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work hard
take a break

have a meeting
B ! PAIR WORK !What season is it now? What
clothes do you usually wear? For ideas, watch A rey our answers
Anderson's video. thesameas
El GRAMMAR: Questions with begoing to
A �the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you.
1 A yes/no question with be goingto begins with Am, Is, or Are/ What, Where, or When.
2 For information questions with be going to, put the question word before/ after is , a re, or am.

Questions with be going to

Yes/no questions lnformation questions

Are you going to take sorne sweaters? Yes, 1 am./ No, l'm not. What are you going to take?
Is Sofia going to see a friend? Yes, she is./No, she's not. When are you going to leave?
Where is Sofia going to go?
Who are you going to meet?

B Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 are/ going to/ this weekend?/What/you/do
2 study/Are/ tonight?/going to/you
3 have/ you/What/for dinner?/are/going to
4 on TV?/going to/are/ watch /you/ What
5 tomorrow?/go/you/are/Where/going to
6 going to/your/ next week? /see/Are/friends/you

C Now go to page 138. Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 10.2.

Read the Accuracy check box. Then ask
and answer the questions in exercise 3B with a partner.
Do not use be golng to in short answers.
Are you going to wear a dress to the party?
A Look at the trips. Choose two, and plan what No, l'm not goirig to. )(
clothes you're going to take with you. Yes, 1am. ✓
■ A two-week trip to Mi ami, Florida, in the summer.
■ A one-week trip to Vienna, Austria, in the winter.
(2°C/ 36º F)
■ A five-day trip to Vancouver, Canada, in the
spring. (20ºC /68º F)
■ A two-week trip to Manaus, Brazil, in the
rainy season. (30ºC/86º F)
s I PAIR WORK I Ask questions about
your partners' trips.

¿ Where are you going to go? )

First, l'm going to go to Miami this summer.

Oh, great! What clothes are you going to take?


1 HAVE NO IDEA ■ talk about movies and actors

A Look at the picture of the woman. Do you know her name?
What else do you know about her?
B ._,¡ flm Read and listen. What does the man want to remember?
Does he remember it?

A l'm going to watch Titanictonight. B Let me think. Maybe it's Kate Hudson? No,
B The movie? she's American. Why don't we look online?
A Yeah. With Leonardo DiCaprio, and ... who A Good idea. Let's see ... Titanic actor,
was the other actor? The woman? woman ... Kate Winslet!
B Um, 1 have no idea. B Oh, yeah.
A She's from England. A What was the name of that other
B Sorry, l'm not sure.
movie she was in? With Johnny
A Her first name is Kate, 1 think.
B Oh no ... Not again!
actor (n) a man or woman in a movie, TV show, or play

C Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversation above.

© Expressing uncertainty
Very unsure A little unsure
0 1have 1no idea Her first name is Kate, 1 3 think ©
l'm 2 not sure 1 think her first name is Kate.

1 don't know. 4
it's Kate Hudson? -
D ,..,) flD I I
PAIR WORK Complete the conversations with the correct
words from the box. Listen and check. Then practice with a partner.

don't Maybe no not think

1 A When was the movie Titanic in theaters?

B don't know. maybe it was in 1997?
A How many movies was Kate Winslet in?
B 1 have no idea.
A Where was Melinda yesterday?
B 1 think she was at home.
A Where are the restrooms?
B Sorry, l'm not sure.
■ offer and accept food and drink

A ◄ >) flD E lisa has dinner in two different places on different
nights. Read and listen to two conversations. What food and
drink does Elisa want? What doesn't she want?

, Elisa I really like this fish, Dan. lt's so good! 2 Server What would you like to eat?
Dan Thanks. Do you want sorne more? Elisa l'd like the chicken and rice, please.
Elisa Yes, please. Thanks. Can I have sorne Server AII right. And what would you like
bread, please? to drink?
Dan Of course. Here. Would you like sorne Elisa Do you have iced tea?
potatoes? Server Yes. We have small and
Elisa No, thanks, but please pass the large iced teas.
Elisa l'd like a large iced tea,
Dan OK. Here you are. please. lt's so hot todayl

B Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversations
more (det) another piece (offish,
above. Then read the information in the Accuracy check box. What for example)
food does Elisa request with sorne? iced tea (n) cold tea

Offering food and drink Requesting food and drink

sorne more?
sorne bread, please?
5 Use anyin questions. ©
sorne potatoes? the butter. Did you have any
3 6
the chicken
You can use sorne when a
to eat? /to drink? and rice, please. question is a request.
What would you like for dessert? Can I have any bread? X
iced tea? Can I have sorne bread? ✓
Responding to requests
Of 8
Here./Here 9
All 1° ./OK.
small and large iced teas.

