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(ECIEE Branches:: July 2019)

Periods per Wrek Scheme ofE1minathon Tota

Suljet Snbgrct.Name
wile Semeste iaas

M Mathematics

111 70 20 100

P'iequnte: Mathematics -1, Mathematies I

u e Ojeetive: The goals for the course are to gain a facility with using the transform. both specife techigua
m g recognize wnen, wny, a i a how it t5 used. 1ogether with a greal varicty, the subjcct a s o Tiaas a gTEat conctetee

e n s e t apprecte otn. his course also aims to provide an undestanding of the hasiC cotncepts m pronai

ta a y and inc penaent everits. It will also Tocus on the random variahle. atheiatical espectathon, and drerent ES
t istributis, sampling theory and estimation theury Another objevtive of the course is to design a statisticalhypothesisabout the rat
wond prohlem and to conduct appropriate test for drawing valid inference about the population chaf ac tetisties t 13

Anene leidge of hypothesis testing for any research work The course will provide an opportunity to icarm K progranmanE substantial
u a

Detailed Course Contents

ITotal contact hours required: 60 hours|

Module 1: Laplace Transform (9 lectures, 3 uoriulsy Weightage 14 marks

Iranstom, Laplace transtorm of perodic tunctions. Finding inverse
uce ranstom, Properties
laplace transform by
diflerent methods, convolution theorem. Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transtern.

Solving ODEs and PDEs by Iaplace

Transform method.

Mndule 2: Fourier Trunsfurm (9 lectures, 3 tutoriulsy |Weightage 14 marks|

lurier integrals, Fourier transform, Elementary propenties, Fouricr cosine and sine transtorm, Finite Fouricr
vosine and sine transforms, Fourier transtorm solution of some partial difterential cquations.

Madule 3: Basie probability and disuribuins (9 lectures, 3 utorialsy IWeightage 14 marks

Prautahility spaces. Conditional probability, indepcndence. Total probability. Baye's theorem, Discrete random
var iahles, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution. Continuous random variables and their properties. Normal
alistribution, Evaluation of statistical paraneters for these threce distributions,

Medule 4: Basic Statistics (9 lectures, 3 tutorials) |Weightage 14 marks

Measures of Central tendency: Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, Cure fitting by the method of least squares
itting of straight lines, Second degree parabolas and more general curves. Correlation and Regression, Rank
Mndule S: Arplied Statistics (9 lectures, 3 tutorias) |Weightage 14 marks
lests of significance: Introduction, Sampling and standard error. Test of significance for large samples: Nul
md alternate hypothesis, critical region, critical value, and level of significance, contidence intenal, Erors in
lesting of hypothesis. Tests of significance for smail samples: Student's t-distribution, Snedecor's F
listribution. Chi-Square distribution: Properties, applicatons, test for goodness of tit. independence of
ttrabutes, test for population variance.

wErested Text/Reference Books:

I i n Kreyszig. Advanced Engincering Mathematics, th Edition. John Wilkey & Sons, 2006
RR Jain, S. R.K. Iyernger, Adsaiced Engineering Mathematics, arosa Puhiicaftions.
WILHoyce and R. C. DiPrima, Flementary Differential Equations and Boundary Vatue Problems, th En. Wiley India 2009
Ross, Diiferential Equations, 3rd Fd, Wiley India. 984
t o dnary Dhtterential Equations, Prentice lHall India, 199

W.Hrown and R. V, Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 7th Ed, Me-iraw Hil1, 2004
s r e a l , Pligher Ingineer ing Mathematics, Khanna Pubishers, 36th Edition, 2010
EE-3004 Electronic Devices & Circuits Min.

Marks Marks_

in hrs.
Course Objective:

Transistor-BJT, FET, MOSFET,ypes working principal characteristics and
region of operation, load line, biasing method, transistor as an amplifier gain,
bandwidth, frequency response.

Small signal analysis of transistor (Low freq.) using h parameters, thermal
runway, and thermal stability.

Large Signal Amplifier Classification of power amplifier class A, Class B,
Class AB, Class C amplifier, their efficiency and power dissipation, push-pull
and complimentary push-pull amplifer.

Operational amplifier Characteristics, slew rate, band width, offset voltage,
basic current, applications-invertung,
non-invering ampifier, summer, average,
integrator, differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier
instrumentation amplifier, log and antilog amplitier, voltage to current and
Current to voltage converters, comparators, schmitt trigger, active filters, 555
timer and ts application.

Feedback amplifier, negative feedback amplifier, voltage-series, voltage-shunt.
curent-series and current-shunt feedback, sinusoidal oscillators, R-C
(Hartdey-Colpitts) oscillators, R-C phase shift oscillators, Wien Bridge and
crystal oscillators.

Text Books:

Millman & Grabel, "Micro Electronics", McGraw- Hil.
linear Integreted circuit; PHI
2.3. R.A. Gaikward: OP- Amp and
Botkar; Integrated Circuits; Khanna
4. Millman Halkias; Electronic Devices and Circuits; McGraw- Hill
5. Millman & Halkias; Integrated Electronics; McGraw- Hill.
BE III Semester Electrical Engineering
-3001 Signals & Systems
Min. Marks
Duration 3 Hour 3L 0 4 70
Unit time
Dynamic Representation of Systems: Systems attrbutes causality Iinearity. Stability,
invarnance..Special signal complex exponentials, singulanty functions (impulse and step

Integral. Discrete form of special functions. Discrete convolution and its properties. Realization
of LTI systems (differential and difference equations).

