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Mendoza, Noel Angelo B.


1. What is Globalization?
- Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have
connected and interdependent the world. Globalization encompasses the
economic and social changes that have resulted as well.
2. How Globalization affects the contemporary world?
- Globalization helps companies to identify lower-cost manufacturing methods. It
also increases global competition, which drives down prices and gives consumers
more options. Lowering costs enable people in both developing and developed
countries to live more comfortably on less money.
3. Differentiate internationalism and Globalization.
- Internationalization refers to the process of expanding a specific local company's
enterprise in the international market, whereas globalization refers to the
process of integrating local markets into one global market. This is the primary
distinction between internationalization and globalization.
4. Explain the following regarding the concept of globalization
a. Economic globalization
- Economic globalization refers to the growing interdependence of world
economies as a result of increased cross-border trade in commodities and
services, the flow of international capital, and the widespread and rapid spread
of technologies.
b. Political globalization
- The development and growing power of international organizations such as the
UN or WHO means that governmental activity takes place on a global scale.
Political globalization refers to worldwide government action. The growth of
democratic governments in many nations is an example of political globalization.
c. Socio-cultural globalization
- Socio-cultural globalization entails reverse globalization, or the unequal trade of
Western goods, capital and technologies, values, ideas, and lifestyles, as well as
simulations of unification that primarily influence the material aspects of human
existence. Commodity trading, such as coffee or avocados, is a good example of
cultural globalization. Coffee is thought to have originated in Ethiopia and is
widely consumed in the Arabid region.

5. What are the impacts of globalization on norms and experiences around gender
issues such same sex marriage, gender equality, gender issues?
- Globalization expands opportunities for enterprises in less developed countries
to enter more and larger markets around the world. As a result, businesses in
emerging countries have greater access to capital flows, technology, human
resources, lower-cost imports, and broader export markets. Women and girls
are frequently restricted to fulfilling responsibilities as mothers, wives, and
caregivers. Gender norms position girls as provider, resulting in gender bias on
how roles are assigned in the home. Due to the absence of outside options, this
also leads to a lack of knowledge.
6. Has globalization gone too far, not enough, or has it been heading in the wrong
direction? Explain.
- The challenge is to introduce competition into non-tradable sectors in the same
way that trade liberalization has done in tradable sectors. Globalization has not
gone far enough, rather than going too far. "Globalization" is a poorly
understood economic phenomenon that dominated the late twentieth and early
twenty-first centuries. Politicians and the media frequently portray it negatively:
outsourcing, offshoring, job losses, intellectual property piracy, and diminished
US influence.

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