development but a comprehensive list (2017), a three-step approach was employed: (1) ‘Planning
of all the input, such as tools, techniques, or methods, and the review’; (2) ‘Conducting the review’; and (3)
output, such as benefits or metrics, parameters to guide ‘Documenting the review’.
practitioners in Lean implementation is still missing.
Therefore, they created a framework for Lean implementa-
3.1. Planning the review
tion and classified the Lean barriers in various function-
related categories of a company, such as customer and The first step consists of two main activities:
supplier management, human resources and management
role, product design and development, as well as quality, i. Define the research question and
strategic, and technology control. ii. Establish a protocol for reviewing the research
The results from the literature review show that there are
several categories of Lean implementation barriers. Common Initially, we defined two research questions RQ1 and RQ2
classification of the barriers to Lean implementation in man- based on the identified research gap. We used SCOPUS, as
ufacturing is related to the company’s main areas such as one of the main databases for scientific works. Secondly, we
workforce, organisation, finances, knowledge, company cul- have created a protocol for validating our research. The lit-
ture, and management (Gupta and Jain 2013; Salonitis and erature review is performed via keyword searches in the
Tsinopoulos 2016; Dora, Kumar and Gellynck 2016; Zhang, SCOPUS database. Conceptual boundaries of the research
Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Dora, Abu et al. 2019). Belkadi, were set to the subject areas ‘engineering’, ‘business’, and
Cherti, and Bahaj (2019) have divided the Lean implementa- ‘decision sciences’. The research results were restricted to the
tion barriers into internal and external barriers. External fac- ‘English’ language and the time limit was restricted from
tors include government regulations or consumer needs, 2010 to 2020 to examine more recent works. Further, we
while internal factors correspond to resources such as com- only considered journal and conference articles to capture
pany culture or management time and attitude. In another validated knowledge and new findings. Table 2 details the
study, Cherrafi et al. (2017) classified the barriers of imple- subject area and restrictions in our database search.
menting green Lean linkage (barriers with strong driver
power and strong dependence such as ‘fear of failure’ or
‘lack of Kaizen culture’) and autonomous (barriers with weak 3.2. Conducting the review
driving and dependence) as well as dependent (barriers with The second stage consists of five activities:
weak driver power but strong dependence) and independent
barriers (barriers with strong driving power but weak i. Analyse the appropriate research
dependence such as ‘lack of government support’) through a ii. Chose the principal studies
MICMAC analysis. iii. Evaluate the quality of the studies
Therefore, it can be inferred from the above publications iv. Select the essential information
that the barriers to Lean implementation can be classified v. Establish the data for the review
according to different criteria depending on the
research focus. For each Lean methodology, we defined several syno-
Many researchers have clustered the barriers for Lean nyms. For instance, for VM, we considered the following syn-
implementation regarding different factors, situations, envi- onyms: ‘Visual Management’ or ‘VM’ or ‘Visualisation tools’ or
ronments, and industries. Considering the ETO industry, a ‘Visualisation’. Table 3 reports the search string that we
framework with the barriers to Lean implementation is still applied for each methodology, composed of the synonyms
missing. This work is an attempt to bridge this gap by sum- and restrictions on the subject areas and years. To obtain
marising in clusters, the identified Lean barriers of ETO com- only the results concerning the ETO industry, we included
panies with subsequent assembly on-site to mitigate the keywords: (‘ETO’) OR (‘Engineer-to-Order’). The same
traditional loss categories. approach was applied to focus the research results on the
implementation barriers, for which we included the following
keywords: (‘barrier’) OR (‘constraints’) OR (‘challenges’) OR
3. Research methodology
(‘hindrances’) OR (‘failure factors’). The initial research was
Based on the scientific works of Boland, Cherry, and Dickson limited to the article title, abstract, and keywords. This
(2017) and Booth, Sutton, and Papaioannou (2016), we used returned too few results and therefore we expanded our

Table 2. Subject areas and restrictions in Scopus search.

Restriction Restricting Condition Scopus String
Subject Areas Engineering, Subject_Areas ¼
Business Management and Accounting, Decision Sciences Limit-To(SubjArea,’ENGI’) Or
Limit-To(SubjArea,’BUSI’) Or
Limit-To(SubjArea, ‘DECI’)
Year From 2010 to 2020 Years ¼
Limit-To(PubYear , 2020) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2019) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2018) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2017) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2016) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2015) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2014) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2013) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2012) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2011) Or
Limit-To(PubYear, 2010) Or

research in SCOPUS to include the keyword search to ‘ALL’ documents were excluded from the 247 articles. For the final
parts of the investigated works. selection of the relevant articles to be further analysed, both
In order to ensure clarity and transparency while conduct- authors compared their independently chosen selection
ing an SLR, we have applied the reporting guideline of articles. The overlap of both authors was the basis for
approach “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review the in-depth analysis. The following inclusion criteria
and Meta-Analysis” (PRISMA) by Liberati et al. (2009). PRISMA were applied:
suggests in an SLR to use four explicit and reprodu-
cible steps: i. Implementation barriers are listed, described, and sup-
ported by data
i. Identifying all likely relevant documents ii. Barriers refer to the ETO industry
ii. Screening records of duplicates and exclusion criteria
iii. Assessing articles for eligibility Based on these criteria, further 113 articles were excluded,
iv. Synthesising qualitatively the included studies (see leaving 55 articles eligible for the content analysis. A back-
Figure 1). ward and forward search – snowballing - was implemented,
by also checking the reference lists of the articles for more
The identification phase led to a total of 362 articles pub- relevant publications. Additionally, 19 articles were included
lished from 2010 until March 2020 via the database search. in the literature, resulting in a final set of 74 papers to be
Of these, 59 articles appeared multiple times and were con- included in the content analysis. The research was performed
sidered only once. Therefore 155 articles were deduced from on the 15th of March 2020. Special attention was given to
the initial 362 articles, leaving 247 articles to be analysed identify implementation barriers of Lean methods that miti-
according to title and abstract fitness. For the identified rele- gate traditional losses in ETO companies with subsequent
vant works to be included in the content analysis we defined assembly on-site.
specific inclusion criteria as suggested by Tranfield, Denyer, The content of the selected articles was structured into
and Smart (2003) and Denyer and Tranfield (2009). The fol- clusters. 77 percent of the articles examined are journal
lowing criteria for the identification and selection of papers papers and 23 percent of the analysed works are confer-
were defined: ence papers.
Since 59 papers appeared multiple times in the different
i. Papers referred to the ETO industry search results (Table 3), we believe that our search strings
ii. Papers reporting on the implementation of the chosen are inclusive. Figure 1 shows the detailed steps that were
Lean tools and methods undertaken to select the scientific works included in the con-
iii. Papers reporting on the barriers of implementing these tent analysis.
Lean methods
iv. Papers published in scientific journals and conference
3.3. Documenting the review
v. Papers published within the time range between 2010 The third stage consists of two steps:
to 2020
i. Compiling the review report
To select the relevant works, a two-step approach was ii. Validating the report
applied. First, a reading of the abstract, if the article met the
selected criteria, and second, a detailed reading of the com- The review protocol was used for the quantitative and
plete article. As a result of the first screening process, 79 content selection of the analysed articles. The personal

choices and motivations for the chosen articles were

( ALL ( kaizen ) OR ALL ( cip ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges ) OR ALL ( hindrances )

( ALL ( "Integrated Project Delivery" ) OR ALL ( ipd ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges )
( ALL ( "Location-based management system" ) OR ALL ( lbms ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL (

( ALL ( "Pull scheduling" ) OR ALL ( pull ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges ) OR ALL (
( ALL ( prefabrication ) OR ALL ( modularisation ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges )
( ALL ( "Last Planner System" ) OR ALL ( lps ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges ) OR
described and shared between the two authors. This helped

( ALL ( visualisation ) OR ALL ( visual management ) OR ALL ( vm ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR
( ALL ( "Poka-Yoke" ) OR ALL ( "Poka Yoke" ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges ) OR
( ALL ( "Just-In-Time" ) OR ALL ( jit ) AND ALL ( "Engineer-to-Order" ) OR ALL ( eto ) AND ALL ( barriers ) OR ALL ( constraints ) OR ALL ( challenges ) OR ALL (
to accelerate double-checking needed for the ultimate
approval and selection of the works and the clustering of
the implementation barriers. Not agreed upon articles
between the two authors were excluded.

