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The article

 He said high energy and oxygen, so he is talking about aerobic respiration

 He talked about oxidative phosphorylation, so we must expect chemiosmosis

 He said ATP molecules so maybe he will ask about how many ATP is formed?
 Homeostasis > feedbacks system, especially negative feedback
 Synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitter mean he will ask about syenpthsis

 Free radical that was mentioned in unit one that help in increasing the CVD % and
antioxidants reduces free radicals
 He is talking about O2 when it gets with hydrogen and hydrogen is final acceptor and
forms water with oxygen and the electron passes by the ETC

 He talked about immune response (revise your unit 4)

 Synaptic plasticity: is the change in occur in the syenpthsis rejection between
neurotransmitter allowing them to communicate
 Damaged proteins > 3D structure changes , hydrogen bond broken , active site no
longer fits
 DNA > amino acids and their structure and the shape of DNA
 Lipid peroxidation : is the metabolic process which causes oxidative deterioration of
lipids by reactive oxygen species AKA ROS
 This degenerate the phospholipids within the cell membrane leading to the cell
 Stopping oxidative phosphorylation because the inner and outer membrane of the
mitochondria will be damaged
 He talked about the brain morphology , which mean he is talking about type and
structure of neurons
 He talked about membrane potential which is
1- Depolarization
2- Repolarization
3- Hyper depolarization

 That means different gene expression , in another words DNA splicing , introns
removed and exons are arranged depending on the type of the protein , as some genes
are off and some are on

 Mitophagy: selective degenerative

 He also gave hint about transcription and translation

 Fuse and mix, this looks like fluid mosaic in unit 1 in the cell membrane

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