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International Journal of Scientific Research in _______________________________ Research Paper .

Multidisciplinary Studies E-ISSN: 2454-9312

Vol.5, Issue.12, pp.90-94, December (2019) P-ISSN: 2454-6143

Optimizing Upstream Costs through Improved Capital Expenditure and Operating

Expenditure Discipline
Muhammad Usman, 2*Aliyu Abba, 3Bishir Balarabe
Abban Gafai Education Resource Centre Katsina, Nigeria
Dept. of Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina, Nigeria
Dept. of Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Alqalam University Katsina, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: aliyuabbagafai3@gmail.com

Available online at: www.isroset.org

Received: 07/Dec/2019, Accepted: 20/Dec/2019, Online: 31/Dec/2019

Abstract- Oil and Gas industry is one of the vital industries in the world, largely because of its strategic role in every economy
and the world, at large. Some firms in the industry engage in exploration and production of crude oil which is called upstream
activity. The paper aims to review structured and effective cost management discipline; improving operational efficiency in
field development planning in an era of low oil prices; hydrocarbon management and accounting maturity; the impact of lower
oil prices on supply-demand balance and the resulting outlook for onshore and offshore rig and equipment rates globally and
regionally; enabling step change improvements in upstream efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness; cost efficiency through
extended supply chain at granular level to achieve long-term growth, profitability and competitive advantage; and summary
and conclusion were drawn.

Keywords: upstream, Hydrocarbon, Capital Expenditure, Operation Expenditure.

I. INTRODUCTION [4], numerous oil companies began shifting their focus to

capital discipline more than a year ago, putting into
Oil & Gas exploration is an industry in constant motion, cognizance that cost as one of the paramount challenge in oil
from technological breakthroughs to shifting supply and and gas industry and announcing lower spending budgets
demand. The high costs of finding and developing new Oil than in their initial yearly plans. He further states that the
& Gas fields that can be commercially developed has created effect of lower oil prices on cost and activity further increase
a challenging atmosphere, with explorers increasingly seeing these efforts, forcing operators to increase their focus on
low returns, low value and slow progress. To avoid reducing capital and operating costs (CAPEX and OPEX),
disruptions, incidents and a general reduction in the quality rationalizing investment budgets, and boosting operational
of oil and gas and price of oil and gas, a relevant resource efficiency. With oil and gas companies no longer rely on
allocation process must be set up through various means of high oil prices to ensure profitability, many needs to hastily
optimization projects for oil and gas sector and other capital adapt their strategies to reduce cost [4]. He also observed
expenditures and operation expenditures intensive sectors that the most vital component of developing these strategies
[1]. is to improve the accuracy of cost estimation in the due
diligence process for field transactions, when developing
[2], optimization of cost is definitely needed for the purpose new wells and during strategy reviews, especially at the
of investment decision of full field development in oil and early concept evaluation stage. Sophisticated analytical tools
gas sector since it costs from hundreds million to several enable companies to more accurately predict costs need to be
billion dollars or more in many cases to invest in oil and gas put in place. Understanding forward costs is also important
industry. They further opined that the objective of for cost reduction. In some cases, bespoke indices can be
optimization is not only maximizing the expected recovery beneficial during contract escalation and planning.
of hydrocarbons, but also maximizing financial profits from
production of their hydrocarbon accumulation. Optimization However, managing CAPEX in this lower-cost oil
also involves minimizing cost of exploration and production environment will motivate companies to reduce their OPEX.
of oil and gas [3]. This indicates that oil companies should focus beyond the
decision of shutting down operations when production costs