3.4. Descriptive sample overview

In the fourth step, a bibliometric analysis of the articles from
the study selection was applied. This to analyse and assess
statistically the input data (McBurney and Novak 2002).
Figure 2 presents the document distribution by year of
publication. The figure shows a steady increase in the total
Table 3. Scopus search string for each methodology, consisting of synonyms and the restriction on the subject area (Subject_Areas) and years as defined in Table 2.

number of publications, with a significant dip in 2017, but

also a peak in 2019.
Table 4 shows that most of the relevant publications were
ALL ( challenges ) OR ALL ( hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

issued by Italian researchers (17). Further, the United

Synonyms and Search strings

challenges ) OR ALL ( hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

Kingdom (12), Norway (7), Brazil (5), and India (5) seem to be
very vigorous in the field of barriers to Lean implementation.
Table 5 shows the document distribution by industry type.
Manufacturing was divided into general manufacturing, ETO
OR ALL ( hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

OR ALL ( hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

type manufacturing and MTO type manufacturing. Whenever

ALL ( hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

ALL ( hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

a study considered a specific industry type, we included it in

hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

hindrances ) OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

the table by specifically mentioning aerospace, furniture,

food, logistics, electronics, and shipbuilding. Most of the
publications focus on construction while manufacturing in
OR ALL ( "failure factors" ) ) AND Subject_Areas AND Years

the ETO sector comes second.

Table 6 shows that most of the identified articles are lit-
erature reviews and surveys. Only 21 (28%) articles are using
case studies to validate their findings in practice.
Table 7 lists the journals and conferences of the analysed
articles. As anticipated before, 23% of the analysed works
come from conferences and 77% from scientific journals.
Approximately 32% of the selected works were published in
journals that have an impact factor between the range of 0
and 1.5, 28% between 1.5 and 3, and 42% greater than 3.
The impact factor was retrieved from Incites Journal Citation
Reports (Analytics 2020). Considering conference papers, 43%
were presented at conferences with an A rating, 20% with a
B rating, as well as 43% with a C rating according to ERA
Ranking (Excellence in Research for Australia 2018).

4. Results
This section summarises the identified barriers of Lean imple-
mentation according to the SLR. Generally, the literature
reviewed shows that beyond the manufacturing, ETO has
received less attention in the research of Lean. Evidence in
Prefabrication & Modularisation

Pull Scheduling / Pull Planning

the literature suggests there are several categorizations of

Lean barriers. We categorised the identified studies accord-
ing to a grounded theory approach (Bo €hm 2004; Breuer and
Steinhoff 2010). Specifically, the definition of the clusters has
been done by importing qualitative data, creating prelimin-

Kaizen / CIP


ary categories, reviewing their convergent or divergent rela-

tionships, and redefining the final clusters within a circular


approach (Equit and Hohage 2016).


Figure 1. Detailed process to select papers for the content analysis (based on PRISMA by Liberati et al. (2009)).

Figure 2. Publications per year.

Based on current literature, existing clusters in manufacturing on the main barrier groups. Several sub-groups were defined to
(Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck identify why Lean methods are not sufficient to overcome trad-
2016; Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Basu and Dan 2020) itional loss categories. To demonstrate that the clustering was
and construction (Cano et al. 2015; Jamil et al. 2018) were used derived from the literature, we used stated facts as direct cita-
to create preliminary categories. Further categories were derived tions from the investigated research. As a result, the content
therefrom. Both authors separately rated and analysed the lit- analysis was structured in seven clusters related to organisation,
erature so that a cluster was only defined when there was a con- management, knowledge, cultural, financial, customer, and non-
sensus of both authors. The main clusters were defined based context specific related Lean implementation barriers.

Table 4. Articles by country. in practice (Gupta and Jain 2013; Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane
Country N of publications 2014; Lodgaard et al. 2016; Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016;
Italy 17 Abu et al. 2019; Bayhan, Demirkesen, and Jayamanne 2019;
The UK 12 Belkadi, Cherti, and Bahaj 2019). In particular, Dora, Kumar,
Norway 7
Brazil 5 and Gellynck (2016) mention that employee’s scepticism
India 5 about the management commitment to implement Lean
China 3
France 3
methods can be considered as a barrier. In this direction,
Germany 3 Marodin and Saurin (2014) report on the missing support by
Colombia 2 middle management in following up deadlines and results of
Malaysia 2
Morocco 2
Lean implementation processes. They argue that middle
Turkey 2 management is often not using proper root-cause analyses
USA 2 to solve problems, as well as activities, are frequently not
Australia 1
Denmark 1 standardised. On the other hand, at the operational level
Hong Kong 1 employees often feel not responsible for a successful imple-
Japan 1 mentation of Lean methods which constitutes another bar-
Nigeria 1
Portugal 1 rier (Almeida Marodin and Saurin 2015). Besides, Jamil et al.
Qatar 1 (2018), Mano, Gouvea da Costa, and Pinheiro de Lima (2020)
Sweden 1 as well as Tezel et al. (2015) report on the adherence of trad-
Taiwan 1
itional working habits of employees that can be interpreted
as hindrances to adopting Lean practices. Several fears, such
Table 5. Publications by industry type. as the fear of the unknown, fear of failure and complacency
Industry type N of publications as well as fear of losing one’s job due to the Lean rationalisa-
Construction 33 tions contribute to employee resistance (Salonitis and
Manufacturing, ETO 19
Manufacturing, general 14 Tsinopoulos 2016; Cherrafi et al. 2017; Abu et al. 2019). Fear
Manufacturing, MTO 2 of change was also observed by Forero et al. (2015) as a hin-
Aerospace 1 drance in implementing IPD in Colombia.
Electronics 1
Furniture 1
Logistics 1
Shipbuilding 1 4.1.2. Insufficient organisational structure
Food 1 Another key factor cited in the literature for successful Lean
implementation was the removal of organisational barriers
Table 6. Predominant research methodology. (Haque, Pawar, and Barson 2003). A lack of effort in building
Research methodology N of publications a supportive organisational culture is crucial (Lodgaard et al.
Literature review 26 (35%) 2016; Abu et al. 2019). To attain the necessary organisational
Survey 17 (23%) culture, companies need to address the fear of failure and
Single case study 15 (20% change, as well as the effects of economisation and
Multiple case study 6 (8%)
Conceptual / theoretical 5 (7%) increased responsibilities amongst employees that accom-
Empirical studies 4 (5%) pany the Lean implementation process (Abu et al. 2019).
Simulation 1 (1%)
Lodgaard et al. (2016) found in their research that nine of
the top ten barriers to change are people-related. Therefore,
4.1. Organisational related barriers they stress the importance of the management to invest
enough time to communicate, discuss, and listen to employ-
Remarkably, a lot of companies fail to build a suitable organisa- ees to generate engagement and overcome resistance to the
tional culture for Lean implementations to succeed. The litera- Lean implementation process. Removing organisational bar-
ture suggests going beyond the technicalities of Lean tools and riers, such as functional thinking and sequential processes, is
to change the organisation structurally in a way that favours the crucial for successfully implementing Lean tools and meth-
acceptance and change that comes with Lean in all parts of the ods, such as Concurrent Engineering (CE) and Integrated
company. Typical organisational barriers include a lack of quali- Project Delivery (IPD) (Haque, Pawar, and Barson 2003).
fied employees as well as not adapting Lean methods to a com-
pany’s specific needs and situation. Often firms ignore the
systematic approach of Lean by just focussing on certain parts 4.1.3. Fragmented implementation
of it which hinders a successful implementation. Other organisa- To successfully implement Lean, each company must recog-
tional barriers include deficient information management as nise their particular production environment in which it
operates and adapts the necessary Lean methods to the
well as employee’s resistance to change.
company’s specific needs and requirements (Zhang,
Narkhede, and Chaple 2017). However, ignoring the systemic
4.1.1. Employee’s resistance to change nature of Lean and just focussing on implementing certain
Employee’s unwillingness to engage in Lean processes is one aspects of it is another implementation barrier which is com-
of the most mentioned barriers to implement Lean methods monly known as the ‘piecemeal approach’ (Marodin and

Table 7. Number of publications for each journal.

