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Dragon Blooded Charms

three motes, the Dragon-Blooded can increase an applicable
DV by half the relevant Ability.


OVERWHELMING MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded Cost: 1m per 2 dice + 1m per subject; Mins: (Ability) 3,
Cost: 1m per 2 dice; Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1; Type: Essence 2; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch,
Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender) Keywords: War; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Any
Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Excellency for the relevant Ability
The Dragon-Blooded can invoke this Charm when The two greatest strengths of the Dragon-Blooded have
making a roll based on the relevant Ability. The Charm always been their superior numbers and their boundless
adds two dice to the roll for each mote spent. The maximum capacity for teamwork. In the First Age, the Terrestrial Exalted
number of dice that can be added to any one roll, however, is were the unit commanders who led troops into battle under the
equal to the Dragon-Blood’s Ability rating plus any applicable direction of Celestial generals. In the modern era, Dragon-
specialty. The Exalt can also use this Charm to enhance Blooded retain the capacity to elevate the mortals around them
unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. The player rolls one die to greatness, if only temporarily. A Dragon-Blood with this
for every mote spent, up to a maximum number of dice equal to Charm can improve the ratings of his allies in the relevant
the relevant Ability plus any applicable specialties. Each Ability for brief periods of time, effectively transferring the
success on the roll increases the applicable DV by one. benefits of the First Excellency to another person for the
Characters cannot use this or other Excellencies or dice- duration of an entire scene. All allies to be affected must hold
adding Charms to “create” actions. For example, if a character hands at the time of the Charm’s activation.
attacks on tick 3 and will attack again on tick 8, she cannot buy The Dragon-Blood must spend one mote for every ally to be
dice for an attack on tick 4 that only exists because she used the augmented and one mote for every two dice that are added to
Excellency to conjure dice for it. Yet a character who uses this each person’s rating in the relevant Ability. The maximum
or other reflexive Charms to add to an attack can also use it to number of allies who can have their Ability ratings boosted at
enhance her defense until the next tick when she acts, but she one time is equal to the Dragon-Blood’s permanent Essence.
must spend Essence for each separate roll she wishes to modify. The Charm has two limitations. First, no ally’s Ability rating
can be raised above the Ability rating of the Exalt who invokes
SECOND (ABILITY) EXCELLENCY—ESSENCE this Charm. Second, no ally’s Ability rating can be increased to
TRIUMPHANT more than twice its normal rating. Therefore, the ally must have
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded at least one dot in the Ability for this Charm to affect him at all.
Cost: 2m per success; Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1; Type: The extra Ability dots apply for an entire scene for all purposes.
Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender) Keywords: If the augmented Ability affects one of the ally’s DV ratings,
Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None the relevant DV should be recalculated for the duration of the
The Dragon-Blood can invoke this Charm when making scene. As is normal for dice-adding Charms, fractional motes
a roll based on the relevant Ability. The Exalt can spend up to left over by pool-size restrictions are lost.
(Ability + applicable specialties) in motes. The Charm adds No contact is required to target a fellow officer; Exalted
one automatic success to the roll for every two motes spent. fellow officers may have Abilities raised higher than twice their
If the Dragon-Blood uses Essence Triumphant in combination rating (but still no higher than the donor's rating). With Essence
with Charms that add dice, each success purchased with 4+, targeting an Exalted unit leader and committing additional
Essence Triumphant reduces by two the maximum number of motes equal to the unit's Magnitude simultaneously applies the
dice that she can add. The Exalt can also use this Charm to Charm to every member of the unit. Only Exalted fellow
enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. For every two officers ignore the twice rating cap for a unit blessing, but
motes spent, the Dragon-Blood can increase the applicable DV boosting rank and file can increase the unit's Close Combat
by one, up to a maximum improvement equal to her Ability trait Rating or Ranged Combat Rating.
plus any applicable specialties.
RESURGENT Cost: —; Mins: (Ability) 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent;
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded Keywords: None; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite
Cost: 3m; Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive Charms: Second (Ability) Excellency
(Step 4 for attacker, Step 6 for defender) Keywords: Combo- In the specific duties a Terrestrial assigns himself, his power
OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None comes easily. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, reducing its
Dragon-Blooded with this Charm recovery smoothly from cost by one mote per specialty that applies to the enhanced
error. The Exalt can invoke this Charm after making a roll action (minimum zero motes). Every success added with
based on the relevant Ability. This Charm allows the player Second (Ability) Excellency still counts as two dice for the
to make a second roll, using the new result if the Exalted purpose of Charm bonus limits.
prefers it to the first. The Exalted can also use this Charm to
enhance unrolled uses of the relevant Ability. By spending SURGING (ABILITY) MASTERY
Thousand Correct Action
Cost: 6m, 0+wp; Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 4; Type: Cost: 2m; Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One action; Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite
Prerequisite Charms: First (Ability) Excellency or Third Charms: Cipher Missive
(Ability) Excellency To the savants of the Dragon-Blooded, the efficiency with
Like natural disasters incarnate, Dragon-Blooded explode which information can be conveyed is almost as valuable as the
with power and force. Upon activating the Charm, the Dragon- information itself. With this Charm, an Air Aspect can convey
Blood chooses the First or Third Dragon-Blooded Excellency complex information or directives to another with what appear
for the same Ability. The cost to activate the chosen Charm to be only simple pictograms. In fact, the drawings are actually
becomes zero motes until his DV refreshes, regardless of how a complex arrangement of sigils that can contain surprisingly
much benefit he chooses to gain from it. This Charm costs six large amounts of information in a very dense package, from
motes to activate, plus a number of Willpower points equal to complex instructions for assembling a sophisticated piece of
the number of times the character has used any version of First Age technology to exacting directions revealing a hidden
Surging (Ability) Mastery previously in the scene (maximum location.
two Willpower points). For the character to employ this Charm, the player must roll
(Manipulation + Linguistics) at a difficulty of 2. Successes

above this difficulty determine the level of complexity encoded
into the pictogram, with each success over the threshold
providing the equivalent of one minute of careful instruction
that can be obtained through later study of the pictogram. The
LINGUISTICS icon can be drawn or carved into any media the creator wishes,
but doing so requires the expenditure of Essence. As a result, no
LANGUAGE-LEARNING RITUAL one else can reproduce the icon without another application of
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata this Charm or a similar one. Icons created with this Charm are
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Linguistics 2, Essence 1; Type: about two square inches in size per success.
Simple; Keywords: Stackable; Duration: One week;
The Children of Mela often serve as the diplomatic corps of MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
the Dragon-Blooded Host, and while fluency in foreign tongues Cost: 4m; Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
often requires years of study, this Charm can reduce the Keywords: Combo-OK, Social Duration: One scene
necessary time to just an afternoon. The Dragon-Blood must Prerequisite Charms: Language-Learning Ritual
spend at least one hour meditating and listening to a foreign While the Language-Learning Ritual grants total fluency in
language being spoken. He can then “absorb” that language into a tongue for an extended period, this Charm allows the Dragon-
himself, becoming completely fluent in both conversation and Blooded to quickly grasp the essentials of an unknown language
literacy. The Charm lasts for one week, at which time the for a brief period. For the duration of the Charm, the Dragon-
knowledge gained fades completely. Blood can speak and understand any foreign language.
Each commitment sustains fluency in a different language Furthermore, in the presence of multiple people speaking
(written fluency requires Lore 1). different languages, the Exalted can understand and be
understood by all of them. The maximum number of speakers
CIPHER MISSIVE with whom the Dragon-Blood can interact using a single
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata application of this Charm is equal to the character’s permanent
Cost: 3m; Mins: Linguistics 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple Essence. Communication is limited, however, and the Dragon-
Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Blood suffers a -4 penalty on all social and communicative
Charms: Language-Learning Ritual actions, reduced by one for each point of permanent Essence by
Diplomacy is not the only purpose to which words can be which she exceeds the minimum. Also, this Charm affects only
directed, and the Children of Mela often make excellent verbal speech. Neither written speech nor sign language can be
cryptographers as well. With this Charm, an Exalt can hide conveyed with this Charm.
sensitive material from prying eyes within a supernaturally The Exalt can reflexively shift which characters the Charm
complex code. targets at will.
The Dragon-Blood must fashion the document herself, and it
can be no longer than a number of pages equal to her Essence. POISONED TONGUE TECHNIQUE
The player rolls (Intelligence + Linguistics), with the successes MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
determining the number of successes needed for someone else Cost: 2m, 1wp, Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 3; Type:
to decipher the document. Deciphering a document created with Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, War; Duration:
this Charm is an extended action with a difficulty of (Exalt's Concentration; Prerequisite Charms: Any Linguistics
Essence rating), cumulative difficulty equal to the successes the Excellency
Dragon-Blood rolled and a roll interval of (Exalt's Essence To the Children of Mela, words can be weapons just as
rating) days. deadly as a blade or an arrow. With this Charm, a Dragon-
Alternatively, he can identify a single class of individuals, Blood can manipulate a conversation she overhears, causing
which must be limited and specific, who can freely read the other listeners to hear what she desires instead of what was
document. For example, such classes might include “only actually said. The Exalt must be able to hear the conversation in
magistrates” or “only members of House Iselsi.” order to manipulate it with this Charm, and while
eavesdropping through Charms or other magical means is
CRAFT ICON acceptable, the Dragon-Blood must be within (the Exalt’s
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata permanent Essence x 100) feet from all participants. The

Dragon-Blood’s player must roll (Manipulation + Linguistics), base cost of one mote, the character can transmit one message
with the successes determining the level of control. One success to the ear of any single person within range. The words actually
allows the Dragon-Blood to alter minor details, enough to do not need to be spoken, but the Dragon-Blood must at least
confuse, offend or even arouse one of the parties. Three or more mouth them.
successes allows the Exalt to alter significant details, perhaps The base range of the Charm is equal to (the speaker’s
enough to completely color one participant’s impressions of Essence x 100) feet. Also, each additional mote spent increases
another. With five or more successes, the Exalt can control any the range by a factor of 10. Therefore, a character with an
aspect of the conversation. Essence of 4 can transmit a message 400 feet for one mote,
Participants in the conversation may notice the effect with a 4,000 feet for two motes or 40,000 feet for three motes. This
reflexive (Wits + Perception) roll against a difficulty equal to total quantity of motes must be expended for each individual
the Dragon-Blood’s Essence. On a successful roll, the message, which can be no more than 25 words in length.
participant knows that the conversation is being manipulated The sending character need not know the exact location of
and can attempt to communicate this through nonverbal means. the intended recipient, but she must know her approximate
On a failure, none of the participants recognize that their own location, which is defined as within (sender’s Essence x 5)
words are being changed or that the other parties do not hear miles of that location and is not in an airtight room, the message
what the speaker intends to say. In the Realm, abuse of this finds them. The targeted location can, however, be some place
Charm is a serious breach of etiquette. In some situations, it is that the sender has never even been, such as “the command HQ
even considered a crime. of the Fourth Legion stationed in Arjuf.” This Charm is
The listed duration means the character must constantly considered essential to military operations for both the Realm
reactivate the Charm to maintain its effects, but the cost to do so and the Seventh Legion. Most Dragon-Blooded with any
is 0m so long as the Exalt keeps targeting the same overall military background know this Charm, and all but the least
conversation. If using this Charm to alter the resolution of a proficient graduates of the House of Bells do.
target's social attacks, the Terrestrial replaces the target's dice The message can carry a single normal Presence-based
pool with his own (Manipulation + [Presence or Performance as social attack as part of activating the Charm, but this attack can't
appropriate to the type of address]) and may use the hijacked be further augmented with Charms besides Presence
action to do anything that is normally possible with a social Excellencies.
attack using that dice pool (within the limits established by the
successes rolled). Social attacks enhanced by magic are beyond VOICES ON THE WIND
the power of this Charm to twist. Used in mass combat to target MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
an enemy unit in range, each success reduces the total number Cost: 3+ motes; Mins: Linguistics 4, Essence 3; Type:
of relays it is considered to have (communication failure can Simple Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: One minute
result). If the unit leader realizes this is going on and Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Carried Words Technique
successfully rallies for organization, relays are restored and the A favorite of spies and intelligence operatives across the
unit is immune to further use of the Charm for the rest of the Realm, this Charm permits a Dragon-Blood to hear the faintest
scene. trace of words echoing through the air, allowing him to
eavesdrop on conversations at seemingly impossible distances.
VOICE OF MASTERY The Essence cost of the Charm is determined by how far away
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata the Exalt is from the conversation he wishes to hear. For the
Cost: 5+m; Mins: Linguistics 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple basic cost, the Exalt can clearly hear any normal speech
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social Duration: One scene originating anywhere within (listener’s Essence x 100) feet, as
Prerequisite Charms: Poisoned Tongue Technique well as pinpoint the approximate location of the speaker if he
The elocution and charisma of Air-aspected debaters is doesn’t already know. Each additional mote of Essence
astonishing to behold, and never more so than when Essence increases the range by a factor of 10.
powers their words. For the duration of this Charm, the Dragon- The Dragon-Blood must specify which speaker he desires to
Blood can add a number of dice equal to his Essence to any spy upon. He cannot indicate a general target such as “anyone
speech-related roll, be it seduction, persuasion or intimidation. plotting against me.” Rather, he must name an individual and
The Charm can normally only affect one listener at a time, but then listen to see if she is currently within range and speaking
each extra mote spent doubles the number of listeners who can aloud. If he can hear a named speaker, however, the Dragon-
be affected. If the Charm is used defensively in social combat, Blooded can also automatically hear the replies of anyone in the
add half the Exalt’s Essence, rounded up, to his Parry MDV. speaker’s immediate vicinity with whom she is conversing. This
The Dragon-Blood must be able to speak the listener’s Charm cannot be used to listen to conversations taking place
language, either naturally or with Charms, in order for this within airtight rooms, and it may also be defeated by certain
Charm to have any utility. The Charm's targets can't be reset supernatural warding effects. (Enchanted wind chimes are
without reactivation. commonly used for this purpose.) Finally, spying with this
Charm demands total concentration, and the listener cannot
WIND-CARRIED WORDS TECHNIQUE perform any other action while this Charm is being employed.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 1m per message, plus distance; Mins: Linguistics 3, SPEECH WITHOUT WORDS
Essence 2; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Social; MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: None Cost: 2m + 1m per ally; Mins: Linguistics 3, Essence 3;
The wind carries many things, and for the Children of Mela, Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-Basic Duration: One scene
sound is one of them. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can Prerequisite Charms: Cipher Missive, Voices on the Wind
whisper his words aloud and know that the winds will convey With this Charm, a Terrestrial Exalt and a number of her
them to his intended listener, wherever that listener is. For a allies can communicate complex information silently through

the use of hand gestures and signals. The Exalt can enable silent spend a Virtue channel to do so and substitutes her ancestor's
communication between only herself and a maximum number Essence rating for the rating of the channeled Virtue. Because
of allies equal to her (Wits + Linguistics). The Exalt must be these dice are considered Virtue dice, such bonuses do not
able to see all participants at the time of activation and can't count against Excellency limits. Exalted may use only a single
change them without reactivation. The roll to transmit or activation of this Charm at a time, and characters may tap into
understand complex messages is reflexive and mandatory, with only one ancestor per action. With the Martyr effect, the Charm
a difficulty of 1-5 set by the Storyteller. Social attacks may be lasts as long as the family does, passing the legacy to each
conveyed through gestures, but may also require a transmission generation.
roll for complex statements and automatically fail to affect Characters wishing to be part of a family lineage subject to a
targets who do not make a required understanding roll. A Martyr usage of this Charm may possess one such Motivation,
second purchase at Linguistics 5+ removes the need for subject to the Storyteller’s approval, per dot of the Family
transmission/understanding rolls and allows participants to Background. Buying Family in this manner negates the normal
gesture subtly enough that onlookers fail to recognize them as bonuses for buying that dot of the Background. Ancestors
communication without a (Perception + Awareness) roll at a purchased with this Background are assumed to have died with
difficulty of the Exalt's Essence. Essence 6. Optionally, rather than using an additional dot of
Family to add a second Motivation, such dots may be used to
WITH ONE MIND upgrade an existing ancestor’s Essence rating by one dot, up to
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata a maximum of Essence 8.
Cost: 2 motes per dot of increase per participant; Mins:
Linguistics 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo- VICTORIOUS DRAGON PENNANT
Basic, Dynasty, War; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Thousand Correct Action
Charms: Voice of Mastery, Voices on the Wind Cost: 2m; Mins: Linguistics 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive;
This Charm allows a unified group of Dragon-Blooded to Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch, War; Duration: Indefinite;
“speak without words,” moving as a single unit of such purpose Prerequisite Charms: Craft Icon
that verbal orders are superfluous and a waste of the The Dragon-Blood’s Essence paints a complex glyph
commander’s time. Effectively, the individuals linked with this approximately a foot square in size on any sufficiently large
Charm share their surface thoughts, which conveys several object she is touching, most commonly a flag affixed to armor
effects, linking the Exalt and up to (Linguistics rating) or a long weapon such as a spear. During the First Age, such
individuals she can perceive within a mile for as long as those glyphs often adorned the chest plates of warstriders. This
characters stay within this radius. Double the number of symbol glows in the colors of its creator’s anima while
maximum participants if all members are blood relatives of the empowered by the commitment of her Essence and loses all
Terrestrial. The activation cost is 1m per character, but this is power when this commitment ends. Repeated use of this Charm
waived for any character the Exalt gifts with trait dots. can empower as many pennants as the Exalt wishes to sustain.
First, all observations made by any participant are shared by When carried into battle by any special character in a
all—what one sees, all see. Second, in a combat situation, all complementary unit, an object enchanted with this Charm
commands, warnings or observations are nonverbal. Members allows that character to count as an additional relay to prevent
of the group can trade opponents, execute flanking maneuvers communication failure and adds one to the unit’s Morale
or warn each other of impending sneak attacks instantly and (maximum Morale 5).
silently. The difficulty of the roll to coordinate attacks by linked These benefits are cumulative with each special character
members is only 1 and they may always parry on each other's carrying such an item; they lapse whenever a standard-bearer
behalf as though they had used a Defend Other action to set this perishes. A replacement capable of raising it may be ordered to
up. do so as a diceless miscellaneous action.
Third, for every two motes spent, each ally affected gains
one dot each in Wits, Perception and Melee. Trait dots LORE
conferred by this Charm cannot increase another's rating above
the Exalt's rating. Also, the Dragon-Blood must spend two ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION TRANCE
motes per dot of increase for every participant. The Exalt MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
cannot raise different allies’ Abilities by varying degrees at the Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
same time. Keywords: None Duration: One day Prerequisite Charms:
Used in mass combat, the Charm can link a unit leader with None
fellow officers, all of whom count as one additional relay The simplest of Lore techniques exercised by the savants of
regardless of actual role. Air, this Charm allows a character to meditate on her aligned
element to temporarily augment her capacity to absorb
HONORED ANCESTOR EXHALATION knowledge. Provided that the Exalt has all the necessary
Lords of Creation research material handy, she can absorb a week’s worth of
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Linguistics 5, Essence 6, Breeding study in a single day. She can continue to use this Charm on
3; Type: Simple; Keywords: Dynasty, Martyr, Purity; subsequent days, but if she uses it more days in a row than a
Duration: Indefinite; Prerequisite Charms: Speech Without number equal to her Lore trait, she suffers one level of
Words, With One Mind unsoakable lethal damage for each extra day. The Exalt cannot
The voice of a progenitor lends hope and purpose to his heal this damage while under the effects of this Charm.
descendents. Upon activating this Charm, the Exalt chooses a This Charm can accelerate training times for any Charm that
Motivation (which may differ from his own). Whenever one of shares the Terrestrial's aspect or non-magical trait. Charms to
the Exalt's descendents channels a Virtue while taking an action learn sorcery or necromancy are never eligible, regardless of
that directly supports this Motivation, the descendant does not

aspect. The Charm may also be used to speed research or other motes per bashing level healed. This Charm cannot be used to
actions to gain information from available sources. heal aggravated damage, nor can it be used to restore lost limbs
or heal other such mutilations.
ETERNAL MIND MEDITATION An Eclipse or Moonshadow Caste Exalt who learns this
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Charm can use the Charm with only the element associated with
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple the teacher of the Charm. That is, if an Eclipse learns Elemental
Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Succor Method from a Fire Aspect, he cannot heal himself by
Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance immersion in any other element.
Given the vast ages to which most of the Dragon-Blooded
will survive, it’s not surprising that their minds can become ELEMENTAL BOLT ATTACK
somewhat cluttered. This Charm allows the Exalt to attain MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
perfect recall of any event he has experienced or anything he Cost: 1m per 2L; Mins: Lore 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
has ever read or heard. After spending the required Essence and Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative, Elemental, Leader,
Willpower, the Exalt must spend a moment in quiet Obvious; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: None
contemplation. The Dragon-Blood’s player then rolls Sometimes referred to as “the Dragon’s Claw,” this Charm
(Intelligence + Lore), with the difficulty determined by how far permits a Dragon-Blood to fire a bolt of elemental energy
back into the character’s memories he wishes to delve. One appropriate to his aspect from his hand toward a target. The bolt
success is sufficient to recall a hurried conversation from a few is targeted with (Dexterity + Athletics) or (Dexterity +
years back, while five permits the Exalt to recall events even Archery), whichever is preferred, with an Accuracy bonus equal
from early childhood with perfect clarity. Some Dragon- to the Dragon-Blood’s Essence and a range of (Essence x 20)
Blooded savants even claim to recall memories of time spent in yards. The bolt inflicts 2L per mote spent up to a maximum
the womb through the use of this Charm. Eternal Mind number of motes equal to the Dragon-Blood’s Stamina. The
Meditation does not impair the character in any way. He bolt also has an elemental aspect and triggers the following
experiences the events of his past as memories, rather than as an elemental effects:
immersive experience that might adversely affect his DV or his Air buffets the target, subtracting two dice from her next
awareness of his surroundings. action.
The Exalt can contest the effects of any Charm that altered Earth triggers a tremor beneath the target’s feet, forcing her
the character's memories using a standard roll-off, though the player to roll (Dexterity + Athletics), difficulty 4, to keep the
character must first think to check the altered recollection. He character from falling.
can also focus on memories associated with an Intimacy (which Fire sets the target ablaze for a single action (+4L to the
reasserts it) or his Motivation, doubling the MDV bonuses or attacker’s damage pool).
penalties that trait provides in Social Combat for the scene as Water fills the target’s lungs with seawater, adding three
long as he is not already focusing on it. ticks before her next action due to violent coughing.
Wood exposes the target to a plant toxin, requiring a
ELEMENTAL EMPOWERMENT MEDITATION reflexive (Stamina + Resistance) roll, with a difficulty equal to
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded (the Dragon-Blood’s Essence), to avoid suffering a -1 penalty
Cost: 1+wp; Mins: Lore 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple on all actions for the remainder of the scene.
Keywords: Elemental Duration: Instant Prerequisite Multiple Dragon-Bloods who know this Charm can combine
Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance their powers to generate a bolt of exceptional power. One Exalt
The blessings of Terrestrial Exaltation allow the Princes of (usually the one with the best attack pool or the one with the
the Earth to draw energy directly from elemental sources, highest Stamina rating) must serve as the focus, with his
restoring their depleted Essence reserves in times of crisis. The (Dexterity + [Athletics or Archery]) used to determine the base
Dragon-Blood can draw Essence directly from his aspected attack pool. Additionally, the Stamina of the focus determines
element, regaining a number of motes equal to his Lore Ability the maximum number of motes that each participant can spend,
for every Willpower point spent. If the Dragon-Blood spends with the total number of motes spent determining the base
more Willpower points in a day than his Essence, each damage pool. In other words, if the focus has a Stamina of 4,
additional use of Willpower for this Charm will also inflict one then no participant can expend more than four motes to fuel the
level of unsoakable bashing damage. The character must be able bolt. The Accuracy bonus of the attack is based on the Essence
to physically touch the element with which he is aligned in of the focus but gains a +1 bonus per additional participant. The
order to draw Essence from it. range of the attack is equal to (the combined Essence of all
participants x 20) yards. Finally, the elemental side effects of
ELEMENTAL SUCCOR METHOD each separate aspect who aids in this Charm are inflicted upon
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded the target. If multiple Dragon-Blooded of the same aspect aid in
Cost: 5m and 1wp per lhl; 2 motes per hl; Mins: Lore 5, this Charm, however, their special elemental effect is applied
Essence 3; Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-Basic, Elemental only once. Therefore, if an Earth Aspect, two Fire Aspects and a
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Water Aspect combine to fire a single bolt, the player of the
Empowerment Meditation target—if successfully hit—must roll to avoid falling and will
While Elemental Empowerment Meditation allows the be delayed an additional three ticks before his next action due to
Dragon-Blood to replenish her lost Essence, this Charm allows the seawater, but only four dice are added to the damage pool
her to restore her own body, using the power of the elements to due to fire damage, rather than eight.
heal her injuries. The character must immerse herself in her Additional purchases of this Charm enable evocation of
favored element as much as possible (standing in a burning fire, elements other than the Terrestrial's aspect, but each activation
submerging herself in water, etc.) and must spend five motes can only express one known element. The bolt may also be
and one Willpower for every lethal health level healed or two aimed with Thrown. Characters can always enhance a bolt's

accuracy with Lore Excellencies (or Athletics Excellencies, if
using that Ability). If using Archery or Thrown, the character THE WIND TURNS
can enhance it as normal for an attack using the Ability and may Return of the Scarlet Empress
place Elemental Bolt Attack in a Combo with Charms of that Cost: —; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent;
Ability. The accuracy bonus for Cooperative use of the Charm Keywords: Dynasty; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite
does not count against Charm dice bonus limits; the only limit Charms: Elemental Empowerment Meditation
is the number of Dragon-Blooded who may be gathered The wisest savants know that a breath sent out into the
together to unleash the fury of the elements. Any special world can return as a hurricane, and a word sent out into the
character can contribute to a Cooperative activation, even world can return as a revolution. So it is that the Grandchildren
heroes and relays. of Gaia are eventually empowered by the lives they have
brought into Creation. The character’s Personal Essence pool is
ELEMENTAL BURST TECHNIQUE permanently increased by a number of motes equal to the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Magnitude of the unit that would be formed by all of her
Cost: -; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent; currently living Dragon-Blooded descendants. Her Peripheral
Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Essence pool increases by twice that number.
Elemental Bolt Attack
This Charm is upgrades the Elemental Bolt Attack, giving a OCCULT
optional attack mode. Each mote spent on the Elemental Bolt
Attack inflicts only one dice of lethal damage. The burst inflicts TERRESTRIAL CIRCLE SORCERY
damage across a circular area with a radius equal to the Dragon- MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
Blood’s permanent Essence in yards. If multiple Exalted who Cost: 1wp; Mins: Occult 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
know this Charm join together, the power of the elemental burst Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms:
is calculated in the same manner as the elemental bolt, and the None
radius of the burst is equal to the combined permanent Essences The Dragon-Blood takes Terrestrial Circle Sorcery actions.
of all participants in yards.
Lords of Creation Cost: 2m; Mins: Occult 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Lore 6, Essence 6, Breeding 5; Keywords: None Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms:
Type: Simple; Keywords: Emotion, Obvious, Purity; None
Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Mind After the Great Uprising, it fell to the savants of the Air to
Meditation, Elemental Succor Method attempt to repair the Terrestrial Exalted’s badly fractured
The strength of the Dragon-Blooded lies not in their relationships with the spirit courts. In both diplomacy and
individual prowess, but in their vast collective might. Upon spycraft, they used this Charm, which allows a Dragon-Blood to
activating this Charm, the user and every Terrestrial within a see the reflection of unmanifested spirits in any reflective
one-mile radius feels a sense of kinship and pride in their race. surface, such as a mirror, a polished sword or even a still pool
This feeling instantly forges an Intimacy of loyalty to the of liquid. Furthermore, the Dragon-Blood can hear the voices of
Dragon-Blooded Host as a whole, which endures or fades any spirits he can see, allowing for both conversations and,
normally once the Charm ends. Only those in range when perhaps, discrete eavesdropping.
Endless Coils Enlightenment activates are targeted, and they
remain affected regardless of distance. Those who later enter HARMONIOUS WIND-LURING SONG
the radius are not affected. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Whenever a Terrestrial dies while affected by this Charm, Cost: 5m; Mins: Occult 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed
every other affected character temporarily learns every Dragon- 5 in long ticks, -0 DV); Keywords: None; Duration: One day;
Blooded or Terrestrial Martial Arts Charm the deceased knew Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique
until the end of the scene, provided they meet trait minimums. Of all the spirit courts, the Air Aspects, have the greatest
(Out-of-aspect mote costs apply.) If the user of Endless Coils affinity for the courts of the sky. This Charm calls upon that
Enlightenment dies before the end of the scene, the effect elemental affinity to allow the Dragon-Blooded to invoke the
continues for its full duration. power of the air spirits to summon a helpful wind. The wind
summoned is not particularly strong, but it is powerful enough
GLORIOUS BIRTHRIGHT FONT to interfere with Archery, adding half the Exalt’s Essence to his
Thousand Correct Action DV against archery attacks. It is also powerful enough to affect
Cost: 3m; Mins: Lore 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive; the speed of a sailing ship, either adding or subtracting half the
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious; Duration: Indefinite; Dragon-Blood’s Essence from the ship’s Speed for the duration.
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Empowerment Method The Air Aspect must spend about five minutes summoning the
Blessed and terrible are the descendants of the Elemental air spirits, usually through such activities as whistling, imitating
Dragons. While this Charm is active, Essence surges from the the sounds of storms, whirling a bullroarer or simply playing a
character’s eyes and flickers under her skin as it flows through flute. The friendly spirits summoned will obey the Dragon-
her veins. She adds (Breeding + 1) to the raw damage of all Blood’s will (subject to their limited capabilities) for one hour.
physical attacks enhanced by or created with Terrestrial During that hour, the Exalt must spend one Miscellaneous
Elemental Charms. For Charms requiring motes to generate any Action (5 ticks) whistling or singing in order to change the
base damage, she may pay 0m and rely entirely on Glorious wind’s direction.
Birthright Font. Charms that create environmental hazards add Water-aspected Dragon-Bloods have access to a
half the usual bonus to damage at each interval. functionally identical Sail Charm called Seven Seas Wind-

Luring Chanty. The only differences between the two Charms scene once the total penalty imposed by all activations of this
are that the Water aspect version requires Sail 2 instead of Charm exceeds its Essence rating. The only actions a paralyzed
Occult 2, has Hurricane-Predicting Glance as a prerequisite spirit can take are mental actions that do not affect others.
Charm in place of Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique an Subsequent uses of this Charm have a cumulative effect as
requires the Exalt to be at sea. long as the original application of the Charm has not lapsed, as
This Charm does not summon an actual spirit, but rather do applications of the Charm by other Dragon-Blooded. The
invokes the power of such beings to create winds that may blow Charm also affects unmanifested spirits, but the Exalted must be
anywhere within a radius of (Occult x 100) yards around the able to see and touch the spirit to bind it. The Charm does not
Terrestrial. Multiple currents can blow in different directions automatically render an attack capable of affecting
within the radius, typically to help allies while hindering unmanifested spirits. Spirit-Chaining Strike is explicitly
enemies. When using this Charm to speed or slow a vehicle permitted to be made a part of a Combo with Charms of other
propelled by the wind (such as a ship or airboat with sails), the Abilities.
net modifier to per tick speed is the Exalt's (Sail + Essence) and Leader only applies if attacking a solo unit or special
this is applied after any adjustments to the vehicle's own speed. character spirit while commanding a unit whose attacks can hit
Changing the wind's direction or rearranging where it blows that spirit. A paralyzed spirit ceases to be a special character
within the permitted radius is a diceless miscellaneous action. and drops out of its unit.


MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Occult 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple; Cost: 4m; Mins: Occult 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental;
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping; Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration: Instant;
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Grounding Shout
Since the Usurpation, the Dragon-Blooded have accepted This weapon in the Dragon-Blooded arsenal is especially
the role of defender of humanity against exploitation by spirits hated and feared by the spirit hierarchies and is a significant
and ghosts run amok. This Charm has greatly aided the Dragon- explanation of how the Immaculate Order was finally able to
Blooded in that role. When the character utters the Spirit- bring the spirits of the Blessed Isle to heel. The Dragon-Blood
Grounding Shout, a reflexive opposed Essence roll is made for must first make a successful attack against a spirit, either while
both her and the target spirit. If the Exalt wins, the spirit is the spirit is materialized or with some weapon or attack capable
forced to materialize and remain corporeal for a minimum of of affecting dematerialized spirits. The attack inflicts its normal
the character’s permanent Essence in minutes. The Essence cost damage. In addition, the attacker’s player reflexively rolls (the
of the spirit’s materialization is first paid for from the spirits’ character’s Willpower + Essence) against a difficulty equal to
reserves. If the spirit does not have the Essence to materialize, the spirit’s Essence. Each threshold success on the activation
then the balance is paid from the character’s Essence pool. If roll strips away (Exalt's Essence rating)m from the spirit as a
the Dragon-Blooded and the target spirit do not have sufficient Shaping effect. The character does not steal the Essence, it
Essence between them to pay for the materialization cost, the dissipates into the air. If the spirit is destroyed by this Charm,
Charm automatically fails, and the five motes spent by the that spirit is irrevocably gone. The imposition of permanent
character is lost. (Any motes that would have been spent by the death with a killing blow is not Shaping.
spirit or the Dragon-Blood to pay for materialization remain Leader applies as per Spirit-Chaining Strike.
unspent, though.)
The Charm likewise fails if the Dragon-Blood’s player fails FIVEFOLD RESONANCE SENSE
to get more successes on the opposed Essence roll than the MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
target spirit does, and the Charm never affects spirit whose Cost: 2m; Mins: Occult 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
permanent Essence is higher than the Dragon-Blood’s. Keywords: None Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms:
A spirit forced to materialize must still possess the None
Materialize Charm to do so, but accomplishes forced This Charm is most often used by independent surveyors
materialization reflexively. If the spirit lacks sufficient motes to and the professional jade sniffers of the Thousand Scales. For
accomplish this, the Terrestrial knows how many motes are still the duration of the Charm, the Dragon-Blood can detect the
required and may pay them. If he does not, the spirit also spends presence of jade within a radius of (Essence x 200) yards. If the
no motes and the Charm does nothing. jade to be detected is elementally aspected with the Dragon-
Blood, no roll is required. If the jade is of a different aspect, the
SPIRIT-CHAINING STRIKE Exalt’s player must roll (Perception + Occult) at a difficulty of
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata 3. If the Dragon-Blood has an Occult rating of 3 and an Essence
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Occult 4, Essence 3; Type: of 2, he can also detect other magical materials at a difficulty of
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Leader; 3, but only at a range of (Essence x 50) yards.
Duration: Five minutes; Prerequisite Charms: Spirit- This Charm cannot be used to perceive magical materials
Grounding Shout that are already attuned to someone else, nor can it be used to
With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can temporarily detect any quantity of such materials that are being concealed
immobilize a spirit, often as a prelude to more permanent through the use of Celestial or Solar level magic, including
measures. The character must successfully strike the spirit with Charms or spells. If Terrestrial magic is being used to conceal
an attack, then the player can make a reflexive (Intelligence + the material, the Dragon-Blood’s player must garner more
Occult) roll with a difficulty equal to the spirit’s Essence. Each successes on the (Perception + Occult) roll than successes on
threshold success on the activation roll imposes a cumulative -1 the roll made to conceal the material or the Essence of the
internal penalty to all actions the spirit takes for the next five character using the concealing magic (whichever is higher).
minutes. A spirit becomes Inactive but fully conscious for a

Once the Exalt has (Occult 4+, Essence 3+), this Charm can
detect artifacts and other objects made of detectable magical ELEMENTAL INTERNALIZATION TECHNIQUE
materials that are attuned to someone else, but any such items Thousand Correct Action
carried by their owner are considered to be concealed by any Cost: —; Mins: Occult 1, Essence 3; Type: Permanent;
magic that conceals said owner. With (Occult 5+, Essence 3+), Keywords: Elemental, Purity 2; Duration: Permanent;
the Charm is no longer automatically trumped by Celestial or Prerequisite Charms: None
Solar magic and just uses roll-off rules when confronted with Whenever an Exalt with Elemental Internalization
concealing magic. Technique activates an Elemental Charm that belongs to
another aspect’s Ability but evokes an effect solely
SEEING THE MAKER’S HAND corresponding to his own aspect, he does not have to pay the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata wrong-aspect surcharge to use that Charm. For example, a Fire
Cost: 4m; Mins: Occult 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple Aspect would not pay the extra mote to throw a ball of flame
Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: with Elemental Bolt Attack.
Fivefold Resonance Sense
This Charm is especially favored by the savants and ESSENCE-UNVEILING TOUCH
engineers of Lookshy, who must often contend with relics of Thousand Correct Action
the First Age discovered in the barrens of the Scavenger Lands. Cost: 5m; Mins: Occult 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
When confronted by an unidentified artifact, the character must Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
handle the item in question as if he were attempting to attune it Charms: Seeing the Maker’s Hand
before spending the required Essence. The Exalt’s player then This Charm duplicates the effects of the Solar Charm All-
rolls (Perception + Occult) for the character, with a difficulty Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight (Exalted, p. 222), but the
rating equal to the item’s Artifact rating. (Some artifacts are Terrestrial perceives the flow of Essence with her sense of
specially designed to conceal their functions, and analyzing touch rather than vision and therefore can’t analyze anything
such items carry a higher difficulty.) with the Charm unless she is in physical contact with it. Such
Success on this roll immediately gives the character a rough contact includes being inside the area of effect of any magic
idea of the item’s power level, as indicated by its Artifact that encompasses a volume of space. This Charm is considered
rating, with additional successes giving greater insights into the a supernatural improvement to Awareness.
item’s capabilities. Large, powerful or exceptionally complex
artifacts might require multiple uses of this Charm in order to STEALTH
fully understand their workings. This Charm is ineffective on
artifacts that are already attuned to other people. FEELING-THE-AIR TECHNIQUE
This Charm can never discern the workings of N/A Artifacts MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
and may only analyze simple artifacts by default. Analyzing the Cost: 3m; Mins: Stealth 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
product of exotic crafts like Magitech or Genesis require that Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 5; Duration: One scene;
the Exalt have at least one dot in that Craft. Large artifacts Prerequisite Charms: None
require 2 uses to yield any useful information for anything up to To the Children of Mela, every subtle breeze carries insight
the size of a warstrider or 3 for anything bigger (+1 if not a into the territory it crosses. The Dragon-Blood can perceive his
simple artifact). With Occult 5+, the Exalt may analyze artifacts immediate environment by reading minute eddies and currents
attuned to others. in the air. In this manner, he may retain total spatial awareness
even in complete darkness. He cannot read or observe color, but
MANTLE OF ELEMENTAL FUSION he can move freely, and he reduces blind-fighting penalties by
Lords of Creation half.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Occult 6, Essence 6; Type: Simple If a Dragon-Blood suffers a Crippling injury that blinds him
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Obvious, Touch Duration: completely, duration increases to Indefinite and cost becomes
Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Chaining Strike 0m.
By means of this Charm, a Dragon-Blood may physically
meld with an elemental of the same aspect as himself in order to SOUNDLESS ACTION PRANA
wear its power. To activate this Charm, the Exalt must MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
successfully reach into the center of the elemental's body as an Cost: 1m per minute; Mins: Stealth 3, Essence 3; Type:
unarmed attack. His player then makes a (Charisma + Occult) Simple Keywords: Combo-Basic Duration: Varies
roll with a difficulty equal to the spirit's Essence (unless the Prerequisite Charms: Feeling-the-Air Technique
spirit cooperates, which removes the need for the roll). Bonding With this Charm, the Air Aspect moves in perfect harmony
with an elemental whose Essence is greater than the Exalt's is with the air around her, suppressing the sound of her
impossible. Upon a successful activation, the elemental's form movements. For one minute per mote spent, the Dragon-Blood
oozes into the Dragon-Blood's aspect markings and becomes can eliminate any noise she directly produces, but not sounds
part of his body. For as long as the Charm lasts, the spirit she causes that are not connected to her person. That is, she
cannot be physically attacked, and the Exalt knows all of its could smash in a window with a rock in complete silence, but if
Charms. If the Exalt dies, so does the spirit. Melding also she threw that rock through that window, the sound would be
carries lingering psychological side effects for both parties, as clearly heard. The Charm does not provide any direct benefit to
each chooses one Intimacy per scene to give to the other. Stealth rolls, but it will eliminate the chance of attracting
Exalted who frequently use this attention in many circumstances, such as areas protected by
Charm evince all manner of unusual quirks and appetites. alarms. The individual under the influence of this Charm is
This Charm may be placed in a Combo with Charms of other unable to speak while Soundless Action Prana is in effect and

must communicate through nonverbal means, perhaps through The Dragon-Blood’s preternatural stealth can now be
Charms such as Speech Without Words or With One Mind. extended to others. Moving with the lightness of a summer
Characters using this Charm are ineligible targets for breeze, the Exalt and any allies to whom this Charm is extended
(Perception + Awareness) rolls based solely on hearing. For leave no footprints, scents or other signs of their passage. By
example, if the Exalt is moving around a room, but a closed spending 2 motes, the Dragon-Blood can obliterate all signs of
door bars any visual detection, the sounds he would otherwise her passage for a distance of up to one mile. The Dragon-Blood
make do not prompt checks to notice him. Human-range senses can extend this concealment to her allies at a cost of an
other than vision and hearing are insufficiently acute to detect additional two motes per person, up to a total number of beings
things at any real range, so an Exalt using Soundless Action equal to the Dragon-Blood’s permanent Essence. When this
Prana with full visual cover is basically undetectable without Charm is activated, all non-supernatural attempts to track the
magic. protected characters fail automatically.
Supernatural attempts to track the characters negate this
ZONE OF SILENCE STANCE Charm, and tracking is handled normally, as if neither party had
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata used any supernatural effects.
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple Leader treats dots of Magnitude as individuals to determine
Keywords: Combo-Basic Duration: One minute per point of cost; must conceal all Magnitude to cloak a unit's march.
permanent Essence Prerequisite Charms: Soundless Action
This Charm improves on the effects of Soundless Action MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Prana by totally suppressing all sound within (permanent Cost: 2m; Mins: Stealth 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Essence x 2) yards of the Exalt. Each extra mote spent increases Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Until broken Prerequisite
the range by one yard, up to the maximum of the Dragon- Charms: Trackless Passage Style
Blood’s permanent Essence. This zone of silence is centered on Like the wind whistling through the trees or across the
the character who invokes it, and it moves with him. ocean, it is not in the nature of the Dragon-Blooded to fall or to
Obviously, this Charm suppresses spoken social attacks. If sink. Once this Charm is activated, the Dragon-Blood gains
magic is used inside the zone that functions via sound through perfect balance and can move across any horizontal surface
than producing sound as an incidental effect, a standard roll-off (including water and quicksand) without difficulty. The manner
determines whether it ignores the zone or fails to work (and in of movement is irrelevant and can include running, crawling or
which case no costs are paid, though an action may be wasted, swinging on tree vines. If the Dragon-Blood ever stops moving
depending on the magic). for even a single action, however, the Charm ends. The Dragon-
Blood can carry his normal gear but no more than that.
DISTRACTING BREEZE MEDITATION Common sense guides the definition of horizontal surface;
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata inclines are fine, sheer surfaces are not.
Cost: 1m per 2 successes; Mins: Stealth 2, Essence 1;
Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 4; Duration: TEMPEST FROM BLUE SKIES AMBUSH
One scene; Prerequisite Charms: None MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
This Charm allows the Air Aspect to cause the wind itself to Cost: 3m; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive;
aid in his attempts at infiltration by disturbing and distracting Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion; Duration: Instant;
those who might notice his passage. The wind might tickle the Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Walking Technique
ear of a listener, cause a torch to gutter or go out, or blow As per Blossom Hides Thorns.
papers off a desk.
Regardless, the result is a minor environmental effect, DRAGON SHROUD TECHNIQUE
incapable of damaging anyone or anything, which nevertheless MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
is potentially distracting to those nearby. The Dragon-Blood can Cost: 3+m, 1wp; Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
continue to trigger distracting effects for the duration of a scene. Keywords: Combo-Basic Duration: One scene Prerequisite
For one mote of Essence, the Charm adds two automatic Charms: Soundless Action Prana, Wind-Walking Technique
successes to any Stealth roll made against a single target. Each The wind is not seen, but can only be detected through its
additional mote spent allows the Dragon-Blood to distract one effects on others. With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can bend
additional target at the same time, up to a maximum number of light around himself to conceal his presence. The Exalt is not
targets equal to the Exalt’s permanent Essence. Therefore, if the totally invisible, but can be detected as only a hazy blur. The
Dragon-Blood spends three motes of Essence, he can add two Charm also muffles sound, masks scent, conceals body heat and
automatic successes to any rolls made against up to three generally protects against most forms of detection.
people, but if he encounters five people in a search party, he Mechanically, the Dragon-Blood’s identity is completely
would not get the automatic successes against two of the five. concealed by the blur, and every three motes spent adds one
The Charm cannot add more than two automatic successes to a automatic success to Stealth-related rolls. However, the Charm
single roll, no matter how much Essence is spent. does not actively conceal the character’s passage, and he can be
Leader allows the targeting of enemy units as though they tracked normally unless Trackless Passage Style or other
were individuals. Charms are brought to bear.


MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Lords of Creation
Cost: 2m per person per mile; Mins: Stealth 3, Essence 2; Cost: None ( + lm per ally or +1wp for a vehicle); Mins:
Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-Basic, Leader 4; Duration: Stealth 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent; Keywords: None;
Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Distracting Breeze Meditation

Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon Shroud Cost: 3m; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 2; Type: Extra-Action;
Technique Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 6; Duration: (Essence)
This Charm enhances an Exalt's Dragon Shroud Technique, actions; Prerequisite Charms: Loyal Weapon
extending the Charm's duration to Indefinite and automatically The unearthly control of the Air Aspects over their throwing
giving the characteristics and benefits of being invisible (-2 weapons continues to improve with this Charm. After the
successes to spot or attack him, plus greater ease in launching Dragon-Blood throws a weapon at a target, the weapon takes on
surprise attacks or reestablishing surprise). In addition, the a life of its own and continues to make extra attacks. The
character may extend the Dragon Shroud Technique to as many Charm's type is Extra Action, but instead of creating a flurry,
allies as he has dots of Essence, as long as they join hands at the each of the actions occurs sequentially, having the normal
time of activation. He may, instead, cloak a single vehicle or Speed for that particular weapon for determining the ticks upon
warstrider by touching it (increasing the cost as noted). Cloaked which subsequent attacks occur. The attack roll made for the
vehicles may be hidden with Stealth as if they were the Exalt, weapon is equal to the Dragon-Blood’s (Perception + Thrown)
without penalties for size, using Wits instead of Dexterity. pool. The Dragon-Blood can perform any other actions he
Anything cloaked by Dragon Shroud Technique appears if it desires as the weapon’s independent attacks proceed, including
travels more than (Stealth x 5) yards from the Exalt or the using this Charm again on the same target with additional
Charm ends. throwing weapons.
The player must declare that he is invoking this Charm
DEADLY MIRAGE AMBUSH before rolling the first attack, and the target of the weapon
Thousand Correct Action cannot be changed during the Charm’s duration. The target (or
Cost: 3m; Mins: Stealth 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental; anyone else) can attempt to strike the weapon out of the air.
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration: Instant; Doing so requires an attack roll against a difficulty equal to the
Prerequisite Charms: Distracting Breeze Meditation Dragon-Blood’s permanent Essence. If this attack roll is
Chosen of Mela are most dangerous when unnoticed. This successful, the weapon is knocked to the ground, where it will
Charm doubles the attack successes of any unexpected physical rest inert.
attack for the purpose of calculating raw damage. This Charm Standard Combo rules govern the need to pay for other
may be placed in Combos with Charms of other Abilities. enhancing Charms per attack. The Exalt needs to pay the
Willpower cost of the Combo only once, though. The Loyal
THROWN Weapon Charm is an exception to this rule, and if Loyal
Weapon is put in a Combo with Persistent Hornet Attack, the
LOYAL WEAPON weapon will make all of its requisite attacks and only then
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata return to the Exalt. The Essence for the Loyal Weapon Charm
Cost: 1m; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence 2; Type: needs to be paid only once.
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 4; Duration:
Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency INVISIBLY HIDDEN CHAKRAM METHOD
The Children of Mela are renowned for their skill with MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
thrown weapons, a puissance that makes such weapons seem to Cost: 2m; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
come alive in their hands. When the Dragon-Blood throws a (Step 1 or 2); Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant;
weapon (including a thrown melee weapon) and activates this Prerequisite Charms: Persistent Hornet Attack
Charm, an invisible ribbon of air is attached to it, allowing the The Dragon-Blood can conceal any number of thrown
Exalt to summon it back to her hand when its path is spent. weapons Elsewhere and store them there for later use.
Whether the weapon strikes its target or not, it will immediately Each activation may either banish a held thrown weapon the
return to the Exalt and be available for reuse on her next regular Exalt owns Elsewhere or retrieve it from Elsewhere to an
action. Thrown weapons still attack with their normal Speed, available hand as a reflexive Ready Weapon action. The latter
however, and the weapon will not be available for any reflexive use may conjure a weapon as part of the attack that throws it
uses between the ticks upon which the Dragon-Blooded (and perhaps to parry if the Exalt has some means of doing so
normally acts. Anyone in the path of the returning weapon can with a Thrown weapon).
attempt to pluck it out of the air, but doing so requires a The Dragon-Blood can hide a number of weapons equal to
successful (Dexterity + Athletics) roll, followed by an twice his Essence. These weapons cannot be detected except by
immediate reflexive opposed (Strength + Athletics) roll against beings or powers capable of perceiving items stored Elsewhere.
the player of the weapon’s owner. If the person attempting to
snatch the weapon fails on either of these two rolls, the weapon WHIRLWIND SHIELD FORM
is unimpeded on its return journey. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
If this Charm is used to retrieve a weapon that only exists in Cost: 3m + 1m per ally protected; Mins: Thrown 3, Essence
the moment of the attack (such as Elemental Bolt Attack or 2; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration:
Deadly Blades of the Five Dragons), the projectile continues to One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency
exist with the same statistics and returns to the Exalt's hand so The flawless skill of the Dragon-Blooded can even allow
that it may be hurled again without requiring reactivation of the them to knock arrows and daggers from the air with a well-
effect that created it. Unless Loyal Weapon is applied again, placed throw.
such projectiles then disappear like normal. The Exalt using this Charm can deflect ranged attacks aimed
at himself or at allies at a cost of three motes plus one mote per
PERSISTENT HORNET ATTACK each ally protected. While the Charm is in effect, apply an
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata external penalty of half the Exalt's Essence rating against all
ranged attacks made against him or protected allies within
range, in addition to the normal effects of DV. This Charm does

not require any actual weapons. Instead, the Whirlwind Shield Wood poisons the target, requiring her player to
is formed from the air itself, and any allies who are to be successfully roll (Stamina + Resistance) at a difficulty of (the
protected must be within (the Exalt’s Essence) yards in order Dragon-Blood’s Essence) to avoid suffering a -1 penalty to all
for the Dragon-Blood to shield them. actions for the rest of the scene. (Subsequent successful uses of
Gusts of force The Leader use shields dots of Magnitude as this poison effect are cumulative.)
though individuals to a maximum of (Essence -1) dots; all dots In order to inflict any of these penalties, the Dragon-Blood
must be protected for any benefit. must successfully hit his target. He cannot inflict a particular
elemental effect more than once per action, however, regardless
VENGEFUL GUST COUNTERATTACK of how many blades he throws at his target as part of a flurry.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Additional purchases of this Charm each add another
Cost: 2m or 4m; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 2; Type: element to the Exalt's repertoire beyond that of his aspect, but a
Reflexive (Step 5 and Step 9); Keywords: Combo-OK, created weapon can have only one element imbued in it.
Counterattack, Leader 5; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
Charms: Whirlwind Shield Form ELEMENTAL ARMOR TECHNIQUE
A refinement of Whirlwind Shield Form, this Charm allows MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
the Exalt to not only deflect incoming attacks, but to reflect Cost: 1m or 2m per 1B/1L of soak, 1 wp; Mins: Thrown 5,
them back on the attacker. If the Dragon-Blood is the target of a Essence 3; Type: Simple; Keywords: Elemental, Leader,
ranged attack, her player roll (Dexterity + Thrown) in place of Obvious, Stackable; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
her normal DV. Each success on this roll subtracts from the Charms: Vengeful Gust Counterattack
attacker’s successes, and if her successes exceed the attacker’s, The Dragon-Blood surrounds himself with a spinning vortex
the projectile reverses course, attacking her opponent with a of material composed of his affinity element. Each mote of
number of attack successes equal to her net successes and has a Essence spent adds 1L and 1B to the Dragon-Blood’s soak
base damage equal to the weapon's base damage in its original (armor type), and the character can spend up to a number of
trajectory. At a cost of four motes, the Dragon-Blood can also motes equal to his dots in Thrown. The mystical armor is fully
use this Charm in defense of an ally within a number of yards compatible with normal armor. The armor also has special
equal to her Essence. additional effects based on the Dragon-Blood’s aspect:
With Essence 4+, the Charm can protect any vehicle on Air armor consists of a swirling mass of ice crystals that
which the Exalt is a special character. buffet away ranged attacks, applying half the Dragon-Blood’s
Essence external penalty against ranged attacks.
DEADLY BLADES OF THE FIVE DRAGONS Earth armor consists of a cloud of swirling dust and
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata particulate matter that obscures an attacker’s view, applying
Cost: 3m per weapon; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3; Type: half the Dragon-Blood’s Essence to external penalty against
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Obvious, ranged attacks.
Stackable; Duration: Until Thrown; Prerequisite Charms: Fire armor consists of a cloud of red-hot embers that impair
Persistent Hornet Attack, Vengeful Gust Counterattack the vision of attackers at close range, applying half the Dragon-
The Dragon-Blood can summon throwing weapons out of Blood’s Essence external penalty against melee attacks.
thin air, fashioning them from the element to which she is Water armor surrounds the Dragon-Blood with a liquid
aligned. Most commonly, the Charm summons throwing cushion, applying half the Dragon-Blood’s Essence external
daggers, but some Dragon-Blooded summon more personalized penalty against melee attacks.
weapons, such as shuriken, chakrams or throwing axes. Wood armor surrounds the Dragon-Blood with a cloud of
Regardless of its external appearance, each weapon has a base choking pollen, allowing him to extend the effects of his anima-
Damage and Accuracy equal to the Dragon-Blood’s Essence based plant toxins to anyone within a number of yards equal to
and a range of (Essence x 10) yards. his Essence.
For every 3m spent during activation, the Charm creates one The Dragon-Blooded can extend the benefits of this Charm
elemental weapon with the normal statistics of its kind that is to others, the Essence cost increases to two motes per point of
clearly formed of the appropriate aspect Essence. Repeated soak, and one Willpower must be spent for each individual
activation of this Charm stacks to produce more weapons, but protected by the Charm. The Exalt cannot use this Charm to
the Exalt cannot create more than (Essence rating) weapons provide armor to another Dragon-Blood of a different aspect,
among all activations. These weapons may be given to others, however, and no person can be the subject of more than one
and vanish into nothingness if thrown at their creator or used for application of the Charm at the same time. Instead, the last
any purpose other than throwing them at a target. When thrown, application of the Charm takes precedence over any earlier
they ignore all multiple action penalties that apply to the attack applications.
roll and impose elemental effects, but vanish after hitting. Multiple activations of the Charm are cumulative, but
Additionally, the weapons summoned have special cannot exceed the stated soak limits for a single activation of
properties based on the elemental alignment of their creator: the Charm. Each purchase of this Charm after the first adds an
Air blades buffet the target, subtracting two dice from her additional element to the Charm. Characters may evoke these
next action. by adding +2m per element to the Charm's cost, in which case
Earth blades knock the target back, forcing her player to the armor has the powers conferred by those elements in
roll (Dexterity + Athletics), difficulty 4, to keep the character addition to its normal effects.
from falling.
Fire sets the target ablaze for an action for an additional 4L. HURRICANE HAND GESTURE
Water fills the target’s lungs with seawater, adding three Lords of Creation
ticks before her next action due to violent coughing. Cost: 2m; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 4); Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental; Duration:

Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Blades of the Five resting on the ground in a radius of (Awareness x 25) feet. The
Dragons Exalt’s player must roll (Intelligence + Awareness), with the
The Exalt gestures toward an opponent, and an invisible character gaining more information with more successes.
force emanates from her hand as an unblockable attack using
her (Dexterity + Thrown + Essence) and a Range of 300 yards. ENTOMBED MIND TECHNIQUE
If the attack hits, the Terrestrial may knock the target prone, MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
drive him gently to his knees or send him flying back (Essence Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Awareness 4, Essence 2; Type:
+ Thrown + 5) yards. If a hurled target strikes a solid object, he Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks); Keywords: Combo-OK,
and it suffer bashing damage equal to the remaining yards he Crippling, Social; Duration: Five minutes; Prerequisite
would have traveled (possibly lethal, depending on the barrier). Charms: Feeling the Dragon’s Bones
Targets significantly larger than human size cannot be thrown To be aligned with Earth is to truly understand the concept
but may be knocked down. The Dragon-Blood may also impose of stasis, but such an understanding can overpower the minds of
an elemental effect according to her aspect. Air throws targets those not prepared for it. This Charm allows the Earth Aspect to
upward for double distance rather than back, leaving victims to infuse a person with the somnolent character of stone itself,
fall normally. Earth inflicts three levels of unsoakable thereby putting that person to sleep. The Exalt must somehow
aggravated damage to Wyld creatures forced to kneel, invoke the essential character of Earth prior to using this
petrifying the bodies of the slain. Fire catches the target alight Charm, whether by capturing the subject’s attention with a
for 4L damage. Water smashes, doubling knockback distance. glittering jewel or simply speaking to him in a low droning
Wood imposes sleep as a Poison effect on living targets voice. Regardless, the Exalt must somehow capture the
knocked down if attack successes exceed their Stamina. Victims subject’s attention for at least five minutes, keeping the subject
do not awaken until the end of the scene unless they suffer motionless by her own volition, another compulsion or physical
damage levels. restraints. The Dragon-Blood’s player can then roll
Exalted with Essence 6+ may target units with a Magnitude (Manipulation + Presence), with a difficulty equal to the target’s
no greater than their Essence (or an equivalent number of Essence and does not go into effect until the character's DV
scattered individuals) with a single attack costing eight motes of refreshes. Each success renders the target unconscious for one
Essence and one point of Willpower. This attack can knock a hour in a sleep so deep that nothing can rouse him. Appropriate
unit back or down like an individual. Applying the earth effect Charms may awaken a sleep using roll-off rules.
to a unit of Wyld creature extras obliterates it, likely leaving Once the magical duration has passed, the subject passes
special characters merely wounded. Applying a wood effect to a into normal slumber and can be awoken normally. While in the
unit whose members are all below the Stamina threshold lulls grip of this Charm, the sleeper will have strange dreams of
the whole unit to sleep. underground caves and the mysteries within them. Often, the
target of this Charm will awaken with insight on the location of

a buried treasure or of where to dig a well that will never go

AWARENESS MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 5m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
ALL-ENCOMPASSING EARTH SENSE Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping; Duration: Until disrupted;
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Prerequisite Charms: Any Awareness Excellency
Cost: 2m; Mins: Awareness 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple; Using this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can ride the senses of
Keywords: Leader; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite another being. The subject must be within the Exalt’s line-of-
Charms: Any Awareness Excellency sight when the Charm is activated. Thereafter, the Exalt can see,
The Earth whispers to its children and warns them of the hear, touch, smell and even taste whatever the subject
footsteps of those who approach with hostile intent. While the experiences, provided that the subject remains within a number
Charm is in effect, the Dragon-Blood cannot be surprised by of miles equal to the Exalt’s Essence. When the Charm is
any means. The Charm draws upon the intimate connection activated, the Terrestrial’s player and that of the subject make
between the Earth Aspect and the ground beneath his feet, opposed (Awareness + Essence) rolls. The Exalt’s player must
making them as one. Consequently, in order to use this Charm, get at least one net success to enact the link. If the two tie, there
the Exalt’s feet must rest on the ground. “The ground” includes is no effect. If the Exalt loses and the intended subject is also an
earth, grass or the lowest floor of a building, but if the Dragon- Exalt, the subject’s player gets a reflexive (Wits + Awareness)
Blood is at sea, up in a tree, on an upper level of a building or roll at difficulty 3 for the subject to know that someone was
simply resting with his feet propped up on a table, the Charm attempting to ride his senses. Mortal characters have no chance
confers no benefits. The Dragon-Blood may extend this benefit of knowing what the Exalt attempted.
to companions at a cost of two extra motes per person, affecting Tagging someone is an unblockable, undodgeable Shaping
a maximum number of people equal to his Essence. attack. Wards against scrying block this Charm.
The Terrestrial must maintain concentration for the duration
FEELING THE DRAGON’S BONES of the Charm, and even riding on a slow-moving horse or sitting
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded in a sedan chair can cause her to miss important details. Any
Cost: 2m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple actions more complicated than that are completely impossible.
Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Furthermore, the Exalt is at a -3 penalty to remain aware of
Charms: All-Encompassing Earth Sense events happening around her own person. The Dragon-Blood
With this Charm, the whispers of the Earth grow louder and cannot use any Charms or spells “through” the person she is
more informative. As long as she is touching the ground (or in a riding, nor can she understand any languages she doesn’t know
building doing so), the Dragon-Blood can sense anything else
even if the subject does know them. The Exalt can, however, Lords of Creation
gain the benefits of any supernatural improvements the subject Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 6, Breeding 3;
makes to his own Awareness. Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -2); Keywords: Elemental, Martyr,
Obvious, Purity, Shaping; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
SENSE-DESTROYING METHOD Charms: Entombed Mind Technique, Essence Disruption
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Attack
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Awareness 4, Essence 3; Type: Those capable of sensing Essence respire motes from the
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling; Duration: One component dragons and breath of Gaia. By means of this
action per point of permanent Essence; Prerequisite Charms: Charm, the life of the world takes back what is hers. The
Sense-Riding Technique Dragon-Blood designates a single animate target within
Having mastered the capability of riding another’s senses, (Essence x 10) yards as a Shaping effect. If that being has
the Earth Aspect can now close off those senses, denying his Essence 1, then its life force or animating energy drains into the
subject their use. The target must be within direct line of sight. earth, killing the target instantly and painlessly with any soul
The Dragon-Blood’s player make an unblockable attack roll to falling into Lethe. Beings with Essence 2+ fare better, losing
hit a target in line of sight using (Perception + Awareness + one Willpower point from metaphysical shock and a number of
Essence), applying an external penalty of the target's motes equal to the Dragon-Blood's (Essence x 5) that visibly
Perception. On a hit, the number of successes remaining discharge into the nearest surface of the earth. Thereafter, until
translates directly into the internal penalty applied to use of the the end of the scene, any Exalt who uses the Charm Feeling the
targeted sense or negation of wound penalties if numbing touch, Dragon's Bones (see The Manual of Exalted Power—The
respectively, and if the successes remaining exceed the target’s Dragon-Blooded, pp. 140-141) within a mile of the discharged
Perception, the sense affected is totally shut down for the Essence feels the energy and may draw any number of these
duration of this Charm. The Charm must be applied separately motes into herself as part of activating that Charm. The Martyr
for each of the five senses. effect requires the Exalt to target himself, in which case all
The Charm lasts for one action for every dot of permanent Essence users without an elemental aspect within (Essence x
Essence the Dragon-Blood has. While this Charm is most 10) yards suffer the Charm's normal drain effect. The Exalt's
commonly used to disable an enemy by taking away their sight, Essence condenses into a demesne sharing his aspect with a
neutralizing a target’s sense of touch also allows him to ignore level equal to his Breeding.
wound penalties (one level of wound penalties per success or all
wound penalties if the successes exceed the target’s DISTANT MARCH INTUITION
Perception). Thus, Dragon-Blooded officers sometimes Thousand Correct Action
neutralize their subordinates’ capacity to feel pain before Cost: —; Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent;
sending them into battle. An Exalt cannot use this Charm on Keywords: War; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite Charms:
himself. Feeling the Dragon’s Bones
In contact with the ground, the Exalt feels for hostile
ESSENCE DISRUPTION ATTACK vibrations of sound and Essence. This Charm improves its
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata prerequisite, allowing it to scan out to (Essence rating) miles.
Cost: 3+m, 1wp; Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 4; Type: When using this extended range, however, it detects only the
Supplemental; Keywords: Shaping; Duration: Five ticks per Magnitude rating, location and vector of ground-based military
dot of permanent Essence; Prerequisite Charms: Sense- units with Magnitude 3+, as well as ground-based vehicles
Destroying Method transporting such units. This understanding is conveyed without
The ultimate form of Awareness is the ability to perceive need for a roll, but if any Charm conceals a unit from detection
Essence, and the ultimate form of Awareness manipulation is in the slightest, even an Excellency, resolve detection using
perhaps this Charm, which allows the Dragon-Blood to standard roll-off rules. The Charm has no way to differentiate
suppress her target’s ability to perceive and manipulate the friend from foe, but it identifies military units without noticing
Essence around him. The Dragon-Blood must pay a minimum non-violent crowds.
of three motes and one Willpower, and she can spend an Provided the Exalt is able to use it, Feeling the Dragon’s
additional number of motes up to her permanent Essence. The Bones self-activates to detect units whenever a valid unit in
Dragon-Blood’s player must then roll (Awareness + Essence) range fully resolves an attack the Terrestrial can’t otherwise
with a difficulty of 3 for the character to analyze the patterns of perceive. Because the attack must resolve, this does not help
Essence that surround the intended target. avoid ambushes. The Exalt may reflexively suppress this
If the initial roll succeeds, the player can make an warning intuition for a scene to conserve motes.
unblockable, undodgeable attack with a range of (Essence x 3)
yards against a difficulty equal to the target’s Essence. Each CRAFT
threshold success on this roll increases the cost of all Charms
and spells used by the target by one mote plus one additional SHAPING HAND STYLE
mote for each extra mote of Essence the user spent activating MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
the Charm. This surcharge is applied to every application of a Cost: 2m; Mins: Craft 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple;
Charm made by the target for a number of ticks equal to the Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Indefinide; Prerequisite
Dragon-Blood’s (Essence x 5). If the target uses a reflexive Charms: Any Craft Excellency
defensive Charm multiple times in a single action, he must pay The skill of a Prince of the Earth is so great that she doesn’t
the surcharge for each use. If he uses a Combo, he must pay the even need tools to do her work. The Dragon-Blood can enchant
surcharge on each individual Charm that makes up the Combo. one of her hands so that it will perform the functions of a tool—
a pick axe, a hatchet, a hammer, etc.—while still functioning
EARTH RECLAIMS HER BOUNTY normally as a hand, providing a +3 die equipment bonus to

