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中石油职称英语考试 2016 年真题

I. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: There are some sentences inthis section. Below each sentence are
four other words or phrases. You are tochoose the one word or phrase which
would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted
for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer

1、In most countries,the crime of murder carries harsh penalties.

    A. unconscious         B. thrive            C. severe          D.prudent
2、I tell my motherabout my trials at work and brag about the kids.
    A. lie                 B. boast            C. secretive        D. feel awkward
3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his
    A.continue             B.hurry             C.begin             D.discontinue
4、There is an extensiveglacier system, endless forests, and innumerable
lakes throughout this highlandarea.
    A. expansive              B. broad            d. deep              D.intense
5、Scientists aretrying to develop computers that will simulate the human
    A. project           B. reflect           C. substitute             D. assume
6、The two drivers wereinjured in the collision.
    A. fight              B. accident                C. critic              D.crash
7、Visiting in a humidclimate will cause the traveler’s clothing to
become saturated withsweat.
    A. stained         B. heated                   C. drenched    D. trapped
8、In the heart of thecontinent of Antarctica it is almost as high as
the summits of the Alps.
    A. tops               B. trails             C. apexes                   D. sites
 9、Now some scientistshave revised their way of thinking.
    A. rejected               B. unclear       C. amended    D.distasteful
10、It has been arguedthat oil may better be found by random drilling than
by the appliance ofscientific principles.
    A.     foolish          B. unplanned      C.unavoidable        D. wise

Directions: There are some incompletesentences in this section. For each
sentence there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the ONE
answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer onthe
answer sheet.

11、Our overseas branchoffice is ____ to open in Dubai next month.

    A.advanced        B.informed          C.maintained    D. scheduled  
12、Dear, do send thechildren to bed. I can't ____ their noise any longer.
    A. put up with          B. put out        C. put off         D. putaway 
13、Sales promotion ____those promotional activities other than advertising,
personal selling, andpublicity.
    A. is consistedof    B. consists of    C. is composed from       D. composes
 14、These fuels____ heatwhen they burn.
    A. give up        B. give off        C. give away   D. give in
 15、I believe in thesupreme worth of the individual and in his right __ life,
liberty, and thepursuit of happiness.
    A. by                   B. to                   c. at          D.over
16、Wherever you go inthe world, try to show respect for the values of the
country you are in, ____ youdo not necessarily agree with them.
    A. whatever    B. even if if      D. provided
  17、Mainframe SoftwareCompany ____ its clients complete satisfaction
with all its products.
    A. requests       B. admits        C.agrees          D.guarantees
  18、Organic chemistry is____ both in the analysis of oil and gas and in
the study of the diagenesis of the plant and animal tissues in sediments.
    A. involved      B. evolution    C. revolved      D. evolved
  19、Managers need tomonitor inflation ____ so they can make good
    A. emergency          B. trend             C. pace              D. schedule
  20、He failed again inthe driving test. I don’t know why ____     hewas
so nervous.
    A. in the earth         B. on the earth        C. in earth       D. onearth
II. Grammatical Structure
Section A
Directions: There are some incompletesentences in this part. Beneath each
sentence you will see four choices markedA, B, C and D. Choose the ONE
answer that best completes the sentence and markyour answer on the
answer sheet.

21、If you don’t agreeto our plan, ____.

A. either theywill             B.neither will they
C. so don’t they        they won’t neither
22、He speaks English,but not ____     his sister does.
A. as well like           B. so well as   C. like good as         D. asgood as
23、You aresupposed   ____   everything ready by now.
24、The committeerecommends that the matter ____ at the next meeting.
A. be discussed                          B. may be discussed
C. would bediscussed               D. will bediscussed
25、The University ofMichigan,____  in 1817, is located mAnn Arbor,
A. which was found        B. which was founded
C. founding                          D.that was found
26、Before ____  the envelope, please be sure you haveenclosed all of the
documents listed in your orientation packet.
A. sealing        B. is sealed     C. was sealed          D.seal
27、To protect thecamera lens, be sure to reattach the lens cover
____  returning the camera to its case.
A. when            B.what             C. whether      D. why
28、You __ her in theoffice last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks.
A. must haveseen                      B.can’t have seen
C. needn’t haveseen                D. might have seen
29、As a general rule, snakes     ____ unless offended.
A. have notbitten    not bite
C. will not bebiting          D.are not biting
30、I guess Jones didn’thave a chance to win the election. ____ thepeople in
the city voted for his opponent.
A.     Most of all        B. Almost all of        C. Most all of           D.Almost the
whole of
Section B
Directions: In questions 31-40 eachsentence has four underlined words or
phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choosethe one word or phrase which is
incorrect and must be changed to make thesentence correct. Then mark your
answer on the answer sheet.

31、One of the much discussing questions today has to do with whether or

not theteaching of
                                    A                                 B                C
reading should start in thekindergarten.

32、When a severe ankle injury forced herself to give up reporting in

                     A               B                C
began writing her novel Gone with the wind.
33、The bigger of all nine planets in the solar system is Jupiter.
              A         B            C              D

34、There are vineyardsin California that product some of the best wine in

the world.
                                                  A     B                       C               D

35、Rapidly fallen oil prices caused OPEC ministers to meet and plan a

          A       B                                                  C            D

36、It is a phenomenon known as temperature inversion what causes the

worst smog in places
                                    A                                        B                   C
such as LosAngles.

37、New shopping mall is being planned for the residential area where new

homes are being built
             A                                         B                             C
at a rapid rate.

38、The instructor hadgone over the problems many times before the

students will take the final examination.
                                       A                              B          C                        

39、I don’t know that you can recognize him from here, but the

boy reading thenewspaper is Tom.
                         A                 B                    C                           D
40、The test administrator ordered we not to open our books until he told us
to do.
                        A                       B         C                                   D

III. Close Test

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there
are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best
fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

    The weather often changes what people do and how they do it. It is very
important in our everyday live. Meteorologists are scientists who try to predict
the weather. 41  do they find out this _42 _?
    For  43   scientists tried to predict the weather by 44   it. This didn’t work
very well. Even if a man stands on a very high mountain, he can only see a
small part of the weather. Then, in 1820, a German scientist   45   that
scientists could draw a map of the way weather moves. The weather
tomorrow is _ 46 _ today. It may move as   47   as 30 miles an hour. It may
move 725 miles in 24 hour. 
_ 48 weather moves, the best way to predict   49   is to use maps. You can
see a picture of the weather for large parts of the country on a map. Winter
storms of rain and   50 will be 1,000 miles wide. Only on a map can
meteorologists see a storm this big. In 1820,it was difficult to make such
maps. Why was it difficult? The scientists needed weather reports to make
the maps. It was not easy to get weather reports quickly. Today weather
reports can be easily and quickly collected from everywhere.

41、A. Why                        B. When                        C. Where                   

D. How
42、A. information                B. news                        C. advice                   
D. experience
43、A. ever                        B. a short while        C. a long time                D.
the first time
44、A. listening to                B. looking at                C. believing in               
D. depending on
45、A. insisted                        B. expected                C. showed                D.
46、A. far away from        B. over there                C. near here                D.
high up
47、A. fast                        B. soon                        C. far                        D.
48、A. If                                B. Unless                        C. Because             
D. Though
49、A. it                                B. this                        C. that                      
D. one
50、A. cloud                        B. steam                        C. snow                    
D. water

IV. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by
4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your
answer on the answer sheet.

Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:

    Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious
pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has
been steadily increasing. Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United
States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone
(generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle
exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a growing realization
that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions
—short of a massive shift away from the private automobile—is to replace
conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as
compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol.
    All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are
smaller and simpler than those of gasoline. These molecules bum more
cleanly than gasoline, in part because they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon
bonds and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone.
The combustion of larger molecules, which have multiple carbon-carbon
bonds involves a more complex series of reactions. These reactions increase
the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release
uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the
atmosphere. On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks.
Compressed natural gas would require that vehicles have set of heavy fuel
tanks — a serious liability in terms of performance and fuel efficiency — and
liquefied petroleum gas faces fundamental limits on supply.
    Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over
other carbon-based alternative fuels: they have higher energy content per
volume and would require minimal changes in the existing network for
distributing motor fuel. Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement,
but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol, the low cost of which
is one of its attractive features. Methanol’s most attractive feature, however,
is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that form
ozone, the most serious urban air pollutant.
    Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics. Yet much of the criticism
is based on the use of “gasoline clone” vehicles that do not incorporate even
the simplest design improvements that are made possible with the use of
methanol. It is true, for example, that a given volume of methanol provides
only about one-half of the energy that gasoline and diesel fuel do; other
things being equal, the fuel tank would have to be somewhat larger and
heavier. However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be
much more efficient than “gasoline clone” vehicles fueled with methanol they
would need comparatively less fuel. Vehicles incorporating only the simplest
of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still
contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.

51、According to the text, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with

gasoline than with an alternative fuel because
A. gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure.
B. gasoline is composed of small molecules.
C. the combustion of gasoline releases photochemically active hydrocarbons.
D. the combustion of gasoline embraces an intricate set of reactions.

52、The text suggests which of the following about air pollution?

A. Few serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants
emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles.
B. Pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical
source of urban air pollution.
C. Further attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will not help
lower urban air pollution levels.
D. Attempts to reduce the pollutants that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle
emits have been largely unsuccessful.

53、Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in

the first sentence of the text?
A. Although a town’s citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town’s water
supplies continue to dwindle because of a steady increase in the total populating of
the town.
B. Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by
adding a tax to the price of imported goods, the sale of imported goods
within the country continues to increase.
C. Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase,
the town’s tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area.
D. Although a state passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that
can be disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase.

54、It can be inferred that the author of the text most likely regards the
criticism of methanol as     .
A. flawed because of the assumptions on which it is based.
B. inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics, arguments.
C. misguided because of its exclusively technological focus.
D. inaccurate because it ignores consumers, concerns.

Questions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:

    For many travelers there is nothing like a big city. The big cities of a nation
offer things that are usually not found in other places. Outstanding museums,
plays, music, and dance groups are examples. Shops that seem to sell
everything under the sun, great buildings, famous businesses, and very fine
restaurants also are common.
   For many travelers, therefore, the city is the place to be. Yet, for some, the
city has become a place to fear. They see the city as a place with too many
people, too much traffic, and yes, too much crime.
    Here are a few suggestions and safety rules which can help the visitor to
have more fun and fewer worries. Keep them in mind the next time you travel
to a large city so that you can make the most of your visit.
    Choose a hotel which has a good reputation. Don’t choose just any place
from a list of hotels and prices. Try to talk with someone who has been there.
    When you get to your hotel, leave any large amounts of cash and anything
else of value in the hotel safe. Take them out only as you need them. It is
wise not to show a lot of jewelry anyway. If you must keep things of value in
your room, at least lock them in a suitcase before you go out.
    Keep young children with you at all times. Do not let them walk around
without you.
    Do most of your daytime and all of your nighttime sightseeing in the city’s
main areas. Go to other areas only when you are sure they are safe. You can
walk safely through most big-city streets from around 8 a.m. to early evening.
Never go to parks and beaches after dark or very early in the morning. At
night, walk on busy, well-lighted main streets. Do not walk alone. Use a taxi
when there is any question of safety or distance.
    Try to take a taxi owned by a major company. Be sure you can see the city
number on the outside and the driver’s picture on the inside. If you are not
sure of a taxi, ask your hotel doorman or bell captain. In New York City it is
advisable to travel only in Yellow Cabs.
    If you have small children with you, give them, in writing, the name of
your hotel,its phone number, and your room number. Tell them, if lost, to
tell a policeman or call a telephone operator from a public place of business.
    Remember that there are lots of people to help you. Policemen and people
in hotels, restaurants, stores, and banks can give you directions and
    Millions of people visit cities every year in perfect safety and have a great
time. Follow these simple rules and you can too.

55、The author states that big cities  .

A. are usually very safe
B. are more fun than small towns
C. are too dangerous for most visitors.
D. have a lot to offer

56、This article states that  .

A. you should choose a hotel with a good reputation
B. children are safe if they have a dime and a phone number 
C. a locked suitcase is the best place for money and jewelry 
D. any area of a big city is safe at night
57、We can tell from statements made in this article that __.
A. the driver should have his name written on his uniform
B. not everything that looks like a taxi is a proper safe taxi
C. only yellow taxis are safe to use
D. all taxi drivers should have their pictures showing in the front window

58、This article is mainly about  .

A. choosing the right hotel 
B. the care of money and other things of value
C. safety rules to follow
D. planning the trip

Questions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:

The increase in international business and in foreign investment has
created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills
in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well
trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of
success in negotiation in an international arena as have their foreign
    Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the
purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise,
but in order to participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the
ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within
the culture of the negotiation.
    In many international business negotiations abroad, Americans are
perceived as wealthy and impersonal. It often appears to the foreign
negotiator that the American represents a large multi-million-dollar
corporation that can afford to pay the price without bargaining further. The
American negotiator’s role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of
information and cash, an image that succeeds only in undermining the
    In studies of American negotiators abroad, several traits have been
identified that may serve to confirm this stereotypical perception, while
subverting the negotiator’s position. Two traits in particular that cause cross-
cultural misunderstanding are directness and impatience on the part of the
American negotiator. Furthermore, American negotiators often insist on
realizing short-term goals. Foreign negotiators, on the other hand, may value
the relationship established between negotiators and may be willing to invest
time in it for long-term benefits. In order to solidify the relationship, they may
opt for indirect interactions without regard for the time involved in getting to
know the other negotiator.
    Clearly, perceptions and differences in values affect the outcomes of
negotiations and the success of negotiators. For Americans to play a more
effective role in international business negotiations, they must put forth more
effort to improve cross-cultural understanding.

59、According to the author, what is the purpose of negotiation?

