Video Interpretation and Diagnosis of Pediatric Amblyopia and Eye Diseasse

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RESEARCH/Original Article

Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare

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Video interpretation and diagnosis of ! The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
pediatric amblyopia and eye disease
DOI: 10.1177/1357633X19864823

Kourosh Sabri1,2,3 , Prima Moinul1, Nasrin Tehrani4,

Rick Wiggins5, Natalie Fleming3 and Forough Farrokhyar2,6,7

Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the potential of using video screening to interpret the results of paediatric eye
Design: Prospective multi-centred, blinded study.
Methods: Children aged 5 months to 11 years referred to a paediatric ophthalmology centre were enrolled in the
study. Outcome measures included the degree of agreement between examiners for assessment of various aspects of
paediatric eye examination. In Phase 1, children were individually assessed in the clinic by three different examiners to
determine the level of agreement. In Phase 2 a video recording was made of the first ophthalmologist examining the
children. The other two examiners viewed the video recordings to make their diagnoses. Areas of assessment included
lid function, pupillary function, ocular motility, strabismus, nystagmus, torticollis and facial asymmetry. Agreement
between examiners was measured using Gwet’s agreement coefficient (AC1).
Results: A total of 27 patients in Phase 1 (mean age 4.0 years) and 160 children in Phase 2 (mean age 4.8 years)
underwent clinical and video-recorded screening. In Phase 1, all but one area of ocular examination (heterotropia)
achieved 84% agreement between three examiners. In Phase 2, there was greater variation between direct clinical
examination and interpretation of video findings, ranging from 55–100% agreement.
Conclusion: Using experienced clinicians and changing only one variable in Phase 2 (the method of assessment – direct
examination versus video interpretation), the results show the possible usefulness of video-recorded screening as a
means of assessing children. Further research is indicated to assess the accuracy of ophthalmologists interpreting video
recordings of eye examinations performed by trained non-eye-care professionals.

Tele-ophthalmology, telemedicine
Date received: 14 May 2019; Date accepted: 28 June 2019

Introduction 1
Department of Surgery, Division of Ophthalmology, McMaster
Despite high healthcare standards and the dawn of tele- University, Canada
medicine,1 29% of Canadians report difficulty access- Department of Surgery, McMaster Paediatric Eye Research
Group, Canada
ing timely care attributed to long wait times and 3
Department of Surgery, McMaster Pediatric Surgery Research
difficulty securing an appointment with specialists.2 Collaborative, Canada
This is likely due to the fact that 21% of Canada’s 4
Department of Surgery, Division of Ophthalmology, University of
population lives in rural, isolated communities where Toronto, Canada
Department of Optometry, University of Waterloo, Canada
only 2.4% of specialists are situated.2 In Ontario, 30% 6
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact,
of the population live in rural communities and must McMaster University, Canada
travel up to an average of 178 km to see an ophthal- 7
Office of Surgical Research Services, Department of Surgery, McMaster
mologist.2 In Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest University, Canada
Territories, patients travel an average of 995 km to
Corresponding author:
see an ophthalmologist.2 Kourosh Sabri, Division of Ophthalmology, McMaster University,
Screening in children to detect and treat amblyopia Hamilton, 1200 Main Street East, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada.
is of paramount importance.3 Recent studies have Email:
2 Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 0(0)