Craft rolls that could logically benefit from the emulated tool. can move across such surfaces at a rate of twice their normal
This does not count against Charm bonus limits. walking speed.
The hand does not alter its appearance. Instead, invisible With Essence 3+, the Charm helps scale any surface and can
Essence flows around the hand to solidify in the shape of the do so without digging into it (the Exalt can't choose to dig into
desired tool according to the Dragon-Blood’s will, dissipating anything magical, such as a manse's walls).
into nothingness whenever she wants to use her hand for any
normal purpose. The Charm must be used twice to affect both FLAW-FINDING EXAMINATION
hands, and if the Exalt wishes to change tools, she must use the MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Charm again. Cost: 1m for touch or 3m for sight, plus 1wp to repair;
The Charm can be used to transform the Dragon-Blood’s Mins: Craft 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action);
hand into a deadly weapon such as a hammer or a pickaxe, Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, War; Duration: One minute;
adding a maximum of +2 bashing or +1 lethal to her unarmed Prerequisite Charms: None
attacks, depending on whether the tool is bladed or not. The Dragon-Blood may attempt to find the weak spot in
some object. If the Dragon-Blood wishes to eliminate the flaws
STONE-CARVING FINGERS FORM in an object, his player must roll (Intelligence + Highest Craft)
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata and spend one Willpower point. With a single success, damaged
Cost: 1m per cubic yard; Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2; Type: items are repaired instantly, although some things might be so
Simple (Dramatic Action); Keywords: Elemental, Shaping; damaged that this Charm must be used multiple times. If the
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Shaping Hand Style Dragon-Blood wishes to strike at the item’s weak point, any
Artisans often say that the essence of sculpture is to observe damage inflicted on his next successful physical attack against
the rock that one wishes to carve and the simply slice away the object is doubled. If used against armor or a weapon, treat
those portions that are not part of the desired end. This Charm this as a disarming attempt, with a success destroying the item.
brings truth to that aphorism, allowing the Dragon-Blood to Fixing objects is a Shaping effect, and the Charm can only
engage in astonishing feats of stonecraft. The character must repair non-magical inanimate objects by default. Broken
spend at least one minute carefully striking at a quantity of structures must be repaired by mending each component object.
stone. Characters most typically use a tool of some sort, but a Repairing a damaged simple artifact requires Essence 3+
sword pommel or a rock will do, as will bare hands if the and each use counts as (Essence rating) successes toward the
character has Martial Arts 2 or better. At the end of one minute, task. Repairing or maintaining magitech or other exotic craft
the character strikes the final blow, and the rock shatters, products further requires at least a dot of the appropriate Craft.
leaving behind whatever form the Dragon-Blooded wished to If a special character uses this Charm to study flaws, she can
fashion. communicate her findings to her leader or a fellow officer to
The Exalt’s player must roll (Wits + Craft). With one enhance the next attack against the target made by the unit or
success, the character can blast an opening in a stone wall or character, respectively. If a character or unit has multiple
quarry stone blocks ready for use in construction. With three applications of this Charm advising it on how to destroy an
successes, she can fashion a simple work of art or functional object, the formula for damage increase is (raw damage x 2) +
pottery (such as a jug already hollowed out for use) from living (total Essence of advisors past first).
rock. With five successes, she can create artwork of astonishing Using this Charm requires the Dragon-Blood to spend at
beauty and complexity, including still-life sculpture so realistic least one minute examining the item to be affected. It costs one
that, on close examination, one can see pores and individual mote if he can physically touch or handle the item or three
hairs. motes if he must study it from a distance. This Charm is
In addition to sculpting rock, the Charm can create anything explicitly allowed to be made a part of a Combo with other
that can be made with Craft (Earth) by striking the appropriate Abilities.
raw materials, though the character can use any Craft Ability.
Each additional purchase adds another element, but he must use CHARM OF LESSER UNMAKING
the appropriate elemental Craft Ability for everything besides MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
earth. Only non-magical items may be created with this Charm. Cost: 5m; Mins: Craft 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
The only living beings this Charm can modify are non-magical, Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch; Duration: Instant;
non-sentient plants. Prerequisite Charms: Flaw-Finding Examination
The Charm of Lesser Unmaking permits the Dragon-Blood
PERFECT CLIMBING ATTITUDE to reduce any crafted item to its component parts, all arranged
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata neatly in a pile as if ready for initial construction. Used on a
Cost: 1m; Mins: Craft 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; heavy wooden door bound in steel bands, the result would be a
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite stack of precut timbers, some hammered steel bands and a small
Charms: Stone-Carving Fingers Form pile of rivets and nails. Ropes bound in the tightest of knots are
The bond between the Earth Dragon and its children is so rearranged into neat coils, and a sword blade is separated from
great that it will not permit them to fall from great heights. With its hilt, guard and pommel. However, items that consist of a
this Charm, a Dragon-Blood becomes a flawless mountaineer single component, such as a cup, are unaffected. Enchanted
and rock-climber. The Dragon-Blood’s fingers pass easily into items are neutralized while their component parts are separated,
any rock face, leaving behind indentations that he and others but the enchantments themselves remain intact, and if the item
can use as handholds. The Dragon-Blood himself can hang from is reassembled, the magic is restored.
any stone or earthen surface without a roll unless it is worse The player of the character using this Charm must roll
than sheer (such as an overhang or a cavern roof). Even then, he (Highest Craft + Essence). The difficulty is 1 for simple items
or anyone following him gains two automatic successes on an (crude stone hatchets, huts lashed together with vines), 3 for
Athletics roll to crawl along such surfaces. The Dragon-Blood sturdily or competently made items (a well-made sword, chain

links, a banded door) or 5 for intricate or masterfully created
items (finely crafted jewelry, clockwork mechanisms, artifacts). INTEGRITY
If the object is enchanted or has an Artifact rating of 1, the
difficulty increases by one, meaning that most enchanted items UNSLEEPING EARTH MEDITATION
are difficulty 6 to disassemble. This Charm must be MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
successively activated a number of times equal to the difficulty Cost: 1m; Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
to disassemble the target, but all activations after the first cost Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One day; Prerequisite
0m. Charms: None
Artifacts with a rating of 2 increase the difficulty by two, By bolstering her body and spirit with the inviolable spirit of
and this Charm cannot be used to unmake an artifact with a the Earth Dragon, the Dragon-Blood using this Charm can go
rating of 3 or higher. Only inanimate artifacts that are inherently without sleep for 25 hours without any ill effect. The character
fragile, such as those made with the Art of Enchantment, can be suffers no penalties for lack of sleep or fatigue and is fully alert
disassemble. at all times.
The maximum volume that can be affected with this Charm The Exalt must still rest due to exertion, however. The
is equal to the Exalt’s Essence in cubic yards. This Charm Dragon-Blood can use this Charm for a maximum number of
cannot be used as part of a combat maneuver. sequential days equal to her (Integrity + Essence) without ill
effect. Thereafter, every additional day the Charm is used
CHARM OF GREATER UNMAKING causes the Exalt to lose one temporary Willpower per day, and
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Willpower lost cannot be regained until after the Exalt has slept
Cost: —; Mins: Craft 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent; for 25 uninterrupted hours. The pool resets to normal after
Keywords: None; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite appropriate rest.
Charms: Charm of Lesser Unmaking
This Charm it upgrades Charm of Lesser Unmaking. Instead UNTIRING EARTH MEDITATION
of simply disassembling an item into its component parts, items MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
affected are reduced into their original raw materials. A heavy Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2; Type:
wooden door bound in steel bands will be reduced to a pile of Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 5; Duration: One day;
uncut logs and hunks of raw iron. Fine jewelry is reduced to Prerequisite Charms: Unsleeping Earth Meditation
uncut gems and unprocessed gold ore. Fine pottery melts into With this Charm, the Earth Aspect can imitate the constancy
clay. of the Imperial Mountain itself. As long as the Dragon-Blood’s
The Exalt’s player must roll (Craft + Essence). The feet touch the ground at least once every six ticks, he incurs no
difficulty is 1 for most items, 3 for exceptionally crafted or fatigue penalties from any source, whether from armor,
constructed things and 5 for artifacts, including anything forged encumbrance, physical exertion or magical effect. The Charm
from the magical materials. The Exalt cannot, however, does not negate any fatigue penalties that were already in
disassemble an artifact with a rating above that of her Essence. existence when the Charm was enacted, but it prevents the Exalt
This Charm allow Charm of Lesser Unmaking be placed in from becoming even more exhausted. The Dragon-Blood can
a Combo with Charms of other Abilities, adding the option to also ignore wound penalties up to his permanent Essence rating.
tear something into original raw materials and letting a single The effect of this Charm ends instantly once the Exalt’s feet
activation destroy any non-magical object. remain off the ground for more than six ticks. Wearing shoes
does not impair the link with the earth, nor do cobblestones or
UNCHAIN THE DRAGON'S HEART building floors sever the link, provided that they rest on the
Lords of Creation ground. Therefore, a Dragon-Blood under the effects of this
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Craft 6, Essence 6; Type: Simple; Charm remains alert while standing on the stone surface of the
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious; Duration: Instant; bottom floor of an inn, but once he ascends the stairs to the
Prerequisite Charms: Stone-Carving Fingers Form, Charm of second floor, the Charm is disrupted.
Greater Unmaking Blessed units can't lose Endurance and add +1 to Morale
By grabbing hold of a hearthstone and squeezing, an Exalt from near immunity to pain.
using this Charm may shatter its crystallized energies and
conduct the Essence surge back into the world through himself. OATH OF THE TEN-THOUSAND DRAGONS
In addition to destroying the gem with a deafening thunderclap MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
and a flash brighter than the noonday sun, the Charm restores a Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 2; Type: Permanent;
number of motes equal to (the stone's rating x 5) to the Keywords: Dinasty; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite
Terrestrial's Essence pool and causes his anima to explode to Charms: None
the 16+ mote level. Breaking the hearthstone thus doesn't harm The devotion of the Princes of the Earth to their charges is
the stone's manse, which grows a replacement in days equal to unshakable. This Charm bolsters Intimacies of loyalty, creating
its rating. It is possible to attack hearthstones that are externally them as necessary. The loyalty must be to a group, a blood
socketed in an enemy's artifacts, but the Exalt must first win relative or a Celestial Exalt. The reinforced Intimacy reasserts
control of a grapple and activate this Charm (which gently itself each day at dawn if removed (temporarily nullifying that
releases the opponent). purchase of the Charm until it returns) and the Terrestrial
With Essence 7+, a Dragon-Blood may use this Charm to cannot voluntarily weaken it. The bonus provided by this
attack any targeted hearthstone within (Essence x 10) yards by Charm is not limited by and does not count toward the
squeezing his fist and making an unblockable attack with an maximum Charm bonus to MDV. Characters can purchase this
accuracy pool of Wits + Craft (Air or Earth). If the attack Charm any number of times, but can't undo an oath that
succeeds, the stone shatters, and its energies arc to the becomes inconvenient.
Terrestrial's hand.

TEN-THOUSAND DRAGONS FIGHT AS ONE desert their mad commander. Exalted with this Charm may
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata swear oaths of eternal enmity with Oath of the Ten-Thousand
Cost: 4m; Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive; Dragons to bolster Intimacies of vengeance against a group or
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social; Duration: Instant; specific individual, provided they haven't sworn an oath of
Prerequisite Charms: None loyalty to that target.
Use of this Charm instantly creates an Intimacy toward
another Exalt that may have any emotional context the user GRANITE CURTAIN OF SERENITY
wishes, positive or negative. It may also reassert an Intimacy to MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
a Terrestrial or change the context of an existing intimacy. Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 3; Type:
Intimacies created by this Charm are normal Intimacies apart Reflexive (Step 2); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration:
from the speed at which they form and fall away e if the One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency,
character has too many. Ten-Thousand Dragons Fight as One
A Dragon-Blood who has mastered this Charm can
UNFLAGGING VENGEANCE MEDITATION transform his mind and soul into unassailable towers capable of
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata resisting all but the most potent of mind-altering powers. For
Cost: 5m, 1wp (additional allies must each pay 1wp); Mins: the duration of a scene, the difficulty to use any supernatural
Integrity 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple; Keywords: Leader, effect against the Dragon-Blood that seeks to sway his
Social; Duration: Until satisfied; Prerequisite Charms: emotions, control his mind or induce madness increases by the
Untiring Earth Meditation, Ten-Thousand Dragons Fight as One Dragon-Blood’s permanent Essence.
Just as the hottest of flames can lose its intensity unless it is This Charm has no effect upon the Great Curse.
contained by the walls of a furnace, so too does the steady While this version of the Charm is Earth Aspected, Dragon-
strength of the Earth Dragon help contain and focus the inner Blooded of the Wood Aspect have access to similar Charm
flame of vengeance. called Verdant Curtain of Serenity. The Wood-aspected version
To activate this Charm, the Exalt must spend three motes is identical to Granite Curtain of Serenity in all respects except
and one Willpower while speaking aloud the terms of a vendetta that its minimum Ability is Medicine 5 and it requires Purity of
to which the character commits himself with all his soul. The Mind Method (see p. 176) as a prerequisite Charm instead of
goal must be a simply stated purpose such as “Avenge my Ten-Thousand Dragons Fight as One.
father’s death at the hands of Tepet Arada” or “Humble Sesus
Chenow Lahor for his insult on my honor.” Swearing such an INVIOLATE DRAGON SPIRIT
oath provides the Dragon-Blood with several benefits. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
First, for as long as the vendetta lasts, it counts as an Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1 hl; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2; Type:
Intimacy for the Dragon-Blood with all the benefits and Reflexive (Step 2); Keywords: Leader; Duration: Instant;
drawbacks of any Intimacy. Second, whenever confronted by Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency
any effect, magical or otherwise, that might deter the Dragon- The Dragon-Blood using this Charm can instantly overcome
Blood from pursuing his vengeance, he adds his Essence to his the effects of any natural or unnatural compulsion. This Charm
Dodge MDV. Furthermore, he can ignore any unnatural empowers a curt retort to parry any mental influence, even
influence that would compel him to abandon the vendetta, unblockable attacks. It also rids the Exalt of all Compulsion
treating such commands as unacceptable orders. Third, until the effects currently affecting her, including all addiction. The
Exalt fulfills the vendetta or abandons it, he does not need to Leader use can only parry attempts to sway the unit (such as
eat, sleep or rest as long as he remains in pursuit of his Performance-based social attacks) and doesn't rid unit members
vengeance. The character incurs no penalties from any sort of of Compulsions.
fatigue, whether natural, magical or even from encumbrance or
armor. Fourth, the Exalt can soak both lethal and bashing CHAOS-WARDING PRANA
damage with his full Stamina, and he adds his Integrity to both MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
his lethal and bashing soaks. Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 3; Type:
Unflagging Vengeance Meditation can be sustained without Simple; Keywords: Leader 7; Duration: One scene;
ill effect for a number of days equal to the Exalt’s Essence. Prerequisite Charms: Inviolate Dragon Spirit
After that, the character suffers one health level of unsoakable Since the Usurpation, the Fair Folk and the other creatures
bashing damage every time a number of days equal to his of the Wyld have been the most persistent adversaries of the
Essence passes. This damage cannot be healed while the Charm Dragon-Blooded. As the avatars of stability, it has fallen to the
remains in force, and even after the Charm lapses, healing this Earth Aspects to develop the means to counter the corrosive
damage takes twice as long as normal. When a Dragon-Blood effects of Wyld energies.
swears a vendetta with this Charm, a number of additional This Charm provides absolute immunity to all Shaping
characters equal to his Essence can join him. Each additional effects save for those generated by Celestial Exalted using any
participant must pay one temporary Willpower point but need magic that Terrestrial Exalted are incapable of learning. This
not expend any Essence. Once invoked, the Charm ends either weakness does not apply if the Terrestrial's Breeding is greater
when the vendetta is satisfied or when the Dragon-Blood who than or equal to the Essence of the Celestial doing the Shaping.
initiated it voluntarily abandons it. If anyone who is party to the This Charm's defense extends to all objects within (Essence
Charm, including the Dragon-Blood who initiated it, terminates rating) yards of a protected character who owns them.
his involvement prematurely, he suffers a number of levels of
lethal damage equal to the sum of the permanent Essences of all DEFENSE-FROM-ANATHEMA METHOD
characters involved. This damage is unsoakable in any fashion. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Once an Exalt has sworn vengeance, he brings the Charm's
power to any unit he leads, pushing them until the weak die or

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 4; Type: Leader used within her Dynasty, as it suits her purposes for her children
5; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite to constantly be set at the throats of their brothers and sisters.
Charms: Chaos-Warding Prana Lookshy, by contrast, has no such manipulative agenda, but the
Perhaps the most recent Charm developed for the Dragon- gentes of the Seventh Legion are considerably less numerous
Blooded arsenal, this Charm was created for the express than their Dynastic counterparts and have fewer elders to learn
purpose of facilitating the Great Uprising. While it is in effect, a the Charm.
Dragon-Blood may add her Essence to her Dodge and Parry DV
against any attacks made against her by an Anathema, including UNDAUNTED DRAGON HERO
sorcery or Charm-assisted attacks. She can also add her Essence Thousand Correct Action
to her Mental Dodge and Parry DV if confronted with an Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent;
Anathema using mind-altering effects. Keywords: None; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite
For the purposes of this Charm, Anathema includes Celestial Charms: Oath of the Ten-Thousand Dragons
Exalted and all creatures of darkness. The defense bonus also Heroes who stand up for their beliefs do not falter.
applies against complementary units predominantly composed Whenever the Exalt would regain a Willpower point from a
of or led by such beings. The capacity to ward against successful stunt and she channeled a Virtue rated 4+ to enhance
Creation's enemies is a Holy effect. The defense against that action, she may regain the Virtue channel she just spent
Celestials draws on Gaia's Primordial power and her love for instead (or in addition to the Willpower point in the case of a
her descendants to protect them from the worst abuses of the three-point stunt).
Incarnae's Chosen, a feat the Yozis cannot match in their broken
Neither Eclipse nor Moonshadow Exalted are capable of Thousand Correct Action
learning this Charm, whose nature is fundamentally inimical to Cost: 1m; Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
their Exalted natures. (Step 2); Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant;
Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency
THICKER THAN STONE The Dragons know they are invulnerable, and so they are.
Lords of Creation Upon activating Wound-Denying Dragon Faith, the character
Cost: None; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 5, Breeding 3; substitutes his Dodge MDV for his Dodge DV to defend against
Type: Permanent; Keywords: Dynasty, Martyr, Purity; a physical attack (meaning his maximum DV bonus recalculates
Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: Unflagging from his Willpower and Integrity ratings). All current bonuses
Vengeance Meditation, Inviolate Dragon Spirit and penalties that apply to either his Dodge DV or Dodge MDV
It is said that blood is thicker than water. For the Dragon- apply to the DV generated by this Charm. If the Terrestrial
Blooded, water is an insufficient comparison. Whenever a dodges the attack, he appears to have exerted no effort to do so
character with this Charm faces any form of mental or social as though the attacker just missed. Solar and Abyssal Exalted
influence from someone who isn't a blood relative that is have Mirror counterparts of this Charm named Invincible Ego
intended to make him knowingly harm a blood relative through Shield and Dark Will Triumphant (respectively) that have Cost:
action or inaction, he treats the attempt as an unacceptable 5m, 1wp and Duration: One scene.
order. If the attack was clearly and intentionally directed to
incite betrayal, the Exalt's player may have the character enter RESISTANCE
uncontrolled Limit Break to punish the would-be manipulator
with just enough restraint to avoid harming blood relatives who OX-BODY TECHNIQUE
stay out of the way. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
A blood relative is defined as anyone with whom the Exalt Cost: –; Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent ;
can trace mutual direct ancestry to a single Dragon-Blooded Keywords: Stackable; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite
progenitor. The larger the character's family is, the broader the Charms: None
Charm's protection is (though the character relying on the While the Terrestrial Exalted do not have the infernal
benefit of the Charm must be aware of the relationship between resilience of the Anathema with whom they struggle, their
himself and the person he would otherwise knowingly harm). capacity to endure punishment is still far greater than that of
An Exalt with Essence 6+ extends the benefits of this Charm to mortal men. This Charm grants Dragon-Blooded additional
all Dragon-Blooded direct descendents with Breeding 3+, health levels. Each time this Charm is taken (up to the
allowing him to serve as the common ancestor defining blood maximum of her Resistance Ability), the Dragon-Blood gains
relations. Such elders may also use the Martyr keyword to one -1 health level and one -2 health level.
indefinitely extend these benefits as a bulwark against outsiders.
The Family Background may be used to represent a char- STRENGTH OF STONE TECHNIQUE
acter under the benefits of the Martyr form of this Charm MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
(though only if the character possesses Breeding 3+), as with Cost: 2m per person; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 1; Type:
Honored Ancestor Exhalation. The Exalt is considered to be Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch; Duration: One scene;
linked by the Charm’s Martyr benefit to (Magnitude [2 + Prerequisite Charms: Any Resistance Excellency
Number of dots of Family allocated]) other blood relatives. Like the element they emulate, the Children of Pasiap are
Storytellers should very carefully consider the implications pillars of strength and endurance. The Dragon-Blood must
of allowing characters in Second Age games to purchase this meditate for a moment while holding and contemplating some
benefit, as it can easily grow to encompass entire Great Houses, piece of earth as small as a pebble. Thereafter, he can add one
potentially shifting the tone of an Exalted series. By default, it dot each to his Strength and Stamina for the remainder of the
is assumed that the Empress has gone to great lengths to scene. He can also grant one dot in Strength and Stamina to a
discourage the Martyr form of Thicker Than Stone from being number of additional people equal to his Essence, at a cost of

two additional motes per person. To do so, all persons affected and the Exalt adds his Essence to his (Stamina + Resistance)
must hold hands with a pebble clasped in each pair of hands. An pool to resist asphyxiation if he is buried alive.
individual can benefit from this Charm only once per scene. Fire improves the Exalt’s soak versus firewands and other
Dots conferred by this Charm count against Charm bonus fire-based attacks, as well as red jade weapons. The Dragon-
dice limits. Blood adds his Essence to his (Stamina + Resistance) pool
when resisting extremes of heat.
MOUNTAIN TOPPLING METHOD Water improves the Exalt’s soak versus Water-based
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata elemental attacks and any black jade weapons, as well as all
Cost: 4m; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 2; Type: attacks directed against him when he is fully immersed in water.
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration: One If the Dragon-Blood cannot breathe underwater, this Charm will
action; Prerequisite Charms: Strength of Stone Technique allow him to add his Essence to any (Stamina + Resistance) roll
With this Charm, the Exalt can call upon the quiet strength to hold his breath.
of mighty mountains to augment his physical power. For one Wood grants a soak bonus against Melee and Martial Arts
action, the Dragon-Blood’s Strength increases by five, but only attacks that use wooden weapons, any attacks using green jade
for the purpose of lifting or handling stone or earthen objects, weapons, “natural” attacks such as fists, kicks and teeth, and
such as toppling pillars, hurling boulders or stomping on the top Wood-based elemental attacks. The Dragon-Blood can also add
of a hill to start a landslide. Also, for the purposes of this his Essence to his (Stamina + Resistance) when exposed to any
Charm, jade-alloyed weapons such as daiklaves are considered poison or disease that might affect him.
to be stone, and the Strength bonus does apply to attacks made The soak bonus granted by this Charm is natural and does
with such weapons. not apply to attacks enhanced by Charms or sorcery of Celestial
This Charm is explicitly allowed to be put into Combos with level or higher, but it is applicable to elementally aspected
Charms of other Abilities. Strength conferred by this Charm Charms such as Elemental Bolt Attack. Also, the soak benefits
may exceed but also counts against Charm bonus dice limits. do not apply against artifact weapons made from magical
materials other than whatever form of jade is associated with
IMPERVIOUS SKIN OF STONE MEDITATION the element used in the Charm deployed. Normally, the Essence
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata cost is three motes, but when an Exalt is using the version
Cost: 1m per 2L/2B soak; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 2; associated with the element of his own Aspect, the cost is only
Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration: One two motes. Stacking multiple versions of this Charm will not
scene; Prerequisite Charms: Strength of Stone Technique increase the soak bonus or the (Stamina + Resistance) bonus,
This Charm permits a Dragon-Blood to give her skin the but it will make certain the bonus applies to multiple hazards.
toughness of unyielding stone itself while losing none of her This Charm does stack with Impervious Skin of Stone
normal flexibility. Each mote spent increases the Dragon- Meditation and is compatible with armor.
Blood’s bashing and lethal soak by two. The bonus to soak
cannot exceed the Exalt’s Essence. Also, this Charm is weak UNEATING EARTH MEDITATION
against Essence, and the soak bonus granted does not apply to MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
damage inflicted by sorcery or by attacks enhanced with Cost: 2m; Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Charms. This Charm is compatible with armor and is Keywords: None; Duration: One day; Prerequisite Charms:
considered natural armor. Any Resistance Excellency
The Earth needs no nourishment. Nor do the Children of
(ELEMENT) PROTECTION FORM Pasiap. While this Charm is active, the Dragon-Blood does not
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata require food or water and suffers no ill effects from hunger or
Cost: 3m; Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; thirst. After a number of days equal to her (Essence +
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Leader, Obvious, Resistance), however, each additional day inflicts one level of
Stackable; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: bashing damage on the Dragon-Blood, which cannot be healed
Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation while the Charm is in use.
This is actually a cluster of five separate Charms. When this
Charm is in effect, the Dragon-Blood’s skin changes color to UNBREATHING EARTH MEDITATION
match that of whatever form of jade is associated with the MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
element invoked. The character gets a bonus to his lethal and Cost: 2m; Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
bashing soak equal to his Essence against elemental damage (Step 2); Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene;
and attacks and an equal bonus to his (Stamina + Resistance) Prerequisite Charms: Uneating Earth Meditation
pool when resisting damaging environmental effects, provided As the Dragon-Blood grows more like the mountains he
that the character has purchased and activated the appropriate emulates, he realizes that even breathing is a luxury he can do
Charm for that element. without.
Air improves the Exalt’s soak versus both Archery and For the rest of the scene after the invocation of this Charm,
Thrown attacks, attacks by any blue jade weapons and Air- the Dragon-Blood does not breathe. He can survive underwater,
based elemental attacks. Also, the Dragon-Blood’s Essence is in clouds of poisonous gas or volcanic ash or even in
added to his (Stamina + Resistance) pool when resisting supernaturally created voids. Yet, while the Charm is in effect,
extremes of cold. he not only does not need to breathe, he cannot breathe.
Earth grants a soak bonus against Melee and Martial Arts Consequently, speech is impossible for the duration of the
attacks using metal weapons or any attacks with white jade Charm. The Exalt can extend the effects of this Charm to other
weapons, as well as Earth-based elemental attacks. This soak people by touching them and spending two additional motes of
bonus also applies to indirect damage from stone and dirt such Essence per person. A target must be willing, however, or the
as rockslides or simply falling to the ground from a great height, Charm does not affect him.

Any damage inflicted on a protected soldier or steed by the
UNFEELING EARTH MEDITATION Dragon-Blood’s anima or by other elemental effects attributable
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata to her aspect is reduced by the Dragon-Blood’s Essence. The
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 4; Type: nature of this Charm is such that a Dragon-Blood can only
Reflexive (Step 2); Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One protect a mortal soldier who is considered at least nominally
scene; Prerequisite Charms: Unbreathing Earth Meditation “under her command.” Therefore, neither bystanders nor fellow
The ultimate expression of the Earth Aspect’s relationship Exalts can be protected by it. When the Charm is activated, all
with his aligned element, this Charm permits the Dragon-Blood participants must be holding hands.
to shrug off the mightiest blows as if the attacker had simply With Essence 3+, add the Cooperative and War keywords.
swung his sword at a mountain. For the duration of a scene, the Exalted acting as special characters in a complementary unit
Dragon-Blood who invokes this Charm can ignore all wound with Magnitude less than their Essence rating may pay 1m per
penalties. Magnitude dot to shield all members of the unit with this Charm
The Charm does nothing to mitigate the damage actually (and all their mounts, in the case of cavalry). Each additional
suffered. It merely allows the Exalt to ignore the symptoms of Exalt using the Charm this way cumulatively adds +1 to the
injury. highest Essence rating among them to determine if the unit can
be protected, but all participants must commit motes equal to
PERFECTED SCALES OF THE DRAGON the unit's Magnitude to do this. While an entire unit is protected,
Lords of Creation all members are shielded—even Exalted.
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Resistance 6, Essence 6, Breeding
4; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Martyr, TIRELESS FOOTFALLS CADENCE
Obvious, Purity; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
All five (Element) Protection Forms Cost: 2m per 10 soldiers; Mins: War 3, Essence 2; Type:
Gaia herself is not the world, but her power and souls flow Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative; Duration:
and pool through Creation as its living Essence, and the world Varies; Prerequisite Charms: Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings
loves its mother. Partaking of this love, an elder Dragon-Blood From lowly fanglords to the greatest generals, all Dragon-
and his personal possessions cannot suffer damage or other Blooded officers are gifted at motivating the soldiers under their
negative physical conditions except those caused by the command into extraordinary feats of endurance. With this
following: environments/substances from outside Creation, cooperative Charm, one or more Dragon-Blooded begin a
intentional actions of beings with Essence 4+, powers of rhythmic cadence of some kind, such as a fighting song or a
artifacts/hearthstones rated 4+, anything outside fate, or any call-and-response chant. The affected soldiers find that their
other source the Storyteller deems sufficiently alien or powerful packs lighten, their resolve stiffens and their morale improves.
enough to circumvent the scope of this protection. If the As long as the Exalt maintains the Charm, her unit gains a
character knows Unfeeling Earth Meditation (see The Manual number of automatic successes on fatigue checks equal to her
of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded, p. 148), he also Essence – 2 (minimum 1). Also, the unit’s movement rate is
ignores all forms and effects of deprivation and internal distress doubled. The Charm can be used to affect only infantry units,
for the duration, including hunger, thirst, exhaustion, and a single Dragon-Blood can affect only a number of soldiers
suffocation and pain. The Martyr usage of this Charm forestalls equal to ([her Essence + 2] x 10). If multiple Dragon-Blooded
the Exalt's death until the end of the scene, until which he activate this Charm together, each participant can affect a
cannot suffer any damage but gains no protection from other number of soldiers equal to ([her Essence + 2] x 10), and the
negative effects. Exalted with Resistance 7, Essence 7 may total number of automatic successes gained on fatigue checks is
purchase this Charm again to extend its duration to Indefinite. A equal to (the combined Essence of all participants – 2). The
third purchase at Resistance 8, Essence 8 reduces the cost to one maximum number of participants who can join in a single
mote. cooperative use of this Charm is equal to the highest permanent
The distant love of the Emerald Mother for her grand- Essence of any participant. The Essence spent is committed for
children is of limited efficacy in the face of the Exalted. Rather the duration of the Charm, which can last for a number of hours
than being immune to physical harm from such characters, the equal to the lowest permanent (Essence + Stamina) total of any
Dragon-Blood instead enjoys +15B/+15L natural soak, participant.
Hardness 10B/10L, and (Essence / 2) automatic successes on all If the number of affected soldiers within the unit does not
rolls to resist Poison effects and environmental damage equal the number of members that constitute its Magnitude, the
originating with such Exalts. unit receives no benefit from the Charm.


MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
ENFOLDED IN THE DRAGON’S WINGS Cost: 2m per person; Mins: War 2, Essence 2; Type:
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene;
Cost: 1m per ally affected; Mins: War 1, Essence 2; Type: Prerequisite Charms: Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings
Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Touch; The Exalt focuses, invoking the durability of the Earth as an
Duration: One day; Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial War enchantment on his armor. The degree of benefit is determined
Reinforcement by the composition of the armor as described in the following
It is difficult to achieve success as a military commander if chart, as armor that is more durable to begin with can more
one cannot avoid immolating one’s own troops. For each mote easily resist having its nature altered by Essence. The Exalt can
committed, the Dragon-Blood may temporarily render one also extend this benefit to any ally within a number of yards
soldier or steed partially immune to the damaging effects of her equal to his (Essence x 3) by paying the same cost for each ally
elemental anima. protected. A character can benefit from the application of this

Charm only once during a scene, and the Charm ends A unit blessed this way has one additional health level at every
prematurely if the armor is removed for any reason before the dot of Magnitude.
end of the scene.
With Essence 3+, this Charm gains the power to enchant an RAMPARTS OF OBEDIENT EARTH
entire mass combat unit as per Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
The cost to do this is 2m per dot of Magnitude. Using the Cost: 2m per cubic yard; Mins: War 4, Essence 3; Type:
Charm this way increases the unit's Armor rating accordingly. Reflexive; Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Obvious,
Armor Type Soak Bonus Shaping; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Phantom-
Non-Magical Armor 1L/2B Warrior Horde
Magical Armor 2L/2B To the Children of Pasiap, the battlefield is clay to be
Jade Armor 2L/3B shaped according to the demands of military tactics. With this
White Jade Armor 3L/3B Charm, the Dragon-Blood can stamp his foot or smite the
ground with his fists, and the earth responds to its master. Up to
PHANTOM-WARRIOR HORDE a cubic yard per 2m of dirt or similar earthy material can be
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata shaped to the Dragon-Blood’s will and all affected volume must
Cost: 2m; Mins: War 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step be contiguous.
3); Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-Basic, Elemental, The earth can be wrenched up and compressed to form a
Obvious, War; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: crude barrier capable of providing cover against arrows or
Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings disrupting a cavalry charge or an infantry formation. It can be
The wise commander knows that sometimes the appearance compressed beneath the feet of an advancing force, requiring all
of superior numbers is as valuable as actually having enough those caught within the resulting sinkhole to succeed on a
troops to outnumber the enemy. This Charm allows a Dragon- (Dexterity + Athletics, difficult is Exalt’s Essence) to avoid
Blood to fashion illusory troops from her aligned element. The knockdown. Finally, the Charm can be used for excavation, as
area around the Dragon-Blood appears to be filled with warriors the Exalt tunnels into the ground, compressing the earth away
fashioned out of the element to which he is aspected. Although from him and leaving rock-hard tunnel walls in his wake. The
the Charm is Elemental in nature, there is no difference in its compressed earth has a soak of 5L/8B and a Hardness of 4.
effects beyond cosmetics. For example, fire warriors appear to Each area roughly a yard thick requires 20 health levels to
be formed of smoke and embers, while earth warriors appear to damage and 30 to destroy. The Charm can be used to
be made of dust, and wood warriors of leaves and grass manipulate dirt, sand, pebbles and even mud, but it has no effect
assembled into a roughly humanoid shape. While the phantoms on actual rock of any density.
are illusory, they are also quite intimidating, and the player of With Essence 4+, the Terrestrial can shape 10 cubic yards
any enemy of the Dragon-Blood in the area must successfully per 2m and can mold rock, allowing more grandiose
roll his character’s Valor or suffer a -1 internal penalty on all constructions and excavations. Modifying terrain can affect the
dice pools through his next action. Mortals must score as many cover provided and how swiftly units may move over it as
successes on the Valor roll as the Dragon-Blood’s War, while appropriate to the resultant landscape.
beings with an Essence higher than 1 need only a single
success. The phantom warriors are spread out over an area with DRAGON-SEARED BATTLEFIELD
a radius equal to the Dragon-Blood’s (permanent Essence x 10), MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
and they affect everyone in that area who is not allied with the Cost: 8m; Mins: War 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple;
Dragon-Blood who created them. Keywords: Cooperative, Elemental, Obvious, War; Duration:
If the Charm is deployed in mass combat, the opposing force One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Blazing Courageous
must make an immediate rout check at a -1 internal penalty. If Swordsmen Inspiration, Ramparts of Obedient Earth
the roll is successful, the opposing force suffers no other The Dragon-Blood can impose his elemental anima on a
penalty. maximum area equal to his (Essence x 50) yards in radius and
centered on any outdoor location within his line of sight.
BLAZING COURAGEOUS SWORDSMEN Anyone who comes within this area suffers an environmental
INSPIRATION external penalty to all non-reflexive actions equal to half the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Exalt's War rating, as earth tremors, rainstorms, snow flurries,
Cost: Varies; Mins: War 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; clouds of acrid smoke or simply fast-growing briar patches
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite spring into existence to harry those caught within. The exact
Charms: Phantom-Warrior Horde effect depends on the Dragon-Blood’s aspect, but the
The Dragon-Blooded were fashioned by the five Elemental environmental penalty is the same, regardless of aspect.
Dragons to serve as the ultimate troop leaders, and this Charm Dragon-Blooded of the same aspect as the one who invoked
symbolizes their ancient responsibility of looking after their the Charm are immune to the environmental penalty, as are any
troops. The Dragon-Blood spends one mote per warrior that she individuals attuned to him through the Charm Enfolded in the
commands, and each soldier gains one additional -0 health level Dragon’s Wings. Dragon-Blooded of other aspects are immune
for the duration of the scene and when the Charm ends, reapply if their anima banners are at the 8+ motes level.
each beneficiary's current damage to his normal health track. This is a cooperative Charm, and multiple Terrestrials who
The maximum number of troops who can be affected by this know the Charm can activate it cooperatively to increase its
Charm is equal to the Dragon-Blood’s (Essence + War). The effects. When they do, the area affected is equal to the
participants must all hold hands while the Charm is activated. combined (Essence of all participants x 100) yards, and the
With Essence 3+, this Charm gains the power to enchant an environmental penalty imposed is equal to highest War Ability
entire mass combat unit as per Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings. rating of any participant, plus one for each additional
participant. The maximum number of participants is equal to the

permanent Essence of the Dragon-Blood who has the highest Cost: 50m, 5wp; Mins: War 7, Essence 7, Breeding 5;
War Ability rating. Other Dragon-Blooded are immune to the Type: Simple (Speed one hour, DV -3); Keywords: Elemental,
environmental effects if they share the same aspect as any Martyr, Obvious, Purity; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
participant to the activation of this Charm, as are mortal soldiers Charms: Dragon Vortex Attack
protected by the use of Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings by any In the time before humanity, primeval Creation rumbled
participant. with the aftershocks of its making and the roars of the El-
emental Dragons. So may it be again when the mightiest among
This Charm creates an environmental hazard within its the Dragon-Blooded host unleash their fury upon the world.
radius that inflicts (Essence rating)L dice of damage (not levels, Upon activating this Charm, elemental forces spread out for 10
unless Essence 7+) per action with Trauma (Essence rating). If ticks to herald impending doom. Unless stopped by the mercy
a Dragon-Blood is immune to a vortex, characters she has or death of the Exalt, this buildup concludes with a disaster
protected with Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings are also immune appropriate to her aspect over an area with a radius in miles
(not just those protected by the vortex's creator). A second equal to her Essence, centered up to a number of miles away
purchase of this Charm at Essence 6+ adds the Holy keyword, equal to her Essence. In the outer half of this radius, the effects
inflicting aggravated damage to creatures of darkness. impose significant penalties and undesirable conditions for the
scene. Within the primary core of the disaster, the power of the
DRAGON VORTEX ATTACK Elemental Dragon manifests directly for one attack rivaling the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata most terrible spells of the Adamant Circle of sorcery in raw
Cost: 15m + 1wp; Mins: War 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple; destructive power. Only a perfect parry or dodge can avoid the
Keywords: Cooperative, Elemental, Obvious, War; Duration: dragon's wrath. Storytellers should feel free to assess other
One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Seared Battlefield logical indirect effects as appropriate to the stated effects of this
This Charm is identical to Dragon-Seared Battlefield except Charm. A Martyr activation of this Charm cannot be prevented
as follows: In addition to the environmental penalty imposed on once set in motion. It subsumes the Exalt's body and soul alike
all persons caught on the battlefield when the Charm is invoked, into her progenitor Dragon.
the Dragon-Blood can direct the raging miasma of elemental Air: The sky darkens with sudden roiling clouds, drenching
energy to injure his enemies. everything in the radius with torrential rains. In addition to
This Charm creates an environmental hazard within its causing flash flooding, visibility is reduced to none and all non-
radius that inflicts (Essence rating)L dice of damage (not levels, reflexive actions in the area suffer a -5 external penalty from
unless Essence 7+) per action with Trauma (Essence rating). distraction. Within the primary core, the iconic presence of the
This damage takes the forms of flying shards of stone or Elemental Dragon of Air coils downward and sucks everything
razor-sharp ice, swirling gouts of flame or steam, or even into the lightning-blasted typhoon, inflicting 100B piercing
explosions of needles from enormous thorn bushes that spring damage on everything in a column as high as the sky itself.
from the ground. The damage cannot be dodged or parried Earth: The land shakes and grinds horrifically throughout
except with perfect effects. The Dragon-Blood who initiates the the radius, while the center tears apart in the yawning chasm of
Dragon Vortex Attack is immune to its effects, as are any the Earth Dragon's jaws. All in the area of effect suffer
Dragon-Blooded of the same aspect and any Dragon-Blooded knockdown each action that they remain in contact with the
regardless of aspect whose anima banners are at the 8+ motes earth, unless they are aided by some form of supernatural
level. If a Dragon-Blood is immune to a vortex, characters she balance. Everything that falls into the chasm is crushed for
has protected with Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings are also 120B piercing damage, after which any survivors must climb
immune (not just those protected by the vortex's creator). over 500 yards up the walls of the crater. Use of this effect at
If several Dragon-Bloods who know this Charm use it sea triggers a massive suction whirlpool, which causes rough
cooperatively, their combined Essence is used to calculate the seas for seaworthy vessels (and a -2 external penalty to
radius of the damage, and the damage and trauma inflicted is crewmembers), but imposes the effects of a hurricane at sea on
equal to the highest Essence of any participant plus one for each all swimmers (see Exalted, p. 155). Damage inside the
additional participant, in addition to the combined whirlpool is the same as for a sinkhole.
environmental penalty described under Dragon-Seared Fire: A stream of molten magma explodes up from the
Battlefield. Also, if the participants have different elemental deepest bowels of the earth as the iconic presence of the Dragon
affinities, every Dragon-Blood within range who shares affinity of Fire flies to the surface, incinerating everything in its path.
with any participant is immune to the Charm’s effects. Where it erupts, it sends clouds of ash and soot that impose a -5
Therefore, if an Air Aspect, a Water Aspect and a Wood Aspect external penalty. Inside the central half, the geyser inflicts 75L
combine their powers to invoke the Dragon Vortex Attack, the piercing damage and reaches aerial targets up to 500 yards
radius would be equal to their (combined Essence x 100) yards. above. This effect works equally well at sea, leaving behind a
Every Dragon-Blood within range who was an Air, Water or small island when the lava cools.
Wood Aspect would be immune, every Fire or Earth Aspect Water: Usable only at sea or over sufficiently large bodies
would be affected normally, and every mortal soldier who was of water, this effect boils and shapes the waves into a towering
protected by Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings by any of the tsunami avatar of the Elemental Dragon of Water. This super-
three Dragon-Blooded would be immune. The maximum wave is not limited to the central half, but instead inflicts 100B
number of participants in the application of this Charm is five, piercing damage on everything in its range and everything
so, common military practice is to have one participant of each flying above the waters up to 500 yards high. Afterward, the
aspect, thereby ensuring that every Dragon-Blood within the spray and churning waters impose a -3 external penalty, on top
Vortex radius would be immune. of the usual effects of tempest-wracked waves for swimmers
(see Exalted, p. 155).
AS IN THE BEGINNING Wood: The emerald coils of the Elemental Dragon of Wood
Lords of Creation writhe over land and sea, trailing sudden growth of thorny vines

or tangling seaweed erupting over the entire area. The full ROARING DRAGON OFFICER
radius of the Charm becomes indefinitely impassable until the Thousand Correct Action
dense vegetation can be cleared. Treat the entire area as extreme Cost: 3m; Mins: War 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive;
terrain with actual barricades (see Exalted, p. 163), with the Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative, Dynasty, War;
same rules assessed against individual travelers. This growth Duration: Indefinite; Prerequisite Charms: Leading from
paralyzes units and naval vessels on the battlefield as it grows Below
around them. Although characters do not suffer immediate When the Chosen of the Elemental Dragons issue orders, the
damage from the vines, structures across the entire radius suffer soldiers under their command pay attention. Any special
30B piercing damage from the roots tearing apart foundations character in a complementary unit with Magnitude 3+ who
and pulling down walls. Worst of all, the plants in the core knows this Charm may activate it to enhance the unit. For the
bloom with deadly pollen comparable to coral snake venom duration of the Charm, that Exalt counts as (War rating) relays
(see Exalted, p. 131). Although flying characters are safe from in addition to whatever other role she serves, and her unit may
the vines, the pollen cloud reaches 300 yards into the air. take a reflexive Signal Units action once per action tick to
This Charm’s damage is considered to be environmental coordinate with allied forces. Unit leaders also add a number of
damage and may be resisted as such. bonus successes to all rally actions and rolls to avoid losing
Endurance points equal to the number of special characters in
TACTICS MEAN EVERYTHING the unit using this Charm. Special characters who are blood
Thousand Correct Action relatives to all other special characters in the unit double all
Cost: 1+m; Mins: War 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive; benefits they provide by using this Charm (and count a unit
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, War; Duration: One scene; leader who is a Celestial Exalt as a blood relative for this
Prerequisite Charms: Any War Excellency purpose). Roaring Dragon Officer remains active as long as the
Wise strategy is the cornerstone of victory, supporting the unit remains together.
totality of other competencies. If this rock holds, so too will the
forces a Terrestrial commands. All activations of this Charm GLORIOUS FIVE DRAGON ARMY
stack, but the Exalt cannot commit more motes among all Thousand Correct Action
activations than his (War + 3). While the Charm is active and Cost: 6m; Mins: War 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive;
the Terrestrial commands a complementary unit with Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative, Elemental, War;
Magnitude 3+, he can use his War Excellency to enhance all Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Roaring Dragon
attack and defense actions he orders that unit to take, regardless Officer
of the Ability used. He cannot add more dice to a roll this way The Elemental Dragons bless the armies led by their
than the number of motes committed to all activations of Chosen. Any special character who knows this Charm may
Tactics Mean Everything or (War + appropriate specialty), activate it to enhance an infantry or cavalry complementary unit
whichever is less. with Magnitude 3+ to which he belongs. The effect is based on
Solar and Abyssal Exalted have Charms that are Mirror to that Exalt’s aspect. The benefits of different elements stack with
one another named Shining General Puissance and Dread one another, but a unit can apply each one only once. The Might
Warlord Stratagem (respectively) which have the same trait of a unit blessed by this Charm increases to a minimum value of
minimums and prerequisites as Tactics Mean Everything. These the number of separate elemental permutations of this Charm
Charms are permanent, allowing use of War Excellencies to enhancing it (so a unit simultaneously enchanted by a Fire
enhance attack and defense actions as though they were Aspect and Water Aspect becomes Might 2). If the unit’s Might
Excellencies for the appropriate Ability while commanding a already exceeds this value, this benefit does not apply.
Magnitude 3+ unit. Terrestrials may use their Breeding in place of Essence rating
when determining the bonuses provided by Glorious Five
Thousand Correct Action Air: Mela grants troops great swiftness and mobility. Add
Cost: 2m; Mins: War 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive; the Exalt’s Essence rating to the unit’s Dexterity to calculate
Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative, War; Duration: base Move and Dash speeds before applying the formation
Indefinite; Prerequisite Charms: None multiplier. Cavalry units simply double their normal speed.
Dragon-Blooded can lead, but they are more powerful when Furthermore, the unit may perform Turn actions reflexively and
they serve. Any special character in a complementary unit who automatically without a roll, though each turn imposes a -1 DV
knows this Charm may activate it to enhance the unit. If the penalty as normal. If the Exalt has Essence 5+, the unit’s Dash
Terrestrial is the unit leader, he may choose any other special actions automatically succeed without a roll and do not subtract
character in the unit as the target. If the Exalt is another kind of from Endurance.
special character, he targets himself. Either way, the unit Earth: Pasiap provides durability, adding the Exalt’s
leader’s War rating increases to the target character’s War Essence rating to the unit’s armor and providing a Hardness
rating and the unit gains +1 Drill and +1 Morale from superior equal to half the unit’s boosted Armor rating. A Terrestrial with
tactical coordination (to a maximum Drill and Morale of the Essence 5+ also adds his Essence in extra levels to the unit’s
unit leader’s current War rating, or [War + Essence] if the health track at each dot of Magnitude.
leader is a Terrestrial with Breeding 5 or a Celestial Exalt). Fire: The flames of Hesiesh spark in every raised blade,
A unit may benefit from multiple activations of this Charm adding the Exalt’s Essence rating to the unit’s Close Combat
by separate special characters to improve its Drill and Morale, Damage. A Dragon-Blood with Essence 5+ brings smoldering
but the unit leader’s War does not improve beyond the highest righteousness to the unit, doubling this bonus when attacking
rating among contributing characters. This Charm remains units composed of creatures of darkness as a Holy effect.
active as long as the unit remains together. Water: The waves of Daana’d wash over enemies as a
drowning tide and recede just as inexorably. This effect adds

the Exalt’s Essence in bonus successes to the unit’s Disengage Fire: Basic: Athletics, Melee. Intermediate: Any specialty
actions and adds the same value to the difficulty for enemy for Fire Aspect Abilities, Dodge, Valor. Advanced: Presence,
units to disengage from the enchanted unit. Essence 5+ doubles Socialize, Dexterity.
this value, all but ensuring automatic success or failure to Water: Basic: Martial Arts, Sail. Intermediate: Any
escape, respectively. specialty for Water Aspect Abilities, Bureaucracy, Conviction.
Wood: A unit blessed by Sextes Jylis is dynamic and Advanced: Investigation, Larceny, Strength.
organic, able to change formation in Step Two as a reflexive -1 Wood: Basic: Archery, Survival. Intermediate: Any
DV action ahead of incoming attacks rather than afterward. specialty for Wood Aspect Abilities, Medicine, Compassion.
Additionally, the unit adds a number of bonus successes equal Advanced: Performance, Ride, Perception.
to the Exalt’s Essence on all rolls to change formation and half
this value to its Ranged Combat Damage. With Essence 5+, the ARMY-TO-MOB ASSAULT
unit automatically succeeds on all rolls to change formation and Thousand Correct Action
adds the Exalt’s Essence rating to its Ranged Combat Damage. Cost: 3m; Mins: War 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental;
Keywords: Combo-OK, War; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
FROM EGGS TO (ELEMENT) DRAGONS Charms: Leading from Below
Thousand Correct Action To be a hero is to be a target. This Charm can enhance any
Cost: 15m; Mins: War 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple; attack using any Ability aimed at a special character in mass
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Elemental, Training; combat. The attacker may be a complementary unit as a whole,
Duration: Two weeks; Prerequisite Charms: Roaring Dragon a special character within that unit or a solo unit. Regardless,
Officer the enhanced attack ignores the usual penalty for a called shot
The grace of the Elemental Dragons uplifts the souls on the special character as well as all penalties for extended
entrusted to their care. This Charm is actually a cluster of range or distracting environmental conditions. This Charm may
Charms, one per element. A Dragon-Blood must learn the be used by special characters to interfere with a mid-battle duel
version appropriate to her aspect before she learns any others. by attacking an enemy champion, but otherwise has no use in
All of the permutations work similarly, in that they may be used personal combat. Army-to-Mob Assault may be placed in a
to teach a unit of students with a Magnitude no greater than the Combo with Charms of other Abilities.
instructor’s Essence rating. Each period of instruction requires
10 hours of instruction per day for two weeks straight. The EXCELLENCE OF THE DUTIFUL (ROLE)
beginning and end of each training regimen must fall inside the Thousand Correct Action
season that corresponds to the Charm’s aspect. Failing to teach Cost: 5m; Mins: War 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental;
to this exacting schedule does nothing for the students but waste Keywords: Combo-OK, War; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
their time. Any pupil who misses so much as a minute of the Charms: Army-to-Mob Assault
lesson derives no benefit. Those with lesser rank are not necessarily lesser. This
Each period of instruction may be spent to increase the Charm is actually two Charms, one for heroes and one for
student’s ratings in any of the traits listed for the specific Charm sorcerers. Characters may learn both. Whenever a Terrestrial
version by one dot as a Training effect, up a maximum of the makes a separate attack as the appropriate type of special
Exalt’s own rating or his Essence, whichever is less. Non-extra character using any Ability, he may activate this Charm to
students who are blood relatives of the instructor are limited enhance the action. Doing so improves the attack with the
only by the teacher’s rating in the trait. Trait listings are broken benefits of the unit’s Close Combat Rating, Ranged Combat
into basic, intermediate and advanced categories according to Rating, Close Combat Damage, Ranged Combat Damage and
who can learn them from the Charm: anyone (basic), non-extras Might as appropriate, applying these bonuses in the same way
(intermediate) and Exalted (advanced). Celestial Exalted that they improve the unit’s own attacks. This Charm may be
students are considered blood relatives for the purpose of this placed in a Combo with Charms of other Abilities.
Charm and gain the instructed trait after studying only one hour
per day for a week. Moreover, classes for Celestial Exalted are BLESSED DRAGON CHAMPION
not limited by season. Thousand Correct Action
With an activation of this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: War 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive;
specifically target a willing Essence 4+ Celestial Exalt in her Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty; Duration: One Duel;
presence who knows a valid trait at an equal or better rating Prerequisite Charms: Excellence of the Dutiful Hero
than herself. She may then begin an instruction period with a Those who step forward as righteous champions of their
second normal use of the Charm any time before the targeted armies never truly stand alone. This Charm may be activated by
activation expires. If she does so, her patron’s Celestial Essence any Terrestrial acting as a champion in a mid-battle duel. For
augments her teaching, allowing her to instruct any students as the duration of the duel, he accepts the limit of his War rating to
though they were Celestial Exalted. use his other Abilities as though he were leading a
Air: Basic: Linguistics (can teach only those languages the complementary unit. In exchange, however, his actions gain the
instructor knows; this is the only trait that may be conferred by usual modifiers his unit receives from its traits whenever he is
any version of this Charm to students who do not share a attacking or defending against the enemy champion. The unit’s
language with the teacher), Thrown. Intermediate: Any non- Might does not add to his Essence to resist effects, but the unit’s
thaumaturgy specialty for Air Aspect Abilities, Stealth, Might is considered one dot higher if the Exalt is a blood
Willpower. Advanced: Lore, Occult, Wits. relative of every member of his unit. Magnitude modifiers are
Earth: Basic: Awareness, Resistance. Intermediate: Any based on the relative Magnitude of his unit and the unit whose
specialty for Earth Aspect Abilities, Mundane Crafts, champion he is dueling.
Temperance. Advanced: Integrity, War, Stamina. This Charm may also be activated by a special character in a
complementary unit during a duel to enhance a Celestial

Exalted champion from the Terrestrial’s unit. If multiple effects As anyone can see, it is in the nature of flames to rise. With
allow an individual to enjoy the benefits of a unit while acting this Charm, a Dragon-Blood propels himself away from the
as an individual, these do not stack. ground with a burst of fiery energy. The Dragon-Blood instantly
A second purchase of this Charm requires Essence 5+, but rises from a prone position or adds two dots to his Athletics
allows an Exalt using it to activate the nonpermanent Dragon- rating for the purposes of calculating jumping distance.
Blooded Charms or Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms known by Using the Charm as a Leader effect also adds the Action-
special characters in his unit as though he knew them, provided Only Keyword.
he meets their trait minimums. Borrowed Charms terminate
along with Blessed Dragon Champion when the duel ends. This FALLING STAR MANEUVER
power is not conferred if the Charm enhances a Celestial MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
champion. Cost: 1 per 2 dice of damage; Mins: Athletics 2, Essence 1;
Type: Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader;
WRATH-DIRECTING GESTURE Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Effortlessly Rising
Thousand Correct Action Flame
Cost: 1m; Mins: War 4, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive; A Dragon-Blood with this Charm can move with the grace
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Purity 3, Shaping; Duration: of a flickering flame, using his speed and agility to flank his
Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Seared Battlefield opponent and gain the advantage in combat. Each mote spent
The Dragon-Blood holds out his hand toward an instance of (up to the maximum of the Exalt’s permanent Essence) adds
Dragon-Seared Battlefield or Dragon Vortex Attack he created two dice of damage to a successful hand-to-hand attack. This
and can currently perceive. With each purchase of Wrath- damage is added before soak is applied. Normally, this Charm
Directing Gesture, the Terrestrial learns one of the telepathic can be used only in hand-to-hand combat, but with a stunt, it
commands listed here, some of which require higher Essence may be applied to a Thrown or Archery attack, all that is
minimums, can target only a Dragon Vortex attack and have a required is for the target to lack cover. This Charm is explicitly
higher cost. Each activation issues one order. allowed in Combos with Charms of other Abilities.
Drift: The field moves in whatever direction the Exalt
indicates, traveling at any velocity up to its creator’s base Move BELLOWS-PUMPING STRIDE
speed. It maintains course and speed until given a new MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
direction. Cost: 1m or 2m; Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 2; Type:
Follow: The field attaches itself to a target individual, unit, Reflexive; Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Obvious;
object or vehicle within it. It constantly relocates to center on Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Falling Star
that target and stays affixed until given new instructions. While Maneuver
anchored to its creator, a field increases its duration to For a scene, the Dragon-Blood can double his movement
Indefinite. rate on all Move and Dash actions. While the Charm is in use,
Sculpt: The field changes its size and shape, instantly the Dragon-Blood leaves a trail of fiery footprints behind him,
assuming any form the Exalt can imagine that fits inside its which have the potential to start fires if he runs through dry
maximum allowed radius. brush. Fires created by the Charm are treated as a one-time
Shield: Essence 5; vortex only; Cost: 6m. If within the field, bonfire with only 1L damage that fills a trail one yard across,
the Exalt directs it to flare in Step Two as a defense against an tracing the path of the Exalt's tread since his last action.
attack originating from outside the vortex. Any fellow officer This Charm does not affect the Speed of any of the Exalt’s
can pay the cost on his behalf, even those who don’t know the actions, just his movement rate. If the Exalt has an Athletics
Charm. The flare makes the field’s outer edge indestructibly rating of 4, an Essence of 3 and the Terrestrial Athletics
solid for a moment. Area attacks larger than the field affect Reinforcement Charm, he can extend the effects of this Charm
everything around it normally, but do not penetrate the barrier. to others at a cost of two motes per person.
The fact that the vortex tends to destroy whatever it “protects”
constitutes a unique flaw of invulnerability on this perfect INCENSE SMOKE LADDER
defense. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Teleport: Essence 6; vortex only; Cost: 10m, 1wp. The Cost: 2m; Mins: Athletics 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive;
Exalt teleports to the center of the field as a Leader effect (any Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Obvious; Duration:
fellow officer can pay this cost on his behalf, even those who Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Bellows-Pumping Stride
don’t know the Charm). He arrives as close to the center as Fire is not restrained by gravity and can burn up walls as
physically possible and can’t teleport if there is insufficient easily as across floors. Likewise, when she activates this
vacant space to accommodate his arrival. Charm, a Child of Hesiesh can easily run up a tree or a wall as
long as she can maintain a running pace and has at least two

steps on the ground to establish her momentum. The Exalt
cannot run upside down, and she dare not stop, lest she fall. The
Exalt can run across water as easily as land, however, and she
can even run across dangerous liquids such as lava or acid
ATHLETICS without sinking, although the soles of her feet will undoubtedly
suffer injury.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata DANCING EMBER STRIDE
Cost: 1m; Mins: Athletics 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive; MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious; Duration: Instant;
Prerequisite Charms: None

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 4; Type: Charms have a cost of three motes, duration of one scene,
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious; Duration: One require Essence 4 and eschew the Purity keyword. The Solar
scene; Prerequisite Charms: Incense Smoke Ladder version requires that every member of the unit have a positive
The Fire Aspect’s affinity for movement continues to Intimacy toward the leader, while its Mirror requires that all
improve. With this Charm, the Exalt is capable of defying members be creatures of death.
gravity. He can rise up and, buoyed by a hot updraft, fly at a
rate equal to twice his normal movement rate. During the DODGE
duration of the flight, the Dragon-Blood must remain within
([Essence + Athletics] x 3) yards of a solid surface. He can fly THRESHOLD WARDING STANCE
along the surface of walls and cliffs to gain a higher altitude, MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
but the magic of the Charm will not function if he strays farther Cost: 1m; Mins: Dodge 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
from a solid surface than the stated distance. Bodies of water (Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK, War; Duration: Instant;
are not a solid surface, and the Charm ends if the Exalt strays Prerequisite Charms: None
over large body of water, instantly dunking him. Also, the It stands to reason that, if one wishes to dodge, one must
Dragon-Blood must remain in motion at all times. have room to do so. The Dragon-Blooded defy this obvious
He cannot hover, and if he ever stops moving, the Charm logic. For the duration of a single tick, a Dragon-Blood using
ends. As the Exalt is dependent on warm air currents to remain this Charm can ignore all environmental penalties to his Dodge
in flight, his aerial maneuverability is relatively poor. He can DV, even in places where dodging would seemingly be
engage in aerial combat or attack ground targets, but all actions impossible, such as on tree limbs or up to his knees in
suffer a -2 internal penalty while he is airborne. quicksand.
Lords of Creation MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Athletics 5, Essence 5; Type: Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Simple; Keywords: Combo-Basic, Elemental, Obvious; (Step 7); Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant;
Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Dancing Ember Prerequisite Charms: Threshold Warding Stance
Stride Having this Charm the Dragon-Blood’s ability to avoid
When the Elemental Dragons moved over the newly shaped danger becomes truly astonishing.
Creation, their passage divided the gossamer motes of lingering This Charm may only be activated if the incoming attack
chaos into their own aspects, carving Cytherea's malleable sea missed and the Exalt applied a dodge-based defense against it.
of the mind into Gaia's image. With this Charm active, the The character reflexively moves as per a Dash action away from
character's personal movement rate triples, and he suffers no the opponent, causing all subsequent attacks in a flurry that can
height restriction while using Dancing Ember Stride. In no longer reach the Exalt to automatically miss.
conjunction with other Charms that increase movement speed,
only the greatest benefit applies. The character may also trail a VIRTUOUS NEGATION DEFENSE
"fence" of elemental energy at will, which stands a number of MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
yards high and wide equal to his Essence rating and lingers as Cost: 2m; Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
long as the Charm remains active. Anyone attempting to pass (Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK, War; Duration: Instant;
through this barrier suffers a number of dice of lethal damage Prerequisite Charms: Hopping Firecracker Evasion
equal to the Dragon-Blood's Essence, plus the various elemental If an ally is subject to an attack (Dodge + Essence) yards
effects imposed by Elemental Bolt Attack (see The Manual of from the Dragon-Blood, he can use this Charm to attempt move
Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded, pp.133-134). Those who her out of the way. The Exalt’s player must first roll (Dexterity
remain inside the fence suffer this harm each action. The barrier + Dodge + Essence). If the player gets no successes, the attack
also provides 90% cover to those attacking through it and proceeds normally. If the player gets any successes, the
obliterates mundane projectiles up to arrow-size fired into it. character can make himself the target of the attack instead of
Besides fencing enemies into a confined space, Terrestrials the ally. If his successes exceed the successes on the attack roll,
most commonly use the Charm to scribe aerial calligraphy for both the Dragon-Blooded and the ally automatically dodge
signaling across vast distances. without a roll.
If the activation roll isn't sufficient to perfectly dodge the
TAIL FOLLOWS HEAD attack, the Terrestrial may apply his Dodge DV or Parry DV as
Thousand Correct Action normal. The possibility for failure in this Charm constitutes its
Cost: 1m; Mins: Athletics 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive; flaw of invulnerability and this Charm cannot protect against
Keywords: Combo-OK, Purity 3, Obvious, War; Duration: undodgeable attacks.
One action; Prerequisite Charms: Any Athletics Excellency When used in mass combat, this Charm ignores usual range
She who follows the Chosen of the Dragons sometimes feels limits to allow a special character to protect any fellow officer
the sparks of their Exalted might. This Charm may not be in his unit (champions can only be protected from attacks by
activated more times per scene than the Terrestrial’s (Essence non-champions).
+1). While active, all Athletics Charms the character knows
gain the Leader keyword unless the Storyteller deems that their SAFETY AMONG ENEMIES
effects solely relate to qualities a complementary unit lacks. In MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
this moment of glory, a unit can achieve the impossible and do Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Dodge 4, Essence 2; Type:
things like run up walls or even fly. Reflexive (Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant;
Solar and Abyssal Exalted have counterpart Charms named Prerequisite Charms: Any Dodge Excellency
Flying Faith Legion and Nowhere Is Safe, respectively. These

In close-quarters combat, a reckless opponent is sometimes Whenever the Dragon-Blood successfully dodges an attack
as likely to hit an ally as the intended target. With this Charm, by any means, the Dragon-Blood can make a reflexive Martial
the Exalt can make this likelihood into a certainty. Arts or Melee counterattack with his full dice pool. This Charm
This Charm may only be activated if the Dragon-Blood follows normal rules regarding its interaction with other
successfully dodges an incoming attack as a result of applying counterattack effects.
Step 5 defenses. This make the attack strike another person. The
new target is then affected by the attack as if he had been the UNASSAILABLE BODY OF (ELEMENT) DEFENSE
original target all along (i.e., the new target’s DV is subtracted MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
from the attacker’s dice pool). The new target must be within Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 4; Type:
three yards of the Dragon-Blood, and the attacker cannot be Reflexive (Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental,
made to attack himself. This Charm cannot be used if the Obvious, Shaping; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms:
Dragon-Blood has no viable alternative target. Smoldering Karma Strike
Because the Charm is predicated on a successful defense The most potent of the Dodge Charms in the Dragon-
rather than providing a defense, it is solely considered an attack Blooded arsenal, this Charm is actually a cluster of five
for Charm conflicts. elemental Charms. This Charm represents the closest a Dragon-
Blood can come to the perfect dodges practiced by the Celestial
ELEMENTAL DEFENSE TECHNIQUE Exalted. When the Charm is activated, the Dragon-Blood’s
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata entire body and everything on it transforms for an instant into
Cost: 5m; Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple; the element to which she is aligned, shaped by magic into a
Keywords: Elemental, Leader 6, Obvious; Duration: One human form. Whether the Exalt’s body is composed of mist,
scene; Prerequisite Charms: Safety Among Enemies dust, fire, water or swirling leaves, the attack passes harmlessly
This Charm creates a glowing aura of elemental energy that through her.
radiates for a few feet around the Exalt who activates it and The Charm functions as a perfect dodge subject to two
helps protect her from harm. The elemental energy created is limitations. First, the attack must be dodgeable, as this defense
determined by the aspect of the Dragon-Blood. Regardless of its will not apply to attacks that cannot be dodged. Second, each of
nature, however, Elemental Defense Technique provides the the five Unassailable Body of (Element) Defenses is vulnerable
following benefits. First, any non-magical personal scale ranged to a particular type of weapon or attack or else suffers from a
attacks are totally negated (Inherently non-magic projectiles do situ ation in which it will not apply. The limitations of this
not become magical just because a Charm enhanced the attack), perfect defense constitute its Flaw of Invulnerability.
as any incoming arrows are torn apart by the surging elemental Air is vulnerable to Earth-aspected elemental attacks and to
force. Second, the Dragon-Blooded projects an environmental extremely large melee weapons that carry the Overwhelming
hazard in a one yard radius around the Terrestrial with Damage: tag, as the strong breeze caused by the passage of such weapons
4B/action (2L/action for the fire version) and Trauma (Exalt's disrupts the Body of Air.
Essence rating). Third, the Exalt gains +2 to her lethal and Earth is vulnerable to attacks with wooden weapons such as
bashing soaks (stack with armor) against attacks with any arrows or clubs and to Wood-aspected elemental attacks, as
weapon not made of the magical materials. Finally, each even the toughest earth must yield to the burrowing roots of
elemental aura grants an additional benefit. trees.
Air buffets any close-range attackers, causing a -2 external Fire is vulnerable to Wateraspected elemental attacks, and
penalty against hand-to-hand attacks. also will not function while the Dragon-Blood is in the water or
Earth surrounds the Dragon-Blood with a thick cloud of is otherwise wet.
dust, causing a -2 external penalty against ranged attacks. Water is vulnerable to Air-aspected elemental attacks and
Fire inflicts two levels of lethal damage on any hand-to- also will not function in conditions of extreme cold, as water
hand attackers instead of the normal bashing damage. inevitably loses its fluidity in such situations.
Water totally neutralizes any fire-based attacks directed Wood is vulnerable to Fire-aspected elemental attacks or
against the Dragon-Blood and also cushions her against attacks, simply to fire attacks such as flaming arrows.
adding an additional +1 to lethal and bashing soak.
Wood surrounds the Dragon-Blood with a thick cloud of EVASIVE ELEMENTAL DISPERSION
pollen and other irritants, and hand-to-hand attackers who fail a Lords of Creation
(Stamina + Resistance) roll suffer a -1 penalty for the rest of the Cost: None; Mins: Dodge 6, Essence 6; Type: Permanent;
scene. Keywords: Elemental, Obvious; Duration: Permanent;
A Dragon-Blood of the same aspect as the one who invokes Prerequisite Charms: Any Elemental Defense Technique, Any
this Charm is immune to these aspect-related effects, as is any Unassailable Body of (Element) Defense
Dragon-Blooded whose anima banner is at the 8+ motes level. This Charm permanently enhances a Dragon-Blood's
Unassailable Body of (Element) Defense Charms, allowing her
SMOLDERING KARMA STRIKE to dissolve on any tick unless environmental conditions
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata disallow the specific version. Whenever she activates these
Cost: 3m; Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive Charms, she may also transform into an explosion of elemental
(Step 9); Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Leader; energy that inflicts a number of levels of lethal damage equal to
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Virtuous Negation her Dodge to everything within (Dodge x 5) yards. The
Defense, Safety Among Enemies explosion also inflicts an appropriate aspect-based elemental
The Fire Aspect’s remarkable skill at dodging attacks effect as Elemental Bolt Attack (see The Manual of Exalted
approaches its pinnacle, allowing him to dodge an attack and Power—The Dragon-Blooded, pp. 133-134). She immediately
instantly initiate a free counterattack. reintegrates anywhere within this radius as limited teleportation.

