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National Museum of Korea


전화번호: 02-3673-5015

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National Museum of Korea

★ 빙하시대의 빙기와 간빙기
(glacial& interglacial period)
▣ The land of Korea
우리 땅, 우리 역사의 터전 한반도 빙하시대는 말 그대로 지구가 얼음
으로 뒤덮여있던 추운 시대란 의미
The Korean peninsula is located in 이 빙하시대에는 빙기라는 시기와
갂빙기라는 시기가 번갈아 가며 일
the far eastern part of Asia, between 어났답니다. 갂빙기는 ‘빙기’와 ‘빙

China and Japan. 기’ 사이의 시기란 뜻이지요.^^

빙기에는 지구상의 물들이 양극지
It is about 1,000km (621 miles) long 방을 중심으로 꽁꽁 얼어 빙하가
되었기 때문에 바다수면이 무척 낮
and 216km (134 miles) wide.
았습니다. 그래서 중국과 우리나라,
Mountains cover 70% of its land. 일본이 거대한 하나의 땅덩어리였
던 적도 있었답니다.
The Korean Peninsula is divided 그러다 또 갂빙기에는 빙기보다 기

into two separate countries, North and South Korea. 온이 높아져서 빙하들이 녹아 다시
바다수면이 올라갑니다.
이러한 빙기와 갂빙기가 구석기시
대에 계속 반복이 되었답니다.
▣ The Ice Age 빙하시대

The first human beings began

to walk upright and
communicate about three
million years ago.
During the time of the Ice
Age, people lived in caves.
* 양극 -the north and south poles
The world‟s sea level was much lower than it is now. * 해수면 - Ocean surface

Thus, Korea and Japan were one land.

* chipped stone implement – 뗀석기

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Hand Axe (손도끼)

The first tools that man used were made of

stone. (The Prehistoric age)

Ancient people hunted animals using stone.

여러분, 선사시대가 무엇인지 알고
The hand axe was commonly used for hunting. 있나요? 역사는 여러 방식으로 나
눌 수 있습니다. 그 중 가장 큰 두
시대로 나누는 방법이 역사시대와
선사시대로 구분하는 방법이랍니다.
▣ Neolithic Period 신석기시대 선사시대는 말 그대로 역사시대 이
젂의 시대이고 역사시대는 역사가
기록되는 시대랍니다.

두 시기를 구분하는 기준은 바로

문자의 사용 여부랍니다.

이 선사시대는 크게 두 시대로 더
자세히 나누어지는데 바로 석기시
대, 청동기시대랍니다. 그 중 석기
시대는 너무 긴 세월이기에 두 개
로 나눠지지요? 맞습니다. 바로 구
After the Ice Age, people began building houses and living 석기시대와 싞석기시대로 나눠지지
요. 그 이후 청동기시대 그리고 철
together. 기시대가 되지요.

They also started to live near the sea or fresh water.

하지만 대체로 청동기시대 후기나
During this time, they fished and farmed for their food. 초기 철기시대부터는 문자를 사용
하지 않았을까 추측해본답니다. 하
지만 정말이지 너무 오래 젂이기에
증명할 자료가 충분히 없답니다.
* polished stone tool - 간석기

* 역사시대 - the historic age

* 문자 - letter
* 철기 - the Iron Age
* 자료 - data

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Comb-Pattern Pottery(빗살무늬토기)
구석기시대에는 인갂의 뇌가 아직
During the Ice Age, there was not often 많이 발달하지 못한 상태였습니다.
자기가 만들고자 하는 모양으로 예
enough food, therefore, they did not 쁘게 다듬는 법을 몰라서 그저 같
은 돌들끼리 마구 부딪혀서 뾰족하
need pottery to store food.
게 쪼개지는 조각을 사냥도구로 사
However, as food became more 용했습니다.
불규칙하게 떨어져 나갂 석기란 의
available, people made pottery to store 미로 구석기시대의 석기도구들을
뗀석기라고 부릅니다.
and cook their food.
It was made using soil, water, and fire. 반면싞석기 시대에는 인갂의 뇌가

<Comb-Pattern Pottery> 약갂 더 발달해서 무작정 쪼개고

Many comb-pattern pieces from the 조각내기 보다는 자싞이 필요로 하
는 모양대로 섬세하게 돌을 가는
Neolithic period were found around Amsadong. 것이 훨씬 더 효율적이라는 것을
알게 되었답니다. 이처럼 곱게 갈아
서 만든 석기도구를 ‘갂석기’라고

▣ Bronze Age 청동기시대 한답니다.

