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Frame Control: What is it?

Every person has an interpretation of the world (their frame), it is the lenses
through which they see what is happening. Reality is always malleable and
subject to interpretation.

Whoever is more convinced of their interpretation will influence the

interpretation of everyone around them.

Is Frame Control Manipulation?

Human beings especially women are looking for leadership. If your frame is a
selfish one (i.e: “I want women to worship me because it will make me feel
good about myself ”, then women are less likely to adopt your frame.

Conversely, if your frame is one that will benefit her she is more likely to
follow it (i.e: “We are going to have an amazing night together”)

Key take-away: Your frame should always be based on mutual-benefit.

The words that come out of your mouth will set the tone of an interaction,
and you also need to have congruent non-verbals (body language, facial
expressions, etc.). As long as she trusts you and your frame is strong and
attractive, she will follow your lead.

A woman will test your frame, not because she's a b*tch but rather because
she wants to know if you're going to stand your ground or if you're going to
submit to her frame. One of my mentors once said "Women are natural
thermometers for how good you are doing in life".

Being strong enough to pass women’s tests makes you strong enough to
pass the world’s tests.
Attractive frames I put on a woman when meeting them:

“You’re so much fun”

“You’re trouble” (in a good way)
“You’re trying to seduce me”
“Stop looking at me like that” / "Stop undressing me with your eyes".
“You’re so spontaneous and adventurous”

Mastering your Interactions is all about controlling the frame and

ADJUSTING the frame according to signals that you notice or what she says.

In summary: Frames are the underlying meaning of the interaction. If you're

talking to a woman and she says, “Buy me a drink”, the frame that she's trying
to set in that interaction, the underlying meaning that she's trying to get you
to accept and take as reality, and true, is that you have lower value than her
and you have to pay for her time.

That’s why it’s important for you to master sexual framing. Because it sets the
underlying meaning of the interaction to what you want it to be: the two of
you having sex as soon as possible.

Sexual framing is really about setting the underlying meaning of the

interaction, so that the only thing which makes sense for the two of your
guys is to have sex. Sexual framing is about framing yourself, her; and the fact
that the two of you are in this interaction with a sexual outcome.

That means that you're not talking to her because you're bored or you want
to be social but because you want to put a baby inside of her!

There is a sexual chemistry happening when you frame yourself, and her, in
the interaction in a sexual way.

When you do this properly, it should be obvious that if you were in a room
with a bed together, sex would naturally happen.
Here are some frames that I use to ensure that she is going to have an
adventure with me the same night I meet her:

Frame No. 1 – Non-Judgmental

Now in this frame, we want to show that we are nonjudgmental. That we

won’t judge her, and that she is nonjudgmental as well. We reward and
emphasize the fact that she's not the type of person who judges herself or
worries about other people's judgments.

If she feels like you're going to think less of her, if she feels like you’re going to
base your evaluation of her as a person on how she gets sexual with you, or
how she interacts, she's going to want to control that image and try to make
you see her in the best possible light.

Instead, if you demonstrate that you're nonjudgmental and that you're not
really worried about what she does and that you couldn’t care less if she
sleeps with you, she'll bring her wild side.

She needs to know that she can be wild and crazy, and do whatever she
wants to do and you're never going to judge. You need to be enticing her to
throw off the shackles of judgment and do what she really wants. By
demonstrating your nonjudgmental attitude, you show the girl that she's
free to do whatever she wants without consequences, which is very
important because women's reputations are something that they worry

You can say: "There’s something about you... "pause"...but first, you’re not
judgmental are you?  OR "I want to ask you question ..."pause"... but don't
judge me ok because I won't judge you".

This allows to set the frame that you are both non-judgemental but also it
serves the purpose of pre-setting a future bold question that is sexual in
nature without any consequences. I also like to cold-read the fact that she's
an independant women that thinks for herself.
Frame No. 2 – She Goes for What She Wants

Framing a girl as being someone who goes for what she wants is extremely
powerful because it sets the idea that she is the type of person that, when
she wants something she gets it, and she doesn’t let obstacles get in her way.