A. To undermine the other negotiator’s position
B. To communicate back and forth 
C. To reach an agreement
D. To understand the culture of the negotiators

60、The word “undermining” in the last sentence of paragraph 3 is closest in

meaning to   .
A. making brief
B. making weak
C. making know
D. making clear

61 、 What does the author mean by the statement in paragraph 1:

“Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and,
consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in negotiation in an
international arena as have their foreign counterparts”.
A. Because their training is not as good, Americans are less successful as
negotiators than their international counterparts.
B. Foreign businesspersons do not like to negotiate with Americans, who are
not well trained.
C. Training is not available for Americans who must interact in international
D. Foreign businesspersons negotiate less effectively than Americans because
of their training.

62、The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses      . 

A. knowledge of foreign languages
B. relationships between negotiators
C. ways to increase cross-cultural understanding
D. traits that cause cross-cultural misunderstanding

Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:

    The Intel Science Talent Search, the most prestigious high school science
contest in the nation, was launched to identify young scientific talent, and it
has been doing so with remarkable precision since 1941. Every year,
approximately 1,700 students from around the country polish off projects they
have been working on for as long as two years, and send in a report to the
contest officials. Simply entering the contest is an impressive achievement for
a high school junior. It means that the student has spent hundreds of hours
probing a scientific question or testing a theory about which he has written a
scientific paper of near-professional quality. The top 300 students become
semifinals, and from this group, 40 are selected to bring their projects to
Washington. Ten projects are then selected as the best in the final round of
judging. The 40 finalists get at least $7,500 for their efforts, and the top
student receives a $100,000 scholarship. Most of the winners, from semifinals
up, are guaranteed admission to the college of their choice.
    From the start, this contest was different from traditional science fairs. Its
goal was not simply to choose the best project but to locate the best potential
scientists. The distinction is an important one. The contest has a number of
features that test the mettle of the students as well as the projects. It
endeavors to explore the nimbleness and originality of the minds behind the
projects, rather than just rewarding the boldness of the experiment. The
contest’s underlying philosophy is that students discover their scientific talents
by working on science, not by listening to lectures in a classroom.

63、The Intel Science Talent Search is .

A. a respected high school science contest in the U.S.
B. a science fair exclusively for high school juniors
C. a professional science contest for American high school students
D. a conventional American science contest

64 、 From the context we may figure out that the expression “polish off” in
line 4 of paragraph 1 most probably means  .
A. improve on
B. accumulate 
C. finish
D. select

65、The Intel Science Talent Search differs from traditional science contests
in that       .
A. it is an annual contest with the active participation of high school students
B. it lays emphasis on the professional quality of the projects
C. it is designed to find promising students for prestigious universities
D. it intends to search for the best potential scientists across the nation

66、It can be concluded from the passage that   .

A. only the finalists of the Intel Search are admitted to the college of their
B. the participants in the Intel Search discover and exploit their talents by developing
their own scientific projects
C. Intel Search attaches greater importance to the contestants, courage and
determination than the project itself
D. no science contest in the world can match the Intel Search in the precision
of identifying prospective scientists 

THEORIES of job satisfaction

     What makes some people more satisfied with their jobs than others? What
underlying processes account for people’s feelings of job satisfaction? Insight
into these important questions is provided by various theories of job
satisfaction. We will describe two of the most influential approaches—
Herzberg’s two-factor theory and Locke's value theory.

    Herzberg’s two-factor theory

   Think about something that may have happened on your job that made you
feel especially satisfied or dissatisfied. What were these events? Over thirty
years ago Frederick Herzberg posed this question to more than 200
accountants and engineers, and carefully analyzed their responses. What he
found was somewhat surprising: different factors accounted for job
satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
    Although you might expect that certain factors lead to satisfaction when
they are present, and dissatisfaction when they are absent, this was not the
case. Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction were found to stem from different
sources. In particular, dissatisfaction was associated with conditions
surrounding the jobs (e.g. working conditions, pay, security, quality of
supervision, relations with others) rather than the work itself. Because these
factors prevent negative reactions, Herzberg referred to them as hygiene (or
maintenance) factors. By contrast, satisfaction was associated with factors
associated with the work itself or to outcomes directly derived from it, such as
the nature of their jobs, achievement in the work, promotion opportunities,
and chances for personal growth and recognition. Because such factors were
associated with high levels of job satisfaction, Herzberg called them
motivators. Herzberg’s distinction between motivators and hygiene factors is
referred to as the two-factor theory of job satisfaction.
    Research testing Herzberg’s theory has yielded mixed results. Some studies
have found that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction were based on different
factors, and that these are in keeping with the distinction made by Herzberg.
Other studies, however, have found that factors labeled as hygiene and
motivators exerted strong effects on both satisfaction and dissatisfaction,
thereby casting doubt on Herzberg’s theory. In view of such equivocal
evidence, we must label Herzberg’s theory as an intriguing but unverified
framework for understanding job satisfaction. Still, the theory is useful for
describing the conditions that people find satisfying and dissatisfying on the
job. The theory has also been useful in emphasizing the importance of factors
such as the opportunity for personal growth, recognition, and increased
responsibility. Attention to such variables has stimulated much of the research
and theory on job enlargement and job enrichment. In this way, Herzberg’s
theory has contributed much to the field of organizational behaviors, despite
the lack of support for some of its key predictions.

   Locke’s Value Theory

    A second important theory of job satisfaction is Locke’s value theory. This
conceptualization claims that job satisfaction exists to the extent that the job
outcomes (such as rewards) and individual receives match those outcomes
that are desired. The more people receive outcomes they value, the more
satisfied they will be; the less they receive outcomes they value, the less
satisfied they will be. Locke’s approach focuses on any outcomes that people
value, regardless of what they are, and not necessarily basic lower-order
needs. The key to satisfaction in Locke’s theory is the discrepancy ( 矛盾,不
符 合 之 处 ) between those aspects of the job one has and those one
wants;  the greater the discrepancy, the less the satisfaction.
    McFarlin and Rice conducted a study that provides good support for value
theory, using a questionnaire , these investigators measured how much of
various job facets --- such as freedom to work one’s own way, learning
opportunities, promotion opportunities, and pay level---a diverse group of
workers wanted, and how much they felt they already had. They also
measured how satisfied the respondents were with each of these facets and
how important each facet was to them. As shown in the statistics, an
interesting trend emerged: those aspects of the job about which respondents
experienced the greatest discrepancies were the ones with which they were
most dissatisfied, and those with which they experienced the smallest
discrepancies were the ones with which they were most satisfied.
Interestingly, McFarlin and Rice also found that this relationship was greater
among individuals who placed a high amount of satisfaction on a particular
facet of the job was believed to be, the less satisfied people were when they
failed to get as much of this facet as they wanted.
    An interesting implication of value theory is that it calls attention to the
aspects of the job that need to be changed for job satisfaction to result.
Specifically, the theory suggests that these aspects might not be the same
ones for all people, but any valued aspects of the job about which people
perceive serious discrepancies. By emphasizing values, Locke’s theory
suggests that job satisfaction may be derived from many factors. In this
respect, it is fully consistent with the findings of research on the causes of job
satisfaction .

