Course Details Module Ultrasonography

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Course Details P.G.

Diploma in ultrasonography
Course content
Curriculum duration: 38weeks
Assignments/Assessments: 4weeks
Buffer weeks: 2Weeks
1 Capstone: 8Weeks Rotational
Module duration/Week learner time (Live sessions+ Recorded content + Practice time): 3-4hrs.
Total No. of hours: 125hrs.

Lecture 1.1: Image optimization

Lecture 1.2: Scanning technique
Lecture 1.3: Knobology
Lecture 1.4: Terminology
Lecture 1.5: Artefacts

Module 2 USG OF LIVER:

Lecture 2.1: Normal anatomy

Lecture 2.2: Scanning technique
Lecture 2.3: Congenital anomalies
Lecture 2.4: Infectious disease
Lecture 2.5: Metabolic disorders
Lecture 2.6: Vascular abnormalities
Lecture 2.7: Neoplasms


Lecture 3.1: Normal anatomy and variants

Lecture 3.2: Scanning technique
Lecture 3.3: Congenital anomalies
Lecture 3.4: Biliary tree- anatomy and pathological conditions
Lecture 3.5: Neoplasms


Lecture 4.1: Normal anatomy

Lecture 4.2: Scanning technique
Lecture 4.3: Congenital anomalies
Lecture 4.4: Inflammatory diseases
Lecture 4.5: Neoplasms


Lecture 5.1: Normal anatomy

Lecture 5.2: Scanning technique
Lecture 5.3: Congenital anomalies
Lecture 5.4: Calculus disease
Lecture 5.5: Cystic diseases
Lecture 5.6: Neoplasms


Lecture 6.1: Normal anatomy

Lecture 6.2: Scanning technique
Lecture 6.3: Congenital anomalies
Lecture 6.4: Endometrium pathologies
Lecture 6.5: Myometrium pathologies
Lecture 6.6: Cystic diseases of ovary (Including PCOD)
Lecture 6.7: Neoplasms
Lecture 6.8: Pelvic inflammatory disease
Lecture 6.9: Adnexal masses


Lecture 7.1: Focusing

Lecture 7.2: Gestational sac localization
Lecture 7.3: Yolk sac and Embryo visualization
Lecture 7.4: Dating
Lecture 7.5: Reporting


Lecture 8.1: Early pregnancy failure

Lecture 8.2: Ectopic pregnancy


Lecture 9.1: LEVEL II SCAN

Lecture 9.2: Detailed anomaly scan
Lecture 10.1: Bio-Physical scoring
Lecture 10.2: Fetal representation
Lecture 10.3: Intra-uterine demise
Lecture 10.4: Cervical incompetence
Lecture 10.5: Assessment of scar thickness
Lecture 10.6: Post-partum ultrasound evaluation

P.G. Diploma in Diabetology

Course duration: 1Year/12months

Curriculum duration: 38weeks
Assignments/Assessments: 4weeks
Buffer weeks: 2weeks
1Capstone: 8 Rotational weeks
Module duration/Week learner time (Live sessions+ Recorded content + Practice time): 2-3hrs.

Total No. of hours: 95hrs.


Module 1 – Introduction & Overview

Lecture 1.1: Physiology of Glucose Metabolism & the role of Endocrinology

Lecture 1.2: Key landmarks/historical perspective of Diabetes
Lecture 1.3: What is diabetes? Pathogenesis and classification
Lecture 1.4: Epidemiology of major types of diabetes

Module 2 – Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Comprehensive Medical Evaluation

Lecture 2.1: Diagnostic Test

Lecture 2.2: Confirmation & Presentation (Type 1 & 2), GDM & Others
Lecture 2.3: Further clinical pointers
Lecture 2.4: Glucose monitoring- Self Monitoring/ HNSM, CGM, Long Term Glycemic Monitoring
Lecture 2.5: Comprehensive Medical Evaluation

Module 3 – Complication and Comorbidities

Lecture 3.1: Acute Complications
Lecture 3.2: Chronic complications
Lecture 3.3: Monitoring of Complications- Macrovascular & Microvascular

