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Instruction A Fela e rel | Type 2553. DC VOLTAGE/CURRENT STANDARD YOKOGAWA HOKUSHIN ELECTRIC 4th Edition IM 2563416 CERTIFICATION Yokogawa Hokushin Electric Corporation (YEW) certifies that this instrument Uunderwent stringent inspections and performance tests before it was shipped from the factory, and was found to mest the specifications given in the specifications section of this document. ‘YEW also certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the Electro- technical Laboratory of the Ministry of International Trade and industry (which maintains Japan's primary electrical standards) to the extent allowed by the organi zation’s calibration facilities. Calibration measurements not traceable to that organization are traceable to the calibration facilities of other members of the International Electrotechnical Commission, or to those of International Organiza- tion for Standardization (SO) members. WARRANTY ‘YEW warrants this product, for one year from the date of delivery, against defects in materials and workmanship. YEW will repair or replace a product which proves defective during the warranty period due to materials or workmanship defects, provided that the product is returned to YEW or a YEW representative authorized to perform Inwarranty repair of the product, YEW reserves the right to determine whether product failures are due to defective materials or workmanship, or to other causes not covered by this warranty. No other warranty is expressed or implied, YEW is not liable for consequential damages, ‘Type 2553 Contents CONTENTS Section Title Page © Copyright 1979. 4th Eaton: GENERAL 1-1. Description 1-2. Features 1.3. Specifications NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF COMPONENTS OPERATION 31, Handling Cautions 3-2. Preparation... 33, Warmup ....-.- 34, Wiring... 6.62 eee eee eee 3-5, Output Current or Voltage Setting . 3.6. Temperature Range Setting. {GP-IBGnstalled only in the Type 255342) 4-1, Interface Function 4.2, Bus Driver . 43, Remote Control. ..... 44, “My Address” Switch . . 45. MODE Setting 4-6, Listener Function...... 2+. 47, Response to Interface Messages 48, Telker Function . ee 49, GPIB Commands for Remote ~ Local Mode Switching =... ss. es. .e. 15 4-10. Application Example . MAINTENANCE . Sal. Storage . : 52, Periodiel Calibration : PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION... ..- May. 1985.(U.P) 1M 2559-416 ‘Type 2653 1. GENERAL. Le . Description. ‘The YEW Type 2553 DC voltage/Current Standard. delivers not only DC voltage or current, as set on the front panel dials, to an accuracy of £0.2% but also “thermocouple” emf corresponding to the tempera- ture set on the front panel dials to calibrate thermo- couple thermometer inputs. ‘The instrument i suited for the calibration of various electronic instruments and thermocouple ‘thermometer inputs. 1-2, Features. (1) The instrument delivers DC voltage or current ___ t0:0,02% high accuracy. (2) Emfs can be generated for calibrating Thermo- couple thermometer inputs by setting the instru- ‘ment dials according to JIS, ANSI and DIN type thermocouple temperature (°C). (3) The diats can be set continuously. ‘The most-ignificant-digit decade dial can be General Page 1 either 0 (for setting up to 999) or 1 (for setting 1000). Noncontacting switches are used in the instrument dials. (4) A divider function for meter calibration is furnished in the instrument. The voltage or current dial setting corresponds to the meter full scale, Other meter scale divisions are calibra- ted using the divider dial. (S) The microprocessor used in this instrament enables not only thermocouple linearizers but also meter zero and full-scale to be calibrated, 0 the usual variable resistor adjustment is not necessary. (6) GP-IB (General-purpose Interface Bus). ‘Type 255342: (GP-B built-in) can be externally programme NOTE ‘The instrument is not supplied with batteries installed, so CAL BAT ALARM will light when the POWER switch is turned ON, but this is normal. Figure 1-1. External View. Page2 General 1-3. Specifications. ‘Type 2553, Tam] Waximum | ere ave Seria Renae sesuney | Rerostion|_ Opie” |. Resanen jonv [ows wa000mv | soammeaw | 14v 150M wmv esesszno0my. | s00%% 105 | tsamex. vows | YY lotos t2000v | e007 12050 | coma in| 10mt an sv [ots 12000 tiv |f0omaMa| 1OmiMox. Tima | Ov02_12000mA ona] 12VMin. [approx