Articles Volume 2

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Blogs Published: (July 11 July 21 2011)

1 # Autobiography of a Yogis False Christianity!

Many have heard of the Indian Yogi Paramhansa Yoganandas spiritual onslaught to the west where he mesmerized them with tall Yogic tales. An idea that he introduced to the western hemisphere was the idea of Christ Consciousness. A state of mind where you and the Father become one, an altered state of being where you are one with the universe which you can enter using the chakras or energy vortices of your body. According to Paramhansa Yogananda, Jesus Christs contribution to humanity was his ability to access and utilize this Christ consciousness, which in effect opened the gateway for anyone to become a son of God by accessing the same state, which can be entered by using the chakra in ones body. He expounded this concept through biblical scriptures using verses from the bible to prove his point in his writings. Though this seems like a very nice spiritual explanation for those with whom the message of the cross is foolishness and who seek deep secrets to gain access to heavenly realms (illumined knowledge). For those who are being saved, this doctrine is a gross violation to the gospel we have inherited. What was never stated! And the word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory of a fathers only son, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 Notice the verse very carefully, the word became flesh (underlined), the flesh did not become the word. When the word became flesh, Jesus Christ, the word of God dwelt on the Earth in a human form as the only begotten son of the Father. They are deceiving us! The Christ consciousness brigade are twisting the scripture to denote that the flesh (Jesus Christ) became the word (Christ Consciousness), which means that all of us in the flesh have the opportunity to become the word (i.e. through our fleshly bodies we have the opportunity to become Jesus Christ) by accessing the Christ Consciousness within us. For those who know their bible, this doctrine is blasphemous because the Bible states that we have hope to become the children of God in adoption under the name of Jesus Christ, who is the firstborn of the dead. We can never become a direct child of the God as is Jesus Christ.

Lambsaved Ministries



Blogs Published: (July 11 July 21 2011)

What is the truth? You cant see the truth...God of this world has made you blind. The truth is the Father has only one son, Jesus Christ. He is our intercessory and we have a hope of salvation in his name for he is our Adonai because he ransomed himself for us. We stand nowhere and can do nothing on our own. Eradicating the Confusion about the mind of Jesus Christ. The Bible does ask us to seek the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, but this cant be twisted to state that there is a type of consciousness that exists in the heavens which Jesus managed to comprehend in his earthly flesh and we can do that too. These kinds of teachings deny the divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Seeking the mind of Jesus Christ becomes a measure by which we draw comparison on where we stand and where we need to become when charting our walk on the path of the Lord.

2 # What about David Icke?

Frankly, I dont know what to make of David Icke. Having read through his writings, the allegations he makes of the worlds movers & shakers belonging to an alien race of reptilians who wish to enslave mankind sounds more science fiction than something I would put in my library to research on comparative religion. Yet today the interventionists (who say entities from outer space populated Earth) are getting more vocal, and if they are dismissed outright without being paid attention to, well regret that arrogance. There are many who discount David Icke and call him a disinformation agent, yet, I think attention needs to be paid to the kind of teaching he has introduced into society, which is heavily immersed with paganism and New Age Theology that in the hoopla of chasing invading reptilian aliens across dimensions one often overlooks. This is what the Christian must pay attention to, what is the message being promulgated behind the theatre. These kinds of teachings focus on the Matrix, a kind of a digital artificial system that has us enslaved, popularized into everyday consciousness by the movie with the same name. This point is not disputed, after the fall from Eden we are trapped in an artificial system where we dont really belong. What is disputable is how we get out. We as Christians

Lambsaved Ministries



Blogs Published: (July 11 July 21 2011)

proclaim that Jesus Christ has beaten this system by destroying the works of the devil. We get out through him since he is the narrow gate through which escape is possible. In my opinion, the interventionist must be paid attention to, not in what they say but how they say. Paralleling Christianity in creationism, an unaware Christian can easily be caught off-guard and while agreeing on creationism may eventually be lead into believing that we are created beings but not from God but other entities, and here lies the trap in falling away from the teachings entrusted to us. I dont recommend an average Christian to delve into these topics before they are ready. Id strongly advise to read the Bible thoroughly and have a solid foundation in Biblical teachings before leaping into the abyss of the kind of information David Icke and his ilk peddle. Credo Mutwa: The African Witch Doctor. Credo Mutwa is a man who renounced Christianity to fall back on paganism. He introduces an entity knows as Chituali, a kind of a reptilian humanoid beast with a third eye in between the forehead that can kill people and feast on us. Such is the dread of this thing. Besides being vile they are human eaters! There are Biblical verses that talk about such entities (similar to them) you can learn more about them if you are inclined by studying on what the Bible calls the Nephilim and the fallen angels. Christians must keep this in mind at all times. No matter what youre exposed to, you cannot abase yourself before anyone or anything. All authority has been given to Jesus Christ which further has been given down to the Saints. The power is with you and not with them!

3 # Why is this World so Evil?

Religion and philosophies are at quandary in explaining why this world is evil. Observe, and you will notice that we live in a predatory universe each one for himself and if you fail youll be consumed. Yet the desire of humans is to love and be spiritual. An oddity to

Lambsaved Ministries



Blogs Published: (July 11 July 21 2011)

the environment we find ourselves in. Hinduism and eastern philosophies tries to explain this by stating that our lives are a play in an illusion. When we are awakened, we will laugh at all the pain and the travesty that we call our life today. Our painful lives full of sorrows seem to be anything but playful, and what is the purpose behind this game? Running around in circles, playing it over and over that leads nowhere. Islam offers a different answer, this life is a test and how we perform against all odds determine our rank in the next life, a heaven filled with houris. Yet all this exercise is for what just a reward at the end of this life. Thats it such an answer does not seem to offer any consolation. The answer is too simplistic for a complex question starting with why does man sin. It is Christianity that offers a unique answer. Man is born to trouble ever since Adam fell from the Garden of Eden. All the trauma, pain and anguish that we suffer is not part of Gods plan for us. But the day our authority was usurped from that of Gods to Satan, we were forced to eat what our authority offered; and what do you think Satan will offer to you. Father pities his children. Psalm 103:14 Why would the Father pity us if it was he who created all this that we face today? He can only pity if he sees his children trapped and subjected to a tyrant who delights in our sufferings, who like a false shepherd can only think of skinning us alive. He is the God of this world and the ruler of this age. Yet his rule came to an end at Calvary. We know that we ourselves are children of God, and we also know that the world around us is under the power of the evil one. 1 John 5:19 Yet Jesus Christ freed us of this oppression by giving himself up for us. All we have to do is to abide in him and become the new creation so that this world does not hold any power over us anymore, and in the name of Jesus Christ we can stay protected in this cruel and mean world. Now you know why the world is so evil and will always remain evil because it follows the bidding of its Master: The Father of all lies.

Lambsaved Ministries

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