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If the contributions have been made for a period of one

GSIS Benefits/Health Benefits year but less than three years, the benefit duration is for
two months;
Life Insurance 2. If the contributions have been made for a period of three
or more years but less than six years, the benefit duration
All members of GSIS have compulsory life insurance coverage
is for three months;
classified into two types:
3. If the contributions have been made for a period of six
• Life Endowment Policy (LEP). GSIS started with the
years or more but less than nine years, the benefit
LEP program. Designed to provide members with life
duration is for four months;
insurance coverage while still in active service, LEP
4. If the contributions have been made for a period of nine
provides maturity benefits to policy holders upon reaching
years or more but less than 11 years, the benefit duration
the maturity of their policy.
is for five months; and
• Enhanced Life Policy (ELP). ELP took effect on August
5. If the contributions have been made for a period of 11
1, 2003. It provides an automatic yearly insurance
years or more but less than 15 years, the benefit duration
coverage to new members of GSIS based on their
is for six months.
monthly compensation. ELP is designed to provide an
enhanced death benefit for the family of the deceased
The following members are covered under this program: Disability refers to any loss or impairment of the normal
functions of the physical and/or mental faculties of members, which
• Those who entered the service starting August 1, 2003;
permanently or temporarily prevents them to continue with work or
• Those whose policies matured on or after July 31, 2003,
engage in any other gainful occupation resulting in the loss of
and who will continue to be active members after the
income. The corresponding disability benefits for each kind of
maturity date; and
disability granted to members are based on the duration of
• Those who opted or will opt to convert their LEP into ELP.
incapacity to work and actual loss of income.
There are three kinds of disability determined by GSIS
based on established medical standards: a) Permanent Total
The Separation benefit is given to employees who have Disability, b) Permanent Partial Disability, and c) Temporary Total
not reached the retirement age of 60 but have been separated from Disability.
the service. The benefit can either be in the form of cash payment
or both cash payment and pension. 1. Permanent Total Disability (PTD) – disability due to
injury or disease causing complete, irreversible and
Eligibility and Benefits permanent incapacity that will permanently disable a
1. If the member has been in the service for at least three member to work or to engage in any gainful occupation
years but less than 15 years, and below 60 years of age: resulting to loss of income. The following disabilities are
Cash payment equivalent to 100% of the Average deemed total and permanent:
Monthly Compensation (average salary in the last three ➢ complete loss of sight for both eyes;
years) for every year of service payable upon reaching ➢ loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;
age 60. ➢ permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
2. If the member has been in the service for at least 15 years ➢ brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or
and is below 60 years of age: insanity; and
Cash payment equivalent to 18 times the Basic Monthly ➢ such other cases as may be determined and
Pension (BMP) payable upon separation and monthly approved by GSIS
pension for life starting at age 60.
Eligibilities. Members who become permanently and
BMP= (.025) x (AMC +700) x Period with Paid Premiums totally disabled are entitled to PTD benefits when:
➢ In the service at the time of disability; or
Unemployment of Involuntary Separation ➢ If separated from the service, have paid at least
The unemployment benefit is paid when permanent 36 months contributions within the five-year
government employees who have paid the required 12 months period immediately preceding the disability; or
integrated contributions under RA 8291 are involuntarily separated have paid a total of at least 180 months
from the service as a result of the abolition of their office or position contributions prior to the disability;
usually resulting from reorganization. The benefit is in the form of Provided, however, that the following conditions are met:
monthly cash payments equivalent to 50% of the average monthly ➢ Gainfully employed prior to the commencement
compensation (AMC). The duration of the benefit depends on the of disability resulting in loss of income;
length of service and ranges from two months to a maximum of six ➢ Not a registered member of any social insurance
months. institution; and
➢ Not receiving any other pension either from
The unemployment benefit shall be paid in accordance with GSIS or another local or foreign institution or
the following schedule: organization