Questions 67-69
Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the passage?
For questions 67-69, choose
A. if the statement agrees with the writer (YES)
B. if the statement contradicts the writer (NO)
C. if there is no information about this in the passage (NOT GIVEN)
67 、 Although some research has revealed other factors for job satisfaction
and dissatisfaction, the factors are consistent with Herzberg’s classification.
68 、 Herzberg’s research enabled him to develop the strategies of job
enlargement and job enrichment.
69、The results from research on Herzberg,s theory have been conclusive.

Questions 70-71
In Herzberg's two factor theory, which factors would be associated with job
satisfaction and job dissatisfaction ?
A. for Satisfaction
B. for Dissatisfaction
70、challenging assignments
71、holiday and sick leave allowances

Question 72
72、Which of the following best summarizes Locke’s value theory?
A. The more people get from management, the more they want.
B. In most jobs, it is almost impossible for the conditions leading to job
satisfaction to be fulfilled.
C. It is not essential for every aspect of a job to be perfect for a person to
feel satisfied with the job.
D. People will be satisfied with their work when they get everything the way
they want it.

Questions 73-75
Which of the following apply to the people mentioned in the passage?
A. for Herzberg
B. for Locke
C. for McFarlin and Rice
73 、 The theory is based on the discrepancy between what is desired and
what is obtained.
74、The theory has been highly influential in spite of the lack of supporting
research findings.
75、The research was conducted using a questionnaire.
中石油职称英语考试 2016 年真题及参考答案解析 

I. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: There are some sentences inthis section. Below each sentence are
four other words or phrases. You are tochoose the one word or phrase which
would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted
for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer

1、In most countries,the crime of murder carries harsh penalties.

    A. unconscious         B. thrive            C. severe          D.prudent
  【释义】harsh  adj.残酷的;严酷的;严厉的;恶劣的
                   unconscious adj.无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的;无意识的
                   thrive  v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达
                   severe  adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的
                   prudent  adj.谨慎的;慎重的;精明的

2、I tell my motherabout my trials at work and brag about the kids.

    A. lie                   B. boast            C. secretive               D. feel awkward
【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 28 课 That "Other Woman" in My Life 第 8 段。
【释义】brag  v.吹嘘;自吹自擂
                   lie  v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于
                   boast  v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西)
                   secretive  adj.(思想、情感等)不外露的;惯于掩藏自己的;有
                   feelawkward  为难;作难;犯难

3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his

    A. continue                B. hurry             C. begin             D.discontinue
【出处】MBA 联考大纲英语词组。原题:The employee had to break
off theconversation in order to wait on his manager. (discontinue)
【释义】break off  v.断绝;折取;把…折断;使脱落
                   continue  v.持续;延伸;继续存在;不断发生
                   hurry  v.赶快;(朝某方向)迅速移动;催促(某人);迅速处

                   begin  v.开始;启动;起始;开始存在(或进行)
                   discontinue  v.停止;终止;中断;终止(生产)

4、There is an extensiveglacier system, endless forests, and innumerable

lakes throughout this highlandarea.
    A. expansive              B. broad            d. deep              D.intense
【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 24 课 The Delights of South Island 第 3 段
【释义】extensive  adj.广阔的;广大的;大量的;广泛的
                   expansive  adj.广阔的;辽阔的;浩瀚的;广泛的
                   broad  adj.宽阔的;广阔的;…宽(用于表示距离的量度之后)
                   deep  adj.深陷;全神贯注;专心;深的
                   intense  adj.很大的;十分强烈的;严肃紧张的;激烈的

5、Scientists aretrying to develop computers that will simulate the human

    A. project                   B. reflect           C. substitute             D. assume
【出处】2015 版大纲模拟试题一第 13 题
【释义】simulate  v.模仿;假装;冒充;装作
                   project  v.计划;规划;投影;投射
                   reflect  v.反映;映出(影像);反射(声、光、热等);显示
                   substitute  v.取代;(以…)代替
                   assume  v.假设;假定;认为;假装

6、The two drivers wereinjured in the collision.

    A. fight              B. accident                C. critic              D.crash
【解释】collision  n.抵触;碰撞(或相撞)事故
                   fight  n.斗争;打架;打斗;搏斗
                   accident  n.意外;(交通)事故;意外遭遇;不测事件
                  critic n.评论家;反对者;批评者
                  crash  n.崩溃;坠毁;撞击;速成

7、Visiting in a humidclimate will cause the traveler’s clothing to

become saturated withsweat.
    A. stained         B. heated                   C. drenched    D. trapped
【释义】saturated  adj.浸透;湿透;(溶液)饱和的;深的
               stained  adj.(被血或污物)染污的;有瑕疵或污点的;(因罪行)败坏
               heated  adj.愤怒的;激烈的;十分激动的;(用加热器)加热了的
               drenched  adj.湿透的;含太多液体的;充满(液体)的
               trap  v.诱捕;设计诱陷;安防臭瓣;发射(泥鸽)

8、In the heart of thecontinent of Antarctica it is almost as high as

the summits of the Alps.
    A. tops               B. trails             C. apexes                   D. sites
【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 60 课 Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 第 8

【释义】summit  n.峰会;山顶;顶点;最高点
               top  n.顶;上衣;陀螺;上面
               trails  n.小路;长长地拖垂后头的东西;(流星等的)尾;衣裙
               apex  n.顶点;最高点

9、Now some scientistshave revised their way of thinking.

    A. rejected               B. unclear       C. amended    D.distasteful
【出处】新视野大学英语 3 课文 1-6 单元 sectionB 原文
【释义】revise   v.修订;修正;校阅;再检查
                   reject  v.拒绝;驳回;丢弃;不接受
                   unclear   adj.不清楚的;不确定的;难以掌握的;不完全明白
                   amend  v.改良;订正;改变(行为等);改过
                   distasteful  adj.使人不愉快的;令人反感的;讨厌的

10、It has been arguedthat oil may better be found by random drilling than
by the appliance ofscientific principles.
    A.     foolish                 B. unplanned           C.unavoidable        D. wise
【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 31 课 Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences
【释义】random  adj.随机的
                   foolish  adj.愚蠢的;傻的;感到荒谬;出丑
                   unplanned  adj.未计划(或筹划)的;意外的
                   unavoidable  adj.无法避免的;难以预防的
                   wise  adj.充满智慧的;明智的;英明的;明察善断的
Directions: There are some incompletesentences in this section. For each
sentence there are four choices marked A,B, C and D.Choose the ONE
answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer onthe
answer sheet.

11、Our overseas branchoffice is ____ to open in Dubai next month.

    A. advanced              B. informed              C. maintained                   D.
  【释义】advance  v.提前;进步;促进;预付
                   inform  v.通知;通告;知会;了解
                   maintain  v.维护;保持;坚持;抚养
                  schedule  v.安排;预定;为…安排时间

12、Dear, do send thechildren to bed. I can't ____ their noise any longer.
    A. put up with          B. put out        C. put off         D. putaway
  【释义】put up with  na. 忍住;忍耐
                   putout  v.扑灭;熄灭;放出;伸出
                   putoff  na. 延期;辩解
                   putaway  v.把…收起来;储存

13、Sales promotion ____those promotional activities other than advertising,

personal selling, andpublicity.
    A. is consistedof    B. consists of    C. is composed from       D. composes
  【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 52 课 Sales Promotion 第 1 段
  【释义】is consisted of  被动语态,由……组成的
                 consists of  v.由…构成;由…组成;由…组成

14、These fuels____ heatwhen they burn.

