SQL Day3

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use stud_info;

select * from student;

select * from student where roll_no is null or stud_name is null or
address is null;

-- DDL : create,alter,truncate,drop
-- DML : insert,update,delete

-- import csv file into a db table

select * from emp_data;

-- CONSTRAINTS : rules/limitations
-- not null,unique,primary key,foreign key,check,default,auto_increment

-- NOT NULL : restricts the insertion of null values

create table emp_nn(empid int NOT NULL,emp_name varchar(10));
desc emp_nn;
insert into emp_nn values(1001,'rahul');
select * from emp_nn;
insert into emp_nn values(null,'rahul');

alter table student modify column roll_no int NOT NULL;

desc student;
alter table student modify column roll_no int;

-- UNIQUE : restricts the entry of duplicates, but null values are allowed
create table emp_unk(empid int UNIQUE,emp_name varchar(10));
desc emp_unk;
insert into emp_unk values(1001,'rahul');
select * from emp_unk;
insert into emp_unk values(1001,'rahul');
insert into emp_unk values(null,'rahul');

alter table student modify column roll_no int UNIQUE;

-- to drop unique key
alter table student drop index roll_no;

-- uniquely identify a row
-- restrict the entry of null as well as duplicates

create table emp_pk (empid int PRIMARY KEY,emp_name varchar(10));

DESC emp_pk;
insert into emp_pk values(1001,'rahul');
select * from emp_pk;
insert into emp_pk values(1001,'rahul');
insert into emp_pk (empid,emp_name) values(null,'rahul');

alter table student modify column roll_no int PRIMARY KEY;

desc student;
alter table student drop primary key;

select * from student;

student course
roll_no,stud_name,address,course_id course_id,course_name
101 rahul pune 10 10 data science
102 gaurav. mumbai. 20. 30. java.
roll_no: pk rollno: FK
parent table child table
referenced table referencing table

-- roll_no : 102,104,106 name : rahul

create table course(course_id int, course_name varchar(30),rollno int,

FOREIGN KEY(rollno) references student(roll_no)
-- foreign key (faculty_id) references faculty(id)
-- on delete cascade
-- on update cascade

alter table student modify column roll_no int PRIMARY KEY;

select * from student;

insert into course values(10,'data science',101);
select * from course;

-- can not insert a value in child table which is not present in parent
insert into course values(10,'data science',106);

-- can not delete a value from parent table directly

delete from student where roll_no=101;

delete from course where rollno=101;

delete from student where roll_no=101;

insert into course (course_id,course_name,rollno) values

select * from course;

create table emp_dflt (empid int,emp_name varchar(10),loc varchar(10)
DEFAULT 'pune');
insert into emp_dflt values(1001,'rahul','mumbai');
select * from emp_dflt;
insert into emp_dflt(empid,emp_name) values(1002,'gaurav');

select * from student;

desc student;
alter table student modify column address varchar(25) default 'pune';
alter table student alter address drop default;

create table emp_chk (empid int, emp_age int check(emp_age>20));
insert into emp_chk values(1001,25);
select * from emp_chk;
insert into emp_chk values(1001,19);

alter table student modify column address varchar(25) check(address

insert into student (roll_no,address) values (106,'blr');

-- alter table student drop constraint constraint_name;

show create table student;

alter table student drop constraint student_chk_1;

select * from student;

create table emp_auc (empid int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,empname
insert into emp_auc (empname) values('rahul');
select * from emp_auc;
insert into emp_auc (empname) values('gaurav');

alter table emp_auc auto_increment=100;

insert into emp_auc (empname) values('snehal');
insert into emp_auc (empname) values('neha');

desc student;
insert into student values (107,'priya','mumbai');
select * from student;
insert into student values (null,'priya','mumbai');
insert into student (stud_name,address) values ('sneha','mumbai');

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