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OS question bank

[Chp -4]
1. Explain the types of scheduling.
2. Define scheduling
3. Write the difference between pre-emptive and non pre-emptive scheduling
4. Explain different CPU scheduling criterias
5. Explain Round Robin algorithm with example
6. Solve different example on SJF pre-emptive and non pre-emptive algorithm
7. Solve different example on Round Robin algorithm
8. Solve different example on FCFS algorithm
9. Explain priority scheduling algorithm with advantages and disadvantages
10. Explain multilevel queue scheduling
11. Solve the following
Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 10
P2 1 04
P3 2 14
P4 3 08
Solve the following by
i) Pre-emptive SJF
ii) Non pre-emptive SJF
iii) Round Robin (Time Slice = 4)

Process Burst Time Priority
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 3
P4 1 4
P5 5 2

Solve the following by:

i) Non pre-emptive
ii) Round Robin (Time Quantum = 4)

Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 08
P2 1 04
P3 2 09
P4 3 05

Solve the following by:

i) SJF Pre-emptive
ii) SJF non pre-emptive

Process Arrival Time Burst Time
P1 0 10
P2 1 06
P3 2 12
P4 3 15

Solve the following by: FCFS

15. Define Deadlock. What are necessary conditions for deadlock

16. Write steps for Banker’s algorithm to avoid Deadlock. Also give one example
17. List four Deadlock prevention conditions and explain the following terms
i) Removal of ‘non pre-emption’ condition.
ii) Elimination of ‘circular wait’ related to deadlock prevention condition.
[Chp -5]

1) Define swapping. When it is used with diagram.

2) Explain static and dynamic memory portioning with advantages and disadvantages
3) Define external fragmentation and internal fragmentation
4) List and Explain free space management technique
5) Explain virtual memory with diagram
6) Write the difference between paging and segmentation
7) Consider string 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 with frame size 3
ii) LRU
iii) Optimal
8) Explain page fault. How to handle it with diagram
9) Explain demand paging with diagram

1. List different types of files. Explain basic operations on file

2. State and explain file attributes
3. Define file
4. Explain file structure with example
5. Draw and explain different file access methods
6. List and explain different allocation methods with advantages and disadvantages with
7. Describe two level and single level directory structures with diagram
8. List and explain RAID levels.

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