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Kenshi Romulus D.

Asagra October 18, 2022

Grade 12- GAS 12 Critical Response Paper 1

Nation, State and Globalization

“The Terminal”

The state is a form of political organization, based by nature on the sovereignty of the nation.
The state is the setting in which the people or the nations can legislate and vote for their own territorial
laws. The state-nation characterizes a sovereign state constituted objectively or artificially by a desire to
live together. We can distinguish between the state-nation and the nation-state. The state-nation can
enforce a national feeling. France, Greece and Turkey correspond to the archetypical state-nation.
Conversely, a group can be recognized as a nation and manifest its desire to live together in establishing
a state, which we would call a nation-state.
A stateless nation is a non-sovereign nation with no state structures. Its people often live in varying
degrees of attachment to their original nation. Thus, there exists in all the stateless nations feelings of
identity that can be qualified as contradictory. Certain people do not exclusively feel part of their nation
of origin. Others, on the contrary, exclusively feel they are members of the state of which they are
citizens. Finally, a fraction of the population is often divided by two identities, the citizenship acquired
by the state and the nationality which attaches it to the nation of origin. Indeed, strictly speaking,
citizenship is the link which heightens the authority of the state, contrary to nationality, which is relative
to the feeling of belonging to a community in a nation (without necessarily being a constituted state).
The plot of the movie is about a traveler from a fictional country Krakozia. He arrives at New York
international airport and learns that war has occurred back home. The United States does not recognize
his country's new government and Viktor was not permitted to either enter or leave the United States
for his passport was no longer valid. With this, the US customs and border protection confiscated his
passport and return ticket making him a refugee and was forced to live at the airport. During the months
of his stay at the airport he met Frank Dixon- the acting field commissioner of the airport who is
determined to make Victor leave the airport to make him someone else's problem. Victor also be-friend
people who work for the airport and a flight attendant named Amelia Warren who later he develops
feelings on.
Victor Navorski the protagonist of the movie is a very nice person, he found a way to make himself
home in the airport. He is clearly street smart since he has able to make money by applying job as a
carpenter and making 19 dollars per hour enough for him to purchase expensive suits for his date. He is
also very helpful like giving warning to people at the airport with wet floors so that no one would get
hurt. The airport authority did not want Victor to stay at the airport so they also make a way to make it
hard for him. Victor faces many challenges throughout the movie but he never gave up until he fulfilled
his goals.
I think the message that we can learn from this film is to never give up, never abandon hope.
Whatever obstacle life throws at you, you just have to face it like Victor did.

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