found the incidence of amblyopia to be 4.5% and 8.6% presence of ptosis, pupillary function (relative afferent
in Ethiopia and India, respectively.4,5 Children growing pupillary defect (RAPD) and anisocoria), ocular motil-
up with one amblyopic eye have almost three times the ity (ductions), strabismus (using a cover test in the pri-
risk (compared to non-amblyopes) of losing vision in mary position), nystagmus in primary position,
their fellow eye.6 In 1998, Bamford and colleagues rec- torticollis and presence of facial asymmetry. As the
ommended that preschool children must be screened cooperation of the child and their level of fatigue can
for strabismus and amblyopia by the age of 3–4 years affect measurement of heterophoria and angle of het-
to prevent vision loss.3 However, nationally less than erotropia, for this study only the strabismus assessment
14% of children under 6 years old receive an eye exam- used was the absence or presence of heterotropia in the
ination.7 In Canada, most children do not receive primary position.
vision screening or photo-screening by their paediatri-
cian or family physician. In 2004, a survey of two Phase 1. In total, 27 patients underwent examination
Ontarian cities revealed that 10–15% of Ontario’s three times on the same day, once by each of the three
preschool children showed visual acuity deficits.8 The study clinicians. Each examiner completed their respec-
gap between the need for and delivery of eye care for tive diagnostic reports, after having performed a set of
children is further increased by the lack of any telemed- standardized tests. Examiners were blinded to each
icine programmes that offer screening for amblyopia in other’s assessments. These data were used to assess the
Canada. Given the importance of detecting amblyo- level of agreement between the three examiners.
genic eye disease and that younger children are signif-
icantly more responsive to treatment for amblyopia Phase 2. Overall, 160 children underwent direct clinical
than older children,9 access to timely ocular assessment examination at the ophthalmology clinic by the first
is imperative. ophthalmologist from the previous phase (examiner
Except for diagnosing retinopathy of prematurity, 1). This was considered the gold standard for compar-
almost all the use of telemedicine is focused on adult ison to examination via telemedicine, as to date direct
eye disease.10–14 clinical examination still provides the most accurate
In this study, we assess the potential of video screen- method of examining children’s eyes. Research assis-
ing as a tool for interpreting clinical paediatric eye tants video recorded the examinations during the
examinations both for screening and as a means of assessment by examiner 1 using the available ambient
detecting abnormal findings. light provided by the clinic’s exam rooms. Recordings
were made from the clinician’s perspective using a
Camcorder-Canon high-definition (HD) Vixia HF
Methods R200 with 20X Optical Zoom and 28X Advanced
This prospective multi-centred cohort study involved Zoom and a tripod. The video recordings were
collaboration between eye-care professionals from encrypted and uploaded securely on to a password-
three Canadian centres: two children’s hospitals and protected server as compressed 1080i video files with
one university. One clinician from each site collaborat- standard 30 fps frame rate, which could only be
ed in the study: two of the examiners were experienced accessed by the three study examiners. Examiners 2
paediatric ophthalmologists and the third was an expe- and 3 downloaded the recorded videos of the eye
rienced paediatric optometrist. All children were examinations to their respective computers, which
recruited from and examined at McMaster Children’s had the hardware capability to show HD videos and
Hospital. The study was carried out following the used the video player of their choice to complete their
tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and the Good assessments and evaluations. The video provided one
Clinical Practice guidelines and was approved by rele- view of the child and did not have the option to pan,
vant local research boards. zoom or change the viewpoint in any way. Brightness,
contrast and colour could all be changed per the limi-
Study population tations of the computer screens. There was no limita-
tion on how many times examiners 2 and 3 could view
Enrolment occurred between February 2015 and
each video.
March 2016. All children attending the paediatric eye
clinic at the McMaster Children’s Hospital during this
period with suspected amblyopia met the inclusion cri- Statistical analysis
teria. Informed parental consent was obtained prior to The level of inter-observer and inter-method (in-clinic
patient enrolment. versus video screening) agreement between the clini-
The clinicians examining the children directly (Phase cians was measured for each area of ocular examina-
1) or indirectly (Phase 2) assessed upper lid function, tion assessed.
Sabri et al. 3