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[SUB] 1.01 TITLE OF LECTURE – Dr. Professor
Benefit. the authorized officer of the agency where
➢ Members who become permanently and totally disabled members are employed, is compensable.
are entitled to the monthly income benefits for life ➢ The amount of PPD benefit is computed by
equivalent to the basic monthly pension (BMP) effective dividing the BMP by 30 days and multiplying the
from the date of disability. In addition to the monthly quotient by the number of compensable
income benefits for life, a cash payment equivalent to 18 calendar days of leave of absence without pay
times the basic monthly pension (BMP), will be paid to (LWOP).
members who were in the service at the time of the 3. Temporary Total Disability (TTD) – accrues or arises
permanent total disability and who have paid a total of 180 when the impaired physical and/or mental faculties can be
monthly contributions. rehabilitated and/or restored to their normal functions, but
➢ Separated members who have at least three years of such disability will result in temporary incapacity to work
service and become permanently and totally disabled but or to engage in any gainful occupation.
have not paid a total of at least 180 monthly contributions Eligibilities. Members are entitled to the TTD benefit
prior to the disability are entitled only to cash payment when:
equivalent to 100% of their average monthly ➢ In the service at the time of disability; or
compensation for each year of service with paid ➢ If separated from the service, have paid at least
contributions but not less than twelve thousand pesos 36 months contributions within the five year
(Php12,000.00). period immediately preceding the disability; or
have paid a total of at least 180 months
2. Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) – arises due to the contributions prior to the disability;
complete and permanent loss of the use of any of the
following resulting to the disability to work for a limited Provided, however, that the following conditions will be
period of time: met:
➢ any finger ➢ Gainfully employed prior to the commencement
➢ one arm of disability resulting in loss of income;
➢ one foot ➢ Not a registered member of any social insurance
➢ any toe institution; and
➢ one hand ➢ Not receiving any other pension either from
➢ one leg GSIS or another local or foreign institution or
➢ one or both ears organization.
➢ hearing of one or both ears The payment of TTD benefit may be extended by GSIS
➢ sight of one eye up to a maximum of 240 days, subject to medical
➢ such other cases as may be determined and evaluation.
approved by the GSIS Benefit.
➢ The period of entitlement to TTD benefit is
Eligibilities. Members whose disability are partial are determined after due medical evaluation and
entitled to PPD benefit when: proof of actual loss of work resulting in loss of
➢ In the service at the time of disability; or income by way of the incurred actual number of
➢ If separated from the service, have paid at least days of leave of absence/s without pay duly
36 months contributions within the five year certified by the authorized officer of the agency
period immediately preceding the disability; or where members are employed; but such period
have paid a total of at least 180 months of entitlement to the benefit should not exceed
contributions prior to the disability. 120 days in one calendar year.
Provided, however, that the following conditions are met: ➢ However, if the disability requires more
➢ Gainfully employed prior to the commencement extensive treatment that lasts beyond 120 days,
of disability resulting in loss of income as the payment of TTD may be extended by GSIS
evidenced by any incontrovertible proof thereof; but not to exceed a total of 240 days. Only the
➢ Not a registered member of any social insurance leave of absence/s without pay incurred during
institution; and the period of entitlement is compensable.
➢ Not receiving any other pension either from ➢ Entitlement, however, starts from the fourth day
GSIS or another local or foreign institution or of the disability. The amount of TTD benefit is
organization computed by multiplying 75% of the daily salary
Benefit. of members by the number of days of disability
➢ The period of entitlement to PPD benefit is based on the medical evaluation but not to
determined after due medical evaluation; but exceed 240 days for the same contingency.
such period of entitlement to the benefit will not However, the computed daily salary shall not be
exceed 12 months for the same contingency. less than Php70.00 but not to exceed Php340.00
Only the leave of absence/s without pay incurred per day.
during the period of entitlement, duly certified by

