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Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) – I – August 2018

Programme : B.Tech. (All Branches) Semester : Fall 2018-19
Course : Engineering Physics Code : PHY1001
Faculty : Dr. Sharad Chandra Tripathi Slot/Class no. : B1+TB1+LB1/1151
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q.No. . Question Description Marks
1 A race car starting from rest moves along a straight track with an acceleration as shown
in the graph (where for t 10 s, a = 8 m/s2). Determine the time t for the car to reach a
speed of 50 m/s.


2 A car, initially at rest, moves along a straight road with constant acceleration such that
it attains a velocity of 60 ft/s when s = 150 ft. Then after being subjected
to another constant acceleration, it attains a final velocity of 100 ft/s when s = 325 ft.
Determine the average velocity and average acceleration of the car for the entire 325-ft

3 A man rowing a boat upstream is at rest with respect to shore (a) is he doing any work?
(b) If he stops rowing and moves down with the stream is any work being done on him?
4 State and derive time dependent equation of motion of an object moving in quantum
mechanical world.
5 There is a charged particle accelerate through a potential difference of V. What will be
wavelength of its associated wave? Calculate the frequency of associated wave if the 10
particle is proton and potential difference is 50V.

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6 How the uncertainty does affect the position as well as momentum measurement of a
quantum body? If an excited state of hydrogen atom has a lifetime of 2.5×10-14 sec, 5
what is the minimum error with which the energy of this state can be measured?

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