21st Century

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The Clever Young Man and the

Monster & Rawera (the Comforter) Things Fall Apart
and the Monster
Structure The Clever Young Man and the Okonkwo, a Nigerian man who
Monster: Once upon a time in East Africa, lives in a group of nine villages.
 Exposition the monster or ogre Shing’weng’we The villages are ruled by a
swallowed all the people in the world council of elders. Okonkwo is
together with all the domestic animals, one of the respected leaders of
except one pregnant woman who hid in a his village. He is also a wrestling
pile of chaff. champion. Both his wrestling
and his leadership role are
Rawera (the Comforter) and the driven by his shame about his
Monster: A long time ago, the people of father, who left a lot of debts
Funtu lived happily. They worked hard and unpaid when he died, and who
produced much food. They loved each Okonkwo viewed as too
other. The King was kind: everybody loved feminine.
him. Meanwhile, there was a woman,
Ng’uono, who lived in the village. Because
she was barren, men refused to marry her.
Elders forcefully married Ng’uono to Jater,
an old man. Ng’uono and Jater had no
friends. Despite being treated badly, they
were not bitter. They humbly accepted
their situation
 Rising Action

When a man from a neighboring

The Clever Young Man and the
village kills one of the women
Monster: Later, the woman gave birth to
from Okonkwo's village, a peace
a boy named Masala Kulangwa. When the
settlement requires the son of
boy grows up, he asked her mother why
the man who killed the woman
they are only the two of them and then the
to come live in Okonkwo's
women explained that there is a monster
village. Okonkwo himself takes
who swallowed everyone, that’s why they
the boy in and they develop a
are only the one left. From that day on,
strong bond. Unfortunately, a
the young man started looking for the
decision is made to kill the boy.
One of the village elders,
Ezeudu, warns Okonkwo not to
Rawera (the Comforter) and the
assist with killing the boy.
Monster: One day there was a feast,
Determined not to seem like a
usually they are not invited. They heard
coward, especially because of
people singing and joyfully from the feast.
his father's legacy, Okonkwo
But after that the music stopped cries of
agony filled the air. When they came out kills the boy himself with a
they saw a monsters. They run until they machete. The boy's death is like
found a hole, they hid under a big tree. a bad omen.
When the noise stopped Jater want to see
what is happening. But Ng'Uono warned
him and worried to her husband. When he
returned to their home his mother and
father worried about where did he go and

 Climax his father warned him never go back to the

forest at late night.

After the boy dies, Okonkwo

The Clever Young Man and the
accidentally kills Ezeudu's son.
Monster: Another day he killed a bird and
For his crime, the village
arrived home singing: "Mother, Mother, I
determines he must spend
have killed Shing’weng’we up in the hills.
seven years in exile to appease
Rejoice and shout for joy." But his Mother
the gods. During his exile, white
answered: "My dear one, this is only a
missionaries arrive in the village.
bird, not the monster. Let’s roast it and eat
When Okonkwo finally returns,
the white men have thoroughly
infiltrated his village. Okonkwo
Rawera (the Comforter) and the
helps destroy a Christian church,
Monster: For many months he trained his
only to be arrested by the white
dog Sibour and fed it well. When the
government. Some of the
preparations were done he took his
villagers, including Okonkwo,
weapons and told his parents that he was
want to stage an uprising
going hunting. When he at the edge of the
against the village. He even kills
forest he stops and rest and to fed his dog.
one of the white men.
After they entered the forest he heard
from the above “Stop! You will be killed”
but he didn’t see anything, the voice is
from the above. And the bird was landed
on his forehead to scared him, but Rawera
and his dog is getting ready to attack the
bird but the bird wants to saved him from
the monsters in the forest. The bird told
him that there was a many monster that
 Falling Action lived in the forest and they eat many
people. They walked and Rawera was
determined to killed the monsters and he
asked the bird where he find the monsters.
The Clever Young Man and the After he does so, he realizes
Monster: Another day he killed a small that the other villages have
gazelle and arrived home singing: "Mother, changed too much. They will
Mother, I have killed Shing’weng’we not fight the white men off.
up in the hills. Rejoice and shout for joy." Unable to live with his
But his Mother answered: "My dear one, revelation, Okonkwo kills
this is only a small gazelle, not the himself. This is a very important
monster. Let’s roast it and eat it." Another moment in the novel because,
day he an antelope and arrived home according to Okonkwo's
singing: "Mother, Mother, I have killed traditional beliefs, suicide is not
Shing’weng’we up in the hills. Rejoice and allowed. Okonkwo's desperation
shout for joy." But his Mother answered: about his changing village is
"My dear one, this is only an antelope, not staggering if it can outweigh his
the monster. Let’s roast it and eat it." strict adherence to the
traditional ways.
Rawera (the Comforter) and the
Monster: When he saw the giants seated
round a big fire. The monsters smelled
him, he ran but Sibour said do not run and
shoot the monsters. He fired his arrow and
shoot the monster.He shot the monster
rapidly. But the monster was approaching

