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Past continuous Form Affirmative: we use was/were + the -ing form of the verb. We were studying in the lisary all day yesterday. Negative: we use wasni/weren't + the -ing fom of the verb She wasn’t concentrating when she had the coccident, Interrogative: we put was/were belore the subject + the “ing form of the verb. What were you doing at six o'clock yesterday? 1 Belinda is a model. Look at her timetable for yesterday and write sentences about what she was doing. Use the correct form of the past continuous. 9.45-10.30 eat breakfast 10.30-12.30 do aerobics at the gyi 1230-118 have lunch with David L18-4.30 work on a photoshoot 4.30-6.00 buy new clothes 6.00-8.00 watch fashion videos 10.00 She was eating breakfast. D100 isseseecsseeee 2 1.00 3 3.00 4 5.00 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past continuous. There was a robbery in the High Street yesterday afternoon! At the time of the robbery 1 Aman .- (clean) a shop window, 2 Aboy (ride) a mountain bike. 3 Twogirls .. ... (drink) coffee in a café. 4 Aman and a woman sv (argue) outside the post office. 5 Anoldman (cead) a newspaper. 6 Ayoung boy and his mother... (buy) ice-creams. 3 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the past continuous. Detective What. - you . (do) yesterday at one o'clock? Witness 1°. High Street. Detective Did you see anything strange? Witness Well, 1° (walk) along the High Street when Iheard a noise. I turned round and saw a strange man, shop) in the Detective What (do)? Witness He’... the bank. Detective & (carry) a large bag? Witness. No, he”. (not hold) a large bag. It was quite small but it looked very heavy. Detective What did he look like? Witness He had short, black hair and he looked about twenty-five. he (run) out of hers Detective And what*, he .. (wear)? Witness He’... (wear) a black jumper, jeans and trainers. He 7 (not wear) a mask i z 5 3 z 3 3 ° ee i uf =z a a x a a a a a a 3 = a a 3 a a 3 3 a 3 a a a a A a 2 a a © Oxford University Press| Fey Cn ie chk ere Ce Past simple ‘We use the past simple fo tolk about Finished ‘action in the post. ‘Mark went fo the cinema last night Past continuous We use the pos continuous fo talk about an adiion which was in progress ot @ particular time in the post They were watching TV at nino o'clock fost nigh @ an action in the pas thot is interupted by another action | was walking olong the street when someone stole my bog ‘1 Choose the correct tenses. Itwas one o'clock in the morning and I 2 was lying / lay awake in bed. The wind 2 was blowing / blew outside and it® rained / ‘was raining. Suddenly I‘ heard / was hearing a loud crash. It? came / was coming from downstairs. I* got up / was getting up and” switched on / was, switching on the light. Everything was quiet and still. Only the clock in the hallway * was ticking / ticked. I° walked / ‘was walking down the stairs when I © noticed / was noticing something strange. The front door was wide open. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the past simple or past continuous. Peter was driving (drive) home when he saw (ee) the accident. it . (watch) TV when the phone (ring) .. (weat) sunglasses when I 2 He (meet) him. 3 She. . (fall) asleep while she +». (do) her homework. 4 The pop star... (sing) when the lights (go out), 5 Then so. (Start) to rain when we (walk) on the beach. ‘3 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the past simple or past continuous. ‘At midnight last night rescue teams eo (search) for victims after a giant tornado * (hit) Oklahoma and Kansas. The storm flattened more than 5,000 homes and *. more than 700 people. injure) Robert Hensley *...-secssse0 (hide) in his cellar when the tornado (destroy) his home. ‘I®..... (not come out) until two hours later,’ he said, ‘My house was gone and |’... {not recognize) the street.’ Mary Richardson ®. bath when she ®.... (have) a hear) the tornado, She quickly * (put on) a coat and ". (escape) to the local high school. . (run) to the school when the tornado (strike) my house,’ she said. ‘it (be) a very frightening 4 Write the questions. Use the past simple or past continuous. 1 What / the rescue teams / do at midnight? 2 How many J homes / the storm / destroy? 3 Where / Robert Hensley / hide / when the tornado hit his home? 4 When / he / come out? 5 Who / havea bath / when the tornado arrived?

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