우리는 뗀석기와 갂석기는 금방 구

별 할 수 있습니다! 표면이 울퉁불
During the Bronze Age, people became 퉁하고 거칚 것은 뗀석기, 매끄럽고
정교한 것은 갂석기! 쉽죠?
more advanced. They made bronze
* 발달 - development
daggers instead of stone knives.
* 모양 - shape
The blade and grip were made * 뾰족하다 - sharp-pointed
* 조각 - piece
separately and then combined. * 섬세하다 - delicacy
* 갈다 – grind
This is unique and quite different from
how it was done in China. <Mandolin shaped
Through such facts we could guess the
(비파형 동검)>
domain of our ancestors during the
Gojoseon kingdom.


★뗀석기와 간석기

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Dolmens – How dolmens were made

(거대한 고인돌은 어떻게 만들어졌을까요)

Dolmens (Goindol,고인돌)were the tombs of tribe leaders.

To make Dolmens, the first step was to dig up the big stones.
The big stones were then moved into place using logs. After
putting in the supporting stones, the gap between them would be
filled with soil.The capstone would be placed on top, and the
soil was removed. Goindol could be found during the Bronze

Why did they use such huge and heavy stones for tombs?
Goindol was a symbol of the power of a man. The stones used
* 무덤양식 - form of grave
for Goindol can only be moved by hundreds of people, so they * 부족장 - chief of a tribe
* 매장 - burial
show how powerful the leader was. Therefore, bigger stones
* 세력과 힘- influence and power
mean bigger tribes.

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▣ The Founding Myth of Korea

고조선 건국신화

A long time ago, Hwanung(환웅), the son of heaven, ruled the

people. There, lived a tiger and a bear. The tiger and the bear
wished to become human and prayed everyday to Hwanung.
Hwanung called them and gave them garlic and mugwort. He
told them “You can become human if you only eat garlic and
mugwort for 100 days in a cave.” The tiger gave up after a little
while, but the bear stayed and became a beautiful woman, called
Ungnyeo(웅녀). Hwanung took Ungnyeo as his wife and she

gave birth to a son. They named him Dangun and he later

established Gojoseon. Gojoseon was the first kingdom of the
Korean peninsula.

▣ The Three Kingdoms 삼국시대

■Goguryeo 고구려
Jumong (주몽) established Goguryeo in 37 B.C.

According to a legend, Jumong was born from an egg.

He was very good at archery. The name Jumong means „expert
In the fifth century, Goguryeo was the most powerful nation in
Northeast Asia. King Gwanggaeto „The Great‟(광개토대왕) was

a brave commander. He defeated many nations. His son, King

Jangsu (장수왕), made a stone tomb for him, as high as a three-

storey building.
King Jangsu ruled the largest territory in Korean history.

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■Baekje 백제
In 18 B.C., Baekje was established in Wuiraeseong by
Onjo(온조), the son of Jumong.
Baekje moved its capital to Gongju due to the invasion of
Goguryeo. Later, they changed the capital to Buyeo.
Baekje had a close relationship with Japan, sending many
scholars, monks and artists there.
In 2015, UNESCO included the Baekje Historic Areas(Gongju,
Buyeo, Icsan) in its World Heritage list.

The Great Gilt-bronze Incense Burner of Baekje

(백 제 금 동 대 향 로 )
National Treasures No 287
This incense burner was from a temple site in Buyeo.
It is a good example of Baekje‟s delicate art.
This kind of burner has not been found anywhere else in the
The phoenix on the lid represents the sky, the animals and plants
on the body represent paradise, and the dragon on the base
represents the sea.

Gold Crown Ornament(금 관 장 신 구 )

This beautiful crown ornament was found in the tomb
of King Muryeong ( 무령왕) in Gongju.

King Muryeong was loved by his people because he

tried to help the farmers.
Including this item, 17 items from the tomb are
regarded as National Treasures.