 Denouement fast and rawera did it again he shoot again

the monster until the biggest monster
remained them. Rawera had only one
arrow left. The monster picked Sibour to
swallow him.

At the end, a white

The Clever Young Man and the commissioner, upon learning
Monster: Finally the clever young man about Okonkwo's rebellion and
Masala Kulangwa found Shing’weng’we, suicide, notes that it will make
overcame him and cut open the monster’s an interesting paragraph in the
stomach. Out came his father along with book he is writing about 'the
his relatives and all the other people. By pacification of the primitive
bad luck when he split open the monster’s tribes of the lower Niger.'
back Masala Kulangwa cut off the ear of an
old woman. This woman became very
angry and insulted the young man. She
tried to bewitch him. But Masala Kulangwa
found medicine and healed the old woman.
Then all the people declared the young
man chief and raised him up in the Chief’s
Chair. Masala Kulangwa became the chief
of the whole world and his mother became
the Queen Mother.
Rawera (the Comforter) and the
Monster: Rawera shot him through the
left ear and the monsters died. They cut
the monster’s big toe and all the people
who had been eaten by the monsters came
out. They were excited to go back and
thanked Rawera and Sibour. The people
was proud to Rawera that he killed the
monsters. . They made him chief. All
villagers now respected Ng’uono and Jater.

Plot The plot of The Clever Young Man and the The plot of  Things Fall Apart is
Monster and Rawera (the Comforter) and a type of Episodic plot that also
the Monster is a type of Linear plot which employs a chronological
presents action or occurrences in structure. However, unlike
chronologically. dramatic plot which
concentrates on a single event,
an episodic consists of a series
of loosely related incidents,
which are tied together by a
common theme and/or

Purpose Braveness and courage have always Deals with how the prospect
and reality of change affect
been with us. It differs from person to
various characters. The tension
person, but one thing is for sure, it is
about whether change should
our own key and spare in life. be privileged over tradition often
involves questions of personal

1. What is unique about african culture as shown in the myths you’ve read?

The culture of Africa is diverse and multifaceted, made up of a variety of nations and
tribes, each of which has its own distinctive features native to the continent. As an illustration,
African culture is influenced by social norms, religion, morals, political values, economics, and
aesthetic standards. Also,  In African oral cultures, myths embody philosophical reflections,
express values, and identify moral standards. Unlike Western mythology, African myths are not
recounted as a single narrative story, nor is there any established corpus of myth. Instead,
myths are embedded and transmitted in ritual practice.

2. How can you show heroism today?

By showing heroic acts such as willingness to make some major sacrifice, or even many
small ones that add up over time.  Serving others builds relationships, spreads love, and
creates a ripple effect.  The remarkable truth about helping others is that it invariably helps us
as much, or more, than the people we are helping.  It builds our self-esteem. In addition, we
can make the world a better place.

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