C ◄>) fl?iJ I I
PAIR WORK Put the two conversations in the correct order. Listen and check.
Then practice with a partner.
1 Yes, please. lt's good! 2 No, sorry.
4 OK. Here you are. 1 What would you like for dessert?
1 Would you like sorne more chicken? 3
1 see. OK, l'd like ice cream and coffee, please.
3 And please pass the potatoes. 2
Let me think. Do you have any chocolate cake?

5.2 TELLING THE TIME (page 46)
A Look at the times (1-8). Then �the correct sentence.
1 3:40 a lt's twenty to four. b lt's forty to three.
2 12:30 a lt's twenty thirty. b lt's twelve thirty.
3 6:15 a lt's a quarter after six. b lt's a quarter to six.
4 12:00 a.m. a lt's midnight. b lt's noon.
5 1:45 a lt's a quarter to one. b lt's one forty-five.
6 8:07 a lt's seven to eight. b lt's eight-oh-seven.
7 9:15 a lt's nine fifteen. b lt's nine fifty.
8 4:52 a lt's five forty-two. b lt's four fifty-two.
B Underline the correct words to complete the paragraph.
Carmen gets up / goes to bed at 7:15 a.m. She eats lunch/ breakfast at 7:45. Then she goes to work / gets up.
She usually has dinner / lunch at 12:30 p.m. She drinks coffee / class in the afternoon. On Tuesday, she goes
to class / lunch after work - she studies English. She usually eats dinner / coffee at 7:00. She goes to bed /

class at 11 p.m.

6.1 PLACES IN CITIES (page 54)

A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

café college hotel museum park school mall zoo

1 We often eat breakfast in a café

2 1 sometimes run in the park
3 The museum has hundreds of old pictures and a lot of art.

© 4 Thecollege
5 The students at then school
in my neighborhood has 160 children.
are 18 to 22 years old. G
0 6 This is a great mall . lt has a lot of my favorite stores. ©
7 The rooms in the hotel have bathrooms with showers.
8 The zoo in my city has 20 elephants.

B Cross out one word that does not complete each sentence.
1 We have lunch in a on Saturdays. restaurant store park
2 We learn about things at a school restaurant museum
3 We shop at the every weekend. mal/ hospital supermarket
4 The has a big TV. park hotel restaurant
5 She studies English in school col/ege a movie theater

o 6.2 NATURE (page 56)
A Complete the email with the words in the box.

flowers lake mountain snow trees

• •
Hi Julia,
How are you? l'm great! My new town is real/y cool. I like nature, and there's a lot of nature
here! There's a big, tall I mountain near my house. There's a f orest on the
mountain, with a lot of 2 flowers •
on top ofthe mountain in January and February. There's a small 4 lake
in my neighborhood, and I run next to the water in the morning. There are no
now because it's January.
1 love this town. Please visit soon!
Your friend,
B �the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 My house is on the beach / foresr next to 5 My grandrna and grandpa live near the
the ocean. ocean / flowers.
2 There is a lot of ocean / grass in the park. 6 A lot of animals eat plants / mountains.
3 There are a lot of plants and flowers in the 7 Donna lives on a srnall island / desert in the
foresr / lake. Atlantic Ocean.
4 There's a lot of water in the river / deserr. 8 There are a lot of srnall grass / hi/1s here, but
there are no mountains.


Match 1-6 with a-fto complete the sentences. ©
1 Do they cook a her daughter's hair.
2 Karen usually washes b your room on the weekend?
3 1 do a lot of c breakfast every morning?
4 They're nice. They help d me with my English.
5 He takes e homework every day.
6 Do you clean f a shower in the evening.
B Add the words in parentheses () to the correct place in each sentence. Then write the sentences.
1 Do you the dishes after lunch? (do) Do you do the dishes a�er lunch?
2 Rudy his car on the weekend. (drives)
3 Does he his teeth every day? (brush)
4 My mother usually cooks at 6:30. (dinner)
5 She takes a every evening. (bath)
6 1 often rny grandmother. (help)


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