tome cunt | “10mA_—-| Oto 12.000ma Tak") avian, | Spon tm sooma__| 010 12000mA ron | “a'vmin. | Asprox it as | 8 © to17600° src 1s0 Mex. ter | «| -2000%0 200% face 1st Mee fest! © 7000" feens | sn for] 4 | -2000% soaote osc. | ssc me, oe +. |-000% 2000 | so hea mex ram—re | 0. vo 10000% .20°c | sccm, 158 Max. ners | 9 wotaooare| soa0%e | 2047°s [orem Vea max au Juic~Kens) 9. tro zozsre | 402176 Join {Semen c woar'e | 20406 leven a Fe~tant | sooo coo" ae |e] 158 Mex "920% | 2025°6 | ewysent — ovens | -2on00 2oo0%e| 282055, | 20286 | Sur sa mex st) i8VotmA, 9Vpt BMA rena pezte a ee cocaine aoe ge ‘Output Setting: Set with three dials (contactless Approx. SOVA, dial switches using photocouplers), fist and second daials, 16 step/ revolution third dial 32 step/1 revolution Display: 5-dgit, LED (Light-Emitting Diode) display. Unit Matks: mV, V, mA and °C. Divider Output Setting: ‘Setting dial indication) X n/m «+915 (15 divisions) + 0,1,2,. = 15 (where n— LOCAL Figure 43. 4-6. Listener Function. 46-1. Program Dats, The program data’ corresponding to the setting dials and switches on the instrument front panel are shown in the following tables. ISO (ASCII) characters are used, ’ (@) Range ‘The program data corresponding to the RANGE selector switch settings. Set or change the address with the instrument Fara] ay =a Re Range a power swith tuned OFF. ok [esr] Rowe [S| Reve [Sh Tomv} VO] imal AG |RITEMP| TO soomv| vi |1omal ar | oR | Tt Table 4-3, av | v2 foomal a2 | « | 2 sov | vs [*twe| as | © | 3 ‘hades code | Adres eharector “Tyee 2868 5 | % Tyee | va a2 a2 A Talk Tamera 00 0 ® * Wali when usd ne the Type 2565, on oud A o 1 0 2 (b) Polarity 7 o 1 4 c ‘The program data exrresponding to the polarity 1 0 0 > selector switch settings are 1 0 4 € i 1 0 F Polerey Program date 144 6 + 70 0 0 0 4 2 f oo 1 1 0 1 By a 7 (© Sweep Function o 3g t “The program data corresponding to the SWEEP en ON-OFF, and sweep direction delector switch rorce| oN settings are: i 1 ul Z 2 Funetion Program date, HOLD oo 4-5. MODE Setting. gS As shown in Figure 4-3, the instrument can be oer or | w set to TALK ONLY mode ing the MODE awit me a on the sear panel. And remote control status can = be released by setting the MODE switch to LOCAL. However, the instrument can not be set to LOCAL status if the bus controller has set the instrument status to LOCAL LOCK OUT. When the controller is used, set the MODE switch to ADDRESSABLE mode, RO; used to release the sweep mode, if the OUTPUT switch is ON, the instrument delivers the setting value. Rl; Sweeps between zero and the setting value for approximately 16 seconds. ‘Type 2583, GPIB Page 11 RQ; Sweeps between zero and the seting value Example) To set 100mV on the 100 iV range, for approximately 32 seconds. proceed as follows. Note: If the sweep faction i released while sweeping visi0000 @ ED ‘the instument delivers the setting value here, CE denotes carriadge return andCLE> - line feed. @ Do not combi (@) Setting Value ‘The program data corresponding to dial settings the following operations in sre: cone command (dslineted by CEY GD and GD). f - 8) Do not combine range change and OUTPUT . switch turn ON operations, Example) To change to the 1V range (V2) from another range proceed as follows: Always set the value using five characters-digits and space characters. The decimal point is fixed v200GD fon each range, s0 decimal point setting is un- Example) If $V is set on the 10 range, set as When changing the range, aways set the follows: output to 00. Set the correct output in a separate command. S GD 50000r8 05000 ') Always tum output ON before initiating sweep output, (©) Mode Example) To exscote an upwards sweep ‘The program data corresponding to mode setting (from zero to.setting value) for 16 seconds, switch settings are: proceed as follows: Famion ream doe o@ap NORMAL MODE 0 CAL MoE ot ana@@ GD CAL MODE is used to calibrate the instrument in the YEW factory. Usually, use the program (3) Front panel settings aro sot and changed ex- data DO (NORMAL MODE). plicty. Example) When the ietting is changed to (© output ‘05000¥ from 1.0000V, the range 1V ‘The program date corresponding to the OUT- (V1) is held as it was. PUT switch settings are: Function Program date V1s10000€ GD OFF 0 z ON on Law 4-6-2. Weiting Proprams. (6) Im remote status (with REM lamp it), the For the Type 2553 the following programming output for n/m = 1 is always