The Gwet agreement coefficient (AC1) was used to Table 1. Patient demographic data for Phases 1 and 2.
assess level of agreement between examiners 1 and 2
Phase 1 ¼ 27 Phase 2 ¼ 160
and examiners 1 and 3 in Phases 1 and 2 of the study. children children
Agreement was assessed independently for the ophthal-
mologist and optometrist to avoid expertise bias. Gwet Gender
AC1 was preferred over Cohen’s Kappa as it has been Male 12 (44%) 77 (48%)
Female 14 (52%) 83 (52%)
shown to provide a more stable agreement coefficient
Unknown 1 (4%) 0
by correcting for chance when there is a high expected Age (years)
level of agreement between expert raters and is less Mean (standard deviation) 4.0 (3.0) 4.8 (2.5)
affected by prevalence and marginal probability of Median (range) 4.0 (7–8) 5.0 (5–11)
the condition under study.17
For Phase 2, the level of agreement was estimated
using Gwet AC1, sensitivity and specificity for each Results
measured ocular feature between examiner 1 against
There were 27 children enrolled in Phase 1 and 160
examiners 2 and 3, respectively. Gwet AC1, sensitivity
children in Phase 2. Patient demographics are included
and specificity, with 95% confidence interval (CI), are
in Table 1.
reported. StatsDirect statistical software (www.statsdir and AgreeStat for Excel for Windows (www. Phase 1. Table 2 reports the level of agreement in Phase were used for the Gwet and diagnostic 1 between examiner 1 and the other two examiners. The
test analyses. column labelled ‘number of positive cases’ shows the
number of patients with the said diagnosis where appli-
cable. Overall, except for the agreement in the diagno-
Sample-size calculation sis of heterotropia between examiners 1 and 3, there
Phase 1. Level of agreement could vary from 0 to 100% was a high level of agreement (>84%) in all areas of
between raters. Agreement of <20% is considered assessment indicating more than substantial levels of
poor, 20–40% is fair, 40–60% is moderate, 60–80% is agreement between examiners 1 and 2 and examiners
substantial and >80% is almost perfect.15 The prede- 1 and 3, respectively. The level of agreement between
fined acceptable agreement criterion between clinicians examiners 1 and 3 for the diagnosis of heterotropia was
was set to a minimum of 80% in each domain of the 69%. Possible reasons for this somewhat lower level of
clinical assessment, indicating a high level of agree- agreement will be explored in the discussion sec-
ment. In doing so, any observed differences in Phase tion below.
2 in the interpretation of the examination findings
between the video examination (by examiners 2 and Phase 2. In Phase 2, the findings obtained from video
3) and direct examination (by examiner 1) could be screening (by examiners 2 and 3) were compared to the
gold-standard clinical assessment (by examiner 1). The
confidently attributed to limitations of the video exam-
overall level of agreement was greater than 90% in all
ination tool and not inter-observer variability. The
areas of assessment except strabismus for both exam-
minimum of 27 participants in Phase 1 was required
iners 2 and 3. The specificity for both examiners 2 and 3
to achieve a minimum agreement coefficient of 0.8
was 90% or higher for all domains of ocular examina-
(substantial agreement) assuming an alpha error of tion assessed. Overall agreement for diagnosing heter-
0.05 and beta error of 0.2 on a dichotomous diagnosis otropia in the primary position was 63% for examiner
of positive finding on ocular examination by the 2 and 55% for examiner 3. Looking at subsets of stra-
three raters.16 bismus, agreement for diagnosing esotropia was 73%
for examiner 2 and 65% for examiner 3 whereas the
agreement for diagnosing exotropia was the highest:
Phase 2. The sample size was calculated based on esti-
95% for examiner 2 and 93% for examiner 3.
mates of sensitivity and specificity of 95%. For an Reviewing the results in Table 3, the sensitivity
alpha error of 0.05 and assuming that 50% of the ranged from 33% to 100% for examiner 2 and from
patients will be diagnosed with a positive finding on 0 to 86% for examiner 3.
ocular examination that may be amblyogenic, a total
of 146 patients of whom at least 50% should have a
positive finding on ocular examination, were required Discussion
to achieve a confidence interval of þ/ 5% around the In this study, all variables except the method of exam-
sensitivity and specificity of 95%. ination (direct versus interpretation of video) had to
4 Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 0(0)

Table 2. Phase 1: Assessment of inter-rater reliability when performing direct clinical examination (N ¼ 27 children).

Number of cases Number of cases Reliability between Reliability between

with positive finding with no positive examiners 1 and 2 examiners 1 and 3
Ocular examination (abnormal) finding (normal) (%) (95% CI) (%) (95% CI)

Upper lid function 0 54 eyes 92 (80–100) 96 (99–100)

Presence of ptosis 0 54 eyes 96 (88–100) 100
Presence of RAPD 0 27 children 100 100
Presence of anisocoria 2 25 children 92 (76–100) 96 (87–100)
Assessment of abduction 0 54 eyes 92 (80–100) 87 (72–100)
Assessment of adduction 0 54 eyes 100 100
Assessment of elevation 0 54 eyes 100 96 (88–100)
Assessment of depression 0 54 eyes 100 100
Presence of nystagmus 0 54 eyes 100 100
Presence of torticollis 0 27 children 92 (80–100) 100
Presence of facial asymmetry 0 27 children 100 96 (88–100)
Presence of heterotropia 14 13 children 92 (71–100) 69 (40–98)
Presence of esotropia 10 17 children 100 84 (48–100)
Presence of exotropia 4 23 children 100 84 (48–100)
CI: confidence interval; RAPD: relative afferent pupillary defect.