    A. give up        B. give off        C. give away   D. give in
  【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 26 课 The Magic of Energy 第 13 段
  【释义】give up  na.放弃;断绝;投降;自首         
                  give off    na.放出;发出;释放;散发出
                  give away  na.赠送;分发;放弃;露马脚        
                  give in  na.让步;屈服;投降;上交

15、I believe in thesupreme worth of the individual and in his right __ life,
liberty, and thepursuit of happiness.
    A. by                   B. to                   c. at          D.over
  【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 7 课 Our Family Creed 第 5 段

16、Wherever you go inthe world, try to show respect for the values of the
country you are in, ____ youdo not necessarily agree with them.
    A. whatever    B. even if if      D. provided
  【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 46 课 Cultural Taboos 第 6 段
  【释义】whatever  pron.[连接代词]无论;什么都;〈俚〉究竟…什么
                  even if  na.即使…也
                  as if  仿佛;好像;俨然;似乎;就跟…一样
                  provided  conj.如果;假如;在…条件下

17、Mainframe SoftwareCompany ____ its clients complete satisfaction with

all its products.
    A. requests       B. admits        C.agrees          D.guarantees
  【释义】这里要选择谓语动词。在空格之后是动词的双宾语 its clients 和
complete satisfaction。选项当中可以接直接宾语和间接宾语的只有

18、Organic chemistry is____ both in the analysis of oil and gas and in the
study of the diagenesis of the plant and animal tissues in sediments.
    A. involved      B. evolution    C. revolved      D. evolved
  【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 31 课 Petroleum Geology and Other
Sciences 第 3 段
  【释义】be involved in  na.被包入;被卷入漩涡;参与;涉及;介入

19、Managers need tomonitor inflation ____ so they can make good

    A. emergency          B. trend             C. pace              D. schedule
  【出处】2016 版《通用选读》第 47 课 Managing In a Global Environment
第 10 段
  【释义】emergency  n.突发事件;紧急情况
                   trend  n.趋势;动向;趋向;动态
                   pace           n.步伐;节奏;步速;(移动的)速度
                   schedule  n.日程安排;明细表;工作计划

20、He failed again inthe driving test. I don’t know why ____     hewas so
    A. in the earth         B. on the earth        C. in earth       D. onearth
  【出处】2016 年中石油职称英语考试模拟试题二
  【释义】in the earth  在泥土里;在地下;在地里
                   onthe earth  在地球上
                   inearth  在土壤中
                   on earth  adv. 究竟,到底,固定搭配,为程度副词。
II. Grammatical Structure
Section A
Directions: There are some incompletesentences in this part. Beneath each
sentence you will see four choices markedA, B, C and D. Choose the ONE
answer that best completes the sentence and markyour answer on the
answer sheet.

21、If you don’t agreeto our plan, ____.

A. either theywill             B.neither will they
C. so don’t they        they won’t neither
样,用 neither/nor+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语。所以选 B。

22、He speaks English,but not ____     his sister does.

A. as well like           B. so well as   C. like good as         D. asgood as
【出处】2011 年中石油职称英语考试真题

23、You aresupposed   ____   everything ready by now.

A. to get           B.getting        C. to have got          D. having got
supposed 后要接不定式,即 be supposed to do sth. 表示“应该……”。此句
中“by now”表示动作应已完成,所以不定式要用完成时态,故 C 为正确答案。

24、The committeerecommends that the matter ____ at the next meeting.

A. be discussed                          B. may be discussed
C. would bediscussed               D. will bediscussed
【解析】recommends 出现,应用虚拟语气,完整的为 should be
discussed ,should 省略了。当主句的谓语动词为 suggest,propose, advise,
insist, order, demand, require, request, desire 等表示“建议”、“命令”、
词原形”(在美国英语中 should 省略)。

25、The University ofMichigan,____  in 1817, is located mAnn Arbor,

A. which was found        B. which was founded
C. founding                          D.that was found
【解析】be founded  成立;被建立;被发现

26、Before ____  the envelope, please be sure you haveenclosed all of the

documents listed in your orientation packet.
A. sealing        B. is sealed     C. was sealed          D.seal
应该是「Before you seal the envelope」,但因为连接的两句主词都是 you,所以将「before
you seal the envelope」改为分词结构的「beforesealing the envelope」。

27、To protect thecamera lens, be sure to reattach the lens cover

____  returning the camera to its case.
A. when            B.what             C. whether      D. why

28、You __ her in theoffice last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks.
A. must haveseen                      B.can’t have seen
C. needn’t haveseen                D. might have seen
她了,她出城已经有两个星期了。 must have done 过去一定做了,can’t
have done 过去不可能做了,needn’t have done 过去本不必做而做了,might
have done 过去可能做了。

29、As a general rule, snakes     ____ unless offended.

A. have notbitten    not bite
C. will not bebiting          D.are not biting
不会咬人,除非被冒犯。offended  v.冒犯;得罪; 触怒(offend 的过去式和过去
分词 ); 使反感令人不适。

30、I guess Jones didn’thave a chance to win the election. ____ thepeople in
the city voted for his opponent.
A.     Most of all        B. Almost all of        C. Most all of           D.Almost the
whole of
【出处】2016 大纲模拟试题二第 26 题
他的对手的票。此题考查词的搭配。most of all 大多数;almost all of the
people 几乎全部人们;C 项搭配不正确;D 项的 whole 一般不指代人。
Section B
Directions: In questions 31-40 eachsentence has four underlined words or
phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choosethe one word or phrase which is
incorrect and must be changed to make thesentence correct. Then mark your
answer on the answer sheet.

31、One of the much discussing questions today has to do with whether or

not theteaching of
                                    A                                 B                C
reading should start in thekindergarten.
【参考答案】A。改为:much discussed questions

32、When a severe ankle injury forced herself to give up reporting in

                     A               B                C
began writing her novel Gone with the wind.

33、The bigger of all nine planets in the solar system is Jupiter.