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[SUB] 1.01 TITLE OF LECTURE – Dr. Professor
Employees Compensation • Infections: Anthrax, Brucellosis, Glanders, Rabies,
The employees’ compensation benefit (or disability Tuberculosis, Tularemia, Weill’s disease,Q Fever or
benefit) is a compensation package for public and private sector equine encephalomyelitis, Mite dermatitis
employees and their dependents in the event of work-related injury, • Ionizing radiation disease, inflammation, ulceration or
sickness, disability or death. malignant disease of the skin or subcutaneous tissues of
EC is a purely employer-based contribution benefit. Thus, the bones or leukemia or anemia of the aplastic type due
employees do not contribute any amount to the program. GSIS to X-rays, ionizing particles, radium or other radioactive
administers the employees compensation (EC) fund as provided substances Acute radiation syndrome: Chronic radiation
for under Presidential Decree No. 626. syndrome and Glass blower’s cataract.
Benefits. • Poisoning
➢ Medical services, appliances and supplies; • Pneumoconiosis
➢ Rehabilitation services; • Diseases caused by abnormalities in temperature and
➢ Temporary total disability benefit; humidity
➢ Permanent total disability benefit; • Vascular disturbance in the upper extremities due to
➢ Permanent partial disability benefit; continuous vibration from pneumatic tools or power drills,
➢ Death benefit; and riveting machines or hammers
➢ Funeral Benefit • Viral hepatitis
• Poisoning by cadmium
Beneficiaries. In case of death and funeral benefits, the • Leukemia and lymphoma
beneficiaries may either be one of the following: • Cancer of the stomach and other lymphatic and blood
1. Primary forming vessels, nasal cavities and sinuses
a. Legitimate spouse until he or she remarries • Cancer of the lungs, liver and brain
b. Dependent children (legitimate, legitimated or
• Cardio-vascular diseases
adopted, and illegitimate):
• Cerebro-vascular accidents
c. Below 18 years old, unmarried, not gainfully
• Malaria and schistosomiasis
employed; or
• Pneumonia
d. More than 18 years old but incapacitated and
• Hernia
incapable of self-support due to mental or
physical defect acquired prior to age of majority. • Bronchial asthma
2. Secondary • Osteoarthritis
a. Dependent parents • Viral encephalitis
b. Legitimate descendants • Peptic ulcer
Eligibilities. The conditions for payment are as follows: • Pulmonary tuberculosis
• Injury must be the result of accident arising out of and in • Viral hepatitis
the course of employment • Essential hypertension
• Sickness must be listed /considered an “occupational • Asbestosis
disease”; or even if not listed as one, it must be shown No claim for compensation will be given due course
that the risk of contracting the sickness is increased by unless said claim is filed with the GSIS within three years from the
the working conditions time the cause of action accrued. (ECC Resolution No. 2799, July
• Disability/Death is caused by work-connected injury or 25, 1984)
Exceptions. When any of these is due to the employee’s: Increase in EC Benefits
• Intoxication or drunkenness On 26 May 2014, President Benigno Simeon Aquino III
• Willful intention to injure or kill himself or another issued Executive Order 167 which approved the increase of
• Notorious negligence Employees’ Compensation Funeral Benefit from Php10,000 to
• Not work-related Php20,000 for both the employees in the private and public sectors
and a 10% across-the-board increase in EC pension for all EC

permanent partial disability, permanent total disability and
List of Occupational Diseases (under PD 626)
survivorship pension in the private sector.
• Papilloma of the bladder
In 2017, the EC funeral benefit was further increased to
• Cancer, epithellomatous or ulceration of the skin or of the
P30,000 by virtue of EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 33 s. 2017 signed
• corneal surface of the eye
by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.
• Cataract
• Deafness Retirement Benefits
• Decompression sickness
GSIS offers various retirement programs that retiring members
• Caisson disease
may choose from depending on their age and length of service.
• Aeroembolism
• Dermatitis due to irritants and sensitizers Retirement Under RA 8291
Five-year lump sum or cash payment with instant pension.

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[SUB] 1.01 TITLE OF LECTURE – Dr. Professor
Retirement under Republic Act 660
Also called “Magic 87,” this option provides both annuity and
lifetime pension.

Retirement under Republic Act 1616

Refund of GSIS premiums and gratuity payment from employers.

Retirement under Presidential Decree 1146

Only those who have been in government service after May 31,
1977 but before June 24, 1997 may avail of this retirement
program. Retirement under PD 1146 gives members a choice
between a Basic Monthly Pension (BMP) and Cash Payment.

Retirement under Republic Act 7699 (Portability Law)

Combining GSIS and SSS periods with paid premiums to qualify
for retirement programs offered by both pension funds.