Journal N of publications
Production Planning and Control 8
International Journal of Production Research 5
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 5
Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 4
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 3
Building and Environment 2
Buildings 2
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 2
Journal of Cleaner Production 2
Journal of Management in Engineering 2
Beyond World-Class Productivity: Industrial Engineering Practice and Theory 1
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 1
Computers in Industry 1
Construction Innovation 1
FME Transactions 1
Frontiers in Built Environment 1
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 1
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 1
International Journal of Construction Management 1
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology 1
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 1
International Journal of Project Management 1
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 1
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 1
Journal of System and Management Sciences 1
Manufacturing Letters 1
Systemic Practice and Action Research 1
Technovation 1

Saurin 2015; Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; Schimanski 4.1.4. Insufficient information management
et al. 2020; Tezel et al. 2020). In the same manner, an over- Marodin and Saurin (2014) as well as Bayhan, Demirkesen, and
emphasis on tools instead of the core principles and require- Jayamanne (2019) found out that a lack of communication
ments of Lean in the implementation phase will unlikely throughout the company, in the form of not informing
have the desired results on the course of business (Lodgaard employees about the improvement results, next steps being
et al. 2016). Additionally, Strandhagen et al. (2018) mention a taken or further objectives is another hindering factor in the
lack of focus on the non-physical tasks of ETO manufacturing Lean implementation process. They further added that not
such as sales, engineering, and project management as part keeping up with the improvements made, such as checking of
of the ‘piecemeal approach’ which hinders its appropriate audits or standardising the implemented improvement actions
implementation. Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal (2017) and Lugert, and Lean tools led to returning to the original state after a few
Batz, and Winkler (2018) mention the lack of clarity, adapt- months. In this regard, Lodgaard et al. (2016) found that the
ability, and proper economic measures of the VSM applica- involvement of employees is a crucial step to achieve continu-
tion as an implementation barrier. Another operational ous improvement in the production area as well as to ensure
challenge is the danger of falling back to the old ways of that the Lean implementing process also reaches daily work
doing business, called ‘backsliding’, instead of sustaining the practices. Bayhan, Demirkesen, and Jayamanne (2019) found
improvements achieved in the medium and long run that in construction often the workers are not proficient in the
(Marodin and Saurin 2015; Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple native language since they are often from other countries and
2017; Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018). therefore literally do not understand the communicated Lean
Also problematic is a lack of standards in carrying out implementation measures and information.
tasks which allow the workforce to build their approach to
performing their work. But when they leave the organisation,
they often carry this knowledge with them (Mano, Gouvea 4.2. Management related barriers
da Costa, and Pinheiro de Lima 2020). Management related barriers encompass a lack of commitment
Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz (2018) found in their research of from top management, lack of long-term planning, insufficient
the highway sector that pressure from clients in the adoption management time as well as not making Lean a daily focus.
of Lean leads to unstandardised and partial Lean implementa- Other factors include the lack of appropriate KPIs and mile-
tions with some steps or techniques being fully neglected. stones as well as a clear strategy and direction of the company.
Lean often is adapted to the local premises of a project in
construction or in the ETO sector which in itself produces
another barrier. The project habitually develops highly spe- 4.2.1. Limited management commitment
cific characteristics which again makes it nearly impossible to Lack of commitment and support from top management is
carry out benchmarks with other projects or companies in another mentioned barrier of Lean implementation (Gupta
the industry sector (Mano, Gouvea da Costa, and Pinheiro de and Jain 2013; Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane 2014; Lodgaard
Lima 2020). et al. 2016; Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Cherrafi et al.

2017; Demirkesen and Bayhan 2019; Bayhan, Demirkesen, Bayhan, Demirkesen, and Jayamanne 2019) as well as ignor-
and Jayamanne 2019; Belkadi, Cherti, and Bahaj 2019). ance of barriers in the adoption of Lean (Zhang, Narkhede,
Leadership must be executed by all management levels, not and Chaple 2017) all fall under this category. Mano, Gouvea
only by senior management (Gupta and Jain 2013; Lodgaard da Costa, and Pinheiro de Lima (2020) observed in their
et al. 2016). Other factors mentioned are a lack of long-term study on barriers to Lean Construction that many firms
planning or vision (Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; Salonitis falsely assume they have implemented Lean when solely
and Tsinopoulos 2016), insufficient senior management skills, employing a tool or single method without a broader know-
as well as that management, doesn’t spend enough time on ledge of Lean as a whole concept. Further, they found that
Lean implementation (Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017). errors regarding the Lean implementation process are usually
Marodin and Saurin (2014) mention that middle manage- made on all levels of the company when Lean is not com-
ment is often not respecting suggestions for improvement pletely understood. Besides the lack of knowledge, Forero
proposed from the operator level, which tends to demotivate et al. (2015) also mention a lack of understanding of the
the workforce after a few years. Considering the LPS method, potential benefits of implementing certain Lean methods,
Dallasega, Marengo, and Revolti (2021) report the lack of such as IPD. Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema (2019) have estab-
commitment to use it for collaboration. lished in their literature review a lack of systematic identifica-
tion and classification of the different Lean Construction
practices, as well as their benefits, which embodies a key
4.2.2. Short-term focus barrier in the effective Lean implementation. In their study
Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz (2018) point out companies’ short- on exploring factors for implementing Lean Construction,
term approach to Lean implementation as a tactic to Aslam, Gao, and Smith (2020) observed that the strategies to
‘impress the client’ as another hindering factor which is sup- select Lean tools and methods for the construction sector
ported by the observations of Bayhan, Demirkesen, and are rarely explained in the literature. This leads to companies
Jayamanne (2019). Also, Salonitis and Tsinopoulos (2016) unable to select the right Lean tools and techniques as well
noticed that an increased focus on everyday issues instead as unable to implement them properly particularly at the
of on the implementation progress will digress a firm’s effort beginning of their Lean course. Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal
of Lean implementation and prevent its progress to affect (2017) found that practitioners face complications in imple-
work practices positively (Lodgaard et al. 2016). menting VSM due to the lack of clarity regarding the five
core principles of Lean (identification of value, value stream,
flow, pull, and perfection). Further, Lugert, Batz, and Winkler
4.2.3. Hierarchical differences
(2018) reported that the static behaviour of VSM is a hinder-
Lodgaard et al. (2016) identified that different hierarchical
ing factor regarding the trends in the manufacturing envir-
levels in an organisation have contrasting views on Lean bar-
onment, such as high variety and low volume, digitisation of
riers. Workers often view Lean implementation as a manager-
production, as well as customisation of products. Regarding
ial responsibility and shirk away from adopting a change of
Prefabrication, Leu and Ashoka (2019) as well as Wuni and
role or being an active force in Lean in their daily work. Top
Shen (2020) point out that a lack of understanding and com-
management often misses this aspect and needs to invest plicated implementation processes are major factors
more time for training, understanding, and commitment to obstructing the advancement of prefabricated construction.
engage workforce and management alike (Salonitis and
Tsinopoulos 2016; Tezel and Aziz 2017).
4.3.2. Insufficient training
Although a skilled workforce and in-house know-how are
4.3. Knowledge related barriers important for successful Lean implementation (Dora, Kumar,
Knowledge related barriers consist of a poor understanding and Gellynck 2016; Abu et al. 2019), companies often neglect
of Lean concepts, a lack of know-how sharing, insufficient to train employees appropriately (Panizzolo et al. 2012; Dora,
training, as well as unclear roles, and responsibilities Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; Lodgaard et al. 2016; Cherrafi
amongst employees. Other factors include missing quantita- et al. 2017; Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Abu et al.
tive measurement indicators. 2019) and underestimate the time needed for doing it (Tezel
and Aziz 2015). Especially complex Visual Management (VM)
practices are reliant on adequate operator training (Brady
4.3.1. Insufficient know-how et al. 2018). Companies should consider that the training
Insufficient knowledge of Lean is another notable cited bar- procedures take time and that employees are often resistant
rier for its implementation (Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; to change and fearful of making mistakes when using VM
Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018). Incomplete understanding of tools (Tezel and Aziz 2015). Companies tend to overlook con-
Lean concepts and tools (Gupta and Jain 2013; Godinho sultancies in their endeavour to implement Lean (Salonitis
Filho, Ganga, and Gunasekaran 2016; Salonitis and and Tsinopoulos 2016; Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016) in
Tsinopoulos 2016; Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema 2019; Belkadi, fear of being dependent on one or a few external Lean
Cherti, and Bahaj 2019), lack of implementation expertise experts. Salonitis and Tsinopoulos (2016) point out that
and practices (Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; Abu et al. solely relying on external experts can be as inhibiting as hav-
2019; Leu and Ashoka 2019; Demirkesen and Bayhan 2019; ing no help from outside. They stress the need for a crucial

