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Cover letter (First Draft) 

1 Why this course? 
What is in it that appeals? 
Identify some modules on the course which you are excited about doing (approx. 250
Having work in sales previously I could see first-hand how marketing created an impact in business
and how detrimental it is to do it well, researching about the modules I got find out how you need
to. Understand the business, sector and consumers behaviour.  
2 Currently studying the Extended Diploma in Creative Media and Technology at BPC…tell
the admissions tutor what projects you have been working on…identify any projects you
have worked on outside of college. Identify all relevant software that you have experience
and knowledge of. (approx.250 words) 
In recruitment I would constantly create adverts across various website and social media to reach a
wide set of candidates. As well as also do extensive market research to know everything about my
specific sector.       
In retail sales I had experience in Visual merchandise and had to create displays across the store to
instice customers and found it important to interreact with customers to incorouge.  
Recruitment on IT sales I had to continually learn and be updated on various type of technology and
different ERP systems for both market research and to use them myself.    
3 While on BPC course you have gained experience in academic writing including, analysis,
research, evaluations and report writing – this is just as important as the practical!!!
(approx. 150 words) 
 Going back to school was a very important decision since I had to decide to further my career in IT
recruitment or change my career path in something more suited, when it came to choosing my
course I did it deliberately.  
I wanted to expand my knowledge in photography and film production since when I did a non profit
campaigned visual advertising was incredibly important and had to hire photographers and
videographers and be able to communicate and collaborate smoothly.  
Doing this course will help me a great deal and add an edge since we are learning everything from
photography , video , editing and post production and how to create a reaction or emotion onto the
4 Hobbies, sports, work experience, activities – shows that you have different skills which
can be used on the course (approx. 100 words) 
I did non profit work in Mexico to help fund and employ an indigenous community that are normally
based up in the mountains. Had to create business relationships with prospect employers and
funders and successfully were able to raise ( apply here sum of money) 
Also all of the tribe that decide to find employment in the city were contracted and managed to get
a large majority people to donate everything from food, clothes and toys as well as working with
local supermarket owners to donate trucks full of pantry they were willing to donate. 
I have a focus on mind and body wellness having doing Pilates and yoga continually since lockdown
and really change my perspective on work life balance , if my body and mind is healthy I can be
productive and avoid burn outs.  
5 Sum up your key strengths as outlined in other four sections – make them want you!
(approx. 75 words) 
With my past work experience and non profit work has clearly shown me that marketing is
something I can excel at since talking with people who already work in marketing I can see how well
my personality and work align together very well.  
I set my goals clearly like I did when I decide I wanted to move to London and I accomplished it
within a year of making the decision, created great business relationships through work or just
networking and have been anle to mateine it to this day.  
Once I make a decision there is nothing that will take focus from it.  

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