Module 4- Management of Diabetes

Lecture 4.1: General Principals & Goals of Glycemic Control

Lecture 4.2: Nonpharmacological management- Therapeutic patient education/ Weight loss
exercise and yoga/ Nutrition therapy/ Nutraceuticals and diabetes
Lecture 4.3: Pharmacological approaches- Pharmacological therapy for type 1 diabetes, Surgical
treatment for type 1 diabetes, Pharmacological therapy for type 2 diabetes

Module 5- Management of Comorbidities/complications/DM in extremes of age

Lecture 5.1: Obesity management- Assessment, Non - Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacotherapy,

Metabolic surgery
Lecture 5.2: Cardiovascular disease and risk management in diabetes patient- Hypertension and
CAD, Lipid management, Antiplatelet agents, Heart Failure
Lecture 5.3: Microvascular complications and foot care in diabetes- Diabetic Kidney, Diabetic
Retinopathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Footcare, Diabetes in Childhood and Geriatric Population

P.G. Diploma in Critical care

Course duration: 1Year/12months
Curriculum duration: 34 weeks
Assignments/Assessment’s: 4weeks
Buffer weeks: 2weeks
1Capstone: 12weeks
Module duration/Week learner time (Live sessions+ Recorded content + Practice time): 3-4
hrs./ Week

Total No. of hours: 125hrs


Module 1: Resuscitation of critically ill patient

Lecture 1.1: Airway, breathing and circulation during CPR

Lecture 1.2: Pathophysiology and Management of shock
Lecture 1.3: Acid base Disorders and Electrolyte Management
Lecture 1.4: Blood transfusion and fluid therapy

Module 2: Fundamentals of ICU Management

Lecture 2.1: Sedation and Analgesia in ICU
Lecture 2.2: Nutrition and Ulcer prophylaxis
Lecture 2.3: Coagulation and DVT prophylaxis
Lecture 2.4: Approach to fever in ICU
Lecture 2.5: Sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

Module 3: Monitoring

Lecture 3.1: ECG and diagnosing arrhythmias

Lecture 3.2: Hemodynamic monitoring
Lecture 3.3: Basics of Echocardiography and Ultrasound

Module 4: Respiratory disorders

Lecture 4.1: Oxygen therapy & Mechanical Ventilation

Lecture 4.2: Acute Lung Injury and Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Lecture 4.3: Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases & Asthma
Lecture 4.4: Pneumonia – community acquired & nosocomial
Lecture 4.5: Pulmonary embolism

Module 5: Cardiovascular diseases

Lecture 5.1: Acute Myocardial infarction

Lecture 5.2: Acute Myocardial infarction
Lecture 5.3: Acute heart failure
Lecture 5.4: Pericardial diseases
Lecture 5.5: Intensive care after cardiac surgery

Module 6: Central nervous system

Lecture 6.1: Management of stroke and cerebrovascular complications

Lecture 6.2: Seizures in critically ill
Lecture 6.3: Brain death
Lecture 6.4: Neuromuscular disorders in ICU
Lecture 6.5: Psychiatric issues in ICU

Module 7: Principles of Antimicrobial use - The critically ill child

Lecture 7.1: Pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Lecture 7.2: Care of a critically ill child
Lecture 7.3: Pediatric emergencies
Lecture 7.4: Fluid and electrolyte therapy in children

Module 8: Hepatic & Gastroenterological disorders

Lecture 8.1: Acute gastrointestinal bleeding

Lecture 8.2: Severe acute pancreatitis
Lecture 8.3: Hepatic failure
Lecture 8.4: Peritonitis and intra-abdominal infections

Module 9: Renal disorders

Lecture 9.1: Acute renal failure

Module 10: Hematology and Oncology problems in ICU

Lecture 10.1: Anemia and bleeding disorders

Lecture 10.2: Hematological malignancies
Lecture 10.3: Oncologic emergencies

Module 11: Endocrine problems in Intensive care

Lecture 11.1: Management of diabetes in critically ill patients & Diabetic emergencies
Lecture 11.2: Thyroid emergencies
Lecture 11.3: Adrenocortical insufficiency in critical illness