mass of knowledge in the company to successfully imple- tasks in the Lean organisation (Gupta and Jain 2013). Jamil
ment and sustain Lean methods. This ensures that the Lean et al. (2018) emphasise that companies must remove the
approach is tailored to the culture and procedures of the obstacle of averseness towards implementing Lean. Not
company and not just a copy of the implementation plan involving employees at all or only minimally during that pro-
that may have been worked out for another company. A lack cess (Abu et al. 2019) is another mistake of companies that
of knowledge is also often evident at the beginning of the is mentioned in the literature. Similarly, Aslam, Gao, and
implementation process when companies do not clearly Smith (2020) argue that employees should be empowered
define roles and responsibilities as well as fail to choose the and given opportunities within the Lean organisation to
best practices and tools (Lodgaard et al. 2016; Demirkesen thrive and find solutions to living Lean. Proper training and
and Bayhan 2019). In the same manner, firms also often neg- communication can overcome this barrier by raising the level
lect to train the supporting areas in Lean, such as engineer- of understanding and motivation (Gupta and Jain 2013) for
ing, information technology, logistics, human resources, the Lean culture. In that sense, it is important to develop
purchasing, and maintenance (Marodin and Saurin 2015). and select the right people for the relevant Lean applications
(Cano et al. 2015; Demirkesen and Bayhan 2019).
Erthal and Marques (2018) found that certain organisa-
4.3.3. Missing quantitative measurement indicators tional cultural traits favour the implementation of Lean. For
Quantitative measurement indicators or specific performance one, strict control, where monitoring and measuring the
metrics (Marodin and Saurin 2015; Erthal and Marques 2018; practices is appreciated by both management and workforce.
Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018; Tezel et al. 2020; Mano, Secondly, employee-orientation, which includes workforce
Gouvea da Costa, and Pinheiro de Lima 2020) needed to commitment and participation as well as improving work-
measure the financial profits of Lean benefits (Abu et al. life-balance and work environment. Lastly, an open-system
2019) are often missing in Lean implementation processes. approach, which emphasises company vision, corporate
Tezel and Aziz (2017) observed that often managers were goals, intensive training, and transparency as well as integra-
not able to quantify the gains of VM due to a lack of clarity. tion within and outside the organisation.
Similarly, Singh and Singh (2020) note that often manufac-
turers do not understand enough the benefits of Lean meth-
ods. Mano and Lima (2020) point out that the Lean concept 4.4.2. Country related cultural differences
cannot spread in the construction industry if companies do Dominici and Palumbo (2013) describe how the Japanese’s
not know what to expect from it as well as not knowing culture of cooperation and teamwork favours the Lean sys-
how to measure its effects and benefits. Matt and Rauch tem, while the internal competition and corporate hierarchy
(2014) emphasise that the traditional VSM method in an ETO of Western firms are a hindering factor in the adoption of
environment is missing appropriate economic measures for Lean. Erthal and Marques (2018) argue that different world
value or other typical production performance parameters. regions face different barriers in implementing and sustain-
Similarly, Marodin and Saurin (2014) stress that methods for ing Lean. The cultures in North and Northeast Europe as well
directing Lean production implementation, such as VSM do Anglo countries are characterised by high individualism,
not include instruments to manage Lean barriers. In their where personal goals and needs are prioritised, as well as by
analysis of implementing Standardisation, Modularisation and low uncertainty avoidance, where people are comfortable
Platform approaches in ETO businesses, Gepp, Foehr, and with ambiguous situations and less focussed on controlling
Vollmar (2016) mention the lack of specific KPIs as one of the future. These characterisations indicate that organisations
the main hurdles. are less flexible to adapt to change and therefore present
higher barriers in implementing and sustaining Lean (Erthal
and Marques 2018). On the other hand, Latin American,
4.4. Cultural related barriers African, and Arabic-speaking countries are impeded in their
Lean awareness and understanding were reported as significant Lean adoption process by a culture of short-term orientation,
cultural related implementation barriers for companies. low uncertainty avoidance, and large power distance, where
Country-related cultural differences, as well as different working hierarchy and unequal distribution of power between people
cultures of companies, were mentioned under this category. are accepted (Erthal and Marques 2018). The implementation
of Lean is supported in organisations in South and Central
Europe, the former Soviet Union countries, and parts of Asia.
4.4.1. Lack of ‘lean culture’ These regions are characterised by a culture of high uncer-
Just focussing on the technicalities of Lean management and tainty avoidance, in which planning and standardisation
not adapting one’s company organisation to a Lean culture efforts can help to minimise ambiguous situations. Further,
is another mentioned barrier in the literature (Haque, Pawar, relatively low masculinity, where men’s and women’s values
and Barson 2003; Lodgaard et al. 2016; Amrani, Ducq, and and roles are similar, and thus cooperation and consensus is
Goetz 2016; Cherrafi et al. 2017; Jamil et al. 2018; Erthal and fostered, as well as low individualism (Erthal and Marques
Marques 2018; Abu et al. 2019; Demirkesen and Bayhan 2018). Cagliano et al. (2011) and Erthal and Marques (2018)
2019; Aslam, Gao, and Smith 2020). The implementation pro- have also established negative effects of masculinity on Lean
cess will ultimately change the working culture, which may practices. Masculinity’s aggressive and confrontational behav-
leave the workers overwhelmed with their new roles and iour curbs employee’s cooperation in problem detection and

