P.E Act 1.1 & 1.2

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Laurisse M.



1. Why do we need to study Taekwondo?

Taekwondo improves one's self-esteem and respect. It teaches us many important life
lessons, the most important of which is how to defend ourselves against impending
danger. Taekwondo will help us gain flexibility, balance, and coordination while also
making our body fitter and stronger. Recalling and performing the various moves
necessitates a great deal of concentration, focus, and willpower. Our minds and bodies
will undoubtedly become stronger as we practice.

2. What do you think are the benefits we can get if we study taekwondo?
SELF DEFENCE-Self-defense is a natural outcome of any martial art, and it is one of
the main reasons why people continue to train, to keep the skills they have learned
fresh in their minds.

DISCIPLINE-Because of the essence of Taekwondo training, the instructor must

ensure that it is taught in a safe environment where no one will be injured. To ensure
students' safety, Taekwondo training must be extremely strict. Students are also
expected to pay careful attention to the instructor and follow instructions because the
entire Taekwondo system is built on a "respect hierarchy."

FITNESS-Taekwondo exercise works the majority of the muscles in both the upper
and lower body and, as you progress, requires a certain level of endurance.

COORDINATION- Students in Taekwondo are taught to use both sides of their

bodies in the same way, which improves balance and coordination. Children who
have difficulty with coordination skills mostly see significant improvements in this
area within weeks of beginning training.

3. Give some reasons why Taekwondo is as important as schoolwork.

Taekwondo can be as important as schoolwork because it can enhance your
self-esteem. Having a positive self-image allows us to be free of doubting ourselves
and having negative thoughts about our own abilities. It also prepares us to feel ready
for new life experiences and risks. Taekwondo is also beneficial because it improves
our concentration and focus. This martial art also teaches us how to deal with stress
and critically think in challenging situations.

Act 1.2
1. Write a brief history of Taekwondo in Korea and in Philippines.
Taekwondo progressed from the ancient Korean martial art known as Taekkyeon.
They unified a single Korean martial art called Tang Soo Do in 1952, which was later
replaced by Taekwondo. "Tae" means "to stamp or trample," "Kwon" means "fist,"
and "Do" means "path" or "discipline." This was derived from the phrase "to destroy
with one's fist." Kim Bok Man's efforts brought Taekwondo to the Philippines in 1970.
Ever since he left, grandmaster Hong Sung Chon took over as the leader of Philippine
Taekwondo, establishing the Philippine Taekwondo Association.
2. What do you mean by TAE-KWON-DO? Explain each.
• TAE - meaning to kick with the foot. This is used for us to strike our opponents with
the use of our foot by kicking the opponent on a specific part.
• KWON - means to punch or strike with the hand. For this, we use our fist instead of
our foot to attack and strike our opponent
• DO - means art or way. “Do” also means discipline
If put up together, TAEKWONDO means “the art of kicking and punching.”

3. What are the governing bodies that recognize Taekwondo as an olympic

World Taekwondo (WT) is the International Federation (IF) governing the sport of
Taekwondo and is a member of the Association of Summer Olympic International
Federations (ASOIF) and International Paralympic Committee (IPC).

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