MELEE which permits a Dragon-Blood to charge his melee weapon
with Essence so that it can damage ghosts and spirits even while
DRAGON-GRACED WEAPON they are dematerialized.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Additionally, if the Exalt spends four motes instead of just
Cost: 1m; Mins: Melee 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental; two, the weapon is considered Holy and inflicts aggravated
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Leader; Duration: Instant; damage against creatures of darkness.
Prerequisite Charms: None If this Charm enhances the first attack in a flurry, each
The Dragon-Blood has achieved a unity with his weapon activation to enhance subsequent attacks in the flurry costs 0m.
that allows him to impart some of his elemental nature to it. On The Leader use of this Charm can inflict aggravated damage
a successful melee attack, the Dragon-Blood may also inflict an but does not extend the capability to strike dematerialized
elemental effect appropriate to his aspect on the target. Air beings.
buffets the target, subtracting two dice from her next action.
Earth triggers a tremor beneath the target’s feet, forcing her REFINING THE INNER BLADE
player to roll (Dexterity + Athletics), difficulty 4, to keep the MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
character from falling. Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
Fire sets the target ablaze for a single action, giving a +4L Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Holy, Obvious; Duration:
bonus to the Dragon-Blood’s damage dice pool. One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Graced Weapon
Water fills the target’s lungs with seawater, adding three A Dragon-Blood who knows this Charm is never truly
ticks before her next action due to violent coughing. unarmed.
Wood poisons the target’s blood, causing her to suffer a -1 The character must spend three ticks in concentration before
penalty on all actions for the scene if her player fails a reflexive spending three motes and one Willpower. Then, she can fashion
(Stamina + Resistance) roll. a sword or other melee weapon out of thin air from the element
Each additional purchase of this Charm after the first adds to which she is aspected. The weapon has the traits of a normal
an additional element beyond the character's aspect. Each weapon of its type, as well as the benefits from all Elemental
additional purchase of this Charm after the first adds an effects for elements the Exalt has integrated via purchases of
additional element beyond the character's aspect. Every Dragon-Graced Weapon and inflicts aggravated damage to
activation incorporates the Exalt's base element, but can also creatures of darkness.
incorporate any number of additional elements unlocked with The conjured weapon lasts for the entire battle or for one
extra Charm purchases. The total cost to activate the Charm is scene, whichever ends first. At the conclusion of the Charm’s
half the number of elements unleashed, all of which provide duration, the weapon dissipates harmlessly into a puff of
their usual power. Essence.


MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 2m; Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9); Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Crippling, (Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious; Duration:
Leader; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon- Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Any Melee Excellency
Graced Weapon Although this Charm is costly, it is still prized by Dragon-
When swords clash, they inevitably give off sparks. Blooded soldiers, as it is as close as mere Terrestrial Exalted
Ordinarily, these sparks are an annoyance at most, but few can come to a perfect melee defense. After an opponent’s hand-
Dragon-Bloods are ordinary. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood to-hand attack, the Dragon-Blood’s player must roll (Dexterity
can manipulate such sparks, augmenting them into fiery + Melee).
luminescence with his Essence and then sending them Regardless of the attacker’s successes, if the Dragon-Blood
cascading into his opponents eyes. achieves even one success, the attack is totally blocked. This
The Charm may be activated in response to any attack the Charm will not block unblockable attacks, either sorcerous
Exalt defended against with a Melee-based parry, even if that attacks or attacks enhanced by Charms, but it is otherwise
parry was not sufficient to prevent a hit. The Terrestrial chooses treated as a perfect parry. The limitations on this perfect defense
a target within two yards (who need not be the attacker) and the constitute a special flaw of invulnerability.
Charm throws sparks at that target as an unblockable, The Leader use cannot block designated area effects, but
undodgeable -0 DV counterattack. If this hits and the target may block the massed attacks of complementary units.
successfully looks away, she suffers a -2 internal penalty to all
non-reflexive actions until her DV refreshes twice. If she THRESHING FLOOR TECHNIQUE
doesn't look away, the penalty increases to -4. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 2m + 1 per targeted ally; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 2;
GHOST-FIRE BLADE Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One action;
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial Melee Reinforcement
Cost: 2m or 4m; Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2; Type: The Dragon-Blood can permit his allies to become
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Leader, Obvious; preternaturally well-coordinated in their attacks on a single
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Graced target, even to the point of overcoming the normal limit of how
Weapon many people can attack a single target simultaneously. The
Since the Great Uprising, the Dragon-Blooded have Exalt must pay two motes plus one per targeted ally, and each
accepted the burden of defending the masses of humanity ally will be able to make an attack on the target, regardless of
against the depredations of angry ghosts and truculent spirits. how defensible the target’s position is, provided that the ally is
Chief among their arsenal in this ongoing battle is this Charm, within normal move distance of the target.

With Essence 3+, all individuals blessed by the Charm are Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Blinding Spark
considered the same character for the purpose of imposing an Distraction
onslaught penalty on the target against their attacks. This This Charm causes a Melee attack to inflict piercing damage
onslaught continues to accumulate until the Exalt's DV and converts all inflicted damage levels into an agonizing
refreshes. aspect-defined elemental brand suffused with an electrical
charge, jagged crystal or ice shards, cinders or acidic sap. This
RINGING ANVIL ONSLAUGHT inflicts one level of aggravated damage and increases the victim
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata s wound penalties for the duration of the Charm by -2 per
Cost: 8m; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action; damage level the injury would have inflicted. Exalted victims
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration: Instant; gain one Limit point from maddening agony.
Prerequisite Charms: Threshing Floor Technique
The Dragon-Blood can focus his attention on a single target, DRAGON BLADE BENEFICENCE
and his player rolls the character’s unmodified Melee Ability Thousand Correct Action
(no Attribute is added). Each success allows the Dragon-Blood Cost: —; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent;
to make one extra Melee attack against that target as part of a Keywords: Leader, War; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
flurry, up to the maximum of his Melee rating + 1. Each attack Charms: Refining the Inner Blade
ignore rate, do not suffer multiple action penalties and This Charm enhances its prerequisite, conjuring an
collectively impose a -1 DV penalty. The activation roll may be exceptional weapon (or perfect with Essence 4+). Refining the
boosted with Melee Excellencies. Inner Blade can also bless a Melee weapon the Exalt is wielding
with the special properties of a weapon it creates. Finally, the
ORDAINED TALON OF DRACONIC FURY Terrestrial can commit an additional mote per ally within 10
Lords of Creation yards during activation (maximum of Melee rating allies),
Cost: None (lm to draw); Mins: Melee 6, Essence 6; Type: unleashing streams of power that extend the Charm’s blessing
Permanent; Keywords: Elemental, Obvious; Duration: to one Melee weapon each ally is holding.
Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: Ghost-Fire Blade, Refining A weapon can have any number of different elemental
the Inner Blade, Portentous Comet Deflecting Mode, Ringing blessings applied to it. The Leader use allows enchantment of
Anvil Onslaught any unit with Magnitude no greater than the Exalt’s Essence,
A proper Terrestrial swordsman attains intimate awareness paying per dot of Magnitude as per aiding individuals.
of her favored artifact weapon long before she achieves
superhuman mastery. With this Charm, a jade weapon's least CONFLAGRATION OF WARDING
god becomes a component of its master's soul, forging perma- Thousand Correct Action
nent attunement without committed motes. Thereafter, the Cost: —; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent;
weapon cannot be harmed by any force as long as its owner Keywords: Cooperative, Leader, War; Duration: Permanent;
lives, nor may others attune to or wield it without botching each Prerequisite Charms: Portentous Comet Deflecting Mode
action taken with it. While the proper character wields it with This Charm allows its prerequisite to parry attacks boosted
Melee (or Martial Arts, if it's designed for such use), the or created by Charms and spells, provided that the attacker has a
weapon glows sun-bright with all benefits of a weapon created lower Essence rating. Any number of Dragon-Blooded within
with Dragon-Graced Weapon according to the Terrestrial’s 100 yards who witness the attack may bolster the defender by
Aspect, plus adding its owner's Essence to its Accuracy, raising their weapons in salute and also activating Portentous
Damage, Defense and Rate. If the weapon is within (Melee x 5) Comet Deflecting Mode at a reduced cost of three motes. Each
yards, its owner may reflexively draw it to her empty hand in a supporting activation cumulatively increases the defender’s
bright flash for one mote. effective Essence rating by one to determine if her defense
Once a character learns this Charm, she can exchange her works. With any support, she can also block an unblockable
weapon for another of equal or greater power by paying three attack. The Leader use can be supported only by fellow officers
experience points, but purchasing this Charm again insults both or other Dragon-Blooded in range.
weapons and forfeits all bonuses.
Solar Exalted possess a similar Charm called Honored PRESENCE
Companion of the Sun. It is identical to Ordained Talon of
Draconic Fury save that its prerequisites are Fire and Stones GLOWING COAL RADIANCE
Strike and Summoning the Loyal Steel, it may only be used on MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
orichlacum weapons, it lacks the Elemental Keyword, and it Cost: 2m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
does not replicate Dragon-Graced Weapon; instead, the weapon (Step 2); Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Emotion, Leader,
raises the Solar’s minimum damage by one and counts 10s Obvious, War; Duration: One action; Prerequisite Charms:
twice for the purpose of determining damage. Unlike Dragon- None
Blooded, Solars may buy this Charm as many times as desired The blazing elemental fury of the Dragon-Blooded is such
to cover different weapons. that lesser men are humbled by their mere presence. When this
Finally, the Lawgiver’s Lunar mate may wield a weapon Charm is activated, the Dragon-Blood is surrounded by a
enhanced with Honored Companion of the Sun without re- nimbus of Essence with the color associated with her aspect.
quiring attunement or suffering botches, if the Solar desires. The Charm exerts a fear-based internal penalty of the Exalt's
(Presence rating) to all physical and social attacks aimed solely
SMOLDERING BRAND INFLICTION at him by anyone in range with a dodge MDV less than his
Lords of Creation (Appearance + Presence + Breeding). Apply intimidation-based
Cost: 2m; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental; effective Appearance for an ugly Terrestrial. Characters who
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Elemental, Stackable; pay 2wp (4wp if a descendant) become immune all use of this

Charm by the Terrestrial for the scene, ignoring its unnatural bashing and lethal soak (natural soak) and three temporary -0
mental influence. health levels. The extra health levels are the first to be lost when
Leader use affects units engaged with the Exalt's unit. the character suffers damage, and once lost, they cannot be
healed back, even with Charms that permit instantaneous
UNBEARABLE TAUNT TECHNIQUE healing. When the temporary health levels fade, they heal three
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata levels of bashing damage (and/or lethal if Essence 4+) and any
Cost: 2m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive remaining damage is reapplied to the character's normal health
(Step 1); Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Dynasty, levels. This can be fatal.
Emotion, Social, War; Duration: Essence actions; Prerequisite The leader use of the Charm only applies temporary levels
Charms: Glowing Coal Radiance to the unit's health for its current Magnitude and does not
Most Dragon-Blooded consider their personal honor to be provide healing.
sacrosanct, and to such social and self-important creatures, a A character cannot benefit from this Charm more than once
Charm such as this one is a terrible weapon. The Dragon-Blood per scene.
need only gain her target’s attention and insult or embarrass him
in some way to cause the target to become irrationally fixated TERRIFYING (ELEMENT) DRAGON ROAR
on her. The Dragon-Blood’s player must roll (Manipulation + MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Presence), adding her Essence in automatic successes. The Cost: 4m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
results are compared to the target’s MDV. Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Obvious; Duration:
In personal or mass combat, an affected target or unit that Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Aura of Invulnerability
target commands suffers a -1 DV penalty when defending When little children in the Realm ask their parents what
against anyone besides the Exalt or a unit he leads. In social thunder is, the parents often say that it’s the sound of the
combat, the victim suffers a -2 internal penalty to all social Elemental Dragons roaring down from Heaven to frighten away
actions. Spending 2wp (4wp if a descendant) makes a character evil spirits.
immune to this unnatural influence for a scene. To use this Charm, make an unblockable attack roll of
Appearance + Presence + Breeding; the attack's range is
MOTH TO THE CANDLE (Essence x 6) yards. The target cannot be larger than (Essence x
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata 2) yards in any dimension. A successful hit causes the following
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 2; Type: effects as appropriate:
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, War; Duration: Air: All non-magical glass within a yard of the target
Until the Dragon-Blood’s next action; Prerequisite Charms: shatters and the target suffers one level of unsoakable bashing
Unbearable Taunt Technique damage; the target loses its sense of hearing for a scene as a
Cunning Dragon-Blooded often use this Charm to draw their Crippling effect.
enemies into traps or simply to lure them away from Earth: The pulverizing vocalization destroys a non-magical
overmatched allies. The target of this Charm becomes fixated inanimate target or comparably-sized segment of a larger
on engaging the Dragon-Blood in hand-to-hand combat. The structure that is made of earth, clay, stone, etc. Other targets
Exalt’s player must roll (Manipulation + Presence), comparing suffer 4B from the explosion of the ground beneath them.
successes to the target’s Dodge MDV. Parry MDV is not Fire: Ignites everything readily flammable within a yard of
applicable to this Charm. The Dragon-Blood must be within 10 the target as an environmental hazard with Damage 2L/action,
yards of the target, who must have a lower Essence than the Trauma 3. Non-flammable objects suffer no damage upfront,
Exalt. Once the Charm is activated, the target can take no action but may be burned by the non-magical fires the Charm sets.
other than to approach the Exalt at her normal Speed and attack Water: The roar extinguishes any volume of non-magical
him if she is able to do so. The target cannot be compelled to fire it can target and knocks targeted beings prone.
approach through obviously suicidal means (attempting to run Wood: As Air above, but shattering non-magical wood
through flowing lava to get at the Exalt, for example), but she is instead of glass.
willing to cross dangerous hazards such as fires or raging rivers A Terrestrial with Essence 5+ can pay an extra +1wp when
to reach the object of her ire. activating the Charm to unleash an area attack against every
Resisting each use of this unnatural influence costs 2wp, and valid target in range.
this may be done at any point to terminate its effect.
Complementary units are valid targets of this Charm. WARLORD’S CONVOCATION
Supporting special characters cannot be compelled to leave their MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
unit, but if affected, take no action of their own for the duration. Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
With (Presence 5+, Essence 3+), the compulsion lasts one scene (Speed 5 in long ticks); Keywords: Combo-OK, Servitude,
and range increases to (Essence x 100) yards. Essence 5+ Dynasty, Social; Duration: One scene or instant; Prerequisite
removes the Essence rating limit on valid targets. Charms: Any Presence Excellency, Aura of Invulnerability
The Dragon-Blood’s innate majesty is now sufficient to win
AURA OF INVULNERABILITY almost anyone’s loyalty, at least temporarily.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata This Charm can exclusively target Terrestrial Exalted and
Cost: 3m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple; humans (including those with supernatural heritage or
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Leader, War; Duration: One scene; awakened Essence). The roll for the Charm's unnatural social
Prerequisite Charms: Glowing Coal Radiance attack is (Appearance + Presence + Breeding). If the attack
With this Charm, the peerless self-confidence of the Princes succeeds, the target must pay 2wp (4wp if a descendant) or gain
of the Earth can be backed up with pure physicality, as the an Intimacy of loyalty to the Exalt. This Intimacy resists
Dragon-Blood’s natural charisma physically bolsters his body. removal for a number of weeks equal to the remaining
For the duration of the Charm, the Dragon-Blood gains +1 successes after applying MDV, during which time it reasserts

itself completely whenever the target gets a roll to regain Breeding is less than 5 must make an (Essence + Breeding) roll
Willpower from sleep. Good treatment extends the duration of at difficulty (Breeding +1). Stunts enhancing this roll must
enchantment as stated in the Charm. With 5+ remaining recall prior conduct proving the Exalt's worth as a Dragon-
successes, a character made loyal by the Charm serves as Blood. Failure results in death. Success raises the target's
faithfully as a henchman (per the Background) while bearing an Breeding by one dot as a Training effect costing three
enchanted Intimacy. experience points (maximum Breeding 5). Exalted with
Breeding 4 or less may learn this Charm, but may target only
AUSPICIOUS FIRST MEETING ATTITUDE themselves with penitent self-mutilation until they refine their
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata lineage to Breeding 5.
Cost: 2m ; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive;
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social; Duration: One BLOOD SPEAKS TO BLOOD
scene; Prerequisite Charms: None Return of the Scarlet Empress
While active, this Charm confers a +3 specialty Cost: 7m; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive
“Exclusively against (target character name)” that applies to all (Step 1); Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Social; Duration:
social actions using any Ability during social combat. This Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Warlord’s Convocation
counts as a natural specialty rather than a Charm bonus for the Be she loved or reviled, a Dragon-Blooded matriarch can
purpose of adding dice with other Charms, but the character still never be ignored. This Charm makes a Presence-based social
cannot apply more than +3 among all specialties. Simultaneous attack against one of the character’s descendants unblockable
activations can target different characters. Cumulatively reduce and undodgeable. Reduce the cost to three motes if the user has
the Charm's specialty by -1 per prior scene of social combat in Presence 7+.
which the Exalt and the target both participated. Each additional
purchase of this Charm allows the Terrestrial to select one of SOCIALIZE
the following conditions that “resets” the bonus: consensual sex
with the target, not interacting with the target for a season, SWEETEN-THE-TAP METHOD
completing a task directly requested by the target that takes a MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
scene or longer to accomplish. Cost: 2m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple;
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion; Duration: One scene;
PASSION TRANSMUTING NUANCE Prerequisite Charms: Any Socialize Excellency
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata This Charm enchants a particular social event attended by
Cost: 3m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple no more than (Socialize rating) Magnitude individuals. Anyone
(Speed 5 in long ticks); Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, at the event who consumes alcohol or any other recreational
Social; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: None intoxicant finds the experience far more pleasurable than
The Dragon-Blood can transmute one strong passion (lust, normal and suffers a penalty of -1 to MDV for the scene from
rage or terror) into one of the other two. This Charm cannot be a lowered inhibitions. If any social attack botches against an
character's first action in social combat. The Charm's unnatural intoxicated individual, she is deeply offended and must pay 1wp
social attack uses a dice pool of (Manipulation + Presence + not to Join Battle against the attacker with her next action as an
Essence); if it beats the target's MDV, the desired emotion unnatural Compulsion. This Charm may be repurchased
burns in her heart for a scene (also reducing her Temperance to multiple times to enchant different social pleasures, including
1 unless that is her primary Virtue). Feelings conferred by the having sex, participating in/being an active spectator to violence
Charm provide the same social combat benefits and drawbacks (such as duels or fight clubs), and anything else the Storyteller
as a high-rated Virtue. Paying 1wp at any point frees a character approves. Those who indulge in the chosen vice are affected as
from this Charm. above. Different versions of the Charm stack, but only one use
of each version can enchant the same event.
Lords of Creation JADE DEFENSE
Cost: 5m; Mins: Presence 6, Essence 6; Type: MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Training; Cost: 5m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Any Terrifying Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
(Element) Dragon Roar Charms: Sweeten-the-Tap Method
Although they are descended from human stock, the Regardless of the Dragon-Blood’s precise background, he
Dragon-Blooded are not human, and interbreeding with their will typically have seen more debauchery and spectacle than
inferiors sullies their blood. Terrestrials developed this Charm most mortals could imagine, often even before his actual
to cull the unworthy and elevate those who aspire to greatness Exaltation. As a result, most Dragon-Blooded can be quite blasé
beyond their parent's shame. about social interactions. With this Charm, the Exalted can hone
Purity Crucible Strike can enhance any Melee or Martial this sense of ennui and boredom into a potent defense against
Arts attack. Although it is traditionally delivered without mercy mental and social manipulation. When this Charm is activated,
at the conclusion of an elaborate hazing ceremony, a pulled the Dragon-Blood can add half his Socialize rating (rounded up)
blow suffices as long as the attack hits. Mortals struck by the to the Exalt’s Dodge MDV against any Charisma, Manipulation
attack die instantly, their blood burnt to ash in the fires of and Socialize rolls made by others attempting to manipulate
judgment. Non-human beings suffer no effects, having no him with either natural or unnatural mental influence. This
humanity to scorch, nor do Celestial Exalted or Breeding 5 includes attempts to use other Socialize Charms to compel the
Dragon-Blooded whose purity is beyond reproach. (The Charm Dragon-Blood’s response. The Dragon-Blood’s Essence is also
also has no effect on Terrestrials whose Essence is higher than considered to be one higher than it really is for the purpose of
that of the user.) The player of a Dragon-Blooded target whose comparing his Essence to other beings using Charms that do not

affect individuals with a higher Essence than the one using the The fire that burns at the heart of every Child of Hesiesh can
Charm. inflame the passions of members of the opposite sex (and, often,
members of the same sex). When this Charm is activated,
WARY YELLOW DOG ATTITUDE Essence pulses through the Dragon-Blood’s veins in sympathy
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded with the heartbeat of someone he seeks to seduce. This Charm
Cost: 1m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive; can enhance seduction-based social attacks using any Ability;
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite the Dragon-Blood can increase her Socialize Ability by five or
Charms: Sweeten-the-Tap Method double its normal rating, whichever is less (counted as a bonus
The wise Exalt remains constantly aware of the ebb and die from Charms). The attack also becomes unnatural mental
flow of the social dynamics that surround her. Therefore, she is influence costing 1wp to resist. Targets whose sexual
prepared when a genteel social encounter suddenly turns into a orientation would not normally permit them to feel attraction to
violent confrontation. During an unexpected combat situation the Dragon-Blood gain a +2 bonus to MDV.
(i.e., an unexpectedly violent situation that explodes out of an This Charm can be put in a Combo with Charms of other
initially nonviolent interaction), the character who activates this Abilities.
Charm can add three dice to her Join Battle roll and gains a +1
DV bonus for the first three actions of combat. FRIEND-TO-ALL-NATIONS ATTITUDE
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
BROTHER-AGAINST-BROTHER INSINUATION Cost: 2m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Keywords: Combo-OK, Social; Duration: One scene;
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2; Type: Prerequisite Charms: Warm-Faced Seduction Style
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Emotion, A Dragon-Blood who knows this Charm can find himself at
Illusion, Social; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: home wherever she roams, from the heart of the Blessed Isle to
Any two Socialize Excellencies the most remote of barbarian territories. If the Dragon-Blood
A great many Dragon-Bloods, particularly among the can speak the local language, she can ignore any social
Dynasts, are skilled at casually destroying deep and abiding penalties caused by being a foreigner. Even if she cannot speak
relationships connecting other people. Often, such the local language, any social penalties caused by being a
manipulations are done for fun as well as for profit. In order to foreigner are reduced by her Essence, as she can intuitively
activate this Charm, the Dragon-Blood must be in the same adopt the basic cultural etiquette of the society through which
immediate area as his chosen target and whichever person he she moves.
wishes to turn the target against. Once the Charm is activated,
the Exalt need only make some comment to one individual SMOOTHING-OVER-THE-PAST TECHNIQUE
about the other—perhaps snidely, perhaps with the most MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
persuasive sincerity—calculated to make the listener doubt the Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Socialize 5, Essence 3; Type:
intentions or loyalty of the other person. Augmented by Essence Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Illusion, Social;
and Willpower, this single comment is sufficient to weaken the Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Warm-Faced
bonds of friendship between the listener and the other person. Seduction Style
The roll for the Charm's unblockable unnatural social attack It is a rare individual who can make an enemy of someone
is (Manipulation + Presence), adding a number of bonus and then blithely sit down with him as a friend. Those Fire
successes equal to the Exalt's Socialize. If successful, the target Aspects who know this Charm can be counted among that rare
instantly gains a negative Intimacy toward the badmouthed breed. The Exalt using this Charm can cause a target to
person with an emotional context appropriate to the Terrestrial's temporarily “forget” a single past event involving him that
allegations. If the target has an existing positive Intimacy would reflect poorly on the current discussion. In other words,
toward the subject of the Dragon-Blood's ire, success converts the Exalt can cause the target to forget a single past encounter
that connection to a negative emotional context. Resisting the for the duration of the current scene, whether to make the target
creation of a new Intimacy costs 2wp to resist. Preventing a forget how the Dragon-Blood cheated him out of a fortune or
positive Intimacy from becoming tainted is easier, requiring slept with his wife. Indeed, the Dragon-Blood can even compel
only 1wp. Those who fail the roll to remember the Exalt's his target to forget multiple encounters, although each separate
involvement later on may pay 3wp to recall the truth, shattering encounter requires the expenditure of three motes and one
the Charm's unnatural Illusion. Willpower. As this Charm is activated, the Exalt’s player must
This Charm is well known in both the Realm and in make a unblockable unnatural social attack (Manipulation +
Lookshy, where its abuse can lead to social censure and Socialize), adding the Dragon-Blood’s Essence in automatic
possibly even the filing of criminal charges. successes. If this roll is successful, the target forgets the event.
This Charm automatically fails when used against a being The target can pay 1wp right then to resist (but does not
with a higher Essence than the Dragon-Blood. It also realize anyone attempted to alter her memories). Paying a total
automatically fails when used to attempt to turn a Dragon- of 3wp this way immunizes a character from further use of the
Blood against another member of her sworn brotherhood. Charm by the Exalt for a day. Once memory has been
suppressed, however, the cost to break free and remember the
WARM-FACED SEDUCTION STYLE truth is 5wp per alteration.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Once the scene is over and the target’s memories return, he
Cost: 1m; Mins: Socialize 3, Essence 2; Type: will certainly be aware of what happened and will undoubtedly
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social regret any unwise bargains he made while he was confused.
(seduction only); Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Therefore, future uses of the Charm require the Exalt to erase
Any Socialize Excellency the prior usage of the Charm as well as the original event(s) that
needed to be erased. This Charm automatically fails when used

against any target with a higher Essence trait than the Dragon- weapons and launch a devastating assault on the Exalt’s
Blooded using the Charm. astonished enemies. If multiple unit leaders use this Charm
With Essence 5+, the duration drops to Instant, but simultaneously, none get any chance to surprise attack other
suppressed memories remain so until reclaimed with users, but each gains the usual Join War bonus and may attempt
appropriate Willpower expenditure. to surprise other units.

