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ou s= pari of cxrunly by individuals Jertia of Pakicon nattlly/ oorsohp Gand entikie of Banguau Blonuarhip Heyuinus PAIOr approve of RGI- wen ht ty act et wt ord vail hadantial perth Jivuud by Foveignon Paintin offen (FRO) / Foraipro ginal, Retain Offiot CERRO). =P Bolan In NRO Account eamot be supitvieted abroad except by NATS and IOs Upto Usd L miliim, Subjeat fo Conditions Specified in Foreign Exchange, Managment Ragas, dog-Finds tan be, tronifernud fo NRE asteurt within ‘is VSD Levitt feslity dna frnaneial hs We Ube esis - pee > Nomination feility 58 available in NRO Aeeount: ay Rasers Jas bn dapat to Avhorge Des [tig Banks, do allo operation on an NRO ateount jn ferme of Power of Afonray. grants Jn favour. aha Midi by Nov-Revidint individual Qosount elie, provided gush epeahtons are gusbicted to Local paymenty and domittanees to non-yeridents. _ we Foreign turvuney (Non-Resident) Aecsunt CFCNR(G) Accounts] 1) epoit may be apesptel in any permidn'bl, tuvuey NRIs stan dssounty nly, in thu Johan of Team Deposty, With a minimum period 4 igen andes pee Sys: 2D Depas oou In fouign swrwiny and one sap in, tusaney of iatue, ith i in Jou curunyy iyo, ites ep thstat 3y ewitted cuit is applicable only for opening the ottourt ond pomitied duly we opp only fd ok aetae oy pone alan co Mi on Tint Aceuip 440 be opened by fon oh mae NAT ond for P05 orby an NAE/#EO with A Suuidant sulative (difinad tn Lampang Act 281)an orn oh oy’ bavig. Hees dung Map He 4 NRfeto onwunt her, the Java alae cuun operate Ihe Coosa ena “Rewer of Mtorawy” holt» \) Tho is ro nak forthe abeounk bolt othe oatount 34 mantaed in Jona turruney- 4 Nomination} eilty is ovoilade- Qneeme ewrned intenat sted Sreome Tex. 4 “tt ae! ie 3p Popatriakion of pinaipel amsent along with infer i permitted. 4 Grout on deport hall te paid en tte basis @ Seo daye toa yor tumalative on Soll en Jnksvalt 4, 180 days 5) No operation by wary of peor of ctlorunay to dhe hunituet Le permitted, dinee how ant no Jol iaithdrauoels« 6) Frtuand Gen, tan be beeted to badge the balane, Auld in FOMR Acoust: Rete of Anteeit = (hppltsbl. at yer RBI); +> fntowit on [losting fale doris, should be paid woilhin the sling oh ap Jahes for goppative Maran f: maharity : wp nlowten fired hate deers, ahead be pall wibin de gteding *f L1B0R pales fon sunpettive dupcunyfmahaity. wy Tntout pure peel Shall be Gmenthy fos alt foeting hake dapat. L> The Lito) sionr rate as tn Ihe last poonking day hte Pedy. rnthe holy Jon the ba fo frig faig nabs [ot te dost abe effort ebleative In. following month: A huthorted Qulos berks have bun permiltel to she Sntematnal Aruat nde to NAI/ 020 without prion approval ROT Special, Non Revdent Rupee Acceunt? (SN AA) :- Ary pour yeidnt oubaide Indie , having burns daterut in Sadia. may open SARK Aj UHH on authorised dtalor for borafide tyuns.ection in jupes, rot save) viblation a8 pO i s ad proviniora of. the Ae , / 1) Gury the Nomunclatwue ¢f specific Burin pr ohich it 4s opened, dhallnat earn omy- intent: 27 Terie i= Should not exceed joven years No operetion peuniznible in atgount 3p G+ is available fon supebristion. 4) Thorsten rom any. NRO Het SNRR Ae is psubibitted. > AML tyantactiion in SNRA Me subject do payment of oppliaable tora Jn Shdia. GD Opening Swen Ale by Pakistan and Bangladesh nattmalt ond entities vepuive RBJ approve ~ Amount due] payoble. to nam= funident nominee from cacouast ef deseored ascount rota, will be sudited to NRO Me ef nominee wit, on austhaiyed dual ansthovited bank in Sndia. 