Module 12: Obstetric problems in Intensive care

Lecture 12.1: Obstetric emergencies in ICU

Module 13: Surgical problems in Intensive care

Lecture 13.1: Management of post-operative cardiac patient

Lecture 13.2: The acute abdomen
Lecture 13.3: Pressure sore prevention, Necrotizing fasciitis and soft tissue infections

Module 14: Transplants in Intensive care

Lecture 14.1: Organ donation

Lecture 14.2: ICU care of post-transplant patients

Module 15: Critical Care of a Trauma Patient

Lecture 15.1: Traumatic brain and spine injury

Lecture 15.2: Thoracic trauma
Lecture 15.3: Abdominal and pelvic injury
Lecture 15.4: Disaster management
Lecture 15.5: Transport of a critically ill patient

Module 16: Environmental injuries

Lecture 16.1: Burns and hypothermia

Lecture 16.2: Near drowning
Lecture 16.3: Management of acute poisoning

Module 17: Infections

Lecture 17.1: Central nervous system infections

Lecture 17.2: Pneumonia
Lecture 17.3: Infective endocarditis and infections of Prosthetic valves
Lecture 17.4: Tropical diseases
Lecture 17.5: Infections in Immune compromised patient
Lecture 17.6: Fungal infections

Module 18: Hospital Acquired infections

Lecture 18.1: Prevention and control of Nosocomial Infections in ICU

P.G. Diploma in Emergency Medicine

Course duration: 1Year/12months

Curriculum duration: 34 weeks
Assignments/Assessment’s: 4weeks
Buffer weeks: 2weeks
1Capstone: 12weeks
Module duration/Week learner time (Live sessions+ Recorded content + Practice time): 3-4
hrs./ Week

Total No. of hours: 125hrs

Module 1 - Introduction & Overview
Lecture 1.1: Emergency Medicine Department – Organization of EMD, Organization of
Emergency MS, Disaster management
Lecture 1.2: Legal Aspects of Emergency Medicine – Introduction

Module 2 - Airway Management

Lecture 2.1: Airway Management – Introduction
Lecture 2.2: Mechanical Ventilation – Introduction, Specific Modes of Ventilation, General
Classes of Ventilators, Noninvasive ventilation, Weaning

Module 3 – Trauma & Orthopedics’

Lecture 3.1: Trauma Emergencies – General Approach to a Trauma Patient, Traumatic Shock,
Hypovolemic Shock, Thoracic Shock, Stab Wounds, Pelvic Trauma, Genitourinary Trauma,
Pediatric trauma, Trauma in Pregnancy, Penetrating & Blunt Neck Trauma
Lecture 3.2: Emergency Department Imaging – Emergency Department Sonography, Diagnostic
Imaging in Emergency Medicine
Lecture 3.3: Neurology in Trauma – Management of Head Injuries, Cerebral Protection in Head
Injuries, Spinal Injuries

Module 4 – Orthopedic Emergencies

Lecture 4.1: Types of Orthopedic Emergencies, Fractures, Hand and Wrist Injuries, Hand
Injuries, Wrist Injuries, Forearm, Elbow, Upper Arm and Shoulder Injuries, Pelvis, Hip and Femur
Injuries, Lower Leg and Ankle Injuries.
Lecture 4.2: Complications of Orthopedic Injuries, Basic Management of Orthopedic

Module 5 - Wounds & Analgesia

Lecture 5.1: Principles of wound management, Methods of wound closure, Local and Regional
anesthesia, Bedside anesthesia in emergency department and Pain management

Module 6 – Medical Emergencies

Lecture 6.1: Cardiac Emergencies: Approach to Chest Pain, Cardiogenic Shock, Congestive
Cardiac Failure or Acute heart failure, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Syncope and Cardiac
Lecture 6.2: Respiratory Emergencies: Acute Respiratory Failure, Asthma and Bronchial Asthma,
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Hemoptysis, Pneumonia, Non-Cardiogenic
Pulmonary Edema, Pleural Effusions and Pneumothorax, Mycobacterial Emergencies
Lecture 6.3: Endocrine Emergencies: Hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, NKH Coma
(Nonketotic Hyperosmolar Coma), Alcoholic Ketoacidosis, Lactic Acidosis, Thyroid Storm and
Myxedema Coma, Adrenal Crisis
Lecture 6.4: Neurological disorders: Altered Mental Status and Coma, CNS Infections, Stroke
Emergencies, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Panic Disorder, Depression and Suicide,
Septic Shock
Lecture 6.5: Renal Emergencies: Acid Base Balance and Interpretation of Blood Gas Results,
Electrolyte Disorders, Acute Renal Failure, Chronic Renal Failure, Acute kidney injury, Urinary
Tract Infections, Urinary Retention
Lecture 6.6: Gastrological and Hepatic Emergencies: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diverticulitis,
Hepatitis, Management of Acute Bleeding Esophageal Varices, Liver Cirrhosis