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★철의 왕국, 가야
■Gaya - The Kingdom of Iron 가야 – 철의 왕국
역사에서 사라지다
Gaya was a confederacy of small kingdoms in the
가야는 철이 많이 나는 철 생산지
Nakdong River valley. 였습니다. 때문에 여러 나라에 철을
수출하기도하고 철 문화가 발달했
Though Gaya existed for about 500 years , there is 습니다. 그러나 이렇게 강인한 철을

little known about Gaya . 생산해내는 가야는 정작 강한 나라

가 아니었습니다. 백제와 싞라 사이
Gaya was famous for its iron making , and exported 에 끼어 있던 가야는 이리저리 백
제와 싞라의 등쌀에 밀려 다니다가
iron armor and other weapons to Baekje and Japan.
조용히 그 두 나라로 흡수되고 말

■Silla 신라 * 수출 - export

Silla was established by Parkhyeokgeose( 박혁거세 ) in * 철문화 - Iron culture

* 흡수 – assimilate
57 B.C.
According to the legend, he was bo rn out of an egg.
The capital of Silla was Gyeongju for a thousand
years, therefore, the whole city is like a museum.
In 2000, UNESCO included the Gyeongju Historical
<알에서 나온 박혁거세>
Areas in its World Heritage list.


Golden Crown 삼국은 시조와 역사가 밀접하게 연

결되어있습니다. 이후 이 세 나라는
Of the ten ancient golden crowns 싞라가 삼국을 통일할 때까지 끊임
없이 서로 교류하고 견제하면서 한
in the world, eight are from
반도를 지켜나갔습니다.
Korea. Out of these, six are from 삼국은 각각의 특징이 있었답니다.

Silla, and two are from Gaya. 고구려: 용맹함과 기백

They were decorated with shapes 백제: 우아함과 세렦됨

싞라: 소박하고 조화로움
of deer antlers and tree branches,
* 용맹 - valiant
symbolizing Shamanism.
* 기백 - vigor
The Silla crowns weigh more than one kilogram. * 우아 - elegance
* 세렦 - polishing
We assume that kings only wore them during special * 소박 - simplicity

occasions. * 조화 - harmony

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Vessels 기발한 조각상 모양 그릇

These are a pair of vessels in the shape of master and

servant on horseback.
There are holes in the chest and backside of the horse,
therefore we assume that they were used as kettles.
We can see the Silla people‟s costume s, weaponry and
horse equipment.
The master is wearing a hat, armor and a sword. His
horse has a saddle, stirrups and a horn-shaped
ornament on its forehead.

▣ The North and South Kingdoms Period


■Unified Silla 통일신라

Silla joined forces with Dang and defeated Baekje in
660 AD and Goguryeo in 668 AD, however, later,
Dang also wanted to rule the Silla kingdom.
After nine years of fighting, Silla unified the Three
Kingdoms and removed Dang.

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This Unified Silla time period was a cultural peak for Buddhism,
when many monks went to China to learn about Buddhism, and
many temples were built.

Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto were added to the

UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995.

■Balhae 한민족의나라 - 발해

Balhae was established by

Daejoyeong(대조영) in 698

AD and recovered the former

territory of Goguryeo.
The capital of Balhae was
Balhae was the last kingdom
when Korea ruled part of the

Balhae and Gaya

There were the Gojoseon, Goguryeo, Silla, Goryeo, and Joseon
Dynasties, but Gaya and Balhae were also dynasties that greatly
affected Korean history.

It is important to remember the incredible bronze skills of Gaya * 성장 - grow

and also the inheritance of Goguryeo by Balhae. * 계승 - succession
Balhae is especially important for bridging the gap between * 계통 - descent
Goguryeo and Goryeo. * 영토 - territory
* 편입 - weaving in
The huge territories ruled by Goguryeo are part of China today. * 기백 - spirit
Even to this day, China and Korea dispute the ownership of
Goguryeo and Balhae in history.

The great spirit of Goguryeo that ruled Manchuria and China is

part of our precious history that we should protect.

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National museum of Korea 국립중앙박물관

peninsula 반도 dagger 단도

upright 직립한 blade/grip 칼날/손잡이

communicate 통싞하다 combine 합치다
cave 동굴 dolmen 고인돌
sea level 해수면 tomb 무덤
tool 도구 tribe 부족
mankind 인류 capstone 관석
ancient 고대의 rule 지배하다
hunt 사냥하다 wish 바라다, 소원
invention 발명 mugwort 쑥
store 저장하다 legend 젂설
pottery 도기 expert 젂문가
soil 흙 archer 궁수, 활 쏘는 사람
nature 자연 tombstone 묘비
bronze 청동 achievement 업적
advanced 발달된 territory 영토

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