9 SNRR Ale may be dbsignated ag jorident nuper account on the neous alder becoming a nuvident- We Farilitin 40 NARs :- Nats Yan Npebrtabion Preribed hrely Anverbin. ghanok and Seether t Sndian Companies 6% and Non- Pepebriakion basis, These ane. toqudated by de rregelation Undies, Fonaign Exchange Managimunt” equlatient, 2000. “> Cauidieation of Shanes and seni yo 1) Snvtment: unda reign Douek Srvehmants ae AY Snvestmunt under Portfolio Scheme 3) Panchaw ond sale of thares on non spatiale bois 4) Puovehate and cubed Seouritig otter Ahan Short anf tonvertible debentures Hf Sun tmp > An NRS/pID ean purshe Shans upto Sy. ef Ae pold ep capital of Sian sRompany- AML NAI/ECD Faken dogehha, eannst purchare more than 107. ef dhe poid up value, of the company « i Mudifel fo the NRE/NRD account Sel proud of Ae Papel nae _dupabuable inverrment @n the NRE) PHO. whose; Sale proceeds of non-Fupe . be waited only to NRO Ale The gale of shanet taille sukject to pryment mae ees honbract, approved enmiifel to invert in, Crchange tradi donivative ntact ofp es st yp vanes soi rd ne opti bait, pric y by Seat ve Snvetme nt Avenues \y . F ied tp Snveat in UMlov Huta! fundt on fupabriable, 08 weLlos ron Pepahriabl D Permited ty Snvutintompony depoity on fuyebrihteboiss provided Ae. depot 60x fo. misimaum peried of. Byers. (precribe by RBS). > Permitted Jo Snver- in, fartinonship finn Oh o Phoprictoaship vonesan; AS Not engaged in, agricultural plantation oetvy jor fal cite busines 0% dealing fn immovable property witha viua ob earning profit from cg (8 Pronk Sins anttonee adodnaia on out of bubs bln. ite renal) Afe- <> Spvutment: in Snmevablefepesy | ye Aperaen rurident outtte Sndia,, Who Us sitigen of Sudie dt permitted fo aeguire; » fy prngenty in Sndia. her than ag sills [plantation [fomnboun, benifes he yume to ony pouen goyident An India. on doe pouen venient eudride Srdit, who is Indian eitizen- 2) Sucka prupary by tog of gift by a» ponen jusidart in India, 0” from a. ) puuon fusidant pubae ALacle seitigen of Srdia, tr froma penn +} Sndian onigin, fusident ovide Sndia. 3 fy Ymmovable property in Gndia by way 4 Anherigfance froma petien yerident oubstde Indie. 49 A propody, buat 4} funds jutrived an Sia. by way of inward jumittana from gudside. Anda, on from the balances utd in ony. ron- Perident Suepee qotount on fruign pusneney qotount maintained In fndias > Lovertment without limits, Bh Repetition Basia; 1) Daded Chovennment Seewnitien OA treaty bills on wit of domati 8) Borda igtued by flblie Jeeta, Ondodsting 40 Sadia. 3D Shares in fabio. frton nerprines beng disinvesed by Govonnsatef India Autual Fendt by Non Re-pabstation Bars 1) Dated Government Seeunitics 0% treawyy bill on units domertic Me 23) Unity of Nanay Markit udual, fares in India pod 7 3p Netione! Plan] Sewing (onifiece- dual funds => Advanen to Non=Reridente andthied Party Advarets Again: NAG deporits Pe 1) AD Can sanedion Joors in Sinaia. to acesunt holden] third pauty woitheut any [jmid Subject to mesyin rapadarants 2) True Anars ctonnat be fupebiated gedtide Gndia and ean he wed én Sndia ony or puorpore pecified. 3) In cue Joan sanctioned, it can bedepoid eithor by adjusting ths cporifs 0, Inward famittoree frum cubside India though banking. channels on ut &} halaneey Anil ine NRO Me of Qteeunt holder W 4 ghallnot be wed fon gu-hndivg, parsing on agriouttval/plantotrin petivtia on invent in Rea) Erte

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