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Data communication and computer

Network models
Sosina M.
Addis Ababa institute of technology
2012 E.C.

Data communication & computer networks

Recap from the last lecture
• Data communication
• Basic components of data communication
Sender, receiver, message, protocol and transmission medium
• Mode of communication
Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex
• Computer Networks – an interconnection of computing device in order to
exchange information
Benefits of networking – communication (e.g., electronic mail), sharing of hardware
and software (e.g., printer, internet, storage capacity)
Networking devices (repeater, hub, bridge, switch, router)
• Network classifications
Local are network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN)
Bus, star, ring, mesh topologies

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• Protocol layering
Breaking set of functions into sub-function (layers)
Each layer is responsible for performing a particular type of task and interact with
other layers
• Advantages of protocol layering
Helps to understand complex system
Simplifies network design and implementation
• Communication model
Conceptual model that describes communication principles

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Network models
• A systematic representation of the communication process and various
aspects of networking
• There are two popular models
OSI reference model
TCP/IP model
• Both models apply the concept of layering
 Each layer perform its specific
Total N+1
 Provide service to upper layers
process N
Divided into
Smaller tasks

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OSI reference model

• OSI model were established in 1977 by the international organization for

standards (ISO)
• OSI model defines how to facilitate communication between different
system without requiring changes to the logic of the underlying software
and hardware
Describes the entire process of transmitting data from one device to another
 Used as a reference tool to understand communication process
Divides the communication process into seven layers

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OSI network reference model
• OSI layers
Application (layer 7)
Presentation (layer 6)
Session (layer 5)
Transport (layer 4)
Network (layer 3)
Data link (layer 2)
Physical (layer 1)

Each interface defines the information

and services a layer must provide for
the layer above it. The intermediate nodes
implements the
functionality of layer 1-3

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OSI-Application layer
• Provides service to users
Implement the function needed by the users

Enable users to access a network

• Application layer specific services

File transfer, access and management – allows a user to access, retrieve and mange
files in a remote computer

Mail service – email forwarding and storage

User authentication – logging to remote host

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OSI-presentation layer
• Deals with the presentation of data

• Specific responsibility of Presentation layer:

Translation – from sender dependent data representation (encoding) format into
common format or from common format into receiver dependent format

Encryption/decryption – from original form to another form or vice verca

Compression – reducing the number of bits

• The tasks of presentation layer may not be needed always

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OSI-session layer
• Coordinate the interaction between applications on communication devices

• Provides service to
Establishes, maintains and terminates session between applications

Synchronize data flow (support orderly data exchange )

Manage dialog
 Decides which device communicate first

• Session refers to a connection for ongoing data exchange

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OSI-Transport layer
• Responsible for end-to-end (process to process) delivery of the entire
• Ensures that the whole message arrives intact and in order

• Functions of transport layer

Segmentation and reassembling
 Convert application data into smaller block of segments
 Each segment contains a sequence number
Connection control
Flow and error control
 Ensures that the message arrive at the receiving transport layer without error
Service point addressing

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OSI-Network layer
• Network layer is responsible for the source-destination delivery of a packet

• Responsibilities of network layer

Logical addressing
 Used to distinguished the source and destination system

 Moving the data across a series of interconnected networks

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OSI-Data link layer
• Responsible to for moving frames from one hop to the next

• Specific functions of data link layer

Framing – divides the stream of bits received from the network layer into
manageable data unit
Physical addressing – adds header that defines the sender and receiver of the frame
Flow control - regulates the amount of data the sender sends
Error control – detects and retransmit damaged or lost frames
Access control – control access to the shared link

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OSI-Physical layer
• Coordinates the functions required to carry a bit stream over a physical medium

• Defines the procedures and functions that the physical devices and interfaces have
to perform for transmission to occur

• Other functions
Representation of bits – encodes bits into electrical or optical signals

Synchronization of bits - synchronizes the sender and the receiver clocks

Transmission mode- The direction of transmission between two devices (simplex, half-
duplex, full-duplex)

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TCP/IP protocol suite
• The TCP/IP protocol suite is so named after two most important protocols:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP)
Also called Internet Protocol Suite

• TCP/IP has become the industry-standard method of interconnecting hosts,

networks, and the internet

• The original TCP/IP protocol suite was defined as having four layers
Host-to-network, internet, transport and application

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TCP/IP protocol suite
• Compared to OSI model
 Host-to network (network access) layer is Application
equivalent to the combination of data link Application
and physical layers Presentation
Internet layer is equivalent to network Session
Transport layer in TCP/IP is taking care of Transport Transport
parts of the responsibilities of session layer
in OSI Network Data link
Application layer is roughly doing the
function of application, presentation and Data link
session layers network
• We can say TCP/IP protocol suite has
five layers OSI model TCP/IP model

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• TCP/IP protocol suite is largely defined in terms of the protocols that
constitute it
Doesn’t clearly distinguish between service, interface and protocol
Defines set of core protocols

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TCP/IP model
• Physical and data link layer
No specific protocol is defined
It supports all the standard and proprietary protocols

• Internet layer
Corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model
Support internetworking protocol (IP) and four supporting protocols ARP, RARP, ICMP, and

• Transport layer
Facilitate end-to-end communication
There are two main transport layer protocol responsible for deliver of a message from a
process to another process– Transmission control protocol (TCP) and user Dataram protocol
Also SCTP
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TCP/IP model
• Application layer
Is equivalent to the combined session, presentation and application layers in the OSI
Numerous protocols reside at the application layer
 Hypertext transfer protocol (HHTP)
 File transfer protocol (FTP)
 Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP)
 Simple network management protocol (SNMP)
 Domain name system (DNS), etc.

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