solving. Feminine cultures tend to be better at handling Ducq 2020). Generally, the inflexibility to tailor the Lean
autonomy and job rotation, both crucial to Lean success approach from the repetitive production setting to the ETO
(Erthal and Marques 2018). industry and the company’s specific conditions and culture
(Salonitis and Tsinopoulos 2016; Chouiraf and Chafi 2018) are
the main hurdles for the successful adoption of Lean to ETO.
4.5. Financial barriers Gupta and Jain (2013) mention that a large product variety
This cluster addresses the lack of financial resources, which as well as missing long-term production schedules cause dif-
include training costs, costs for external consultants, or any ficulty for the organisation to sustain Lean implementation
other related investments needed for Lean adoption. processes. For example, JIT needs very accurate demand
forecasts and flexible processes, especially quick set-up times
(Bortolotti, Danese, and Romano 2013), in order to be imple-
4.5.1. Lack of financial resources mented successfully. Another example is the Lean tool VSM
Another often mentioned barrier in Lean adoption is the lack which is also difficult to directly apply from a repetitive to a
of financial resources (Gupta and Jain 2013; Jadhav, Mantha, non-repetitive manufacturing environment (Chouiraf and
and Rane 2014; Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck 2016; Cherrafi Chafi 2018). It lacks suitable economic measures (Matt and
et al. 2017; Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; Bayhan, Rauch 2014), it fails to map multiple products with different
Demirkesen, and Jayamanne 2019; Tezel et al. 2020) which routings (Chouiraf and Chafi 2018) and it doesn’t allow for
mostly concerns SMEs (Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017; effective management of the value stream at the operational
Tezel et al. 2020;). Training costs, external consultants, acquir- level which is crucial for successfully implementing Lean in
ing related technologies, and investments in innovations fall complex systems (Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018). Marodin
under financial resources and are generally less affordable and Saurin (2014) report the fact that VSM is often used to
for SMEs than larger enterprises (Dora, Kumar, and Gellynck initiate the Lean implementation process, focussing on the
2016). Increased costs, especially for the additional off-site technical aspects of the value stream while neglecting the
construction (Stoettrup et al. 2019), are the core barrier in identification of potential Lean implementation barriers. Seth,
implementing Modularisation and Prefabrication as two Seth, and Dhariwal (2017) concluded in their research that
important Lean methods in construction. Similarly, Leu and VSM applications in complex environments cannot be imple-
Ashoka (2019) highlight that cost is the main barrier in the mented. Brady et al. (2018) and Tezel and Aziz (2017) point
adoption of Prefabricated Construction. out that Visual Management (VM) in construction often lacks
a systematic approach and is applied in isolation to only a
few construction processes. Further, due to client pressure,
4.5.2. No direct financial advantage some companies implement certain Lean methods, such as
Not all Lean methods produce quantifiable gains but rather VM and LPS often in a partial and not standardised way
intangible benefits, such as improved safety and employee (Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018; Dallasega, Marengo, and
satisfaction. Therefore, many companies do not focus Revolti 2021). Rossini et al. (2019) came to similar conclusions
enough on the Lean implementation process, which often regarding the lack of standardisation presenting a crucial
leads to failed implementation projects (Zhang, Narkhede, barrier for Kaizen and continuous improvement process (CIP)
and Chaple 2017). Considering SMEs, Dora, Kumar, and implementations. A structured guide to CIP that fits well
Gellynck (2016) report on the fact that Lean implementations with a company’s system is missing. Generally, Dallasega
in SMEs have usually a higher relative impact on budgets et al. (2019) state that Kanban-type supermarket pull systems
compared to larger companies, which could hinder the will- are not easy to implement due to long takt times, unstable
ingness to invest in such practices. Kim et al. (2016) found production processes and low availability of machines in the
that companies are often not willing to share profits and ETO industry.
costs which is a barrier to the implementation of IPD in pub-
lic projects.
4.6.2. Lack of process reliability
The ETO industry is characterised by high environmental
4.6. Non-context specific related barriers uncertainty, such as high levels of unpredictability and
This section categorises barriers related to a lack of Lean instability regarding customer and demand fluctuations, sup-
implementation, standardisation, poor adaptability of Lean plier and sub-contractor performance, rate of innovation, or
methods from repetitive to non-repetitive environments, changes in regulatory requirements (Birkie and Trucco 2016).
insufficient time or administration effort regarding the imple- These factors pose another difficulty in implementing Lean
mentation process, as well as unstable processes, which are tools, especially for synchronising production processes and
hindering the Lean implementation process. reducing inventory levels (Alfnes, Thomassen, and Gran 2016;
Birkie and Trucco 2016). Wesz, Formoso, and Tzortzopoulos
(2018) point out that uncertainties in the ETO production pro-
4.6.1. Lack of lean adaption cess pose a barrier to implementing Prefabrication and
The most voiced barrier for companies in the ETO industry is Modularisation for ETO manufacturers. These include deci-
the lack of Lean adaptation from other environments like sions regarding capacity, lead time, and price, as well as diffi-
mass production (Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018; Amrani and culties regarding the demand forecasts and estimation of

Table 8. Framework of barriers to Lean implementation in Engineer-to-Order manufacturing with subsequent Assembly On-Site.
Loss category in
# ETO firms Lean Method Barrier group Barrier subgroup Stated facts from literature
1 Losses caused by LBMS – – No explicit statement found
obstructions with LPS Non-context specific Lack of standardisation “LPS shortcomings: - Look ahead planning, continuous
Other Trades related barriers in the implementation improvement and cause analysis are difficult to
implement; [ … ] (Dallasega, Marengo, and Revolti 2021)
Pull scheduling No explicit statement found
2 Losses caused by IPD Organisational Insufficient “[ … ] Dougherty (1992) illustrated, via a case study, the
the customer related barrier organisational structure negative effects of the two main barriers to CE or IPD
i.e. functional thinking, which she describes as
‘departmental thought worlds’, and sequential
processes, which she describes as ‘organisational
product routines’. “
“Removing Organizational barriers have long been cited
in the literature as the key to successful CE or IPD”
(Haque, Pawar, and Barson 2003)
Knowledge Insufficient Know-How “Obstacles of IPD: [ … ] (5) Lack of awareness or benefits “
related barriers (Kim et al. 2016);
“The main barriers defined and established with this
study are the lack of knowledge and information about
[IPD]” (Forero et al. 2015)
Organisational Employee resistance “Fear to change was considered one of the main barriers
related barrier to change for IPD implementation in Colombia.” (Forero et al.
“[ … ] perceived obstacles of IPD in public project: [ … ],
(2) internal resistance [ … ].” (Kim et al. 2016)
Financial related barrier No direct “[ … ] perceived obstacles of IPD in public project: [ … ]
financial benefit and (3) sharing profits and overruns as the impediments
to the implementation of IPD in public projects.” (Kim
et al. 2016)
3 Losses caused by the VSM Organisational barriers Piecemeal approach to “[ … ] most cases of applying VSM in the ETO environment
Engineering Lean [ignoring the focuses mainly on the physical processes, not covering
department systemic nature] the important non-physical processes found in ETO
manufacturing, such as sales, engineering, and project
management.” (Strandhagen et al. 2018)
Non-context specific Lack of Lean adaptation “Almost all the researchers who have contributed VSM
related barriers applications in complex environments conclude that the
micro-concepts: takt time, supermarket to facilitate pull,
continuous flow, and releasing as per pacemaker simply
do not work.” (Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal 2017)
Knowledge- Insufficient know-how “Researchers acknowledge the strengths of VSM and
related barriers attempt lean using it, but face a lot of difficulties due
to lack of clarity about five principles linking lean and
VSM (identification of value, value stream, flow, pull and
(Seth, Seth, and Dhariwal 2017)
Knowledge- Insufficient know-how “[ … ] almost every second user regards the static
related barriers behaviour of VSM as the method’s greatest weakness.
This is particularly relevant against the background of
the trends in the production environment [ … ].”
(Lugert, Batz, and Winkler 2018)
Non-context specific Lack of Lean adaptation “Another shortcoming of applying the traditional VSM
related barriers approach in an ETO environment is that it fails to map
multiple products with different routings and that it
lacks suitable economic measures for value or other
typical manufacturing performance parameters [5].”
“(Braglia, Carmignani, and Zammori 2006) mentioned
that VSM cannot be used directly for manufacturing
processes with merging flows.” (Chouiraf and
Chafi 2018)
Knowledge Missing quantitative “As another drawback, well-known methods for guiding
related barriers measurement indicators Lean Production Implementation (LPI), such as value
stream mapping (VSM), do not include mechanisms for
managing the barriers, as they usually emphasise the
technical aspects related to lean practices (Marodin and
Saurin 2014).”
Knowledge Missing quantitative “A shortcoming of applying for example the traditional
related barriers measurement indicators VSM approach in an ETO environment is that it fails to
map multiple products with different routings and that
it lacks suitable economic measures for value or other
typical manufacturing performance parameters (Stamm
and Neitzert 2008; Braglia, Carmignani, and Zammori
2006; Matt and Rauch 2014).”