remain the same. If more than one variable was technology used for assessment by the remote examiner
changed in Phase 2, then any observed difference in introduced logistical difficulties as the patient, camera
ocular assessment between direct clinical examination technician and the remote examiner all had to be avail-
and video interpretation could not be confidently able at the same time. Although Tan et al. have shown
assigned to the use of video recording alone. That is that real-time telemedicine, via live videoconferencing
why in Phase 2 both the direct examination and video in adult patients, is comparable to clinical assessments
interpretation were carried out by the same experienced of ophthalmic conditions,21 they did not include any
clinicians from Phase 1. children in their study. However, we have shown
Video interpretation for the assessment of upper lid there is the potential for video screening alone to be
function, presence of ptosis and RAPD, anisocoria, comparable to clinical examination without real-time
assessment of ductions and presence of nystagmus, tor- consultation or photographs, even in paediatric
ticollis and facial asymmetry showed a very high level patients. A meta-analysis of real-time teleconferencing
of agreement for both examiners 2 and 3 when com- versus clinical examination further reinforced the diag-
pared to direct clinical examination by examiner 1. The nostic accuracy of this technology and highlighted the
relatively small numbers of positive cases for condi- reduced burden of economic cost and service coverage
tions such as presence of RAPD (one child), anisocoria needed for face-to-face consultation.22 However,
(two children) and exotropia (nine children) meant that Cheung and Dawson also highlighted that strictly per-
any ‘missed’ positive cases by video interpretation forming paediatric strabismus examinations is very
would lead to a large drop in the sensitivity levels. challenging using real-time videoconferencing.19,20
Furthermore, for some areas of assessment such as This study showed a high level of specificity but low
ocular ductions and facial asymmetry, there were no sensitivity in diagnosing anisocoria and torticollis for
positive (abnormal cases), which will have to be both examiners performing video interpretation and
addressed in future studies in this field. for diagnosing ptosis and RAPD for examiner 3. The
Video-oculography has been proven to be effective same is true for diagnoses of heterotropia and esotro-
for diagnosing exotropia.18 However, the exclusion of pia: in areas of assessment where the number of posi-
children younger than 4 years old and of all ocular tive (abnormal) cases was low, every positive case
diagnoses other than exotropia prevented this study missed by the clinicians interpreting the video exami-
from looking at a large population of young patients. nation will result in a large drop in sensitivity.
Cheung et al.19 used video screening to assess stra- Although there was a high level of overall agreement
bismus but focused on an adult population. Dawson between examiners, the high specificity indicates
et al.20 assessed the accuracy of using a remote telemed- increased agreement when findings are within normal
icine link to diagnose strabismus in adults and limits. The low sensitivity for some areas of assessment
highlighted the challenges in using this technique for may be due to a combination of factors such as the low
assessing children. Furthermore, the teleconferencing number of positive cases (therefore skewing the
Sabri et al.

Table 3. Phase 2: Assessment of inter-rater reliability, comparing findings from direct clinical assessment (examiner 1) with video interpretation (examiners 2 and 3)
(N ¼ 160 children).

Reliability of Reliability of
Number of cases Number of cases video screening video screening
with positive with no positive for examiner 2 Sensitivity Specificity for examiner 3 Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Ocular Examination finding (abnormal) finding (normal) (%) (%) (95% CI) (%) (95% CI) (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)