Links/References (if you want to read and explore further):

For survivorship:

For further information about retirement and pension:
(pdf will also be uploaded in the gdrive)

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A. Republic Act 8291 (GSIS Act of 1997)
effective June 24, 1997

1. You must have rendered at least 15 years of service and must be at least 60 years old upon retirement; and

2. You must not be a permanent total disability pensioner.

Retirement Benefit
There are two choices under this law.

Option 1: Lump sum and old-age (basic monthly) pension

This consists of the following:

 Lump sum – equivalent to your 60-month (or 5-year) basic monthly pension (BMP) payable at the time of retirement;
 BMP – payable for life after the 5-year guaranteed period

Option 2: Cash payment and old-age (basic monthly) pension

This consists of the following:

 Cash Payment – equivalent to 18-month BMP payable upon retirement; and

 Immediate BMP – payable for life from the date of retirement.

Here is how BMP is computed.

BMP = (0.025) (AMC + P700) (PPP)

AMC = average monthly compensation
and PPP = periods with paid premiums.

Your AMC is computed as follows:

1. If your PPP is less than 36 months:

Member’s total compensation (with corresponding paid premiums)

prior to unemployment/disability/death
AMC = ____________________________________________
Actual number of months
such compensation was received

2. If your PPP is 36 months or more:

Member’s total compensation (with corresponding paid premiums)

prior to unemployment/disability/death
AMC = ____________________________________________
36 months

Under this law, the BMP should not exceed 90% of the AMC.
Sample Computation of Benefit Under RA 8291

Basic Data

Name : Juan de la Cruz

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Date of birth : June 20,1952
Date of entry in service : March 1,1978
Date of retirement : January 1, 2014
PPP : 31.86574
AMC : P23,805.55
RAMC (AMC + 700) : P24,505.55
Highest salary received : P25,000.00
Age at retirement : 61.52 years old


1. BMP = (0.025) (RAMC) (PPP)

= (0.025) (24,505.55) (31.86574)
= P19,522.18

2. Retirement benefit:

 Option 1: 5-year lump sum

= (P19,522.18) (60 months)
= P1,171,330.80
BMP (P19,522.18) to start on January 1, 2019.

 Option 2: 18-month Cash Payment

= (P19,522.18 ) (18 months)
= P351,399.24, plus immediate BMP starting January 1, 2014.
B. Presidential Decree 1146
(Pension or Cash Payment)
effective May 31, 1977


1. You must have rendered at least 15 years of service and must at least be 60 years old upon retirement; and

2. Your date of retirement or separation is prior to June 24, 1997.


You are entitled to any of the two benefits discussed below depending on your age and length of service.

1. Pension

For pension payment, you can choose from two options.

Option 1: Annuity - the monthly pension paid annually for 5 years, after which, your BMP for life shall commence.

Option 2: Five-year lump sum - the amount to be received within the 5-year guaranteed period.

Your old-age pension is computed as follows:

BMP = (0.025) (RAMC) (Total years of service)


RAMC = 170% AMC or RAMC = AMC + P140
(if AMC is not more (if AMC is more than P200
than P200) but less than P3,000)

(Under PD 1146, AMC should not be more than P5,000.)

2. Cash payment

If you are at least 60 years old and had at least 3 years but less than 15 years of government service, you are
ineligible for retirement benefit under PD 1146. You may be entitled, however, to Cash Payment equivalent to
100% of your AMC multiplied by your PPP, as follows:

Cash Payment = (AMC) (PPP)

C. Republic Act 1616 (Gratuity Benefit)
effective May 31, 1957

Among the five retirement laws, this is the only mode, dubbed “Take All,” that does not provide pension benefit to retirees.


1. You must have entered government service before June 1, 1977;

2. You must have rendered at least 20 years of service regardless of age and employment status; and

3. Your last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous, except in cases of death, disability, abolition, or
phase-out of position due to reorganization.
If qualified, you are entitled to receive the following:

1. Gratuity pay or benefit. This is payable by your last employer. Its computation is based on your total length of service
(converted into gratuity months), as follows:

Gratuity Months Factor

First 20 years of service X 1 month
21-30 years of service X 1.5 months
In excess of 30 years of service X 2 months

The total gratuity months shall be multiplied then by the highest compensation you received.