Table 8. Continued.
Loss category in
# ETO firms Lean Method Barrier group Barrier subgroup Stated facts from literature
4 Losses caused by the Prefabrication and Non-context specific Lack of process “In ETO production systems, as products are custom-made
Project Modulari-zation related barriers reliability and one-of-a-kind, there are three main types of
Management uncertainties: as the product needs to be engineered at
department the start of a project, some decisions, such as capacity,
lead-time, and price needs to be taken under
uncertainty; it is difficult to make a detailed demand
forecast in terms of mix and volume; and it is also
difficult to make an estimation of the type and amount
of resources required.” (Wesz, Formoso, and
Tzortzopoulos 2018)
LPS No explicit statement found
5 Losses caused by the JIT Non-context specific Lack of process “But in present logistics systems, this timely delivery is not
Fabrication related barriers reliability always possible due to reasons such as incomplete
department status of goods being shipped, mismatch between the
required and transported goods and unexpected time
delays during transfer of goods [ … ]” (Sanders,
Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016)
Non-context specific Lack of process “[ … ] product customisation and demand uncertainty are
related barriers reliability obstacles that limit the implementation of Lean and JIT
to a small percentage of production processes, whereas
for other processes JIT tools are not applicable [ … ]”
(Bortolotti, Danese, and Romano 2013)
Kaizen/CIP Non-context specific Lack of standardisation “[ … ], this lack of a unique codified framework that guides
related barriers in the implementation the kaizen implementation represents a criticality in the
success of the kaizen and the debate on which is the
best framework is still in progress [9].”
(Rossini et al. 2019)
6 Losses caused directly Kaizen/CIP Non-context specific Lack of Lean adaptation “The implementation of kaizen is not still standardised
by the Assembly related barriers [ … ] companies lack on having a structured guide for
On-Site their continuous improvement journey and strive on
looking for a kaizen framework that fits well with their
(Rossini et al. 2019)
Kanban Non-context specific Lack of Lean adaptation “However, this type of pull system [supermarket pull
related barriers systems] is difficult to be implemented in the case of
long takt time, unstable production processes and small
availability of machines, which are common situations in
construction industry [ … ]” (Dallasega et al. 2019)
Non-context specific Lack of Process “For example pacing production at the takt time is much
related barriers reliability more difficult to achieve, and Kanban is of little use
when pieces are designed to customer requirements.”
(Matt and Rauch 2014)
Knowledge Insufficient training / Without sufficient operator training, logistic preparations
related barriers Lack of training and site arrangements, those more complex VM
practices tend to have no or negative effects in the
production system.” (Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018)
Non-context specific Lack of process “[ … ] implementing pull production control through
related barriers reliability kanban, levelling by using heijunka boards, the 5S
programs, the in-station quality, and the andon systems
required extensive planning, a certain level of readiness,
and stability within the production system.” (Tezel,
Koskela, and Aziz 2018)
Prefabrication & Financial related barriers Lack of “[ … ] cost is the main obstacle to the adoption of PC
Modularisation financial resources [Prefabricated construction] [ … ] including the cost
increase caused by the long decision-making time of
the supply chain.” (Leu and Ashoka 2019)
Knowledge Insufficient Know-How “[ … ] lack of understanding of PCSCM [prefabricated
related barriers construction supply chain management] and
complicated implementation process are also important
factors hindering the advancement of PC [Prefabricated
(Leu and Ashoka 2019)
Non-context specific Lack of process “ [ … ] found that the three largest barriers for using
related barriers reliability modular construction in urban environments are on-site
access and storage, transportation, and logistics, and the
distance between factory and site.” (Stoettrup
et al. 2019)
Financial related barriers Lack of “However, the additional cost of off-site construction is the
financial resources main barrier among suppliers, manufacturers,
contractors, designers, and clients in the UK
construction industry [ … ]” (Stoettrup et al. 2019)

Table 8. Continued.
Loss category in
# ETO firms Lean Method Barrier group Barrier subgroup Stated facts from literature
Visualisation/Visual Knowledge Missing quantitative “There is a lack of clarity among the process improvement
Manage-ment related barriers measurement indicators managers as to how to quantify the benefits of VM”
“No systematic approach that develops/investigates new
VM solutions for the operational on-site staff in the
studied construction sites was identified.”
“[ … ] is the lack of clarity in quantifying the benefits of
(Tezel and Aziz 2017)
Organisational Fragmented “most current VM applications in construction are largely
related barriers Implementation unsystematic in nature and tend to focus on the
application of individual tools borrowed from
manufacturing and applied in isolation to discrete parts
of the construction process [ … ] “ (Brady et al. 2018)
Knowledge Insufficient training / “The implementation barriers pointed out in the interviews
related barriers were, in essence, relatively simple to address. The most
frequently cited barrier was that training the workforce
could take time. Worker resistance to change, high
workforce turnover, workers’ being afraid of making
mistakes when using VM tools, and not properly
defining the responsibilities in implementation were
other issues pointed out by the interviewees.” (Tezel
et al. 2015)
Organisational Fragmented “Recent investigations of the Last Planner System and
related barriers Implementation Visual Management (Tezel and Aziz 2017) in the
highways sector revealed the effect of client pressure in
their adoption by companies and that their
implementations were commonly unstandardised and
partial across companies, with some steps or
opportunities in those techniques being completely
omitted or ignored.” (Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018)
VSM Knowledge Missing quantitative “[ … ] is the lack of clarity in quantifying the benefits of
related barriers measurement indicators VM. The managers repeatedly stated that they had
“sensed” the benefits of VM but struggled to put those
benefits into numerical figures.”
“There is a lack of clarity among the process
improvement managers as to how to quantify the
benefits of VM” (Tezel and Aziz 2017)

type and amount of resource requirements. Especially, on-site inclusion in developing Lean capabilities through the customer
access, storage, transportation, and the distance between the (Tezel et al. 2020). Another barrier consists of specific require-
factory and site are mentioned by Stoettrup et al. (2019) as ments of highly customised and individualised products by the
the main barriers for implementing Modularisation in con- customers (Zhang, Narkhede, and Chaple 2017), which are diffi-
struction. Specifically, in the ETO environment, companies cult to fulfil effectively by the manufacturers. The product cus-
have difficulties achieving a levelled production or use tomisation and demand uncertainty are especially impairing the
Kanban efficiently, when products are highly customised implementation of JIT and Lean in manufacturers (Bortolotti,
(Matt and Rauch 2014). Lack of time (Gupta and Jain 2013) or Danese, and Romano 2013). Further, some manufacturers only
the amount of time it takes to train the workforce (Tezel implement Lean methods and tools because they are pushed
et al. 2015), as well as inadequate administration time (Singh by the clients (Brady et al. 2018). This forced approach often
and Singh 2020), are further hurdles in the Lean implementa- leads to failed implementations since the companies’ manage-
tion processes in ETO environments. Sanders, Elangeswaran, ment lacks motivation, support, and effort (Zhang, Narkhede,
and Wulfsberg (2016) found in their research that JIT is not and Chaple 2017). Jadhav, Mantha, and Rane (2014) report that
always possible in current logistics systems due to a lack of inconsistent and imprecise communication between customer
process stability such as deficiencies of the status of goods and manufacturer as well as weak dialogue with stakeholders
being shipped, a discrepancy between required and actual often hinders Lean change as well. Another issue to consider is
transported goods, and unexpected time delays during ship- that most companies in the construction industry feel little pres-
ment. Stability in the production system and a particular level sure to implement Lean since they operate locally and rarely
of readiness is required to implement Pull Production via face global competition such as the automotive industry with its
Kanban (Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018) in ETO type settings. global operations (Mano, Gouvea da Costa, and Pinheiro de
Lima 2020).