Lords of Creation
Cost: None; Mins: Socialize 6, Essence 6, Breeding 5;
Type: Permanent; Keywords: Dynasty, Purity; Duration:
Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: Jade Defense, Wary Yellow
Dog Attitude, Brother-Against-Brother Insinuation
Subsuming the smoldering resolve of her lineage into her BENEVOLENT MASTER’S BLESSING
spirit, a Dragon-Blood may become equally inviolable and MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
implacable. She adds a bonus to her Dodge and Parry MDV Cost: 1m; Mins: Bureaucracy 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple;
equal to the Magnitude of the unit that would be formed by Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Indefinite; Prerequisite
assembling all her living Dragon-Blooded descendents. This Charms: Terrestrial Bureaucracy Reinforcement
bonus does not apply against the social attacks of a direct To the bureaucratic masters of the Water Aspects, even a
ancestor. In addition, all descendents apply this same value as a collection of complete dullards (or worse, a group of soul-
penalty to their MDV when attempting to resist their ancestor's drained victims of the Fair Folk) can be fashioned into an
social attacks unless they also know this Charm. efficient workforce for the short-term operation of any business.
While this charm is active, it improves the capability of its
BLOOD CRIES FOR BLOOD prerequisite to boost the Bureaucracy rating of anyone who is a
Thousand Correct Action recognized subordinate in an organization to which the Exalt
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 3; Type: belongs. Applied to such targets, Terrestrial Bureaucracy
Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Obvious, Reinforcement treats all of them as if they were holding hands
Servitude, War; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: at the time of activation (regardless of actual location), ignores
Wary Yellow Dog Attitude the usual cap of twice the beneficiary's Bureaucracy rating and
When kin cry for vengeance, swords flash from their has duration Indefinite.
scabbards. Upon activating this Charm, the Exalt shouts in
anger and her player rolls (Charisma + Socialize). Every mortal CONFLUENCE OF SAVANT THOUGHT
and Dragon-Blood within 100 yards of the Terrestrial feels MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
drawn to join her cause and inflict violence upon those who Cost: 2m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
oppose the Prince of the Earth. This urge has no actual power to Keywords: None; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
compel anyone, however, unless they are blood relatives of the Charms: None
Terrestrial with a lower Essence rating than her and their dodge To the Children of Daana’d, all bureaucracies are the same,
MDV is less than the number of successes rolled. Such junior differing only in surface details that result from the personalities
relatives must pay two Willpower points to resist the unnatural of differing managers and staff. Once the Dragon-Blood grasps
influence. the essential character of the bureaucratic milieu, she can
Of all listeners who allow themselves to be affected or who insinuate herself into almost any specific bureaucratic setting
are compelled to take up arms, the Dragon-Blood’s player with ease. This Charm provides information, not access, to the
chooses the most combatively capable to form a mass combat Exalt, instantly understand the inner workings of the
unit with Magnitude no greater than the character’s Socialize bureaucracy with which she is confronted, knowing such details
rating. He also chooses which characters will serve as special as who is in charge of specific tasks and where equipment
characters (and in what capacity). The capabilities of affected (including secret information) is kept. She may also substitute
characters are not known to the Exalt, but her player gets a her Bureaucracy for her Socialize Ability for bureaucracy-
basic gist, enough to make a tactically sound allocation of related purposes.
resources. The unit created by the Charm forms up around the The targeted organization does not regard the Exalt as a
Terrestrial in the blink of an eye, with every member having member or give her the privileges of such, but she does
drawn the most suitable weapon available to him. If mass understand who within the organization has the power to
combat has not begun, a Join War roll is in order. bestow such privilege and may then lobby, bully or otherwise
This Charm has a special use in mass social combat in compel cooperation from those individuals. The Charm does
which the Terrestrial using it leads a social unit with Magnitude not reveal any secrets that a rank-and-file member of the
no greater than her Essence rating and all members are in range. organization could not learn with successful mundane inquiry,
Upon activation, the unit switches from a social unit to a mass so insinuating into the All-Seeing Eye does not reveal the
combat unit, and a Join War roll is made for all parties who identities of secret operatives.
choose to involve themselves in the conflict. The Exalt adds her
Essence rating in bonus successes to this roll, and precedes it GEESE-FLYING-SOUTH ADMINISTRATION
with a ([Wits + Socialize] – Magnitude) roll to conceal the unit MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
for a surprise attack at standard difficulty, as though the unit Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 2; Type:
had actual concealment from which to launch the attack. The Simple (Dramatic Action); Keywords: Combo-OK,
usual benefits of surprise apply to the unit’s first attack if the Compulsion, Social; Duration: One task or three months
Terrestrial establishes it. By activating this Charm, a unit of (whichever is less); Prerequisite Charms: Confluence of
relaxed partygoers can suddenly spring into action, draw Savant Thought

While more martially inclined Dragon-Blooded look down Bureaucracy) roll. Alternatively, instead of improving the
on their kin in the bureaucracies and business centers, other success of the task, the Dragon-Blooded can choose to reduce
Exalts understand that the business world can be as much a the time it takes to complete the task. In such a case, each
battlefield as any military setting. In such an environment, what success on the relevant Bureaucracy roll reduces by five percent
matters is simply getting the job done. With this Charm, the the amount of time it will take to complete a long-term
Dragon-Blood can articulate a single task: tax collection, troop bureaucratic endeavor. The Storyteller must determine the base
recruitment, merchandising transactions or almost anything else result of any such endeavor before the improvements granted by
that can be accomplished in a bureaucratic setting. The task the Charm are added. This Charm does not confer any long-
must be one that is bureaucratic in nature, however, and within term benefits on the efficiency of the bureaucracy in general. It
the normal purview of the bureaucracy to be affected. That is, simply makes sure that the bureaucracy will perform this single
the Exalt could declare as a task “acquire for me 2,000 straight task with aplomb.
swords” but not “construct for me 2,000 straight swords,” as the The cost to resist the unnatural Intimacy formed by the
latter instruction requires craftsmanship rather than bureaucratic Charm (and associated effects) cannot exceed 5wp.
acumen. Likewise, the Exalt could not order a tax-collection With Essence 3+, the Charm affects Dragon-Blooded
agency to engage in troop recruitment or to direct a mercenary descendants as though they were mortals, but said descendants
company to completely reorganize a public library (at least, not must still be recognized subordinates of the Exalt within the
without a fairly remarkable stunt). hierarchy of the enchanted organization.
For the duration of the task, the Dragon-Blood’s agents and
assistants work with exceptional skill and dedication. The BESTOW THE SAFFRON MANTLE
Exalt’s player rolls (Charisma + Bureaucracy), adding his MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
character’s Essence in automatic successes. The Dragon-Blood Cost: 1m + 1m per dot lent; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence
must then assign the task to one or more mortal individuals who 3; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Servitude,
are in some way subservient to him (employees, military Touch; Duration: Special; Prerequisite Charms: Geese-
subordinates, junior clerks, etc.). Each mortal who is present Flying-South Administration, Benevolent Master’s Blessing
when the task is assigned and whose highest MDV is less than The Terrestrial Reinforcement Charm for Bureaucracy
the successes achieved on the dice roll instantly gains a loyalty permits a Dragon-Blood to supernaturally augment the
toward quickly and efficiently completing the named task. Also, Bureaucracy skills of trusted retainers. Ultimately, however, the
any affected mortal may add the Dragon-Blood’s Essence to her Dragon-Blood must trust to the personal judgment of such
MDV when resisting either natural or unnatural attempts to retainers in doing their jobs unless she micro-manages their
divert her from working to fulfill the task. Furthermore, the work, a task beneath the dignity of busy Exalt. With this Charm,
loyalty is contagious in nature. Even a mortal who is not present the Exalt can designate a single trusted mortal to serve as her
when the Dragon-Blood activates this Charm will gain both a proxy in business matters. For the duration of the Charm, the
loyalty toward completing the task and the MDV Essence bonus proxy will have the Dragon-Blood’s Bureaucracy Ability rating,
if he is assigned to work on it by a superior and his MDV is less and the cost of the Charm is one mote plus one for every dot
than the Dragon-Blood’s successes. The Charm’s effects last that the proxy’s rating is improved. This Essence is committed
until the task is complete or until three months have past, for the duration of the Charm, which is equal to one week per
whichever comes first. success achieved by the Dragon-Blood’s player on a
The Charm can affect a given mortal only once for a single (Perception + Bureaucracy) roll. The Exalt can terminate the
task, and if her MDV exceeds the Dragon-Blood’s successes, Charm at any time, but the Essence spent is committed until the
she will be under no particular obligation to complete the task, Charm ends. This Charm is completely ineffective on
nor will she gain any particular immunity against attempts to supernatural beings.
dissuade her. This does not mean that she cannot work freely on In addition to an improved Bureaucracy rating, the proxy
the task, which might be a normal part of her job, but she is not automatically develops a Motivation to faithfully serve the
compelled to do so. On the other hand, if a mortal’s MDV does Dragon-Blood for the duration of the Charm. This new
not exceed the Dragon-Blood’s successes, the mortal can resist Motivation completely supplants any prior Motivation
only by spending a number of Willpower points equal to the possessed by the proxy as long as the Charm lasts. Most
Dragon-Blood’s Essence. Mortals who are not affected by the importantly, the proxy need not guess how best to serve the
Charm do not act as vectors for transmission of the contagious Dragon-Blood’s interests, as he knows intuitively exactly what
loyalty, but those who are can “infect” new employees the Dragon-Blood would do if she were in his place.
throughout the duration of the Charm. The Charm confers one final benefit that is seldom
Exalted and spirits are utterly immune to the effects of discussed among the Dragon-Blooded, as its application is
Geese-Flying-South Administration, as are mortals who are not considered an affront to the Immaculate Philosophy. If the
part of the affected bureaucracy. Dragon-Blood dies while this Charm is still in effect, the
In addition to providing tangible protection for workers Dragon-Blood may transfer the remains of her consciousness to
against sabotage by the Exalt’s enemies, this Charm can also be the proxy, seizing total control of his mind and body. (Doing so
used in the context of long social actions. By simply declaring requires a successful reflexive Willpower roll.) She retains all
the use of this Charm, the Dragon-Blood will find at the of her memories and her normal Bureaucracy rating but none of
conclusion of the task that the results are even better than he her prior supernatural abilities. She can remain “alive” in the
could have hoped. Monetary profits from the venture increase proxy’s body until the Charm would normally end, at which
by an additional one percent per success on an (Intelligence + time her soul moves on to enter the cycle of reincarnation and
Bureaucracy) roll. The exchange of commodities results in an the proxy is left a mindless, soulless husk, as if he had been a
additional two percent more goods acquired per success on the victim of the Fair Folk. Although this aspect of the Charm can
roll. Conscription and other recruitment measures are likewise allow a Dragon-Blood to fulfill some final task (often including
improved by two percent per success on a (Charisma + avenging her own death), the Immaculate Order considers it a

blasphemous and arrogant attempt to delay one’s reincarnation. Cost: 2m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Therefore, surviving proxies are often preemptively executed by Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Compulsion; Duration: One
the Dragon-Blood’s family as a precautionary measure before scene; Prerequisite Charms: None
any scandal might attach. Sometimes, even the Princes of the Earth are forced to
A touched mortal can pay 2wp to avoid the unnatural haggle over the sale or purchase of goods or over the fine
influence of this Charm, but must do so at the time of details of a contract. On such occasions, this Charm is
activation. It is not possible to reactivate the Charm while using invaluable, as it lets the Exalt peer deep into the heart of the
it. Transferring the Exalt's soul in the moment of death is an person with whom she is bargaining to determine how much the
irresistible total control effect; the deceased uses the host's person is willing to pay or what he is willing to concede to
Physical Attributes and Appearance, but otherwise has her own allow the deal to be made. The Exalt’s player must roll (Wits +
non-magical traits while possessing her subordinate. The Bureaucracy) adding a number of successes to the activation
Willpower rating of a spent vessel drops to 0. Dragon-Blooded roll equal to the Exalt's Essence rating (or twice that number if
descendants are also viable targets of this Charm, but can't be targeting a descendant). The number of successes remaining
possessed. after applying the target's Dodge MDV (the attack is
unblockable) determines what the Terrestrial learns. With one
THRASHING CARP SERENADE success, the character knows whether the current offer on the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata table is half or more of the target’s minimum or maximum
Cost: 3m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple; offer. With two successes, the Exalt can identify the other
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite party’s limit within 10 percent. Three or more successes allow
Charms: Any Bureaucracy Excellency the Exalt to know exactly how much the other party is willing to
As the Immaculate Texts say: “That which can be facilitated pay or what is the lowest sum he will accept.
can also be impeded.” This is as true for bureaucracies as If the Exalt pays a price that he learns is acceptable before
anything else to which a Dragon-Blood applies himself. the Charm ends, the target must accept the deal unless she pays
Upon activation, the Exalt targets an organization. For the 2wp to resist the Charm's unnatural influence (which
duration of the Charm, whenever any member of the targeted prematurely ends it).
organization who can perceive the Exalt takes any action that
directly advances the group's official agenda, that action suffers THOUGHTFUL GIFT TECHNIQUE
an external penalty of the Exalt's Bureaucracy rating. This does MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
not apply to actions taken in personal or mass combat. It is not Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 2; Type:
immediately evident that the Terrestrial is the source of the Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Servitude;
disruption. Only the highest penalty among all uses of this Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Finding the Water’s
Charm applies to any action. Depths
This Charm duplicates the effects of the Solar Charm Know
TESTING THE WATERS the Soul's Price with the following exceptions: the activation
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata roll is (Perception + Bureaucracy) and the target is free after
Cost: 3m; Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple; spending a total of 5wp. Also, the Charm exerts no Servitude
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite when targeting a character with an Essence rating more than
Charms: Thrashing Carp Serenade one dot higher than the Terrestrial unless the target is the
In any political setting, from the storied halls of the character's sibling, parent or child. The Exalt may know what
Deliberative to humble town-council meetings, no insight is gifts are best for her elders, but this does not place them in her
more valuable than knowing in advance how everyone plans to debt when she shows due reverence and gratitude for their daily
vote. To the Terrestrial Exalt, such knowledge is as plain as the beneficence.
nose on each voter’s face. With but a single glance around the
room, a Dragon-Blood who exercises this Charm can instantly DISTRACTION OF THE BABBLING BROOK
know what the outcome would be if the issue currently under MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
discussion were brought to a vote. Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 2; Type:
The Exalt cannot perceive who exactly will vote for or Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion; Duration: Instant ;
against the proposition, but he can instantly tell how many yeas, Prerequisite Charms: Thoughtful Gift Technique
nays and abstentions would be recorded if the question were Anyone who is not proficient at the arts of the deal is wise to
called. This Charm works only on groups of seven or more. be suspicious of any contract he does not fully understand. But
Also, since a person using this Charm is most likely still even the craftiest of traders should be suspicious of contracts
considering his vote, both the Dragon-Blood and anyone else with the Dragon-Blooded, some of whom can draft fine print
using this Charm register as an “abstention” on the vote tally. capable of ensnaring the most sophisticated Guild operative as
Voters with a dodge MDV greater than the Exalt's if he were a country bumpkin. A Dragon-Blood can conceal
(Perception + Bureaucracy) count as abstentions. The Charm penalty clauses, conditions, extra fees and almost any other sort
also can't analyze potential voters whom the Exalt can't of fine print into a contract without the other party noticing their
perceive, such as those who are not present for the meeting. presence until after he signs it. The added contract clauses must
Because the Charm extracts the information from the minds of be reasonably subtle, which may call for Storyteller discretion.
others rather than divining the future, it can predict the votes of This Charm can enchant any written contract already written
beings outside fate. or any spoken contract the Exalt plans to offer with his next
action. Either way, it requires an activation roll of (Wits +
FINDING THE WATER’S DEPTHS Bureaucracy), adding successes equal to the Exalt's Essence.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Anyone whose Dodge MDV is less than the number of
successes falls prey to the unnatural Illusion unless she pays

3wp to notice the truth for a scene. Higher Essence and use of Cost: 2m; Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple;
appropriate Celestial Charms also provides immunity as stated Keywords: None; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
in the Charm. Application of MDV replaces the listed roll for Charms: None
defense. The best criminals can conceal their crimes by suppressing
any feelings of guilt beneath a cool exterior. The Children of
DROWNING IN NEGOTIATION STYLE Daana’d, however, can look past the most placid surface to see
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata what lies within the depths of the criminal’s soul. After
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 3; Type: spending the requisite Essence, the Dragon-Blood’s player can
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; roll (Manipulation + Investigation). Even one success indicates
Prerequisite Charms: Distraction of the Babbling Brook to the Dragon-Blood which of the people currently before him
This Charm is not remotely as powerful as the oath- is suffering from the greatest guilt. This analysis is purely
swearing powers of the Eclipse and Moonshadow Castes. subjective, and sometimes, a suspect in a crime who feels guilt
Nevertheless, it is a potent aid in enforcing even the most over some unrelated misconduct might lead the investigator
odious of contract terms, even when the other party is astray. Also, this Charm is useless against true sociopaths who
determined to breach the contract outright rather than comply. feel no guilt whatsoever for their misdeeds. At the Storyteller’s
The Dragon-Blood must draft a written contract and then charge discretion, it might also fail to register the guilt of persons who
it with Essence. When the contract is signed, all parties are feel completely justified in committing their crimes, such as a
bound to comply with its terms on their face. A contract is not vigilante who has killed a particularly vile criminal.
binding unless the signatories do so of their own free will (i.e. A Storyteller should assess a character's actions against her
not compelled by unnatural influence). Less invasive coercion Virtue ratings, Intimacies and Motivation when assessing how
such as threats don't void a signature. It is not required for all much guilt she carries. The following tiers provide a basic
signatories to benefit from the contract. rubric for comparison: none, minimal (I'm not perfect, but I feel
The penalty for deliberate breach of contract is (Exalt's good about my deeds), slight (I harbor regrets, but nothing I
Essence rating at the time of activation)L unsoakable damage. can't live with), moderate (I don't think I'm a bad person, but I
A signatory has a number of days equal to her Essence rating to really screwed up in a way I can't get over), intense (No matter
fix an accidental breach to avoid this damage, but the what good I do, I can't atone for my mistakes and frequently
countdown only starts upon becoming aware of the error. brood on these failings), severe (I'm a bad person),
Also, all parties are subject to this penalty, including the overwhelming (I deserve death or worse for what I've done).
Dragon-Blood who drafted the contract. A contract can be
subject to both this Charm and Distraction of the Babbling FALSEHOOD UNEARTHING ATTITUDE
Brook, either employed by the same Dragon-Blood or two MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
different ones. Each Charm can be incorporated into a particular Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2; Type:
contract only once, however. Not even the Dragon-Blooded can Simple; Keywords: None; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
negate a contract unilaterally once it is signed, but any contract Charms: Scent-of-Crime Method
can be voided if all parties verbally agree to it. With this Charm, no attempt by a miscreant to muddy the
Essence 4+ makes this Charm holy, inflicting aggravated waters of an inquiry can obscure the Dragon-Blood’s natural
damage to creatures of darkness. clarity.
The Exalt can target a single individual and, after activating
HUMBLE EXEMPLAR ATTITUDE the Charm, instantly know for the rest of the scene if the
Lords of Creation individual is knowingly lying about some subject. The Charm
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 5, Essence 5; Type: cannot detect halftruths, skillful evasions or wrong answers
Simple; Keywords: Emotion, Martyr, Social; Duration: One founded on ignorance—the target must know that her statement
year; Prerequisite Charms: Bestow the Saffron Mantle, is unambiguously false. Also, if the target knows that she is
Testing the Waters under supernatural scrutiny, she can conceal a lie by spending
Although it is not the place of the Terrestrial Exalted to rule one point of Willpower per falsehood.
Creation, their honorable example can have a profound positive Finally, the Charm cannot detect lies uttered by a target
effect on others, inspiring shame in those who fail to live up to whose permanent Essence is equal to or higher than that of the
the standard. The Exalt may target an individual or social unit character who activated this Charm. To the character, any lies
with Essence or Magnitude (respectively) no greater than his detected register as a slight tingling sensation on the back of his
Bureaucracy, provided he addresses the individual or belongs to neck.
the unit and is not its leader. While this Charm remains active,
every social attack against the target that is intended to make it TAMPERING DETECTION TECHNIQUE
follow its Motivation or official Policy (rather than its current MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
course of action) is considered unnatural mental influence, Cost: 2m; Mins: Investigation 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
halving the target's MDV. The Martyr effect of this Charm Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms:
requires public suicide in the target's presence, but increases the Any Investigation Excellency
maximum target Essence/Magnitude to the Terrestrial's A character using this Charm can instantly tell if any object
(Bureaucracy + Essence) and the effect lasts until the target has been tampered with and how the tampering was done. This
changes its Motivation/Policy. includes both successful and unsuccessful attempts to pick a
lock, open a safe, search a desk, forge a signature or alter a
INVESTIGATION document. Only a single object can be studied at once per use of
the Charm, but every change made within the past year is
SCENT-OF-CRIME METHOD revealed. The Charm does not reveal who made the changes or
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata

why, and it gives only general information about when the Investigation) roll gives the Dragon-Blood the name and a one-
tampering occurred. sentence description of two of the target’s allies, contacts or
The use of any Charm to enhance an action that qualifies as employers, beginning with those most important to the target.
tampering forces a roll-off to determine if the Terrestrial The soldiers of the gods should not pry into the affairs of
discerns that action, even if that Charm is merely an Excellency. their betters. Beings with a higher Essence rating and all
Celestial Exalted are invalid targets of this Charm. All demons
BLOODHOUND’S NOSE TECHNIQUE are valid targets regardless of their Essence. The Charm never
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata reveals associates who are invalid targets.
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2; Type:
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; HOMEWARD TRAIL DISCOVERY METHOD
Prerequisite Charms: Scent-of-Crime Method, Tampering MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Detection Technique Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 3; Type:
The Dragon-Blood must first spend 10 minutes investigating Simple; Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
the scene of a crime (or any other event he wishes to Charms: Revelation of Associates Hunch
investigate). By simply meeting someone and coming with a few yards of
This charm allows the character to make a standard him, the Dragon-Blood can instantly know where the person’s
Investigation roll in a matter of seconds to find clues that would home is. Most commonly, “home” is the character’s primary
normally take ten minutes of careful searching, rolling residence. In the case of Exalted, or other characters with
(Intelligence + Investigation). If the roll yields any successes, significant holdings, the Charm identifies the place that the
the Exalt also receives a brief murky glimpse of whatever subject emotionally considers to be home. Alternatively, if the
individual the investigation is trying to locate (usually the subject has one or more manses, the highest-rated manse is
criminal responsible for a crime). This glimpse is not enough to considered the target’s primary residence. It is possible to ward
make an identification, but always contains clues that are a particular residence from discovery by this Charm through
relevant and useful in solving the mystery. The Charm sorcery, but doing so simply points to the target’s next most
automatically loses all roll-offs with other Charms that conceal emotionally attached home. The Charm can identify only a
evidence or otherwise contest its effects. building, not a particular apartment or room therein, and some
individuals, such as itinerant monks, wandering traders or the
CLEAR WATER PRANA impoverished might not register as having any home at all.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Knowing the location of a target's home yields direction and
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Investigation 5, Essence 3; Type: distance. If the Exalt already knows the location of the
Simple; Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite residence through other referents, the information is more
Charms: Tampering Detection Technique specific (e.g. "on Redstone Street a block south of the
As flowing water erodes dirt to reveal what lies buried intersection with Orchid Way"). The Charm cannot find
beneath, so does the Essence of the Princes of the Earth wash residences in another realm of existence.
away attempts at concealment to reveal what lies hidden. When
this Charm is activated, the Dragon-Blood’s Essence washes DREDGED MURMURS HUNCH
out over an area with a radius no bigger than her Essence in Lords of Creation
yards. The released Essence glows briefly whenever it Cost: 1m; Mins: Investigation 5, Essence 5, Breeding 3;
encounters anything that has been deliberately hidden. The Type: Simple; Keywords: Purity; Duration: Instant;
Charm cannot locate items that have simply been lost. Instead, Prerequisite Charms: Bloodhound's Nose Technique, Clear
someone must have deliberately hidden each item. Also, there is Water Prana
no guarantee that any items discovered will be relevant to the As the geomantic presence of the Elemental Dragons flows
current investigation. Therefore, if the Charm is used at the through every corner of Creation, Gaia's component souls
scene of a murder, it might reveal the victim’s stash of opium passively observe all that takes place within Creation's borders.
hidden under a floorboard or her jewels locked up in a The totality of this information is too much to consciously
concealed wall safe. The Charm will not detect items concealed absorb, even for a Primordial, but uncounted fragments sink
on someone’s person, nor will it reveal items hidden by into the murky depths of collective memory. By means of this
Celestial-level Charms or sorcery. Items concealed through Charm, a Dragon-Blood may lift some of that information to the
lesser magic can be detected if the Dragon-Blood’s player surface of his own mind.
succeeds in a resisted (Perception + permanent Essence) roll On activation, the Exalt poses a question and his player
against the Essence of the individual who used the concealing makes an (Investigation + Breeding) roll. Provided that some
magic. answer to the question has ever existed in Creation, the number
of successes rolled indicates the clarity of the intuitive hunch
REVELATION OF ASSOCIATES HUNCH the Dragon-Blood experiences, which is never a direct answer,
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata but rather a clue directing her toward the answer. With one
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2; Type: success, the clue is accurate but extremely cryptic. With three
Simple; Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite successes, the hunch provides useful but vague or incomplete
Charms: Any Investigation Excellency information. With five or more successes, the clue is a vital
Just as each individual drop of water in the ocean is piece of the puzzle, usually suggesting an angle of inquiry or
connected to every other drop of water, so is each person action the Exalt hadn't previously considered. Repeated use of
connected spiritually to those close to her, from friends to this Charm to explore the same topic yields no additional
family to accomplices. Upon meeting someone, the Dragon- information until the Exalt has made sense of prior clues, as
Blood can gain an intuitive knowledge of the person’s closest judged by the Storyteller.
associates. Each success by the player on a (Perception +

Ink Monkeys Cost: 1m; Mins: Larceny 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Cost: — (+5m); Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 4; Type: Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One minute; Prerequisite
Permanent; Keywords: Illusion; Duration: Permanent; Charms: Observer Awareness Method
Prerequisite Charms: Trackless Walk Style The ability to eavesdrop is the essence of effective spying,
To leave no trace of oneself at the scene of a crime is the and none are better at it than the Children of Daana’d. Use of
work of children. Master criminals and espionage agents among this Charm eliminates penalties from obstruction and makes
the Terrestrial Exalted may instead misdirect investigations sounds valid targets for Perception rolls to notice as though
toward their enemies. This Charm modifies its prerequisite; by such obstructions were not present. Wards against scrying block
activating Trackless Walk Style with a five mote surcharge, the this Charm.
Dragon-Blood may not only leave no trace of himself at a crime
scene, but will also arrange the scene to leave subtle clues NAKED THIEF STYLE
pointing toward the presence of another character of his choice. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Any failed Investigation roll to gather clues at the scene of the Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Larceny 4, Essence 2; Type:
crime where this Charm was used will provide a false positive Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One task;
response, indicating the presence and culpability of the selected Prerequisite Charms: Any Larceny Excellency
individual. This unnatural Illusion costs one point of Willpower This Charm allows the Dragon-Blood to exercise his
to see through, but characters normally do not attempt to do so larcenous intent when stripped of his tools or even the clothes
unless presented with contradictory evidence, such as an airtight on his back. The Exalt can fashion out of solidified Essence
alibi. simple tools for picking locks, cutting through bars or jimmying
doors. Use of the Charm negates all penalties for failing to have
LARCENY the right tools for a Larceny action (including all rolls of an
extended action). It also provides a +2 quality equipment bonus
OBSERVER AWARENESS METHOD that does not count toward Charm bonus limits.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 1m; Mins: Larceny 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive; WINDOW-IN-THE-DOOR TECHNIQUE
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Charms: None Cost: 2m; Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Officially, this Charm’s sole utility is to uncover spies and Keywords: None; Duration: Three ticks; Prerequisite
aid in preventing eavesdropping. Even the mere suggestion that Charms: Ears of the Snowy Owl, Naked Thief Style
this Charm is often used by Dragon-Blooded thieves, spies and A wise thief always seeks to know what she is getting into
assassins is a blasphemy to some Immaculate monks. With just before barging into a room or even opening a locked chest.
one success on a (Perception + Larceny) check, the Dragon- Such questions are answered for Dragon-Blooded who possess
Blood instantly knows if he is being watched. The (total number this Charm. After the character spends the Essence, a one-foot
of successes x 10) determines the radius in yards in which the radius area before his eyes becomes transparent, whether it is
Charm pinpoints the location of observers, but it can't pinpoint part of a door, a wall or a hidden safe. The maximum thickness
observers who are supernaturally concealed (just note their that can be penetrated with this Charm is one inch through
presence). metal, three inches through stone and six inches through
anything else. The magical materials cannot be penetrated with
TRACKLESS WALK STYLE the Charm and wards that block scrying stop this Charm.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata With Essence 3+, all measurements upgrade to yards instead
Cost: 2m; Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; of feet or inches. Only the Terrestrial sees through matter
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite affected by this Charm; others perceive its usual opacity.
Charms: Observer Awareness Method
Notwithstanding the claims of Immaculate theology, IMPOSTER’S VOICE TECHNIQUE
Dragon-Bloods do make excellent spies and assassins, and all of MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
the Great Houses have scions skilled at evading detection. Cost: 2m; Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 2; Type: War;
While this Charm is in effect, the Dragon-Blood will leave Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
absolutely no physical evidence of her identity at a location, Charms: None
such as a crime scene or the like. The Dragon-Blood will leave This Charm elevates common mimicry to supernatural
neither footprints nor fingerprints, even if he walks through levels. For the duration of a scene, the Dragon-Blood using this
mud or handles a sticky substance. Not so much as a single Charm can perfectly duplicate another person’s voice or the
strand of hair will be left behind. The only exception is a clue sound of any animal, spirit or other creature, as well any other
that the Dragon-Blood may choose to leave at a crime scene, sound he hears. The character must have heard the voice or
such as a calling card. Such deliberate clues can be left without sound at least once, and his player must succeed on a
otherwise weakening the Charm’s effect. (Perception + Larceny) roll for the character to properly
Use of this Charm thwarts non-magical tracking attempts, remember all of the sound’s nuances. The difficulty of the roll
but does not affect the resolution of supernatural tracking is determined by the nature of the sound to be duplicated.
contests against Celestial Charms or comparable powers. Any Duplicating the voice of a person is generally only difficulty 1,
Investigation roll to find clues at a crime scene protected by this while mimicking an unusual animal might require two or three
Charm suffers an external penalty of the Dragon-Blood's successes. Imitating the sound of a three-mouthed god who
Larceny rating. speaks only in music might have a difficulty of 5. This Charm
will not duplicate any supernatural effects associated with the
EARS OF THE SNOWY OWL sound duplicated, such as an animal roar that invokes

supernatural fear, and each different sound to be imitated This Charm, the use of which is highly illegal in both the
requires a new use of the Charm. The Charm will automatically Realm and Lookshy, permits a devious character to control a
fool any animals trained to respond only to the voice of the single event during the course of any game of chance, from a
person imitated, and it will automatically fool any person, single throw of the dice to the draw of a single card. The
including the closest associates of the person imitated, unless a Dragon-Blood using this Charm must be the one throwing the
listener is using a Charm or spell that improves hearing. dice or drawing the card in order to get any benefit. Each new
The disguise created by this Charm is purely auditory, but roll or draw demands a different use of this Charm, and frequent
infallible to those without supernatural senses to pierce it. Using uses can exhaust the character’s Essence pool rapidly.
this Charm to disrupt a unit's relays requires concealment and This Charm enhances a non-magical effort to cheat in ways
close proximity (generally restricting it to solo unit saboteurs), that that are possible (if highly improbable), ensuring the
but the unit is considered to have (Exalt's Larceny rating) fewer desired result. It does not alter probability or otherwise interact
relays for the purposes of communication failure until the with fate.
commander successfully rallies for organization to make the
unit immune for a scene. FLOOD OF VICTORY PRANA
Wood Aspects have access to a Performance Charm called MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
New Voice Technique, which is functionally identical to this Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
one except that it requires Performance 3 instead of Larceny 3. Keywords: None; Duration: One game; Prerequisite
Charms: Perfect Gambling Prana
PRECISE INK TECHNIQUE The pinnacle of the art of illegal gambling, this Charm
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata permits the Dragon-Blood to automatically win whatever game
Cost: 3m; Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; she is playing. The game in question must be a game of chance,
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One task; Prerequisite be it dice, cards, roulette or anything else in which luck is a
Charms: None determining factor. If two characters both use this Charm in the
This Charm is employed by spies and forgers across the same game, the one with the highest permanent Essence wins. If
Realm. A character using this Charm can duplicate both the both have the same Essence, the outcome of the game is
handwriting and writing style of another person. The character determined by opposed (Wits + Larceny) rolls. A Dynast caught
must either currently have a specimen of the writing to be using this Charm faces serious social censure. A Dragon-Blood
duplicated or else the player must succeed on a (Perception + in Lookshy is more likely to face criminal charges, while one
Larceny) roll, difficulty 2, to recall a sample of writing the foolish enough to use this Charm in a casino operated by a god
character has observed in the past. The Charm can be used to or Exalt risks a very unpleasant death.
forge anything from a simple signature to a document with a Cheating is accomplished in the same ways as Perfect
maximum number of pages equal to the Dragon-Blood’s Gambling Prana.
Essence. Therefore, while the Charm can easily be used to
falsify a legal document, writing an entire novel in the target’s FLOWING GOD-DRAGON STANCE
handwriting and style would require many repeated uses of the Lords of Creation
Charm. It is impossible to tell the forgery from the target’s Cost: 5m + lm per ally, 1wp; Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 5;
normal handwriting by any mundane means. If Charms or Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0); Keywords: Combo-OK;
similar magic are brought to bear on the forgery, the difficulty Duration: One day; Prerequisite Charms: Window-in-the-
for any roll for a person analyzing the document to discover the Door Technique
truth is increased by an amount equal to the Dragon-Blood’s It is the nature of water to flow around all obstacles
Essence. unchanged, and so it is for a Dragon-Blood with this Charm.
Upon activation, the Exalt's body and personal possessions
WATERS OF HONESTY METHOD dematerialize, though he remains visible to materialized
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata onlookers. While dematerialized, the character breathes the
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Larceny 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple; living Essence of Gaia instead of air, so he can "phase" through
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite solid or liquid objects without worry but cannot draw breath
Charms: None outside Creation. Additionally, attacks enhanced by Charms or
This simple Charm allows a Dragon-Blood observing some other magic besides Excellencies affect the character and any
kind of game or competition to instantly know if someone is passengers as if they were corporeal unless the Exalt has
cheating and how the cheating is being accomplished. The Essence 6+.
Dragon-Blood can observe only one game or competition at a The character may share the benefits of this Charm with as
time, but the Charm can be used on any such event, from many willing allies as he has dots of Essence, provided all join
footraces to duels to any type of dice or card game. hands at the time of activation. If the Exalt ends the Charm or
If observed cheating attempt is accomplished or hidden via dies, all passengers have one action to vacate any solid objects
Charms, standard roll-off determines whether Waters of before they materialize once more with whatever horrific
Honesty Method functions (with a +5 success bonus given to consequences the Storyteller can devise.
the opposing magic).
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata DRAGON-CLAW ELEMENTAL STRIKE
Cost: 4m; Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive; MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type:
Charms: Waters of Honesty Method Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Obvious;
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Become the Hammer