delivered regardless mules are laid down to minimisé mistakes. Keep of the front panel OUTPUT DIVIDER dial these rules when writing prograis. setting. (1) Program commands are delimited by GD (S) In remote status, the deviation dial setting has GD dotinites, no effect. (6) When the instrument is wd in the Type 2569, and are executed afier the GED (Group Exec: the voltage and current unt ranges can uot be tte Tigges) command i entered, changed by GPIB remote control. Voltage or current units can only be selected using the crs. te 2659-416 Poge12 GPAB (7) After activating the set value, polarity or output ‘ON settings, the data bus is busy for about 0.2 seconds with communication data bus and the controller, That is, for the 0.2 seconds or so that controller takes to transmit the program data and GET command, the data bus (DIO1 to DIO8) cannot be used. (B) When using the sweep function, the setting range limits should be as follows: ‘Type 2553, When the polarity ts postive ‘When the polarity i negative '@ The start point can Upwards sweeping (increase ourout) betveen O nd + (fullseao value) set at any point f “The start point can be set at eny point ‘© The ond point isthe full sale value bberween — (Fulgeate value) and 0 © The end points ~ (tllscae value) Downwards seeping (eorsese output) © The-ond point is 0 “eThe start point can be set at any point | © The start point can be et at any point between Oond + (ullecae value) betwen — (Fullscale value) and 0 © The end point is 0 [Note: Sweep connot be performed seross the zero point from positive to negative ot vice versa. 4.6.3, Program Data Format — Examples. (1) To output +50,00mV on the 100mV range, proceed as follon ‘viP0s0s000000 ED ....Tum output OFF, change to 100:mV range set to SOmV. o@cP Outputs S0mV on the 100mV range (2) Make the following sweep on the 100 mV range. Sweep (QmV 20 FOOmY) suaep (100m etn) fae I roomy! ‘output ‘viresoos0000 GDL Tums output OFF, sets to 000.00 mV on the +100 mY range. oo ‘Tum output ON. im 2850-418 sioooocik: DGD - ‘Sweeps to increase output from OmV to 100 mV for about 16 seconds. aga GD ‘Sweeps to decrease output from 100mV towards OmV when the GET command is received. cop =p Stops the sweep to hold output when the GET command is received. 0800000 CD @p Tums output to 000.00mV when the GET command is received. - 4-64, Syntax Errors, (2) If an undefined character (in the progeam data) is received, a syntax error is generated, and the received command is ignored. (2) If an. invalid commands are mixed with valid cones, only the valid commands are exeeuted. (3) After receiving an illegal program data or a set value exceeding the output setting range, 2 syntex erfor is generated and the previous settings are held Type 2553, GPIB Page 19 4-7. Response to Interface Messages. Responses to Interface commands are listed in the table below. ‘Command | Messuring ‘aon (Responseh 7 1EC__| verfaco clear Floste Talker or Listener Function [_s0¢ | Selected device clear | Output... OFF DCL | Device clear Smee. OFF ‘© Program deta being transmitted becomes vlls © After receiving e GET commend, the 18 characters (the informa ‘GET | Group execute trier | "sion showing the instrument status) are output when the Telker In addrened, Refer to por. 48 Talker Functions. 4-8, Talker Function. a 4. Talker Functions. In any of the following conditions, 18 characters showing talker status are output from the telker as byte serial data, (1) When the talker is addressed after receiving a GET command, (2) When, the talker is addressed after receiving 2 print command contact input through the semote control connector of the voltage unit. (3) When receiving « print command contact input through the remote control connector of the voltage unit with the rear panel switch set to TALK ONLY mode. NOTE TALK ONLY mode is possible only when using the Type 2553 together with the voltage 4-8-2, Output Data Format. NOTE © In the CAL mode (when D1 is sent as the Program data), data different from the above output format is output. Always ensure that ‘the instrument is in NORMAL mode (D0). © When the delimiter CLE is sent, EOI tums Tan @ After the GET command is sent, do not excute serial polling till the data transmission 4s over, If serial polling is executed before the data is transmitted, send the GET command again to retransmit the data, one T T Bins | 1) 2]a |e) efe|7]e |e) s/n) reir) afse) se] we