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gender-stereotypes limit the children's ability to develop to their fullest potential.

A gender stereotype is therefore harmful when it limits the capacity of women and men to develop
their personal attributes or professional skills and to take decisions about their lives and plans.

they also prevent young people from seeing themselves in a job associated with the other sex, even if
this job completely matches their personal interests.

that certain occupations are gendered. For example, public relations, nursing, and teaching are
considered “female-gendered” occupations, whereas stock trading, engineering, and construction are
considered “male-gendered” occupations.

Career choice

Before making their career choices, students are oen provided with a list of careers from
which they are supposed to make choices. Most of the students lack adequate
information regarding various careers hence the choices that they make are
embedded on traditional gender stereotyping and the subjects they study in
secondary school.

gender stereotyping involves how men and women are expected to act, speak, dress, and
conduct themselves, based on their sex. These preconceived gender roles can limit
men’s and women’s capacity to pursue professional careers and prevent them from
making individual choices about their lives.

 When gender stereotypes get attached to a job, it biases the authority that people
attribute to the man or woman who happens to work in that position. In this way,
men experience negative bias when working in positions that others associate
with women.

⮚ Influence our Behaviour towards others

Stereotype threat

When people are aware of a negative stereotype about their group, they often worry that
their performance on a particular task might end up confirming other people’s beliefs about their group

In general, gender stereotyping involves how men and women are expected to act, speak, dress,
and conduct themselves, based on their sex. These preconceived gender roles can limit men’s
and women’s capacity to pursue professional careers and prevent them from making individual
choices about their lives.
But with gender-neutral toys, Dr. Lombardo says kids are free "to explore their
interests [based on their own preferences], not according to how society
pigeon holes them according to their gender."

it promotes an educational environment that equally values women and men. It also avoids imposing roles
and social mandates that are traditionally assigned based on a person’s sex, and that normally relegate
women to an inferior and subordinate position.

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