              A         B            C              D

34、There are vineyardsin California that product some of the best wine in

the world.
                                                  A     B                       C               D

35、Rapidly fallen oil prices caused OPEC ministers to meet and plan a

          A       B                                                  C            D
【出处】2016 大纲模拟试题二第 37 题
【解析】改为:B 应改为 falling

36、It is a phenomenon known as temperature inversion what causes the

worst smog in places
                                    A                                        B                   C
such as LosAngles.
【出处】大纲模拟试题五第 32 题
【解析】改为:B 应改为 that。此题考查强调句型。本句为 It 引导的强调
句型,后面应用 that,而不是 what。

37、New shopping mall is being planned for the residential area where new

homes are being built
             A                                         B                             C
at a rapid rate.
【出处】2016 大纲模拟试题五第 37 题
【解析】A 应改为 A new shopping。此题考查冠词。单数可数名词前必须有
38、The instructor hadgone over the problems many times before the
students will take the final examination.
                                       A                              B          C                        

【解析】D 改为 took。主句为过去完成时,故 before 引导的从句为过去时。

39、I don’t know that you can recognize him from here, but the

boy reading thenewspaper is Tom.
                         A                 B                    C                           D
【解析】改为 whether

40、The test administrator ordered we not to open our books until he told us

to do.
                        A                       B         C                                   D
【解析】B 改为 us。
III. Close Test
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four
choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the
passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

    The weather often changes what people do and how they do it. It is very important in
our everyday live. Meteorologists are scientists who try to predict the weather. 41  do
they find out this _42 _?
    For  43   scientists tried to predict the weather by 44   it. This didn’t work very well.
Even if a man stands on a very high mountain, he can only see a small part of the
weather. Then, in 1820, a German scientist   45   that scientists could draw a map of the
way weather moves. The weather tomorrow is _ 46 _ today. It may move as   47   as 30
miles an hour. It may move 725 miles in 24 hour. 
_ 48 weather moves, the best way to predict   49   is to use maps. You can see a picture
of the weather for large parts of the country on a map. Winter storms of rain
and   50 will be 1,000 miles wide. Only on a map can meteorologists see a storm this
big. In 1820 , it was difficult to make such maps. Why was it difficult? The scientists
needed weather reports to make the maps. It was not easy to get weather reports
quickly. Today weather reports can be easily and quickly collected from everywhere.

41、A. Why                        B. When                        C. Where                        D. How

42、A. information                B. news                        C. advice                        D.
43、A. ever                        B. a short while        C. a long time                D. the first
44 、 A. listening to                B. looking at                C. believing in                D.
depending on
45、A. insisted                        B. expected                C. showed                D. agreed
46、A. far away from        B. over there                C. near here                D. high up
47、A. fast                        B. soon                        C. far                        D. slow
48、A. If                                B. Unless                        C. Because                D.
49、A. it                                B. this                        C. that                        D. one
50、A. cloud                        B. steam                        C. snow                        D.

42. A【解析】句中的词组 find out 意为“查出、找到”,选项中 advice 意为“建议”,
experience 意为“经验、体验”,information 意为“信息”。
43. C【解析】a long time 很长时间;很长一段时间。
44. B 【解析】 believe in 意为“信仰……”,depend on 意为“依赖于……”,look at
45. C【解析】show 意为“说明、证明”,agree 意为“同意、赞同”,insist 意为“坚
持”。此句意为: 1820 年,德国一科学家证明可用天气变化图预测天气。并没有“同
46. A【解析】far away from 意为“远离……”,此句意为“明天的天气状况距离今天很
47. A【解析】本句意思为:气象变动速度很快,每小时“快”达 30 英里。由下句可知这
48. C【解析】这是一个表示原因的状语从句。承接上下文,因为天气不断移动,所以最好
49. A【解析】在表示时间、距离、天气等时,代词应用“it”。
50. C【解析】rain and snow 雨雪
IV. Reading Comprehension Section A
Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions
or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.
You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the answer sheet.

Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:

    Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from
individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing.
Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon
monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with
hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a
growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle
emissions—short of a massive shift away from the private automobile—is to replace
conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed
natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol.
    All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and
simpler than those of gasoline. These molecules bum more cleanly than gasoline, in part
because they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon bonds and the hydrocarbons they do
emit are less likely to generate ozone. The combustion of larger molecules, which have
multiple carbon-carbon bonds involves a more complex series of reactions. These
reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to
release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the
atmosphere. On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks. Compressed
natural gas would require that vehicles have set of heavy fuel tanks — a serious liability
in terms of performance and fuel efficiency — and liquefied petroleum gas faces
fundamental limits on supply.
    Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over other
carbon-based alternative fuels: they have higher energy content per volume and would
require minimal changes in the existing network for distributing motor fuel. Ethanol is
commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about twice as expensive as
methanol, the low cost of which is one of its attractive features. Methanol’s most
attractive feature, however, is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle
emissions that form ozone, the most serious urban air pollutant.
    Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics. Yet much of the criticism is based on
the use of “gasoline clone” vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest design
improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol. It is true, for example,
that a given volume of methanol provides only about one-half of the energy that gasoline
and diesel fuel do; other things being equal, the fuel tank would have to be somewhat
larger and heavier. However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be
much more efficient than “gasoline clone” vehicles fueled with methanol they would need
comparatively less fuel. Vehicles incorporating only the simplest of the engine
improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate
lessening of urban air pollution.

51 、According to the text, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with gasoline
than with an alternative fuel because
A. gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure.
B. gasoline is composed of small molecules.
C. the combustion of gasoline releases photochemically active hydrocarbons.
D. the combustion of gasoline embraces an intricate set of reactions.

【原文出处】2016 版通用选读第五课 Carbon-based Alternative。题目源自于考研、GRE

【解析】本题是一道指代词题型。根据题干中的“incomplete combustion”可将本题的答
息来源应该在第二段的第三 句。通过阅读和理解第二段的第三句可推导出本题的正确选项。
52、The text suggests which of the following about air pollution?
A. Few serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted by
gasoline-fueled vehicles.
B. Pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical source of urban
air pollution.
C. Further attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will not
help lower urban air pollution levels.
D. Attempts to reduce the pollutants that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle emits have
been largely unsuccessful.

【解析】本题是一道审题定位题型。通过题干中的“ air pollution”可将本题的答案信息来
源迅速确定在第一段,因为第一段首句中含有“noxious pollutants”,都在谈污染的问题。

53 、 Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first
sentence of the text?
A. Although a town’s citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town’s
water supplies continue to dwindle because of a steady increase in the total
populating of the town.
B. Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to
the price of imported goods, the sale of imported goods within the country continues to
C. Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase, the town’s
tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area.
D. Although a state passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be
disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase.


54 、 It can be inferred that the author of the text most likely regards the criticism of
methanol as     .
A. flawed because of the assumptions on which it is based.
B. inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics, arguments.
C. misguided because of its exclusively technological focus.
D. inaccurate because it ignores consumers, concerns.
【解析】这是一道细节推导题型。本题题干中的“the criticism of methanol”把本题的答案
Questions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:

    For many travelers there is nothing like a big city. The big cities of a nation offer
things that are usually not found in other places. Outstanding museums, plays, music,
and dance groups are examples. Shops that seem to sell everything under the sun, great
buildings, famous businesses, and very fine restaurants also are common.
   For many travelers, therefore, the city is the place to be. Yet, for some, the city has
become a place to fear. They see the city as a place with too many people, too much
traffic, and yes, too much crime.
    Here are a few suggestions and safety rules which can help the visitor to have more
fun and fewer worries. Keep them in mind the next time you travel to a large city so that
you can make the most of your visit.
    Choose a hotel which has a good reputation. Don’t choose just any place from a list of
hotels and prices. Try to talk with someone who has been there.
    When you get to your hotel, leave any large amounts of cash and anything else of
value in the hotel safe. Take them out only as you need them. It is wise not to show a
lot of jewelry anyway. If you must keep things of value in your room, at least lock them
in a suitcase before you go out.
    Keep young children with you at all times. Do not let them walk around without you.
    Do most of your daytime and all of your nighttime sightseeing in the city’s main areas.
Go to other areas only when you are sure they are safe. You can walk safely through
most big-city streets from around 8 a.m. to early evening. Never go to parks and
beaches after dark or very early in the morning. At night, walk on busy, well-lighted main
streets. Do not walk alone. Use a taxi when there is any question of safety or distance.
    Try to take a taxi owned by a major company. Be sure you can see the city number
on the outside and the driver’s picture on the inside. If you are not sure of a taxi, ask
your hotel doorman or bell captain. In New York City it is advisable to travel only in
Yellow Cabs.
    If you have small children with you, give them, in writing, the name of your hotel,its
phone number, and your room number. Tell them, if lost, to tell a policeman or call a
telephone operator from a public place of business.
    Remember that there are lots of people to help you. Policemen and people in hotels,
restaurants, stores, and banks can give you directions and information.
    Millions of people visit cities every year in perfect safety and have a great time. Follow
these simple rules and you can too.

