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Injuries Due to

Explosive Forces
Dr. Kaschev Shrestha
Kimono pattern
Sister and brother with hair
loss two months after
bombing. Aftereffects killed
younger brother in 1949, his
sister in 1965
• To know about the effects produced by explosions on victims
• How to conduct autopsy examination of victims of explosives
• Explosion: An explosion is a release of internal energy from a
device that results in sudden expansion which creates a
generally massive increase in pressure that cannot be
dissipated by the environment in which it occurs.
• Explosives classification-
o Mechanical-
eg. Tire that ruptures from hyperinflation
o Chemical/Atomic
-Low explosive- functions by deflagration. eg. Gunpowder
High explosive- functions by detonation. eg. Dynamite
• Bomb: It is a container filled with an explosive mixture and
missile which is fired either by detonator or fuse.
• It can either be dropped upon victims or targets or delivered
as projectile bombs. Or
• They may be placed in certain location and exploded. Eg. land
mines. It is estimated there exists 110 million mines in 64
Blast injuries:
• Complex type of physical trauma resulting from direct or
indirect exposure to an explosion causing sudden increase or
decrease in atmospheric pressure.
• Air blast: produces compression of the body towards the side
of the explosion.
• Immersion blast: The body is compressed from all the
direction as the molecules of the medium are closely situated
and the damage produced will be diffuse.
• Solid blasts: the force is transmitted through part of the body
in contact with the vibrating solid structure.
Mechanism of action
• Explosive pressure accompanies bursting of bomb shells,
ruptures their casing and imparts high velocity to resulting
• Blast wave-known as dynamic overpressure with positive and
negative phase.
• Blast wind-mass movement of air. This disrupts the
environment throwing debris and people.
Classification of Injuries
• Primary:
o Caused by blast waves and characterized by absence of
external injuries.
Acoustic barotrauma- consist of rupture of tympanic
membrane, dislocation often ossicles or widespread
disruption of the inner ear leading to deafness.
Lungs-disruption of alveolar capillary membrane leading to
capillary leakage and hemorrhage. Blast lung-pulmonary
contusion, air embolism and free radical associated injuries.
GIT- Colon most commonly affected.
Brain- Can cause concussion or traumatic brain injuries.
• Secondary injuries are due to people being injured by shrapnel
and other object propelled by the explosion. The shrapnel and
secondary missile wounds are collectively referred to as
fragment wounds. Velocity may reach up to 30,000 feet/sec.
• Tertiary injuries are injuries resulting from blast wind that can
throw victims against solid objects
• Miscellaneous injuries includes crush injuries, flash burns, fall,
respiratory injuries.
Autopsy Examination of
• Objectives:
Number of dead persons
Identification of the victim-
Dentition, dentures, fingerprints etc.
Retrieval of trace evidence, including specimen for
toxicological study.
Documentation of injuries
Aiding in reconstruction of events of the bombing/explosions.
• Examples of hazard that may be present:
1. Unexploded bombs in the situation of suicidal bombings.
2. Smoke bomb and flares may be encountered in military
personnel especially pilots of military aircraft.
3. Military munitions such as grenade may remain
undetonated in the victims body and may explode when
they are moved during the autopsy procedure.
• Examinations of clothing:
1. Must be examined labeled and photographed.
2. May help to determine the victims position relative to the
3. If victim was the bomber massive amount of powder
tattooing may be seen.
4. Burning charring and smoke deposition may be seen on
clothing of the victims closest to the origin.
• Examination of body:
Washed, photographed and meticulously examine before
Radiographic examination should be done-Any radiopaque
fragments and radiolucent materials may be components of
explosive device.
Diagrams may be useful for assisting in location of injuries.
Projectile injuries.
Marshall’s triad of bruises abrasions and punctate lacerations
with tattooing of the body indicates bomb explosion.
Injuries due to burn, fallen rubbles.
• Suicide bombers:
Micro tears
X-ray -detonator
Massive powder tattooing
Hands examined to determine whether he was holding the
• Toxicological Examination:
Especially appropriate when one is dealing with the bomber
as a victim.
Muluki Ain
• Use of poison and explosives
o While using them, if they endanger other lives or harms
others due to negligence or an individual doesn’t take actions
to prevent risk’
Imprisonment 1 year
Fine Rs.10,000

• Nuclear, chemical, biological, poisonous weapons

o Manufacture, buy/sell, own , transport
Imprisonment-20 years
Fine-Rs 200,000

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