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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH GRADE 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different impressionist artists together with their master pieces;
b. realize the importance of paintings as a visual art in the seasons of our lives and
c. create their own work of art in line with Impressionism and present it to the class.

II. Subject Matter


Materials: powerpoint presentation,big book and images
References: Grade 10- HORIZONS: Music and Arts Appreciation for Young
Filipinos, pages. 194-204

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
a. Motivation

Good morning my dear students! Good morning Ma’am!

Before anything else, Let’s ask

first the guidance and presence of
the Almighty God. ( praying)

Are now ready for our class? Yes, Ma’am!

If you are really ready, please pick

up all the pieces of paper on
around you then arrange your
chairs and sit properly.
(doing the instructions given)
That’s the real and ready students!

To start with, who among you

believe that “First Impression
Last” (none of the students raise their hand)

Why did you not agree on the

(a student raises her hand)
Yes, please?
I didn’t agree that first impression last
because sometimes we judge people at
Nice answer. first glance who actually they are not.

But in our lesson for today, you’ll

see that first impression does last.
b. Lesson Proper

This morning, we are going to take

up Modern Art which includes the
first two: Impressionism and Post-

At the end of this lesson. Class,

you are all expected to identify the
different impressionist artists
together with their master pieces;
determine the different painters of
this movement and their works.
You should also realize the
importance of paintings in the
past, present and future
generations. And create your own
art work of Impressionism.
Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!
Let’s proceed.

The art movements of the late 19th

century to the 20th century
captured and expressed all the
changes and breakthroughs in the
past. One of these movements is
the Impressionism.

Somebody please read!

Yes, my dear!
Impressionism: was coined from
the title of a work by a French
painter, Claude Monet.

Impression, soleil levant or

Impression, sunrise.
You are going to encounter more
about Claude Monet in the latter
part of our discussion.

The term Impressionism precisely

captured what this group of artists
sought to represent in their works.

“ the viewers momentary

impression of an image”
How would you explain that line?
It is like what is our very first
impression or interpretation of an
image that we saw.
Yes, that’s right! Another?
Ma’am, it is our brief view of an
image. Like how we see it on the
first glance.
Definitely right! You got the key
word “brief” or short. Because it
was not intended to be clear or
precise, but more like fleeting (or
brief as you said) fragment of
reality caught on a canvas.
Fragment means incomplete.
Therefore, we can conclude that
impressionism is what?

Yes, dear?

It is an artistic visual illustration

of a short or brief scene of our
You nailed it!
A single part or scene of what are
we doing in everyday life.

How about the way is the scene

painted? What have you notice?
The details are not the exact or
perfect view of the scene unlike
if we are going to take a picture
of it.
Very good observation!

That is because it is sometimes in

mid-motion, at the other time
awkwardly positioned just as it
would be in…
Real life.

Now we’re done on its origin.

Do you have any questions about

None ma’am!
Let’s jump off to the famous
painters of the impressionist
I have here five (5) images of the
art works of the five (5 )famous
painters of the impressionist
movement, one each. Three (3)
from Impressionism and two (2)
from the Post-Impressionism.

I need 5 students here in front who

are going to share their
interpretation about the painting
they have chosen.

First one is La Promenade of

Claude Monet. ( the student shares his view and
impression about the image)

Claude Monet (1840-1926) was

one of the founders of the
impressionist movement along
with his friends Auguste Renoir,
Alfred Sisley and Frederic Bazille.
He is best known for his landscape

He also has his other paintings

such as
• The Red Boats, Argenteuil
• Bridge Over a Pond of Water
• Irises in Monet’s Garden

The next one.

Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)
Mlle Irene Cahen d’ Anvers

( the student shares his view and

impression about the image)

Renoir‘s early works were

snapshots of real life, full of
sparkling color and light.
More of his works are the:
• Dancer
• A Girl with a Watering Can
• Luncheon of the Boating Party

The third one please.

Argenteuil by Edouard Manet

( the student shares his view and

impression about the image)
He is one of the 19th century artists
to depict modern-life subjects.
He was a key in the transition from
realism to impressionism, with a
number of his works considered as
marking the birth of modern art.

Other works of art:

• Rue Mosnier Decked with
• Café Concert
• The Bar at the Folies-Berge

Next are the artists for the Post-

They expanded and experimented
the usual impressionism paintings
in new bold ways like using
geometric approach, fragmenting
objects, and distorting people’s
faces and body parts and applying
colors that were not necessarily
realistic or natural.

We have here two of the fore-most


First, we have Paul Cezanne

Still Life with Compotier.

( the student shares his view and

impression about the image)
His work exemplified the
transition from late 19th-century
impressionism to a new and
radically different world of art in
the 20th century- paving the way
for the next revolutionary art
movement known as

Other art works:

• Hortense Fiquet in a Stripped
• Harlequin
• Boy in a Red Vest

We have the last one.

What is it?
Starry Night by Vincent van
Gogh (1853-1890)

( the student shares his view and

impression about the image)
Well said.
Gogh was a painter from
More of his works are :
• Sheaves of Wheat in a Field
• The Sower
• Still Life: Vase with Fifteen
• Bedroom at Arles
• Wheat Field with Cypresses.

Thank you very much to our five

outstanding students this morning.
You all have a very good view and
understanding of what you have
Let’s give them a hand.

c. Generalization

Do you think the works of these

artists gave a contribution to our
present living?

Yes Ma’am!
In what ways?
It provides us inspirations to become an
artists like them.
Well said!

It gives us ideas about how people used

to live in the past centuries.
Very Good.
That’s right!
Without their art works we are
clueless about the past. We can’t
compare the life of our ancestors
to ours in present.
Any more answers??
We can’t appreciate the changes brought
by modernization in our life.

That is just a proof that not all

changes are bad.
Very good.

In relation to our topic.

I have here a question I had when I
was in high school.
Please read my dear.
If you could paint a picture of any
scenery you’ve seen before, what would
it be? And why?

(students’ share their answers)

You’ve done so great this morning
my dear students.

Prepare for a short quiz.

IV. Values Integration

“Change is something we used to and need to live with”

“Yesterday gives light for today”

V. Evaluation

Name the painters of the following art works.

1. A Girl with Watering Can - Auguste Renoir

2. Rue Mosnier Decked with Flags - Edouard Manet
3. La Promenade - Claude Monet
4. The Sower - Vincent Van Gogh
5. Harlequin - Paul Cezanne
Explain this statement.
Impressionism: A Break from Past Painting Traditions
VI. Assignment

Create your own work of Impressionism art. Refer to Grade 10 Horizons: Music
& Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos, pages 197-198.Follow the procedures

Prepared by:
Gladys Mae L. Millena

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