55、The author states that big cities  .

A. are usually very safe
B. are more fun than small towns
C. are too dangerous for most visitors.
D. have a lot to offer

56、This article states that  .

A. you should choose a hotel with a good reputation
B. children are safe if they have a dime and a phone number 
C. a locked suitcase is the best place for money and jewelry 
D. any area of a big city is safe at night

57、We can tell from statements made in this article that __.
A. the driver should have his name written on his uniform
B. not everything that looks like a taxi is a proper safe taxi
C. only yellow taxis are safe to use
D. all taxi drivers should have their pictures showing in the front window

58、This article is mainly about  .

A. choosing the right hotel 
B. the care of money and other things of value
C. safety rules to follow
D. planning the trip

【原文出处】2016 版通用选读第 27 课 When You Travel to a Large City

55. D  【解析】“big cities”是关键词,短文第一段。
56. A  【解析】第四段首句。一般来说,如果在文中没有出现带有“绝对”含义的词汇,
如:B. ……are safe if……如果……就是安全的,C. ……the best……最佳……,D. any……任
57. B  【解析】与上一题相同的道理。only 只有……、all 所有的……。
58. D  【解析】很明显,A、B 只是短文的一部分内容,C、D 容易被混淆。从第 3 段第一
句话发现,本文是要提出“suggestions and safety rules”,不仅仅是 safety rules,因此排
除 C。

Questions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:

The increase in international business and in foreign investment has
created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills
in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well
trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of
success in negotiation in an international arena as have their foreign
    Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the
purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise,
but in order to participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the
ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within
the culture of the negotiation.
    In many international business negotiations abroad, Americans are
perceived as wealthy and impersonal. It often appears to the foreign
negotiator that the American represents a large multi-million-dollar
corporation that can afford to pay the price without bargaining further. The
American negotiator’s role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of
information and cash, an image that succeeds only in undermining the
    In studies of American negotiators abroad, several traits have been
identified that may serve to confirm this stereotypical perception, while
subverting the negotiator’s position. Two traits in particular that cause cross-
cultural misunderstanding are directness and impatience on the part of the
American negotiator. Furthermore, American negotiators often insist on
realizing short-term goals. Foreign negotiators, on the other hand, may value
the relationship established between negotiators and may be willing to invest
time in it for long-term benefits. In order to solidify the relationship, they may
opt for indirect interactions without regard for the time involved in getting to
know the other negotiator.
    Clearly, perceptions and differences in values affect the outcomes of
negotiations and the success of negotiators. For Americans to play a more
effective role in international business negotiations, they must put forth more
effort to improve cross-cultural understanding.

59、According to the author, what is the purpose of negotiation?

A. To undermine the other negotiator’s position
B. To communicate back and forth 
C. To reach an agreement
D. To understand the culture of the negotiators

60、The word “undermining” in the last sentence of paragraph 3 is closest in

meaning to   .
A. making brief
B. making weak
C. making know
D. making clear

61 、 What does the author mean by the statement in paragraph 1:

“Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and,
consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in negotiation in an
international arena as have their foreign counterparts”.
A. Because their training is not as good, Americans are less
successful as negotiators than their international counterparts.
B. Foreign businesspersons do not like to negotiate with Americans, who are
not well trained.
C. Training is not available for Americans who must interact in international
D. Foreign businesspersons negotiate less effectively than Americans because
of their training.

62、The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses      . 

A. knowledge of foreign languages
B. relationships between negotiators
C. ways to increase cross-cultural understanding
D. traits that cause cross-cultural misunderstanding

【出处】原文为新概念优美背诵短文 50 篇:国际商业和跨文化交流
59. C   第二段首句,关键词:purpose
60. B   undermine  v. 冲 蚀 ; 削 弱 … 的 基 础 ; 用 阴 险 手 段 毁 损 。 与 下 一 段
subvert 同义
subvert  v.颠覆;暗中破坏;使背叛;使变节
61. A 这句话比较长,把几个转接词、连接词 however、consequently 去掉就容
62. C  最后一段的最后一句话。

或许证实这个已成定式的看法。 尤其引起跨文化误解的两个特点是美国谈判者
否。美国人要 在国际商务谈判中扮演更为有效的角色,他们就必须投入更多的
Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:

    The Intel Science Talent Search, the most prestigious high school science contest in
the nation, was launched to identify young scientific talent, and it has been doing so with
remarkable precision since 1941. Every year, approximately 1,700 students from around
the country polish off projects they have been working on for as long as two years, and
send in a report to the contest officials. Simply entering the contest is an impressive
achievement for a high school junior. It means that the student has spent hundreds of
hours probing a scientific question or testing a theory about which he has written a
scientific paper of near-professional quality. The top 300 students become semifinals,
and from this group, 40 are selected to bring their projects to Washington. Ten projects
are then selected as the best in the final round of judging. The 40 finalists get at least
$7,500 for their efforts, and the top student receives a $100,000 scholarship. Most of the
winners, from semifinals up, are guaranteed admission to the college of their choice.
    From the start, this contest was different from traditional science fairs. Its goal was
not simply to choose the best project but to locate the best potential scientists. The
distinction is an important one. The contest has a number of features that test the mettle
of the students as well as the projects. It endeavors to explore the nimbleness and
originality of the minds behind the projects, rather than just rewarding the boldness of
the experiment. The contest’s underlying philosophy is that students discover their
scientific talents by working on science, not by listening to lectures in a classroom.

63、The Intel Science Talent Search is .

A. a respected high school science contest in the U.S.
B. a science fair exclusively for high school juniors
C. a professional science contest for American high school students
D. a conventional American science contest

64 、 From the context we may figure out that the expression “polish off” in line 4 of
paragraph 1 most probably means  .
A. improve on
B. accumulate 
C. finish
D. select

65、The Intel Science Talent Search differs from traditional science contests in that       .
A. it is an annual contest with the active participation of high school students
B. it lays emphasis on the professional quality of the projects
C. it is designed to find promising students for prestigious universities
D. it intends to search for the best potential scientists across the nation

66、It can be concluded from the passage that   .

