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Zaira Mae D.

Villagante October 17, 2022


Analyze and relate the study of art to the following works/theories.

A. Imitationism

Imitation art is art that focuses on accurately

representing objects. Imitationism is an art theory that
evaluates artwork based on its realism. Polycritus'
Doryphorus (Spear Bearer) is a Roman marble copy or
imitation of a Greek bronze, c. When studying ancient
Greek art, we frequently find ourselves looking at ancient
Roman art, or at least their copies of Greek sculpture, 450-
440 B.C.E. (or paintings and architecture for that matter).
Essentially, every Roman desired Greek art. For the
Romans, Greek culture represented a desirable way of life,
representing recreation, the arts, elegance, and education.
Beginning in 211 B.C.E., Roman generals conquered Greek
cities, returning triumphantly to Rome with works of art
rather than the typical booty of gold and silver coins. As a result of the Roman elite's overwhelming
admiration for this work, studios were built to handle the rising demand for copies for affluent Roman
villas. Doryphorus was one of the most sought-after and copied Greek sculptures. The Doryphorus (Spear-
Bearer) in the Naples Museum (illustrated above) is a Roman recreation of a lost Greek original that was
reportedly found in Pompeii, a small Roman city, largely intact.
B. Representationism

This artwork/painting, in my opinion,

represents freedom.Our Filipino
Katipuneros have been looking for him
for the cruel treatment of Spanish
people Andres Bonifacio directed that
our Katipuneros be ripped apart their
cedulas and declared war on the
Spaniards. Moreover, Representational
art is art that depicts something, such
as a tree in a landscape, an apple in a
still life, or a figure in a portrait. Or, to
put it another way, art is clearly
identifiable as something that already
exists in life. Representational art does
not have to be a completely realistic
depiction of the subject; varying levels
of abstraction are common. For
example, the Impressionists used loose brushwork and simplified their compositions. Although their work
is often far from realistic, it can still be identified as something that already exists. Claude Monet's painting
below is loose and hazy, but it clearly depicts a bridge, boats, and distant buildings in an ambient seascape.

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