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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles, and Topic 1. The Communication Process

Learning Objectives
Introduction At the end the lesson, you are expected to:
1. discuss the importance of communication in different situations
In this unit, you will learn about communication processes, principles, and 2. share how communication helped in resolving issues you have experienced in
ethics. different situations
In your personal life, in school, in the community and in your workplace
later, take note that effective communication is vital for success. Faced with people Communication is integrated in all parts of our lives.
of different beliefs, values, attitudes and backgrounds, communication processes,
principles, and ethics become necessary. In real world scenarios, you need to engage a. Academics
in group discussions, make presentations and interact with different people. If you • Communication skills are tied to academic success.
do not have the necessary and purposive communication skills, you will have a hard • Students who are good at writing and speaking perform better not only in
time relating with others in different situations. Your goal, therefore, is to become the English classroom but also in the content areas and all other areas of
a fully-developed, thoughtful and persuasive communicator. learning.
Every time you talk, you present:
b. Professional
• Yourself • Desired communication skills vary from one career to another. Being able
• Your purpose to communicate leads to a harmonious relationship within the
• Your ideas; and organization.
• Information to others
c. Personal
If you:
• The skills to talk with fluency and write with efficiency lead to a person’s
- Are ambitious and want to move up the ladder of success; achievement of his aspirations
- Wish to have a positive impact on others;
- Want to have your skills and talents recognized and rewarded; d. Civic
Then strive to be a successful communicator NOW. Now is the time to equip • One cannot live alone, so being able to blend with the community is a
yourself with the mastery of the communication processes, principles and ethics so satisfying endeavor. This can only be done when a person can
that you will be prepared in your future jobs. communicate his/her ideas with different people coming from different
backgrounds in the community.

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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Topic 2: Types of Communication 2. Non – Verbal Communication

● It is a form of communication which refers to the sending of messages to

Learning Objectives another person using signs, gestures, facial expressions and means other than the
spoken and written language.
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
Two Categories of Non-Verbal Communication
1. differentiate verbal from non-verbal communication
a. Non-verbal messages produced by the body
2. explain how the combination of verbal and non-verbal makes communication more b. Non-verbal messages produced by the broad setting such as time, space and
effective silence

Functions of Non-Verbal Communication

Presentation of content
Study the pictures below and determine the type of communication being used. a. It is used to repeat the verbal message.
Example – Point in an object while saying it.

b. It is often used to accent a verbal message.

Example – verbal tone indicates the actual meaning of the words.

c. It often complements the verbal message but also may contradict.

Examples – A nod reinforces a positive message among Americans and
A wink or a frown may contradict a positive message.
1. Verbal communication d. It regulates interactions
Example – Hand gestures may signal a person to speak or not.
● It is a form of transmitting messages using word symbols in representing
ideas and objects which comes in two forms – oral and written. e. It may substitute for the verbal message, especially if it is blocked by noise or
● It includes a face to face interaction with another person, speaking to interruption.
someone on the phone, participating in meetings, delivering speeches in programs Example – Touch to mean comfort or encouragement
and giving lectures or presentations in conferences. A thumbs-up gesture indicating approval

Factors That Affect Verbal Communication

Consider this:
a. Tone of voice
b. Use of descriptive words
c. Emphasis on certain phrases
d. Volume of voice
Communication is a combination of the verbal and
non- verbal aspects. Proper blending of the two types of
communication make the message clearer.

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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Topic 3: The Elements and Process of Communication Elements of Communication

1. Sender
- a person, group, or organization who initiates communication.
Learning Objectives
- She/He may be called the source, encoder, speaker or communicator.
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to: 2. Message
1. identify the element of communication - an element transmitted in communication.
2. explain the process of communication - It may consist of the idea, opinion, information, feeling or attitude of the

Presentation of Content: 3. Channel

- a pathway or medium through which the message travels to reach its
- It may be oral, written, or visual.

4. Receiver
- a person who receives, analyses, understands, and interprets the message.
- S/he can also be called decoder, reader, or listener.

5. Feedback
- the receiver’s response that provides information to the sender.
- the return process in which the receiver provides both verbal and non-verbal
signals to show whether the message is understood or not.