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(12), Dec 2019

exceed oil revenues or cutting back on non-essential development and sound financial performance in Oil and
maintenance operations. It requires a balanced understanding Gas Company.
of labor rates, actions and reactions by competitors, short
and long-term market trends, and greater efficiencies and III. IMPROVING OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY IN
innovations in operations [5]. FIELD DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN AN ERA OF
Supply chain managers main objective is to improve
efficiencies, which can be achieved by standardizing and Capital expenditure is incurred in order to keep on with
consolidating commodity purchasing, aggregating exploration and production. These expenditures are incurred
purchases, and ordering higher volumes at more opportune even in the era of low oil prices in order to have efficiency in
times in the market. Such practices typically yield lower unit field development. Despite this is going concern what matter
costs across business lines and projects as well in the oil most to oil and gas companies. This can only be achieving,
industry. Discerning the trajectory of labor cost, material through operational efficiency in field development
cost, and equipment costs will also boost productivity [5]. planning. Oil and companies need to engage in cost panning,
He further opined that strategically applying new technology cost planning and effective management of their resources
in oil and gas industry is the way oil and gas companies can by cutting cost (cost reduction) through reducing capital
look to control costs. An example in the exploration and expenditure and operating expenditure in such a way they
production of unconventional shale oil plays is to drill longer can maximize profit or achieve break even than having loss.
lateral lengths, which eliminates the cost of drilling a Similarly, Operating expenditure (OPEX) is incurred
vertical portion of a new well, while also improving throughout the life of the asset and is significant. OPEX is
productivity of the existing well. not always charged or paid for on a uniform basis. Operating
Costs = Direct Production Costs + Fixed Charges + Asset
Cost management is important in reducing CAPEX and Overhead Costs. Total OPEX (or Total Production Cost) =
OPEX in oil and gas industries. Cost has effects on the Operating Costs + General Expenses [9].
overall production as the client and contractors will have a
different objective in cost-management. This will help oil Oil field development planning is a positive appraisal; it
and gas industries to minimize cost which will lead to aims at selecting the most appropriate development plan
reduction of capital expenditure and operating expenditure among many alternatives. This involves capital-intensive
(CAPEX and OPEX). investment and operations decisions that include facility
installations, drilling, sub-sea structures, etc [10].
II. STRUCTURE AND EFFECTIVE COST Transnational oil-gas exploration and field development
MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINE personnel will wish to maximizing benefits and mitigating
investment risks, by obtaining the maximum benefits with
Basically, there are three project management constraints the minimum investment, so as to maximize the economic
which are also called project management triangle; these benefits. It follows the principle of “low investment and high
include cost management, time management, quality production to increase economic benefits” on the whole [11].
management, and scope management [6]. Oil and gas These will eventually help in improving operational
industry has the highest level of risk and uncertainty and is a efficiency in the field in the era of low oil prices. Much of
mega business that require colossal amount of money, report the oil and gas industry has survived especially in the tough
showed that the oil and gas industry-wide performance over few years with weak demand and low prices. It has been
the project development life cycle is poor. This is attributed difficult to make strategic decisions and plan for the future
to lack of effective cost management. When effective cost [12]. The most important is the strategy to put in place to
management is put in place by cutting cost through reducing stay in the market even in this era of low oil prices. A vital
capital expenditure and operating expenditure this may give financial models need to be in place to avoid liquidation.
rise to high financial performance. Most critically, the
current period of low oil prices has led to increased Table 1 Examples of Market-Driven and Activity/Efficiency-
sensitivity around increase in development costs and called Driven Cost Reduction
into question the commercial viability of many projects [7]. Market Rate-Driven Activity and Efficiency-Driven
To achieve excellent financial performance in oil and gas Activity and Efficiency-
industries, there is need for the accountant to ensure that the
• Reduced rig rates • Increased drilling efficiency
integrity of planned project cost are sustained within the
• Reduced contract prices • Optimised well design and
continuum of project delivery amidst several construction construction
risks that tends to steer projects towards cost overrun [8]. • Reduced employment costs • Collaborative rig contracts
High cost of construction (CAPEX) and OPEX has remained • Reduced day rates for • Global/regional subsea
the most single factor that militates against massive offshore vessels agreements operations
• Reduced unit costs for • Optimised maintenance regimes