tm | snvaw |[s[u ul* 0% of, |t & - & 9 |G Out ore Ou Ourpat symbol 1 © | Outoutan | : When the output is ON and notin seep mode information | N* : When the output is ON and in sweep mode E Wun the outputs OFF + Output data and output value may diffe from eachother beaut in ee rade Gu | ue ; a Vv ee |v a |@lR A ela] « |e w lw iv ie lee mo |om Ja | a [pla rivewe | R_1? | + lap t Dg; | Outputs | The daa coreapond tothe ovtpt day value The decimal point is included in any of Dg to Dy. The output value of De to Din Loca mode ls dial xt vol x n/n TE"); | Deviadon | The date corespand to the deviation U's GB when te deviation i 0.00, notr cae 114 or — “The decinalpoint poston f fixed. Ww 2563416 Poge 14 GPAB 4-83. Status Byte Format. The status byte format at the time of transmitting date in serial mode using the Type 2553 is shown in the Table below. 10s | 0. 107_| AGS: ios | ERROR 10s | Busy ‘D104 | OVER LOAD ALARM, D103 _|_ SYNTAX ERROR ‘p102_| OUTPUT ON Dior_| AVON (a) RQs In the event of an ERROR, RQS = “1”, SOR = “Trae” and an interrupt occurs in the controller. ‘And after serial polling DIO7, DIO6, DIO4 and DIO3 turn “0”. (2) ERROR In the event of an ERROR, DIO6 tums “1”, and DIO4 and DIO3 indicates the error cause. (3) BUSY In either of the following cases, BUSY tums era a. After changing the set value or turning the OUTPUT switch ON, BUSY tums “I” for about I seconds. eusy= ‘Approx. 1 seconds et value change or , BUSY tunrs “1” while the output is sweeping. Busy = Lent et anne L__ star of swe ‘Type 2553 (4) OVERLOAD ALARM Tums “1” when the output is OFF due to overload. Processing for abnormality. If an overload alarm occurs, eliminate the overload ‘cause, send the SDC or DCL command (Section 4-7), then send “OL” and GET to turn the output, on. If sweeping, the sweep program mode should be set. (8) SYNTAX ERROR ‘Turns “I” in the event of a syntax error. Some syntax errors are described below, © If an undefined character is received, © If the number of digits is incorrect. © If the characters are in an invalid sequence. If there is a syntax error, send the correct pro- gram data again, (6) OUTPUT ON Indicates output control status, and turns “1" at output ON. (1) RION . Tums “I” when the detector, temperatixe ig within -20 to 60°C with the Type 257825 temperature probe connected to the RJ input connector on the instrument rear panel, and tums “O” when the detector temperature is outside the range -20 to 60°C or when the temperature probe is not connected to the instru- ment, On other than RI TEMP and temperature setting ranges turns “0”. 49. GP-1B Commands for Remote — Local Mode Switching. The status of setting dials and switches is as described below. (1) From Remote to Local RANGE Selector Switch } OUTPUT DIVIDER (n/m) . the states correspond to the front pane! switch positions, Polarity Setti ists} tthe most recent remote settings ‘Sweep Switch OFF ‘Output Switch... 2... (2) From Local to Remote RANGE Selector Switch Polarity Setting Dials e+e the panel setting information jusst before changing to remote status Sweep Switch. . .CO (HOLD), RO (SWEEP OFF) OUTPUT DIVIDER - ul OUTPUT Switch .. ‘OFF OFF Type 2553 NOTE When the POWER source is turned ON, the instrument operates in local mode. 4-10. Application Example, 4-10-1. Sample Program 1 (using NEC PC-9801). Some sample programs using the NECPC-9801 ‘personal computer are described below. [instruments Required] Personal Computer PC-9801 Displey PC-8851 or the like GP-IB Interface Board PC-9801-05 GPAB Cable DC Voltage/Current Standard Type 255342 (ex DC Calibration Sets Type 256043 or 256044) Personal Computer PC-S801 (GP-16 address O GPIB Page 15 [Sample Programs} (1) Type 2553 Range, Setting Value, Polarity, Output ON/OFF Controls and Setting Data Readout. The following is 2 sample program to set the Type 2553 output range to 10mV and set the output voltage to +5.000mV (S0S000P0) then turn the ‘output switch ON (01) and — after approximately ‘one second ~ reset the Type 2553 to remote mode. 409 ‘cx=_ 2553 eeeting senele erosr ito “igeree 120 ISer REN 130. Geo oun 420 Rint’ @31 doyicosog0"sunrTe 8; 350 PRint @3;°01" uBive. 9), 30 Line hear e3:0s PRINT Os 370 Fore 10040 To00rse eT T 390 NO Line 110: Send interface clear command to initialize interface status, 120: Set remote enable to true and set interface to remote mode. 130: Designate Cx + Lp as delimiter, 140: Turn Type 2553 output OFF, send program data for setting 10 mV range and +5.000mV and send group execute trigger, (GET) ‘command to enable the settings snd program data for turning output ON to Type 2553 and send group execute trigger (GET) command to enable the output ON setting. 