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Broadcast Music Inc 10 Music Square Nashville TN 37203

Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims 5364 E 12 Th Ave Ybor FL 33605

** Privilege Confidential Information **
Consent Decree : Disclosure Authorization

Authorizing Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing ® or its duly appointed
representative to provide information, including Vehicles Information, to Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright
Claims Licensing and Publishing and anyone acting on Broadcast Music Inc TN behalf and consent to calls or
text messages generated by automated technology being sent to that number that provide information regarding
your Purchase Manufacturing or Manufacturing-related issue (including Promotion Marketing information
and reminders). Consent to these messages is a requirement to enroll in the
Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ program. If you do not want to
consent to such calls, you may unenroll by calling our

reach us by mail and also send payment to the

● Customer Service :Broadcast Music Inc TN Music Row 10 Music Square Nashville TN

consent to receiving messages and anyone acting on behalf.

The calls or text messages may provide information regarding manufacturing or manufacturing -related issues
(including Promotion Marketing Information and Reminders). consent is a condition of receiving any benefits
from Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing ™ or anyone acting on
Broadcast Music Inc Nashville , Tennessee behalf.
you may revoke your consent by
● Calling Toll Free 24 hours 1-800-925-8451
acknowledge that Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ has clearly
disclosed to me that: The Affordable Licensing Providing Program is a Broadcast Music Inc TN program that
reduces my access service bill;If the program ends, if I transfer my benefit to another provider but continue to
receive service from Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ , or upon
un-enrollment from the Affordable, will be subject to
Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™
discounted rate and general terms and conditions; may apply the BMI ™ benefit to any service offering of •

● Broadcast Music Inc TN Representative

● Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™

at the same terms available to label that are not eligible for -supported service;may obtain promoted service
supported by the Affordable Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™
Program from any participating provider of my and may file a complaint against its provider via the
Commission’s Consumer Complaint Center. We have the right to discontinue your Affordable-supported
service after 90 consecutive days Since Broadcast Music Inc TN ™ is free, this provision is applicable to you
(this disclosure is an (FCC) requirement).
authorized Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ to communicate
any information provided (including full name; full residential address; date of birth; the telephone number
associated with the Affordable Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™
Program service; the date on which the Affordable Program discount initiated; the date on which the Affordable
Program discount terminated if it has terminated; the amount of support sought for that service; and the means
through which qualified for the Affordable Program to the
Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ Service Administrative
Company (BMI) to ensure proper administration of the Affordable Program and/or Record Label benefit.
Failure to provide consent will result in being denied the Affordable Program service and/or the benefit.
authorized Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ to query the
National Accountability Database to determine whether have previously received Affiliation benefits.
If already receive Affordable Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™
Program supported with another provider, then I understand the following:That I will be transferring its
affordable Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ Service program
benefit to BMI ™ ; That the effect of the transfer is that my Affordable Program benefit will be applied to
BMI ® service and will no longer be applied to service retained from my previous provider;
That I may be subject to my previous provider’s discounted rates as a result of the transfer if I elect to maintain
service from that provider; and That I am limited to one affordable Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright
Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ program benefit transfer transaction per service, except to reverse an
wanted transfer or if I am unable to receive service from a specific provider.
All the answers and agreements that I provided on this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
accept the Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ Terms and
Conditions of Service and Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes The services described are provided by Robhy
Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing ™ . may be eligible for the Affordable

Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ Program if they are qualified
for Record Publishing , free or reduced-price Performances, Grant, or the Special Home Recording Act Program
for Signed Labels , Adults and (Signees). Affordable Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and
Publishing BMI ™ Program service is transferable and is unlimited to one discount per label. All Affordable
Program packages offered by Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing. The
service upload/download data file recordings JPG Image Processing Promotion and data caps vary based on the
available Affordable Program qualifying plan; please
● visit for information of available plans,

their terms and conditions, and a list of available

Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ customer service may be
reached at

• 1800-925-8451 (BMI TN) Affordable Program is a federal government agencies benefits program operated
by the Federal Communications Commission and, upon its conclusion, your service, if you choose to continue
it, will be subject to the Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ regular
rates, terms, and conditions. This service is supported by BMI ® . Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims
Licensing Providing is a federal benefit that makes monthly promotion and artists service more affordable for
eligible labels. Your label may receive the benefit for service AND Promotion service, but both For Robhy
Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing and Broadcast Music Inc TN service, your
label may receive the benefit for one artist AND one fixed label service, but both.
For Broadcast Music Inc TN service and Broadcast Music Inc NY Service, your label may receive the Robhy
Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ benefit for one Artist AND one fixed
Article service, but both. Your Label may receive the Broadcast Music Inc TN benefit from more than one
service provider. For the purpose of Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing
BMI ™ , a Label is an individual Companies or any group of individuals who Records at the same address and
share income and expenses. Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™ is a
transferable benefit. you may not transfer your Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and
Publishing BMI ™ benefit to another person, even if he or she is eligible. you will lose your benefit and may be
prosecuted by the United States government if you violate the one-per- Record Label rule or otherwise make
false statements to receive the Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing benefit.
transferring a benefit, acknowledge was provided the disclosures concerning the effect of transferring my benefit
and having received the required disclosures, I give my informed consent to transfer my benefit to
Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing ™.
We will validate your eligibility with the National Verifier. By clicking the “I agree and E-sign” button below,
you are selecting Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing ™ as your Label
Publishing provider. Once we receive confirmation of your eligibility from the National Verifier, we will
automatically enroll you with Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing BMI ™
Service . If you currently receive BMI ™ from another provider, your other Robhy Dupree Armstrong
Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing benefit will be terminated. you authorize
Robhy Dupree Armstrong Copyright Claims Licensing and Publishing to communicate any information
provided to the Broadcast Music Inc TN Service Administrative Company for the purpose of providing service
to you.

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