Conditional Sentence

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Conditional Sentence

Type 0: If + simple present, simple present

Type 1: If + simple present, will (future tense)

Type 2: If + simple past, would

Type 3: if + past perfect, would + have + Verb 3


- Conditional type 1 → bila suatu kalimat punya tingkat kemungkinan yang besar
- Conditioanl type 2 → bila suatu kalimat punya tingkat kemungkinan yang kecil
- Conditional type 3 menggunakan kalimat pasif. Kalimat pasif selalu diikuti dengan verb 3.
Contoh: is known, is found, is cooked, etc. Untuk “will” selalu diikuti dengan “be”. Contoh: Will
be known, will be found, will be cooked, etc.
- Kata kerja terdiri dari: verb 1 (dasar), verb 2 (past), verb 3 (past perfect)
- ‘d → bisa berarti “would” atau “had”.
- “Would” hanya bisa diikuti oleh “have” atau “be”. Contoh: I’d have been there = I would have
been there, I’d be angry = I would be angry
- “Had” hanya bisa diikuti oleh verb 3. Contoh : I’d decided = I had decided, I’d eaten lunch = I had
eaten lunch

1. Contoh conditional type 0

→If the weather is warm, the sun is clearly in the sky

2. Contoh conditional type 1

Kalimat aktif→ if she knows the place, she will send the invitation
Kalimat pasif→ if the place is known by her, the invitation will be sent by her

3. Contoh conditional type 2

Kalimat aktif→ if I found her address, I would send her an invitation
Kalimat pasif→if her address was found by me, an invitation would be sent by me

4. Contoh conditional type 3

Kalimat aktif→ if I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation
Kalimat pasif→ if her address had been found by me, an invitation would have been sent by me

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