4.7. Customer related barriers

5. Discussion
Lack of customer support or involvement is another barrier for
Lean implementation (Hussain et al. 2019). Especially, SMEs suf- This section discusses the barriers identified through the lit-
fer from the lack of client support as well as from inadequate erature review and examines the limitations of our study.

Furthermore, the implications for research and practitioners Losses caused by the Engineering department can be
are outlined. mitigated by applying VSM. Several authors (Matt and Rauch
In Table 8 we combine the common loss categories in the 2014; Chouiraf and Chafi 2018; Buer, Strandhagen, and Chan
ETO sector with the Lean implementation barriers described 2018) that studied Lean applications in the ETO environment
in section 4. Thus, we propose a framework ‘of barriers to found that tools and methods that work in repetitive settings
Lean implementation in Engineer-to-Order manufacturing do not work in the non-repetitive environment or face sig-
with subsequent Assembly On-Site’. To underpin the barrier nificant challenges when implemented there. This applies to
categorisation and their fitness to the Lean methods we the VSM method which is limited by its static behaviour
used stated facts from the literature. (Lugert, Batz, and Winkler 2018), lack of viable economic
Practitioners can use the framework as a tool that guides measures (Chouiraf and Chafi 2018), and lack of procedures
them in the implementation of Lean methods to reduce the for managing barriers (Marodin and Saurin 2015). The identi-
traditional losses in companies with an ETO fulfilment strat- fied obstacles fall into the knowledge and non-context spe-
egy while considering important Lean implementation bar- cific related barriers, which describe the lack of adaption of
riers. Scholars have suggested several barriers to implement VSM to the ETO settings.
Lean in the general manufacturing environment. However, Concerning losses caused by the Project Management
comprehensive studies on barriers to Lean implementation department, LPS, as well as Prefabrication and
for non-repetitive environments, like ETO, could not be Modularisation, are two known Lean tools. The literature
found in our research. The literature indicates that barriers to revealed a lack of process reliability as the main implementa-
Lean implementation in ETO are not studied entirely tion barrier for Prefabrication and Modularisation. As pointed
(Tomasevic, Slovic, and Stojanovic 2016; Danese, Manfe, and out by Wesz, Formoso, and Tzortzopoulos (2018), this is due
Romano 2018; Singh and Singh 2020). to the circumstance that often decisions regarding engineer-
A high degree of customisation, complex product struc- ing capacity, price, and lead-time, as well as demand forecast
tures, and the overlapping of manufacturing and engineering are made under uncertainties in the ETO sector. Other identi-
activities can be considered important characteristics of the fied barriers in the adoption of Prefabrication and
ETO industry (Strandhagen, Semini, and Alfnes 2019). ETO Modularisation are high costs, lack of knowledge, as well as
firms attempt to adopt Lean strategies and methods to min- supply chain specific challenges, such as missing storage
imise or reverse the resulting productivity losses and wastes areas, high transportation, and logistics efforts (Leu and
and improve the degree of industrialisation in their organisa- Ashoka 2019; Stoettrup et al. 2019).
tion (Matt and Rauch 2014). As indicated in this article, The Lean methods JIT, as well as Kaizen that are often
obstacles in implementing Lean have various roots, linked to used to mitigate losses in fabrication, are hindered by a lack
organisation, management, knowledge, culture, finances, as of process reliability as well as lack of standardisation of the
well as non-context related causes. The framework consists implementation process. JIT as well as Kanban are difficult to
of three major sections. First, the categorisation of traditional implement in ETO and construction environments (Sanders,
losses in ETO environments. Second, the corresponding Lean Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016; Dallasega et al. 2019)
methods that can lessen these losses. And third, the poten- due to supply chain reasons such as incomplete status of
tial implementation barriers clustered in barrier groups and shipped goods or unexpected delays, as well as due to com-
barrier subgroups. The barrier subgroups were developed to plex and non-repetitive production characteristics of ETO.
better distinguish and understand the limits of Lean meth- Rossini et al. (2019) point out that a systemised framework
ods in mitigating traditional losses. for implementing Kaizen is missing. Similarly, Amrani, Ducq,
Regarding the losses caused by obstructions with other and Goetz (2016) highlight in their research that there is no
trades, a lack of standardisation in the implementation pro- clear, standardised, simple framework for manufacturers to
cess for LPS has been cited most in the analysed works. implement Lean also considering sector-specific barriers. This
Dallasega, Marengo, and Revolti (2021) remark that LPS often is a key issue that was repeatedly found in different works
is difficult to implement in construction companies due to a (Marodin and Saurin 2015; Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz 2018;
lack of training and commitment. Considering the Lean Jamil et al. 2018; Rossini et al. 2019; Dallasega, Marengo, and
methods Pull scheduling as well as LBMS no evidence in the Revolti 2021) which makes it difficult for ETO firms to imple-
literature was found that suggests explicit barriers in their ment Lean as a system adapted to their specific ETO relevant
implementation in companies with an ETO manufactur- characteristics.
ing strategy. Losses caused directly by the Assembly On-Site can be
IPD, as one of the main Lean methods used to lessen mitigated by Kaizen, Kanban, Prefabrication and
problems caused by the customer, faces several implementa- Modularisation, VM, and VSM. Each of these methods faces
tion barriers. A lack of proper organisational structures various implementation barriers. These include the lack of
(Haque, Pawar, and Barson 2003), employees’ resistance to process reliability, lack of Lean adaption, lack of training, and
change (Kim et al. 2016), as well as lack of knowledge know-how, as well as lack of financial resources and quanti-
(Forero et al. 2015) were mentioned. The fear to change in tative measurement indicators. Our SLR reveals that the
the workforce is rooted in the fear of the unknown and fear majority of studies are focussed on Lean manufacturing,
of failure and generally is a reoccurring barrier to various Lean construction, and Lean in mass manufacturing or
Lean methods in ETO firms. repetitive environments. Therefore, the barrier ‘lack of Lean