Unit IT

Fourier Analysis of Continuous Time Signals and Systems: Fourier series, Fourer Transform
and properties, Parseval's theorem, Frequency response of LTl systems, Sampling Theorem.

Unit III
Fourier Analysis of Discrete Time Signals and Systems: Discrete-Time Fourier series, Discrete
Fourier Transfom (including DFT) and properties. Frequency response of discrete tume
L l systems.

Laplace Transform: Laplace Transform and its inverse: Definition, existence conditions, Region
of and ot the
convergence properties, APplicauon Laplace Transtorm tor analysis of conunuous
ume LTl systems (stabilty etc.), Signiticance ol poles& 2zeros. Z-Iranstorm 1ranstorm and
its inverse: Definituon, existence conditions, Region of convergence and properties, Application
of 2-Transform for the analysis of Discrete time LTl systems, Significance of poles & Zeros,

Sampling: The Sampling theorem. reconstruction of signal from its samples, sampling in the
frequency domain, sampling of discrete-time signals.

. Alan v. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and H. Nawab." signal & Systems", Prentice Hall,
2 Simon Haykin, "Communication Systems.3Edition, John Wiley, 1995.
3. Digital signal processing. S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj. C. Gnanapriya (Tata McGraw
EE-3002 Electrical Measurement LT|P Max. Min.
DDuration Marks Marks

Measurement and error, accuracy and precision sensitvity resoluion, efect of temperature, internal
fncbon, stray theld, hystensis and trequency variation and method ot
minimizing them, Ioading efects,
due to shunt connected and senies connected instruments, calibration curve, testing & calibration of
Galvanometer Theory and operation of ballistic galvanometer, D'arsonal gavanometer,
moton & damping, sensitivity. Definition
of analog& digital instruments, classification of analog
instruments, their operating principle, operating force, ypes of supports, damping. controling.
measunng instruments.
MeasuringInstruments-PMMC, MI, Electrodynamometer, Hot wire, Electrostatic, Induction, Rectifier,
expression for control and deflection torque, their advantages, disadvantages & emor, extension of
range of instnuments using shunt & muibplier, power in AC and DC circuit electrodynamometer ype of
watmeter-construction, theory, &
error measurement of
power in 3-8 wo
three watmeler method, measurement of reactive power by Single wattmeter, single phase induction and
type energy meter construction, operation, diving and braking torques,
testing by phantom loading and USing R.S.S. meter, 3 phase energy meter, Tn - vector meter,
maximum demand meter, ampere hour meter
Instrument Transformer Potential and cument transformer, ratio&phase angle erors, testing of
instruments transformer, difference between CT and PT, erTors and reduction of eOrs.
Measurement of resistance classification of esistance, voltmeler, ammeter, Wheatsione bridge,
Kelvin's double bridge loss of charge method, earth resistance measurement, AC. bridge
introduction, sources and detectors, general equaton for bridge balance, general form of an AC bridge,
Maxwell's inductance bridge, Maxwell's induction
capacitance bndge, Hay's bnidge, Anderson's
bridge, Owen's bridge, Desauty's bridge, Schering bnidge.
(a) B-H cunve, Hysterisis loop determination specific losses in sheet meta-Lyod fischer square for
measurement of power loss.
() Potentiometer-DC polentiometer standardisation-lap type Cromplon's potentiometer application of
DC potentiometer, AC polar type and coordinate ype potentiometer, their construction and

Elect. measurement and measuring instruments-EW Golding and FC Widdis, Veditbon, Wheeler
2 Electrical and Electronics measurement and Instrumentation A.K. Sawhney Dhanpat

Rai &
Sons publicatons.
3. Electrical measurements- Buckingham and price, prentice hall.
|L T|P Max. Min.
EE-3003 Circuit Theory
Marks Marks
70 2
in hrs.
Course Objective:

of network,
Introuction circuit elements, voltage and current source and their transformation, duality
theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Milliman's
Superposition theorem, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's
theorem, Tellegen's theorem.
theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, Compensation

UNIT- I1: waveforms

Laplace Transform Some basic theorems for Laplace transformaion, LT of special signal
i.e. step, ramp, sinusoidal, LT application in electnic circuit analysis.
initial conditions.
Transient analysis-Transient in R-L, R-C and R-L-C Circuits, time constant,

UNIT II mutual inductance, Coefficient of cOupling, modeling of coupled circuits,

Coupled Circuits self and
Dot convention tuned coupled circuit Concept of reflected impedance.

UNIT IV: bandwidth, haif power frequencies.

Resonance series and parallel circuit, Q-factor, selectvity and
LOc8s dlagram or senies and parallel circuit.

Advantages of three phase system, Star-Delta connection of balanced
Circuits and
unbalanced circuit, Relation between line and phase voltage and curents in star and delta connection,
5-phase balance circuit, 3-phase unbalance aircuit, measurement of power and power factor of a
balanced 3- phase load, unbalanced loads.

Networks- Analysis TMH
Sudhakar &Pilai; Circuit & and Synthesis,
Schaums Outine Series of Electrical Circuits by JA. Administer.
Van Valkenburg-Network Analysis
4 Mittal GK; Network Analysis; Khanna Publisher
. Charles K. Alexander & Mathew N.O. Sadiku: Electrical Circuits: TMH

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