This frame is really important, especially when you're meeting girls in bars
and clubs, and you're meeting girls when they're with their friends, or during
the daytime, when you're a stranger and it's a cold approach.Because there
are a lot of things that get in the way that could potentially distract you and
the girl from getting closer together.

So when you frame her in a way that she has accepted the idea that she goes
after what she wants, and that she doesn’t let obstacles or other people's
judgments or what people think, or any of those things get in the way of
what she's actually interested in.

This allows her to go after what she wants sexually as well, because once a
woman has agreed and accepted the frame that she’s the type to go after
what she wants, and once she understands that she wants you she's going to
pursue more and actually start to chase you and put more effort and energy
and interest into the interaction.

In frame control there is the idea that there's passive acceptance of frames
and active acceptance especially if it's mutually beneficial. When you frame a
girl that she goes for what she wants she's going to passively accept this. This
is the magic of frame control.

When I tell a girl that she's' the type of person who goes for what she wants ,
she's going to take it as compliment and she likes that image of herself, she's
going to actually start to behave more and more in this manner.

You can't change people's personalities but you can make people make
decisions they already want to make by getting these obstacles out of their
She may want to sleep with you, but she sees herself as a girl who is not very
powerful within her peer group and fears feeling judged or doesn’t get to
explore her sexuality or anything like that. So by out-framing those beliefs,
you allow her to chase you even more, and get more sexual with you.

Frame No. 3 – She's spontaneous and adventurous

I often ask “How adventurous are you on a scale of 1-10?”

The way this question is phrased is very important. I’m not asking if she’s
adventurous (are you adventurous). I’m assuming that she is with the word
“how”. This will build passive acceptance of the frame and she will accept it
when she replies with a number between the range of 1-10.

I've been using it for a while and I can tell you it really points the
conversation in the right direction.

One thing I'll do also is I'll always reward her compliance with those frames
that I set in the conversation (i.e: "I love the fact that you're adventurous").
I'll punish her if she doesn't follow my frame by removing my attention or
disqualifying her behavior.

If you don't understand reward & punish, compliance & defiance, frames,
levels of investment, you'll be forever doomed to only have sex with the girls
who like you before you even approach.

The basic reward should be giving her more attention, and the basic
punishment for her non-compliance should be removing your attention.

The best way to learn this is by having us showing you how to do it, that's
why we are having Live Bootcamp Programs all over the world. But until you
get to that point, there are a couple of things you can do consciously to set
the frames we discussed and have initial success.
Here are 4 key ways to set the proper frames:

Set frames through stories: Rather than telling her that you're non-
judgemental, you could tell her a story about a girl you know that is so
carefree and doesn't care about other people's opinion, she fucks any guy
she wants and how you admire her for that. You’re not saying that you’re
non-judgemental, but it is strongly implied, as you probably wouldn’t judge a
behavior she would engage with you

Set the Frame Dale Carnegie-style: In Dale’s book How to Win Friends and
Influence People, he says that people want to live up to compliments you
pay them. If you have a son who never listens, and you keep complimenting
him on what a good listener is, that will be much more effective than yelling
at him for being distracted. This works on girls too… if you compliment a girl
on how open-minded and adventurous she is, she will realize that you value
that trait, and if she likes you, align herself more with it.

Qualify her on the frame you want her in: Rather than setting the frame, you
test her on it: is she the adventurous type? Is she judgmental? And so
forth… just subtly ask her directly to make her qualify to you. If you want a girl
to be independent, a very good way of getting her to act independently is to
tell her that you really like independent girls, and then make her jump
through that hoop.

Cialdini’s book "Influence" talks about the law of “Commitment and

Consistency”, people are much more likely to behave in a way that they have
made a commitment to, even if it was only a small verbal commitment.

Cold read the frame: Simply tell her something like: “I can tell that you are
xyz type of girl,” with xyz being the frame you would like to set. You want to
give her a reason… you could root it in her body language, her behaviors or
even her zodiac sign. If she’s attracted, she won’t argue with you, but the
frame will be set.

There are countless other ways to set frames. This should get you started.

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