A. only the finalists of the Intel Search are admitted to the college of their choice
B. the participants in the Intel Search discover and exploit their talents by
developing their own scientific projects
C. Intel Search attaches greater importance to the contestants, courage and
determination than the project itself
D. no science contest in the world can match the Intel Search in the precision of
identifying prospective scientists 


63. A  第一段首句,关键词:prestigious   adj.有威望的;声誉高的
64. C  polish off :  polish away 的变体,完成。polish  v.磨光;润色;擦光;润饰
65. D  第二段第二句话。关键词:……not ……but ……
66. B  第一段最后一句,排除 A;第二段第三句话“The contest has a number of features
that test the mettle of the students as well as the projects”,排除 C;D 的内容文中并未
提及。根据 A 中的 only、D 中的 no 也可排除。

Section B        
Directions. You should answer Questions 67-75 which are based on the
following passages. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.

THEORIES of job satisfaction

     What makes some people more satisfied with their jobs than others? What
underlying processes account for people’s feelings of job satisfaction? Insight
into these important questions is provided by various theories of job
satisfaction. We will describe two of the most influential approaches—
Herzberg’s two-factor theory and Locke's value theory.

    Herzberg’s two-factor theory

   Think about something that may have happened on your job that made you
feel especially satisfied or dissatisfied. What were these events? Over thirty
years ago Frederick Herzberg posed this question to more than 200
accountants and engineers, and carefully analyzed their responses. What he
found was somewhat surprising: different factors accounted for job
satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
    Although you might expect that certain factors lead to satisfaction when
they are present, and dissatisfaction when they are absent, this was not the
case. Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction were found to stem from different
sources. In particular, dissatisfaction was associated with conditions
surrounding the jobs (e.g. working conditions, pay, security, quality of
supervision, relations with others) rather than the work itself. Because these
factors prevent negative reactions, Herzberg referred to them as hygiene (or
maintenance) factors. By contrast, satisfaction was associated with factors
associated with the work itself or to outcomes directly derived from it, such as
the nature of their jobs, achievement in the work, promotion opportunities,
and chances for personal growth and recognition. Because such factors were
associated with high levels of job satisfaction, Herzberg called them
motivators. Herzberg’s distinction between motivators and hygiene factors is
referred to as the two-factor theory of job satisfaction.
    Research testing Herzberg’s theory has yielded mixed results. Some studies
have found that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction were based on different
factors, and that these are in keeping with the distinction made by Herzberg.
Other studies, however, have found that factors labeled as hygiene and
motivators exerted strong effects on both satisfaction and dissatisfaction,
thereby casting doubt on Herzberg’s theory. In view of such equivocal
evidence, we must label Herzberg’s theory as an intriguing but unverified
framework for understanding job satisfaction. Still, the theory is useful for
describing the conditions that people find satisfying and dissatisfying on the
job. The theory has also been useful in emphasizing the importance of factors
such as the opportunity for personal growth, recognition, and increased
responsibility. Attention to such variables has stimulated much of the research
and theory on job enlargement and job enrichment. In this way, Herzberg’s
theory has contributed much to the field of organizational behaviors, despite
the lack of support for some of its key predictions.

   Locke’s Value Theory

    A second important theory of job satisfaction is Locke’s value theory. This
conceptualization claims that job satisfaction exists to the extent that the job
outcomes (such as rewards) and individual receives match those outcomes
that are desired. The more people receive outcomes they value, the more
satisfied they will be; the less they receive outcomes they value, the less
satisfied they will be. Locke’s approach focuses on any outcomes that people
value, regardless of what they are, and not necessarily basic lower-order
needs. The key to satisfaction in Locke’s theory is the discrepancy ( 矛盾,不
符 合 之 处 ) between those aspects of the job one has and those one
wants;  the greater the discrepancy, the less the satisfaction.
    McFarlin and Rice conducted a study that provides good support for value
theory, using a questionnaire , these investigators measured how much of
various job facets --- such as freedom to work one’s own way, learning
opportunities, promotion opportunities, and pay level---a diverse group of
workers wanted, and how much they felt they already had. They also
measured how satisfied the respondents were with each of these facets and
how important each facet was to them. As shown in the statistics, an
interesting trend emerged: those aspects of the job about which respondents
experienced the greatest discrepancies were the ones with which they were
most dissatisfied, and those with which they experienced the smallest
discrepancies were the ones with which they were most satisfied.
Interestingly, McFarlin and Rice also found that this relationship was greater
among individuals who placed a high amount of satisfaction on a particular
facet of the job was believed to be, the less satisfied people were when they
failed to get as much of this facet as they wanted.
    An interesting implication of value theory is that it calls attention to the
aspects of the job that need to be changed for job satisfaction to result.
Specifically, the theory suggests that these aspects might not be the same
ones for all people, but any valued aspects of the job about which people
perceive serious discrepancies. By emphasizing values, Locke’s theory
suggests that job satisfaction may be derived from many factors. In this
respect, it is fully consistent with the findings of research on the causes of job
satisfaction .

Questions 67-69
Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the passage?
For questions 67-69, choose
A. if the statement agrees with the writer (YES)
B. if the statement contradicts the writer (NO)
C. if there is no information about this in the passage (NOT GIVEN)
67 、 Although some research has revealed other factors for job satisfaction
and dissatisfaction, the factors are consistent with Herzberg’s classification.
68 、 Herzberg’s research enabled him to develop the strategies of job
enlargement and job enrichment.
69、The results from research on Herzberg,s theory have been conclusive.

Questions 70-71
In Herzberg's two factor theory, which factors would be associated with job
satisfaction and job dissatisfaction ?
A. for Satisfaction
B. for Dissatisfaction
70、challenging assignments
71、holiday and sick leave allowances

Question 72
72、Which of the following best summarizes Locke’s value theory?
A. The more people get from management, the more they want.
B. In most jobs, it is almost impossible for the conditions leading to job
satisfaction to be fulfilled.
C. It is not essential for every aspect of a job to be perfect for a person to
feel satisfied with the job.
D. People will be satisfied with their work when they get everything the way
they want it.
Questions 73-75
Which of the following apply to the people mentioned in the passage?
A. for Herzberg
B. for Locke
C. for McFarlin and Rice
73 、 The theory is based on the discrepancy between what is desired and
what is obtained.
74、The theory has been highly influential in spite of the lack of supporting
research findings.
75、The research was conducted using a questionnaire.

67. B          68. C          69. (题目有误,无法判断)
70. A         71. B
72. D
73. B        74.        A        75. C

    这 篇 文 章 没 有 找 到 确 切 的 原 文 出 处 , 在 维 基 百 科 英 文 版 上 有 “ Job
satisfaction”磁条可供参考    本文解释了两个最有影响的工作满意度理论:
    弗雷德里克•赫茨伯格(Frederick Herzberg,1923 年-2000 年),美国心理
作的激励因素》(1959,与伯纳德•莫斯纳、巴巴拉•斯奈德曼合著)、 《工
作与人性》(1966)、 《管理的选择:是更有效还是更有人性》(1976)。
    约翰•洛克(John Locke,1632-1704),西方近代自由主义思想的奠基者,第

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