The Dragon-Blood’s intimate connection with the Elemental but deactivates if the Exalt goes ashore. With Essence 3+, it
Dragons permits her to inflict an elemental effect in conjunction works in any terrain.
with her hand-to-hand attacks. On a successful barehanded
attack, the Dragon-Blood may also inflict an elemental effect STORM-OUTRUNNING TECHNIQUE
appropriate to her aspect on the target. MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Air directs a mighty burst of wind at the target, forcing his Cost: 3m; Mins: Sail 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
player to roll (Dexterity + Athletics), difficulty 4, to keep the Keywords: None; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
character from falling. Charms: Hurricane-Predicting Glance
Earth roots the target to the spot, preventing him from The Children of Daana’d are one with the oceans, and the
moving and inflicting a -2 penalty on his DDV and any actions winds and waves respond to their call. For the duration of a
he takes until the Dragon-Blood’s next action. scene, the Dragon-Blood can enhance any Sail vehicle,
Fire sets the target ablaze for a single action, inflicting four doubling the speed of its propulsion. Vehicles lacking
levels of lethal damage in addition to the Dragon-Blood’s propulsion receive no benefit; a massive caravan wagon without
normal damage dice pool. teams of yeddim to pull it is as helpless as a becalmed ship.
Water fills the target’s lungs with seawater, adding three If the ship is forced to take a path through dangerous waters
ticks before his next action due to violent coughing. at its accelerated speed, Sail rolls may be required to maintain
Wood poisons the target’s blood, causing him to suffer a -1 control of the ship and keep it from running aground. This
penalty on all actions for the scene if he fails a reflexive Charm has absolutely no effect if the ship is totally becalmed. It
(Stamina + Resistance) roll. can double the current speed of a ship, but it cannot cause a ship
This Charm is actually a cluster of Charms, one for each of to move without any wind or current at all.
the five elements. A Dragon-Blood can learn multiple versions Solar and Abyssal counterparts of this Charm exist named
of this Charm (and even combine two or more into a Combo), Fleet-Outrunning Flagship and Wave-Slicing Keel Method,
but he must learn the one associated with his aspect element both of which have Indefinite Duration, require Any Sail
first. Regardless of which version is used, the Charm is always Excellency as a prerequisite and do not require any extra Sail
considered a Water Aspect Charm for purposes of determining checks to traverse dangerous waters.
whether the one-mote surcharge for out-of-aspect Charms
applies. Therefore, a Fire Aspect who puts the Fire, Water and FINE PASSAGE NEGOTIATING STYLE
Wood versions of the Charm into a single Combo must pay a MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
total Essence cost of six motes (one mote per individual Charm Cost: 3m; Mins: Sail 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive;
plus one surcharge mote per Charm), while a Water Aspect with Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
the same Combo need pay only three motes. Charms: Hurricane-Predicting Glance
Being one with the ocean also attunes the Dragon-Blood to
SAIL what lies beneath it. For the duration of a scene, the Dragon-
Blood intuitively knows of any submerged hazards within five
HURRICANE-PREDICTING GLANCE miles of her current location (assuming she is at sea, of course),
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata effectively adding three dice to any Sail rolls that involve
Cost: 1m; Mins: Sail 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple; navigating through such hazards. The Charm does not
Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: automatically protect the ship from harm. A bad roll by the
None player might still cause the ship to be ripped asunder. Also, the
With a glance toward the western sky and a quick whiff of Charm only gives an awareness of submerged static hazards. It
the sea salt in the air, the Dragon-Blood can flawlessly predict gives no insight into the actions of the band of pirates preparing
the course of the weather for the day by intuitively sensing the an ambush, the oncoming Resplendent Dolphin Undersea
currents of the ocean and the air. The Charm will not help the Courier full of Anathema or the hungry aquatic behemoth
Dragon-Blood predict supernatural changes to the weather approaching from the depths.
made after her prediction, but can detect impending changes to With Essence 3+, this Charm adapts itself to map the terrain
the weather caused by magic that has already been activated at hazards appropriate to a Sail vehicle the Exalt is aboard (so a
the time the Terrestrial checks. It can, however, sometimes skyship crewmember could sense turbulence and topographical
predict phenomena related in some way to the weather or to the features that rise high enough to pose a crash risk, etc.).
seas, such as deducing when an enemy fleet is most likely to
leave port by knowing the tidal patterns or predicting an STURDY BULKHEAD CONCENTRATION
earthquake by foreseeing the tsunami it will cause. In order to MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
use this Charm, the Dragon-Blood must be on water. It Cost: 3m; Mins: Sail 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
automatically fails when she is standing on land. Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
With Essence 2, the Charm functions above water aboard an Charms: Fine Passage Negotiating Style
aerial vehicle piloted with Sail. With Essence 3+, it functions While Fine Passage Negotiating Style can warn an attentive
onboard any Sail vehicle without needing water. Dragon-Blood of approaching hazards capable of tearing the
ship asunder, such hazards are not always avoidable. At such
SEVEN SEAS WIND-LURING CHANTY times, Dragon-Blooded at sea are grateful for this Charm, which
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata can augment the integrity of a ship’s hull without reducing the
Cost: 5m; Mins: Sail 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple; ship’s speed.
Keywords: None; Duration: One hour; Prerequisite Charms: When a character uses this Charm on a ship, its hull gains
Hurricane-Predicting Glance three Undamaged health levels and two additional soak. When
As per Harmonious Wind-Luring Song. This Charm these levels are gained or vanish with the Charm's deactivation,
functions on or above any body of water at least a mile across, reapply the vehicle's current damage to its new health track. The

soak bonus adds directly to bashing and lethal armor. Use of DRAGON CREW MEDITATION
this Charm by separate Dragon-Blooded to enhance the same Thousand Correct Action
vehicle is permissible, but a character cannot use the Charm if Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Sail 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple;
the total number of extant activations exceeds his Sail rating. Keywords: Cooperative; Duration: Until disembarking;
Any Sail vehicle is a valid target of this Charm. Prerequisite Charms: Fine Passage Negotiating Style
The Dragons demand service from the ships aboard which
DECK-STRIDING TECHNIQUE they serve. Upon activating this Charm aboard a Sail vehicle,
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata the Dragon-Blood falls into a deep trance and his eyes glaze
Cost: 3m (or 6m); Mins: Sail 3 (or 5), Essence 2; Type: over. His awareness becomes diffused throughout the vessel,
Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, (Obvious), Leader 4, allowing him to notice events as though he were present at
Touch; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: None every point in the vehicle.
A ship can be hazardous terrain even in the calmest of seas, More importantly, the Exalt can use his actions to mentally
as sailors constantly risk falling from the rigging, slipping on a control any part of the vehicle that standard crew could operate,
wet deck or getting knocked overboard during rough seas. This such as piloting, unfurling sails, manning weapons
Charm can negate such risks for both the Exalt and his emplacements and so on. If the vehicle is owned and captained
crewmates. While this Charm is in effect, the Dragon-Blood can by a Celestial Exalt, she and the Terrestrial can telepathically
make any normal movements across the deck of a ship or up communicate with one another, as long as they share a language
and down its rigging without any possibility of falling, even in and the captain doesn’t travel more than a mile from her ship.
the roughest seas or while the ship is under attack. The Charm Up to five Terrestrials can use this Charm cooperatively, in
also totally negates any movement penalties associated with which case they know each other’s surface thoughts so that they
environmental effects such as ice, snow, water or motion. can efficiently divide labor, may reflexively donate motes to
This Charm does not normally permit the sailor to perform one another at will and provide each other limited cooperation
impossible feats such as walking along the side of a ship’s hull bonuses on all crew-related tasks. A single user of this Charm
or up the canvas of its billowing sails. However, if the Dragon- can control a non-magical craft or one rated Artifact 1; each
Blood has Sail 5 and spends six motes instead of three, even additional Cooperative participant raises the Artifact rating that
these limits are overcome, allowing him to perform impossible the group can collectively manage. Use of this Charm does not
feats such as standing horizontally on the ship’s mast or upside obviate the need for crew, it just allows Terrestrials to be
down from the bottom of its crow’s nest. The sole limitation is wherever they are most needed.
that this Charm can be used only aboard a ship of some sort,

although exotic vessels such as Haslanti air boats count as
ships. In addition to granting the aforementioned benefits of
either version to himself, the Dragon-Blood can also grant them
to anyone else provided he pays the same amount of Essence
and touches the person to be affected.
The Leader effect of this Charm extends its benefits to
Magnitude (Essence rating) crewmembers of a naval unit under DRAGON-GRACED ARROW
the Exalt's command. Any Sail vehicle is a valid target of this MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Charm. Cost: 1m; Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2; Type:
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Leader,
WAVES LIKE CLOUDS VOYAGE Obvious; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: None
Lords of Creation With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can channel the power
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Sail 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple; of his aligned element into a shaft and unleash it on a target. On
Keywords: Obvious; Duration: One day; Prerequisite a successful Archery attack, the Dragon-Blood may also inflict
Charms: Seven Seas Wind-Luring Chanty, Storm-Outrunning an elemental effect appropriate to his aspect on the target.
Technique, Sturdy Bulkhead Concentration, Deck-Striding Air buffets the target, subtracting two dice from his next
Technique action.
Speeding a ship for a quick burst has its uses, but most Earth triggers a tremor beneath the target’s feet, forcing his
journeys are long-term endeavors. Once the Dragon-Blood player to successfully roll (Dexterity + Athletics), difficulty 4,
activates this Charm onboard a vessel, his anima releases a to keep him from falling.
pulse of liquid energy that enfolds the contours of the ship in a Fire sets the target ablaze for an action, inflicting four levels
bubble extending five yards from the hull. This energy gently of lethal damage.
drags the vessel beneath the waves while allowing it and Water fills the target’s lungs with seawater, adding three
everyone aboard to operate as if protected by a Water Aspect ticks before his next action due to violent coughing.
anima. While so submerged, the ship moves at twice its normal Wood delivers a dose of poison if it hits with: Damage
speed and may take full advantage of its three-dimensional 4L/action, Toxicity (Exalt's Essence rating), Penalty -0.
environment through normal propulsion (using currents instead Only one use of this Charm can enhance an individual
of wind to fill sails). Crew unwise enough to leave the safety of attack, but repeated use can enhance any number of attacks
the bubble had better hope they are close enough to the surface made as part of a flurry. Each additional purchase of this Charm
to reach air before they drown. If the Exalt dies or fails to renew after the first adds an additional element beyond the character's
the Charm each day, the protection ends, serving as a aspect. Every activation incorporates the Exalt's base element,
considerable deterrent to mutiny. This Charm can enchant a but can also incorporate any number of additional elements
skyship, allowing it to fly through the ocean with the unlocked with extra Charm purchases. The total cost to activate
aforementioned benefits. the Charm is half the number of elements unleashed, all of
which provide their usual power.

SWALLOWS DEFEND THE NEST Cost: — (4m, 1wp); Mins: Archery 4, Essence 3; Type:
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Permanent; Keywords: Counterattack; Duration: Permanent;
Cost: 1m per arrow; Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2; Type: Prerequisite Charms: Seven-Year Swarm Volley
Extra Action; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 5; Duration: The Charm Dragonfly Finds Mate permits the Dragon-
Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Graced Arrow Blood to knock the projectiles of his enemies from the sky with
With this Charm, the Wood Aspect becomes one with her well-placed arrows. This Charm goes one better, as the Dragon-
bow and arrows, and she can transcend the normal limits of Blood’s arrow goes on to strike the foolish one who dared to
what is possible with both wood and sinew. The Dragon-Blood strike at a Prince of the Earth.
can fire multiple arrows on a single tick as part of a magical This Charm upgrades Dragonfly Finds Mate. If that Charm
flurry. Each arrow fired after the first costs one mote of Essence successfully parries an attack, the Exalt can pay an extra 4m,
but is fired with the Dragon-Blood’s full dice pool, ignoring 1wp during Step 9 to launch an unblockable, undodgeable
rate and has a total DV penalty equal to the highest penalty of counterattack that applies a number of successes to hit equal to
any attack.. The maximum number of arrows a Dragon-Blood the (parry successes rolled – original attack successes) in place
can fire as part of a single action is equal to his permanent of an attack roll. The attack otherwise uses the statistics of the
Essence. Terrestrial's weapon. Using Dragonfly Finds Mate this way
follows standard Dragon-Blooded Reflexive Charm rules.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata HARVEST OF THE HUNTER
Cost: 1m; Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
(Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration: Instant; Cost: 2m; Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Prerequisite Charms: Dragon-Graced Arrow Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
The peerless archery of this Wood Aspect is such that she Charms: Any Archery Excellency
can shoot projectiles out of the air, including arrows fired at her. The Children of Sextes Jylis rarely want for anything in the
If the Dragon-Blood wishes to deflect an incoming missile with forests they love, least of all ammunition. When the Dragon-
an arrow of her own, the player must roll (Dexterity + Archery) Blood requires arrows, he can approach any plant, from a
and compare the results to the attacker’s roll. The attack is common oak tree to exotic plants such as desert cacti or marsh
parried only if the player’s roll equals or exceeds the attacker. A reeds. Then, once he spends the requisite Essence, the plant will
partial parry achieves nothing. instantly “sprout” into a number of arrows equal to the Dragon-
Other characters may be protected with this Charm, Blood’s permanent Essence. The Dragon-Blood can summon
provided they are within the base range increment of the Exalt's any conventional type of arrow into existence, and the arrows
weapon. Used by any special character in a unit, the Charm can are perfectly normal, if somewhat strange-looking. The arrows
protect the entire unit or fellow officers within it. can be shared with any of the Dragon-Blood’s fellow archers.
With Essence 3+, the Charm can parry any ranged personal- With Essence 4+, this Charm may be used to harvest other
scale attack, even those lacking a solid component (such as a non-artifact Archery weapon ammunition from appropriate
blast of elemental Essence). Essence 4+ allows parrying of concentrations of elemental Essence, such as collecting
larger ranged attacks, such as from siege weapons and handfuls of firedust that spark out of a bonfire and fall to the
warstriders. earth. Collecting ammunition for immediate use requires a
standard draw weapon action.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata UNOBSTRUCTED HUNTER’S AIM
Cost: 3m, 1wp + 1m per person defended; Mins: Archery 4, MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Essence 2; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-Basic, Leader; Cost: 4m + 1wp (optional); Mins: Archery 4, Essence 3;
Duration: One action; Prerequisite Charms: Dragonfly Finds Type: Reflexive (Step 3); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader 4;
Mate Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Harvest of the
Having mastered the art of protecting himself from ranged Hunter
attacks by shooting projectiles out of the sky, the Dragon-Blood With this Charm, the archer and arrow truly become one, as
can now extend this protection to his allies. The Dragon-Blood the shaft can twist itself in flight to take a curved path toward its
must spend a base cost of three motes and one Willpower plus target, bypassing the enemy’s cover. An attack accompanied by
one mote per person to be protected, including himself. He must this Charm totally ignores all ranged cover modifiers granted by
also have two arrows per person handy. His player then rolls trees and wooden objects. Once charged with Essence, the
(Dexterity + Archery). For every success rolled, the DV of arrow passes effortlessly through plants, trees, even wooden
every protected ally increases by one against ranged attacks. shields and timber fortifications, regardless of their thickness. It
Once this Charm is in effect, the Dragon-Blood cannot take any cannot penetrate objects containing or reinforced with the
other actions (such as combining his defense with another magical materials, though.
action as part of a flurry), nor can he undertake any non- Furthermore, if the arrow cannot go through cover, it can try
reflexive actions until his next regular action, or else, the to go around it. If the Dragon-Blood spends +1wp in addition to
Charm’s effect ends immediately. the normal four motes of Essence, the arrow can alter its
The Charm protects those within the base range of the trajectory in mid-flight to curve around cover or find the tiniest
Exalt's weapon; it can also protect an entire unit or fellow eye slit in a reinforced bunker, negating any cover bonus,
officers within it if the Terrestrial is a special character. provided some indirect path exists to hit the enemy. If this
Charm enhances Elemental Bolt Attack or another Charm that
SPARROW DIVES AT HAWK creates an attack out of raw elemental Essence, the Exalt may
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata summon the destructive forces from an available source to

strike indirectly (like calling down lightning strikes from the Most Archery Charms are incompatible with large artifact
clouds). energy weapons. Not so for the Dragon-Blooded gunner who
possesses this Charm. By touching an artifact with a rating no
LIFE-SWELLING SAP STRIKE greater than the Exalt's Lore and activating this Charm (or
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata laying hands on the hull of a vehicle equipped with such
Cost: 3m; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3; Type: weapons), the Terrestrial's anima grows circuit-like patterns of
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Leader; vines that entwine and interface with the machinery as an
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Unobstructed obvious physical enhancement of the weapon. While active, all
Hunter’s Aim Dragon-Blooded Archery Charms are compatible with the
Of all the Immaculate Dragons, none was as implacable a artifact's attacks as if they were a personal-scale Archery
foe to the undead as Sextes Jylis, for it was his way as an weapon unless the Storyteller deems the Charm's effects
embodiment of life itself to oppose the forces of death. When a inapplicable by function. Some effects might need slight
Wood Aspect fires an arrow toward one of the undead and modification for scale at Storyteller discretion, such as using
activates this Charm, the arrow sprouts leaves in mid-flight Lore instead of Medicine to discharge the ongoing damage from
without affecting its trajectory. Upon striking an undead Ravenous Thorn Technique. This Charm cannot enchant
creature, it erupts into full bloom, ensnaring the foul thing in weapons that fire energies that are alien to Creation, such as
crushing vines. As a result of this magic, the arrow inflicts pyre flame or Ligier's light.
aggravated damage on its undead target instead of lethal. This
Charm is equally as useful against materialized ghosts, DRAGON ARTILLERY SHOT
nemissaries and hungry ghosts. It has no special effect against Thousand Correct Action
Abyssals, Deathlords or the living, however, though a Cost: —; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent;
successful hit still inflicts normal damage. Keywords: Obvious, War; Duration: Permanent; Prerequisite
The term “undead” encompasses ghosts, walking dead and Charms: Dragon-Graced Arrow
necromantic war machines. Incorporeal undead are hit by the A Terrestrial with this Charm can apply Dragon-Blooded
attack as though solid. Archery Charms to enhance or provide ammunition for any
With Essence 4+, all creatures of darkness with an equal or non-magical Archery weapon she wields regardless of its scale
lesser Essence rating to the Terrestrial suffer as undead. A (such as catapults, ballistae, etc.). Applying Dragon-Graced
complementary unit must be chiefly comprised of undead to be Arrow to a large projectile causes the elemental Essence to
a valid target. explode on impact, imposing its elemental power on all
individuals and complementary units within a radius of
RAVENOUS THORN TECHNIQUE (Essence x 5) yards as a one-time environmental hazard. Extra
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata action Charms cost double the usual motes and an extra
Cost: 3m; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3; Type: Willpower point to activate, and are automatically Obvious
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious; Duration: when used this way. Ravenous Thorn Technique costs 10m,
Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Life-Swelling Sap Strike 1wp to enhance artillery attacks; the boring missile inflicts its
With this Charm, the Wood Aspect can breathe new life into entire base damage at each interval and requires Craft (Earth) in
a wooden shaft, causing it to sprout writhing vines and hungry place of Medicine to remove it.
roots the instant it strikes its target. The arrow inflicts its normal
damage, and if the archer’s initial attack causes any damage to MEDICINE
the target at all, the arrow sprouts roots and creepers that bore
into the target’s body. These tendrils inflict additional damage INFECTION-BANISHING PRANA
equal to the base damage of the projectile without any Strength MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
modifiers and has the appropriate type (a minimum of 1L) on Cost: 1m; Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
the tick upon which the arrow strikes. This additional damage Keywords: Touch; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms:
ignores armor and may be soaked only with Stamina and other None
natural soak. The arrow inflicts this damage again five ticks Even a person who survives brutal injuries can still suffer
later and again every five ticks thereafter until it is removed or and die from the deadly infections that accompany such injuries
until it inflicts the extra damage a total number of times equal to unless he is protected by the blessings of the Elemental
the archer’s permanent Essence. For projectiles that do not have Dragons.
a listed damage less than the weapon itself (such as firewand The Dragon-Blood can instantly cure any existing infection
blasts), the damage at each interval is 4 dice. with a touch and the expenditure of a single mote of Essence.
The extra damage inflicted cannot be healed until the arrow Furthermore, wounded persons treated with this Charm will not
is removed, which requires a (Dexterity + Medicine) roll with a become infected in the future as a result of any wounds they had
difficulty equal to the permanent Essence of the archer. Retry when the Charm was used. This Charm does not heal the
penalties apply to efforts to remove the embedded projectile and wounds that initially led to the infection, nor does it protect the
accumulate with each would-be surgeon's failure. patient from infections springing from future wounds.
With Essence 4+, this Charm can also treat magical
ESSENCE THORN CANNONADE infections (but not other types of diseases), provided the Exalt's
Lords of Creation Medicine and Essence ratings are both higher than the Essence
Cost: 3m per weapon, 1wp; Mins: Archery 5, Essence 5; rating of the infection's source.
Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious; Duration:
One day; Prerequisite Charms: Swallows Defend the Nest, DREAD INFECTION STRIKE
Sparrow Dives at Hawk, Ravenous Thorn Technique MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata

Cost: 2m; Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive This Charm can be used on another just as easily as the
(Step 1); Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness; Duration: Instant; Exalt uses it on herself.
Prerequisite Charms: Infection-Banishing Prana
Medicinal knowledge can kill as well as heal, infect as well GRIEVOUS WOUND ALTERATION ENERGY
as purify. The Dragon-Blood using this Charm can enchant any MoEP: Dragon-Blooded
physical attack that successfully inflicts non-bashing damage. Cost: 3m and 1wp per ahl converted; Mins: Medicine 5,
When this Charm is invoked, the difficulty to resist infection Essence 3; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch;
from a lethal wound inflicted by the Dragon-Blood increases by Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Wound-Closing
two, even for Exalted. The Essence must be spent before the Touch
attack roll, and the attack must inflict at least one level of lethal With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can cause himself or
damage or the Essence is wasted. Using this Charm against a someone else to more quickly heal even the most serious of
fellow Dragon-Blood is a sure way for the character to win injuries.
enemies for himself, as there is no weapon more hated or feared For every three motes spent, the Dragon-Blood can convert
in the Age of Sorrows than disease. This Charm is explicitly one level of aggravated damage into lethal damage. Healing
allowed to be used in Combos with Charms of other Abilities. even one level of damage also automatically closes any
With Essence 3+, infection is automatic and must be bleeding wounds. This Charm can be used on someone else just
overcome normally. as easily as the Exalt uses it on himself. The Dragon-Blood
must spend one Willpower per aggravated health level
DISEASE-BANISHING TECHNIQUE converted. Damage converted from aggravated to lethal can be
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata further transformed into simple bashing damage through a
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 2; Type: subsequent application of Wound-Closing Touch.
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch; Duration: Instant;
Prerequisite Charms: Infection-Banishing Prana MADNESS-ANALYZING STARE
This Charm elevates the Wood Aspects to the status of MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
healers of legend, although its failure during the time of the Cost: 3m; Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
Great Contagion was a mighty blow to the Wood Aspects’ Keywords: None; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms:
collective pride. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can cure any Infection-Banishing Prana
non-magical disease with a touch. She must first make an There is more to the healing arts than rejuvenation of the
ordinary diagnosis with her Medicine Ability prior to body. A good physician must also tend to his patient’s mind.
attempting to heal the disease, as she must understand what This Charm can diagnose any externally-imposed conditions
kind of plague confronts her. If the diagnosis is successful, the that negatively affect the patient's mind, as well as all insanity
Dragon-Blood need only spend the Essence and Willpower and arising from external trauma or poor health. Such influences can
touch her patient to purge the illness from the patient’s body. include mind-effecting sorcery or Charms causing unnatural
This purge is quite violent, and the patient is likely to convulse mental influence, as well as derangements. Having Virtues with
and expel the sickness, in the form of a repulsive ichor from his a rating of 1 is considered madness.
mouth, nose and elsewhere as soon as the Charm takes effect. If The Dragon-Blood’s player must roll (Perception +
this occurs during combat, the patient is automatically rendered Medicine) at a difficulty of 2. If the roll is successful, the Exalt
inactive for a number of actions equal to the disease’s Treated can detect the existence of any external influences on the target
Morbidity (see Exalted, p. 350). The Dragon-Blood can cure a as well as the nature of any derangements. With four or more
magical disease only if his permanent Essence equals or successes, the Dragon-Blood can trace external magical
exceeds the Magical Treatment Difficulty for the illness, and no influences back to their source or instantly understand the root
Dragon-Blood is capable of curing the Great Contagion with cause of any natural derangement (adding two dice to any
this Charm. subsequent attempt to cure the patient of her mental illness).
When time is of the essence, this Charm may alternately The Dragon-Blood cannot use this power on himself. The
accomplish a standard diagnosis action in the span of time used Charm can diagnose a patient suffering from a low-Willpower
to activate it and touch the patient. This only detects physical compulsion and even identify the approximate nature of any
diseases, does not ensure a successful diagnosis and requires a Exalt’s Virtue Flaw while he is in Limit Break, but it can
second activation to administer treatment. The agony of purging neither diagnose nor aid in curing any aspect of the Great Curse.
a disease is a Crippling effect that only lasts one action. Learning the source of a particular effect means it becomes
Obvious to the Exalt, not that he knows who specifically caused
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 2m per lhl converted, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 4, VERDANT CURTAIN OF SERENITY
Essence 3; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch; MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Disease-Banishing Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 3; Type:
Technique Reflexive (Step 2); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; Duration:
With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can instantly staunch One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Madness-Analyzing State
the bleeding of herself or someone else and also facilitate the As per Granite Curtain of Serenity.
healing of wounds. For every two motes spent, the Dragon-
Blooded can convert one lethal wound level into a bashing PURITY OF MIND METHOD
level. This Charm can heal a patient's Dying levels of lethal MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
damage outright (instead of converting them to bashing). Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 3; Type:
Healing all Dying levels stabilizes the patient at Incapacitated. Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch; Duration: Instant;

Prerequisite Charms: Wound-Closing Touch, Madness- aspect, but must pay it for her old aspect. If the Dragon-Blood
Analyzing Stare has mastered an out-of-aspect Glorious Dragon Style, she can
With a simple kiss to the patient’s forehead, the Dragon- still use Charms of that aspect without paying a surcharge, and
Blood can exert mastery over the illness that plagues the she cannot change her “extra” aspect with this Charm. Only her
patient’s mind. natural aspect is affected.
This Charm can instantly remove any normally acquired The character can end the effects of this Charm on any tick
derangement from the patient. The Dragon-Blood must first during the scene as a reflexive action, but doing so will instantly
have used Madness-Analyzing Stare to isolate the root cause of terminate any benefits gained from the use of the new anima
the patient’s mental problems, and the Charm must be used power. Because the Charm lasts for only a scene, it cannot
multiple times if the patient has multiple maladies. In addition affect which Abilities are considered favored by the character
to normal derangements, the Charm will instantly end the for experience cost or training time purposes. Many elemental
effects of any Charms exerting unnatural mental influence over Charms have different effects depending on the aspect of the
the patient except for Servitude effects. The Dragon-Blood must Dragon-Blood who uses them.
spend 10 motes instead of five in order to defeat a mental Some only allow a Dragon-Blood to use the version
influence Charm used by a Celestial Exalt. associated with her normal aspect, while others represent a
This Charm cannot cure influence imposed by Adamant or cluster of five elemental Charms that can all be learned
Obsidian spells and costs 10 motes when treating effects of independently. If a Dragon-Blood who deploys Most Beneficent
Sapphire or Onyx spells. This Charm has no power in the face Seed of the Five Dragons has any elemental Charms of the
of the Great Curse. former group, the aspect of those Charms switches to the
Treating a derangement mutation that offsets the cost of Exalt’s new aspect for the duration of the scene. If the Dragon-
positive mutations or otherwise provides “free” experience Blood has any Charms of the latter group (i.e., Charms that can
points requires that the patient pay the appropriate number of be learned for any aspect), those Charms are not altered.
experience points over time as a Training effect. This Charm is explicitly allowed to be included in Combos
along with Charms of other Abilities.
JADE CRUCIBLE METHOD Characters can't activate this Charm while holding more
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Peripheral motes than their Essence pools normally allow.
Cost: Special, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 4; Type:
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; TRANSCENDENT GAIAN HARMONY
Prerequisite Charms: Grievous Wound Alteration Energy, Lords of Creation
Purity of Mind Method Cost: None; Mins: Medicine 6, Essence 6, Breeding 5;
With this Charm, the Exalt approaches the Immaculate Type: Permanent; Keywords: Elemental, Purity; Duration:
Dragons themselves in his understanding of the Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: Most Beneficent Seed of the
interrelationship between the physical body and the Essence Five Dragons
that animates it. This Charm allows the Dragon-Blood to tap Beyond mere modulations of aspect, Transcendent Gaian
into the hidden wellspring of Essence within himself by Harmony exploits the inherent interconnectedness of the
sacrificing some of his own health and vitality to release new Elemental Dragons as part of a greater whole. Upon purchasing
Essence for more immediate use. The player of the character this Charm, the Exalt permanently gains the anima power of a
invoking this Charm must decide how many health levels are to chosen aspect and no longer has to pay the surcharge to use
be sacrificed in its activation. He then rolls (the character’s Charms of that aspect. Whenever he uses a Charm with
permanent Essence + Medicine). Each success on the roll grants different effects per aspect, he may choose which known
one mote of Peripheral Essence per health level expended. element to express. Charm clusters purchased separately by
The resulting damage to the Dragon-Blooded is considered element are not affected. This Charm does not actually change
lethal, and any resulting damage penalties do not apply until the Exalt's aspect, it merely permits incorporation of subsidiary
after the roll is made for this Charm. Essence gained in this way elements.
can increase the character’s Peripheral Essence pool in excess Characters can purchase this Charm once per dot of Essence
of its normal limit, but any such excess Essence is lost at the they have above 5, allowing a theoretical Essence 9 Dragon-
end of the scene. Blood to integrate all five elements. Savants postulate that a
sixth purchase might facilitate evolution into an entirely new
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 5; Type: VENOM EXPULSION METHOD
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Thousand Correct Action
Prerequisite Charms: Jade Crucible Method Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2; Type:
The Dragon-Blooded are each attuned to one of the five Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch; Duration:
elements, but like all living beings, each also contains a piece of Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Infection-Banishing Prana
all five elements. Having mastered the secrets of life itself, the This Charm functions identically to Disease-Banishing
Dragon-Blood who knows this Charm can cause the seed of any Technique, but removes Poison effects instead of Sickness and
of the five elements to blossom within herself. For the duration uses Toxicity in place of Magical Treatment difficulty for the
of this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can assume the elemental purpose of treating supernatural toxins.
aspect of any element other than the one to which she is
The Dragon-Blood’s anima power changes to that of the Thousand Correct Action
new element, and she will find that she need no longer pay the
one-mote surcharge for out-of-aspect Charms for the new

Cost: — (1m); Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 3; Type: The other combatants in the fight are not affected by this
Permanent; Keywords: Obvious; Duration: Permanent; illusion, and nothing prevents one of them breaking off the fight
Prerequisite Charms: Wound-Closing Touch to summon help while the others continue to fight. Anyone who
The Dragon-Blood can pay one mote when activating the knows for certain that the fight is real before the Charm is
Charm’s prerequisite to fill the patient’s body with a soft green activated (such as allies of the other combatants who were not
glow. No damage is actually mended, but the patient stops close enough to Join Battle at the time) is unaffected. Likewise,
bleeding and does not continue to die if mortally wounded. All anyone who arrives on the scene later during the fight with
Sickness and Poison effects also go into remission (as do new reason to believe the fight is real (such as allies who were
effects applied while the Charm is active), effectively “stopping summoned by a combatant who ran off to get help) is
the clock.” After a number of hours equal to the Terrestrial’s unaffected. If someone does arrive after the Charm’s activation,
Medicine rating or upon suffering new levels of damage, the however, the Dragon-Blooded can add him to the “mock fight”
patient must have a new infusion or her metabolism restarts with the reflexive expenditure of a single mote of Essence, so
(possibly with fatal results). that the arrival of new combatants will not break the Charm’s
hold on bystanders. This Charm does not fool characters with
PERFORMANCE an Essence rating higher than the character using the Charm,
nor does it affect any character whose Dodge MDV is higher
TALENTED IMPROVISATION than the Dragon-Blood’s (Performance + Essence). Resisting
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata the unnatural influence imposed by all activations of this Charm
Cost: 1m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 1; Type: for a scene costs 3wp.
Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; With Essence 3+, the Charm can hide any number of heroic
Prerequisite Charms: Any Performance Excellency characters. The Leader effect allows the character to hide his
There are a vast number of musical instruments in Creation, unit's involvement in mass combat, paying as if cloaking a
more than any single Exalt could ever completely master. With number of individuals equal to the total dots of Magnitude
this Charm, however, the Dragon-Blood can instantly become among all hidden units; a war can rage through the streets with
proficient (if not more so) at any single musical instrument. the citizens none the wiser.
For the duration of the scene, the Dragon-Blood cancels all
external penalties that apply to Performance rolls for its BLOSSOM HIDES THORNS
duration and increases the rating of a stunt by +1 (max 3) MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
whenever the action involves creating a new routine or act on Cost: 3m; Mins: Performance 4, Essence 3; Type:
the spot instead of presenting a rehearsed work. He can also Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion; Duration: Instant;
intuitively understand forms of musical notation that are alien to Prerequisite Charms: Dance of Flashing Swords
him, such as First Age compositions. The Dragon-Blooded are social creatures, enamored of
As a reminder, an opponent's DV is not an external penalty. culture and art, but they are also creatures of violence, passion
and cunning artifice. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood who is
DANCE OF FLASHING SWORDS currently engaged in a performance of some kind can initiate a
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata surprise attack on a target while disguising it as simply another
Cost: 2m, 1wp + 1m per extra foe; Mins: Performance 4, part of the performance.
Essence 2; Type: Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Use of this Charm enhances the (Dexterity + Stealth) roll
Leader 5; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: needed to launch a surprise attack from plain sight, removing
Talented Improvisation the usual +2 difficulty and instead adding a number of bonus
From time to time, an Exalted warrior finds herself in the successes equal to the Exalt's Essence rating. A single activation
difficult position of being forced to fight when it is undesirable also adds a like number of successes to the Terrestrial's Join
to be seen fighting. Sometimes, the Dragon-Blood is forced to Battle roll. If the opening attack misses, the Charm exerts an
fight an ally under some kind of mind control and she does not unnatural Illusion forcing all witnesses to ignore that an attack
wish to let enemies know of her circle’s internal strife. Other was made (and thus not Join Battle), though anyone can pay
times, the Dragon-Blood might be undercover in an enemy city 2wp to ignore all instances of this Illusion for a scene. Although
and need to subdue her opponents in a public place without it is tradition to make surprise attacks in the midst of
bystanders calling out the city guards. performing, this is not required.
With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood can place anyone Also, if the damage to a target is sufficient to kill the target
observing her combat under the illusion that the combat itself is with a single blow, bystanders might not even notice that an
not a serious fight. Depending on the circumstances and how attack took place until the victim’s body is discovered. This
the Dragon-Blood chooses to manipulate the Charm, observers discovery might take some time if, for example, the target was
might believe that the fight is simply some kind of street theater slain in his box seat by a singer performing on stage at an opera.
or that an implacable enemy assassin is simply a “drunken This Charm cannot be used after combat has begun.
friend who has had too much ale.” Regardless of the context, It can be used only while the Dragon-Blood is in the midst
affected observers believe that the fight is entertaining and of some kind of performance activity.
nonthreatening, and they will generally refrain from attempting An identical Stealth Charm also exists named Tempest From
to intervene or from calling for the guards. Blue Skies Ambush that requires Stealth 4 and has Wind-
The Dragon-Blood can disguise a conflict between herself Walking Technique as a prerequisite.
and a single person plus one additional extra per extra mote
spent. She cannot disguise a conflict if her enemies include NEW VOICE TECHNIQUE
more than one character who is not an extra, but it is possible to MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
hide a fight in which the Exalt is merely an observer to two
heroic combatants.