Module 7 – Surgical Emergencies and Transfusion Emergencies

Lecture 7.1: Surgical Emergencies: Abdominal Trauma, Acute Appendicitis, Acute Cholecystitis,
Acute Pancreatitis, Anorectal Disorders- Hemorrhoids and Anal fissure, GI Foreign Bodies,
Oropharyngeal Foreign Bodies, Rectal Foreign Bodies, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm [AAA], Acute
Mesenteric Ischemia [AMI], Intestinal Obstruction, Surgical Emergencies of Bowel, Genital
Lecture 7.2: Transfusion Emergencies: Blood Transfusion

Module 8 - Obstetric, Gynecologic Emergencies and Pediatric Emergencies

Lecture 8.1: Pelvic Pain, Ectopic Pregnancy, Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy, Hypertension in
Pregnancy, Emergency Delivery, Vaginitis, cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,
Amenorrhea, Sexual Assault
Lecture 8.2: Approach to Ill Pediatric Patient, Pain, Sudden Infant Death syndrome, Ingested
Foreign Bodies, Respiratory Tract Infections, Bronchiolitis, Pharyngitis, Epiglottitis, Pneumonia
Syndrome, Otitis Media, Congenital Heart Disease, Kawasaki Disease, Bacteremia, Meningitis
and sepsis, GIT Disorders, Intestinal Obstruction, Incarcerated hernia, Pyloric Stenosis,
Intussusception, Seizures, Meckel`s Diverticulum, Appendicitis, Status Epilepticus, Child Abuse

Module 9 -Ear and Eye Emergencies

Lecture 9.1: Otolaryngologic Emergencies –Obstruction Due to Foreign Body, Epistaxis, Anterior
Epistaxis, Posterior Epistaxis, Nasal Fracture
Lecture 9.2: Ophthalmic Emergencies – Corneal Abrasion, Glaucoma, Red Eye

Module 10 - Toxicology
Lecture 10.1: Approach to the Poisoned patient
Lecture 10.2: Antidotes commonly used in Overdoses
Lecture 10.3: Treatment of Hypotension Associated with Drug Poisoning
Lecture 10.4: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Lecture 10.5: Illicit Drug & Controlled Substances of Abuse
Lecture 10.6: Alcohol Withdrawal
Lecture 10.7: Digitalis Toxicity
Lecture 10.8: Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity
Lecture 10.9: Acetaminophen Hepato-Toxicity
Lecture 10.10: Salicylate Overdose
Lecture 10.11: Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
Lecture 10.12: Monoamino Oxidase Inhibitor Overdose
Lecture 10.13: Arsenic Poisoning
Lecture 10.14: Cyanide Poisoning
Lecture 10.15: Iron Poisoning
Lecture 10.16: Serum Osmolality
Lecture 10.17: Ethanol Poisoning
Lecture 10.18: Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
Lecture 10.19: Poisoning Management

Module 11 - Environmental Emergencies

Lecture 11.1: Environmental Emergencies – Frost bite, Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke, High
Lecture 11.2: Altitude-Pulmonary Symptoms, High Altitude cerebral Symptoms, Hypothermia
Lecture 11.3: Burns – Chemical Burns, Electrical Burns, Lightning Burns, Thermal Burns
Lecture 11.4: Dive Emergencies – Barotrauma, Near Drowning
Lecture 11.5: Emergency Department Anaphylaxis
Lecture 11.6: Bee Sting and Insect Bites
Lecture 11.7: Bites: Animal Bites, Human Bites
Lecture 11.8: Snake Bite Emergency First Aid Information

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