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(12), Dec 2019

subsea equipment transfer operation. As money value is attached to these kinds

• Reduced contract prices • Reduced contract and of transaction the transparency of the system is paramount to
within engineering, procurement costs the joint venture partners as well as the operators. [16]
procurement, installation and established National Hydrocarbon Accounting (NHA) he
construction (EPIC) states that the approach can be useful for government,
industry and civil society. He states that the approach serves
• Foreign exchange effect • Optimised logistics operations
• Organisational restructuring
as a foundation for monitoring and forecasting of four key
Source: Oil and Gas UK report (2018) aspects of the upstream oil and gas sector:
If the strategy on Table 1 is effectively apply in oil and gas • Physical production, resource depletion and reserve
companies as a planning in oil field development in era of replenishment
low oil prices this will eventually lead to operational • Revenue generation, cost efficiency and sustainability of
efficiency. upstream operations
• Pre-tax industry earnings, profitability and reinvestment
• Industry returns on capital and the overall government take
projections for budgetary purposes. To achieve this goal [15]
suggests that a great effort should be taken to ensure best
Hydrocarbon management
Hydrocarbon Management is about handling the possible reliable measuring instrument for accounting should
hydrocarbon accounts and all the business related reporting be put in place. Oil and gas companies should use latest
in accordance with government and regulatory requirements programming tools; accounting software’s and database
and contractual agreements to protect and assure the owners technologies, combined with a simple and highly effective
share of production from the field(s). Is the responsibility of data model, to deliver truly impressive allocation processing
hydrocarbon Managers to ensure that all data and performance. These will result to efficient hydrocarbon
information used in all types of official reports is uniform accounting solution that allows routine tasks to be carried
and from a single verified source with a high level of quality out quickly and easily with the absolute minimum of fuss
and integrity in a way that prevents possible financial and and in a short period of time.
reputational risks [13].
Accounting Maturity/Hydrocarbon accounting SUPPLY-DEMAND BALANCE AND THE
Hydrocarbon accounting is the cash register of an operator’s RESULTING OUTLOOK FOR ONSHORE AND
of oil and gas business. The accuracy and timeliness of OFFSHORE RIG AND EQUIPMENT RATES
hydrocarbon accounting is essential in order to satisfy joint GLOBALLY AND REGIONALLY
venture partners, allow operators to make the best
commercial decisions, and to fulfill the requirements of the In the near future, the recent oil price gains which are due to
industry regulators [9]. Similarly energy builder [9] states a rebalancing of supply and demand fundamentals partly
that in the petroleum industry, Hydrocarbon Accounting accelerated by OPEC’s recent decision to cut production are
tracks the ownership and management of oil and gas from expected to remain in place. That expectation is behind a
the point of sale or discharge back to the point of extraction. number of positive industry forecasts. According to
A user friendly, scalable and cost-effective hydrocarbon Barclays’s latest E&P Spending Survey, oil and gas industry
accounting software is essential for the oil and gas industry capital expenditures are expected to increase by as much as
as it moves toward a more digital world [14]. 7 percent in 2019. In addition, global rig counts, particularly
in the U.S., have been on the rise since the middle of 2016
Hydrocarbon accounting which is also knows as allocation [12]. They further states that because of the hiatus of
or accounting maturity is an important aspect of any refinery investment in major projects since 2014, the industry finds it
in oil and gas industry. This helps to identify product losses difficult to meet increasing demand. The resulting
and it use to the actual result to compare against the plan. A uncertainty would no doubt be welcomed by traders, who
good accounting will ensure better performance monitoring, have largely avoided the oil market during its price plunge.
yield accounting, loss identification. The process requires lot An uptick in trading activity could in itself drive up oil
of understanding of oil and gas accounting concepts [15]. prices significantly in the three- to five-year time frame. Oil
The performance measures track (a) oil and gas resources, and gas companies will need to ensure that their business
reserves and production in order to monitor the volume and models are prepared to manage and benefit from this
sustainability of the resources, and (b) revenues, costs and volatility.
tax take in order to monitor rent generation and rent sharing.
According [15], hydrocarbon or accounting maturity is very Lower price of oil and gas will affect supply-demand
pertinent when it comes to issue of custody transfer/fiscal balance, because when the price is low there will be
tendency of high demand whereas the suppliers will not wish