Cost: 2m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; does lightly, though, as the Dragon-Blood using this Charm has
Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite no control over the audience once the riot breaks out. In either
Charms: None case, affected characters can pay 3wp to become immune to the
As per Imposter’s Voice Technique on page. Charm for a scene. As a performance attack, anyone who hears
is potentially affected.
HIDDEN PETAL ARIA METHOD With Essence 3+, the Charm functions against all beings
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata with an Essence rating less or equal to the Terrestrial.
Cost: 2m per subject; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2;
Type: Reflexive (Step 3); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, PROTECTIVE PERFORMANCE
Stackable; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Any MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Performance Excellency Cost: 8m; Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
A truly gifted performance contains multiple layers of Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Leader; Duration: Until
communication, as a single turn of an actor’s head or a single the performance ends, plus the Exalt’s Essence in hours;
note artistic flourish in a musical performance can contain Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Stirring Performance Method
nuances that only a true aficionado can appreciate. This Charm was apparently created to allow Dragon-
With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can weave hidden Blooded performers to interfere with their fellows who were
subtexts and messages into his performance, ideas that only attempting to improperly manipulate audience members with
audience members of his choice can perceive. The Exalt must Soul-Stirring Performance Method. The effect of the Charm
spend two motes per person with whom he wishes to combined with the artistry of the Dragon-Blood’s performance
communicate secretly, and the Charm can only be used in the enacts a potent defensive magic on the entire audience.
course of a performance. Once the Charm is activated, he can Using this charm provides a Dodge MDV bonus of (Exalt's
deliver messages of almost any length, which the subject Essence rating) against all unnatural mental influence from
perceives subliminally, as if the Exalt were speaking in a slow anyone other than the Terrestrial, followed by a +2 Dodge
monotone voice. The Charm does not permit the subject to MDV bonus against specific unnatural influence as specified.
communicate anything back to the Dragon-Blood, but if Characters may pay 1wp to make them immune to all use of this
multiple Dragon-Blooded with this Charm are performing Charm for a day, as it is a specialized unnatural Compulsion
together on the same stage, they can have lengthy conversations unto itself. The Leader use of this Charm turns the act of
or even arguments without the audience being any the wiser. command into an artistic performance, protecting the unit itself
Highly specialized or technical knowledge generally cannot be and all members as individuals (except the leader).
communicated with this Charm.
With Essence 3+, the character may hide subtext in the INVISIBLE STREET PERFORMER TECHNIQUE
oration of everyday speech. The Leader effect of this Charm MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
costs only 2m to convey coded orders to all fellow officers, Cost: 3m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
adding the Exalt's Performance to the difficulty of Read Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion; Duration: Until performance
Strategy rolls to study the Terrestrial's unit (Scroll of Kings, p. ends; Prerequisite Charms: None
110). It is difficult for beings as naturally ostentatious as the
Dragon-Blooded to escape notice. Fortunately, some musicians
SOUL-STIRRING PERFORMANCE METHOD are skilled enough to lull the senses of an observer as easily as a
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata lullaby stills a child into sleep. This Charm can be activated
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Performance 4, Essence 2; Type: only while the Dragon-Blood is playing a musical instrument.
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Emotion, As long as she continues to play, those around will not notice
Social; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Any her presence. The knowledge that someone is nearby softly
Performance Excellency playing a musical instrument tickles at the edge of the
A Dragon-Blooded performer can invoke a powerful observer’s consciousness, but he simply doesn’t give it much
response in her audience, one capable of creating a degree of thought. The player of any character who might observe the
emotional control or even of inflicting a compulsion on the Dragon-Blood must roll (Wits + Awareness) with a difficulty of
audience. There is virtually no limitation on the degree of (the Dragon-Blood’s Performance + instrument specialty). Even
emotional control that the Dragon-Blooded can exert over an if the roll is successful, the observer might still have no reason
audience with this Charm other than the fact that individuals to notice the Dragon-Blood’s presence unless the presence of a
cannot be overwhelmed with suicidal despair. A compulsion musician playing an instrument is somehow out-of-place (such
inflicted on the audience can be anything from “only buy goods as a lone musician strumming his sanxian on an empty street
from House V’neef” to “burn down this building.” late at night).
This Charm enhances a (Manipulation + Performance) This Charm may be used in conjunction with any form of
social attack, making it unblockable, unnatural influence and artistic expression that falls under Performance, from a steady
allowing it to be conveyed by any Performance-based action. quiet monologue to a sensuous dance. Resisting the unnatural
The attack only affects mortals and may be selectively targeted Illusion for a scene in the event of a failed roll to notice the
to affect some observers and not others. If used to instill an Exalt costs 1wp.
Emotion, affected targets act accordingly and suffer a -2 MDV
penalty for the rest of the scene against mental influence that TIRELESS STRING-PLUCKING MEDITATION
preys on this emotional state. If used to incite action, the MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Compulsion is limited, cannot induce any single audience Cost: 5m (+1m per attack); Mins: Performance 4, Essence
member to violate a Motivation or breach an Intimacy, nor can 3; Type: Simple; Keywords: Combo-Basic; Duration: One
it motivate the audience to do anything particularly dangerous day; Prerequisite Charms: Invisible Street Performer
other than to simply riot. Triggering a riot is not something one Technique

Most Dragon-Blooded favor stringed instruments, and Charm, it cannot be combined in any way with the Charm
virtually all Dynasts are taught to play the sanxian as children. Blossom Hides Thorns.
Essentially a three-stringed banjo, the sanxian normally requires Three-String Sword Prana is also a cooperative Charm, and
either false fingernails or some sort of pick to play, and even the multiple Dragon-Blooded who know the Charm can combine
best musicians can develop pain in their fingers through their powers to form greater effects. The characters’ combined
extensive playing. Essence is used to determine the maximum range, and the
While this Charm is active, the character accumulates no Accuracy bonus of the attack is equal to the highest Essence of
fatigue from any Performance actions and ignores all internal any participant plus two per additional participant. Also, each
penalties for such rolls except multiple action penalties. She can participant can spend Essence up to the limit of his individual
dance for a day while grievously wounded or spend a night in Performance Ability to purchase damage dice, with all the dice
the embrace of her lover without breaking a sweat. The sharp purchased added together to form the base damage pool.
beauty of well-manicured nails fittingly accompanies all art Generally, Dragon-Blooded may use this Charm cooperatively
forms and therefore always applies; paying a mote to make an only if the instrument used is one large enough for all
unarmed attack lethal does not count a Charm activation. Time participants to play simultaneously. For example, the guzheng,
spent performing while using this Charm also counts as sleep an oversized lap harp, is about four feet long and has 18 to 25
for all purposes if the performance is at the direct request or strings. While it is typically played by a single musician with
command of a Celestial Exalt. the instrument on his lap, it is big enough for two players to
play simultaneously. At the Storyteller’s discretion, it might
VIBRATING STRINGS DEFENSE possible for a group of musicians to use this Charm
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata cooperatively with separate instruments if they have extensive
Cost: 5m; Mins: Performance 4, Essence 3; Type: experience playing together in an ensemble (such as a gamelan
Reflexive (Step 5); Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious; orchestra or a quartet of street musicians). The maximum
Duration: One scene; Prerequisite Charms: Invisible Street number of Exalted who can participate in the application of this
Performer Technique Charm is equal to the highest Essence of any participant.
Music is not the only medium for this Charm's power. Any Using the Charm in conjunction with prayers to the
mode of artistic expression that falls under Performance may Elemental Dragons or any of the Incarnae makes the attack
serve as a focus for a parry, replacing his normal parry Ability Holy, inflicting aggravated damage to creatures of darkness.
with his Performance for purposes of calculating Parry DV.
Any dots the Dragon-Blood has in an applicable Performance PUISSANT PRECURSOR'S MONOLOGUE
specialty also applies to calculating Parry DV. Finally, any Lords of Creation
Performance Excellencies the Dragon-Blood has can be used to Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Performance 5, Essence 5; Type:
further improve Parry DV for the duration of the scene, exactly Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Dynasty,
as if they were Melee or Martial Arts Excellencies. Emotion, Martyr, Social; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
Eloquent prayers turn aside blows, while a dancer's Charms: Soul-Stirring Performance Method
gyrations drum staccato rhythms on enemy weapons mid-swing. They're no Lawgivers, but the Dragon-Blooded can still
touch the hearts and minds of those who listen. This Charm may
THREE-STRING SWORD PRANA enhance any Charisma-based Presence or Performance social
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata attack in which the Exalt encourages a target audience to
Cost: 1m per 2lhl; Mins: Performance 5, Essence 4; Type: embrace his own Motivation or a reasonable extrapolation (such
Simple; Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative, Obvious; as "Lead my family to greatness" becoming "help family X
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Vibrating Strings achieve greatness"). If any target consents to the attack without
Defense defense, her Motivation changes to the proposed Motivation
A gifted musician understands his instrument in the same and she regains full Willpower points from the newfound sense
way that an archer understands his bow or a warrior his sword. of purpose. Audiences who already share this Motivation gain
For a Dragon-Blood who knows this Charm, this sentiment is only one Willpower point from the first such oratory in a scene.
more than a metaphor, as the Exalted musician can now launch The Storyteller should consider the totality of a character's
deadly attacks armed only with a sanxian, flute or any other Intimacies and current situation when deciding if that character
musical instrument. will put aside her old purpose to take up the proposed cause.
The attack is targeted with the Exalt’s (Wits + Performance) This Charm has more power over a Terrestrial's direct
and has an Accuracy bonus equal to the Dragon-Blood’s descendents, who regard it as unnatural mental influence (albeit
permanent Essence. The attack also has a range of a number of sincere) and must pay three Willpower points if the attack
yards equal to the character’s (permanent Essence x 20), and it succeeds to avoid embracing the new Motivation. The Martyr
inflicts a base damage of two dices of lethal damage per mote of effect of this Charm fully replenishes the Willpower points of
Essence spent. The musician cannot spend more motes of all characters in earshot with a positive Intimacy toward the
Essence than he has dots in the Performance Ability. Exalt.
Such manifestations often appear as slashing swords, mailed
fists, fiery arrows or even charging beasts, which come flying RIDE
out of the Dragon-Blood’s instrument hurtling toward their
target. Because these manifestations have a physical HEAVEN-GRACED RIDING TECHNIQUE
component, such attacks can be parried or dodged like any MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
normal attack, and an attack made with Three-String Sword Cost: 1m; Mins: Ride 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive;
Prana can be used in conjunction with a flurry as if it were any Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One action; Prerequisite
other form of attack. Because of the obvious nature of this Charms: None

A mount or vehicle targeted by this Charm doubles its speed Cost: 3m per point of Magnitude, 1wp; Mins: Ride 4,
(and jumping distance), rather than the listed bonus. When used Essence 3; Type: Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, War;
in conjunction with other Dragon-Blooded Ride Charms that Duration: One charge; Prerequisite Charms: Charge of One
quicken a mount or increase its jumping distance, the increase Hundred Generals
provided by those Charms doubles before it is applied (so the This variation of Charge of One Hundred Generals can be
Air version of Five-Dragon Horseman Prana multiplies the used only for mass combat maneuvers. The Charm lets the
mount's jump distances by a factor of [Essence x 2] while Dragon-Blood temporarily boost the effectiveness of large
boosted by Heaven-Graced Riding Technique). groups of mounted cavalry.
It enhances a mass combat unit's charges using the same
EBONY SPUR TECHNIQUE overall rules as Charge of One Hundred Generals. However, the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata benefit conferred to a charging unit is an external penalty of the
Cost: 1m per 2 damage dice; Mins: Ride 3, Essence 2; Exalt's Ride rating applied against all attacks aimed at the unit
Type: Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader; or its special characters. Once the charge ends for any reason
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Heaven-Graced (including to make an attack), the protective penalty lasts for
Riding Technique one more action before receding.
Those Exalted trained in mounted combat enjoy a great
advantage on the battlefield due to their mounts’ superior height GREAT HEART COMPANION
and mobility. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood becomes more MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
efficient at employing the advantages of mounted combat. After Cost: 4m; Mins: Ride 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive;
his player successfully makes a reflexive (Dexterity + Ride) Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
roll, the Dragon-Blood can add his Ride Ability to his damage Charms: Any Ride Excellency
dice in hand-to-hand attacks made while mounted. This Charm Typically, when a Dragon-Blood rides out to battle, she has
can explicitly be included in Combos with Charms of other quite enough to worry about without fearing that her steed will
Abilities. get spooked by whatever horror demands the Exalt’s attention
If this Charm is used to enhance an attack using a lance or and throw the rider at an inopportune moment.
other weapon with the L tag, the damage bonus increases to A mount emboldened by this Charm is control rating 0,
(Ride x 2). Valor 5 and automatically succeeds on all Valor rolls. Getting
With Essence 3+, no activation roll is required. onto an unfriendly animal to tame it with this Charm requires a
successful grapple, though it isn't necessary to win control of
CHARGE OF ONE HUNDRED GENERALS the clinch. When used on a Ride vehicle, the Charm keeps the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata character in her seat and lets her perform piloting actions
Cost: 1m per mount/rider pair or 5m per point of reflexively, allowing her to devote full attention to other tasks.
Magnitude, plus 1wp; Mins: Ride 3, Essence 2; Type:
Reflexive; Keywords: Combo-OK, War; Duration: One ELEMENTAL HALO’S MERCY
charge; Prerequisite Charms: Ebony Spur Technique MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
This Charm represents perhaps the most common Dragon- Cost: 3m; Mins: Ride 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive;
Blooded magical cavalry tactic still in widespread use. Keywords: None; Duration: One scene; Prerequisite
Although its value cannot be denied, it is only a pale shadow of Charms: Great Heart Companion
the many Charms defined by The Thousand Correct Actions of The baleful effects of the Dragon-Blooded anima banners
the Upright Soldier. usually preclude the use of horses in combat situations. This
Any special character in a complementary unit can use this Charm can ameliorate those effects, ensuring that the Dragon-
Charm to enhance it, but a unit can only benefit from one Blood does not face the specter of accidentally slaying his own
activation at a time. A unit so enhanced Charm increases the mount in the midst of pitched battle. The Dragon-Blood spends
unit’s Drill and Might by one each for the duration of the three motes while mounted, and for the duration of the scene,
charge, as well as the cavalry unit’s Morale. If the defending the mount takes no damage from his anima flux.
force is required to make a rout check, the difficulty of that The Charm also protects Ride vehicles and any passengers
check also increases by one, while it is carrying out successive on the mount/vehicle, as well as all personal possessions carried
charge actions (i.e. dashes) and loses no Endurance from doing or worn by protected characters. Reduce the cost to 0m if
so. Once the unit stops charging or makes a close combat targeting a mount or vehicle the Exalt owns.
attack, the Charm ends. If aborted by making an attack, all
benefits last through the resolution of that attack and the FIVE-DRAGON HORSEMAN PRANA
Terrestrial's Ebony Spur Technique becomes Stackable for that MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
attack to a maximum number of activations equal to the actions Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Ride 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
spent charging (or the charging character's Essence rating, if Keywords: Elemental, Obvious; Duration: One scene;
lower). Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Halo’s Mercy
In personal combat this Charm allows successive mounted With this Charm, the unity between rider and mount is
dashes to build up the potential for Stackable activations of perfected. Now, instead of simply protecting her mount from
Ebony Spur Technique as explained above. This benefit can be the damaging effects of her anima power, the Dragon-Blood can
extended to any mounted characters who know Ebony Spur extend the power of that anima to the mount itself. For the
Technique within 100 yards who are also dashing at the time of duration of the scene, the Dragon-Blood’s horse gains an
activation, allowing them to build up separate momentum. elemental anima appropriate to the Dragon-Blood’s aspect,
giving it special abilities.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata

The mounts of Air Aspects are immune to cold and multiply BY THE GRACE OF GAIA
their jumping distances by an amount equal to the rider’s Lords of Creation
Essence. Cost: None; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent;
The mounts of Earth Aspects gain a bonus to bashing and Keywords: Elemental, Obvious, Shaping; Duration:
lethal soak equal to the rider’s Essence, and a mount can also Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: Five-Dragon Horseman
soak lethal damage with its full Stamina. Prana, Dance of the Jade Bridle
The mounts of Fire Aspects multiply their movement rate Although mortal beasts make perfectly fine steeds for young
by the rider’s Essence and leave flaming hoof prints behind Terrestrials with the right Charms, they do not properly
them that are capable of starting small brushfires. complement the greatness of elders. To gain this Charm's
The mounts of Water Aspects gain complete freedom of benefits, the Exalt must sacrifice a mount with whom he has
movement in or on water, exactly like the Water Aspect anima built a mutual Intimacy of loving affection. The Elemental
power. Dragon answers this prayer by interceding with Gaia, who
The mounts of Wood can move through wooded areas shapes the dead animal's remains into a completely new
without suffering any penalty or decrease in movement rate, and creature with the same traits as the sacrifice. This animal has
a mount’s tracks will be untraceable absent the use of Charms. none of the memories or identity of the sacrifice and looks
The normal cost of this Charm is 10 motes and one different, with elemental markings appropriate to its owner's
Willpower. If the mount to be protected is a familiar to the aspect. It is considered a five-dot familiar with all the powers of
Dragon-Blood, the cost decreases to six motes and one such and also possesses permanent enchantments duplicating
Willpower, and the Dragon-Blood can choose to commit the the effects of the Charms Great Heart Companion, Elemental
Essence to make the Charm’s effect last until he ends the Halo's Mercy and Five-Dragon Horseman Prana (see The
commitment. Manual of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded, pp. 181-182).
A Ride vehicle is also a valid target, in which case the Air This mount will not accept riders other than its owner unless it
power adds the Exalt's Essence rating to its Maneuverability in is supernaturally compelled. It dies when its master does.
addition to cold immunity. Should the mount perish sooner, its owner may petition for a
With Essence 4+, the character can commit an additional replacement with a new sacrifice, but the Dragons ignore those
mote per valid target within 500 yards, extending the Charm's who abuse Gaia's gifts.
benefits to that target as long as it stays within range.
This Charm is actually a cluster of five Charms. Dragon- TREAD ROOTED IN LIFE
Blooded must learn the version associated with their aspect Thousand Correct Action
first. Once a Terrestrial has enchanted a target with one version Cost: 2m; Mins: Ride 2, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive;
of this Charm, the cost to apply other any other versions drops Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One hour; Prerequisite
to 1m. Charms: Great Heart Companion
Infusing her mount or vehicle with living Essence, the Exalt
DANCE OF THE JADE BRIDLE provides a sustaining force of wholeness. While blessed by this
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Charm, a living steed is considered to have engaged in half the
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple strenuous activity it actually has from the standpoint of
(Dramatic Action); Keywords: Combo-OK, Servitude; becoming fatigued. Likewise, Ride vehicles consider the hour
Duration: Instant; Prerequisite Charms: Great Heart of operation as half an hour for the purposes of accruing
Companion Maintenance upkeep.
Despite the Wood Aspect’s natural skill at horsemanship, it
is very difficult for even the most able Dragon-Blooded rider to SURVIVAL
master an animal much bigger than a normal horse. Indeed,
while a Dragon-Blood can attempt to master larger animals for QUARRY REVELATION TECHNIQUE
brief periods of time, the only way to truly break such a beast MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
and casually ride it as one would a horse is through this Charm. Cost: 2m; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple;
The Dragon-Blood’s player must roll (Charisma + Ride), Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One day; Prerequisite
opposed by the beast’s (Stamina + Willpower). The Dragon- Charms: Any Survival Excellency
Blood must also roleplay “breaking” the mount, which in the The Children of Sextes Jylis are master woodsmen and
case of very dangerous animals or flying creatures can be quite trackers. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can track any quarry
dangerous if the attempt fails. whose trail is less than a week old, regardless of terrain or
If the activation roll succeeds, the Exalt spends a scene weather conditions. Animal tracks and spoor literally glow to
subduing the target animal, after which the benefits of Great the Exalt’s eyes, while broken twigs and other signs of a
Heart Companion automatically apply while riding it and the human’s passage are equally as obvious. The tracker’s player
steed gains an Intimacy of loyalty toward the Terrestrial, doing needs only a single success on a (Perception + Survival) roll for
all within the limits of its bestial intelligence to obey and please the tracker to successfully track any quarry not protected by
her. If the Exalt mistreats the mount, the effect only lasts a supernatural stealth or evasion. Supernatural effects that hide a
month; it is otherwise permanent. On a failed roll, the training quarry’s tracks are canceled by this Charm, allowing the
scene goes very poorly and the Exalt suffers unsoakable levels Dragon-Blood to find his prey with a follow-up normal Survival
of lethal damage equal to the net successes by which the mount roll.
won. If contested by another Charm, standard roll-off rules
A Terrestrial can use this Charm to break a mount for a determine which wins.
Celestial Exalt, in which case the animal transfers its loyalty as
soon as it meets its owner. TRAIL-CONCEALING MEASUREMENT
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata

Cost: 3m; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple; times decrease by five percent per point of the Exalt’s
Keywords: None; Duration: One day; Prerequisite Charms: permanent Essence. The Charm can be used to affect anyone
Quarry Revelation Technique who travels with the Dragon-Blood, but a single Dragon-Blood
Any Dragon-Blood who knows this Charm can blend can affect only a number of people (and their mounts) equal to
effortlessly into the woods, instinctively hiding all evidence of her (Essence x 10).
her passage. While this Charm is active, persons attempting to If multiple Dragon-Blooded activate this Charm together,
track the Dragon-Blood without supernatural aid are completely each participant can affect a number of travelers equal to her
unable to do so. If the tracker is using supernatural aid such as (Essence x 10), and the total number of automatic successes
Quarry Revelation Technique, the two effects cancel each other gained on fatigue checks is equal to the combined Essence of all
out, and normal tracking rules apply. It is rumored that Lunar participants minus two. Travel times decrease according to the
Exalted are not fooled by this Charm at all when they wear their highest Essence of any participant (five percent per point) and
animal forms. are further reduced by an additional two percent per extra
If contested by another Charm, standard roll-off rules participant. The maximum number of participants who can join
determine which wins. in a single cooperative use of this Charm is equal to the highest
permanent Essence of any participant. The Essence spent is
RATION-ENHANCING METHOD committed for the duration of the Charm, which lasts until the
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata destination is reached or until the Dragon-Blood withdraws the
Cost: 1m; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Type: commitment.
Supplemental; Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: One hunt;
Prerequisite Charms: Quarry Revelation Technique (ELEMENT) SHELTER CREATION TECHNIQUE
The forests know their masters and do not hesitate to give up MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
their bounties when asked. This Charm can greatly improve the Cost: 5m; Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple;
success rate of any hunting or foraging expeditions in which the Keywords: Elemental, Obvious, Shaping; Duration:
Dragon-Blood participates. Indefinite; Prerequisite Charms: Hostile Environment
This Charm enhances a hunting/foraging action, allowing Preparation Method
the hunt to be accomplished in one hour regardless of terrain or This Charm allows a Dragon-Blood to reach out with her
skill. The roll ignores penalties for lacking tools or weapons and elemental anima to fashion a crude structure out of whatever
further adds a number of bonus successes equal to the Exalt's elemental material is handy. Each different Charm is primarily
Essence rating. useful in a particular environmental setting.
Air is only useful in extremely cold, snowy climes and
HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT PREPARATION METHOD causes ice crystals to form out of the air itself into a simple
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata igloo that retains heat remarkably well.
Cost: 3m + 1m per ally; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Earth is most useful in open fields or on mountaintops and
Type: Simple; Keywords: None; Duration: One day; causes rocky slabs to slowly rise up out of the earth to form a
Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency lean-to.
With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood’s intuitive knowledge Fire is primarily used in the desert and causes sand to
of how to survive in difficult climes allows him to protect his temporarily form into jagged silicate slabs that form a sheltered
fellows in all but the harshest conditions. In a hot environment, outcropping. The sandstone does not transfer heat to those
the Dragon-Blood can make certain that he and his allies can taking shelter beneath it, and the outcropping is ideally situated
avoid heat prostration and other hazards. In a cold environment, to let wind flow through while keeping out sand.
he can enable his friends to better preserve body heat and avoid Water is primarily used on the ocean, although it can be
frostbite. used on other large bodies of water. The Charm causes
This Charm reduces all external penalties imposed by seaweed, sunken debris and other material found within and
hostile environmental conditions by the Exalt's Survival rating beneath the waters to rise up to the surface and cling together,
and provides a like number of bonus successes on all Survival forming a remarkably buoyant life raft that can stay afloat in all
rolls to avoid suffering and possible death from extreme but the most treacherous of weather.
climates. The Exalt can protect a maximum number of allies Wood can be used in any forest area, causing saplings to
equal to his permanent Essence. sprout from the forest floor to form a crude hut. The hut is
camouflaged against observers, who must get more successes
TIRELESS CARAVAN PRANA on a (Perception + Survival) roll than the Dragon-Blood’s
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded Essence in order to detect it.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Survival 4, Essence 2; Type: All versions of this Charm are warded against intrusion by
Simple ; Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative; Duration: One mundane animals. Such animals will not attempt to enter the
journey; Prerequisite Charms: Hostile Environment shelter absent some type of magical compulsion.
Preparation Method Once the Charm is activated, it takes about 30 minutes for
As master survivalists, Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded are the protective structure to form. The structure lasts for about a
often called upon to lead their fellows through rough terrain, day, although the Dragon-Blood can extend the effect by
whether while on a trade caravan or while treasure hunting at committing the Essence indefinitely. The shelter is capable of
the edge of Creation. The Exalt using this Charm can improve protecting the Exalt herself and up to six other human-sized
the travel speed, endurance and morale of a group of personnel beings. If the Exalt wishes the shelter to hold more, she must
who travel with her. spend an additional mote of Essence per extra person, although
As long as the Exalt maintains the Charm, she and all who she cannot spend more extra motes than her Essence. Therefore,
travel with her gain a number of automatic successes on fatigue the maximum number of people who can fit in the same shelter
checks equal to (her Essence – 2 [minimum 1]). Also, all travel

consists of the Dragon-Blood herself, plus (Essence + 6) other improved resistance to all natural toxins, each of the other four
people. versions grant the same immunity to poisonous plants and
The structure fills a radius in yards no larger than (intended creatures indigenous to the region of Creation associated with
number of occupants x 2). It has a soak of 5L/10B and crumbles those Charms.)
apart once it suffers 10 levels of damage. The Dragon-Blood can extend the benefits of these Charms
With Essence 4+, the structure forms instantly. A second to others at a cost of two motes per ally protected.
purchase of this Charm makes the shelter extremely restful, A Dragon-Blood can learn more than one version of
converting all dice to automatic successes when a character Extension of the (Element) Dragon’s Blessing, but the Dragon-
rolls to regain Willpower after a night's rest. Blood must learn the version associated with her aspect first.
This Charm is actually a cluster of Charms, one for each of More than one version can be used at a time, and they can even
the five elements. A Dragon-Blood can learn multiple versions be activated simultaneously.
of this Charm, but he must learn the one associated with his Once a character has any version of this Charm active, other
affinity element first. Regardless of which version is used, the known versions cost only 1m to activate and allies already
Charm is always considered a Wood-aspected Charm for protected by the first activation inherit other version benefits at
purposes of determining whether the one-mote surcharge for no additional cost.
out-of-aspect Charms applies. Essence 5+ Exalted with all five versions active suffer no
penalties, damage or other harm from any environmental
EXTENSION OF THE (ELEMENT) DRAGON’S conditions—even those not native to Creation like Primordial
BLESSING weather.
MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata Whenever an Exalt with this Charm creates a shelter with its
Cost: 10m + 2m per ally; Mins: Survival 5, Essence 4; prerequisite, the structure itself and all those within it
Type: Reflexive; Keywords: Elemental; Duration: One day; automatically gain the protection associated with all known
Prerequisite Charms: (Element) Shelter Creation Technique versions of Extension of the (Element) Dragon Blessing.
The pinnacle of the survivalist’s skill, this Charm is actually
a cluster of five elemental Charms. The Charm confers near NATURE’S HEALING BOUNTY
total immunity to adverse environmental conditions for the MoEP: Dragon-Blooded / Scroll of Errata
Dragon-Blood. For the duration of one day, the Charm negates Cost: —; Mins: Survival 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent;
all external environmental penalties to Survival rolls provided Keywords: Combo-OK; Duration: Instant; Prerequisite
that the right version for that environment is applied. With the Charms: Any Survival Excellency
proper Charm, a Dragon-Blood could stand naked on the Wood-aspected Dragon-Bloods are known for both their
coldest glacier or cross the hottest desert while wearing furs innate skill as physicians and for their natural communion with
with little chance of frostbite, sunstroke or any other similar nature.
penalty. The Charm allows those affected to easily find food A Terrestrial with this Charm can use Survival Excellencies
and water, and it protects them against natural environmental to benefit Medicine actions as though they were Medicine
conditions, though not direct environmental damage. Therefore, Excellencies, provided she has access to medicinal plants.
Extension of the Fire Dragon’s Blessing allows protected Enough plants for a single treatment can be foraged as per a
individuals to cross a searing desert as if it were a verdant plain day's worth of food or purchased at a Resource cost equal to the
on a crisp autumn morning, but it will convey no protection at difficulty to forage in the local terrain. She may apply any
all to actual fire. Each version of the Charm is attuned to one of combination of relevant Medicine and/or Survival specialties to
the five elemental poles and will protect the user from direct the action, but remains capped at a +3 bonus.
exposure to the conditions at that pole.
Air protects against extremes of cold and allows the WELL-TENDED GARDEN OF THE SOUL
Dragon-Blood to find food even on a frozen tundra. Lords of Creation
Earth permits the Dragon-Blood to walk through choking Cost: None; Mins: Survival 5, Essence 5, Breeding 3;
dust clouds without penalty and ensures that she will not Type: Permanent; Keywords: Martyr, Purity; Duration:
accidentally trigger a rockslide no matter how loose the rocks Permanent; Prerequisite Charms: None
are. If she is caught in an avalanche or otherwise buried alive, Although Dragon-Bloods cannot match the longevity of
the Dragon-Blooded survives on an extremely limited air supply their Celestial masters, some can at least approach it. Without
while the Charm lasts. this Charm, a Terrestrial lives 250 years, after which his player
Fire protects against extremes of heat and permits the Exalt makes a (Stamina + Resistance) roll for each decade the
to cross the hottest desert without sunburn and to easily find character lives thereafter. (The difficulty begins at 1 then
water there, as well as to ignore choking smoke and the increases by one each decade.) Failure means the character dies
tremendous heat produced by lava (although not direct contact of old age sometime in the coming decade. With this Charm,
with lava itself). the character adds his (Essence + Breeding) to the pool. Using
Water protects against sunstroke and other maladies while the Martyr effect ensures actual immortality of a sort, in that
the character is adrift at sea. It also allows the Exalt to ignore Dragon-Blooded direct descendents perfectly know how their
the effects of even the heaviest rains and practically guarantees ancestor would act in any given situation if they bother to
that fish will jump into her nets. While the Charm is in effect, consider the fact. They are, however, under no compulsion to
the Dragon-Blood can drink seawater as if it were fresh with no do as their ancestor would.
adverse effects. If the Exalt has Essence 6+, stunts that recall and emphasize
Wood lets her move easily through the most overgrown the character's physical purity in the preceding decade prevent
forest without so much as a bug bite and to ignore any natural the difficulty from increasing on that roll. Such stunts include
(but not supernatural) poisons whose Toxicity does not exceed abstaining from sex with mortals, avoiding recreational drugs or
the Dragon-Blood’s Essence. (While the Wood version grants similar vices, eating a simple vegetarian diet with nothing

besides tea or water, and having all Virtues rated 3+. The
Storyteller should gradually increase the strictness of these stunt
awards as the character ages.


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