2. Refund of retirement premiums. These consist of your personal share with interest) and government share (without
interest), both of which are payable by the GSIS.
D. Republic Act 660 (Magic 87)
effective June 16, 1951


1. You must have entered government service before June 1, 1977;

2. Your appointment status must be permanent;
3. Your last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous, except in cases of death, disability, abolition, or
phase-out of position due to reorganization; and
4. You must be at least 52 years old and meet the corresponding years of service (YOS) required for eligibility.

Under this law, your age when you retired (from age 52 to 57) and YOS should be equal to 87, hence, the “Magic 87” formula:

Age + Service = 87


Your annuity under this law depends on your retirement age. It is detailed in the table below.
Retirement age Benefit
63 and above 5-year lump sum
 Initial 3-year lump sum payable upon retirement; and
Below 63 but at least 60
 Subsequent 2-year balance payable at age 63
Below 60 Monthly pension paid annually – with discount

Note that after the 5-year guaranteed period, within which you obtained any of the above benefit, you shall be entitled to a
monthly pension for life.

Your monthly pension under RA 660 is computed as follows:

R = P30.00 + [(2% x M) + (1.2% x P)] (A)


R = Monthly pension at age 57

M = Number of years after June 16, 1951 (effectivity date of RA 660)
P = Number of years before June 16, 1951
A = Average monthly salary for the last 3 years

An actuarial adjustment factor, which varies with age, is used in computing annuity. The factors are shown in the
table below.
Table of Actuarial Adjustment Factors
Age 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Factor 0.87 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.16 1.20 1.24

Sample Computation of Benefit Under RA 660

Basic Data

Name : Pedro Jose

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Date of birth : June 20, 1947
Date of entry in the government : March 1, 1973
Date of retirement : January 1, 2009
PPP : 31.86574
Number of years after June 16, 1951 (M) : 31.86574
Number of years before June 16, 1951 (P) : 0
Average monthly salary (A) : P23,805.55
Age at retirement : 61.52 years old


1. Monthly pension:

R = P30.00 + [(2% x M) + (1.2% x P)] (A)

= P30.00 + [(2% X 31.86574) + (1.2% x 0)] (23,805.55)
= P30.00 + (0.637315) (23,805.55)
= P30.00 + 15,171.63
= P15,201.63

Then, get the actuarial factor at age 61.52 from

the table of Actuarial Adjustment Factors : 1.13

= (R) (Actuarial factor)

= (P15,201.63 ) (1.13)
= P17,177.84

2. Since Mr. Jose is 61.52 years old upon retirement, he is entitled

to the following:
• 3-year lump sum (or 36 months) payable immediately on his retirement (January 2009):
= (Monthly pension) (36 months)
= (P17,177.84 ) (36)
= P618,402.24

• Subsequent 2-year lump sum (or 24 months) payable at age 63

(June 20, 2010) upon request:
= (Monthly pension) (24 months)
= (P17,177.84) (24)
= P412,268.16

• Monthly pension (P17,177.84) to start in January 2014

It is important to remember that if you are claiming for benefits other than retirement under RA 660, you should have made
contributions for at least 5 years to qualify for such benefits.
E. Republic Act 7699 (The Portability Law)
effective May 1, 1994

RA 7699 is another retirement law that you can apply for only if:

1. You are not entitled for pension benefit from either or both the GSIS or Social Security System (SSS)
because you are unable to meet the required periods of service or number of contributions; and

2. You have less than 120 months of SSS contributions or less than 180 months of creditable government
service (GSIS) at the time of retirement. (In computing, there should be no overlapping of periods of
service or contributions under the GSIS and SSS.)

The Portability Law provides for totalization, the process of adding up the period of creditable services or
contributions under both SSS and GSIS for purposes of eligibility and computation of benefits.

The amount of benefit to be paid by the GSIS or SSS shall be proportionate to the services rendered or periods
of contributions made to each of them.

Hence, all services you rendered or contributions you personally paid as a GSIS member, as well as those that were
paid by your agency-employer, shall be considered in the computation and payment of GSIS benefits. The SSS, on
the other hand, shall shoulder the portion corresponding to your services or contributions to that system.