Upper lid function 0 320 eyes 100 NA 100 (98–100) 98 (98–100) NA 100 (98–100)
Presence of ptosis 2 318 eyes 100 100 (16–10) 100 (98–100) 99 (98–100) 50 (1–98) 100 (98–100)
Presence of RAPD 1 159 children 100 100 (97–100) 100 (97–100) 99 (98–100) 0 (0–97) 100 (97–100)
Presence of anisocoria 2 158 children 98 (96, 100) 50 (1–98) 99 (96–98) 98 (96–100) 0 (0–84) 99 (96–100)
Assessment of abduction 0 320 eyes 96 (94–99) 83 (43–97) 97 (94–98) 95 (93–100) 12 (3–52) 98 (95–99)
Assessment of adduction 0 320 eyes 98 (97–100) 100 (16–100) 99 (96–99) 98 (97–100) 0 (0–84) 99 (97–100)
Assessment of elevation 0 320 eyes 99 (98–100) NA 100 (98–100) 100 NA 100 (99–100)
Assessment of depression 0 320 eyes 99 (98–100) NA 99 (97–99) 100 NA 100 (99–100)
Presence of nystagmus 7 313 eyes 98 (96–100) 85 (42–99) 99 (96–100) 98 (96–100) 86 (42–99) 99 (96–100)
Presence of torticollis 9 151 children 94 (89–98) 33 (7–70) 99 (95–99) 94 (89–98) 10 (0–44) 100 (97–100)
Presence of facial 0 160 children 98 (97–100) NA 95 (90–98) NA NA 99 (95–99)
Presence of 76 84 children 63 (52–76) 72 (61–81) 93 (84–97) 55 (41–68) 64 (5–74) 90 (81–95)
heterotropia (any)
Presence of esotropia 67 93 children 73 (61–89) 74 (62–84) 97 (90–99) 65 (52–77) 60 (47–92) 97 (90–99)
Presence of exotropia 9 151 children 95 (91–99) 44 (13–79) 99 (95–99) 93 (89–98) 70 (34–93) 96 (91–98)
CI: confidence interval; RAPD: relative afferent pupillary defect.
NA: Not applicable in cases where there were no positive (abnormal) cases.
6 Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 0(0)

sensitivity disproportionately) as well as technical dif- Conclusion

ficulties with the video recording such as lighting, focus
To the best of our knowledge, this is the only study to
and angle of view affecting the quality of the view for
date that has looked at the feasibility of telemedicine to
the remote examiners. Furthermore, although both
diagnose abnormal findings on a clinical examination
examiners 2 and 3 had over 20 years of clinical experi-
in a large paediatric population. Future, larger-scale
ence, the observed differences between the two of them
studies with a greater number of patients with positive
in terms of reliability and sensitivity in Phase 3 may in
diagnoses are required to assess the sensitivity of this
part be due to the fact that not all individuals are
technique. Once sensitivity reaches an acceptable level,
equally tech savvy and able to use computer software.
next steps can look at using trained non-eye-care pro-
Therefore, future emphasis needs to be placed on train-
fessionals to perform a direct examination that is
ing the clinicians in how to best use the necessary com-
recorded. An experienced eye-care professional can
puter software to optimise their ability to make
then view the video recording remotely. The possibility
diagnoses based on viewing video recordings.
of training a novice to conduct the direct eye examina-
The diagnosis of esotropia had relatively lower
tion during the recording is an interesting option that
agreement in Phase 2 of the study, whereas on the con-
deserves further research. Hrynchak et al.24 showed
trary, the diagnosis of exotropia achieved a much
that ocular motility testing, assessed by alternative
higher level of agreement. The explanation for this
cover test, did not show any clinically significant dif-
may be due to several factors including reduced patient
ference between an experienced and novice examiner.
cooperation, as the strabismus assessment was the very
Such a screening tool will not only help deliver care to
last part of the ocular examination performed on the
those children with limited or no access to secondary-
child and therefore the child may have become increas-
or tertiary-level eye care but will also help reduce costs
ingly restless and uncooperative by that stage, affecting
and morbidity related to unnecessary referrals to ter-
the quality of the video recording. Another reason
tiary ophthalmology centres.
may be technical difficulties with the viewing angle
of the video recording, not allowing examiners 2 Declaration of Conflicting Interest
and 3 to view the ocular alignment in the true primary
position. The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
This study has limitations. Most patients in Phase 1 respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
did not have any ocular motility, pupillary, or upper lid this article.
abnormalities. Nonetheless, it is important to ensure
high specificity in all cases to minimize false-positive Funding
diagnoses. Agreement on the normal examinations is The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
essential as many children referred to eye-care profes- port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
sionals may have only one ophthalmic abnormality and article: This study was funded by a Physician Service
therefore agreement on pertinent negatives is important Incorporated (PSI) grant.
to avoid false positives. Silbert et al. highlighted this by
showing that 42.3% of patients screened for amblyopia ORCID iD
from a random selection of 521 patients at a paediatric Kourosh Sabri
ophthalmology clinic did not have amblyopia.23
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