160: Read the setting data of Type 2553 and display them on the CRT screen. 170: Wait approximately’ one second, 180: Set Type 2553 to local mode, tm 250-016 Page 16 GPIB (2) Sweep Function Control. ‘A sample program to control Type 2553 output is shown below, output —- Seltaee v) Line 100. io ‘Type 2553 Tite Glear interface 19) Swoop Up 120 5 130 [__ Designate Ca + Lp as delimiter. Ql ‘to 10V range, polarity to +, setting oh 200 a no (witioremen Ts te i 220 | Set Type 2553 output voltage to, roe ‘Sond 20 280 [| Hold Type 2553 output sweeping 1m 2569-416 ‘Type 2553, (3) RU TEMP Range Data Readout. ‘A sample program to set the Type 2553 output range to RJ TEMP and ~ after the approximately 3 seconds — read the temperature data and display it ona CRT soreen, Sr5 2558 RY TEN reading sunole prooran——+| 1set fre Geb et apn 631 Coro": uBvTe Taeser REN Line 100 Title 110 (Clear interface 120 [__ Setinterface fo remote mode 130. [Designate Ca + Lp as delimiter 140 [Set Type 3553 to RITEMP range 150 ‘Wait for approx. 3 seconds 160 [Read temperature data of Type 2553 and display them on CRT screen t 170 Set interface to local mode 180: End (@) Controlling Voltage Unit Setting Data and Output ON/OFF. 2 ‘This sample program applies to the Type 2560 DC calibration sets, which aro based on the Type 2553. ‘The range setting for the voltage unit should be carried out manually, because it cannot be controlled using tite GP-LB. A sample program to control the setting values by interrupt operation — after the voltage unit range is set manually ~ is shown below. Line 110 120 t0140[ Enable function Keys F-1 and 2 150 260 to 270 170 180 200 210 220 230 240 250 GPR Page 17 2559 HV UNIT contro} sample prooran ~~ OuiEY GosuB aiAua HeNDSU Poa asta Title | Define two interrupt sabroutines «HV SUB Set Voltage Unit + END SUB End | | [EPs ‘Turn function keys f-1 and £2 OFF to terminate the sequence — foo Set interface to remote mode | ‘Set Type 2553 output to OFF, and to voltage unit, set the setting value 20.00 V (when 100 V range is set) 200.0 V (when 00/1000 V Fange is set) T i ‘Set Type 2553 output to ON Wait for approx. 10 seconds ‘Set Type 2553 output to OFF Set interface to local mode im 250.416 Page 18 GP-IB ‘An example of remote control using a personal computer Model 98254 (HP-manufactured) for controller is described below. [The Model 98254 Setting] (2) The following Model 9825A ROMS are necessary. © 1/0 control ROM © Extended I/O control ROM © Character string control ROM (@) Set the select code of the HP-IB to be installed in the Model 9825A to 7, and set its address to 21 [The Type 2553 and 2560 Setting] (1) Set the Mode selector switch to ADDRESSABLE. (2) Set the address to 4. [Sample Program) (2) Setting the Range, Set Value, Polarity and Output of the Type 2553. Using the GPIB, set'the Type 2553 range selector switch to 10mV and set the output to +5 mV then tum the OUTPUT switch ON for ten seconds, read and display the data on the 9825A, then turn the OUTPUT switch to OFF to set the Type 2553 ‘back to Local status. 0: dim DS{18] 1: chi? 2: rom 704 3:llo7 4: wrt 704, “OOVO" ; trg 704 S : wert 704, “$0500” 5 trg 704 6: wrt 704, “PO” ;trg 704 7: wrt 704, “O1" 5 rg 704 8: zed 704, DS ; dsp DS 9: wait 10000 10: elr 704 11: el 704 12: end i 255.635 10 un Type 2553, Define the charactor string for the set value reading. i (Clear the interface q Set the Type 2553 to Remote Status ‘Set the Local Lockout status ‘Set to the 10mV Range ] Set 5 mV I ‘Set positive polarity } ‘Tum output ON Read and display the data from the Type 2553 ‘Wait for ten minutes tense | Tum output OFF 1 Set to Local status ‘Type 2553 (2) Sweep Control. Set +10V on the 10¥ range. Turn the output switch ON and sweep from +10'V to OV over approx- imately 16 seconds. Then set the output to +5V and sweep from +5¥V to +10¥ for approximetely 16 seconds, set the sweep and output switches OFF and then reset Local status, Line [ Set the Type 2553 to remote status _——t 1 ‘Set to the 10-V Range 2 (0 10 V and turn output ON 3 it for one second ‘Sweep output downwards 4 to O over FS/16 seconds 5

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