Your benefit under this law is in the form of monthly pension payable at age 60.

Sample Computations of Benefit Under RA 7699

Sample 1

Basic Data

Name : Juan de la Cruz

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Position : Teacher I
Date of birth : March 21, 1940
Date of entry in government service : March 1, 1987
Date of retirement/separation : March 1, 1996
Period of employment in the : 7 years (December 10, 1979
private sector (under SSS) to December 15, 1986)
PPP (under GSIS) : 9 years
AMC : P3,000.00
RAMC (AMC + P140) : P3,140.00
Highest salary received : P25,000.00
Age at retirement/separation : 56 years old
Date processed : January 16, 2014
Computation using the formula under PD 1146, the prevailing retirement law in 1996:

1. Compute first his BMP (to start at age 60, that is, March 21, 2000).

BMP = (0.025) (RAMC) (Total years of service under GSIS)

= (0.025) (3,140.00) (9)
= P706.50

(As a retiree under RA 7699, Mr. de la Cruz is excluded from pension increase and cash gift.)

2. Then, compute his accrued benefit:

Accrued period : March 21, 2000 (his 60th birthday) to January 31, 2014 (last month of BMP covered in the computation
when his retirement benefit was processed, after which he shall receive his regular BMP of P706.50
starting February 2014)
: 157.3548387 months

Accrued benefit = (BMP) (Accrued period or months)

= (P706.50) (157.3548387)
= P111,171.19

3. SSS shall compute and grant the benefit for his period of employment under SSS: from December 10,1979 to December
15, 1986.

Sample 2

Basic Data

Name : Pedro Jose

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Date of birth : June 20, 1952
Date of entry in service : July 1, 1998
Under RA 7699 (Continued)

Date of retirement/separation : January 1, 2009

PPP : 10.5 years
AMC : P23,805.55
RAMC (AMC + P700) : P24,505.55
Highest salary received : P25,000.00
Age at retirement : 57.52 years old
Date processed : January 16, 2014

Computation using the formula under RA 8291, the prevailing retirement law when Mr. Jose retired in 2009:

1. Compute first his BMP (to start at age 60, that is, June 20, 2012).

BMP = (0.025) (RAMC) (PPP)

= (0.025) (24,505.55) (10.5)
= P6,432.68

(As a retiree under RA 7699, Mr. Jose is excluded from pension increase and cash gift.)

2. Then, compute his accrued benefit:

Accrued period : June 20, 2012 (his 60th birthday)

to January 31, 2014 (last month of BMP covered in
the computation when his retirement benefit was
processed, after which he shall receive his regular
BMP of P706.50 starting February 2014)

: 19.33333 months
Accrued benefit = (BMP) (Accrued period or months)
= (P6,432.68) (19.33333)
= P124,365.14

3. SSS shall compute and grant the benefit for his period of employment
under SSS, if any, prior to his entry in government service.

Sample Computation of Benefit Under RA 660

Basic Data

Name : Pedro Jose

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Date of birth : June 20, 1947
Date of entry in the government : March 1, 1973
Date of retirement : January 1, 2009
PPP : 31.86574
Number of years after June 16, 1951 (M) : 31.86574
Number of years before June 16, 1951 (P) : 0
Average monthly salary (A) : P23,805.55
Age at retirement : 61.52 years old


1. Monthly pension:

R = P30.00 + [(2% x M) + (1.2% x P)] (A)

= P30.00 + [(2% X 31.86574) + (1.2% x 0)] (23,805.55)
= P30.00 + (0.637315) (23,805.55)
= P30.00 + 15,171.63
= P15,201.63

Then, get the actuarial factor at age 61.52 from the table
on page 19: 1.13

= (R) (Actuarial factor)

= (P15,201.63 ) (1.13)
= P17,177.84

2. Since Mr. Jose is 61.52 years old upon retirement, he is entitled

to the following:
• 3-year lump sum (or 36 months) payable immediately on his retirement (January 2009):
= (Monthly pension) (36 months)
= (P17,177.84 ) (36)
= P618,402.24

• Subsequent 2-year lump sum (or 24 months) payable at age 63

(June 20, 2010) upon request:
= (Monthly pension) (24 months)
= (P17,177.84) (24)
= P412,268.16

