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THE VEST Abbreviations Armholes

This vest is inspired by the vest Jenna Ortega wore in • SC: Single crochet The armholes are made the first row of the fourth row of
Wednesday. • St(s): Stitch(es) squares.
The original vest was created by @aliceevans20 on After chaining 1 and turning your work, slip stitch into the 5
• PM: Place marker
TikTok. first sts in PC.
This is my fist time writing a pattern, and it wasn’t pattern • PC: Primary colour (black)
Continue the pattern just like in the second row of squares.
tested, so there are likely a few mistakes, i apologise. If you • CC: Contrast colour (white) When you get to the last 5 sts in PC, DON’T do anything
have any questions feel free to dm me on TikTok @forgetmai . • Dec: Decrease with them. Chain 1 and turn your work after working the 11th
I made the pattern to fit me, which is why it doesn’t come in st in CC.
di↵erent sizes. This is made to fit size medium. PATTERN Continue the pattern as before, just without the stating and
Mine is also quite a bit shorter than the one in the show, since ending 5 sts.
i don’t enjoy wearing long vests, but you’re welcome to make Front
yours longer. The pattern will tell you were to adjust the First row of squares The V
length. Start by chaining 96+1 in primary colour Start working on the V when your fourth row of squares is
If you want to make it a di↵erent size but don’t want to do the Single crochet into the 2nd st from the hook. around a quarter of it’s intended height (for me that’s about 2
maths i recommend using di↵erent size hook and yarn, SC into the back of the chain (little bumps) for a clean edge cm and 4 rows).
adjusting your tension is also an option, since I crochet very SC 5 sts in PC Mark the middle of the vest with a stitch marker.
tight. Add in the contrast colour
I recommend reading the pattern fully through before starting ⇤ (SC 11 sts in CC, SC 11 sts in PC, PM, SC 10 sts in PC)⇤
Left shoulder
to work on the vest, just so you know what’s going to happen Repeat from ⇤ to⇤ 2 times Crochet until the marker
when. SC 11 sts in CC, SC 11 sts in PC, PM, SC 5 sts in PC Chain 1 and turn work
Chain 1 Decrease by single crocheting into the second st of the row.
Turn work Continue pattern, chain 1, turn work.
To make the vest the same as mine you SC into every st with the same colour as in the previous row. Repeat pattern and keep decreasing every other row by
need: Chain 1, turn work. crocheting into the second st of the row.
Change colour when the squares are square, and continue
• 4.5 mm crochet hook Repeat pattern until actual squares have formed. (For me that
was 7 cm, 12 rows) decreasing until you’ve reached your desired length (for me
• Medium weight yarn in two colours (black and white) (I that’s finishing the fourth square and making 2 more).
used Star by Lana Grossa in colour 20 and 10) Second row of squares
Right shoulder
• Crochet stitch markers (bobby pins and paperclips work After chaining 1 and turning your work.
SC 5 sts in PC Attach yarn at the last st of CC. Crochet until the marker in
just as well)
⇤ (PM, SC 11 sts in PC, SC 11 sts in SC, SC 10 sts in PC)⇤ the middle.
• Scissors Repeat from ⇤ to⇤ 2 times Chain 1 and turn work.
• Tapestry needle SC 11 sts in SC Decrease by single crocheting into the second st of the row.
SC 5 sts in PC Work it the same way the left shoulder is worked.
Repeat colours until the squares match the previous row of
And you need to know how to:
• Chain
squares. Back
Third row of squares Make the back exactly the same as the front, leaving the V
• Single crochet out.
Repeat the pattern of the first squares.
• Single crochet into the back of the chain
Fourth row of squares
• Slip stitch
I will start shaping the vest in this set of squares.
• Change colour Attach the front and back at the shoulders and the outer black
If you want your vest to be longer, repeat the pattern until you stripe with your desired method (I slip stitched them together)
• Work the colour not used into the piece reach your desired length from the bottom to the armhole. Single crochet once around the armholes and the V with PC.
Make full squares to adjust the length, if you only do half
• Decrease
squares it won’t look as cohesive. Mai @forgetmai

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