adaption’ is due to the limited or rather non-existent studies (Guz and Rushchitsky 2009; Chadegani et al. 2013; Aghimien
describing how Lean methods can be adapted from repeti- et al. 2019). Using one accessible database helped us also to
tive to the non-repetitive environment. reduce the problem of duplication of extracted articles.
The barriers of ‘fragmented implementation’ as well as ‘lack Another limitation is that our work includes only scientific
of standardisation’ are reported by Amaro, Alves, and Sousa publications in the form of journal and conference papers,
(2019) who show that SMEs face various difficulties in imple- while books, reports, manuscripts, and trade journals were
menting Lean in their organisation. The main finding is that excluded. Moreover, practical works published in online mag-
standard processes or frameworks for Lean implementation azines, newspapers, and reports were also not considered.
are missing. Similarly, Babalola, Ibem, and Ezema (2019) who Journal papers were considered because of their usually
systematically analysed how a lack of systemisation and cat- peer-reviewed content and conference papers because of
egorisation influence Lean practices in construction, con- potential new findings.
cluded that a lack of understanding regarding Lean tools due To obtain confirmation of practice regarding the results
to missing classification and frameworks for Lean construction from the SLR further empirical investigations should be per-
implementations are the key barriers in numerous countries. formed. Lean implementation barriers may vary from country
Correspondingly, Aslam, Gao, and Smith (2020) come to a to country, the work culture of the organisation, and geo-
similar conclusion, that full standardisation in the construction graphic location within the country.
industry may not be feasible but emphasise that a basic More in detail, if we did not find a publication citing a
standardisation and adjustment of basic Lean methods and barrier for a particular methodology, then it does not mean
tools is possible. ETO firms have difficulties in adopting Lean that this methodology does not have such an implementa-
methods and tools due to missing standards and guidelines tion barrier.
and are therefore behind compared to the general manufac- In conclusion, in our research, we focussed just on Lean
turing sector. The obstacle ‘lack of know-how’ is confirmed by methods. New technologies from Industry 4.0 like Mixed
Tezel, Koskela, and Aziz (2018) who found that because of a Reality, which could have high potential to mitigate loss cat-
lack of know-how, Lean tools such as LPS and VM are only egories and overcome traditional Lean implementation bar-
partially implemented and therefore companies cannot reap riers were not considered in our research.
full benefits of them. Bhasin (2012) found that cost is the big-
gest hindrance for smaller companies, and insufficiently skilled
5.2. Implications for practitioners and further research
workforces are major barriers for medium and large-sized
organisations. This shows that implementation barriers The framework displayed in Table 8 can be used as a starting
depend on various factors, such as company size, and industry point for practitioners aiming to investigate how to lessen
type. the traditional losses in ETO organisations by choosing the
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are very com- appropriate Lean methods and considering at the same time
mon in the ETO sector (Little et al. 2000). They have the important implementation barriers.
advantages of the involvement of top management in day- In contrast to previous studies on Lean barriers in manu-
to-day events, a more informal structure and organisational facturing, the barriers were linked to the traditional losses
culture which fosters interdisciplinary exchange, and smaller occurring in the ETO industry.
teams that benefit efficient decision-making. But ETO compa- Since the barriers are organised in groups and sub-
nies need to carefully consider their most common disadvan- groups, ETO firms are also able to identify the main obstacles
tages when trying to implement Lean into their organisation. for implementing Lean into their organisation. For example,
These are a lack of resources, lack of training, shortage of Knowledge related barriers are sub-grouped into missing
staff, as well as lack of resources for external support (Dora, know-how and training, as well as missing quantitative meas-
Kumar, and Gellynck 2016). urement indicators. Therefore, the framework can be applied
Summing up, the review found that despite the ongoing as an assessment tool for companies wishing to imple-
and comprehensive research on Lean manufacturing, there is ment Lean.
a lack of research addressing the particularities and chal- ETO companies that wish to pursue a step by step imple-
lenges of implementing Lean to the ETO environment. As mentation process, which gradually introduces these Lean
described before, Lean tools need to be adapted to the spe- methods over time, are searching in vain for such a frame-
cific needs of ETO companies. To the best of our knowledge, work. Implementing Lean from repetitive environments to
a framework that lists Lean implementation barriers with trad- the low repetition frequency of customised products with
itional losses of ETO companies with subsequent assembly high variance is very challenging and was often limited to
on-site is missing. This work is an attempt to bridge this gap. only simple processes (Matt and Rauch 2014). In order to be
effective in non-repetitive environments, Lean tools and
practices must be adapted, but this proves to be very chal-
5.1. Limitations of the review
lenging since various barriers have been described in section
One of the limitations of our research is that we considered 4. Practitioners and managers can apply the results from our
only Scopus as our scientific reference database. We decided to research in their organisation, for example, to reduce losses
use Scopus as our main database because it covers a consider- caused directly by the Assembly On-Site. Here, a company
ably larger number of published articles than its counterparts could implement VM to address typical losses like a lack of

tools on-site, searching of materials or tools, failure of mater- Things (IoT), Building Information Modelling (BIM) as
ial handling systems, or installation errors. However, the suc- well as Augmented and Mixed Reality (AR/MR) could
cessful implementation of VM is often impeded due to help to overcome insufficient information management
various barriers such as insufficient training of the workforce, between suppliers, manufacturers, and customers due
unstandardised and fragmented implementation, as well as a to easier and faster communication of up-to-date infor-
lack of clarity in quantifying the benefits of VM. mation (Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016).
Considering future research directions, the following Pereira et al. (2019) found in their research how
points are suggested: Industry 4.0 can enhance Lean practices by using Cyber-
Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT).
i. It is paramount to validate the in this study analysed These technologies could potentially expand Lean by
barriers to Lean adoption through empirical validation enabling access to real-time operational data that could
such as questionnaire surveys, expert interviews, focus be used to properly track materials in the supply chain
groups, as well as case studies. Eventually, other (poten- and inventory, supporting pull scheduling, continuous
tial) barriers may be identified that were not studied in flow of production, and decentralised decision making
the literature so far but could pose challenges to (Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Wulfsberg 2016). The
ETO companies. hypothesis that Industry 4.0 technologies could reduce
ii. Further research on these Lean barriers for ETO may Lean implementation barriers should be empiric-
lead to a roadmap for successful adaption/adoption for ally validated.
both Lean practitioners and researchers. Instead of vi. If the hypothesis in (v) is confirmed, then research
focussing solely on tools, a roadmap could explore best should answer how Industry 4.0 technologies could
practices, strategies, and tactics for firms in the ETO mitigate barriers to Lean implementation.
industry to support the adaption of Lean methods in
specific scenarios.
6. Conclusion and outlook
iii. In addition, further implementation strategies to miti-
gate the identified barriers of the described Lean meth- ETO manufacturing with subsequent assembly on-site is
ods can be developed to implement them in the ETO characterised by complicated product variants, multi-level
context successfully and sustainably. One possible way activities, as well as customer involvement in design and
of implementing Lean is through integration with other engineering (Seth and Rastogi 2019). The resulting complex-
approaches to overcome barriers (Hines, Holweg, and ity is often met by firms with the introduction of Lean meth-
Rich 2004; Bhamu and Sangwan 2014). These could ods aiming to reduce the occurring inefficiencies and
include Agile as well as Project Management methodol- productivity losses.
ogies (Tomasevic et al. 2020). Further, the interrelation- There is comprehensive literature available on Lean manu-
ship of Lean implementation barriers could be explored. facturing and its specific implementation barriers and chal-
Lean implementation barriers in one area could affect lenges, but existing research lacks attention to the ETO
the barriers in another area. For example, insufficient environment. Many scholars have analysed the obstacles to
training, as well as a lack of top management commit- adopting Lean in the repetitive manufacturing environment,
ment, can lead to higher resistance of workers in adopt- in different industry settings and countries. However, our
ing Lean methods (see Table 8). findings show that no one, in particular, has explored specif-
iv. Additionally, new tools could be developed, or existing ically implementation barriers for ETO firms. Therefore, in the
ones could be adapted to overcome the barriers to literature discussed obstacles of Lean adoption for repetitive
Lean implementation in ETO companies. Considering manufacturing only allow for partial conclusions to be drawn
the adaption strategy, for example standardisation as a for the non-repetitive environments. Consequently, our
basic Lean method could be implemented in the ETO research focussed on the specific barriers to Lean implemen-
environment, even if it is challenging as mentioned in tation in the ETO sector.
the literature (Birkie and Trucco 2016). A systematic literature review was conducted to identify
v. New technologies from Industry 4.0 may have the the barriers to Lean implementation in ETO companies with
potential to mitigate losses in ETO firms with assembly subsequent assembly on-site. These barriers are clustered
on-site by overcoming the identified Lean implementa- and linked to traditional losses in ETO companies as well as
tion barriers. Some authors (Sanders, Elangeswaran, and Lean methods that can be applied to mitigate these losses.
Wulfsberg 2016; Strandhagen et al. 2018) have already Seven major clusters resulted from our review related to
started to link Lean and Industry 4.0, intending to iden- organisation, management, knowledge, culture, finance, cus-
tify if Lean supports the implementation of Industry 4.0 tomer, and non-context specific related Lean implementa-
or vice versa while considering influencing factors, bar- tion barriers.
riers, and challenges. For example, barriers in the JIT Organisational related barriers deal mainly with the lack
implementation like a lack of process reliability could be of a supportive organisational culture for Lean while man-
mitigated by the use of continuous product tracking agement related obstacles encompass limited management
systems using radio-frequency identification devices commitment. Insufficient know-how and training of Lean
(RFID). Also, Industry 4.0 tools such as the Internet of methods are at the core of knowledge related

implementation barriers. Cultural related barriers include Patrick Dallasega is an Assistant Professor of Factory
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