6. Noise
- a form of distortion, barrier or obstacle that occurs in an of the oral
communication process.

7. Adjustment
- done if the message is distorted or is not clearly understood by the receiver.

The diagram below illustrates the components and the flow of communication. 8. Context
- It is the situation from which the communication is done. It includes
settings or environment (family, school, workplace, religious
communities); social relations (friends, husband and wife, parent and
child, colleagues/boss- subordinate in the office); scenes which include
place, time and occasion (business meeting, job interview, social
gathering – parties, weddings, etc.); and culture (history, tradition, beliefs,
norms, values)

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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

The Process of Effective Communication Topic 4: Communication Principles

To communicate effectively, understanding the steps in this information exchange process
is vital.

Learning Objectives
Five Steps of The Communication Process (Schreiner, 2018)
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. Creation
• It is forming the communicative intent where the sender generates and idea. 1. explain the seven principles of communication, and
• This requires the individual who is sending the message to decide what s/he 2. point out how these principles of communication can be achieved.
wants to say and select a medium through which to communicate this
information. Presentation of Content
• If the medium s/he selects is a written one, s/he must compose a concise and
clear message that others can understand and if the medium is oral, s/he must
plan out a clear spoken message.
Communication becomes more meaningful if it is:
2. Transmission
• The transmission may be as simple as meeting with the intended recipient of the
message, and orally sharing the message, or calling the individual to communicate
orally over the phone.
• If the message is a print one, it may include distributing a paper memo or sending
an email.

3. Reception
• After transmitting the message, the communication duties change hands and fall
upon the receiver of the message.
• The message is obtained either from the written format the sender selected or b
listening carefully as the message is delivered orally.

4. Translation
• Once receiving the message, the recipient must translate the message into terms
that s/he can easily understand.
• To do this, s/he must listen to or read the message in question and paraphrase it
within her/his head, turning the potentially complex context contents of the
message into more manageable and meaningful components.

5. Response
• This may be verbal and immediate, which is commonly the case if
communication is face-to-face.
• It may also be easily a written response that either expands upon the message or
simply indicates receipt of the message in question. Source:

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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

To date, China has already occupied the atolls and reefs the Philippines once
claimed before the aggressive invasion of China of the South China Sea using the 9-dash
Feedback line demarcation.
Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque tried to put the blame on the previous
Read the Editorial below and explain how the seven Cs of communication are achieved: administration of President Benigno Aquino III by saying that “the Aquino administration
did nothing” about the creeping invasion of China in the West Philippine Sea. Roque
obviously ignored that the previous Aquino administration was persistent in pursuing its
Editorial: claims over the West Philippine Sea which resulted in the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s
ruling in our favor.
Giving in to China We cannot go to war with a superpower like China. But being in the international
from: community of nations, there are other ways to resist invasion and bullying by more
powerful nation. But with the attitude and stance of President Duterte kowtowing to
There is certainly no doubt now that China’s invasion of the West Philippine Sea is Chinese officials, like they are his bosses, no diplomatic protest had been lodged against
unstoppable. The defeatist stance of the Duterte administration fuels and further emboldens China.
China to occupy the atolls and reefs with the installation of military facilities that can only Contrary to Roque’s putting the blame on the previous Aquino administration, the
be dismantled with might which the Philippines does not have. Duterte administration is the one giving in to China, backtracking the gains achieved by
The conflict in South China Sea, in which the Philippines named West Philippine the Philippines’ claim over the West Philippine Sea handed by the Permanent Court of
Sea as within its Exclusive Economic Zone, involves China, the Philippines, Brunei, Arbitration in 2016. What we can see in the way President Duterte handles the issue in the
Malaysia and Indonesia. The impasse had become longstanding and, worse, is turning into West Philippine Sea is his allegedly treasonous gesture of surrendering a part of our
a powder keg, so to speak. The controversial waterway’s strategic importance cannot be national patrimony without a whimper of protest while it is being shamelessly being
ignored as an international waterway where some $5.3 trillion worth of goods move usurped right before our very eyes.
through the sea every year, according to the United States Department of Defense.
Aside from being a strategic maritime territory, the South China Sea is estimated to
hold 10 percent of the total global fisheries, 11 billion barrels of oil reserve, and 190 trillion
cubic feet of natural gas deposits.
With its booming economy and skyrocketing demand for raw materials for its
industry, China cannot give in to other claimants of the South China Sea other than
declaring war where the victor gets the spoils.
Looking forward to its economic expansion, China declared in 1947 the
demarcation 9-dash line territory of the South China Sea which almost claimed for itself
the 3.5 million square-kilometer total area.
In 2012, the standoff between China and the Philippines happened in the
Scarborough Shoal which displayed China’s might and effectively took away the
Philippines’ control over it. With no other way to contest its claim, the Philippine filed case
before the United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration. Philippine won the case in 2016
with the ruling that essentially dismissed as illegal China’s self-imposed 9-dash
demarcation line as illegal.
Two years after the Philippine victory over the declared 9-dash line of China and
then presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte’s theatrics to jet ski to Scarborough Shoal to
plant the Philippine flag there, China has almost completed the militarization of the area in
the West Philippine Sea with its facilities installed.