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol. 5(12), Dec 2019

to supply oil at such low price. This will lead to reduction in equipment runs at full capacity; maintaining low levels of
oil and gas production. Similarly, this will result to change working capital which includes work in progress
in outlook of onshore and offshore rig and equipment rates Others steps may include the followings;
globally and regionally. When oil and gas companies reduce 1. Seek to decrease downstream bottlenecks by increasing
production both productions on sea and off the sea will productivity. Remain focus on process intensification,
reduce and there will be reduction on the rate of rig and optimization and expansion.
equipment for oil and gas production drastically. For oil 2. Upstream process intensification can be achieved with
prices to recover, can international oil companies (IOCs) higher tiers in smaller bioreactors volumes.
hold on to the benefits of cost reduction? Some cost 3. Upstream process optimization can be achieved with
escalation is inevitable. For example, oil-field services higher tiers by optimizing gas sparing, low shear mixing
(OFS) companies will likely start taking back price and higher cell viability and density.
concessions they gave IOCs when the market collapsed. This 4. Upstream process expansion can be achieved by
could add as much as 15 percent to the price of producing a replicating, at a larger scale, exact micro environment
barrel of oil, which in turn would allow OFS company conditions and consolidating multiple manual steps in
operations to get back to break-even levels [12]. an automated bioreactor with larger surface.
5. Seek to increase downstream efficiency through the use
But upstream companies will have to be diligent about of best in the class single-use technology
containing other expenditure increases, particularly in the 6. Maximize vessel integrity through the use of fully
supply chain and resource development arenas. That may assembled bags and manifolds that are 100% integrity
prove difficult, because the wave of worker layoffs tested by pressure decay methods after assembly and
eliminated significant experience, knowledge, and skills. before irradiation.
The loss of these capabilities could push development 7. Maximize vessel integrity by use of fully assembled
project costs up substantially if they are not carefully bags and manifolds through Helium Integrity Testing
monitored. Smart IOCs will embrace new digital initiatives (HIT) for pinholes as small as 10 microns after
as a means of offsetting expense escalation and furthering assembly and before irradiation
the cost and efficiency improvements they have already 8. Use mixers that do not shed particles or grind contents.
achieved [12].
The enabling steps change improvement in upstream
efficiency, productivity and effectiveness is concern with the Extended Supply chain can be defined as the configuration,
process that need to be taken in order to have effective coordination and continuous improvement of a sequentially
production at a minimize cost. With supply and demand organized set of operations. The goal of supply- chain
mismatched and prices likely to remain low until that management is to provide maximum customer service at the
imbalance starts to ease, the need for efficiencies, lowest cost possible [18]. The customer’s are important to
productivity and effectiveness is urgent [17]. Oil and gas any organization that is focused on customer service. In a
industry is going through a wrenching period of change [17]. supply-chain, a company will link to its suppliers upstream
The name of the game is no longer big production but better and to its distributors downstream in order to serve its
margins. Digitization the collection, analysis, and utilization customers. Usually, materials, information, capital, labor,
of huge amounts of data can bring substantial operational technology, financial assets and other resources flow
improvements to the field through the use of sensors, through the supply-chain. Since the goal of the firm is to
analytics, robotics, sophisticated equipments and control maximize profits, the firm must maximize benefits and
system [17]. minimize costs along the supply-chain. The firm must weigh
the benefits versus the costs of each decision it makes along
[9], provides the followings as step to achieve efficiency, its supply-chain. Supply-chain management is therefore an
productivity and effectiveness in an organization it can also extension of the focus on customer service [18].
serve the same purpose in oil and gas companies;
[19] Opined that oil and gas companies minimized cost and
Identify areas for improvement; efficient usage of labour; time savings in their replication projects by standardizing
maintaining low overheads; minimizing waste; achieving materials so they can take advantage of volume discounts,
throughput targets; efficient usage of raw material; low and by optimizing process steps to speed delivery and reduce
conversion cost of raw material to final product; purchasing human error. Oil and gas companies need to put in place cost
of equipment that is fit for purpose and ensuring that this efficiency through a good extended supply chain

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management in order to achieve a long term growth, inefficiency, but this can only happen when major suppliers,
profitability and competitive advantage over the competitors co-joint ventures and operators overcome the long-standing
in the oil and gas companies. Better knowledge of cost barrier of mistrust and put in place extended Supply chain at
efficiency helps through supply chain, it help firms to have granular Level. This will help to achieve cost efficiency
long term growth, profitability and gain profitability long-term growth, profitability and competitive advantage in
advantage at every granular level. oil and gas companies.

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