• Monthly pension (P17,177.84) to start in January 2014

It is important to remember that if you are claiming for benefits other than retirement under RA 660, you should have made
contributions for at least 5 years to qualify for such benefits.
E. Republic Act 7699 (The Portability Law)
effective May 1, 1994

RA 7699 is another retirement law that you can apply for only if:

3. You are not entitled for pension benefit from either or both the GSIS or Social Security System (SSS)
because you are unable to meet the required periods of service or number of contributions; and

4. You have less than 120 months of SSS contributions or less than 180 months of creditable government
service (GSIS) at the time of retirement. (In computing, there should be no overlapping of periods of
service or contributions under the GSIS and SSS.)

The Portability Law provides for totalization, the process of adding up the period of creditable services or
contributions under both SSS and GSIS for purposes of eligibility and computation of benefits.

The amount of benefit to be paid by the GSIS or SSS shall be proportionate to the services rendered or periods
of contributions made to each of them.

Hence, all services you rendered or contributions you personally paid as a GSIS member, as well as those that were
paid by your agency-employer, shall be considered in the computation and payment of GSIS benefits. The SSS, on
the other hand, shall shoulder the portion corresponding to your services or contributions to that system.

Your benefit under this law is in the form of monthly pension payable at age 60.

Sample Computations of Benefit Under RA 7699

Sample 1

Basic Data

Name : Juan de la Cruz

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Position : Teacher I
Date of birth : March 21, 1940
Date of entry in government service : March 1, 1987
Date of retirement/separation : March 1, 1996
Period of employment in the : 7 years (December 10, 1979
private sector (under SSS) to December 15, 1986)
PPP (under GSIS) : 9 years
AMC : P3,000.00
RAMC (AMC + P140) : P3,140.00
Highest salary received : P25,000.00
Age at retirement/separation : 56 years old
Date processed : January 16, 2014

Computation using the formula under PD 1146, the prevailing retirement law in 1996:

1. Compute first his BMP (to start at age 60, that is, March 21, 2000).

BMP = (0.025) (RAMC) (Total years of service under GSIS)

= (0.025) (3,140.00) (9)
= P706.50

(As a retiree under RA 7699, Mr. de la Cruz is excluded from pension increase and cash gift.)
2. Then, compute his accrued benefit:

Accrued period : March 21, 2000 (his 60th birthday) to January 31, 2014 (last month of BMP covered in the
computation when his retirement benefit was processed, after which he shall receive his
regular BMP of P706.50 starting February 2014)
: 157.3548387 months

Accrued benefit = (BMP) (Accrued period or months)

= (P706.50) (157.3548387)
= P111,171.19

3. SSS shall compute and grant the benefit for his period of employment under SSS: from December 10,1979 to
December 15, 1986.

Sample 2

Basic Data

Name : Pedro Jose

Office : DepEd Pulang Lupa
Date of birth : June 20, 1952
Date of entry in service : July 1, 1998
Date of retirement/separation : January 1, 2009
PPP : 10.5 years
AMC : P23,805.55
RAMC (AMC + P700) : P24,505.55
Highest salary received : P25,000.00
Age at retirement : 57.52 years old
Date processed : January 16, 2014

Computation using the formula under RA 8291, the prevailing retirement law when Mr. Jose retired in 2009:

1. Compute first his BMP (to start at age 60, that is, June 20, 2012).

BMP = (0.025) (RAMC) (PPP)

= (0.025) (24,505.55) (10.5)
= P6,432.68

(As a retiree under RA 7699, Mr. Jose is excluded from pension increase and cash gift.)

2. Then, compute his accrued benefit:

Accrued period : June 20, 2012 (his 60th birthday)

to January 31, 2014 (last month of BMP covered in
the computation when his retirement benefit was
processed, after which he shall receive his regular
BMP of P706.50 starting February 2014)
: 19.33333 months

Accrued benefit = (BMP) (Accrued period or months)

= (P6,432.68) (19.33333)
= P124,365.14

3. SSS shall compute and grant the benefit for his period of employment
under SSS, if any, prior to his entry in government service.

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