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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Topic 5: Ethics in Communication 4. Ethical Communicators Use Information Properly.

▪ Communicators have the responsibility to give and acquire adequate and accurate
Learning Outcomes information. As an ethical communicator, a respect for truth means being informed
on a topic before posing as any kind of authority on the subject. We also need to
consider the accuracy of the information and the accuracy with which we use it.
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to: When we communicate, we expect people to react in some way to what we say and
a. tell what communication ethics is; do. When we use inaccurate information to influence others, we cause difficulty for
b. explain how ethics in communication can be achieved, and them and for ourselves.
c. enumerate ways of avoiding violations of ethics in communication. 5. Ethical Communicators Do Not Falsify Information.
▪ Worse than the distortion of information is falsifying information. Failing to find
Presentation of Content information useful to our goals, we make it up. This is a form of cheating; therefore,
it should by all means be avoided.
Ethics is an integral part of communication. When we communicate, we do not 6. Ethical Communicators Respect the Rights of Others to information.
simply choose words; we choose words for the effect they will have on our audiences, on
ourselves, and ultimately, on society. Also, we choose the manner of communication ▪ A respect for truth and an ethical consideration of others also means respecting the
because sometimes “what matters is not what you say, but how you say things.” Thus, rights of others in regard to information and access to information. Collecting
when we communicate, we ask ourselves how harmful or helpful our words and our ways information is an integral part of the research process, but stealing information is
are. theft, taking something that does not belong to us. Beyond the personal act of theft,
stealing information is unethical because it prevents other people from securing
Considerations in Ethical Communication information and unnecessarily makes their lives more difficult.
(Johansen, 16)

1. Ethical Communicators are Respectful of Their Audience. Summary

▪ Communication is a two-way process. The communicator must consider the In this chapter you have learned the Communication Process, Principles and Ethics.
audience ideas and feelings during the interaction. You have discovered the importance of communication in the different aspects of your life
2. Ethical Communicators Consider the Consequences of their Communication. like in your family, in your community, in your school and in even in your work place later
on. It is also emphasized in this chapter that verbal and non- verbal communication are
▪ Every communicator must bear in mind that the ultimate aim of communication is both needed in achieving effective communication. It is very important to note that
to promote the common good. Communication must be set in a way that conflict is participants of the communication process must consider the Seven C’s which are Clarity
reduced or eliminated. of thoughts, Conciseness, Coherence, Completeness, Concreteness, Correctness and
3.Ethical Communicators Respect the Truth. Courtesy. Lastly, this chapter introduced to you the Ethics of communication which
reminds you of the standards that you have to practice when participating in a
▪ A great deal of the ethics of communication involves a respect for truth. Indeed, as communication process.
one has put it, the assumption of truth undergirds the very concept of
communication itself: "an inherent end of speech is the communication of belief"
(Kupfer 118). If we cannot trust the other party, we cannot accurately judge how to
respond. If we cannot accurately judge how to respond, then our communication
becomes increasingly ineffective.

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Unit 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Montano-Harmon M.R. (2014) Developing English for Academic Purposes,
California State University, Fullerton
Manzano, B.A., Arador, MVP and Ladia MAp (2018). Purposive Communication
for College Freshmen. St. Andrews Publishing House, Plaridel, Bulacan


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